
Executive Summary


Genres: Drama, Crime, Mystery, Fantasy, Comedy, Thriller, Supernatural

Setting: Modern day, Los Angeles, California

Overview: The story follows Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil, who abandons his throne in Hell to live in Los Angeles, where he runs a nightclub called Lux. Initially reveling in earthly pleasures, Lucifer's life takes a turn when he becomes embroiled in a murder investigation linked to a fallen pop star, Delilah. As he interacts with LAPD detective Chloe Dancer, their dynamic evolves from skepticism to a complex relationship filled with tension and attraction. Throughout the narrative, Lucifer grapples with his identity, morality, and the consequences of his actions, leading to moments of introspection and conflict with his celestial brother, Amenadiel. The story culminates in a series of dramatic confrontations that challenge Lucifer's understanding of good and evil, ultimately pushing him towards a path of redemption.

Themes: Identity and Self-Discovery, Redemption and Forgiveness, Love and Relationships, Temptation and Desire, Good vs. Evil, Existentialism and Purpose

Conflict and Stakes: Lucifer's internal struggle with his identity and purpose after leaving Hell, alongside Chloe's investigation into Delilah's murder, which intertwines their lives and emotions.

Overall Mood: Playful yet introspective, blending humor with darker themes.

Mood/Tone at Key Scenes:

  • Scene 1: The mood is playful and seductive as Lucifer enjoys life at his nightclub, hinting at deeper struggles.
  • Scene 5: The mood shifts to dark and tragic as Delilah is killed, contrasting with earlier lighthearted moments.
  • Scene 10: The mood is tense and chaotic during the confrontation with Jimmy Barnes, filled with urgency and danger.
  • Scene 15: The mood is a mix of light-hearted banter and serious reflection as Chloe and Lucifer discuss their pasts.

Standout Features:

  • Unique Hook: The Devil as a protagonist who runs a nightclub and solves crimes, offering a fresh perspective on morality and justice.
  • Character Dynamics: The complex relationships between Lucifer, Chloe, and other characters create rich emotional storytelling.
  • Humor and Dark Themes: The blend of humor with serious themes of redemption and identity adds depth to the narrative.
  • Supernatural Elements: Lucifer's powers and the presence of celestial beings introduce unique plot twists and conflicts.

Comparable Scripts:

  • Supernatural
  • Constantine
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • The Mentalist
  • Good Omens
  • American Gods
  • The Sandman
  • Angel
  • The Good Place

Writing Style:

The screenplay exhibits a rich blend of dark humor, supernatural elements, and complex character dynamics, reminiscent of contemporary fantasy and drama. It effectively intertwines philosophical themes with engaging dialogue, creating a narrative that is both thought-provoking and entertaining.

Style Similarities:

  • Neil Gaiman
  • Joss Whedon
Other Similarities


Explanation: The 'Lucifer' pilot screenplay presents a compelling character-driven story with a unique supernatural premise. While the overall narrative is engaging, there are some areas that could be strengthened, such as the clarity of character arcs and the pacing in certain sequences. The script showcases strong dialogue and an intriguing dynamic between the lead characters, Lucifer and Chloe, which holds great potential for further exploration. With some refinement, this screenplay could be a strong contender for development.

USP: The screenplay's unique selling proposition lies in its combination of crime procedural with supernatural elements, particularly the character of Lucifer Morningstar, who embodies charm and mischief while grappling with his identity. This duality appeals to audiences seeking both humor and depth in storytelling, making it compelling as it explores themes of free will, morality, and redemption.
Market Analysis

Budget Estimate:$30-50 million

Target Audience Demographics: Adults aged 18-45, fans of supernatural dramas, crime thrillers, and character-driven narratives.

Marketability: The unique premise of the Devil solving crimes in Los Angeles, combined with strong character dynamics, appeals to a broad audience.

The blend of supernatural elements with crime drama and humor creates a fresh take on familiar genres, attracting diverse viewers.

The character-driven story with emotional depth and humor has potential for strong word-of-mouth and fan engagement.

Profit Potential: High, due to the appeal of the supernatural genre, potential for a strong fanbase, and opportunities for merchandise and spin-offs.

Analysis Criteria Percentiles
Writer's Voice

Summary:The writer's voice is characterized by a unique blend of witty dialogue, dark humor, and a seamless integration of supernatural and crime elements. This voice manifests through sharp banter, clever wordplay, and a playful yet introspective tone that captures the complexities of the characters, particularly Lucifer Morningstar. The dialogue often juxtaposes light-heartedness with deeper existential themes, creating a distinctive atmosphere that sets the screenplay apart from conventional narratives.

Best representation: Scene 2 - Standoff at Lux. This scene is the best representation because it encapsulates the writer's unique voice through its blend of humor, charm, and moral ambiguity. The witty dialogue and playful manipulation highlight Lucifer's character while also showcasing the underlying themes of temptation and the complexities of human nature. The interaction with Officer Diggs serves as a microcosm of the larger narrative, reflecting the interplay between the supernatural and the mundane, making it a standout moment in the screenplay.

Memorable Lines:

  • Lucifer Morningstar: What is it you truly desire? (Scene 1)
  • Maze: You’re the Prince of frickin’ Darkness. It’s all well and good to take a vacation, have fun in paradise with the low-hanging fruit. But you're losing sight of who you actually are, Lucifer. (Scene 7)
  • Lucifer: You didn’t sell your soul, Delilah, but you do owe me a favor. Looks like it’s time to settle up. (Scene 4)
  • Lucifer: I’m like walking heroin. Very habit-forming. Never ends well. (Scene 16)
  • Lucifer: Allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man who could make you see things that would drive you blind. Or pull your spine out through your mouth. Your choice. But I wouldn’t do any of these things in front of the child. You know why? Because I, for one, have excellent manners. (Scene 14)

Lucifer Morningstar:The Devil who abandons Hell to live in Los Angeles, running a nightclub and grappling with his identity and emotions.

Chloe Dancer:A determined LAPD detective who becomes entangled with Lucifer, balancing her professional duties and personal life.

Amenadiel:Lucifer's angelic brother who confronts him about his choices and responsibilities, representing divine authority.

Maze:A seductive bartender and Lucifer's ally, who challenges his emotional vulnerability and encourages his darker nature.

Delilah:A fallen pop star whose tragic death propels the investigation and reveals the complexities of fame and personal choices.

Dan Espinoza:Chloe's ex-husband, a fellow detective, who navigates his feelings of jealousy and concern regarding Chloe's relationship with Lucifer.

Story Shape
Summary The screenplay follows Lucifer Morningstar, who has left his throne in Hell to live in Los Angeles. He runs a nightclub called Lux and enjoys the pleasures of life on Earth, showcasing his charm and charisma. As Lucifer interacts with various characters, including his angelic brother Amenadiel and the fallen pop star Delilah, he grapples with his identity and purpose. The story unfolds with conflicts, flirtations, and confrontations that lead to a violent encounter where Chloe, a detective, is injured while trying to protect Lucifer. The scenes explore themes of desire, redemption, and self-reflection, culminating in a tense exchange with Amenadiel and a vulnerable moment with Dr. Linda Martin. Lucifer's journey involves navigating the complexities of human emotions and divine responsibilities in a captivating and gripping narrative.

Screenplay Story Analysis

Story Critique The screenplay presents a compelling premise with Lucifer Morningstar as a charismatic anti-hero navigating the complexities of human emotions and morality. The character dynamics, particularly between Lucifer and Chloe, are engaging and provide a rich foundation for exploring themes of redemption and free will. The blend of supernatural elements with crime investigation creates an intriguing narrative that keeps the audience invested. However, the plot occasionally feels disjointed, with some scenes lacking clear connections to the overarching narrative. The stakes could be heightened, particularly regarding Lucifer's internal conflict, to create a more cohesive story. Additionally, while the character arcs are well-defined, the emotional weight of their transformations could be more pronounced, allowing for a deeper connection with the audience. Overall, the screenplay has a strong foundation but requires refinement to enhance its impact.
Suggestions: To improve the plot and story, consider introducing a central antagonist that embodies the consequences of Lucifer's actions, providing a tangible threat that heightens the stakes. Additionally, weaving more backstory into the characters' motivations could create a richer narrative tapestry. Strengthening the connections between scenes to ensure a smoother flow and clearer thematic resonance would enhance the overall coherence. Finally, incorporating moments of self-reflection for Lucifer and Chloe could deepen their character development and make their journeys more relatable.

Note: This is the overall critique. For scene by scene critique click here
Beginning The beginning of the screenplay effectively establishes Lucifer Morningstar's character as a charming and enigmatic figure who revels in earthly pleasures. The vibrant setting of Los Angeles and the introduction of Lux create an engaging atmosphere that draws the audience in. The interactions between Lucifer and other characters, such as Maze and Amenadiel, set the stage for the central conflict and hint at deeper themes of free will and redemption. However, while the initial scenes are visually appealing and entertaining, they may lack a strong narrative hook that compels the audience to invest in the story. The stakes for Lucifer's character could be more clearly defined, as his motivations for staying on Earth versus returning to Hell are somewhat vague. This could lead to a disconnect for the audience, as they may struggle to understand the urgency of his situation.
Suggestions: To enhance the beginning of the screenplay, consider introducing a more immediate conflict or challenge that Lucifer must face, establishing clearer stakes for his character. This could involve a specific event that threatens his lifestyle or forces him to confront his past. Additionally, providing more insight into Lucifer's internal struggles and desires early on could create a stronger emotional connection with the audience. Incorporating a scene that showcases the consequences of his actions in Hell might also serve to heighten the tension and clarify his motivations for remaining on Earth.
Middle The middle portion of the screenplay effectively develops the relationship between Lucifer and Chloe, showcasing their contrasting personalities and growing connection. The introduction of Delilah's murder serves as a catalyst for the plot, propelling the characters into a deeper investigation that intertwines their personal lives with the overarching mystery. The humor and banter between Lucifer and Chloe add a lighthearted touch, balancing the darker themes of the story. However, the pacing in this section can feel uneven, with some scenes dragging while others rush through important developments. The emotional stakes for both characters could be heightened, particularly regarding their personal struggles and how they intersect with the investigation. Additionally, the introduction of supporting characters, such as Amenadiel and Maze, could be better integrated into the main narrative to enhance their relevance and impact.
Suggestions: To improve the middle of the screenplay, consider tightening the pacing by ensuring that each scene serves a clear purpose in advancing the plot or character development. This could involve cutting extraneous dialogue or action that does not contribute to the central conflict. Additionally, deepening the emotional stakes for both Lucifer and Chloe by exploring their pasts and vulnerabilities could create a more compelling narrative. Integrating supporting characters more effectively into the main storyline would also enhance the richness of the world and provide additional layers to the central conflict.
Ending The ending of the screenplay presents a climactic confrontation that ties together the various narrative threads established throughout the story. Lucifer's internal struggle culminates in a moment of choice that reflects his growth and transformation, providing a satisfying resolution to his character arc. The emotional stakes are heightened as Chloe faces a personal crisis, allowing for a poignant exploration of their relationship. However, the resolution may feel somewhat abrupt, as the pacing quickens towards the conclusion, potentially leaving some character arcs feeling unresolved. The final moments could benefit from a more gradual build-up to ensure that the emotional impact resonates with the audience. Additionally, the implications of Lucifer's choices could be explored further to provide a more profound commentary on redemption and morality.
Suggestions: To enhance the ending of the screenplay, consider allowing for a more gradual build-up to the climax, giving characters time to reflect on their choices and the consequences of their actions. This could involve additional scenes that explore the aftermath of the central conflict and how it affects the characters' relationships. Providing a clearer resolution for supporting characters, particularly Amenadiel and Maze, would also strengthen the narrative and create a more cohesive conclusion. Finally, incorporating a moment of reflection for Lucifer that encapsulates his journey and the lessons learned would add depth to the ending, leaving the audience with a lasting impression.

See the full analysis by clicking the title.

1 - Lucifer's Night at Lux Dark, Mysterious, Sarcastic 8 9 79 9 787776876 89888
2 - Temptation on Sunset Boulevard Charismatic, Sardonic, Playful, Sarcastic, Mysterious 8 8 79 9 587685886 89888
3 - Standoff at Lux Sarcastic, Intense, Defiant, Mysterious 9 9 89 9 898999988 99888
4 - A Fallen Star's Redemption Serious, Playful, Reflective, Emotional 8 8 79 9 798776878 99888
5 - A Tragic Farewell Dark, Intense, Mysterious, Suspenseful, Emotional 8 8 89 9 887989989 89888
6 - Flirtation and Frustration at Lux Sarcastic, Mysterious, Playful, Tense 8 8 79 9 787.5887897 998.588
7 - Reflections of Darkness Intense, Seductive, Emotional, Defiant 8 8 79 9 787787888 89888
8 - Chaos at the Altar Sarcastic, Confrontational, Emotional, Intense 8 8 89 9 798888988 99988
9 - A Sinister Invitation Dark, Intense, Mysterious, Sarcastic 8 8 89 9 887978977 79888
10 - Confrontation in Chaos Intense, Confrontational, Emotional, Sarcastic 8 8 89 9 787988988 89988
11 - Cuffed Curiosity Sarcastic, Intriguing, Playful, Intense 8 8 89 9 787878987 99888
12 - Balancing Act Sarcastic, Intense, Playful, Tense, Emotional 8 8 89 9 787878977 89888
13 - Lucifer's Playground Dark, Playful, Intense, Surreal 8 8 89 9 887.5888989 99888
14 - Tension at the Schoolyard Sarcastic, Confrontational, Playful, Dark 8 8 79 9 787878887 89888
15 - Tension in the Waiting Room Sarcastic, Intriguing, Confrontational, Humorous 8 8 78 9 787877877 99888
16 - Charm and Confessions Sarcastic, Intense, Intriguing, Playful 8 8 89 9 787878987 99888
17 - Chaos on Set Tense, Playful, Emotional, Confrontational, Intriguing 8 8 88 7 687.5888887 89988
18 - Secrets Unraveled Sarcastic, Humorous, Dramatic, Confrontational 8 8 79 9 787887886 89888
19 - A Moment of Clarity Serious, Teasing, Reflective, Humorous 8 8 79 9 787877877 99888
20 - Midnight Showdown in the Studio Intense, Confrontational, Emotional, Tense, Dark 9 8 99 9 898989999 89888
21 - Awakening in Tension Sarcastic, Intense, Humorous, Emotional 8 8 89 9 787877978 99888
22 - Tensions of Mercy Dark, Mysterious, Intense, Sarcastic, Playful 8 8 79 9 787988888 89888

Scene 1 - Lucifer's Night at Lux
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Written by
Tom Kapinos

Directed by
Len Wiseman

Production Draft
3/3/15 WHITE
3/9/15 FULL BLUE
3/11/15 FULL PINK
3/12/15 YELLOW
3/14/15 FULL GREEN
3/15/15 GOLD 34,35,36,37
3/16/15 BUFF 56
3/17/15 SALMON 56,56A
3/18/15 CHERRY ii,iii,iv,v,vi,1,11,17,35,35A,37,47,52,55,56,56A,57
3/19/15 GRAY 6,6A,12,13,28,30,36,37,38,38A,54
3/21/15 LAVENDER ii,iii,4,8,9,13,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,49,50,50A,51


LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 ii.








LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 iii.


LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 iv.






















LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 v.








LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 vi.


DAY 2 SCENES 13-25


Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy","Crime"]

Summary In a vibrant Los Angeles nightclub called Lux, Lucifer Morningstar, the former ruler of Hell, embraces earthly pleasures and showcases his charm as he interacts with patrons. The scene highlights his charismatic personality and hints at his internal struggle with identity and purpose after leaving Hell. Amidst the lively atmosphere, filled with flashing lights and dancing, Lucifer's playful and seductive demeanor captivates those around him, setting the stage for the adventures and challenges that await.
  • Strong character development
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Intriguing premise
  • Lack of strong emotional impact
  • Moderate stakes
  • The opening scene effectively introduces Lucifer Morningstar's character, showcasing his charm and charisma as he revels in the pleasures of life in Los Angeles. However, it lacks a clear conflict or tension that would engage the audience more deeply from the start.
  • The dialogue is witty and showcases Lucifer's personality well, but it could benefit from moments of vulnerability or introspection to hint at his deeper struggles, making him more relatable.
  • The setting of Lux is visually rich, but the scene could incorporate more sensory details to immerse the audience in the atmosphere, such as the sounds, smells, and sights of the nightclub.
  • While the scene establishes Lucifer's enjoyment of earthly pleasures, it does not hint strongly enough at his motivations for abandoning Hell, which could create a stronger emotional hook for the audience.
  • The pacing of the scene is relatively steady, but it could be enhanced by introducing a dynamic element, such as a sudden interruption or unexpected event that forces Lucifer to confront something about his past or his decision to stay on Earth.
  • The introduction of secondary characters, such as patrons in the nightclub, feels a bit superficial. Developing these interactions could add depth to Lucifer's character and showcase how he navigates relationships with others.
  • Introduce a minor conflict or challenge that Lucifer faces in the nightclub, such as a confrontation with a disgruntled patron or an unexpected visit from someone from his past, to create immediate tension.
  • Include a brief internal monologue or reflective moment for Lucifer that hints at his struggles with his identity and the consequences of abandoning his throne, providing a deeper emotional layer.
  • Enhance the sensory details of the nightclub environment by describing the music, lighting, and atmosphere more vividly to draw the audience into the scene.
  • Consider adding a moment where Lucifer interacts with a character who challenges his carefree demeanor, prompting him to reveal more about his internal conflicts and motivations.
  • Experiment with the pacing by incorporating a sudden event, like an unexpected fight breaking out or an emergency situation, to create urgency and engage the audience more effectively.

Scene 2 - Temptation on Sunset Boulevard
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

A jet-black vintage sports car sails down Sunset, cruising
through the adult Disneyland that is nighttime Los Angeles.
Neon and billboards reflected on the windshield. The Stones’
“Gimme Shelter” blasting from the radio.


The Devil himself. Say hello to LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR.

He’s good-looking, a man of considerable wealth and taste,
but that’s not what makes him jump off the screen. It’s his
vibe. Pure lusty mischief. Sardonic smile. Timeless style.

And yes...

He’s that Lucifer. The son of God. The one who rebelled,
plotted against his father and plummeted from grace. The one
who was banished from Paradise and forced to serve as the
Lord of Hell for all eternity.

But right now, Lucifer’s getting pulled over for speeding. A
motorcycle cop. Lucifer adjusts his mirror to see OFFICER
DIGGS approaching the car, he yells over the MUSIC.



You know what they say, Officer...
If it’s getting too loud, you’re
gettin’ too old.

Do you know why I pulled you over?

Obviously you felt the need to
exercise your limited power and
punish me for ignoring the speed
limit. It’s okay. I understand.
I like to punish people too.
LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 2.
(a wistful aside)
Or at least I used to...

Do you have any idea how fast you
were going?

Haven’t a clue. I blame it on the
Stones. They just make a man wanna
drive, ya’ know what I mean?

And Lucifer has now locked eyes with the officer, A poignant
beat. The cop pauses for a moment, thoughtful.

Sometimes... I put my siren on, and
drive really fast for no reason at
all. Just ‘cause I can.

Right?! And why wouldn’t you? It’s
fun! Feels good to get away with
something, doesn’t it?

Diggs smiles. Chuckles. But then he catches
himself -- not sure why he just shared his secret desires
with a complete stranger.

It’s okay, Officer. People like to
tell me things. Those deep, dark,
naughty little desires that’re
really on their minds. It's a gift.
Must be something about this face.

(all biz now)
License and registration.

Coming right up...

Lucifer fishes a hundred out of his wallet, proffers it...

Are you trying to bribe me, sir?

Yes, of course. Why, is that not
enough? Here, take more, it’s only

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 3.
2 CONTINUED: (2) 2

It’s against the law, sir.

You people are funny about your
laws. You break the law sometimes,
don’t you?

The officer nods. It’s almost involuntary.

Do tell.

Sometimes I’ll pull a woman over
for a minor infraction and get her
to flash me a little somethin’.

You dirty dog you...

Sometimes I let her off with a
warning. Sometimes I don’t.
Sometimes other stuff happens...

(shakes his head)
LA’s finest...
(nods at the cash)
You’re tempted to keep that, aren’t
(off the cop’s nod)
So what are you waiting for?
Permission? Keep it! Buy yourself
something pretty. You deserve it.
But if you don’t mind, I really
must be on my way...

The officer takes the money and puts it in his pocket.

Okay, sir, you have a nice evening.

You too, Officer.

