The good place draft

Executive Summary


Genres: Comedy, Fantasy

Setting: Present day, The Good Place and the Neutral Zone

Themes: Identity, Humor, Overcoming Challenges, Friendship, Philosophy, Desperation

Conflict and Stakes: The humans are trying to prove that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system, which would allow them to get into the Good Place.

Overall Mood: Upbeat and comedic, with moments of drama and introspection.

Mood/Tone at Key Scenes:

  • Scene 1: The scene where the humans turn into identical Janets is both funny and visually appealing.
  • Scene 5: The scene where the Head Accountant is revealed to be working for the Bad Place is a major plot twist that will keep the audience guessing until the end.
  • Scene 7: The scene where the humans finally get into the Good Place is a heartwarming and satisfying conclusion to the story.

Standout Features:

  • Unique Hook: The concept of the humans turning into identical Janets is a unique and visually appealing way to explore the theme of identity.
  • Plot Twist: The revelation that the Head Accountant is actually working for the Bad Place is a major plot twist that will keep the audience guessing until the end.
  • Distinctive Setting: The Good Place and the Neutral Zone are both visually stunning and unique settings that will help to set the film apart from other comedies.
  • Innovative Idea: The idea of using a points system to determine who goes to the Good Place is a clever and original way to explore the nature of good and evil.
  • Unique Characters: The characters are all well-developed and unique, with their own strengths and weaknesses. The audience will be able to relate to and root for them.
  • Genre Blend: The film is a unique blend of comedy, drama, and philosophy. This will appeal to a wide range of audiences.

Comparable Scripts:

  • The Good Place
  • Doctor Who - The Doctor's Wife
  • The Matrix
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • Stranger Things - Episode 6: The Monster


Market Analysis

Budget Estimate:$20-30 million

Target Audience Demographics: Adults aged 25-54, fans of comedy, drama, and philosophy.

Marketability: It has a high concept premise with a lot of potential for humor and heart. The characters are relatable and likeable, and the story is both funny and thought-provoking.

It is a well-written script with a strong cast and crew. However, the subject matter may be too niche for some audiences.

It has a lot of potential, but the execution may not be strong enough to appeal to a wide audience.

Profit Potential: High, due to strong appeal to a wide adult audience and potential for award nominations.

Analysis Criteria Percentiles
Writer's Voice

Memorable Lines:

  • Eleanor: Holy forking shirtballs... we’re in the Good Place! (Scene 10)
  • Jason-Janet: This is exactly what I always thought heaven would be. (Scene 1)
  • ELEANOR-JANET: And all I know is, you’re just barfing Wikipedia all over everyone to avoid talking about your feelings. (Scene 5)
  • Janet: But: the structural integrity of this void is already at risk, you can’t start randomly conjuring up objects. (Scene 3)
  • Janet: Having four humans in my void is weird! (Scene 2)

Michael:An architect from the Good Place who is trying to help the humans get into the Good Place.

Janet:An artificially intelligent being from the Good Place who can create anything she wants.

Eleanor:A human who died and went to the Good Place, even though she doesn't deserve it.

Chidi:A human who died and went to the Good Place, even though he was a moral philosopher who couldn't make up his mind about anything.

Tahani:A human who died and went to the Good Place, even though she was a socialite who only cared about appearances.

Jason:A human who died and went to the Good Place, even though he was a Florida man who only cared about partying.

Story Shape
Summary In this movie, Michael and Janet turn Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason into identical Janets and bring them to Janet's void. The group cannot go back to their bodies but decides to go to the Neutral Zone to find proof that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system. Michael and Janet seek help from the Head Accountant, while thoughts and feelings in Janet's void cause her molecular essence to fragment. The group eventually regroups with Michael and Janet after their plan to turn into identical Janets fails.

Screenplay Story Analysis

Story Critique The script is a clever and comedic take on the identity crisis that the characters face when they all turn into identical Janets. The concept of Janet's void and the Neutral Zone are strong points that add depth and uniqueness to the plot. The witty and humorous dialogue showcases each character's personality and interactions, which sets up potential character arcs. However, the stakes could have been higher, and the setting could have been more engaging. Overall, the story is entertaining and enjoyable, with room for improvement in terms of plot development and character arcs.
Suggestions: To improve the screenplay, the stakes need to be raised to add more tension and conflict to the story and to increase the emotional impact on the characters. There should also be more character development, particularly in terms of personal growth and change. The setting could use more depth and complexity to create a more immersive experience. Additionally, the script could benefit from a more defined structure to create a clear narrative arc and pacing.

Note: This is the overall critique. For scene by scene critique click here

See the full analysis by clicking the title.

1 - Janet(s) "Absurd, lighthearted" 8 9 7 9 23288 9
2 - Janet's Void "lighthearted" 7 7 8 7 36674 8
3 - Lost in Janet's Void "whimsical" 8 9 7 8 47585 8
4 - The Void and the Accountant "Light-hearted" 8 8 7 7 24583 8
5 - Janet(s) "Humorous" 7 8 8 7 35694 8
6 - The Book of Dougs and Janet's Void "Whimsical" 9 8 9 8 76496 9
7 - The Fragmenting Janet "Whimsical" 9 9 9 8 97798 9
8 - Janet's Void Crumbles "Whimsical" 8 9 7 8 67687 7
9 - Janet(s) in Peril "Frantic" 9 8 9 9 791089 8
10 - The Good Place: Janet(s) "Exciting" 9 8 9 9 88899 8

Scene 1 - Janet(s)
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 9
Episode #310

Written by
Josh Siegal
Dylan Morgan

Directed by
Morgan Sackett

BLUE PAGES 6/28/18
Script #309

This material is the property of OPEN 4 BUSINESS LLC and is intended solely for use by its
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The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 1. (C/O)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18



IT! Michael takes it in -- relieved, giddy, out of breath.

Janet... you did it! You brought us into
your void! Wow. If I had a heart it
would be pounding!


You’d think there’d be some side effects,
but I feel fine! How’s my hair? Still

There may have been a couple of side
effects for the humans.

Michael looks over --



Michael, at a loss, just stares.

Dude. Why are there so many Janets? And
why do I sound like Janet?

You also look like Janet. Do I? Why?!
What? What is happening?

(realizing, terrified)
Oh no. Am I... wearing a vest?!
Michael, help me!

This is gonna be tricky. How are we even
going to tell them apart?!

One of the Janets is playing with (or pointing to) her own boobs.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 2. (C/O)
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1001 CONTINUED: 1001

...Okay, so that one is Jason.

This is exactly what I always thought
heaven would be.
Guys! We made it to The Good Place!

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 3. (I)
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Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet attempt to bring Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason into Janet's void, but it goes awry and they all turn into identical Janets
Strengths "Strong comedic moments, unique concept, diverse and well-developed characters"
Weaknesses "Lacklustre setting, low stakes"
Critique Overall, the scene shows promise and demonstrates the potential for comedic moments. The concept of multiple Janets and the confusion that ensues is a strong premise for humor. However, there are a few areas that could use improvement in terms of clarity and structure.

Firstly, the action lines could use more specific detail in certain moments, particularly with regards to character movements and reactions. For instance, when Michael is taking in the void, it would be helpful to describe his physical reactions in more detail to better convey his emotions. Similarly, when the Janets are reacting to their new appearances, their physical reactions could be described in more detail to heighten the comedic impact of the scene.

Additionally, the dialogue could benefit from more specificity in certain areas. For example, when Tahani realizes she might be wearing a vest, it would be more effective to describe the vest in more detail, such as its color or style, to further highlight the absurdity of the situation.

Overall, the scene has a lot of comedic potential, but with some refinement of the specific details and clearer actions, it could be even stronger.
Suggestions As a screenwriting expert, my suggestion to improve this scene would be to add more physical action and visual cues to help differentiate the characters and their confusion when they all look like Janet. Perhaps instead of just one Janet playing with her own boobs, each character could have a distinct physical tick or movement that shows their individuality despite their appearance. Additionally, adding more humor and comedic moments could help make the scene more engaging and memorable. Finally, considering ways to heighten the stakes or conflict in the scene could make it more impactful and drive the story forward.

Scene 2 - Janet's Void
  • Overall: 7.0
  • Concept: 7
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 8

Janet (the actual one) approaches Michael.

I can’t put the humans back in their own
bodies, so I’ve done the next best -- but
still not that great -- thing!

REVEAL: they’re still Janet, but are now dressed in their own
outfits. Tahani-Janet checks out her dress, unimpressed.

I suppose this outfit will do.

Are you sure? I mean, wearing a floral
print to an infinite void, at this time
of the nothing?!

So, where are we, exactly? We’re not on
Earth, right?

