The Good place release

Executive Summary

Pass/Consider/Recommend/Highly Recommend


See Full Analysis

Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Drama

Setting: Present day, The Good Place, an afterlife neighborhood

Overview: The screenplay demonstrates creativity, strong character development, and engaging themes, but there are opportunities to enhance emotional depth and narrative innovation.

Themes: The Afterlife, Ethics and Morality, Redemption, Perfection and Flaws, Deception, Acceptance

Conflict and Stakes: Eleanor's struggle to maintain her façade as a good person in The Good Place despite her past actions, and the potential consequences if her true nature is discovered

Overall Mood: Lighthearted and comedic, with moments of introspection and emotional depth

Mood/Tone at Key Scenes:

  • Scene 1: Eleanor's initial arrival in The Good Place, filled with wonder and excitement
  • Scene 6: Eleanor's realization that she is not supposed to be in The Good Place, filled with guilt and uncertainty
  • Scene 13: Eleanor's decision to embrace her true nature, filled with acceptance and hope

Standout Features:

  • Unique Hook: The concept of a flawed individual mistakenly ending up in a utopian afterlife.
  • Plot Twist : The revelation that Eleanor's presence in The Good Place is a mistake.
  • Character : The quirky and unpredictable nature of Michael, the guide in The Good Place.
  • Setting : The visually stunning and surreal landscapes of The Good Place.
  • Genre Blend : The unique blend of comedy, fantasy, and philosophy.

Comparable Scripts:

  • The Good Place (TV show)
  • Dead Like Me (TV show)
  • Groundhog Day (movie)
  • The Truman Show (movie)
  • The Matrix (movie)
  • Defending Your Life (movie)
  • Forever (TV show)
  • The Afterlife of Holly Chase (book)
Market Analysis

Budget Estimate:$20-30 million

Target Audience Demographics: Adults aged 25-54, fans of comedy and fantasy

Marketability: It has a unique and engaging premise, a talented cast, and the potential to appeal to a wide audience.

The screenplay's focus on ethical dilemmas and the nature of the afterlife could limit its appeal to a mainstream audience.

The screenplay's reliance on fantasy elements could make it difficult to adapt to a film or television format.

Profit Potential: Moderate to high, due to its potential for strong word-of-mouth and repeat viewings

Scene Level Percentiles
Script Level Percentiles
Writer's Voice

Summary:The writer's voice is witty, clever, and characterized by humorous dialogue, playful banter, and sarcastic remarks. The narrative description is vivid and detailed, providing a clear picture of the environment. The writer's voice adds to the overall lighthearted and satirical tone of the screenplay.

Best representation: Scene 12 - The Experiment. Scene 12 is the best representation of the author's voice because it showcases the witty and quirky dialogue, moments of surreal confusion, and a balance of humor and drama that characterizes the entire screenplay. The scene is well-paced and filled with vivid descriptions of the bizarre world of the Good Place, capturing the essence of the writer's voice and contributing to the overall mood, themes, and depth of the screenplay.

Memorable Lines:

  • Michael: Eleanor? Come on in. (Scene 1)
  • Eleanor: Those aren’t my memories. I was not a veterinarian, I’ve never been to the Ukraine. I hate clowns. I think there’s been a mistake. I’m not supposed to be here. (Scene 6)
  • ELEANOR: Someone royally forked up. (Scene 7)
  • Tehani: Can I just say that I love your house? It is so tiny and cute. (Scene 9)
  • Eleanor: You spent your life figuring out what makes someone good or bad -- now you have a perfect test case! (Scene 13)
Story Shape
Emotions Elicited