Officer Diggs walks away. Lucifer readjusts his mirror, but
this time we see a flash of something strange; a glimpse of
Lucifer's true reflection; almost too fast to even
comprehend, but enough to unsettle us as --

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 4.
2 CONTINUED: (3) 2

Lucifer dimes the radio and ROARS off -- leaving one very
dazed cop in his wake. As he goes, we see the Caddy’s rear
vanity plate, which reads: “FALL1N 1.” *




Lucifer pulls up in front of his bar, Lux. It doesn’t look
like much from the outside, but there’s a long line of
HOLLYWOOD HIPSTERS dying to get in.
Genres: ["Fantasy","Comedy","Drama"]

Summary Lucifer Morningstar, the Devil, is pulled over for speeding by Officer Diggs while driving his vintage sports car down Sunset Boulevard. Using his charm and wit, Lucifer manipulates the officer into accepting a bribe to avoid a ticket. Their interaction reveals both characters' misdeeds, leading to a moment of camaraderie before Lucifer drives off, leaving Officer Diggs dazed and tempted.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Charismatic characters
  • Intriguing premise
  • Lack of significant character development
  • Low stakes
  • The scene effectively establishes Lucifer's character through his charm and wit, showcasing his ability to manipulate those around him. However, the dialogue could benefit from more subtext; while Lucifer's lines are clever, they sometimes feel too on-the-nose, lacking the layers that would make the interaction more engaging.
  • The interaction between Lucifer and Officer Diggs is entertaining, but it could be enhanced by giving Officer Diggs more depth. As it stands, he comes off as somewhat one-dimensional, merely a foil for Lucifer's charm. A hint of complexity in his character, perhaps a personal struggle or conflict, would make the exchange more compelling.
  • The pacing of the scene is generally good, but the transition from the initial tension of the traffic stop to the camaraderie feels abrupt. A few more beats of tension or hesitation from Officer Diggs could heighten the stakes and make the eventual bribery feel more impactful.
  • While the scene is visually rich with descriptions of the setting and Lucifer's car, it could benefit from more sensory details that immerse the audience further into the atmosphere of Los Angeles at night. This would enhance the overall mood and make the scene more vivid.
  • The reveal of Lucifer's true reflection at the end is a strong visual element, but it feels a bit rushed. Expanding on this moment with more internal conflict or a brief flashback could deepen the audience's understanding of Lucifer's character and the weight of his past.
  • Consider adding a line or two that hints at Officer Diggs's own struggles or moral dilemmas, making him a more relatable character and enhancing the interaction with Lucifer.
  • Introduce a moment of hesitation or conflict from Officer Diggs before he accepts the bribe, which would create a more dynamic tension and make the scene feel less predictable.
  • Incorporate more sensory descriptions of the environment, such as the sounds of the city, the feel of the night air, or the sights around them, to create a more immersive experience for the audience.
  • Expand on the moment when Lucifer's true reflection is shown, perhaps by including a brief flashback or internal monologue that illustrates his internal conflict, making this moment resonate more deeply.
  • Consider tightening the dialogue to make it snappier and more layered, allowing for subtext that can engage the audience's imagination and encourage them to read between the lines.

Scene 3 - Standoff at Lux
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

A little bit of Hell on earth. A living, breathing tribute to
Lucifer’s favorite things -- wine, women and song. Lucifer
glides through... soaking up the sights and sounds of elegant
debauchery like a proud, modern-day Gatsby.

His eyes land on the exotic, dark-haired beauty tending bar
over yonder. MAZIKEEN. But she’s always been just MAZE to
Lucifer. She leans seductively with her back against the bar,
doesn’t turn around as Lucifer approaches... speaks to him
via a mirror...

Where’ve you been?

Holed up at the Chateau. Copulating
with a woman named Faith. Ironic,
isn’t it?

Maze shakes her head, disgusted. As she does, we catch an
unclear glimpse of her reflection in the bar mirror. A blur
of almost serpentine deformity. But it would be weird if Maze
was just your garden variety gal, wouldn’t it?

Have I ever told you how incredibly
sexy you are when you can’t control
your emotions?

And what emotions might those be?

Why, jealousy, of course.

Try disappointment.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 5.

A young man suddenly rises from where he’d been kneeling in
front of Maze. Lucifer’s eyebrows go up: didn’t see that
comin’. Maze grins at him:

Thank you, Patrick. You can go.

She finally turns to face Lucifer, smiles and shrugs.

What? I dropped something.
(off Lucifer’s grin/shrug)
Now. Lucifer. I’m a big fan of sex--


But shouldn’t you be spending your
valuable time doing something
more... significant. You’re the
Lord of Hell, for cryin-out-loud.

I’m retired, Maze. I’ve got nothing
but time.

Maze stares at him for a beat. Then senses something. As does
Lucifer. A ripple in the drink she just poured. Time slows.
Music and laughter become warped and haunted as everyone in
the club slows... except Lucifer and Maze, who share a look.

I think you have a visitor.

Through the SLOW-MOTION crowd, Lucifer sees AMENADIEL. The
man is a study in grim intensity. He’s Lucifer’s brother AND
AN ANGEL. Yep, majestic wings and everything. But Amenadiel’s
also a badass. Last thing he radiates is angelic goodness.

Amenadiel! How’s it hanging, big
guy? Didn’t you see the sign? “No
angels allowed”? No? I’ll make an
exception for you -- on the house.

Lucifer slides over a drink, which Amenadiel ignores.

(takin in Lux)
You’ve become quite ensconced with
this little hobby of yours...
(off Lucifer’s nod of thanks)

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 6.
4 CONTINUED: (2) 4
Your return to The Underworld has
been... requested. *

Oh, okay, let me check my calendar.
Yep, here it is. The seventh of
Never through the fifteenth of
Ain’t Gonna Happen? How’s that work
for you guys?

Amenadiel just stares at him... grim, not amused.

I’m consistently surprised by the
whole no sense of humor thing.
Look, remind Dad I quit Hell
because I was sick and tired of
playing a part in his play. I
believe in free will, not that
tyranny of all his predestination

I’ll warn you against disrespecting
Our Father.

Yeah well, Our Father’s been
disrespecting me since the
beginning of time so... pot/kettle.
Don’t you think?

You are a mockery of everything

Thank you! But lately I’ve been
doing a fair amount of thinking. Do
you think I’m the devil because I’m
inherently evil or simply because
dear ol’ Dad decided I was? Isn’t *
this a classic case of labeling? *

What do you think happens when the *
Devil leaves Hell? All those *
demons, those tormented souls... *
where do they go? *

Don’t know, don’t care, not my *
problem. *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 6A.
4 CONTINUED: (3) 4

More staring from Amenadiel. Lucifer downs his brother’s
drink, then locks eyes with Amenadiel... cold as ice now... *

Tell Father, I’m not. Going. Back.
(a slight smile)

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 7.
4 CONTINUED: (3) 4
Consider the position officially
open. So you, my feathered friend,
can go to hell.

In a blink, Amenadiel's wing-tip is at Lucifer's throat.
Ancient steel fused at its tips. Lucifer’s glass falls,
shatters... but he doesn't flinch.

Go for it. You think Father's upset

Amenadiel wants to kill him. Badly. But Lucifer knows his
Father won't let him die, at least he's willing to test it.

He has been patient five years. He
will not be merciful much longer.

Threat planted, Amenadiel withdraws, and exits... and the
club now slips back into regular motion. Lucifer only now
deflates. Amenadiel clearly rattles him.
Genres: ["Fantasy","Drama","Supernatural"]

Summary In the vibrant bar Lux, Lucifer engages in playful banter with Maze, the bartender, while avoiding his responsibilities in Hell. His brother Amenadiel confronts him, demanding his return to the Underworld, leading to a heated exchange about free will and divine authority. The tension escalates into a physical threat, but Lucifer defiantly refuses to go back, leaving the scene unresolved as Amenadiel withdraws his threat, leaving Lucifer visibly shaken amidst the lively atmosphere of the club.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Dynamic character interactions
  • Engaging conflict
  • Exploration of complex themes
  • Some may find the supernatural elements confusing or overwhelming
  • The scene effectively establishes the dynamic between Lucifer and Maze, showcasing their playful yet tense relationship. However, the dialogue can feel a bit on-the-nose at times, especially in the way they express their feelings about each other. While it's clear that Maze is disappointed in Lucifer, a more subtle approach to conveying their emotions could enhance the scene's depth.
  • The introduction of Amenadiel is impactful, but the transition from the playful banter with Maze to the serious confrontation with Amenadiel could be smoother. The shift in tone is abrupt, and it might benefit from a moment of tension-building or a visual cue that signals the change in atmosphere.
  • Lucifer's defiance and charm are well portrayed, but the stakes of his refusal to return to Hell could be made clearer. Although he mentions the consequences of his actions, the scene could benefit from more explicit stakes that highlight the impact of his choices on both himself and the world around him.
  • The visual elements, such as the slow-motion effect when Maze senses Amenadiel's presence, is a creative choice that adds a dramatic flair. However, it may come across as slightly gimmicky if not executed with care. Ensuring that this visual technique serves the narrative rather than distracts from it will be important.
  • The dialogue is sharp and witty, which aligns with the characters' established personalities. Nevertheless, some exchanges feel overly expository, particularly when discussing Lucifer's views on free will and divine authority. Finding a balance between exposition and organic conversation will enhance the authenticity of the dialogue.
  • Consider adding more subtext to the dialogue between Lucifer and Maze. Instead of directly addressing emotions like jealousy or disappointment, allow their interactions to hint at these feelings through actions or less explicit remarks.
  • Introduce a more gradual transition into Amenadiel's arrival to build tension. Perhaps have Lucifer notice something is off before Amenadiel appears, creating a sense of foreboding that prepares the audience for the shift in tone.
  • Clarify the stakes of Lucifer's refusal to return to Hell. Perhaps include a brief flashback or a visual cue that hints at the chaos left behind in Hell due to his absence, thereby raising the urgency of Amenadiel's request.
  • Ensure the slow-motion effect is used judiciously. Consider incorporating sound design elements that complement the visual, enhancing the feeling of tension and anticipation as Amenadiel approaches.
  • Revise some of the more expository dialogue to feel more natural. You could have characters express their thoughts through metaphor or analogy, making the conversation feel less like a lecture and more like a genuine exchange.

Scene 4 - A Fallen Star's Redemption
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

Lucifer stands outside, spinning A COIN in his hand, still
thinking about his conversation with Amenadiel... when A TAXI *
slows to a stop in front of Lux. The rear window rolls down.
A beautiful, hot mess appears. This is DELILAH.

Delilah is a fallen-from-grace pop star. The crowd waiting in
line reacts like crowds do when confronted with a super
famous person, tragic or not. Oohs and ahhs and iPhones
galore. But Delilah only has eyes for Lucifer.

Remember me...?

Lucifer smiles... of course he does, but teases...

Yes... you’re famous. Delilah,
isn’t it? Can I have your

If I can have a drink.


Lucifer and Delilah sit at a booth. Maze hovers in the BG.

Why’d you come back?

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 8.

Feel safe here, I guess. Reminds me *
of how it was before everything got *
so big and messy. And you...
sometimes I feel like you were the
only one who was ever really honest
with me. But... I need to know

What’s that?

Did I sell my soul to the Devil?

That would imply the Devil is
actually interested in your soul.
That’s the stuff of movies and TV.
They always get it wrong.

Come on, you took me in off the
street, let me sing up there
anytime I wanted. I told you I
wanted to be a star and that’s when
things started happening for me.
And you do call yourself Lucifer.

Call me whatever you want, but I’m
really just a patron of the arts.
Honestly, I introduced you to a few
key people who owed me favors. That’s

She leans in, serious and vulnerable now... like a lost kid. *

Do you think I’m talented?

Of course. You have one of the most
beautiful voices I’ve ever heard.
It’s sweet, dirty, sexy, soulful...
I knew you were a star, I just
helped the world catch up.

Well, it certainly feels very
Faustian at times. Because along
with the good came a hell of a lot
of bad.

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 9.
6 CONTINUED: (2) 6

Oh, so the Devil made you do it?
The alcohol, the drugs, the topless
selfies? Your choices are on you,
my dear.

You’re right. You’re absolutely
right. But the toxic relationships
were my biggest screw-up. God, I
really do have the worst taste in

You really do, darling. Jimmy
Barnes? I can’t believe you almost
married that sweaty little imp...

He produced my album! You
introduced us!

I suggested you work with him --
not sleep with him.

I got confused!

And then you left him at the altar.

Yeah, that was pretty rude of me.
He trapped me in the bathroom at
the Grammys a month ago. Cried.
Said he wanted to get back
together. Then I hear he’s marrying
some supermodel this weekend.
(laughs/almost crying) *
God, I’m such a mess.

God has nothing to do with your
mess anymore than I do.
(a beat)
You didn’t sell your soul, Delilah,
but you do owe me a favor. Looks
like it’s time to settle up.

(kidding but not)
I’m scared...

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 10.
6 CONTINUED: (3) 6

You should be. Because what I’m
about to ask is going to be quite
difficult for you.
Pull yourself together. That’s it.
That’s all I’m asking. Get it
together before it’s too late.
You’re wasting your talent. Your

(fighting tears)
I let you down.

Then fix it.

Off Delilah, a glimmer of hope in her eyes...

7 OMIT 7
Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy"]

Summary Outside Lux, Lucifer encounters Delilah, a fallen pop star grappling with her past choices and feelings of inadequacy. As she questions whether she sold her soul to the Devil, Lucifer offers her tough love and reassurance about her talent, urging her to take responsibility for her life. The scene blends nostalgia and vulnerability with humor, ultimately leaving Delilah with a glimmer of hope for redemption.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Complex characters
  • Exploration of themes
  • Potential for cliched redemption arc
  • The scene effectively introduces Delilah as a character who embodies the consequences of fame and personal choices, contrasting well with Lucifer's charm and wit. The dialogue captures the tension between their past relationship and Delilah's current struggles, showcasing Lucifer's dual role as both a benefactor and a manipulator.
  • Lucifer's playful banter with Delilah establishes his character's charm, but it may benefit from deeper emotional resonance. While the humor is present, the scene could explore more vulnerability in Lucifer's character, revealing how he genuinely feels about the impact of his influence on Delilah's life.
  • The dialogue flows naturally, but some exchanges feel a bit too on-the-nose, particularly when discussing the Faustian nature of Delilah's rise to fame. This could be nuanced further to avoid clichés and enhance the thematic depth of the scene.
  • Delilah's character arc is compelling, yet her vulnerability could be more pronounced. The scene hints at her struggles but could delve deeper into her emotional state, allowing the audience to empathize with her plight more fully.
  • The transition from the external setting to the internal booth at Lux is smooth, but the visual descriptions could be more vivid. The atmosphere of the nightclub, the reactions of the crowd, and the emotional weight of the conversation could be enhanced through more descriptive language.
  • Consider adding more subtext to the dialogue between Lucifer and Delilah. For example, instead of directly stating her fears and regrets, allow them to emerge through their interactions and body language, creating a more dynamic exchange.
  • Explore Lucifer's internal conflict further by incorporating moments of hesitation or reflection during his conversation with Delilah. This could highlight his struggle with the consequences of his actions and the impact of his past relationships.
  • Strengthen Delilah's emotional journey by adding a moment of vulnerability where she reveals a specific incident or relationship that deeply affected her, allowing the audience to connect with her on a more personal level.
  • Enhance the visual elements of the scene by incorporating more sensory details. Describe the sounds of the nightclub, the lighting, and the atmosphere to immerse the audience in the setting and reflect the emotional tone of the conversation.
  • Consider foreshadowing the upcoming conflict or challenge that Delilah will face after this conversation. This could create a sense of urgency and weight to Lucifer's request for her to 'pull herself together,' making it feel like a pivotal moment in her character arc.

Scene 5 - A Tragic Farewell
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer and Delilah walk out... saying goodbye...

I’m gonna do what you asked. I’m
gonna get it together, Lucifer. I

It’s not about me. All these terrible
things that weren’t supposed to happen?
They happened. What happens next is up
to you.

She nods. Smiles. Pulls him into an intense hug. They’re
still hugging when a piece-a-shit car slows to a stop in
front of Lux...

SHOTS rings out -- Lucifer and Delilah are RIDDLED WITH
BULLETS. As they both go down in a heap, the car SCREECHES
off. But without warning the shooter’s car is VICIOUSLY
BROADSIDED by a CITY BUS. A beat as everything settles. Then--

AN UNHOLY GROAN from Lucifer as he rises to a sitting
position. His clothes are torn with SMOKING holes. He rips
his shirt open. No blood. No entry wounds. Just pain. A lot
of fucking pain. He slowly climbs to his feet. Goes over to
Delilah, beautiful in peaceful repose. And very much dead.

Lucifer’s face tightens with pain. He looks down the street. *
Zeroes in on the wreckage and stalks over to it.

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 11.

The SHOOTER’S body has been thrown from the crumpled car.
Laid out in a pile of broken glass. Twisted and BLOODY, but
still alive. It’s all Lucifer can do to control his emotion.

What did you do?

I- I’m sorry...

Sorry? Tell me why. Why did you
end her life?
(seething, leans closer)
I can smell death coming for you --
shall I speed it along?

Why else? Money...

Times like these I wish I was back
in Hell. What I would do to you...

Hey, I just pulled the trigger...

What do you mean by that?

The shooter coughs up a final geyser of BLOOD and dies.
Lucifer walks back over to Delilah. He stands there, staring
down at her... with something in his eyes. Is it loss? Which
is when we realize that we’re watching Lucifer from SOMEONE


FIND Amenadiel in the shadows, a SLOW-MOTION ballet of
ONLOOKERS around him. As he glares at Lucifer ominously, we
wonder: is he observing this moment? Or did he cause it?


Now a full-blown crime scene. Cherry tops spin. Police swarm.
CORONER’s put Delilah’s body in a bag and into the back of
their van as an UNMARKED COP CAR pulls up. Out hops LAPD
homicide detective CHLOE DANCER (30s). Beautiful, but
downplays it on purpose. She’s smart, cold and direct.

She strides over to the wrecked car where THE SHOOTER still
lies in a bed of broken glass and blood. Bends over to get a
closer look... when she hears some snickering and whispering.
Turns to see a couple ROOKIE UNIFORMS staring at her.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 12.

Can I help you?

Nah... just talkin’ about some of
our favorite movies.

Another plain-clothed detective walks up from the other
direction. He’s DANIEL ESPINOZA (40ish) gruff, alpha dog.

(nods at the uniforms)
Hey. Go secure the perimeter.

You here to babysit me? Lieutenant *
said this is my case -- and I need *
it to be. *

Well, hi. Nice to see you, too. *
(no reaction)
Yes, it’s your case, Chloe. Wanna *
hear what I got so far though?


It’s an easy one. This is our bad
guy. Eddie Deacon. Low-level drug
dealer. Found these in his pocket--

Holds up an evidence bag with little packets of HEROIN
stamped with “BOOM” and a picture of a bomb.

--And this in Delilah’s purse.

Holds up another evidence bag with ONE packet -- same stamp.

So, obviously drug related. Maybe
she owed him a bunch’a cash or
something. She wasn’t exactly
selling out stadiums these days.

How’d you know he’s low-level?

Look at his car?

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 13.
10 CONTINUED: (2) 10

Yeah, but look at his watch -- that
ain’t cheap.

Probably a fake.
(off Chloe, staring at it)
Wouldn’t pick too hard at this one,
Chloe. Not after Palmetto Street.

I begged for this case because of
Palmetto, Dan. I need a big win or
I’ll never get out of the penalty
box... So... any witnesses?
Genres: ["Crime","Drama","Fantasy"]

Summary Lucifer and Delilah share a heartfelt goodbye outside Lux, with Delilah vowing to turn her life around. Their moment is shattered when a passing car opens fire, resulting in Delilah's tragic death while Lucifer remains unharmed. In a confrontation with the shooter, Lucifer learns the attack was motivated by money before the shooter dies. Meanwhile, Amenadiel watches from the shadows, hinting at his possible involvement. The scene concludes with Chloe Dancer arriving at the crime scene, ready to take charge of the investigation into Delilah's death.
  • Strong character development
  • Intense emotional impact
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Intriguing concept
  • Slightly predictable setup
  • Some cliched elements
  • The scene effectively builds tension through the emotional goodbye between Lucifer and Delilah, showcasing their relationship and Delilah's desire for redemption. However, the abrupt transition from an emotional moment to the violent shooting can feel jarring. The tonal shift could be smoothed out with better pacing, allowing the audience to fully absorb the weight of the goodbye before the shock of the violence hits.
  • Lucifer's reaction to Delilah's death is powerful, but the immediate focus on the shooter feels rushed. Instead of just confronting the shooter, it might be more impactful to linger on Lucifer's grief for a moment longer, emphasizing his emotional turmoil before shifting to the confrontation. This would deepen the audience's connection to Lucifer's pain.
  • The dialogue with the shooter is compelling, revealing the shooter’s motivations. However, the line 'I just pulled the trigger' feels somewhat detached and could benefit from more emotional weight. The shooter’s last words should reflect a deeper sense of remorse or fear, enhancing the stakes of the moment.
  • The introduction of Amenadiel observing from the shadows adds intrigue, but it could be more explicitly tied to the events that just transpired. A clearer indication of his involvement or intent would heighten the tension and suspense, making the audience question his motives.
  • The transition to the crime scene with Chloe feels abrupt and could be better integrated. Consider establishing a more gradual shift from the personal tragedy of Delilah's death to the procedural elements of the investigation, perhaps by including a moment where Lucifer is still grappling with his loss as the police arrive.
  • Consider adding a brief moment of silence or reflection between Lucifer and Delilah before the shooting, allowing the audience to fully grasp the gravity of their goodbye.
  • Extend Lucifer's emotional reaction after Delilah is shot, perhaps showing him in denial or struggling to process the loss before confronting the shooter.
  • Revise the shooter's dialogue to reflect a more complex emotional state, perhaps showing regret or fear, which would enhance the dramatic tension.
  • Clarify Amenadiel's presence and potential involvement in the shooting by adding a line or two that hints at his motivations or feelings about Lucifer's choices.
  • Smooth the transition to the crime scene by including a moment that connects Lucifer's grief to the arrival of the police, perhaps through a visual or auditory cue that highlights the chaos surrounding him.

