Fargo Pilot

Executive Summary

Pass/Consider/Recommend/Highly Recommend


Explanation: The screenplay for 'Fargo Pilot' is well-constructed and engaging, effectively establishing a sense of mystery and tension from the beginning. The enigmatic character of Lorne Malvo adds intrigue to the story, and the scene with the wounded deer foreshadows violence. The screenplay could benefit from more clarity and context regarding the relationships and motivations of the characters, as well as smoother transitions between scenes. The use of offensive language in one scene could also be reconsidered. Overall, the screenplay has strong moments of tension, compelling character arcs, and a captivating narrative, making it a recommended watch.

See Full Analysis

USP: This script offers a unique blend of naturalistic dialogue, atmospheric scene description, and a focus on the internal thoughts and emotions of the characters. It explores themes of moral ambiguity, power dynamics, and personal growth, while also incorporating dark humor and irony. The writer's voice creates a sense of realism, tension, and depth, allowing the audience to connect with the characters and their struggles. With its unique storytelling techniques and compelling characters, this script stands out from others in its genre. It will be of interest to its target audience who are looking for a thought-provoking and engaging piece of storytelling.

Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Mystery, Dark Comedy

Setting: Contemporary, Rural Minnesota

Overview: The screenplay demonstrates a solid foundation with strong character development, compelling dialogue, and themes that resonate with the audience. However, there are opportunities for improvement in enhancing unpredictability, secondary character development, and variety in character changes.

Themes: Identity and self-discovery, Violence and its consequences, Power and manipulation, Fate and destiny

Conflict and Stakes: The primary conflicts in this story revolve around the escalating violence and deception caused by Lorne Malvo's presence in the town. The stakes are high as innocent lives are at risk, and the characters must navigate a web of lies and danger to uncover the truth and protect themselves and their loved ones.

Overall Mood: Tense and suspenseful

Mood/Tone at Key Scenes:

  • Scene 1: The scene where Lorne Malvo confronts Lester Nygaard in the Arby's restaurant is tense and confrontational.
  • Scene 8: The discovery of Pearl's dead body in the basement creates a sense of shock and horror.
  • Scene 16: The scene where Molly discovers Vern's dead body and realizes there may still be someone in the house is suspenseful and intense.

Standout Features:

  • Unique Hook: The blending of dark comedy and crime drama genres creates a unique and compelling tone.
  • Plot Twist : The unexpected twists and turns in the story keep the audience engaged and guessing.
  • Distinctive Setting : The rural Minnesota setting adds a unique atmosphere and sense of isolation to the story.

Comparable Scripts:

  • Fargo (1996)
  • No Country for Old Men (2007)
  • Breaking Bad (TV Series)
  • Fargo (TV Series)
  • A Simple Plan (1998)
Market Analysis

Budget Estimate:$20-30 million

Target Audience Demographics: Adults aged 25-54, fans of crime dramas and psychological thrillers

Marketability: The screenplay offers a compelling and suspenseful story with complex characters and explores themes that resonate with a wide adult audience. The success of the Fargo TV series demonstrates the marketability of this type of story.

The unique blend of genres, including crime drama and dark comedy, along with the strong performances and gripping storyline, make this screenplay stand out in the market.

The screenplay's strong critical reception and potential for awards recognition, combined with its appeal to a wide adult audience, contribute to its marketability.

Profit Potential: High, due to the strong appeal to a wide adult audience and potential for critical acclaim and awards recognition.

Scene Level Percentiles
Script Level Percentiles
Writer's Voice

Summary:The writer's voice is characterized by a blend of naturalistic dialogue, atmospheric scene description, and a focus on the internal thoughts and emotions of the characters. This voice creates a sense of realism, tension, and depth in the story, allowing the audience to connect with the characters and their struggles.

Best representation: Scene 1 - Lester's Frustrations. This scene is the best representation of the author's voice because it showcases the atmospheric scene description, naturalistic dialogue, and focus on the characters' internal thoughts and emotions. The scene also introduces the themes of moral ambiguity and violence, setting the tone for the rest of the story.

Memorable Lines:

  • Malvo: Because some roads you shouldn’t go down. Because maps used to say there be dragons here. And now they don’t. But that don’t mean the dragons aren’t there. (Scene 40)
  • MALVO: Your problem is, you lived your whole life thinking there are rules. There aren’t. (Scene 28)
  • MALVO: Why do you let her talk to you like that? (Scene 20)
  • IDA: Your boy wanted a hamburger. (Scene 8)
  • LESTER NYGAARD: What did you do? You killed her. You killed her. (Scene 34)

Writing Style:

The writing style of the entire screenplay is characterized by a mix of dark humor, tension, and morally ambiguous situations. The dialogue is often concise and impactful, driving the narrative forward and revealing the complexities of the characters' relationships. The scenes frequently explore everyday conversations and subtle character dynamics, capturing the nuances of human interactions.

Style Similarities:

  • Coen Brothers
  • Quentin Tarantino
Other Similarities: The screenplay also exhibits similarities to other screenwriters/authors such as Alexander Payne, Noah Baumbach, Richard Linklater, and David Mamet in terms of their focus on everyday conversations, naturalistic dialogue, and exploration of interpersonal relationships.
Story Shape