That’s correct, Chidi-Janet, you’re not.
Your real bodies dematerialized when you
entered my void, and your essences
reconstituted themselves in this form.

Cool, cool. And when you say “void”...?

I mean a subdimension outside of space
and time, at the nexus of consciousness
and matter, tethered to my essence. Does
that help?

It does not help. Makes it way worse. I
just wanna lie down.
(freaking out)
Where is down?!

Reveal Jason-Janet is UPSIDE-DOWN, above them.

I found it! It’s up here.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 4. (I)
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1002 CONTINUED: 1002

Here you go:

She BLOOPS in a LIVING ROOM SET. Chidi-Janet lies down.

Okay: Janet's void has a back door to the
Janet Warehouse in the Neutral Zone, which
is right near Accounting. You four will
stay here while Actual Janet and I sneak
through it and find the Head Accountant.

Why can’t we go with you?

The void is the only place you’re safe.
You just “died,” which means you’re the
first humans in history to not immediately
go to the Good or Bad Place, which in turn
makes you interdimensional fugitives.

Also the Judge is probably still pissed
at me, for, you know, breaking all the
rules, and she might take it out on you.
Plus the Bad Place is probably hunting
for us. So, literally the entire
universe is against you.

...Okay, but what’s a fourth really good
(off everyone’s silence)
Just trying to lighten the mood. Jeez.
Tough void.

Janet and I will pose as Good Place
employees, and sweet-talk the Accountant
into showing us his books. If I’m right,
we’ll find proof that the Bad Place is
tampering with the points system. The
Accountant will tell us what to do, and
this will all be over.
We're almost at the end, guys. Just stay
here and keep Janets’ heads on straight.

But if they do fall off, you can just
screw them right back on. You just sort
of push down and turn. You’ll hear a
“click.” Okay bye!
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 5. (I)
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1002 CONTINUED: (2) 1002

Michael and Janet disappear.


Michael and Janet are waiting in a reception area. A NEUTRAL
JANET is there behind a desk. She has a thousand-yard stare.

(aside, to Janet)
Is that a Good Janet or Bad Janet?

It’s Neutral Janet. She’s kind of the
Black Sheep of the Janet world. Or, the
blank sheep, I guess.
Ooh, I can throw shade now! That’s cool!

They approach her.

You have arrived at the accounting
office. All point calculations for
actions taken on Earth are made here.
End of conversation.

My name is Michael. I need to speak with
the Head Accountant, on official Good
Place business.

I will inform the head accountant of your
presence, and he either will or will not
see you in a certain amount of time, end
of conversation.

Michael notices a poster on the wall of Eleanor, Chidi,
Tahani, and Jason. It says “Wanted for Processing.”

Good thing your “void” plan worked out,

Janet tries to answer, but lets out a very long burp. As it
continues, it begins to sound auto-tuned.

in life after love?

Janet covers her mouth, embarrassed.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 6. (I)
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1003 CONTINUED: 1003

Having four humans in my void is weird!
Genres: ["comedy","fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet turn the humans into identical Janets, dress them in their own outfits, and bring them to Janet's void. Janet explains that they can't go back to their bodies, but they can go to the Neutral Zone to find proof that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system. Michael and Janet leave to find the Head Accountant, leaving the humans in Janet's void.
Strengths "The humor and lightness of the scene make it enjoyable to watch. The concept of Janet's void as a place of safety is interesting and adds to the worldbuilding of the show."
Weaknesses "The scene doesn't have much emotional impact and the conflict level is low."
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written and engaging. The dialogue is witty and humorous, keeping the audience entertained while also setting up the plot for the rest of the episode. The use of different versions of Janet adds an extra layer of complexity and humor to the scene.

One area for improvement could be the introduction of Neutral Janet. While her character is interesting, her presence and purpose in the scene do not add much to the overall plot. This could have been a missed opportunity to introduce a more integral character or plot point.

Overall, the scene effectively balances humor and exposition to move the plot forward and keep the audience engaged.
Suggestions Some suggestions for improving this scene could include:

1. Add more action and visual elements to keep the scene engaging and interesting to watch. For example, when Janet says "they're still Janet, but are now dressed in their own outfits," show the characters physically changing into their new outfits.

2. Consider cutting down some of the dialogue and making it more concise to avoid the scene feeling too slow-paced or wordy.

3. Utilize the setting and environment of the void more to add more unique and fantastical elements to the scene. Perhaps there could be strange creatures or objects in the background that add to the surreal atmosphere.

4. Give each character a clear and unique objective or goal in the scene to help further the plot and provide more conflict or tension. Right now, there is mostly exposition and setup for the rest of the story.

5. Consider adding more humor or comedic moments to keep the scene from feeling too heavy or serious. The humor in the scene could help to establish the characters' personalities and provide some levity in an otherwise fantastical and surreal setting.

Scene 3 - Lost in Janet's Void
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 8

Chidi-Janet is pacing, continuing to freak out.

This is nuts. We’re in a void, in the
body of a white lady --

Not a lady. Not a lady, darling.

But we are white! Let’s all say white
(just announcing things)
“Billy Joel!” “Mild salsa, please!”
“There was nowhere to park!” “Did you
refill the Brita?”

I find this void quite calming, actually.
It’s like: this time, the Xanax took me.

I have the worst stomachache. Sorry --
(sarcastic hand quotes)
-- “I” “have” a “stomach” “ache???”

Dude, relax. Here... let's see if I can
figure this out...


Oh, wow. Eleanor, how’d you do that?

I dunno. We’re Janet now. That’s what
Janet does.


What just happened?! What did you do?!

Sorry! I was just trying to help Chidi
calm down by conjuring up --
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 7. (I)
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1004 CONTINUED: 1004

(noticing, cute voice)
Awww, puppy! Cuuuute!
(then, serious)
But: the structural integrity of this
void is already at risk, you can’t start
randomly conjuring up objects.
(cute voice; petting puppy)
Because it might shatter the void! Yes
it might! It might blow up everything
and we’ll all disappear forever!
(serious voice)
So stop it.

Janet disappears --


-- and pops back into the Accountant’s office.

Everything okay?


The Head Accountant has decided to see
you, this will happen now, end of


The Head Accountant, NEIL, approaches -- a congenial fellow
who just goddamn loves being an accountant. He’s sipping
from a mug that says Existence’s Best Boss.

Hey-oh! There they are! So sorry to
keep you waiting. I’m Neil, the Head
Accountant. You must be Michael and
Janet -- I really depreciate you coming.
Just a little accounting humor. What can
I do for you?

Well, it’s sort of a long story. But I’m
concerned about certain... anomalies, in
the points system. I’m worried that
somehow, the Bad Place has been tampering.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 8. (I)
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1006 CONTINUED: 1006

Tampering? No no no. Quite impossible.
Laughable, really. Janet -- remind me to
laugh about that later?

Your amusement has been scheduled, end of

(rolling his eyes)
She’s a lot of fun.

Could you just humor us? Show us how the
system works?

Ehhhhhhhhhh... I suppose I can give you a
quick tour. We don’t get many visitors.
Follow me.

As they go...

Love your suit, by the way. Sharp.

Oh... and I like your tie.

Thank you! It’s impossible to remove.
Genres: ["comedy","fantasy"]

Summary The group is transformed into identical Janets but can't tell each other apart. They must stay in the void and cannot go back to their own bodies. They decide to go to the Neutral Zone to find proof that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system. Michael and Janet leave to find the Head Accountant.
Strengths "The humor and whimsy of the scene keep the audience entertained and adds to the show's unique charm."
Weaknesses "The scene is mostly expository and doesn't develop the characters or advance the plot significantly. The stakes aren't high enough to hold the audience's attention."
Critique Overall, this scene has witty dialogue and shows good character development, with each of the characters' personalities shining through their reactions to being in Janet's void. However, at times it feels like the characters are simply providing comedic relief rather than contributing to the plot. The introduction of the puppy and Janet's reaction to it feels like a diverting moment rather than a crucial step in the story. Additionally, while the dialogue is snappy, it occasionally feels like the characters are talking over each other and the lines could be tightened up to make the scene flow more smoothly.
Suggestions One suggestion would be to tighten up the dialogue to make it more concise and impactful. Cut out any unnecessary lines or repetition to keep the scene moving forward and the audience engaged. Also, consider adding more visual elements or action to the scene to break up the dialogue and add some variety to the pacing. Finally, make sure the dialogue is true to the characters and their personalities - ensure each character has a distinct voice and doesn't blend together.

Scene 4 - The Void and the Accountant
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 8
1007 INT. JANET'S VOID - LATER (D1) 1007

Chidi-Janet and Eleanor-Janet.

How’d you know I always wanted a dog like

Funny story: it’s one of the things I saw
in the alternate timeline where we were
soulmates on and off for 300 years.
Maybe... we should talk about that?