Scene 6 - Flirtation and Frustration at Lux
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9
11 INT. LUX - NIGHT 11

...where Chloe is now questioning Lucifer. Lucifer’s
distracted. His swirling emotions over Delilah’s death are
disorienting him. Maze hovers nearby.

Lucifer Morningstar...? Is that
like, a stage name or something?

God-given, I’m afraid.
(studies her)
You look familiar. Have we met?

(uh-oh, but remains casual)
Five minutes ago. And I’m asking
the questions... Talk to me about
your relationship with the victim. *

She used to work here. A few years
back. I would occasionally
accompany her while she sang. Then
she became a big star and someone
decided to end her life.

Did you know the shooter?

No. But we did have a nice little
chat before he kicked off. I asked *
him why he did it.

I see. Like to play cop, do you?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 14.

I like to play in general. What
about you, Detective? *

Chloe’s almost amused -- got a real live one here. *

So you spoke to a dead guy?

He wasn’t quite dead. His soul was
still crossing the threshold. *

(indulges him) *
Okay then... why’d he do it? *

Money, of course. You humans love
your money.

Yes. Yes, we do. And what planet
are you from? London?

(smiles, cute)
He also said... “I just pulled the
trigger.” Interesting, no?

Chloe takes that in. She’s heard enough. Shuts it down.

Delilah was shot to death by a drug
dealer. And looks like Delilah
herself kept the guy pretty busy.
It’s sad. It’s ugly. But it’s not
rocket science. Something obviously *
went south between them, she gets
riddled with bullets, and a nice
little act of God takes him out.

It doesn’t work like that!
(then realizing)
It’s quite a neatly wrapped present
for the LAPD, don’t you think?

Okay. How does she end up dying in *
a hailstorm of bullets and you get
away without a scratch? That’s *
suspicious, don’t you think? *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 15.
11 CONTINUED: (2) 11

The benefits of immortality.

Immortality... of course.
(writing it down)
Do you spell that with one m or
two, I always forget.

What will your corrupt little
organization do about this?

Excuse me?

Will you find the one responsible?
Will he be punished? Will this be a
priority for you?

Chloe studies him. Not sure if he’s a prick... a lunatic or *
something more... *

You’ve got some balls on you, pal.

Thank you, but they’re really quite
(studies her)
Are you sure we haven’t met? I
could swear I’ve seen you naked.
Did we have sex?

Nope. Just a prick. *

What? Go to hell.

No thank you. Much more fun here.
(as she gets up to leave)
Wait. Detective. We’re not finished.

Yeah. We are.

And she’s out. OFF LUCIFER, frustrated.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 16.

Genres: ["Crime","Fantasy","Drama"]

Summary In a tense yet playful exchange at Lux, Chloe interrogates Lucifer about his connection to the victim, Delilah, while he grapples with his emotions over her death. Despite Lucifer's claims of immortality and insights into the crime, Chloe remains skeptical, viewing it as a simple drug-related murder. Their conversation oscillates between flirtation and confrontation, ultimately leading Chloe to leave in frustration, leaving Lucifer feeling isolated.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Complex characters
  • Mysterious tone
  • Limited emotional impact
  • Some cliched elements
  • The scene effectively captures the dynamic between Chloe and Lucifer, showcasing their contrasting personalities. Chloe's skepticism and professionalism clash with Lucifer's playful and flirtatious demeanor, creating an engaging tension. However, the emotional weight of Delilah's death seems somewhat overshadowed by the banter, which could detract from the gravity of the situation.
  • While the dialogue is sharp and witty, some exchanges feel a bit forced, particularly Lucifer's flirtations. The humor is great, but it risks undermining the seriousness of the investigation and Delilah's death. Balancing humor with the emotional stakes is crucial to maintaining the scene's impact.
  • Chloe's dismissal of Lucifer's claims about immortality is a strong moment, but it could be enhanced by more emotional resonance. Perhaps she could express frustration or disbelief more vividly, which would add depth to her character and the situation.
  • Lucifer's character is well-established as charming and cheeky, but the scene could benefit from a moment that reveals a deeper layer of his emotional response to Delilah's death. This would create a more complex character and provide a stronger contrast to his playful banter.
  • The pacing of the scene is generally good, but there are moments where the dialogue could be tightened. For instance, some lines could be trimmed or rephrased for brevity, allowing for a more natural flow of conversation.
  • Incorporate a moment of vulnerability for Lucifer that contrasts with his usual bravado, perhaps a brief flashback or a line that hints at his deeper feelings about Delilah's death.
  • Consider adding more physicality to the scene, such as Chloe's body language reflecting her frustration or disbelief, which could enhance the emotional stakes.
  • Tighten the dialogue by removing or rephrasing lines that feel overly verbose or forced. Aim for natural exchanges that reflect the urgency of the situation.
  • Explore Chloe's emotional state further; perhaps she could express her own struggles with the case, which would create a more relatable connection between her and Lucifer.
  • End the scene with a stronger emotional beat, perhaps a lingering look between Chloe and Lucifer that hints at the complexity of their relationship, leaving the audience wanting more.

Scene 7 - Reflections of Darkness
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer plays piano, fingers flying, an intense version of
Bowie’s “Lady Stardust.” Suddenly he SMASHES the keys in a
burst of atonal fury, his gaze fixed on something ahead...
It's his reflection in the mirrored fireplace. That
disturbing face again. We catch just a hint of it before --

He gets up and HURLS a lamp at the mirror, SMASHING it to *
pieces. Maze enters. Surveys the damage. Says nothing. Which
only serves to infuriate Lucifer even more.

Throughout this scene, the hint of Lucifer's “darker side”
will be reflected in the shattered mirror behind Maze. We
will never fully see it. But it's enough to make us uneasy.

Out with it, Maze!

I’m curious.


Why this upsets you so much.

There is someone out there that
deserves punishment. And it’s not.
Going. To. Happen.

Who cares? Mortals die every day.

Yes, insignificant ones! Human
nothings who never add anything to
this world. They only take and
consume and die cowardly pathetic
deaths. But this was different! She
was different.

Maze studies him, a mix of concern, disdain and astonishment.

You care about her...

Please. I care about punishing the
coward responsible.

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 17.

Who are you right now?

Lucifer steps in closer -- as does his reflection in the
shattered mirror behind her.

I don’t mind the occasional
smartass remarks, Maze. They can be
amusing, but don’t disrespect me.

But instead of retreating, Maze steps closer too... slides
her hands around Lucifer’s neck seductively.

The opposite is true. You’re the
Prince of frickin’ Darkness. It’s
all well and good to take a
vacation, have fun in paradise with
the low-hanging fruit. But you're
losing sight of who you actually
are, Lucifer. You exist to punish
and torture for a universal reason.
Certainly not for a petty human
emotion such as love.

Lucifer cracks a smile, playing it off now with sarcasm.

I am not human. Take that back.
(sighs, playing it off)
The world was robbed of a great
talent. That makes me angry. Makes
me want to punish someone. In very
unholy ways. That’s all.

Maze smiles, leans in... her lips inches from his.

Does that mean we’re going home?

He’s silent. Her smile fades but she kisses him sensually on
the cheek and slinks off. ON LUCIFER, Maze’s words echoing...


Gliding over the beautiful Oceanside, we pick up Lucifer’s
car as it speeds down the ribbon of highway that is the PCH.
Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy","Mystery"]

Summary In a luxurious room, Lucifer passionately plays Bowie's 'Lady Stardust' on the piano but abruptly smashes the keys in frustration, fixating on his shattered reflection. He expresses anger over a personal loss and a desire for vengeance, while Maze challenges his emotional vulnerability and identity as the Prince of Darkness. Their tense conversation reveals Lucifer's internal struggle between his darker nature and human emotions, culminating in a moment of intimacy before Maze leaves him to contemplate his feelings.
  • Complex character dynamics
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Exploration of internal conflict
  • Limited visual description
  • Some cliched dialogue
  • The scene effectively captures Lucifer's internal conflict and emotional turmoil following Delilah's death, showcasing his darker side and the struggle between his devilish nature and human emotions. However, the transition from the intense piano playing to the physical destruction of the mirror could benefit from a clearer emotional build-up to heighten the impact of his outburst.
  • The dialogue between Lucifer and Maze is engaging, revealing character depth and their complex relationship. However, at times, it feels slightly expository, particularly when Maze questions Lucifer's motivations. Instead of directly asking why he is upset, she could use more subtlety or a personal anecdote to draw out his feelings, making the conversation feel more organic.
  • The use of the shattered mirror as a visual metaphor for Lucifer's fragmented identity is strong, but it could be emphasized further. For instance, incorporating more visual cues or sound design that reflects his emotional state could enhance the intensity of the moment and the audience's understanding of his inner conflict.
  • Maze's seduction of Lucifer is an intriguing dynamic, but it could be more layered. While her approach is flirtatious, it might be more impactful if she also displays vulnerability or concern for him, hinting at her own struggles with his choices. This would add complexity to their relationship and deepen the emotional stakes.
  • The scene ends abruptly with Maze leaving after a kiss, which can feel unsatisfying. A moment of reflection from Lucifer after she departs could provide insight into his emotional state and set up the next scene more effectively, allowing the audience to linger on the impact of her words and his unresolved feelings.
  • Consider adding a moment of quiet before Lucifer smashes the piano keys to build tension and anticipation. This could involve him hesitating, reflecting on his emotions more deeply before the outburst.
  • Revise Maze's questioning to be more indirect or playful, allowing her to probe Lucifer's emotions without explicitly stating her curiosity. This could create a more dynamic and layered conversation.
  • Enhance the visual metaphor of the shattered mirror by incorporating reflections of other characters or moments from Lucifer's past, which could serve to illustrate his emotional turmoil more vividly.
  • Explore Maze's motivations further by giving her a line that reveals her own conflict about Lucifer's choices, making her seduction feel like a complicated mix of affection and concern.
  • Add a moment of silence or a poignant line from Lucifer after Maze leaves, allowing him to reflect on her words and the weight of his emotions, which can serve as a bridge to the next scene.

Scene 8 - Chaos at the Altar
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

Wedding in progress. A short, sweaty music mogul named JIMMY
BARNES is about to wed a stunning, statuesque SUPERMODEL

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 18.

Surrounded by FAMILY and FRENEMIES, it’s a whole big ta-do.
The PRIEST has just arrived at the part where he says:

Speak now or forever hold your


Excuse me!

And Lucifer comes strolling down the aisle...

I have a problem. Has anyone else
noticed how incredibly, jaw-
droppingly, loin-stirringly
beautiful this young woman is? And
how short, sweaty and altogether
fugly this homunculus is? What is
this? A wedding or a kidnapping?

Reactions from the GUESTS as Lucifer arrives at the altar.
The Priest crosses himself, starts mumbling some prayers.

Good luck with that, padre. While
you’re at it, tell him I say hey --
it’s been awhile.

He turns his attention to the groom, who’s sweating yet
desperately clinging to some semblance of cool.

Jimmy Barnes! Do you remember me?

Hey, man, this is a private event.
How’d you get in here?

Yes, and quite a lavish, be it
tacky one for a record producer on
the outs.

Jimmy looks around for help, but no one’s stepping up.

Do you remember me?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 19.
14 CONTINUED: (2) 14

Of course I remember you! What do
you want?! I’m a little busy!

I can’t believe you’re getting
married the day after your ex-lover
and once brightest star is murdered
in cold blood.

Yeah, it’s sad, but Delilah ruined
my wedding once before. I wasn’t
about to let her do it again.

(locks eyes with him)
Yes. It’s hard to be rejected,
isn’t it Jimmy? Twice.


She said you tried to get her back
recently. I’d kill someone if they
denied me once... not that that’s
possible. Come on, tell me, Jim-bo,
did you want her dead? You know I
love a juicy story.

Jimmy averts his eyes.

I’m not playing that mind game with
you. Of course not! I was furious
and humiliated when she dumped me,
but I think I rebounded pretty well.

He gestures at his beautiful BRIDE-TO-BE. Lucifer gives her
an appreciative glance.

Clearly. Respect.

You should go play your games with

The rapper?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 20.
14 CONTINUED: (3) 14

Yeah, Delilah dumped me for that
lunatic. They were always fighting.
I think he slapped her around a
bunch. He’s the real deal, man, and
he’s surrounded by a bunch of gun-
toting morons 24-7.

The information satisfies Lucifer, but his thirst for
taunting not quite met... Turns his attention to the bride.

I’m sorry, how rude of me. Allow me *
to introduce myself...

He extends a hand. She takes it, oddly charmed. Stares at him
for a beat, feels a sudden, overwhelming urge to confess her
inner desires... or lack there of...

I really don’t want to have sex
with him tonight.
(to Jimmy)
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that!

Jimmy is dumbstruck. So is she.

Of course you don’t! Let’s be
honest here. You’re not marrying
this human stain because you’re
actually in love with him, right?

No, I guess it’s more about

Good luck with that. He’s broke.
(she starts to cry)
Dry your tears, darling. At least
you’ll have this magical day.
Well, I should be going. Best of
luck to you crazy kids.

Lucifer turns and walks off down the aisle... a figurative
mushroom cloud in his wake.
Genres: ["Drama","Mystery","Crime"]

Summary During a lavish wedding in Malibu, Lucifer crashes the ceremony, questioning the bride's commitment and taunting the groom, Jimmy Barnes, about his ex-lover's murder. As tensions rise, the bride inadvertently reveals her lack of desire for the marriage, leading to emotional turmoil. The priest struggles to maintain order as Lucifer's disruptive presence stirs chaos, ultimately leaving the scene with confusion and unresolved feelings lingering in the air.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Character dynamics
  • Tension building
  • Some cliched elements
  • Predictable confrontations
  • The scene effectively captures Lucifer's flamboyant personality and his penchant for chaos, which is a strong aspect of his character. However, the comedic tone sometimes overshadows the gravity of the situation surrounding Delilah's murder, which could lead to a disconnection for the audience.
  • Lucifer's dialogue is sharp and witty, showcasing his charm. However, the humor could be balanced with moments that underscore the emotional stakes of the wedding and the recent tragedy. This would enhance the dramatic tension and make Lucifer's intrusion feel more impactful.
  • The interactions with Jimmy Barnes and the Supermodel Bride are entertaining but could benefit from deeper emotional resonance. The bride's confession about her lack of desire for the marriage is a strong moment, but it could be further developed to explore her internal conflict and feelings about Delilah's death.
  • The pacing of the scene feels rushed, particularly in the exchanges between Lucifer and the other characters. Allowing for pauses or reactions could heighten the tension and give the audience time to absorb the implications of Lucifer's words.
  • The visual elements of the wedding setting are described well, but incorporating more sensory details (like sounds, smells, or visual contrasts) could enhance the atmosphere and make the scene more immersive.
  • Consider adding a moment of reflection for Lucifer before he interrupts the wedding, showcasing his internal conflict about the situation and making his intrusion feel more deliberate.
  • Enhance the emotional stakes by allowing the Supermodel Bride to express more about her feelings regarding Delilah and her marriage, which would add depth to her character and the scene.
  • Incorporate reactions from the guests that reflect the shock and tension of the moment, which would ground the humor in a more serious context and highlight the absurdity of Lucifer's actions.
  • Slow down the dialogue exchanges to allow for more natural pacing and character reactions, which would help convey the weight of the situation and maintain audience engagement.
  • Add a visual or auditory cue that signifies the gravity of the moment (like a sudden silence after Lucifer speaks) to contrast with the humor, emphasizing the consequences of his actions.

Scene 9 - A Sinister Invitation
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 7

Lucifer cruises up the drive of a pimped-out palace that
could easily have its own very special episode of MTV Cribs.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 21.

Lucifer exits his car, rings the bell. A massive GONG sounds.
Door’s opened by a WHITE ENGLISH BUTLER.

Good afternoon, sir.

I’m here to see the man sadly known
as 2Vile. Is he in?

I’m sorry, sir. He’s unavailable.
I’m afraid he’s in mourning.

I have narcotics for him.

A moment.

Right this way, sir.
Genres: ["Drama","Crime","Thriller"]

Summary Lucifer arrives at a lavish mansion in the Hollywood Hills, seeking to meet the unavailable 2Vile, who is in mourning. After a formal exchange with a polite English butler, Lucifer offers narcotics to gain access, leading the butler to agree to escort him inside. The scene blends dark humor and intrigue against the backdrop of opulence, highlighting the contrast between Lucifer's boldness and the butler's formality.
  • Complex characters
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Possible lack of clarity on 2Vile's role and significance
  • The scene effectively establishes the opulence of 2Vile's residence, which sets the tone for the character's lifestyle and the world that Lucifer is navigating. The description of the mansion as a 'pimped-out palace' is a clever nod to the excesses of Hollywood culture, but it could be enhanced with more vivid sensory details to immerse the reader further into the setting.
  • Lucifer's interaction with the butler is humorous and plays well into his character's charm and wit. However, the transition from the butler's somber news about 2Vile to Lucifer's offer of narcotics feels a bit abrupt. This could be smoothed out with a line of dialogue that acknowledges the butler's statement before he shifts focus to the drugs, showcasing Lucifer's irreverent attitude towards the situation.
  • The dialogue is snappy and in line with the tone of the script, but it lacks a deeper emotional undercurrent. Given the recent death of Delilah, there could be an opportunity for Lucifer to reflect briefly on the consequences of the drug culture he is engaging with, adding more depth to his character and the scene.
  • The scene is relatively straightforward and lacks a strong conflict or tension. While it serves as a transition, introducing 2Vile, it could benefit from a more dynamic interaction, perhaps with the butler expressing skepticism about Lucifer's intentions or warning him about the dangers of dealing with 2Vile, thereby raising the stakes.
  • The pacing is quick, which is appropriate for the tone, but consider slowing it down slightly to allow for more character development. A moment of hesitation or contemplation from Lucifer before he offers narcotics could add complexity to his character, highlighting his internal conflict.
  • Add more sensory details to describe the mansion, such as the sights, sounds, and smells, to create a more immersive experience for the reader.
  • Include a line of dialogue from Lucifer that acknowledges the butler's statement about mourning before he shifts the conversation to narcotics, which would enhance the flow and character consistency.
  • Consider having Lucifer reflect briefly on the implications of drug use in light of Delilah's recent death, providing a moment of introspection that adds depth to his character.
  • Introduce a stronger conflict in the scene by having the butler express skepticism about Lucifer's intentions or warn him about 2Vile, which would increase tension and intrigue.
  • Slow down the pacing slightly to allow for more character development, perhaps by including a moment of hesitation from Lucifer before he offers the narcotics, highlighting his internal struggle.

Scene 10 - Confrontation in Chaos
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer follows the Butler into the den. Furniture from MOMA.
Killer city views. The ultimate in tacky Hollywood living.

2VILE’S CREW’s scattered all over the place. Hip-hop
thumping. There’s tons of weed, weapons -- it’s a real scene.
An immensely expensive PLASMA TV in the background plays NEWS
on Delilah’s death. The hot headline.

Can someone please turn down this
godawful music?!

Tattooed hip-hop thug 2VILE appears through a thick haze of

Who’s this clown?

He has narcotics for you, sir.

My name is Lucifer Morningstar.

Lucifer Morningstar... that’s a
good hip-hop name.

That offends me.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 22.

What, you don’t like hip-hop?

No, I most certainly do not.

That offends me. You have a problem
with black people?

Not in the slightest. I just hate
your music. And when I say “your
music,” I mean your music -- not
music made by other black people.
Without the blues, there would be no
devil’s music whatsoever. There are,
of course, many giants in the field.
Just not you. Am I being clear?

You’re being clear all right -- if
you’re looking to get yourself

Don’t waste your munitions. I’m
immortal. Tell me about Delilah.

What’s to tell? She’s dead. *

That ignites Lucifer. He violently SHOVES 2VILE, sending him
SHATTERING THROUGH A GLASS DOOR, toppling over the balcony to
certain death just as Lucifer grabs him by his blinged-out
chains. Suspending him high above the hillside.

2VILE'S CREW react. One FIRES on impulse, bullet PINGING off
the balcony.


Crew freezes. Nothing they can do. If Lucifer goes down.
2Vile goes down further. 2Vile looks up at the face of death.

I didn't kill her!

Why should I believe you?

Because I loved the bitch!

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 23.
16 CONTINUED: (2) 16

People sometimes kill people with
whom they’re in love. The heart is
mysterious. Or so I’m told.

Girl made me crazy!

(drops him a bit more)
Women can do that. Doesn’t mean you
should beat them up.

Hey, hey! Come on, we worked that
out a long time ago. I hit her ONCE
‘cause she was cheating on me!

And there it is... another piece to the puzzle. Lucifer lifts
2Vile back onto the balcony. He's a mess.

With whom?

I don’t know! She wouldn’t tell me!
Said it was a big secret. Some rich
married guy.

Did she have a friend she might’ve
confided in?

Didn’t trust no one. Her therapist *
is probably the only one who knows.
Some Dr. Linda in Beverly Hills. *
Saw her like five times a week on *
the dl. Used a fake name and *
everything. *

Thank you for your time.

2Vile just stares at Lucifer. Confused. Lost. Then...

Man, sometimes I get tired of *
frontin’, ya know. I really just *
wanted to put a ring on that finger
and a baby up in there. She was the
one. And now she’s dead.

2Vile breaks down in tears. His CREW IS HORRIFIED.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 24.
16 CONTINUED: (3) 16

I like this side of you. You might
consider putting this kind of
emotion into your music. And change
your name. What does your mother
call you?

Percy. Percy Wallace.

