Pan's Labyrinth

Executive Summary


Genres: Fantasy, Drama, Historical, War, Horror, Adventure, Action, Thriller

Setting: Late 1940s, Post-Civil War Spain

Themes: The Power of Imagination and Storytelling, The Brutality of War, Sacrifice and Loss, Authority and Power, Identity and Self-discovery

Conflict and Stakes: Ofelia's struggle to navigate the horrors of war and her own personal trauma, while also completing the tasks given to her by the Faun in order to save her family.

Overall Mood: Dark, violent, and oppressive, with moments of beauty and hope

Mood/Tone at Key Scenes:

  • Scene 1: The film's opening scene, which sets the tone for the rest of the film with its depiction of the horrors of war
  • Scene 5: The scene in which Ofelia meets the Faun, which is full of wonder and magic
  • Scene 10: The scene in which Ofelia's mother dies, which is full of sadness and despair

Standout Features:

  • Unique Hook: The film's unique blend of fantasy and horror, which creates a truly immersive and unforgettable experience
  • Plot Twist: The revelation that Ofelia is actually a princess from another world, which adds a whole new layer to the story
  • Distinctive Setting: The film's setting in post-Civil War Spain, which provides a backdrop of violence and despair that adds to the film's overall atmosphere
  • Innovative Ideas: The film's use of magical realism, which allows the fantasy and horror elements to co-exist in a believable way
  • Unique Characters: The film's characters are all complex and well-developed, and their motivations are often ambiguous
  • Genre Blend: The film's unique blend of fantasy, horror, and coming-of-age story elements creates a truly unique and unforgettable experience

Comparable Scripts:

  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
  • The Secret Garden
  • Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities


Market Analysis

Budget Estimate:$20-30 million

Target Audience Demographics: Adults aged 18-45, fans of fantasy, war dramas, and coming-of-age stories

Marketability: Guillermo del Toro's unique blend of fantasy and horror has proven to be popular with audiences worldwide, and the film's themes of war and family are universal

The film's dark and violent content may limit its appeal to some audiences, but its strong performances and stunning visuals could help it overcome this

The film's foreign-language status could limit its box office potential in some markets, but its critical acclaim could help it overcome this

Profit Potential: Moderate to high, due to the film's strong critical reception and potential for award nominations

Analysis Criteria Percentiles
Writer's Voice

Memorable Lines:

  • Narrator: Her body suffered cold, sickness and pain. Eventually, she died. (Scene 1)
  • Captain Vidal: Then do it for me... (Scene 2)
  • The Faun: You broke the rules! (Scene 19)
  • Vidal: What must you think of me, my dear young woman? You must think I'm a monster. (Scene 21)
  • Mercedes: Don't you dare touch the girl... You won't be the first pig I've gutted! (Scene 22)

Ofelia:A young girl who escapes into a fantasy world to cope with the horrors of war

Captain Vidal:A ruthless Nationalist army officer who is Ofelia's stepfather

Mercedes:A member of the resistance who helps Ofelia

The Faun:A mythical creature who guides Ofelia on her journey

Story Shape
Summary The movie is set in post-Civil War Spain and follows 11-year-old Ofelia who discovers she is the lost princess of the Underworld. She is given three tasks to complete to return to her kingdom, but as the fascist supporters and guerrilla fighters clash, her mother falls ill, and her stepfather's cruelty escalates, Ofelia struggles to complete her tasks. Despite completing them, she tragically dies at the hands of her stepfather, but her legacy lives on.

Screenplay Story Analysis

Story Critique Pan's Labyrinth is a beautifully shot, and engaging story that weaves together elements of history and fantasy. The tale of Princess Moanna serves as an interesting parallel to Ofelia's real-world struggles and the film effectively blurs the line between reality and imagination. However, the film could have done a better job of connecting the two themes - the fairytale of the Princess of the underworld doesn't feel sufficiently integrated into the story of the post-Civil War Spain that makes up the bulk of the film. The introduction of the faun is also a bit jarring in how sudden it is.
Suggestions: To improve the screenplay, more work needs to be done to connect the faerie tale fantasy to the real-life struggles that Ofelia and her mother face in the post-civil war Spain. The political struggle could have been better intertwined with the fairytale story to make it feel less out of place. It also would have been interesting to see more interaction between Ofelia's two worlds - perhaps her completing quests in the fairy tale world that directly tie into her struggles in real life. Finally, the introduction of the faun could be better set up - perhaps there could have been hints to his existence earlier in the film.

Note: This is the overall critique. For scene by scene critique click here

See the full analysis by clicking the title.

1 - The Lost Princess "Dark, foreboding" 8 8 7 7 66869 6
2 - The Enchanted Stone "Mysterious" 8 9 8 7 56677 6
3 - The Labyrinth "tense" 8 7 8 9 68987 7
4 - The Princess and the Frozen Nights "intimate, eerie" 8 8 7 9 53468 8
5 - Interrogation and Execution "dark" 9 8 9 10 41010811 8
6 - Ofelia meets the Green Fairy "Tense" 7 8 5 6 36445 6
7 - The Faun "Mysterious, dark" 8.5 9 8 9 88879 7
8 - The Green Dress "optimistic" 8 8 8 7 44356 7
9 - Ofelia's Task "Mysterious" 9 8 9 8 76786 7
10 - Ofelia Completes Her Third Task "tense, eerie" 8 8 9 7 58897 6
11 - The Dinner Party "somber" 8 9 7 8 68887 7
12 - Dinner with the Captain "tense" 9 8 9 9 56797 8
13 - Rations and Tragedy "tense" 10 8 10 9 9991011 7
14 - Betrayal and Resistance "serious" 8 7 9 7 68898 8
15 - Ofelia's Close Call "tense, eerie" 8 9 8 7 6101189 5
16 - The Doctor's Advice "tense" 7 6 7 8 78888 7
17 - Ambush and Captive "Tense" 9 9 9 8 791098 7
18 - Vidal's Interrogation "Dark" 9 8 9 9 71010109 8
19 - The Consequences of Breaking the Rules "Somber" 8 7 8 8 68889 8
20 - Consequences of Magic "tense" 8 7 8 7 79989 7
21 - Death and Betrayal "somber" 8 7 9 8 7101099 7
22 - Betrayal and Escape "Intense" 8 9 9 7 7101099 8
23 - Escape and Betrayal "tense" 8 8 9 7 591087 6
24 - The Final Confrontation "Tense" 9 10 9 9 910111011 8
25 - The Princess Returns Home "Bittersweet, mystical" 9 8 9 8 999910 8