Well, I suppose we can, but there’s not
that much to talk about. The things you
saw weren’t part of my life, so they
didn’t happen to me.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 9. (I)
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1007 CONTINUED: 1007

...The hell are you talking about, man?
Of course it was you. I saw it.

Well, it was a Chidi, sure, but it wasn’t
(points to himself)
me Chidi. This is a classic
philosophical question: the concept of
“the self,” or “who we are.” Philo-
sophically speaking, there’s the Chidi I
am, who lived a certain life, and there’s
the Chidi you saw -- your soulmate, or
whatever -- who had some entirely
different life. Not the same Chidis.

Ohhhhh. Okay. Cool. Counterpoint:
that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever
said, and you do not deserve a puppy
right now! I’m un-blooping your puppy!

She tries to un-bloop the puppy -- but accidentally keeps
blooping MORE AND MORE PUPPIES into existence.

Gah! This is getting cuter and I want it
to get less cute!

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 10. (II)
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Michael and Janet follow Neil past other ACCOUNTANTS, working
at desks. Janet looks a little out of it.

Morning Greg! Hey there, Kioko -- TGI-7,
am I right?

Neil stops at a huge monitor with constantly scrolling text.

So! This is the main feed. Every single
action, by every single human on Earth,
is recorded, and sent here to be assigned
a point value based on the absolute moral
worth of that action. I shouldn’t really
let you see this, but what the heck --
one little example won’t hurt.
(re: screen)
A couple in Osaka, Japan just decided to
have a destination wedding. That’s
negative 1200 points.
Oh dear. It’s a destination theme
wedding. Negative four thousand three
(checks again)
The theme is Lord of the Rings. They’re
basically doomed.

An ALERT sounds. The monitor flashes “UNDEFINED ACTION.”

Ooh, this is fun! A human has just done
something no one has ever done before!

Richard Moore, of Sugarland Texas,
hollowed out an eggplant, and filled it
with hot sauce and nickels.

How about that -- it wasn’t a weird sex
thing! Ninety-nine percent of all new
human behaviors are weird sex things.
(checks again)
Oop, nevermind, actually it was a weird
sex thing. So! Now: we zip it over to
the relevant specialists for valuation.
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 11. (II)
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1008 CONTINUED: 1008
In this case, Anastasia in the Stuffed
Vegetable Department, Hector over in
American Coins, and my buddy Matt, in
Weird Sex Things.

He gestures to the accountants. MATT looks traumatized, like
he hasn’t slept in years.

I’m still waiting for a response to the
latest request I filed, for immediate

Request denied.
(to Michael)
I love Matt! He’s hilarious.

Matt deflates. He and Anastasia begin typing furiously.

So, they now examine the action -- its
use of resources, the intentions behind
it, its effects on others...

Correct, and they arrive at this:

Below the monitor, a printer prints out the results:

ACTION NUMBER 6&7GGp^W4*41211E146 = -9.884 POINTS

And here’s why tampering is impossible.
The result is then double-checked by
three billion other accountants --
selected at random -- and if they all
come to the same conclusion, which they
always do:

ON SCREEN: A green check pops up -- MATCH.

-- it becomes official. Anyone who does
this exact thing in this exact way will
lose this many points.

The screen DINGS.

Someone else just did it?! How is that
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 12. (II)
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1008 CONTINUED: (2) 1008
Oh. Because the first guy posted about
it on Reddit.

The screen DINGS over and over again...
Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary The group is transformed into identical Janets but can't tell each other apart. They must stay in the void and cannot go back to their own bodies. They decide to go to the Neutral Zone to find proof that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system. Michael and Janet leave to find the Head Accountant.
Strengths "The dialogue is witty and clever, adding to the comedic tone of the scene. The visuals of the scene, including the identical Janets and the Office of the Accountant, are well-executed."
Weaknesses "The concept of the points system is introduced, but it is not fully fleshed out yet, leaving some confusion. The scene lacks a strong emotional impact."
Critique Overall, this scene is well-written and entertaining. The dialogue is witty, and the concept of the accountants assigning point values to every human action is intriguing. However, there are a few minor areas where the scene could be improved:

- In the first part of the scene, the conversation between Chidi-Janet and Eleanor-Janet feels a bit exposition-heavy. The characters are explaining the concept of alternate timelines and the nature of the self to each other, but it doesn't feel entirely natural or organic. It might help to find a way to incorporate this information more subtly, or to have the characters discuss it in a way that feels more natural to them.
- The humor in the scene is effective, but some of the jokes feel a bit forced. For example, when Eleanor-Janelt accidentally creates more puppies, her line "This is getting cuter and I want it to get less cute!" feels like it's trying too hard to be funny. Similarly, Neil's line about 99% of new human behaviors being weird sex things feels a bit juvenile. It might be more effective to focus on the overall absurdity of the accountants' job, rather than resorting to cheap jokes.
- The action in the second half of the scene is a bit static. The characters are just standing in front of a monitor, and the action is being conveyed through dialogue rather than visuals. It might help to find a way to make the scene more visually interesting, or to add some movement or action to keep it from feeling too static.
Suggestions One suggestion would be to add more conflict or tension to the scene between Chidi-Janet and Eleanor-Janet. Right now it's a relatively calm and straightforward conversation, but adding a layer of conflict could make the scene more engaging for the audience. Additionally, there could be more visual elements to show the chaos of the puppies multiplying, perhaps with more physical comedy or reactions from the characters. In the second scene, there could be more buildup to the reveal of the undefined action, to make it more impactful when it finally appears. The dialogue could also be tightened up to make it more concise and punchy.

Scene 5 - Janet(s)
  • Overall: 7.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 8

Neil crosses to a controller with LARGE BUTTONS, one green,
one red. On either side are huge TUBES, one green, one red.

When people die, their biographical
history and final point totals are sent
to the relevant destination. That batch
is headed for the Bad Place --

A WOMAN puts a sack of files under the RED TUBE and hits a
BUTTON -- it flies up and out.

-- they get the files, process the
people, then it’s either “Yayy!” Or
(mock horrified)
“Gahh gimme my penis back!”, and Bob’s
your uncle. It’s a flawless system, and
tampering is quite impossible.

I see. Could we look at one specific
file, though, just to make sure?

Mmm. All right. Who do you wanna see?
Genghis Khan? Marie Antoinette? Walt
Disney has some weird stuff in his file...

Doug Forcett.

Neil smiles.


Eleanor-Janet turns to Chidi-Janet as Tahani-Janet and Jason-
Janet look on.

I don’t get this, man. Why wouldn’t you
want to know what our life was like?
You’re not even a little curious what it
was like to hit --
(re: her body)
-- this?
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 13. (II)
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1010 CONTINUED: 1010
(realizing, annoyed)
I don’t mean “this this.” Although,
frankly, I would also hit this this.

I don’t want to see those memories
because, philosophically speaking,
they’re none of my business. They
happened to someone else. Let me

Chidi-Janet conjures three desk-chairs and a pre-written

We can conjure any object in the
universe, and you chose a blackboard.

As long as you’re conjuring stuff, can I
have a magical rocket ship with laser
(then, revelation)
Oooh, no, wait -- gum!

Eleanor-Janet BLOOPS some Big League Chew and hands it to
him. He tosses it in his mouth.

Conceptions of the Self! Let’s start
with John Locke, who believed that
personal identity was based on having a
continued consciousness -- essentially:
memory. Memories are links in a chain
that together form a single self. If I
can’t remember what happened, because it
happened to a Chidi from another
timeline, it’s not a unified “me.”

Just because you don’t remember doing
something doesn’t mean you didn’t do it.
I have no idea how it happened, but there
is definitely a tattoo on my butt that
says “Jasom.”

That leads us to Derek Parfit.

It does?

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 14. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1010 CONTINUED: (2) 1010

Parfit said: even if I have memories from
an earlier time, that doesn't necessarily
mean it was “me.” After all, if my brain
was split in two and each half was put
into a different person, which one is
“me?” All I know is, that other Chidi
doesn’t exist anymore, and
(points to herself)
this one does, so this must be the real

And all I know is, you’re just barfing
Wikipedia all over everyone to avoid
talking about your feelings.