Never mind. Good luck with what’s
left of your short-lived career.

Lucifer starts to make his exit. But someone else is making
an entrance...

Guns down! On the floor! Down! *

Lucifer turns to see Chloe coming through the door with an
ashamed butler in tow. Her gun out. Crew lays their guns on *
the floor. Lucifer grins. Amused... and curious... *

You sly dog. You did listen to me.

Ran the dead guy’s cellphone.
2Vile was the last person he

Oh, come on, man!

(to Lucifer)
What I find highly interesting is
how you made the connection on your

Well, I’ve been busy, my dear.

She clocks that... but first things first. She kicks the guns *
clear, confiscates them then turns to 2Vile.

Talk to me about Delilah--

Yes, yes. We’ve been over that one,
Detective. *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 25.
16 CONTINUED: (4) 16

She throws a shut-the-fuck-up look to Lucifer, plows on...

--And why you called the shooter
two days before she was murdered.

Fine. Yeh, I called Eddie ‘cause he *
hooks me up sometimes. He met
Delilah through me. When we were
together. Whatever. Don’t make me a
killer, do it? *

No. But it does make you a suspect. *

What? So, everyone on Eddie's
phone’s a suspect? You joking?! *
Welcome to Celebrity Name Game. You
gonna drag half a’ Hollywood
downtown? Be like the Oscars.

Point noted, but Chloe reaches for her cuffs... Meanwhile, *
the “celebrity” comment has triggered ONE OF 2VILE'S CREW to
suddenly recognize Chloe... and completely break the

Wait. Aren’t you that chick from
that film?

(perks up)
What’s this? What film?

You used to be an actress or
something, right? That teen
movie... I forget what it’s

Chloe tries to hide it, but she’s literally dying right now.
And Lucifer sees it.

Of course! Hot Tub High School!
That’s where I know you from!

(dodging, back to 2Vile)
Let’s stick to my questions, shall

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 26.
16 CONTINUED: (5) 16

The one with that famous nude
scene! Coming out of the hot tub.
It was a complete Fast Times rip-
off, but you were like, the new *
Phoebe Cates. That was quite a nude

(gun in hand)
I’ve got way too many bullets in
here for you to still be talking.

She swaps her gun for handcuffs, turns back to 2Vile...

Come on. You’re under arrest.

That’s a waste of time, Detective.
I’ve just threatened his life, he’s
not our guy -- he would’ve said.
Trust me.

You did what?

Yeah, isn’t that illegal?

Uh, little bit, yes. Okay then, *
you. Come with me.

Chloe slaps the cuffs on Lucifer instead.

Ooh. With pleasure.

A smug smile doesn’t leave his lips as Chloe yanks him out. *
Genres: ["Drama","Crime","Mystery"]

Summary In 2Vile's chaotic den filled with hip-hop music and drugs, Lucifer confronts 2Vile about Delilah's death, showcasing his immortality and sarcasm. Tensions rise as 2Vile reveals his love for Delilah and mentions a therapist who may have information. Chloe arrives, asserting her authority by arresting 2Vile and cuffing Lucifer, who remains amused by the unfolding chaos.
  • Intense dialogue
  • Character development
  • Revealing plot twists
  • Some cliched elements in dialogue
  • The dialogue between Lucifer and 2Vile is sharp and showcases their contrasting personalities, which is a strength of the scene. However, the initial exchange about music feels somewhat forced and could be streamlined to maintain the pacing. The humor is there, but it risks overshadowing the tension of the moment.
  • The physical action where Lucifer shoves 2Vile through the glass door is visually striking, but it may benefit from more buildup to heighten the stakes. The transition from verbal confrontation to physical violence could be more gradual to enhance the emotional impact.
  • 2Vile's character development is intriguing, particularly his emotional breakdown after Lucifer's threats. However, the transition from a tough exterior to vulnerability feels abrupt. More subtle hints of his emotional state earlier in the scene could create a more seamless transition.
  • Chloe's entrance adds a layer of urgency and shifts the dynamic, but her dialogue could be more assertive to establish her authority in the situation. As a detective, she should command attention, and her lines could reflect that intensity more strongly.
  • The comedic elements, particularly regarding Chloe's past as an actress, provide levity, but they might detract from the scene's overall tension. Balancing humor with the gravity of the investigation is crucial; consider whether this comedic interlude serves the narrative or distracts from it.
  • Consider tightening the dialogue between Lucifer and 2Vile to maintain the scene's momentum. Focus on the essentials of their conflict without excessive exposition.
  • Build tension gradually before the physical altercation. Perhaps include more verbal sparring that hints at 2Vile's vulnerabilities before Lucifer resorts to violence.
  • Integrate subtle emotional cues from 2Vile earlier in the scene to foreshadow his breakdown. This will make his emotional reveal feel earned and impactful.
  • Revise Chloe's entrance and dialogue to convey a stronger sense of authority. She should assert control over the situation immediately to reinforce her role as the detective.
  • Evaluate the balance of humor in the scene. If the comedic elements feel out of place, consider removing or reworking them to maintain the scene's focus on the investigation and emotional stakes.

Scene 11 - Cuffed Curiosity
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

Chloe leads Lucifer out in cuffs... opens the back car door.

At least perhaps now you’ll listen *
to me. Although not sure I *
understand why I’m being arrested. *

Because you’re interfering with a
police investigation.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 27.
You’ve broken, I can’t even count
how many laws. And you piss me off.

I can get out of these, you know.


Lucifer does some Houdini-esque wriggling behind his back and
hands her the cuffs. Chloe examines the cuffs, confused. *

How’d you do that? You a magician *
or something? *

You’re still wasting time. We
should be out there solving a
homicide and punishing those

We? Are you insane? Get in the car.
I’m taking you in.

But that’s boring! Not to mention *
pointless. Come on, I’ll help you,
it’ll be fun!

How could you possibly help me?

You’d be surprised. I have a
certain skill set. I can be very
persuasive with people. Tend to see
things others cannot. *

So you're a psychic? *

No. I can’t read people’s minds --
I’m not a Jedi. People tell me

Really? Just... confess their sins?
Just like that?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 28.
17 CONTINUED: (2) 17

No, not their sins. I have no power
over people’s sins. I actually get
a bad rap for that. But their *
desires, different thing entirely.
(off her skeptical look)
I have the ability to draw out
people’s forbidden desires. Tempt
them. Taunt them. The more simple
the human, the easier it is. The
more complex? The more challenging -
- and exciting, really. But your
actual sins? The sins are on you

(sarcastically indulging) *
I get it. The name. The whole
Lucifer thing... and desire’s like,
your super power.

More like a gift from God.
(off Chloe’s deadpan look)
Look, I’m just a people person.
They feel compelled to share things
with me. And why wouldn’t they,
really? I’m pretty awesome.

Yeah? Prove it.

That I’m awesome? Isn’t it obvious?
(fine, looks deeply at her)
Tell me, Detective. What do you
desire more than anything in this

Chloe sighs. But then her eyes suddenly lock with his and she
is mesmerized...

I guess, when I was a little girl,
I always wanted to be a cop like my
daddy, so that one day, I could
help people...
(dropping an act)
...and make them shut up and get in
the damn car!

Ouch. Lucifer blinks. He’s been played. His powers useless on
her. She motions for him to get in. Lucifer studies her.
Both disturbed and fascinated by her.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 29.
17 CONTINUED: (3) 17

You’re not like a Jedi or
something, are you?

Get in. The car. *

Wait. I know something you don’t *
know. *

Yeah? What’s that? *

Won’t say. Unless you take me with *
you on this. Please? Come on, I got *
to 2VILE, didn’t I? *

You’re unbelievable. *
(squints at him) *
Huh. You don’t strike me as a *
celebrity stalker. You aren’t *
related to her. You weren’t *
sleeping with her, were you--? *

Surprisingly, no. *

Then why do you care about this so *
much? About Delilah? *

(rattled/tries to hide it) *
I... just do. *

(this is a new side...) *
Fine. But if your little clue *
doesn’t pan out-- *
(holds up the cuffs) *
I’m puttin’ these back on, and *
they’re gonna stay on. *

Lucifer cracks a smile, nods. She gets in the car and he *
follows. BOTH OF THEM growing more and more intrigued with *
the other... *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 30.

Genres: ["Drama","Crime","Fantasy"]

Summary Chloe attempts to arrest Lucifer outside a building, but he protests, claiming he can assist in solving a homicide. Despite her skepticism, Lucifer showcases his ability to escape from handcuffs, leading to a playful yet tense exchange between them. Intrigued by his claims, Chloe reluctantly agrees to let him accompany her on the investigation, warning him that failure to provide useful information will result in him being cuffed again. The scene ends with them getting into the police car, hinting at a growing connection.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Complex characters
  • Intriguing dynamics
  • Limited emotional depth
  • Some cliched elements
  • The dialogue between Lucifer and Chloe is witty and showcases their dynamic well, but it occasionally feels overly expository. The audience is told about Lucifer's abilities rather than shown them in action. Consider integrating his powers into the narrative more subtly through actions or reactions rather than direct explanations.
  • Chloe's skepticism of Lucifer's claims is a strong character trait, yet the scene could benefit from a clearer emotional arc for both characters. While they engage in playful banter, the stakes feel relatively low. Adding a sense of urgency or danger could heighten the tension and make their interaction more compelling.
  • Lucifer's charm is evident, but the scene could explore more of Chloe's perspective. For instance, her internal conflict about working with someone like Lucifer could be highlighted through her actions or thoughts, adding depth to her character and making her eventual compliance more impactful.
  • The pacing of the scene is somewhat uneven. The initial back-and-forth is engaging, but it could be tightened to maintain momentum. Consider trimming some of the dialogue that reiterates their established dynamic, allowing for a quicker transition to the more revealing moments.
  • The ending of the scene hints at a growing intrigue between Lucifer and Chloe, which is compelling. However, it could be made more explicit how this intrigue affects their motivations moving forward. A line that foreshadows their future partnership or conflict could enhance the scene's impact.
  • Incorporate Lucifer's powers into the scene through a demonstration rather than verbal exposition. For example, show him using his charm to extract a confession from a bystander or another character.
  • Introduce a time constraint or an external pressure that compels Chloe to consider Lucifer's offer more seriously. This could create a sense of urgency and elevate the stakes of their interaction.
  • Deepen Chloe's internal conflict by including brief moments of hesitation or doubt about working with Lucifer. This could be shown through her body language or a quick flashback to a past experience.
  • Tighten the dialogue by removing repetitive lines and focusing on the most impactful exchanges. Aim for brevity to keep the pace brisk and engaging.
  • Add a final line or moment that explicitly ties their interaction to the larger narrative, hinting at how their partnership will evolve and what challenges they might face together.

Scene 12 - Balancing Act
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer’s in the backseat. Chloe drives, on the phone.

Yeah, therapist in Beverly Hills
with first name Linda. See if
Delilah was a client--

Actually, she had a pseudonym.
Which I happen to know. Penny Lane.

Delilah could’ve gone by Penny
Lane... Okay, thanks.

She hangs up. A beat of silence as he stares at her,
grinning... making her uncomfortable.

What? Don’t be so smug -- hasn’t
panned out yet.

No, that’s not it... I knew I
recognized you.

Right. So you saw my boobs. Never heard
that one before.

And your ass, don’t forget. A thing
of beauty--

I will pull this car over and shoot

I told you. I’m immortal.
(off her eye roll) *
Is the movie why you have such a
chip on your shoulder?

Trust me, that’s low on the list of
things I have to live down.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 31.

Right. Attractive female cop
struggling to be taken seriously in
a man’s man’s world. That it?

Something like that.

Who cares what the other pigs say?
You’re a kickass detective -- *
should listen to me a bit more
maybe but -- you know who you are. *

I know who I am. There’s just a lot
of people out there who have a
problem with it. Other cops mostly.

They’re threatened. You’re clearly *
smart and have notable instincts. *
Ignore them. Trust yourself. *

This man continues to surprise her... which also annoys her. *
Her cell goes off... saved by the ring... *

Detective Dancer... Really? Okay, *
text it to me. Thanks. *

She hangs up. Huh.


(reluctant, but...)
Looks like what you said stands up. *
There’s a Penny Lane who sees a Dr. *
Linda Martin. Address in Beverly *
Hills. *

Excellent. I’ll clear my schedule. *

Chloe shakes her head. Although, something about this madness *
makes sense. Another call interrupts, thank God.

Yeah... What? You’re kidding me. Is *
she okay?... Her father was *
supposed to pick her up today... Of *
course he’s not. *
LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 32.
18 CONTINUED: (2) 18
Okay, I’ll be there as soon I can.
(hangs up, annoyed)
We have to make a pit stop.

No. Absolutely not.

I have to get my kid from school.
She got into a fight.

Can’t she get herself home?

She’s seven.

I’m not here to help you run
errands. I’m here to help you solve
a homicide.

Chloe just hits the gas, pinning him to the back seat.


Chloe pulls up in front.

Wait here.

With pleasure. I despise children.

Chloe frowns, gets out, locks the car doors and heads into
the school. Lucifer stares at the car lock, it pops up and he
gets out to stretch, lights a cigarette when... A MILFY MOM
crosses his path and disappears into the school. Lucifer
likes what he sees. Decides to follow her in.
Genres: ["Crime","Drama","Mystery","Fantasy"]

Summary Chloe drives her police car with Lucifer in the backseat, engaging in flirtatious banter while discussing her struggles as a female detective. When she receives a call about her daughter getting into a fight at school, she insists on making a stop despite Lucifer's protests. The scene highlights Chloe's determination to juggle her responsibilities as a mother and a detective, while Lucifer's playful demeanor adds tension to their dynamic. As Chloe enters the school, Lucifer notices an attractive woman and decides to follow her inside.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Complex characters
  • Intriguing plot developments
  • Emotional depth
  • Some cliched elements
  • Occasional pacing issues
  • The dialogue between Chloe and Lucifer is sharp and witty, showcasing their chemistry and the tension in their relationship. However, some of Lucifer's lines, particularly about Chloe's physical appearance, may come off as overly objectifying, which could detract from the development of their dynamic. It's essential to balance flirtation with respect to maintain the integrity of their characters.
  • The scene effectively builds on the previous events, maintaining momentum in the narrative while introducing new stakes with Chloe's daughter. However, the transition from discussing the investigation to Chloe's personal life feels slightly abrupt. A smoother segue could enhance the flow of the scene.
  • Chloe's frustration with Lucifer's antics is palpable, but the scene could benefit from a clearer emotional arc for her. While she expresses annoyance, a deeper exploration of her internal conflict regarding accepting Lucifer's help could add layers to her character.
  • Lucifer's character is consistent in his charm and confidence, but there’s a missed opportunity to delve deeper into his motivations for helping Chloe. Adding a line or two that hints at his genuine desire to assist her could create a more complex portrayal of his character.
  • The pacing of the scene is generally good, but it could be tightened in places. For example, the phone call interruptions serve as a useful narrative device, but they could be utilized more effectively to create tension or urgency in the moment.
  • Consider revising some of Lucifer's comments about Chloe's appearance to ensure they feel playful rather than objectifying. This adjustment can help maintain a more respectful tone in their banter.
  • Work on creating a smoother transition between the discussion of the investigation and Chloe's personal life. Perhaps Chloe could reflect briefly on the importance of her daughter before receiving the call, enhancing the emotional stakes.
  • Add a moment where Chloe reflects on her feelings about needing help, which can provide depth to her character and showcase her internal struggle between pride and vulnerability.
  • Incorporate a line or two that hints at Lucifer's motivations for helping Chloe, perhaps referencing his own struggles with identity or a desire to connect with someone on a deeper level.
  • Tighten the pacing by condensing some of the dialogue during the phone calls or using them to heighten the tension, emphasizing the urgency of the situation as Chloe balances her responsibilities as a detective and a mother.

Scene 13 - Lucifer's Playground
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

Lucifer looks around, but the Milfy Woman has disappeared.
Lucifer frowns, sits down in the lobby -- LIT CIGARETTE STILL
IN HAND -- next to a precocious little thing named BEATRICE.

I don’t think you’re allowed to
smoke in here.

Oh dear, what will become of me?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 33.

My mother is a police officer. She
could arrest you.

(smiles, isn’t this fun)
I think I might know your mother.
We’re working together. On a case.
Top secret.

You know my mother?


What’s your name?


(wide-eyed; hushed)
Like the devil?!

(grins, pleased)

My name is Beatrice. But everyone
calls me Trixie.

That’s a hooker’s name.

What’s a hooker?

Ask your mother.
Why are you in trouble?

See that girl over there?

She nods at a MEAN GIRL sitting across the way.

The ugly one?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 34.
20 CONTINUED: (2) 20

Yes! She was bullying me. She created
a fake Snapchat account and used it
to make fun of me! So I kicked her in
the no-no-touch zone!

Lucifer pauses. Trixie points to his crotch. Lucifer nods.

I see. Well-played.

He gets up, walks over to MEAN GIRL and sits beside her.

Hello, Mean Girl. Did you know that
you will never amount to anything
in this life, and that there’s a
special section of Hell reserved
for bullies. So, have fun!

Lucifer's eyes peel open, revealing a flash of horrid ones
beneath. Mean Girl bursts into tears. And as she does, she
suddenly slows. In fact everything around her slows...

Lucifer’s grin fades. We now know what this means. Amenadiel
is near. Lucifer stands, looks down to the far end of the
hallway. Children pass in SURREAL MOTION, a shadow looming
beyond them, when suddenly...

A distorted voice calls out to Lucifer from behind. He turns.

Hello?! What'd you do?

Everything has slipped back to NORMAL SPEED. The kids in the
hall, Trixie and crying Mean Girl. Lucifer recovers quickly.

I think someone’s feeling a little
guilty. Isn’t that right, child?

More tears from Meanie. A smile from Trixie. Off Chloe: WTF? *
Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy","Mystery"]

Summary In an elementary school lobby, Lucifer encounters a young girl named Trixie, who confides in him about being bullied. Amused by her boldness, he confronts the mean girl, using his supernatural powers to intimidate her, which leads to the bully's emotional breakdown. As time slows, indicating the presence of Amenadiel, Chloe arrives, confused by the chaos surrounding Lucifer's intervention.
  • Complex characters
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Emotional depth
  • Intriguing plot twists
  • Some dialogue may come off as overly dramatic or cliched at times
  • The scene effectively captures Lucifer's playful and mischievous nature, especially in his interactions with Trixie. The banter is light-hearted and showcases his charm, which contrasts nicely with the serious themes surrounding bullying and the presence of Amenadiel.
  • However, the transition from the playful interaction with Trixie to the serious implications of bullying could be smoother. While the humor is engaging, it might overshadow the emotional weight of the bullying storyline. Balancing the tone more effectively could enhance the scene's impact.
  • Lucifer's confrontation with the Mean Girl is a pivotal moment, but the dialogue could be more impactful. The threat of Hell is a strong statement, yet it feels somewhat rushed. Expanding on this moment could heighten the tension and provide a more profound commentary on the consequences of bullying.
  • The introduction of Amenadiel adds an intriguing supernatural element, but the shift in focus might confuse the audience. It would be beneficial to clarify the connection between Lucifer's actions and Amenadiel's presence earlier in the scene to maintain narrative coherence.
  • The pacing is slightly uneven, particularly with the sudden shift to slow motion when Amenadiel appears. This could be disorienting for the viewer. A more gradual build-up to this moment or clearer visual cues could enhance the transition.
  • Lastly, the scene ends on a humorous note with Chloe's reaction, but it may leave the audience wanting more depth in the resolution of the bullying issue. While humor is a hallmark of the series, addressing the emotional aftermath could add layers to the characters and the narrative.
  • Consider adding a moment where Trixie elaborates on her feelings about being bullied, which could deepen the emotional stakes of the scene. This would provide a more poignant counterbalance to Lucifer's humor.
  • Expand Lucifer's dialogue with the Mean Girl to make his threat more vivid and impactful. Perhaps include a metaphor or a more elaborate description of Hell that resonates with the audience and the character.
  • Clarify the connection between Lucifer's actions and Amenadiel's presence earlier in the scene. This could involve a brief internal monologue from Lucifer or a visual cue that hints at Amenadiel's approach.
  • Refine the pacing around the slow-motion effect to ensure it aligns with the emotional tone of the scene. Consider using sound design or visual effects to enhance the moment without confusing the audience.
  • Explore the aftermath of the bullying incident in subsequent scenes, perhaps showing how it impacts Trixie or leads to further developments in the story. This could create a more cohesive narrative arc.

Scene 14 - Tension at the Schoolyard
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer, Chloe and Trixie walk out as DAN ESPINOZA arrives.
What’s he doing here?

Hi, Daddy.

Oh. That’s why.

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 35.

Wow. Shocker. You’re late.

Gimme a break, I’m putting a case
to bed.

Right, like I’m not working a case
too. You remember -- the one you
tried to steal from me?

You mean the open and shut one. You
did open and shut it, right?

Off Chloe’s silence -- clearly, that’s a no. *

Have you been going rogue, dear? *
Exciting. *

I’m not going rogue. I’m just being *
diligent. I need to get this right, *
Dan. It’s a high profile case. *

Exactly. Which is why you need to
be smart about it-- *

Lucifer clocks Trixie sticking her fingers in her ears.

She is smart. You’re a dimwit. But
perhaps you should refrain from
arguing in front of the child. It’s
unbecoming. Not to mention another
waste of my time. Which is far more
important. To me.

A moment. Dan looks at Chloe.