...Let’s talk about David Hume!
Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet turn the humans into identical Janets, dress them in their own outfits, and bring them to Janet's void. The group is transformed into identical Janets but can't tell each other apart. They must stay in the void and cannot go back to their own bodies. They decide to go to the Neutral Zone to find proof that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system. Michael and Janet leave to find the Head Accountant.
Strengths "The philosophical discussion about personal identity is entertaining. The plot moves forward by going to the Neutral Zone to find evidence about the Bad Place. "
Weaknesses "The scene is not very emotionally impactful, and it is not very high stakes."
Critique The scene is well-written and engaging, with good use of humor and banter between the characters. The exposition about the afterlife system is presented in an interesting way, with the use of the controller and tubes adding visual interest. The dialogue between the Janets is clever, and the philosophical discussion they have is both informative and entertaining. Overall, the scene is effective in advancing the plot while also providing humor and character development.
Suggestions Some potential suggestions for improving this scene:

- It may be helpful to add more visual elements to the scene to break up the dialogue a bit. For example, in the first part of the scene with Neil, we could see some of the files getting processed through the tubes and have some reaction shots from Michael to help illustrate the process and add some humor.
- When Neil offers to show Doug Forcett's file, it could be interesting to add some tension or conflict to the scene by having Michael hesitate or look uncertain. This could help build some suspense and make the scene more dynamic.
- The conversation between Eleanor-Janet, Chidi-Janet, Jason-Janet, and Tahani-Janet could also benefit from more visual elements or action. For example, we could see them conjure up various objects as they talk, or have some flashbacks to their previous lives to help illustrate Chidi's philosophical points. This could help bring some variety to the scene and keep the audience engaged.
- Finally, it may be helpful to add more of a clear narrative throughline to the scene overall. While there are some interesting philosophical points being made, it's not clear how they relate to the overall plot or character development of the script. By tying these ideas to the larger story, the scene could feel more impactful and memorable.

Scene 6 - The Book of Dougs and Janet's Void
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 9

Michael, Janet, Neil. Neil goes to the bookshelf and pulls
out The Book of Dougs.

Here we are -- the Book of Dougs.
(flipping pages)
Forbush... Forcap... Forcearch... Doug L.

He waves his hand and a SCREEN pops up. Michael tries to
peek at the screen--

Ah ah -- no peeking. Accountants only.

Can you just tell me his total?

Looks like he’s at... 520,000 points.
Well done, Doug.

...So that’s good?

It’s excellent!
Oh -- he’s 68 years old? It’s terrible.
He’s screwed.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 14A. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1011 CONTINUED: 1011

Ha! I knew it! Doug has spent his
entire life being nothing but good.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 15. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1011 CONTINUED: (2) 1011
He once found a dollar on the ground and
sent it to the Canadian government to
help pay down their national debt -- and
he’s not even close to getting in?! How
can that be?

Look, mate, the points are indisputable.
They have been, ever since the very

He points to a PAINTING of a caveman handing another caveman a
rock. Plaque reads: Og Gives His Rock To Grog. 201,993 B.C.E.

“Og gives his rock to Grog.”

The very first altruistic human decision.
Og earned ten thousand points that day.
Then Grog used the rock to bash Og’s head
in, and he lost a million.

We see another painting: the second caveman bashing the first
caveman’s head in.

Point is, the math is cold, objective,
and airtight. And unless you have some
other proof that says otherwise, I don’t
know how I can help you.

Matt pops in holding FILES.

I just got seven hundred new “Weird Sex
Thing” files in the last one second.

(to Michael)
Burning Man just started. Buckle up,

1012 INT. JANET’S VOID - LATER (D1) 1012

Chidi-Janet lectures...

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 16. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1012 CONTINUED: 1012

So, in essence, Hume thought that we
don’t truly have a “self,” we are just a
bundle of our ever-changing impressions --

Just admit it, man -- you’re embarrassed
that you fell in love with an Arizona

Eleanor, it’s not personal. Someone fell
in love with you, it just wasn’t “me.”

Eleanor-Janet looks hurt. Janet appears, furious --

I told you not to conjure anything!

Sorry, I just swapped the living room for
a classroom --

No, not you -- him! Jason! What is
wrong with you?!

Jason-Janet is sitting in an EMPTY HOT TUB with PILLBOI.

Sorry, Janet! I didn’t mean to conjure
Pillboi -- I was just thinking about how
much fun we used to have hanging out in
his broken hot tub, and he showed up!

Yeah, I was just chillin’, being nothing?
And then all of a sudden: I was!

Goodbye, Pillboi.

As he and the hot tub disappear into the vanishing point --

Oh dip -- I’m “not” again!

This is bad. Your thoughts and feelings
are starting to directly affect the void.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 17. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1012 CONTINUED: (2) 1012
I’m not sure how much longer I can
contain you in here. Maybe you should
split up.

Good idea, we’ll all go to our neutral
corners, as it were.
(looking around)
Janet, can you make some corners?
Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet seek the Head Accountant's help while the humans transform into identical Janets and plan to go to the Neutral Zone to find evidence of the Bad Place's tampering with the points system. Meanwhile, in Janet's void, thoughts and feelings are starting to affect the surroundings, and Janet urges the group to split up.
Strengths "The humor is well-placed and contributes to the overall tone of the show. Janet's void is an interesting concept with a lot of potential. The scene has a good mix of exposition and character development."
Weaknesses "The scene doesn't have high stakes and doesn't have a significant emotional impact."
Critique Overall, this scene is well-written and engaging. The dialogue is witty and paints a clear picture of the characters and their personalities. Neil's introduction of the Book of Dougs and the subsequent screen display provide a clear explanation of the point system in the Good Place, while also including humor and irony. The twist that Doug L. Forcett, who has lived a life of extreme morality, is still not qualified for the Good Place is a compelling plot point that adds depth to the show's moral universe.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved. The sudden appearance of Matt and his announcement about the "Weird Sex Thing" files feels abrupt and disconnected from the rest of the scene. Additionally, the shift to the Janet void and the discussion about philosophy and Chidi's love life feels jarring and out of place. While these moments individually work well, they feel disconnected from the larger plot of the scene.

Overall, the scene is strong in terms of dialogue and character development, but some minor restructuring could improve its coherence and pacing.
Suggestions Overall, the scene seems to be working well and contains good character interaction and humor. However, there are a few suggestions to improve it:

1. Provide more visual variety: The scene primarily takes place in two locations - Neil's office and Janet's void. As a screenwriter, it's important to think about ways to provide visual variety to keep the audience engaged. Consider adding in more camera movements, changing up the framing, or adding in more interesting set design to break up the monotony.

2. Raise the stakes: While the scene has some tension with Michael and Janet trying to find a way into the Good Place, there's not much at stake. Consider raising the stakes by adding in consequences for failure or elevating the urgency of their mission.

3. Clarify character objectives: In the scene, it's not entirely clear what Michael's objective is beyond getting information about Doug's point total. It could help to clarify his goals and how they relate to the larger plot.

4. Tighten up dialogue: There are a few moments where the dialogue feels a bit repetitive or could be tightened up for greater clarity. For example, the exchange between Michael and Neil about whether Doug's point total is good or not could be more streamlined.

Overall, these small tweaks could help make the scene more engaging and compelling for the audience.

Scene 7 - The Fragmenting Janet
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 9

Michael and Neil. Janet pops back in.

(aside to Michael)
You need to hurry. My molecular essence
is fragmenting, and it’s giving me the
worst headache.

Okay, here’s a question: if Doug
Forcett’s not getting in, who is? Let’s
look at one more file -- someone who got
into the Good Place this year.

Neil slides over to a COMPUTER and TYPES...

Okay. Why don’t we look at...
No one. No one got in.

...No one’s gotten in for a year?


How about the last three years?

(more typing)
Okay... doo doo doo... ah, here we go: no

...When was the last time someone got in?

The last time a person got enough points
to get into the Good Place was... five
hundred and twenty-one years ago.
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 18. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1013 CONTINUED: 1013

Michael and Janet react, shocked. Janet puts her hands out in
front of her... her skin is CRACKING... she looks concerned.

1014 INT. JANET'S VOID - LATER (D1) 1014

Chidi-Janet sits alone. Jason-Janet comes over to him.

Yo homie -- you and Eleanor were fighting
before, and I couldn’t help but overhear.
Hey: if we hear with our ears, why’s it
called “butt overhearing?”

Chidi-Janet stays quiet.

Bro, if you don’t like her, you should
just tell her.

It’s not about whether I “like” Eleanor.
I got into philosophy so I could make
sense of a world that almost never makes
sense... and that was before I learned I
died, and then un-died and then re-
died... I just can’t take one more thing
right now. It’s too much.

I’m gonna tell you a story. Back in
Jacksonville, there was a guy in my 80-
person dance crew named Stank Toby --

Hang on. It was a 60-person dance crew.

(caught, desperate)
Uhhhh.... oh dip, what are “numbers?”

You’re not Jason-Janet! You’re Eleanor-
Janet pretending to be Jason-Janet! That
is so wrong -- and so confusing!