Who’s this idiot? New boyfriend? I
thought we agreed not to--

Lucifer grabs Dan in a firm handshake. Gets up close, says:

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m a
man who could make you see things
that would drive you blind. Or pull
your spine out through your mouth.
LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 35A.
21 CONTINUED: (2) 21
Your choice. But I wouldn’t do any
of these things in front of the
child. You know why? Because I, for
one, have excellent manners.

A beat.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 36.
21 CONTINUED: (3) 21

I don’t know whether to laugh or
shoot you.

Surprise me.

Isn’t he funny, Daddy?!

(to Dan)
Hey, can you drop Trix at my
mother’s? Thanks! Gotta go!
(to Trixie)
Gimme a kiss, Trixella! Mommy loves
you so much! And... good job
standing up to the mean girl!

Thanks, Mommy!
What’s a hooker?

Daddy’ll tell you.

Dan nods his thanks, takes Trixie by the hand and walks off.
Trixie turns back.

Bye, Lucifer! Nice to meet you!

Lucifer says nothing. Just frowns. But it’s yet another
surprise for Chloe.

I think she likes you.

Of course she does. What’s not to *
like? *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 37.

Genres: ["Drama","Crime","Comedy"]

Summary Outside an elementary school, Chloe, Lucifer, and Trixie encounter Dan, leading to a tense exchange about their cases. Lucifer humorously threatens Dan, while Trixie's innocent questions lighten the mood. Chloe expresses frustration with Dan's tardiness, and as they leave, Trixie surprises Chloe by expressing her fondness for Lucifer, adding to the awkwardness of the situation.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Dynamic character interactions
  • High-stakes conflict
  • Emotional depth
  • Some cliched elements
  • Slightly predictable outcomes
  • The scene effectively captures the tension between Chloe and Dan, showcasing their professional rivalry and personal history. However, the dialogue could benefit from more subtext to deepen the conflict and reveal their emotions more subtly.
  • Lucifer's introduction to Dan is humorous and aligns with his character's bravado, but the threat he poses feels slightly out of place in front of Trixie. This could be adjusted to maintain the humor without overshadowing the innocence of the child.
  • Trixie's lines are charming and provide comic relief, but her question about a hooker feels abrupt and could be better integrated into the flow of the scene. It may come off as forced rather than a natural curiosity for a child.
  • Chloe's quick decision to leave Trixie with Dan feels rushed. A moment of hesitation or concern about leaving her daughter could add depth to her character and highlight her struggles as a working mother.
  • The scene ends on a light note, but it lacks a strong emotional beat that could tie back to the previous scene's tension. Incorporating a moment of reflection or a shared look between Chloe and Lucifer could enhance the emotional stakes.
  • Consider adding more subtext to Chloe and Dan's dialogue to convey their underlying feelings about their relationship and parenting without explicitly stating it.
  • Modify Lucifer's threat to Dan to be more playful and less violent, ensuring it fits the tone of the scene and maintains Trixie's innocence.
  • Rephrase Trixie's question about a hooker to make it feel more organic, perhaps by having her ask about something she overheard at school, which would be more believable for her character.
  • Include a moment where Chloe hesitates before leaving Trixie with Dan, showcasing her internal conflict as a mother who is torn between work and family.
  • End the scene with a more poignant moment that reflects the themes of family and responsibility, perhaps with a shared look or comment between Chloe and Lucifer that hints at their growing connection.

Scene 15 - Tension in the Waiting Room
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

Lucifer and Chloe wait... *

Was your offspring planned or a *
mistake? *

Excuse me? *
(off his you-heard-me look) *
Planned. Sort of. *

Hmm. Explain to me the human desire *
to procreate? Never understood it. *
Children are hideous little *
creatures. Terrible, taxing burdens. *
(off her look) *
Oh, your kid’s fine. I mean, nothing *
to crow about... but nothing to be *
too embarrassed about, either. *

Chloe just stares at him for a beat, dumbfounded. *

Are you at all aware of how dickish *
you sound? *

Lucifer locks eyes with her... trying to work his mojo again. *

Speaking of dicks -- why was that *
dumdum you were married to *
pressuring you to close the case? *

No reason. *

(frowns, not used to this) *
Strange. *

Yes, you are. *

No, I’m still not affecting you. *

Actually, you’re making me *
nauseous. *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 38.

Lucifer studies her for a beat, intrigue now verging on *
concern. *

Hmm, did My Father send you? *

Dr. Linda Martin pokes her head out... *

Okay Detective, I’ll see you now. *
Genres: ["Drama","Mystery","Crime"]

Summary In a therapist's waiting room, Lucifer and Chloe engage in a provocative conversation about parenthood, with Lucifer expressing disdain for children and questioning human procreation. Chloe challenges his insensitivity, revealing her frustrations about her past marriage. Their banter showcases a mix of humor and tension, highlighting their contrasting views on family. The moment is interrupted when Dr. Linda Martin calls Chloe in for her appointment, leaving their unresolved conflict hanging in the air.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Dynamic character interactions
  • Intriguing plot developments
  • Some dialogue may come off as overly sarcastic or confrontational
  • The scene effectively captures the dynamic between Lucifer and Chloe, showcasing their contrasting perspectives on parenthood and relationships. However, the dialogue could benefit from more subtext to deepen their interactions. While Lucifer's comments are humorous, they lack emotional weight that could enhance Chloe's responses.
  • Lucifer's character is consistent with his established persona, but his disdain for children could be explored further. It might be interesting to hint at a deeper reason for his views, possibly tied to his own past or his relationship with his father, which could add layers to his character.
  • Chloe's reactions are strong and provide a good counter to Lucifer's provocations. However, her dismissal of Lucifer's comments could be more nuanced. Instead of simply calling him 'dickish,' she could articulate why his views are offensive, providing an opportunity for her character to shine and for the audience to empathize with her.
  • The introduction of Dr. Linda Martin feels abrupt and could benefit from a smoother transition. Adding a moment of silence or a brief visual cue before she enters could heighten the anticipation and provide a natural break in the conversation.
  • The pacing of the scene is mostly effective, but there are moments where the dialogue could be tightened. For instance, some lines could be trimmed or rephrased for more impact, ensuring that each exchange feels crisp and engaging.
  • Consider adding a moment where Lucifer reflects on his own childhood or relationship with his father when discussing children, which could provide more depth to his character and his views.
  • Enhance Chloe's response to Lucifer's comments by having her articulate her feelings about parenting, perhaps sharing a personal anecdote that reveals her struggles and joys as a mother.
  • Introduce Dr. Linda Martin with a brief moment of tension or anticipation, such as a lingering silence after Chloe's last line, to create a smoother transition into her entrance.
  • Tighten the dialogue by removing any unnecessary filler words or phrases. Aim for each line to serve a purpose, whether it’s to advance the plot, reveal character, or enhance the thematic elements of the scene.
  • Explore the potential for Lucifer to acknowledge Chloe's discomfort with his comments, perhaps leading to a moment of vulnerability where he questions his own views, creating an opportunity for character growth.

Scene 16 - Charm and Confessions
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

Lucifer and Chloe sit opposite the therapist, DR. LINDA
MARTIN, very uptight and very put-together.

I’d like to ask you a few questions
about Delilah...

Linda nods, but she can’t take her eyes off Lucifer. He nods
and smiles, very understanding.

You’re thinking about it, aren’t


It’s not a good idea. I’m like
walking heroin. Very habit-forming.
Never ends well.

I’m sorry, do you two know each

No, but I know that look.

(trying to snap out of it)
I don’t know what you’re talking

(turns to Chloe)
It’s interesting because you don’t
look at me that way.

What way?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 38A.

With carnal fascination.

That’s because it doesn’t exist.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 39.

No, you see, that’s just it... with
most women it does. I tend to
appeal to the dark, mischievous
heart within all of you. But you,
Detective -- you seem oddly immune
to my charms.

Referring to them as charms is a
stretch. Truth be told, I find you
repulsive. Like on a chemical
level. Seriously, you’re gross. I
mean, you flat out give me the


You say it’s fascinating. But I can *
see it disturbs you, doesn’t it? *

Lucifer now turns to Linda. Huh. She just read him pretty
damn well. What-the-F is going on lately? Chloe plows on... *

Dr. Martin, we know Delilah was
having a clandestine affair with a
wealthy married man. Just tell us
his name and we’ll be on our way.

I’m sorry, I can’t do that.

(aside to Chloe) *
She’s one of the complex ones.
(then leans in to Linda)
Linda... darling... tell me. *

I can’t. I want to!! But I can’t!
You’re the devil!

Correct. Now... tell me, Dr.
Martin. I know you want to...

(really struggling)
Oh, darn... it’s really juicy, too.

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 40.
22 CONTINUED: (2) 22

(flummoxed) *
Did you ruffie her? This is *

It’s not her fault. She’s just
reacting to me. Watch and learn.
(back to Linda)
The answer is yes. We can take a *
trip to pound town if we must. But *
you have to tell us, Linda. *

Mmmmmmokay, it’s Grey Cooper.

Grey Cooper? Seriously? That is
pretty juicy.

The actor? The one married to Amanda
What’s-her-face? Oh, he’s horrible.
So square-jawed and handsome. So
vanilla. I’m really quite *
disappointed in Delilah. Truly
terrible taste in the opposite sex.

Thank you doctor, we’ll be in touch.
(to Lucifer)
Let’s go.

Of course, but I made a deal. I need
to hold up my end of the bargain.

(incredulous) *
You’re not actually talking about *
having sex with her?? Now? *

Lucifer looks at Chloe. She’s right. This can wait. He looks
at Linda, who smiles languidly, shifts in her seat...

I do a lot of yoga. I am freakishly
flexible... wanna see?
Wow, really tried to keep that in.

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 41.
22 CONTINUED: (4) 22

(gets up)
You tried. That’s what matters.
I do apologize, but I’m going to
have to take a rain check. I will
be back.

I certainly hope so.

My word is my bond.

Chloe shakes her head, beyond stymied, following Lucifer out.
Genres: ["Drama","Mystery","Crime"]

Summary In a therapist's office, Lucifer and Chloe seek information about Delilah's affair. Lucifer's flirtatious demeanor distracts Dr. Linda Martin, who struggles to maintain professionalism. Despite Chloe's skepticism and disdain for Lucifer's antics, Linda ultimately reveals the name of Delilah's lover, Grey Cooper, under Lucifer's influence. The scene concludes with Lucifer choosing to delay a personal encounter with Linda, leaving Chloe frustrated.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Character dynamics
  • Plot development
  • Intriguing revelations
  • Some dialogue may come off as overly sarcastic or forced at times
  • The scene effectively showcases the dynamic between Lucifer, Chloe, and Dr. Linda Martin, highlighting Lucifer's charm and Chloe's skepticism. However, the humor sometimes overshadows the emotional weight of the investigation into Delilah's death, which could be better balanced.
  • Lucifer's dialogue is witty and engaging, but it risks becoming repetitive in its flirtation with Linda. The scene could benefit from more variety in his interactions to prevent the humor from feeling formulaic.
  • Chloe's character is strong, but her reactions could be more varied. She often appears as the straight man to Lucifer's antics, which can make her feel one-dimensional. Adding layers to her responses would enhance her character development.
  • The pacing of the scene is brisk, which is generally good for maintaining energy, but there are moments where a slight pause could allow the weight of the information about Delilah's affair to resonate more with the audience.
  • Linda's internal conflict is an interesting element, but it feels somewhat underdeveloped. Expanding on her struggle to maintain professionalism in the face of Lucifer's charm could add depth to her character and the scene overall.
  • Introduce a moment of seriousness where the stakes of the investigation are emphasized, perhaps through Chloe's frustration or desperation, to create a contrast with the humor.
  • Consider adding a line or two that hints at Linda's backstory or her professional ethics, which could make her character more relatable and her struggle more impactful.
  • Incorporate physical reactions from Chloe that reflect her growing exasperation with both Lucifer and Linda, which could enhance the comedic tension and showcase her emotional state.
  • Explore the potential for a moment of vulnerability from Lucifer, allowing him to briefly drop his bravado and reveal a glimpse of his internal conflict regarding his identity and relationships.
  • Ensure that each character's motivations are clear, especially Linda's. A line that reflects her professional commitment to confidentiality, despite her attraction to Lucifer, could add complexity to her character.

Scene 17 - Chaos on Set
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer walks with purpose down a dingy street, pushing his
way past a GROUP OF ONLOOKERS crowded behind a barrier. As he
starts to pass, a feeble TRAFFIC COP tries to stop him.

Sir. Uh. You have to stay behind
the barricade--

Lucifer ignores him, stepping casually past the barricade
when suddenly, a MUSCLE CAR comes SPEEDING around the corner.
Pursued by TWO COP CARS. Lights. Sirens. And GUNFIRE!

Muscle car’s tire BLOWS. Car FLIPS. And CRASH-SLIDES right
towards Lucifer, who doesn't move as it skids to a halt
inches from him. When we HEAR...


WHO THE FU(air-horn) IS THIS GUY?!

TRANSITION TO: this same moment over A VIDEO MONITOR... where
a pissed-off A.D. storms out from behind it. We’re on a film
set. And Lucifer has just fucked up the big shot. Chloe
hurries in behind him, couple UNIFORMS in her wake. She
flashes her badge.

He's with me! Sorry.

Lucifer eyes the STUNT ACTOR being helped out of the *
overturned car. He's square-jawed, handsome, and vanilla.

You're not Grey Cooper.

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 42.

No! Of course not! What the hell is

We need to speak with Grey Cooper.
Genres: ["Drama","Mystery","Crime"]

Summary Lucifer confidently strides through a film set, ignoring a traffic cop's attempts to stop him. His reckless behavior leads to a nearby muscle car crashing, disrupting a crucial shot. Chloe arrives to support Lucifer and clarify his presence, while the frustrated A.D. expresses his annoyance at the chaos. They soon discover that the stunt actor they encounter is not the actor they are searching for, Grey Cooper, leaving them amidst the confusion of the set.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Mystery and intrigue
  • Tension and conflict
  • Lack of significant character development in this scene
  • The scene effectively builds tension with the unexpected arrival of the muscle car and the police chase, creating a dynamic visual moment. However, the transition from the chaos of the chase to the film set feels abrupt and could benefit from a smoother integration that maintains the energy of the chase while revealing the film set context.
  • Lucifer's nonchalance in the face of danger is consistent with his character, but the scene could delve deeper into his motivations for being there. Why is he so unconcerned about the chaos around him? Adding a brief internal thought or dialogue that reflects his perspective could enhance character depth.
  • The dialogue from the A.D. and Chloe serves its purpose, but it feels slightly generic. The A.D.'s frustration could be more colorful or exaggerated to reflect the absurdity of the situation, which would also amplify the comedic undertone of the scene.
  • Chloe's introduction of Lucifer feels a bit rushed. A moment where she expresses her exasperation with him could add a layer of humor and tension to their dynamic, reinforcing the push-pull relationship they have established throughout the script.
  • The visual details of the scene are strong, but the emotional stakes could be heightened. Consider adding a moment of realization for Lucifer about the gravity of the situation, perhaps a fleeting thought about how this chaos connects to Delilah's case, which would tie the scene more closely to the overall narrative.
  • Incorporate a brief internal monologue for Lucifer as he walks past the barricade, showcasing his indifference to danger and hinting at his motivations for being at the film set.
  • Revise the A.D.'s dialogue to be more distinctive or humorous, perhaps including a line that reflects the absurdity of the situation, enhancing the comedic element of the scene.
  • Add a moment where Chloe expresses her frustration with Lucifer's antics, possibly through a sarcastic remark about his penchant for causing chaos, which would deepen their dynamic.
  • Consider extending the action sequence slightly before revealing it's a film set, allowing the audience to experience the tension and confusion longer, making the reveal more impactful.
  • Connect the scene more explicitly to the overarching plot by having Lucifer reflect on how the chaos relates to Delilah's death, which would maintain narrative cohesion and add emotional weight.

Scene 18 - Secrets Unraveled
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer and Chloe now with the real GREY COOPER... same cuts *
and bruises as the stunt guy. The uniforms stand by. *

God, Delilah, yeah... heard about *
that this morning. Can’t believe *
it. We did a movie together last *
year. Got pretty close. *



Friends who were lovers?

Grey frowns. Who is this asshole? Chloe gives Lucifer a look. *

Settle down. I’ll handle the
questions, thank you.
(to Grey) *
Mr. Cooper, when did you last have *
contact with Delilah? *

Sorry, I just have one more
question before you proceed with
the boring ones--
(turns to a confused Grey)
What do you want more than
anything, Mr. Cooper? What is your
deepest, darkest desire? When you
close your eyes what do you see?

Chloe rolls her eyes. Here we go.

I'm the President of the United

Ha! Who’s the devil now?

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 43.

Grey frowns -- confused by his bold admission. Lucifer looks *
to Chloe: Impressed? She is. Slightly. Chloe takes the baton. *

Those are some pretty big
aspirations there, Mr. Cooper.

(embarrassed/plays casual) *
Well. After the acting and, stuff--

Oh, don’t be embarrassed. Hell, if *
Arnold can do it, right? But ya *
know, you wouldn’t want any nasty *
secrets screwin’ that up, would you? *

No... I wouldn’t. *

Better to pull the skeletons out
now... public’s very forgetful. *

More importantly, why would you
want to be a politician? I mean you
get to make movies? Isn’t that more *
fun? Not that I like yours much. *

A BLACK SUV rolls up behind them... *

Is there a point to this? *

Mr. Cooper, were you having an *
affair with Delilah? *

His mouth drops open... at a loss... when: *

Honey, have you been getting my *
texts? I thought you were breaking *
for lunch like a half-hour ago-- *

AMANDA BELLO, a famous actress in her own right, walks up
behind Grey. Clocks Lucifer, Chloe and the weird vibe.

What’s going on?

These people are detectives.

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 44.
25 CONTINUED: (2) 25

Real ones?

Yes, ma’am. Well, I am.

(takes in Amanda)
You’re really quite striking in
person. Luminous, actually.

Thank you!

Interesting... I’ve never been very
fond of you on the big screen.

Thank you...?

I’m sorry, Lucifer... Morningstar. *

They shake hands. Lock eyes. The LUCIFER EFFECT gearing up...

Wow. Great name. What’s this about?

We had some questions. About Delilah.

Amanda lets go of Lucifer, nods to Chloe in that heartfelt way.

Oh. Yes. That’s so sad.

Yeah... very... sad... *

Grey wipes his brow... sweating nervously. As he does, Chloe *
zeroes in on a watch on his wrist -- IDENTICAL TO EDDIE’S. *

Your watch. Where’d you get it? *

Oh... um, it’s a prop... *

(casual but knows something) *
No, that’s the one Delilah gave you, *
isn’t it? For Time Will Tell. *

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 45.
25 CONTINUED: (3) 25

(chuckles uncomfortably) *
Oh, right. That’s the movie we did. *
It was a... wrap gift. *

She give a ten thousand dollar *
watch to the whole crew? *

Oh, no. Just me. Far as I know. *
‘Cause we were... ya know, co-stars *
and everything. *

(locks eyes with Grey again) *
Gonna have to lie better than that *
if you wanna be president. *

(devilish aside) *
I know, right? *

So you were sleeping with her then? *

Oh, yeah. *

Uh, I can hear you, Grey. *

So can I. *

(still whispers to Lucifer) *
Crap. I just said that out loud, *
didn’t I? In front of people. *
Police people. And my wife. *

Whatever. Not like I didn’t know, *
Grey. You’re a terrible liar. And *
actor, by the way. *

You knew? *

Of course. Why do you think I’ve *
been sleeping with Bobby? *


LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 46.
25 CONTINUED: (4) 25

Grey throws a shocked look over to his bodyguard, BOBBY, who *
about chokes on his own tongue. *

And lemme tell you, it’s gooood. I *
climb that man like a tree. *

Are you serious?! My bodyguard?! *
What a cliché! *

Oh, I’m a cliché?! Well, you’re a *
dick. *

Grey’s not sure where to direct his anger. So he attacks
Bobby. Amanda tries separate them. Lucifer and Chloe watch
the clusterfuck for a sec, then Chloe nods at the uniforms.

Arrest them.
(turns to Lucifer)
One of ‘em’s gotta be guilty.

Now that was fun.

Chloe can’t help but crack the slightest smug smile. As this
time... they watch the chaos they BOTH created. *

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 47.