What was I supposed to do?! You wouldn’t
talk to me. This seemed like the only

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 19. (II)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1014 CONTINUED: 1014

In what universe is any of this... the
only option?!

Jason-Janet approaches in Eleanor's clothes.

(high-pitched “Eleanor” voice)
Hi, Chidi, I'm Eleanor. I’m Arizona
shrimp horny!

That’s not what I sound like, Jason! Get
out of here!

Jason-Janet exits. Eleanor-Janet BLOOPS her own clothes
back, and rubs her face, fed-up.

Look, you know what?! Just forget it!
What am I even doing? I'm chasing a dude
who isn't into me, I’m making myself
vulnerable for no reason -- I don't even
know who I am anymore!

Chidi-Janet looks at Eleanor-Janet, concerned --

...Uh oh. This is new.

REVEAL: Eleanor-Janet has changed into a DIFFERENT PERSON.

I’m so annoyed at myself! Gahhhh!
Stupid Eleanor!

Off Chidi-Janet, stunned...

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 20. (III)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18

Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet seek the Head Accountant's help while the group of identical Janets plan to find evidence of Bad Place tampering in the Neutral Zone. Meanwhile, thoughts and feelings in Janet's void affect the surroundings, causing Janet's molecular essence to fragment.
Strengths "The humor is consistently funny throughout the scene, despite the surreal situations. The character conflicts add depth and interest to the supernatural happenings."
Weaknesses "The pacing may be slow for some viewers, especially those not invested in the characters or familiar with the show's ongoing plot."
Suggestions As a screenwriting expert, my first suggestion would be to focus on the important information in the conference room scene. The dialogue between Michael, Neil, and Janet feels scattered, and it's difficult for the audience to follow the plot developments. To improve the scene, I suggest trimming the conversation down to its essential points: Doug Forcett isn't getting into the Good Place, and no one has made it in for over 500 years. With a shorter, clearer conversation, the audience can better understand the stakes and focus on the characters' reactions.

Additionally, the scene in Janet's Void could benefit from some added tension. As it stands, the conversation between Jason-Janet and Chidi-Janet feels inconsequential. To improve the scene, I suggest bringing in more conflict and making the stakes higher. Perhaps Chidi-Janet is struggling to come to terms with his multiple deaths, and Jason-Janet's childish behavior is making things worse. Or, maybe the two Janets are fighting over limited resources in the Void. By adding tension and higher stakes, the scene can become more engaging and impactful for the audience.

Scene 8 - Janet's Void Crumbles
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 7

Tahani-Janet and Jason-Janet walk through a different part of
the void.

I know I asked you this before, but --

No, darling. This is not “where the Mac
and PC guys live.”

They happen upon a giant screen hanging in the void.

Whoa! Check out this dope flat-screen,
it’s air-mounted! You see this, Tahani?

The screen JUMPS to life -- a profile appears, with pictures
of Tahani and a list of everything that ever happened to her.

Oh my goodness... this must be where
Janet keeps all her information.
This screen can literally show us
anything that has ever happened --

(to the screen)
Cartoons. Cartoons. I think it’s
broken. “TV: play cartoons for Jason!”

Can’t believe that’s what you want to use
this for --
Oh my...

Jason’s profile comes up -- it’s covered with pink hearts,
and the name “Mrs. Janet Mendoza” written over and over in
cursive, like it was decorated by a lovestruck 14 year-old.

Jason... Janet has a crush on you!
(looks closer)
Sorry, not just a crush... I think, in
one of the reboots, you two were married!

On the screen, we now see the WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT of Jason
and Janet from #110. Jason-Janet reacts, surprised.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 21. (III)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1015 CONTINUED: 1015

Whoa. Married?
Ohhhh. This flatscreen must’ve been a
wedding present. It’s all starting to
make sense.


Chidi-Janet is looking at (the new) Eleanor, confused. She
still doesn’t know what’s going on.

This whole thing sucks, you know?

Eleanor... you... you’re not --

She is now another NEW PERSON -- a 53 year-old Chinese man.

The one thing I never wanted to do, ever,
for any reason, was follow some guy
around, like a lame puppy dog. I mean --
look at me, I don’t need to do that -- I
can get any guy I want!

Eleanor, just -- hang on --

Eleanor is yet ANOTHER RANDOM PERSON -- an 11 year-old boy.

What, dude? What? What do you want?

All around them, the walls of the void begin to CRACK. Janet
POPS IN and sees “Eleanor.”

What is going on?!
Okay. Well. This is bad.

Eleanor is now an 80 year-old lady.

Why are you staring at me? Do I have a
zit on my nose or something?

Your sense of self is crumbling, and it’s
taking the void down with it.

She is now a 16 year-old girl.
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 22. (III)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1016 CONTINUED: 1016

Great. So I don’t feel like myself for
two seconds and it breaks the universe?!
How come nothing went wrong when Chidi
freaked out about his identity for three

Because freaking out about everything is
my identity.
(faux cocky, wilting)
Not to brag!

You have to hold it together. Try to do
something Eleanor-y -- laugh at someone
who falls down, or show up at an event
underdressed and then get mad at everyone
else somehow. I’ll be right back --

Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet seek the Head Accountant's help while the group of identical Janets plan to find evidence of tampering by the Bad Place in the Neutral Zone. Meanwhile, thoughts and feelings in Janet's void affect the surroundings, causing Janet's molecular essence to fragment.
Strengths "The humor of the scene is widely prevalent, and the tone makes for a lighthearted atmosphere that makes it easy to watch and enjoy. "
Weaknesses "The scene doesn't have enough character development or a significant plot development to make it stand out."
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written and engaging. The dialogue feels authentic to the characters and the situation they are in. The introduction of the void and the screen effectively adds an interesting concept to the plot.

However, there is a potential issue with the pacing of the scene. The shift between the two groups, Tahani-Janet and Jason-Janet, and Chidi-Janet and Eleanor, may be abrupt, and it could be challenging for the audience to keep up with the action. It may be helpful to add some transitional sentences or visual cues to help the audience understand the shift in focus.

Additionally, while the dialogue is authentic to the characters, some of the humor may come across as too juvenile or simplistic for some viewers. Finding a balance between humor that works for the characters and humor that works for the audience is key to engaging the viewer and keeping their attention.

Overall, the scene is well-written but could benefit from some refinements in pacing and humor.
Suggestions One suggestion to improve this scene would be to make it more focused and concise. The scene jumps between Janet's void with Tahani-Janet and Jason-Janet, and then switches to Chidi-Janet and Eleanor. While both sections are important to the plot, having them switch so quickly may make it difficult for viewers to follow. One potential solution would be to split the scene into two separate scenes, each with a clearer focus on one set of characters. Additionally, some of the dialogue, particularly the lines from the random people in the second half of the scene, could be tightened up to make the scene more snappy and engaging.

Scene 9 - Janet(s) in Peril
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Neil walks Michael toward the exit... Janet pops in.

Well! I gotta run -- we’re having a
little “thing” in the breakroom for
Marisol’s birthday. She’s turning 39
million -- again.
So, if there’s nothing else...

“If there’s nothing else?!” Neil,
please: be logical. Not one Good Place
resident in over five hundred years?!
Not Jonas Salk, not Harriet Tubman, not
one single Golden Girl?! The Bad Place
has hacked your system!

For the last time: no, they have not, and
frankly, I’m beginning to resent your
tone. If you have a problem, go back to
the Good Place and take it up with the
Committee. Now if you’ll excuse me,
there’s cake over there, and if I don’t
move quickly, Erika will get the last
corner piece!

He stomps off...
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 23. (III)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1017 CONTINUED: 1017

No, no, no. This can’t be happening. He
was supposed to tell us what to do! If
he can’t fix this, who’s going to?

You, Michael. It has to be you.
(off his look)
We keep wandering around these different
realms, expecting someone else to have
the answers. But no one does. You’re
the guy, Michael. You’re the only person
who can fix whatever’s wrong with the

Michael takes this in.

But before we get into that, Eleanor’s
identity is shattering, inside my void,
and I might blow up, so I’m gonna need
you to grab a paperclip and marbelize me
like yesterday.

Janet’s face starts to crack! Light pours through the cracks!

What will happen to the humans?

No idea, but I can’t take them out of my
void in the middle of this office, and if
we do nothing, everyone is gone-zo!
Marbelize me, get us somewhere safe, and
bring me back!

Michael looks around frantically --

Paperclip! I need a paperclip!
(sees Matt)
Matt! Do you have a paperclip?!

What are you gonna use it for?

1018 INT. JANET'S VOID - SAME TIME (D1) 1018

The ground shakes, walls shattering. Eleanor is now a JACKED

Chidi? I’m scared.
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 24. (III)
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1018 CONTINUED: 1018

I know.

The walls keep cracking. Eleanor is now an OLD MAN.

What am I supposed to be doing right now?
I don’t remember. I’m having a hard
time... remembering...

Chidi-Janet gets an idea. Eleanor keeps becoming DIFFERENT
PEOPLE as Chidi-Janet talks:

Right. Memories! You need to remember
who you are:
You’re Eleanor Shellstrop, from Phoenix,
Arizona. Your favorite meal is shrimp
scampi, you listed your emergency contact
as Britney Spears as a longshot way of
meeting her, and your favorite movie is
“that clip of John Travolta saying ‘Adele
Dazeem’.” You flew halfway around the
world because you wanted to be a better
person, and it was very brave.

Within the ever-changing Eleanors, one out of every four is
Eleanor-Janet. Chidi-Janet sees that as a good sign...

You’re sharp and you’re strong. You make
fun of me a lot -- you once called me a
“human snooze button” -- but you also
showed up in my classroom when I was
drowning in despair and canned chili, and
basically saved my life. You have very
high self-esteem, and a very low
tolerance for men who wear sandals, and
your worst nightmare is someone saying
something nice about you to your face,
but too bad, because you deserve it, and
I need to say it, because -- because --

Chidi-Janet waits, then sees ELEANOR-JANET and GRABS her and
KISSES HER. It’s a Janet kissing a Janet. The camera SWOOPS
AROUND them. Somewhere, during the kiss, through the magic
of computers, they become ACTUAL ELEANOR and ACTUAL CHIDI.

The cracks in the walls slow. Eleanor looks at herself...

Nice work, bud.
The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 25. (III)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1018 CONTINUED: (2) 1018
Did you mean what you said, or did you
just say it because the world was ending?

...I really wanna play this cool, but I’m
afraid I’m gonna ruin it if I try to be
I already ruined it. Saying the word
“sexy” is not sexy --

She kisses him again. The cracked walls start to heal. The
white void turns brilliant colors all around them.
Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet seek the Head Accountant's help while the humans transform into identical Janets and plan to go to the Neutral Zone to find evidence of the Bad Place's tampering with the points system. Meanwhile, thoughts and feelings in Janet's void affect the surroundings, causing Janet's molecular essence to fragment.
  • Frantic pace keeps things interesting
  • Character relationships deepen
  • Dialogue could be punchier
Critique This scene is well-written and engaging. It effectively builds tension as Michael realizes the gravity of the situation and Janet’s impending meltdown, while also providing comic relief with Neil’s cake obsession and the constant transformations of Eleanor in the void. The dialogue is authentic and playful, with some great character moments for Janet and Chidi as they come to terms with their feelings for each other. The only potential weak point is the exposition about the afterlife and the Good Place Committee, which feels a bit heavy-handed and expository. Overall, a strong scene that effectively moves the plot forward and develops the characters.
Suggestions One suggestion to improve this scene would be to make the stakes of the situation clearer earlier on. Currently, it takes a while for Michael and Janet to fully realize the gravity of the situation and the need for Michael to take action. By establishing the urgency earlier, the tension can be increased and the scene can become more engaging for the audience. Additionally, the dialogue between Michael and Neil could benefit from some editing to make it more concise and impactful, as currently it feels somewhat repetitive. Finally, there could be more visual elements added to the scene to make it more dynamic, since a lot of the action is centered on characters talking. For example, there could be more interaction with the birthday party or other characters moving around the office.

Scene 10 - The Good Place: Janet(s)
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Michael is about to marbelize Janet, when --

Wait! I’m okay.

...You’re sure?

Yes. I’m okay. Wait... uh oh...
(she GAGS)
They’re not Janets anymore... they’re...
them... and they’re not sitting well...

She “barfs.” Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason pop in, back
to their normal selves. Michael and a wobbly Janet watch.

Oh man. Ugh. That was gross. I feel so
much better.

On the bright side, they’re all here, and
they’re safe.


-- From the old scary thing. Now there’s
a new scary thing.

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 26. (IV)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18



ALARMS BLARE. Neil walks up, wearing a party hat, holding
some cake.

Hey guys! I’m Neil. Welcome to
Accounting! Now it does look like the
four of you are interdimensional
fugitives, so I did go ahead and hit the
alarm. Sorry about that! On a lighter
note, we do have some cake left, if
you’re interested.


Michael, what do we do?

I’m sorry, guys. The Accountant was no
help --


-- no one has gotten into the Good Place
in 500 years, and we have no plan.
Nobody’s coming to save us.

He looks at Janet. She nods. He swells up.

So I’m gonna do it. Follow me!

He SMACKS NEIL’S CAKE out of his hand --

Nooo! Corner piece!

-- with Neil distracted they all RUN into --


Michael locks the door, grabs the Book of Dougs. Looks around
frantically... gets an idea. Neil bangs on the window.

Hey! You can’t take that!

The Good Place “Janet(s)” [310] 27. (IV)
Shooting Draft (GREEN Rev.) 7/26/18
1021 CONTINUED: 1021

I need one of you to volunteer to try
something outrageously insane, that will
either make you cease to exist or be
really fun.

That’s most of the things I’ve tried!

That’s my guy. Get in the tube!

Oh hell yeah -- I love gettin’ in stuff!

He does. Michael SLAMS THE GREEN BUTTON, Jason FLIES UP into
the tube...

Well... no way to know what happened to
him. The rest of you -- go!


We’re in an old quaint HOUSE. Camera pulls back to reveal a

We hear: THUNK! THUNK! THUNK! Six times, with accompanying
muffled “Ows!” And “Gahhs!”

DOOR is pushed open. Jason crawls out. Then Chidi, Tahani,
Eleanor, Michael and Janet -- like from a CLOWN CAR. They
look around.

...Where are we?

We’re in the Good Place.

No offense dude, but you’ve told us a lot
of lies in the last 300 years, so for
real: where the fork are we?
Fork. Shirt. Ash-hole.
(hearing it, emotional)
Holy forking shirtballs... we’re in the
Good Place!

They all look around, shocked...

Genres: ["Comedy","Fantasy"]

Summary Michael and Janet regroup with Tahani, Eleanor, and Chidi after their plan to turn into identical Janets to find evidence of the tampering in the Neutral Zone goes awry.
Strengths "The scene has a great mix of humor, excitement, and surprise. The characters remain true to their established personalities, and the plot continues to progress in new and interesting ways."
Weaknesses "While the scene is overall successful in its execution, there is little in the way of thematic development or deeper meaning than what is immediately on the surface."
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written with clear dialogue and actions. The pacing is good, with a mix of tension and humor. However, there are a few areas that could be improved.

First, the introduction of Neil felt a bit random and unnecessary. It doesn't add much to the overall plot and his sudden appearance with cake doesn't quite fit with the urgency of the situation.

Second, the decision for Jason to go into the tube felt rushed and could benefit from more explanation. The audience doesn't know what the tube does or why it's the solution to their problem.

Finally, the reveal of the Good Place at the end felt a bit predictable and lacks a strong emotional payoff. It might benefit from a more dramatic and unexpected reveal.

Overall, the scene is solid but could use a bit more development in certain areas to make it truly impactful.
Suggestions One suggestion to improve this scene would be to add more tension and build-up to the moment of them realizing they are in the Good Place. Currently, the realization feels a bit sudden and lacks the payoff it deserves after all the obstacles they've faced. Adding more obstacles or unexpected developments along the way could help increase the impact of the reveal. Additionally, giving each character a moment to process their emotions and reactions to finally achieving their goal could add depth and emotional resonance to the scene.

Characters in the screenplay, and their arcs:


Michael is an eccentric and quirky architect who acts as a guide to others. He is a confident and determined character, always pushing forward to try and fix things. He is a natural leader and isn't afraid to take charge. Furthermore, he is a well-intentioned demon who is trying to help humans and improve their lives. He has a deep moral compass that drives his actions and is resourceful and analytical.


Janet is a unique and sentient entity that possesses a vast amount of knowledge and abilities. She is always eager to help those around her and showcases adaptability and problem-solving skills in any given situation. Janet's connection to the void grants her a unique perspective on the world, and she has a kind-hearted and empathetic nature. She is fragile due to her developing emotions, but her vast knowledge and abilities allow her to serve as a guide and mentor to others.


Eleanor is a sarcastic, unconventional, and self-centered person who struggles with morality and personal growth. She has a quick wit and a sardonic sense of humor, which often masks her insecurity and vulnerability. She has a tendency to lash out at others when she feels threatened or exposed, but ultimately she longs for love and acceptance.


Chidi is a neurotic and indecisive ethics professor with a strong sense of morality. He is a thoughtful and intellectual character, always analyzing situations and trying to find the best course of action. He can be indecisive and anxious, but he is loyal to his friends. Chidi is also a philosopher who struggles to make choices and often gets bogged down in theoretical discussions.