Genres: ["Mystery","Crime","Drama","Comedy"]

Summary Lucifer and Chloe interrogate actor Grey Cooper about his connection to the deceased Delilah, leading to humorous exchanges about his aspirations. The situation escalates when Grey's wife, Amanda, arrives, revealing both her husband's affair with Delilah and her own infidelity with his bodyguard, Bobby. Tensions boil over into a physical confrontation between Grey and Bobby, prompting Chloe to arrest both men, while Lucifer finds amusement in the chaos.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Dynamic character interactions
  • Revealing secrets and conflicts
  • Humorous and dramatic tone
  • Some dialogue may be overly sarcastic or confrontational
  • Character relationships and secrets may be complex for some viewers to follow
  • The scene effectively captures the chaotic and humorous essence of the show, balancing the tension of a murder investigation with the absurdity of celebrity interactions. Lucifer's charm and Chloe's professionalism create a dynamic contrast that keeps the audience engaged.
  • The dialogue is witty and snappy, particularly Lucifer's probing questions about desires, which add depth to his character while also providing comedic relief. However, at times, the humor risks overshadowing the gravity of the investigation, especially with the rapid-fire revelations of infidelity.
  • The introduction of Amanda adds an unexpected twist that escalates the conflict, but her character could benefit from more depth. As a famous actress, her motivations and feelings about the situation could be explored further to enhance the emotional stakes.
  • The pacing of the scene is generally strong, but the transition from the initial questioning to the chaos of the altercation feels slightly abrupt. A smoother build-up to the physical confrontation could enhance the overall flow.
  • The visual elements, such as the watch and the physical altercation, are effective in conveying the tension and stakes of the scene. However, incorporating more sensory details could help ground the audience in the setting, making the chaos feel more immediate and visceral.
  • Consider adding a moment where Amanda expresses her feelings about Delilah's death to deepen her character and provide emotional weight to the scene.
  • Enhance the build-up to the physical altercation by including more verbal sparring or escalating tension between the characters before it erupts into chaos.
  • Introduce a visual or auditory cue that signifies the shift from investigation to chaos, such as a sudden loud noise or a dramatic camera angle, to make the transition feel more intentional.
  • Explore the backstory between Grey and Amanda briefly to provide context for their relationship dynamics, which could heighten the tension during the confrontation.
  • Ensure that the humor does not detract from the seriousness of the investigation. Balancing comedic moments with more reflective dialogue could maintain the stakes while still keeping the tone light.

Scene 19 - A Moment of Clarity
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9

A VIGIL honoring Delilah on the sidewalk. Candles and letters
around a small TV playing one of Delilah’s performances.

27 INT. LUX - NIGHT 27

Chloe’s got a beer in one hand, cell in the other -- smug *
smile gone. Lucifer sips a scotch, spinning THAT COIN. Maze *
stands a few yards away, watching disapprovingly.

I know. Check again. What about *
their assistants’ phones, *
nannies?... Fan pages? Twitter? *
(sighs, listens) *
Okay... Call if anything changes. *
(hangs up, slugs her beer) *
Grey and Amanda have zero *
connection to the shooter or the *
driver. Maybe the shooter wasn’t *
working for anyone. Maybe this *
thing does start and end with him. *

No. I don’t believe it.

He did have the same watch as Grey.
Can’t be a coincidence. Maybe *
Delilah gave it to him, too? Kind *
of her go-to gift. *

But that would imply she was
sleeping with that maggot.

Let's see, Jimmy, 2VILE, Grey
Cooper... She was sleeping with
three other maggots. Not like she
had tremendous discretion.
(another gulp of beer) *
God... why am I here?

Wrong deity, but that is the
eternal question, isn’t it?

No. I mean, here. In a bar. With

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 48.

They look at each other. Lucifer serious now... *

I don’t know, Detective. Despite *
your proclaimed revulsion, you *
can’t deny there’s a connection *
between us. Tell me... what do you *
really want? *

(half-smiles, mocking him)
You mean, WHAT do I desire more
than anything in this life?

Yes. No tricks -- not that they
work with you, you freak. Tell me.
I’m curious.

Lucifer finally seems genuine here. She loosens up. Maybe
it’s the beer... maybe not.

I suppose what I was saying before
wasn’t all a lie... I do want to
help people... I dunno...

Lucifer frowns, more teasing than judging.

Your purity repulses me. *

Well, your lack of it isn’t wildly
attractive either.

A moment shared. They tip their drinks to each other. Touché. *

My father was a cop. A pretty great
one. My mother was an actress.
Pretty cheesy one. I tried the *
acting thing. Took my top off, not
exactly contributing to the
betterment of society.


Anyway. Didn’t like how it made me
feel about myself. So I quit.
Became a cop like my old man.

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 49.
27 CONTINUED: (2) 27
Endured the staring and teasing
from the entire department. ‘Til I *
became a detective and found a
whole new way to ostracize myself.

Ah. The reason your ex-maggot was *
pressuring you to close this. *

Yeah. Few months ago, I saw a case *
differently than a lot of people in
the department -- including my ex.
Stuck my neck out ...backfired. Now
most of ‘em hate me. And nobody’ll
work with me.

I’m available. *

Chloe shakes her head, but can’t help but smile. Maze *
interrupts to grab glasses, when a familiar MUSIC CUE plays -- *
showing the outpouring of support from Delilah’s fans. A
REPORTER commenting on the recent rise of her album sales.

(to Lucifer, bit spiteful)
Too bad your little protegé’s not
around to cash the check.

Chloe’s face goes slack -- light bulb moment.

Oh wow. Delilah gave Grey a watch for *
the movie Time Will Tell. Get it? *

Very poetic. *

She gave one to someone else, too. *
But not to the drug dealer... *
Genres: ["Mystery","Crime","Drama"]

Summary In a bar at night, Chloe grapples with her investigation into Delilah's shooting while a vigil for Delilah takes place outside. Frustrated and feeling isolated, she confides in Lucifer, who teases her but also encourages her to confront her desires. Their conversation deepens their connection, despite Maze's disapproval. As they share vulnerabilities and light-hearted banter, Chloe has a breakthrough regarding Delilah's watch, linking it to the case.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Character dynamics
  • Mystery elements
  • Some cliched moments
  • Predictable character interactions
  • The scene effectively captures the tension between Chloe and Lucifer, showcasing their dynamic relationship through witty banter and shared vulnerabilities. However, the dialogue could benefit from more subtext to deepen their connection. While they exchange words, the emotional weight of their pasts and the current situation could be more pronounced, enhancing the stakes of their conversation.
  • Chloe's character development is evident as she reveals her struggles with her career and past choices. This adds depth to her character, but the scene could explore her feelings more explicitly. For instance, instead of merely stating her desire to help people, she could share a specific moment that solidified this desire, making her motivations relatable and poignant.
  • Lucifer's charm and teasing nature are well-represented, but his transition from playful to serious could be smoother. The moment where he asks Chloe what she really wants feels slightly abrupt, lacking a clear emotional build-up that would make it feel more impactful. This could be improved by incorporating more gradual shifts in tone leading up to this question.
  • The introduction of Maze's disapproval adds a layer of tension, but her role in this scene feels underdeveloped. A more active participation from Maze could enhance the dynamics and provide additional commentary on the relationship between Chloe and Lucifer, perhaps through her reactions or interjections during their conversation.
  • The revelation about Delilah giving a watch to Grey is a strong plot point, but the lead-up to this realization feels somewhat rushed. It might be beneficial to build up to this moment with more clues or hints throughout the dialogue, allowing the audience to engage more fully with the revelation.
  • Consider adding more subtext to the dialogue between Chloe and Lucifer, allowing their past experiences to inform their current conversation. This could involve more reflective dialogue that hints at their deeper feelings.
  • Incorporate a specific anecdote from Chloe's past that illustrates her desire to help people, making her motivations more relatable and emotionally resonant.
  • Smooth the transition from playful banter to serious inquiry by gradually building up the emotional stakes before Lucifer asks Chloe what she really wants.
  • Give Maze a more active role in the scene, possibly by having her interject with her own observations or criticisms, which could enhance the tension and provide additional context for Chloe and Lucifer's relationship.
  • Slow down the pacing leading to the revelation about the watch, providing more clues throughout the conversation that hint at this connection, allowing the audience to piece together the mystery alongside the characters.

Scene 20 - Midnight Showdown in the Studio
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Late night session. A YOUNG BOY BAND recording. Tired mixers
at work. And... JIMMY, harping on a Justin Bieber-y kid. Door *
booms open. TECHS and MIXERS curse as Lucifer and Chloe
interrupt the session, making a bee-line for Jimmy.

Really?! Wasn’t enough to destroy
my wedding, huh--

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 50.

How’re the album sales doing?

Jimmy winces at that one. Hides his fear. But not well.

What album? *

The soundtrack for Time Will Tell. *
That YOU produced... Whitney *
Houston reached the top 10 for
album sales after her death.
Michael Jackson hit the
stratosphere! I’m not sure you’ll
achieve the same heights by having
Delilah killed, but that’s still a *
buttload of royalty checks comin’ *
your way. Not a bad year for you.
Guess you need that cash, huh?
Which is why you had to pay the *
shooter with your watch. *

The watch Delilah gave you. Now *
that’s just sick, but then you are,

Jimmy’s sweaty face turns red. Then. He does something
unexpected -- he GRABS one of the BAND BOYS as a shield and
whips out a fucking GUN! Chloe’s gun is out in a blink.

WHOA! Hey! Jimmy?!

The room freezes.

I made her! And she ruined me! She
humiliated me! She owes me!

Lucifer doesn't seem threatened by this escalation. Because
he isn't. He advances on Jimmy.

You’re not God, Jimmy. You didn’t
make her. But you did destroy her.
So I’m going to punish you.

Back off, you freak! I mean it! I’m *
not going to prison for that bitch. *
NO chance. *

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 50A.
28 CONTINUED: (2) 28

But Lucifer keeps approaching. Now Chloe has to jump in. *

Listen to him! Back off!

LUCIFER - Pilot - LAVENDER - 3/21/15 51.
28 CONTINUED: (3) 28

It’s fine. I told you. I’m immortal.

Jimmy’s twitchy. Lucifer gets way too close and Jimmy SWINGS
his gun up to fire on Lucifer when BOOM, BOOM! Chloe gets off
two shots first. One hits a lamp. The other nails Jimmy. He *
drops to the ground. Dead. And here's the fun part... LUCIFER


He was going to kill you!

No-no-no you just let him off too
easy! He needs to suffer! He needs
to pay! He needs to feel the pain,
not escape it!

(trying to understand him)
Well, don’t worry. I’m sure where
he’s going the pain and
punishment’s coming...

(sighs, irritated)
Actually, no. It’s not. And why?
Because I am here, and--

BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. All eyes were off Jimmy who is still
ticking and FIRES off three shots at Chloe. One LANDS. Chloe
goes down.


Chloe staggers. BLOOD coming up fast. Lucifer hurries to her
side. She looks up at him through clouded, murky eyes.

I don’t want to die...

I won’t let you... My father will
just have to wait for you.

The moment is interrupted by more SHOTS from Jimmy. Lucifer
protects Chloe now -- using his own body as a shield. He
cringes. Fuck that hurts. WE see it, SHE doesn’t.

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 52.
28 CONTINUED: (3) 28

Wait here a second...

Lucifer turns and WE STAY IN CHLOE’S POV -- her vision
blurred. Distorted. She’s catching only glimpses... but sees
Lucifer walk over... grab Jimmy by the neck and SLAM him up
against a nearby glass booth.

The glass cracks in a spiderweb... AND WE SEE Lucifer’s
broken, demonic face in the shattered glass behind Jimmy.

Please. Don’t kill me.

Lucifer flips Jimmy around to see THAT HORRID, NIGHTMARISH

You’re going to wish that was all I
did to you.

And then CHLOE’S VISION is lost to BLACK and we HEAR Jimmy’s
blood-curdling SCREAM over a moment in DARKNESS...

Which then gives way to a BRIGHT TUNNEL OF LIGHT... Oh, wait.
It’s just a regular light. A HOSPITAL BED LIGHT...
Genres: ["Crime","Drama","Mystery","Thriller"]

Summary In a tense late-night confrontation at a recording studio, Jimmy Barnes, feeling cornered by Chloe and Lucifer, takes a band member hostage and threatens them with a gun. As the situation escalates, Chloe shoots Jimmy to protect Lucifer but is injured in the process. In the aftermath, Lucifer, enraged by Chloe's actions, prepares to confront Jimmy, leading to a violent showdown that leaves Chloe unconscious and Jimmy dead.
  • Intense conflict
  • Emotional depth
  • Surprising twists
  • Character development
  • Sudden escalation of violence
  • Complexity of moral themes
  • The scene effectively builds tension with a high-stakes confrontation, but the pacing feels rushed, particularly in the transition from dialogue to action. The dialogue preceding the gunfire could benefit from more gradual escalation to heighten suspense and allow the audience to fully absorb the stakes.
  • Lucifer's character is consistent with his established persona, showcasing his confidence and willingness to confront danger. However, his reaction to Chloe shooting Jimmy could be explored further. His anger seems disproportionate to the situation, and a clearer emotional arc would help the audience connect with his motivations.
  • Chloe's character is strong, but her decision to shoot Jimmy feels somewhat abrupt. While it is a reactive decision in a tense moment, providing a moment of internal conflict or hesitation could deepen her character and make the action feel more earned.
  • The visual elements in the scene are compelling, particularly the imagery of Lucifer's demonic reflection in the glass. However, more visual descriptions of the setting could enhance the atmosphere. Describing the recording studio's ambiance—such as the clutter, the dim lighting, or the tension among the crew—would create a more immersive experience.
  • The dialogue is sharp and witty, maintaining the show's signature tone, but some lines could be trimmed for brevity. For instance, Lucifer's monologue about punishment could be more impactful if it were more concise, allowing the moment to feel more urgent and less verbose.
  • Consider slowing down the pacing of the scene to build tension more effectively. Allow for a few more beats of dialogue or action before the gun is drawn to increase suspense.
  • Explore Lucifer's emotional response to Chloe's actions more deeply. Perhaps include a moment of reflection or a flashback that informs his reaction, making it clear why he feels so strongly about punishment.
  • Add a moment of hesitation for Chloe before she shoots Jimmy. This could involve a brief internal monologue or a visual cue that indicates her struggle with the decision, making her character arc more complex.
  • Enhance the setting description to create a more vivid atmosphere in the recording studio. Incorporate sensory details that reflect the chaos and tension of the moment.
  • Edit the dialogue to ensure it remains sharp and impactful. Focus on making Lucifer's lines more concise while still conveying his character's essence, allowing the stakes of the scene to resonate more powerfully.

Scene 21 - Awakening in Tension
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9
29 INT. HOSPITAL - ROOM - DAY (DAY 3) 29 *

Chloe is coming to. She finds Lucifer hovering over her.
Looking more like an angel than a devil. Good lighting.

Well, look who’s back.

How long have I been out?

Three years.


Lucifer smiles. The bastard just can’t help himself.

You’re such an ass.
(then, remembering)
He was firing at you. Why are you
not more... dead?

LUCIFER - Pilot - GREEN DRAFT - 3/13/15 53.

You're having a very hard time with
the immortal thing, aren't you?

(struggling to make sense) *
Must’ve been delirious from the *
blood loss. *

Whatever helps you sleep, my dear. *

What happened to Jimmy?

He got what he deserved.

That hangs there. Another mystery Chloe will have to deal *
with later. She changes gears.

Well, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead
if you hadn’t helped me. So, thank

I'm sorry. I missed that last part.

(slightly annoyed smile)
Thank you. *

You're welcome.

Lucifer, suddenly uncomfortable with the warm exchange:

Besides, you're far too interesting
to let die.

You saved my life because you find
me... interesting?

Wildly irritating as well, but yes. *

Lucifer grins, but can’t hide that there’s more to it than *
that. Chloe studies him, frowns... either can she... *

So now what? *

LUCIFER - Pilot - GRAY - 3/19/15 54.
29 CONTINUED: (2) 29

Well, obviously I’ve proven myself
as an invaluable crime-fighting
tool. You’re a pariah in the
department. I think this is the
beginning of a beautiful friendship,
don’t you?

Who the hell are you?

I told you. I’m --


It’s Chloe’s daughter, Trixie. Ex-husband Dan in tow. Trixie
hugs Lucifer, which makes him hugely uncomfortable.

Now, now. That’s enough, child.
Save some of this unpleasantness
for your mother.

Chloe glows at the sight of her daughter, tears up as Trixie
hugs her. Lucifer and Dan eye each other for a tense beat.

I think she’s one hell of a
homicide detective, don’t you?

Yes. She is.
(to Chloe)
I’m happy for you.

Not sure you are, or just relieved
I didn’t cause problems again.

I’m trying to compliment you.

Okay... I’ll take it... thanks. And *
how ‘bout the department... They *
happy for me? *

Gettin’ there. *
You need to be more careful. You
should’ve had backup.

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 55.
29 CONTINUED: (3) 29

Lucifer jumps, defending himself...

She had back up.

Dan looks at him. Right. As much as that challenges him, he
decides to keep it polite.

Thank you. For helping her.

Lucifer, on the other hand, doesn’t keep it polite:

That’s hard for you, isn’t it? Not
to be a douche.

Dan’s mouth drops open, wants to slug him, but Lucifer’s
already halfway to the door.

I’d stay for the family reunion,
but it’s giving me IBS. Look
forward to seeing you soon, Chloe--

--I don’t--

--Bye now. Glad you’re not dead.

Lucifer leaves but looks back for a moment, curious as to why
he gives a good goddamn about any them. He frowns, troubled.
Genres: ["Drama","Crime","Mystery","Comedy"]

Summary Chloe wakes up in a hospital room to find Lucifer by her side, where they share a mix of playful banter and serious gratitude for his help in saving her life after a violent incident. The arrival of her daughter Trixie and ex-husband Dan introduces a tense but polite dynamic, particularly between Dan and Lucifer. As Trixie brings joy to Chloe, the underlying tensions between the adults remain palpable. The scene concludes with Lucifer leaving, troubled by his feelings for Chloe and her family.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Engaging character interactions
  • Blend of genres
  • Emotional depth
  • Some moments of forced humor
  • Slightly predictable plot twists
  • The opening line from Lucifer is playful and sets a light-hearted tone, but it may benefit from a more immediate emotional hook. Consider starting with Chloe's perspective to ground the audience in her confusion and vulnerability before introducing Lucifer's humor.
  • Chloe's groggy state and her initial question about how long she has been out effectively convey her disorientation. However, the line 'Three years' feels slightly exaggerated for comedic effect and could be more impactful if it were toned down to something like 'A while' or 'Long enough to miss me.' This would maintain the humor while keeping it relatable.
  • Lucifer's line about Chloe struggling with the immortal concept is insightful and adds depth to their dynamic. However, it might strengthen the scene if Chloe's response reflects more of her emotional state regarding her near-death experience, rather than just a humorous denial of his claim.
  • The dialogue between Chloe and Lucifer flows well, but the transition into Chloe's gratitude feels abrupt. A more gradual acknowledgment of their connection and the stakes involved could enhance the emotional weight of her thanks.
  • Trixie's entrance is a sweet moment but feels slightly rushed. Expanding on the emotional exchange between Trixie and Chloe could enhance the impact of the reunion. Perhaps including a line where Trixie expresses her worry about her mother could deepen the emotional stakes.
  • The interaction between Lucifer and Dan is sharp and humorous, but it may come off as slightly one-dimensional. Adding layers to Dan's character—such as his underlying concern for Chloe or his conflicted feelings about Lucifer—could enrich the scene and heighten the tension.
  • Lucifer's exit line about IBS is funny but might detract from the emotional gravity of the moment. Consider having him leave with a more poignant line that reflects his internal struggle regarding his feelings for Chloe and his concern for her safety.
  • Start the scene from Chloe's perspective to establish her emotional state before introducing Lucifer's humor.
  • Adjust Lucifer's comedic response about the duration of Chloe's unconsciousness to maintain humor while keeping it relatable.
  • Enhance Chloe's response to Lucifer's comment about immortality to reflect her emotional turmoil about her near-death experience.
  • Gradually build up Chloe's gratitude towards Lucifer to give the moment more emotional weight.
  • Expand Trixie's entrance to include her expressing concern for Chloe, enhancing the emotional stakes of the reunion.
  • Add depth to Dan's character in his exchange with Lucifer to create more tension and complexity in their relationship.
  • Consider revising Lucifer's exit line to reflect his internal conflict and concern for Chloe, rather than relying solely on humor.

Scene 22 - Tensions of Mercy
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Lucifer pulls up. Gets out, handing his keys to the VALET who
greets him with a smile and says... Nothing. Because he has
just slipped into SLOW MOTION. Lucifer sighs.


Close enough. Lucifer turns. Amenadiel watches from across
the street. They meet in the middle of slow-flowing traffic.

What do you want from me?

I’ve been watching you, Lucifer.


LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 56.

And I’m not sure I like what I see.
You’re showing restraint. Mercy.

Scared I’m turning away from the
Dark Side, bro? Gonna give you a
little competition for Dad’s fav?
Don’t worry, I’m not.

Something flashes in Lucifer’s eyes -- something evil.

I don’t believe you. The human *
world can be even more painful than *
hell, Lucifer. Stay here, and *
prepare to feel things you have *
never felt before. *

(stone cold serious now)
Do not threaten me, Amenadiel. You *
won’t win.

(flash of anger) *
Then go BACK!! *

(realizing... pleased) *
You’re the one who’s threatened. *

My hatred of you grows stronger
with each visit.

Wouldn’t have it any other way,
pal. Look forward to eating your
heart one day. Peace.

Amenadiel turns and walks off. Lucifer watches him go...


Lucifer drops down at the piano. Maze watches from a short
distance. What looks like A DAGGER spins on its point in the
palm of her hand. But before we get a good look, she stops
it... walks over to Lucifer... quiet.

I sense your disapproval, Maze.
What is it?

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 56A.

I just can’t understand why you
would save a human life.

Lucifer weighs this. Not sure himself. But plays it light...

LUCIFER - Pilot - CHERRY - 3/18/15 57.
31 CONTINUED: (2) 31

There’s something different about
her. Something I can’t figure out.
And it vexes me.

Maze eyes him, her own concern brewing.

Maybe it’s not her that’s

Is this where I ask: whatever do
you mean?

Stop caring! You’re The Devil!

Yes. I am...

But there’s doubt in his eyes as he launches into an eerie
rendition of “Gimme Shelter” which continues over...