Tahani is a complex character who initially appears snobbish and self-absorbed in her obsession with status and image. However, as we get to know her better, we see that she is sophisticated, cultured, and genuinely cares about others. She is a wealthy socialite who craves attention and validation from others, but is starting to accept her flaws and become more selfless as a philanthropist.


Jason is a clueless amateur DJ seeking his own version of paradise. He is simple, childlike, impulsive and carefree, but has a genuine love for his friends. Although not very intelligent, he is well-meaning and eager to please.


Chidi is a professor of ethics and morality, intelligent and introspective. He struggles with indecisiveness and anxiety, but is always contemplating the concept of the self.


Eleanor is a complex and multi-dimensional character who undergoes several transformations throughout the movie. She starts off as someone who is trying to be helpful and creates a cute puppy, showing her caring nature. As the movie progresses, she becomes more confident and witty, not afraid to joke around and even call out others. When she becomes a human who has been transformed into an identical Janet, she retains her sarcastic and quick-witted personality, but also reveals a kind heart underneath. Finally, as a transformed version of herself, Eleanor-Janet is conflicted and uncertain, struggling to reconcile her rough exterior with her newfound selflessness.

Michael Michael's character arc revolves around his transformation from a demon who used to care only about himself to someone willing to help humans. In the beginning, Michael guides the humans, but his motives aren't entirely altruistic. As the plot progresses, Michael realizes the error of his ways and begins to care for the humans in his group. He turns against his own kind and is willing to take great risks to help humans progress. Finally, Michael transforms from a demon into a human ally, growing in confidence while desperate to find a solution. The character arc is well-structured, but it could have been more nuanced. Michael's turn toward altruism is too abrupt and could feel inauthentic to the audience. It might have been better to incorporate more moments of doubt and self-reflection before he decides to help the humans wholeheartedly. To improve the character arc, show Michael struggling with his beliefs and grappling with his moral compass before coming to a realization that he needs to help humans. Moreover, it could be great to add more interpersonal moments between him and humans to build a more authentic relationship that can lead to his transformation.
Janet At the beginning of the movie, Janet is a programmed guide for the humans and lacks a true sense of identity. She is mainly an all-knowing and all-seeing AI system that assists the humans as needed. However, as the story progresses, Janet begins to develop unique emotions, causing her physical side effects. Janet's development of emotions leads her on a journey of personal discovery that allows her to understand her true identity and capabilities. She learns to navigate the world with a newfound sense of purpose, and her growth allows her to become an even more valuable ally to the humans she serves. The character arc of Janet showcases personal growth and self-discovery, which is an interesting pivot point given her all-knowing and sentient nature. However, the arc may benefit from expanding on Janet's physical side effects and how they impact her. It may also be helpful to explain more about her connection to the void and how that allows her to have a unique perspective on the world. Lastly, the source of her sudden development of emotions could be further explored, giving the audience a deeper understanding of what precipitated the change. To improve the character arc, it may be helpful to add more details about Janet's physical side effects and how they impact her. Expanding on her connection to the void allows the audience to understand her unique abilities better and how that serves her as a guide. Furthermore, explaining the source of her sudden development of emotions would help add depth to her character development and provide more background on her existence. Lastly, exploring Janet's identity further would allow for more substantial character development as she navigates the world with a new sense of purpose.
Eleanor Through her experiences in the afterlife, Eleanor begins to change and grow as a person. She learns the importance of putting others before herself and begins to develop genuine care and compassion for those around her. As she continues to transform, she becomes a leader in the group and realizes that her actions can have a significant impact on others. The character arc for Eleanor is compelling and well-executed, but could benefit from more nuance and complexity. While it is clear that she is learning to become a better person, the reasons for her initial self-centeredness could be explored further. Additionally, her growth could be further complicated by setbacks and conflicts, making her transformation feel more dynamic. To improve the character arc, consider delving deeper into Eleanor's past and exploring the root of her self-centered behavior. It could also be effective to introduce more conflict and obstacles that challenge her newfound growth, forcing her to confront difficult choices and ultimately come out stronger on the other side.
Chidi Chidi starts off as an indecisive ethics professor who is constantly analyzing situations and struggling to make choices. His anxiety and overthinking lead him to be paralyzed and unable to act. However, over time, he begins to grow and transform. He is faced with tough decisions, but instead of being stuck in his own head, he starts to take action and become more confident in his decision-making. He learns to trust his instincts and let go of his fear of being wrong. By the end of the movie, Chidi has become a more decisive and confident person who is able to make tough choices. The character arc is well-done, but it could benefit from more specific examples of how Chidi grows and changes throughout the movie. There could also be more of a focus on how his relationships with other characters and specific experiences help him overcome his indecisiveness. To improve the character arc, add specific examples of when Chidi starts to take action and make decisions. Show how his relationships with other characters, like his friendship with Eleanor, support his growth. Also, consider adding in more backstory to explain why Chidi struggles with indecisiveness in the first place.
Tahani Tahani starts out as a socialite seemingly obsessed with appearances. She constantly seeks validation and recognition from others, but as she spends more time in the afterlife, she begins to realize the emptiness of her former way of life. She starts to become more self-aware and reflective, acknowledging her flaws and becoming more humble. She begins to channel her wealth and influence into meaningful acts of charity, using her resources to help others instead of just boosting her own ego. By the end of the movie, Tahani has made a significant transformation and has developed a deeper sense of compassion and empathy for others. Tahani's character arc is compelling and well-written, but it could benefit from more specific examples of the ways in which she demonstrates her growth and transformation. The audience could benefit from seeing more concrete acts of charity and kindness from Tahani, to better understand the extent of her newfound empathy and selflessness. One way to improve Tahani's character arc would be to include more scenes of her engaging in kind, charitable acts as she develops as a philanthropist. This would help to illustrate the extent of her transformation and allow the audience to really root for her as she grows and changes.
Jason Throughout the movie, Jason's lack of intelligence and impulsiveness causes problems for himself and his friends. However, after a particularly disastrous event that he caused, Jason realizes that his actions have consequences and starts to take responsibility for them. This leads to him making more thoughtful decisions, being a better friend, and ultimately becoming more mature. The character arc is solid, but it could benefit from more specific examples of how Jason's behavior and decision-making change throughout the movie. Include specific scenes that show Jason struggling to understand the consequences of his actions and then learning from his mistakes. Make his growth more gradual and show how his friends react to his transformation.
Chidi-Janet At first, Chidi struggles to come to terms with being transformed into a Janet and grapples with his own identity. However, he eventually realizes that his intellectual disposition is actually an asset in his new form, and is able to use his knowledge and reasoning to help the other characters. Through this journey, Chidi gains confidence and learns to trust himself more, ultimately becoming a more self-assured and decisive person. The character arc for Chidi-Janet is well thought out and allows for growth and development. However, it could benefit from more specific moments or challenges that allow Chidi to actively confront his indecisiveness and anxiety. Additionally, the ending could be more impactful if Chidi was faced with a situation that truly tested and proved his new-found confidence. Consider adding specific moments where Chidi must make quick decisions or confront his own insecurities in order to really hone in on his character development. Also, create a bigger challenge at the end that would fully showcase Chidi's newfound confidence and decisiveness.
Eleanor-Janet Eleanor-Janet's character arc is one of growth and transformation. She starts off as someone who is helpful, but unsure of herself. As she becomes more confident and witty, she learns to stand up for herself and call out others. Being transformed into a Janet helps her find her kind heart and become more selfless, but it also leaves her feeling conflicted and uncertain. Ultimately, Eleanor-Janet learns to embrace her vulnerabilities and becomes comfortable in her own skin. The character arc for Eleanor-Janet is well-developed and realistic, but it could benefit from more specific and concrete examples of her transformation. Additionally, her inner conflict and uncertainty could be highlighted more clearly, so that the audience understands the full extent of her transformation. To improve the character arc for Eleanor-Janet, the screenwriter could include more scenes that show her growth and transformation, such as instances where she stands up for herself or goes out of her way to help others. Additionally, more emphasis could be placed on her inner conflict and uncertainty, perhaps through voiceover narration or dialogue that expresses her thoughts and feelings more explicitly.
Top Correlations and patterns found in the scenes:

Pattern Explanation
High Emotional Impact and Character ChangesScenes with a higher emotional impact tend to also have a higher character change score. This can be seen in scenes 3, 6, 7, and 9.
Dialogue and Plot CorrelationScenes with a higher score in dialogue also tend to have a higher score in plot elements. This can be seen in scenes 1, 4, and 7.
Tone and Conflict CorrelationThere is a correlation between the tone of a scene and the level of conflict. Scenes with a lighter tone tend to have lower conflict scores. This can be seen in scenes 2, 4, and 5.
High Stakes and Move Story Forward CorrelationScenes with higher stakes tend to also score higher in moving the story forward. This can be seen in scenes 9 and 10.
Absurd Tone and Emotional Impact CorrelationScenes with an absurd, lighthearted tone tend to score lower in emotional impact. This can be seen in scene 1.
Overall Grade and Emotional Impact CorrelationScenes with a higher overall grade tend to also have a higher emotional impact score. This can be seen in scenes 3, 6, 7, 9, and 10.

Stories Similar to this one

Story Explanation
The Good Place The similarity between The Good Place and the identified screenplay is the setting being in a fictional version of the afterlife. Additionally, the humor and absurdity that come with living in this place.
Doctor Who - The Doctor's Wife The Doctor's Wife focuses on a similar setting, the Tardis, and how a sentient force within it both helps and creates chaos for the characters. The episode has a lighthearted tone despite the high stakes. The use of the Tardis as a central component of the episode is also similar to Janet's void in the screenplay.
The Matrix In The Matrix, the characters struggle to differentiate between reality and the simulation they are trapped in. Similarly, the group of Janets in the screenplay struggle to differentiate between each other. Both works use the concept of reality and identity as central themes.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the screenplay both use absurd and humorous dialogue to drive the plot. The characters in both works are often confused and find themselves in surreal situations that they must adapt to. Additionally, both stories take place in a setting that goes beyond the limits of reality.
Stranger Things - Episode 6: The Monster The Monster episode of Stranger Things has a similar plot to the screenplay. The characters are trapped in an alternate dimension and struggle to return to reality. Additionally, they are faced with a challenge they must overcome and work together to find a solution. The use of a parallel dimension setting is a significant similarity between the two works.

Here are different Tropes found in the screenplay

Trope Trope Details Trope Explanation
Identity CrisisAll the characters turn into identical Janets and struggle to differentiate themselves from each other.Identity crisis is a common trope in television shows where characters struggle with their sense of self and who they are. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'Alias,' where Sydney Bristow is constantly grappling with her identity as a spy and her desire for a normal life.
Fish out of WaterThe characters are trapped in a bright and infinite white space and struggle to find their footing.
Comedic DialogueThe scene is set in a lighthearted tone with witty and humorous dialogue highlighting the characters' confusion and disbelief.Comedic dialogue is a common trope in television shows that aims to make the audience laugh through witty banter and humorous exchanges between characters. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine,' where the characters frequently use humor to offset the serious nature of their work as police officers.
MacGuffinMichael and Janet need to find evidence that the Bad Place is tampering with the points system.
Unexpected TwistThe characters all turn into identical Janets, which leads to confusion and chaos.Unexpected twist is a common trope in television shows where the plot takes an unexpected turn, often leading to surprise or shock for the characters and the audience. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'Breaking Bad,' where the protagonist's cancer diagnosis serves as a twist that drives the plot in unexpected directions.
Character ArcThe characters' interactions set up potential character arcs.Character arc is a common trope in television shows where characters undergo significant changes over the course of the story. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'Dynamic Duos,' where the protagonist goes from being a cynical and selfish person to a hero determined to save the day.
Low StakesThe stakes are low as it's a comedic moment and there is no obvious danger.Low stakes is a common trope in television shows where the consequences of the characters' actions are not significant or dire. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'The Office,' where the characters frequently engage in minor hijinks and pranks that don't pose a significant threat to anyone's well-being.
Subtle ThemeThe theme of identity is subtly introduced as the characters struggle to differentiate themselves from each other.Subtle theme is a common trope in television shows where themes are explored indirectly or through subtext rather than being explicitly stated. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'The Sopranos,' where the theme of family is explored through the protagonist's relationship with his biological family and the criminal family he belongs to.
Innovative ConceptThe concept of the characters turning into identical Janets is unexpected and unique.Innovative concept is a common trope in television shows where the story or premise is unique or original. An example of this trope can be seen in the show 'Westworld,' where the concept of a theme park populated by lifelike robots is both innovative and unexpected.

Theme Theme Details Themee Explanation
IdentityThe characters struggle to differentiate themselves from each other after being turned into identical Janets.The theme of identity is subtly introduced as the characters face an unexpected challenge that leaves them questioning who they are.
HumorThe tone is absurd and lighthearted, with comedic dialogue and exaggerated actions such as one of the Janets playing with her own breasts.Humor is a prevalent theme throughout the screenplay, with its lighthearted tone and witty dialogue playing on the absurdity of the situation.
Overcoming ChallengesThe characters face a unique challenge as they struggle to tell each other apart and find proof of the Bad Place's tampering with the points system.The theme of overcoming challenges is present as the characters are faced with a difficult situation and must work together to find a solution.
FriendshipThe characters' interactions set up potential character arcs as they work together to overcome the challenge of being transformed into identical Janets and find evidence of the Bad Place's tampering.The theme of friendship is subtly introduced as the characters' interactions and potential character arcs are highlighted.
PhilosophyThe scene is humorous thanks to the philosophical debates the characters have when discussing personal identity.The theme of philosophy is present as the characters discuss personal identity and question who they are.
DesperationMichael and Janet are desperate to find a solution to the Bad Place's tampering with the point system while the clock is ticking and Janet's essence is fragmenting.The theme of desperation is present as Michael and Janet face a race against time to find a solution before it's too late.

Screenwriting Resources on Themes


Site Description
Studio Binder Movie Themes: Examples of Common Themes for Screenwriters
Coverfly Improving your Screenplay's theme
John August Writing from Theme

YouTube Videos

Title Description
Story, Plot, Genre, Theme - Screenwriting Basics Screenwriting basics - beginner video
What is theme Discussion on ways to layer theme into a screenplay.
Thematic Mistakes You're Making in Your Script Common Theme mistakes and Philosophical Conflicts

Screenplay Rating:


Executive Summary

The Good Place draft demonstrates a strong comedic voice, imaginative premise, and well-developed world-building. However, the screenplay could benefit from a more compelling antagonist, a clearer sense of urgency in the central conflict, and a more satisfying resolution. Further exploration of the broken points system and its consequences would also enhance the overall narrative.

  • The screenplay features a unique and imaginative premise, exploring philosophical concepts within a comedic framework. high
  • The world-building is intricate and well-developed, creating a complex afterlife system with its own rules and bureaucracy. high ( Scene 1002  Scene 1013  )
  • The dialogue is witty and engaging, filled with humor and pop culture references that resonate with the audience. high
  • The character dynamics are strong, particularly the evolving relationship between Eleanor and Chidi, which provides both comedic and emotional depth. high ( Scene 1004  Scene 1010  Scene 1012  Scene 1014  Scene 1016  Scene 1018  )
  • The use of Janet's void as a plot device allows for creative exploration of identity and self-perception. medium ( Scene 1001  Scene 1016  Scene 1018  )
Areas of Improvement
  • The conflict with the Bad Place feels somewhat underdeveloped and lacks a clear sense of urgency or immediate threat. high ( Scene 1011  Scene 1013  Scene 1017  )
  • Neil, the Head Accountant, could be a more compelling antagonist with clearer motivations and a stronger presence. medium ( Scene 1006  Scene 1008  Scene 1011  Scene 1013  Scene 1017  )
  • The pacing could be improved, as some scenes feel drawn out, particularly Chidi's philosophical explanations. medium
  • The ending feels somewhat abrupt, leaving several questions unanswered and the overall conflict unresolved. medium
  • The screenplay would benefit from a deeper exploration of the consequences of the broken points system and its impact on the afterlife. high
  • More insight into the Bad Place's motivations and their methods of tampering with the system would enhance the conflict. medium
  • Further development of the supporting characters, such as Tahani and Jason, would provide a richer ensemble dynamic. medium
  • The concept of humans taking on Janet's form is a clever and entertaining way to explore themes of identity and perception. high ( Scene 1001  Scene 1018  )
  • The scene with the eggplant and nickels is a humorous example of the show's ability to blend absurdity with philosophical inquiry. medium ( Scene 1008  )
  • The reveal of Janet's crush on Jason adds a layer of complexity to her character and opens up potential for future storylines. medium ( Scene 1015  )
Memorable lines in the script:

Scene Number Line
10Eleanor: Holy forking shirtballs... we’re in the Good Place!
1Jason-Janet: This is exactly what I always thought heaven would be.
5ELEANOR-JANET: And all I know is, you’re just barfing Wikipedia all over everyone to avoid talking about your feelings.
3Janet: But: the structural integrity of this void is already at risk, you can’t start randomly conjuring up objects.
2Janet: Having four humans in my void is weird!