Dr. Linda Martin sits when she notices a little red light
BLINKING above her door. She’s confused -- doesn’t have an
appointment right now. She gets up, opens the door...

Linda startles. Because Lucifer is standing right there.

Here’s the deal. We can have as
much naked cuddle time as you
desire. But I need you to listen to
me too. I have a few things I’d
like to discuss with you. An
existential dilemma or two. Deal?

Linda smiles. Deal. And as the door shuts behind them WE SMASH
TO BLACK and Van Halen’s “Runnin’ with the Devil” kicks in.

Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy","Mystery"]

Summary Lucifer confronts Amenadiel at Lux, where Amenadiel expresses concern over Lucifer's newfound compassion, leading to a tense exchange that reveals both characters' insecurities. After Amenadiel leaves, Maze questions Lucifer's decision to save a human life, prompting him to reflect on his feelings. The scene shifts to Dr. Linda Martin's office, where Lucifer humorously seeks her counsel on his existential dilemmas, establishing a new dynamic in their relationship.
  • Complex characters
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Intense conflicts
  • Emotional depth
  • Mysterious atmosphere
  • Some cliched elements
  • Occasional lack of subtlety in dialogue
  • The scene effectively captures the tension between Lucifer and Amenadiel, showcasing their contrasting views on humanity and morality. However, the dialogue could be more dynamic; while it has moments of wit, some lines feel a bit on-the-nose, particularly Amenadiel's warnings about human pain. This could be softened or made more subtle to enhance the natural flow of their conversation.
  • Lucifer's character is well-defined in this scene, displaying both his charm and his darker nature. The slow-motion effect adds a stylistic touch, but it may come off as overly dramatic for some readers. Consider whether this stylistic choice serves the story or if it distracts from the emotional weight of the confrontation.
  • Maze's entrance and her concern for Lucifer introduce an important emotional layer to the scene. However, her dialogue could be more impactful. Instead of simply expressing disapproval, she could share a personal story or an example of why saving a human life is contrary to Lucifer's nature, which would deepen their relationship and add weight to her perspective.
  • The transition from the confrontation with Amenadiel to Lucifer's introspection at the piano feels a bit abrupt. It might benefit from a more gradual shift, perhaps through a brief moment of silence or a visual cue that emphasizes Lucifer's internal conflict before he begins to play.
  • The ending with Dr. Linda Martin is humorous and serves as a nice contrast to the heavier themes explored in the scene. However, it could be enhanced by adding a line that hints at Lucifer's deeper existential crisis, which would tie back to the earlier themes of the scene and provide a more cohesive narrative thread.
  • Consider revising Amenadiel's lines to make them more nuanced and less direct. Instead of stating he doesn't like what he sees, he could use metaphors or anecdotes to illustrate his concerns about Lucifer's choices.
  • Experiment with the pacing of the dialogue. Allow for pauses or interruptions that can enhance the tension and give characters space to react to each other’s words more naturally.
  • Deepen Maze's character by giving her a more personal stake in Lucifer's choices. Perhaps she could reveal her own past with humanity, making her warnings more poignant and relatable.
  • Add a transitional moment between the confrontation and the piano scene, such as a visual cue (e.g., a flickering light or a moment of stillness) that reflects Lucifer's internal struggle.
  • In the final exchange with Dr. Linda, consider incorporating a line that suggests Lucifer's existential dilemma is more than just a casual topic for discussion, hinting at the emotional weight he carries from the events that have unfolded.

Characters in the screenplay, and their arcs:

lucifer morningstar

<ul><li>Lucifer Morningstar is a charismatic and enigmatic fallen angel who embodies a devil-may-care attitude. He possesses a dark sense of humor and a sharp wit, often using sarcasm and clever wordplay to navigate complex social situations. Despite his charming exterior, Lucifer is deeply conflicted, grappling with his identity as the Devil and his desire for redemption. He is manipulative and morally ambiguous, often engaging in morally questionable actions to achieve his goals. His internal struggle between his darker nature and human emotions adds depth to his character, making him both relatable and intriguing.</li><li>Lucifer's dialogue is characterized by a confident, playful, and sardonic tone. He frequently employs double entendres and philosophical musings, using humor to mask deeper emotions and motivations. His sharp wit and clever banter allow him to charm and manipulate those around him, while also revealing his complex personality. Lucifer's speaking style reflects his dual nature as both a charismatic figure and the embodiment of temptation.</li></ul>

chloe dancer

<ul><li>Chloe is a dedicated and determined LAPD detective with a strong sense of justice. She possesses a no-nonsense attitude, often clashing with Lucifer's unconventional methods. Chloe is pragmatic and focused, showcasing her skills in a male-dominated profession while also revealing her vulnerability and empathy in certain situations. As a single mother, she juggles her personal and professional life, facing challenges that test her resolve and integrity. Her skepticism towards Lucifer's claims is balanced by an intrigue in his mysterious nature, leading to a complex dynamic between them.</li><li>Chloe's speaking style is direct, authoritative, and pragmatic. She communicates with clarity and purpose, often using concise language to convey her thoughts and emotions. Her dialogue is straightforward and to the point, reflecting her analytical mind and investigative skills. In high-pressure situations, she maintains a professional demeanor, focusing on facts and evidence, and occasionally employing sarcasm in response to Lucifer's provocations.</li></ul>


Amenadiel is a stoic and intense celestial being, embodying divine authority and order. He is characterized by his imposing presence and unwavering commitment to his beliefs, which often puts him at odds with his brother, Lucifer. Amenadiel's speaking style is formal and commanding, reflecting his sense of superiority and righteousness. He communicates with a directness that underscores his moral convictions and his role as a guardian of celestial rules. His character is marked by a deep sense of duty and loyalty to his Father, which fuels his authoritative demeanor. Despite his serious exterior, Amenadiel grapples with internal conflicts regarding his relationship with Lucifer, torn between his obligations and his familial bonds. This tension manifests in confrontational interactions, where his intensity and moral righteousness create a palpable conflict.


<ul><li>Lucifer is a charismatic, enigmatic, and complex character who embodies charm and wit, often masking deeper emotions with humor and sarcasm. He is confident and manipulative, using his devilish charm to navigate tense situations and provoke those around him. His dark sense of humor and sharp wit reflect his internal struggles with identity and morality, as he grapples with his role as the Prince of Darkness while forming emotional connections with mortals. Despite his arrogance, he reveals moments of vulnerability and introspection, showcasing a multifaceted personality that blends temptation with a desire for justice.</li><li>Lucifer's speaking style is smooth, sharp, and slightly theatrical, filled with clever wordplay, double entendres, and playful banter. He often employs sarcasm and provocative questions to challenge societal norms and authority, engaging others in philosophical discussions. His dialogue is laced with metaphors and supernatural references, reflecting his larger-than-life persona and adding depth to his interactions.</li></ul>


<ul><li>Chloe is a determined, pragmatic, and resilient detective with a strong sense of justice and a sharp wit. She is skeptical of supernatural claims, particularly those made by Lucifer, and often challenges his unconventional methods. Chloe's no-nonsense attitude is reflected in her direct and assertive speaking style, which is grounded in facts and evidence. She values logical reasoning and often employs police jargon and investigative terms in her dialogue. Beneath her tough exterior, Chloe grapples with personal conflicts and a desire for redemption, which adds depth to her character. Her protective nature extends to her daughter and those she cares about, driving her commitment to uncovering the truth and seeking justice for victims.</li><li>Chloe's speaking style is straightforward, assertive, and focused, reflecting her professional demeanor as a detective. She asks pointed questions and seeks clear answers, often challenging inconsistencies in conversations. Her dialogue is practical and efficient, showcasing her analytical skills and attention to detail.</li></ul>

lucifer morningstar
  • Lucifer begins as a charming and confident figure who revels in earthly pleasures, using his supernatural abilities to manipulate others and indulge in his desires.
  • As the story progresses, Lucifer faces moral dilemmas that challenge his worldview. He encounters situations that force him to confront the consequences of his actions and the impact they have on others, leading to an internal struggle between his darker impulses and his longing for redemption.
  • Through his interactions with other characters, particularly those who embody goodness and morality, Lucifer begins to question his identity and the nature of his existence. He starts to seek genuine connections and grapples with the idea of redemption, leading to moments of vulnerability and self-reflection.
  • By the end of the screenplay, Lucifer emerges as a more complex and nuanced character. He learns to embrace his dual nature, finding a balance between his rebellious spirit and his desire for redemption. He ultimately chooses to use his abilities for good, forging a new path that acknowledges his past while striving for a better future.
The character arc of Lucifer Morningstar is compelling, as it explores themes of identity, morality, and redemption. However, the arc could benefit from clearer stakes and more defined relationships with other characters. While Lucifer's internal struggle is well-established, the external conflicts he faces could be more pronounced to enhance the narrative tension. To improve Lucifer's character arc, consider introducing a significant antagonist that embodies the consequences of his actions, forcing him to confront his choices more directly. Additionally, deepen his relationships with supporting characters to create emotional stakes that resonate with the audience. This could involve exploring his connections with characters who challenge his worldview or represent the ideals he struggles against. By enhancing these elements, Lucifer's journey toward redemption will feel more impactful and relatable.
chloe dancer
  • Chloe starts as a skeptical detective who relies heavily on logic and evidence, often dismissing Lucifer's supernatural claims.
  • As the story progresses, Chloe begins to confront her own biases and opens up to the possibility of the extraordinary, influenced by her interactions with Lucifer. She learns to balance her skepticism with a willingness to explore new perspectives.
  • In a pivotal moment, Chloe faces a personal crisis that forces her to rely on both her instincts and the unconventional insights provided by Lucifer, leading to a breakthrough in a case.
  • By the end of the screenplay, Chloe has evolved into a more open-minded detective who embraces the complexities of her world, recognizing that justice can sometimes come from unexpected sources. Her relationship with Lucifer deepens, blending professional respect with personal connection.
Chloe's character arc is compelling, showcasing her growth from skepticism to acceptance. However, the transition may feel rushed if not adequately developed, particularly in how she reconciles her professional integrity with the supernatural elements introduced by Lucifer. Additionally, her role as a single mother could be explored further to add depth to her character and motivations. To improve Chloe's character arc, consider incorporating more scenes that highlight her internal struggles and the impact of her dual roles as a detective and a mother. This could involve moments where her personal life directly intersects with her work, forcing her to make difficult choices. Additionally, providing more gradual exposure to Lucifer's world could enhance her transformation, allowing the audience to witness her evolving perspective in a more believable manner.
amenadiel Throughout the screenplay, Amenadiel's character arc evolves from a rigid enforcer of celestial law to a more nuanced figure who begins to understand the complexities of free will and familial love. Initially, he is portrayed as a strict adherent to divine order, viewing Lucifer's rebellion as a personal affront. As the story progresses, Amenadiel faces challenges that force him to question his beliefs and the nature of his duty. He experiences moments of vulnerability that reveal his desire for connection and understanding, particularly with Lucifer. By the climax, Amenadiel learns to balance his sense of duty with compassion, ultimately choosing to support Lucifer in his quest for redemption rather than opposing him. This transformation culminates in a reconciliatory moment where Amenadiel embraces the idea that love and understanding can coexist with duty. Amenadiel's character arc is compelling, as it explores themes of duty, loyalty, and the complexities of familial relationships. However, the arc could benefit from deeper exploration of his internal conflicts. While his transformation is significant, the screenplay may not fully convey the emotional weight of his struggles. The moments that lead to his change in perspective could be more fleshed out, allowing the audience to witness his growth in a more impactful way. Additionally, the interactions with other characters could be utilized to highlight his evolution, rather than relying solely on his relationship with Lucifer. To improve Amenadiel's character arc, consider incorporating more scenes that showcase his internal struggles and doubts about his role. This could include interactions with other celestial beings or humans that challenge his views on duty and love. Additionally, introducing a mentor or a wise character who provides insight into the nature of free will and familial bonds could serve as a catalyst for Amenadiel's transformation. Finally, ensure that key moments of realization are given adequate screen time to allow the audience to connect emotionally with his journey, making his eventual acceptance of Lucifer's choices more resonant.
  • Lucifer begins as a confident and charming figure, reveling in his role as the manipulative Prince of Darkness, using his wit to navigate the world of mortals.
  • As he forms deeper emotional connections with mortals, he faces an internal conflict between his divine purpose and his growing desire for compassion and justice. This struggle leads him to question his identity and the morality of his actions.
  • Throughout the screenplay, Lucifer's interactions with mortals challenge his views on punishment and redemption. He begins to show vulnerability, revealing his fears and insecurities, which complicates his devil-may-care attitude.
  • In a pivotal moment, Lucifer must choose between embracing his role as the Devil or stepping into a more compassionate role, risking his power and status.
  • By the end of the screenplay, Lucifer emerges transformed, having reconciled his dual nature. He learns to balance his charm and wit with genuine compassion, ultimately redefining his purpose and embracing a more nuanced identity.
While Lucifer's character arc is compelling, it may benefit from clearer motivations and stakes. The internal conflict between his devilish persona and his desire for connection is intriguing, but it could be more explicitly tied to specific events or relationships that catalyze his transformation. Additionally, the resolution feels somewhat abrupt; a more gradual evolution would enhance the believability of his change. To improve Lucifer's character arc, consider introducing a key relationship that serves as a catalyst for his transformation, such as a mortal who challenges his views on morality. This relationship could provide emotional stakes that make his internal conflict more relatable. Additionally, incorporating moments of self-reflection or external challenges that force him to confront his identity could deepen his character development. Finally, ensure that the resolution feels earned by allowing Lucifer to struggle with his choices and face consequences that reflect his growth.
  • Chloe begins as a skeptical and determined detective, focused solely on her work and maintaining a professional distance from Lucifer.
  • As she becomes more involved with Lucifer, Chloe struggles with her growing feelings for him and the moral ambiguity of his actions, which conflicts with her strong sense of justice.
  • Throughout the screenplay, Chloe learns to balance her skepticism with an openness to new perspectives, allowing her to grow both personally and professionally. She begins to understand that justice can take many forms and that her connection with Lucifer can enhance her ability to solve cases.
  • By the end of the screenplay, Chloe embraces her feelings for Lucifer while maintaining her commitment to justice. She finds a way to integrate her personal and professional lives, becoming a more well-rounded character who is both empathetic and resolute.
Chloe's character arc is compelling, as it showcases her internal conflict and growth. However, the transition from skepticism to acceptance could be more gradual and nuanced. The screenplay may benefit from deeper exploration of her past choices and how they influence her current decisions, providing a richer context for her character development. To improve Chloe's character arc, consider incorporating flashbacks or dialogues that reveal her past experiences and how they shape her views on justice and relationships. Additionally, introduce moments where Chloe's skepticism is challenged by tangible evidence or experiences that force her to reconsider her stance. This will create a more dynamic and believable evolution in her character, making her eventual acceptance of Lucifer's influence more impactful.
Top Correlations and patterns found in the scenes:

Pattern Explanation
Tone and Emotional ImpactScenes with a more intense tone, such as those labeled 'Intense' or 'Dark', tend to have higher emotional impact scores. For instance, scenes 3, 5, and 20, which are rated as 'Intense', also have high emotional impact scores (8 or 9). This suggests that the author effectively uses intense tones to evoke strong emotions.
Dialogue and Character ChangesScenes that feature more playful or sarcastic dialogue often coincide with significant character changes. For example, scenes 1, 2, and 12, which have playful or sarcastic tones, also show notable character changes (scores of 8 or 9). This indicates that the author may be using dialogue as a tool to facilitate character development.
Conflict and High StakesThere is a strong correlation between high conflict and high stakes in scenes. Scenes that score high on conflict (8 or 9) also tend to have high stakes (scores of 8 or 9), such as scenes 3, 5, and 20. This suggests that the author effectively intertwines conflict with the stakes of the narrative, enhancing the overall tension.
Character Development and Emotional ImpactScenes that show significant character changes often correlate with higher emotional impact scores. For instance, scenes 3, 5, and 20 not only show high character change scores but also high emotional impact scores. This indicates that character development is a key driver of emotional engagement in the screenplay.
Sarcasm and Overall GradeScenes that incorporate sarcasm consistently receive high overall grades (8 or 9). For example, scenes 1, 3, and 21, which feature sarcastic tones, all have high overall grades. This suggests that the author’s use of sarcasm is well-received and contributes positively to the screenplay's quality.
Mysterious Tone and Plot AdvancementScenes with a mysterious tone tend to have lower scores for moving the story forward. For instance, scenes 1, 5, and 9, which are marked as 'Mysterious', have lower scores for moving the story forward (5 or 6). This may indicate that while the mysterious tone adds intrigue, it could also hinder narrative progression.

Writer's Craft Overall Analysis

The screenplay demonstrates a strong command of dialogue, character dynamics, and thematic depth, effectively blending humor, drama, and tension. The writer showcases a unique voice and an ability to create engaging narratives that captivate the audience. However, there are opportunities for improvement in areas such as pacing, character development, and the exploration of subtext in dialogue.

Key Improvement Areas

While the dialogue is engaging, there is potential to deepen character interactions by incorporating subtext and emotional depth, enhancing the overall impact of the scenes.
Several scenes indicate a need for improved pacing to maintain tension and engagement throughout the narrative, particularly in balancing dialogue and action.
Character Development
Although character dynamics are strong, further exploration of character motivations and conflicts can add complexity and depth to the narrative.


Type Suggestion Rationale
Book 'Save the Cat!' by Blake Snyder This book provides valuable insights into screenplay structure, character arcs, and pacing, which can enhance the writer's overall storytelling abilities.
Screenplay Read screenplays by Aaron Sorkin, such as 'The Social Network' or 'A Few Good Men' Sorkin's work is known for sharp dialogue and fast-paced storytelling, offering a model for improving dialogue and pacing.
Video Watch interviews with successful screenwriters discussing their writing processes and character development techniques. Learning from experienced writers can provide valuable insights and inspiration for enhancing the writer's craft.
Exercise Practice writing dialogue-driven scenes with subtext and emotional stakes.Practice In SceneProv This exercise will help the writer refine their ability to create authentic and engaging conversations that reveal character motivations.
Exercise Write a scene focusing on pacing, alternating between dialogue and action to maintain tension.Practice In SceneProv This will help the writer develop a better sense of rhythm and pacing in their storytelling.
Exercise Create character profiles that explore motivations, conflicts, and backstories.Practice In SceneProv This exercise will deepen the writer's understanding of their characters, leading to more nuanced interactions and development.
Stories Similar to this one

Story Explanation
Supernatural This TV show features two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who hunt demons and other supernatural beings. Like Lucifer, they navigate the complexities of their identities and familial relationships while dealing with moral dilemmas and the consequences of their actions in a world filled with both humor and darkness.
Constantine Based on the DC Comics character John Constantine, this series follows a demon hunter who grapples with his own past and the supernatural world. Similar to Lucifer, it blends dark humor with themes of redemption, identity, and the struggle between good and evil.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer This cult classic series features a young woman, Buffy, who battles vampires and other supernatural threats while navigating her personal life. The mix of humor, existential themes, and the exploration of darker aspects of humanity resonates with the tone and character dynamics found in Lucifer.
The Mentalist This TV show follows Patrick Jane, a former psychic medium turned consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation. Like Lucifer, Jane uses his charm and wit to manipulate situations while dealing with his own past traumas and moral complexities.
Good Omens Based on the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, this series features an angel and a demon teaming up to prevent the apocalypse. The blend of humor, supernatural elements, and the exploration of good versus evil parallels the themes present in Lucifer.
American Gods This adaptation of Neil Gaiman's novel explores the conflict between old gods and new in a modern setting. The themes of identity, belief, and the supernatural, along with a mix of dark humor and existential questions, align closely with the narrative style of Lucifer.
The Sandman Another Neil Gaiman creation, this graphic novel series delves into the realm of dreams and the nature of reality. The character-driven storytelling, along with themes of redemption and the exploration of darker aspects of existence, resonates with the tone and character arcs in Lucifer.
Angel A spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this series follows the vampire Angel as he seeks redemption for his past sins. The exploration of morality, identity, and the supernatural, combined with a mix of humor and drama, mirrors the themes found in Lucifer.
The Good Place This comedy series explores the afterlife and moral philosophy through the lens of its characters' journeys toward redemption. The blend of humor, existential questions, and character development reflects the thematic elements present in Lucifer.

Here are different Tropes found in the screenplay

Trope Trope Details Trope Explanation
The Charming Anti-HeroLucifer Morningstar uses his charm and wit to manipulate others, including bribing a police officer.
Heaven vs. HellLucifer's conflict with his angelic brother Amenadiel represents the struggle between divine authority and free will.This trope often explores the dichotomy between good and evil, as seen in 'Supernatural', where angels and demons frequently clash over moral choices and human fate.
The Fallen StarDelilah, a fallen pop star, grapples with her past choices and questions her worth.This trope involves a character who was once at the top but has fallen from grace, often leading to a journey of redemption. An example is the character of Sam in 'A Star is Born', who struggles with addiction and lost fame.
The Love-Hate RelationshipLucifer and Chloe engage in flirtatious yet confrontational banter, highlighting their complex dynamic.This trope features two characters who have a strong attraction to each other but also significant conflicts. An example is the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy in 'Pride and Prejudice'.
The MentorDr. Linda Martin serves as a therapist and mentor to Lucifer, guiding him through his emotional struggles.This trope involves a wise character who provides guidance to the protagonist. An example is Mr. Miyagi in 'The Karate Kid', who teaches Daniel life lessons alongside martial arts.
The Tragic BackstoryLucifer's abandonment of Hell hints at a deeper struggle and emotional pain.This trope involves a character whose past experiences shape their current behavior and motivations. An example is Batman, whose parents' murder drives him to fight crime.
The SidekickMaze, the seductive bartender, serves as Lucifer's confidante and ally.This trope features a secondary character who supports the protagonist, often providing comic relief or emotional support. An example is Robin to Batman.
The InvestigationChloe, a detective, investigates Delilah's murder, leading to various confrontations.This trope involves a character or group solving a mystery, often leading to twists and revelations. An example is 'Sherlock', where the titular character solves complex cases.
The Emotional BreakdownLucifer expresses frustration and anger over personal loss, culminating in a moment of vulnerability.This trope involves a character reaching a breaking point, often leading to significant character development. An example is the character of Andy in 'The Shawshank Redemption', who breaks down after years of imprisonment.

Theme Theme Details Themee Explanation
Identity and Self-DiscoveryLucifer's internal struggle with his identity as the Devil and his desire to embrace human emotions.Throughout the screenplay, Lucifer grapples with his dual nature as both a powerful being and a being capable of compassion, leading to moments of introspection and conflict with his brother Amenadiel and others.
Strengthening Identity and Self-Discovery:
Suggestion Type How to Strengthen the Theme
Redemption and ForgivenessCharacters like Delilah seek redemption for their past choices, and Lucifer attempts to help them.The theme of redemption is prevalent as characters confront their past mistakes and seek to improve their lives, with Lucifer often acting as a catalyst for change.
Love and RelationshipsThe evolving relationship between Lucifer and Chloe, as well as the dynamics with other characters.The screenplay explores various forms of love, from romantic to familial, highlighting the complexities and challenges that arise in relationships, particularly between Lucifer and Chloe.
Temptation and DesireLucifer's charm and ability to draw out people's desires, often leading to moral dilemmas.The theme of temptation is central to Lucifer's character, as he navigates the desires of those around him while also confronting his own, leading to both humorous and serious consequences.
Good vs. EvilThe conflict between Lucifer's devilish nature and his desire to do good.The screenplay presents a nuanced view of good and evil, with Lucifer often challenging traditional notions of morality as he interacts with both human and supernatural characters.
Existentialism and PurposeLucifer's reflections on his purpose after leaving Hell and the nature of existence.The theme of existentialism is woven throughout the narrative as Lucifer contemplates his role in the world and the meaning of his actions, leading to deeper philosophical discussions.

Screenwriting Resources on Themes


Site Description
Studio Binder Movie Themes: Examples of Common Themes for Screenwriters
Coverfly Improving your Screenplay's theme
John August Writing from Theme

YouTube Videos

Title Description
Story, Plot, Genre, Theme - Screenwriting Basics Screenwriting basics - beginner video
What is theme Discussion on ways to layer theme into a screenplay.
Thematic Mistakes You're Making in Your Script Common Theme mistakes and Philosophical Conflicts
Voice Analysis
Summary: The writer's voice is characterized by a unique blend of witty dialogue, dark humor, and a seamless integration of supernatural and crime elements. This voice manifests through sharp banter, clever wordplay, and a playful yet introspective tone that captures the complexities of the characters, particularly Lucifer Morningstar. The dialogue often juxtaposes light-heartedness with deeper existential themes, creating a distinctive atmosphere that sets the screenplay apart from conventional narratives.
Voice Contribution The writer's voice contributes to the script by enhancing the depth and complexity of the characters and themes. It creates a unique tone that balances humor with drama, allowing for moments of introspection amidst the chaos of crime and supernatural elements. This voice not only entertains but also invites the audience to engage with philosophical questions about morality, identity, and redemption, enriching the overall narrative experience.
Best Representation Scene 2 - Temptation on Sunset Boulevard
Best Scene Explanation This scene is the best representation because it encapsulates the writer's unique voice through its blend of humor, charm, and moral ambiguity. The witty dialogue and playful manipulation highlight Lucifer's character while also showcasing the underlying themes of temptation and the complexities of human nature. The interaction with Officer Diggs serves as a microcosm of the larger narrative, reflecting the interplay between the supernatural and the mundane, making it a standout moment in the screenplay.
  • Overall originality score: 9
  • Overall originality explanation: The screenplay presents a highly original blend of crime procedural and supernatural elements, featuring a charismatic fallen angel as the protagonist. The incorporation of complex themes such as morality, identity, and redemption, alongside authentic character interactions and witty dialogue, sets it apart from typical genre offerings. The unique character dynamics, particularly between Lucifer and other characters like Chloe and Maze, further enhance its originality.
  • Most unique situations: The most unique situations in the screenplay are Lucifer's interactions with various characters, such as his playful yet profound conversations with Delilah about fame and redemption, his chaotic entrance at a wedding that reveals deeper truths, and his confrontations with both human and supernatural adversaries that challenge his identity and morality. Additionally, the blend of humor with darker themes, such as the aftermath of violence and personal loss, adds layers of complexity to the narrative.
  • Overall unpredictability score: 8.5
  • Overall unpredictability explanation: The screenplay maintains a high level of unpredictability through its unexpected twists and character revelations. The integration of supernatural elements into crime investigations leads to surprising outcomes, such as the sudden violence at the wedding and the emotional depth in Lucifer's interactions. The evolving relationships between characters, particularly the tension between Lucifer and Chloe, keep the audience guessing about their future dynamics and the implications of Lucifer's choices.
Goals and Philosophical Conflict
internal GoalsLucifer's internal goals revolve around his quest for independence, self-identity, and redemption. Initially, he seeks freedom from his past in Hell, but through interactions with others, he grapples with the consequences of his choices and the desire to guide those seeking redemption. His goals evolve to encompass a balance of asserting his individuality while also navigating human emotions and responsibilities.
External Goals Lucifer's external goals align with his desire to seek justice for Delilah's murder and to uncover the truth behind the chaos around him. Throughout the screenplay, he focuses on solving the murder case, asserting dominance in various social encounters, and manipulating situations to maintain his lifestyle, all while entangled in the lives of those around him.
Philosophical Conflict The overarching philosophical conflict revolves around Lucifer's hedonistic worldview versus the concepts of justice, morality, and personal responsibility. As he navigates his identity as the Devil and the expectations placed upon him by others, he confronts the duality of his nature—whether to embrace his darkness or seek redemption by aligning with human values.

Character Development Contribution: The convergence of Lucifer's internal and external goals drives his character development, allowing him to confront his past and navigate complex human emotions. His journey from a self-indulgent being to a character seeking purpose and connection highlights his evolution.

Narrative Structure Contribution: Lucifer's goals shape the narrative structure by creating a conflict-driven plot that intertwines personal stakes with overarching mysteries. Each goal he pursues propels the storyline forward, leading to pivotal moments that reveal deeper character dynamics and societal questions.

Thematic Depth Contribution: The interplay of goals and philosophical conflicts enriches the thematic depth by exploring themes of free will, redemption, and the human condition. Lucifer's struggles embody the complexities of morality and the search for identity in a world that frequently challenges one's beliefs and desires.

Screenwriting Resources on Goals and Philosophical Conflict


Site Description
Creative Screenwriting How Important Is A Character’s Goal?
Studio Binder What is Conflict in a Story? A Quick Reminder of the Purpose of Conflict

YouTube Videos

Title Description
How I Build a Story's Philosophical Conflict How do you build philosophical conflict into your story? Where do you start? And how do you develop it into your characters and their external actions. Today I’m going to break this all down and make it fully clear in this episode.
Endings: The Good, the Bad, and the Insanely Great By Michael Arndt: I put this lecture together in 2006, when I started work at Pixar on Toy Story 3. It looks at how to write an "insanely great" ending, using Star Wars, The Graduate, and Little Miss Sunshine as examples. 90 minutes
Tips for Writing Effective Character Goals By Jessica Brody (Save the Cat!): Writing character goals is one of the most important jobs of any novelist. But are your character's goals...mushy?
World Building
  • Physical environment: The screenplay is set in a modern-day Los Angeles, characterized by vibrant nightlife, opulent locations like the nightclub Lux, and gritty urban areas. The juxtaposition of luxury and danger creates a dynamic backdrop for the characters' interactions, with elements of glamour and chaos coexisting.
  • Culture: The cultural elements reflect a blend of celebrity, fame, and the nightlife scene in Los Angeles. Themes of redemption, self-discovery, and the consequences of fame are prevalent, as characters navigate their desires and struggles within a world that celebrates excess and indulgence.
  • Society: The societal structure is hierarchical, with characters like Lucifer Morningstar, who embodies wealth and power, contrasted against those grappling with the consequences of their choices. The presence of celestial beings like angels and demons adds a layer of complexity to the social dynamics, highlighting themes of good versus evil and the nature of free will.
  • Technology: Technological aspects are subtly integrated, with references to social media, smartphones, and modern communication methods. These elements enhance the narrative by grounding the supernatural occurrences in a contemporary context, while also reflecting the characters' interactions and personal struggles.
  • Characters influence: The unique physical environment and cultural elements shape the characters' experiences and actions by providing a rich tapestry of temptation and moral ambiguity. Characters like Lucifer and Chloe are influenced by their surroundings, leading to complex relationships and personal conflicts that drive the narrative forward.
  • Narrative contribution: The world elements contribute to the narrative by creating a setting where supernatural and human experiences intersect. This blend allows for a unique exploration of crime, justice, and personal identity, as characters confront their pasts and desires within a vibrant yet dangerous landscape.
  • Thematic depth contribution: The world elements contribute to the thematic depth of the screenplay by exploring concepts of redemption, free will, and the duality of human nature. The interactions between celestial beings and humans serve as a metaphor for the struggles of identity and morality, enriching the narrative with layers of meaning and emotional resonance.
Story Engine Analysis

central conflict

Lucifer's struggle with his identity and purpose after leaving Hell, compounded by his interactions with humans and the consequences of his actions.

primary motivations

  • Lucifer's desire to understand humanity and his own emotions.
  • Chloe's determination to solve Delilah's murder and navigate her personal life.
  • Amenadiel's wish to bring Lucifer back to Hell and uphold divine order.


  • Delilah's murder, which triggers the investigation.
  • Lucifer's interactions with various characters that challenge his views on humanity.
  • Chloe's growing curiosity about Lucifer's claims and abilities.


  • Lucifer's internal conflict between his devilish nature and emerging empathy.
  • Chloe's skepticism towards Lucifer's supernatural claims.
  • Amenadiel's insistence on Lucifer's return to Hell.


  • The nature of good and evil.
  • Redemption and personal growth.
  • The complexity of human emotions and relationships.


The stakes involve the safety of characters like Chloe and the resolution of Delilah's murder, as well as Lucifer's struggle to reconcile his identity with his feelings for humans.

uniqueness factor

The story uniquely blends supernatural elements with crime procedural drama, featuring a charismatic Devil navigating human life.

audience hook

The dynamic between Lucifer and Chloe, filled with flirtation, tension, and humor, keeps viewers engaged.

paradoxical engine or bisociation

The juxtaposition of Lucifer's devilish charm against his growing compassion for humans creates a paradox that drives the narrative.

paradoxical engine or bisociation 2

The contrast between the light-hearted banter and the dark themes of murder and existential crisis enhances the story's complexity.

Engine: Claude

Screenplay Rating:


Executive Summary

The 'Lucifer' pilot screenplay presents a compelling character-driven story with a unique supernatural premise. While the overall narrative is engaging, there are some areas that could be strengthened, such as the clarity of character arcs and the pacing in certain sequences. The script showcases strong dialogue and an intriguing dynamic between the lead characters, Lucifer and Chloe, which holds great potential for further exploration. With some refinement, this screenplay could be a strong contender for development.

  • The opening sequence effectively establishes Lucifer's character and sets the tone for the story. His confident, sardonic demeanor and supernatural abilities are immediately apparent, drawing the audience in. high ( Scene 2 (1)   )
  • The interactions between Lucifer and other characters, such as Maze and 2Vile, showcase his ability to manipulate and extract information from people, hinting at the depth of his supernatural powers. medium ( Scene 4 (6)   Scene 10 (16)   )
  • The scenes featuring Lucifer's confrontations with Grey Cooper and Jimmy Barnes demonstrate his willingness to use unorthodox methods to elicit information and seek justice, adding to the complexity of his character. high ( Scene 7 (14)   Scene 8 (15)   )
  • The growing dynamic between Lucifer and Chloe, with her apparent immunity to his supernatural abilities, is a compelling element that drives the narrative and hints at the potential for further exploration of their relationship. high ( Scene 11 (17)   Scene 18 (27)   )
  • The screenplay effectively incorporates Lucifer's supernatural abilities, such as his power to manipulate people's desires, into the narrative, creating unique and engaging moments that set the script apart from a traditional crime drama. medium ( Scene 5 (9)   Scene 12 (20)   )
Areas of Improvement
  • The resolution of Chloe's gunshot wound and Lucifer's apparent immortality could be strengthened, as the explanation provided feels somewhat unclear and leaves unanswered questions. medium ( Scene 21 (29)   )
  • The character arcs of Lucifer and Chloe could be further developed, as their relationship and motivations are not always fully clear, especially towards the end of the script. high ( Scene 21 (29)   )
  • The pacing of certain sequences, such as the scenes at the elementary school and the confrontation with Grey Cooper, could be tightened to maintain a stronger narrative flow. medium ( Scene 12 (20)   Scene 17 (25)   )
  • The resolution of the Delilah murder case, with Jimmy Barnes' involvement, could be handled more smoothly, as the sequence feels somewhat rushed and the character's motivations are not fully explored. medium ( Scene 20 (28)   )
  • The ending of the screenplay, while intriguing, could benefit from a stronger sense of closure for the main characters and their respective arcs. medium ( Scene 21 (29)   )
  • The script could provide more clarity on Lucifer's true nature and the extent of his supernatural abilities, as well as the relationship between him and his angelic brother Amenadiel, which is hinted at but not fully explained. high ( Scene 21 (29)   )
  • The script could benefit from a stronger exploration of Chloe's backstory and the reasons behind her struggles within the police department, as this aspect of her character is only briefly touched upon. medium ( Scene 21 (29)   )
  • The script could delve deeper into the broader implications of Lucifer's presence in the human world and the potential consequences of his actions, as this larger context is not fully developed. medium ( Scene 21 (29)   )
  • The brief glimpses of Maze's true nature, hinted at through the distortion of her reflection, suggest an intriguing supernatural element that could be further explored. medium ( Scene 4 (6)   )
  • The confrontation between Lucifer and Jimmy Barnes, where Lucifer demonstrates a strong desire for punishment and retribution, highlights the complexity of his character and his potential moral ambiguity. high ( Scene 20 (28)   )
  • The interactions between Lucifer and his angelic brother Amenadiel, particularly the hints of their strained relationship and Amenadiel's apparent concern over Lucifer's actions, suggest intriguing storylines and character dynamics that could be further explored. high ( Scene 30 (30)   )
  • The growing bond between Lucifer and Chloe, despite her initial resistance to his charms, presents a compelling central relationship that could drive the narrative in compelling directions. high ( Scene 18 (27)   )
  • Lucifer's supernatural abilities, particularly his power to manipulate people's desires, offer unique storytelling opportunities that could be further explored to differentiate the script from standard crime dramas. medium ( Scene 5 (9)   Scene 12 (20)   )
Blind Spots
  • Exploration of Supernatural Elements While the script incorporates supernatural elements, such as Lucifer's powers and his angelic brother Amenadiel, the full extent and implications of these elements are not fully explored. The script could benefit from delving deeper into the world-building and the broader context of Lucifer's presence in the human realm, as well as the potential consequences of his actions. medium
  • Character Development The character arcs of Lucifer and Chloe, while intriguing, could be further developed to provide a more nuanced understanding of their motivations, internal struggles, and the evolution of their relationship. The script could benefit from a stronger focus on the personal growth and transformation of these central characters. high
  • Narrative Cohesion While the script offers several engaging narrative elements, such as the murder investigation and Lucifer's interactions with various characters, the overall cohesion and pacing of the story could be improved. Certain sequences, like the scenes at the elementary school and the confrontation with Grey Cooper, feel slightly uneven in their flow, which could be addressed to maintain a more consistent and compelling narrative. medium
Amateur Giveaways
  • Uneven Pacing As mentioned in the 'Areas of Improvement' section, the pacing of certain sequences, such as the scenes at the elementary school and the confrontation with Grey Cooper, feels slightly uneven. This could be perceived as an amateur mistake, as maintaining a consistent narrative flow is crucial for an engaging screenplay. medium
  • Unexplained Plot Elements The resolution of Chloe's gunshot wound and Lucifer's apparent immortality, as well as the lack of clarity around the broader implications of Lucifer's presence in the human world, could be viewed as amateur giveaways, as they leave unanswered questions and a sense of incompleteness in the narrative. medium
  • Underdeveloped Character Arcs As noted in the 'Areas of Improvement' section, the character arcs of Lucifer and Chloe could be further developed to provide a more nuanced understanding of their motivations and the evolution of their relationship. This could be perceived as an amateur oversight, as strong character development is crucial for a compelling screenplay. high

Engine: GPT4

Screenplay Rating:


Executive Summary

The 'Lucifer' pilot screenplay presents a unique blend of supernatural elements and crime procedural, showcasing strong character dynamics and witty dialogue. The narrative effectively introduces the protagonist's internal conflict and sets up intriguing relationships, particularly between Lucifer and Chloe. However, there are areas for improvement in pacing and character depth that could enhance the overall impact.

  • The dialogue is sharp and witty, effectively establishing character personalities and relationships, particularly between Lucifer and other characters. high ( Scene 2 (2)   Scene 3 (4)   )
  • The screenplay successfully sets up the central conflict with Lucifer's desire to punish those who wronged him, creating a compelling narrative drive. high ( Scene 4 (5)   )
  • The introduction of Chloe Dancer as a strong female lead adds depth to the narrative, providing a counterbalance to Lucifer's character. high ( Scene 6 (11)   )
  • The use of humor throughout the screenplay lightens the darker themes, making the story more accessible and engaging. medium ( Scene 8 (14)   )
  • The screenplay effectively sets up future conflicts and character arcs, particularly with Amenadiel's threat, which adds layers to the ongoing narrative. high ( Scene 22 (30)   )
Areas of Improvement
  • The pacing in the first act feels rushed, particularly in establishing character backstories and motivations, which could benefit from more gradual development. high ( Scene 2 (2)   Scene 6 (11)   )
  • Some character motivations, especially for secondary characters, are underdeveloped, leaving their arcs feeling incomplete. medium ( Scene 8 (14)   )
  • The transitions between scenes can feel abrupt, disrupting the flow of the narrative and making it harder for the audience to stay engaged. medium ( Scene 12 (18)   )
  • The emotional stakes could be heightened in key scenes to create a stronger connection between the audience and the characters. high ( Scene 22 (30)   )
  • The climax could be more impactful with a clearer resolution to the central conflict, as it currently feels somewhat rushed. high ( Scene 28 (28)   )
  • A deeper exploration of Lucifer's internal conflict regarding his identity and purpose is needed to enhance character depth. high ( Scene 2 (2)   )
  • More background on Chloe's past and her motivations would provide a richer context for her character and her relationship with Lucifer. medium ( Scene 12 (18)   )
  • The screenplay lacks a clear thematic resolution that ties together the various character arcs and conflicts introduced. high ( Scene 22 (30)   )
  • There is a lack of emotional depth in the aftermath of key events, particularly regarding the impact of Delilah's death on Lucifer. medium ( Scene 28 (28)   )
  • The motivations of Amenadiel could be more clearly defined to enhance the conflict between him and Lucifer. medium ( Scene 22 (30)   )
  • The opening scene effectively establishes the tone and style of the series, drawing the audience in with its unique premise. high ( Scene 2 (2)   )
  • The dynamic between Lucifer and Maze hints at deeper themes of loyalty and identity, setting up future character development. medium ( Scene 4 (5)   )
  • The chemistry between Lucifer and Chloe is palpable, creating a compelling foundation for their partnership. high ( Scene 6 (11)   )
  • The use of supernatural elements to explore human desires adds a unique twist to the crime genre, enhancing the narrative's complexity. high ( Scene 12 (18)   )
  • The final confrontation with Amenadiel sets the stage for ongoing conflict and character evolution, keeping the audience engaged. high ( Scene 22 (30)   )
Blind Spots
  • Character Development The screenplay occasionally overlooks the depth of secondary characters, making them feel one-dimensional. For example, characters like Maze and Amenadiel could benefit from more backstory and emotional complexity. high
Amateur Giveaways
  • Pacing Issues The pacing in certain scenes feels rushed, particularly in the first act, where character motivations and backstories are introduced too quickly without sufficient buildup. medium
Memorable lines in the script:

Scene Number Line
1Lucifer Morningstar: What is it you truly desire?
7Maze: You’re the Prince of frickin’ Darkness. It’s all well and good to take a vacation, have fun in paradise with the low-hanging fruit. But you're losing sight of who you actually are, Lucifer.
4Lucifer: You didn’t sell your soul, Delilah, but you do owe me a favor. Looks like it’s time to settle up.
16Lucifer: I’m like walking heroin. Very habit-forming. Never ends well.
14Lucifer: Allow me to introduce myself. I’m a man who could make you see things that would drive you blind. Or pull your spine out through your mouth. Your choice. But I wouldn’t do any of these things in front of the child. You know why? Because I, for one, have excellent manners.