Scene 1 - The Lost Princess
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 6
(El Laberinto del Fauno)


Guillermo del Toro

(PAN’S LABYRINTH is in Spanish with English subtitles.
This is an English translation of the script.)

© Picturehouse 2006. All rights reserved.

A female voice hums a sweet lullaby.


SPAIN, 1944.



Then: the raw, raspy SOUND of a child struggling to breathe.



In the foreground, OFELIA ­ 11 years old, skin white as
snow, ruby lips and ebony hair ­ is sprawled on the ground.

A thick ribbon of blood runs from her nose.

But ­ the blood is flowing backward into her nostril. Drop
by drop, the blood leaps up and disappears.

Ofelia's pupils dilate­

Long ago in the Underground Realm...



...where there are no lies or pain, there
lived a Princess who dreamt of the human
The sound of muffled wind.

She dreamt of blue skies, the soft breeze
and sunshine...

A dark CASTLE takes shape. Here, a tower... there, a
turret... and lighted windows.

Finally, the damp, mildewed walls of a water well come into

One day, eluding her keepers, the
Princess escaped.

A woman's silhouette crosses CAMERA­

Once outside, the brightness blinded her
and erased her memory...

A circular staircase leads up... toward daylight, where the

She forgot who she was and where she came
from. Her body suffered cold, sickness
and pain. Eventually, she died.



CAMERA TRACKS past scenes of destruction: bombed­out
buildings... cathedrals in ruins.

Her father, the King, always knew that
the Princess would return, perhaps in
another body, in another place, at
another time.

On half­demolished walls, Falangist posters declare Franco's
triumph. Among the ruins, smaller, poignant traces of war:
shoes, broken eye­glasses...

And he would wait for her, until he drew
his last breath, until the world stopped

Through the ruined buildings, a SMALL CARAVAN OF BLACK
BENTLEY CARS comes into view.

The shiny chrome fenders pass directly by CAMERA; they bear
all the Fascist insignias and flags.


Looking out the window: OFELIA.

She's dressed in plain, slightly frayed clothing. Not very
dainty. On her lap is a book of fairy tales.

CAMERA studies one of the watercolors that adorn the pages:
an illustration of a little girl dancing with several
fairies flying around her.

At her side, a small pile of similar books in a book strap.

I don't understand why you had to bring
so many books, Ofelia.

Ofelia turns her gaze toward the opposite seat, where her
mother, CARMEN, 28, is napping, her enormous stomach
evidence of advanced pregnancy. She, too, has black hair.

We're going to the country... the
outdoors... plenty of fresh air.

She takes the book away from Ofelia.

Fairy tales? You're too old to be filling
your head with such nonsense.
She pauses, feeling nausea.

Ask them to stop the car­ please­

Ofelia knocks on the partition window of the sedan. The
Driver stops.
Genres: ["Fantasy","Drama","Historical"]

Summary In the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, 11-year-old Ofelia is bleeding from her nose while a narrator tells a fairytale about a lost princess who forgets her identity and suffers before dying. Ofelia is traveling with her pregnant mother in a car caravan of fascist supporters.
Strengths "Effective use of visual and auditory elements to create atmosphere and suggest themes. The fairytale and the images of destruction provide contrast and irony."
Weaknesses "The argument between Ofelia and her mother feels clich\u00e9d and predictable. The fascist caravan is not yet developed as a real threat."
Critique Overall, this introduction scene in Pan's Labyrinth is very well done. It sets up the historical and fantastical worlds of the story, as well as establishes the main character, Ofelia.

The use of a female voice humming a lullaby and the superimposition of the title and time period creates a dreamlike atmosphere that draws the audience in. The use of sound, such as the child struggling to breathe, also adds to the ominous tone.

The description of Ofelia is vivid and contrasts well with the darkness of the setting, and the visual of the blood flowing backward into her nostril is a striking image.

The use of a narrator to set up the story of the Princess in the Underground Realm is a good choice, as it helps establish the film's fantastical elements. The visuals of the castle, water well, and ruined buildings are all well done and add to the worldbuilding.

The dialogue between Carmen and Ofelia also helps establish their characters and relationship, though it may be a bit on the nose (such as Carmen saying Ofelia is "too old" for fairy tales).

Overall, this scene effectively sets up the story and tone of the film and introduces the main character, making it a strong start to the screenplay.
Suggestions Here are some potential suggestions for improving this scene:

1. Give more context about Ofelia's situation. The scene currently starts with a mysterious and fantastical image of her bleeding nose, but it's not clear what's happening and why. Providing more information about who Ofelia is and why she's traveling in the caravan could help establish a stronger emotional connection with her character.

2. Consider introducing the main conflict of the story earlier. While the narration provides some hints about the Princess's story and potential connections to Ofelia, it takes a while to get to the heart of the story. Starting the script with a more concrete conflict or tension could engage viewers right away and help them invest in the story.

3. Connect the fantastical elements of the story with the real world. The narration and imagery are very poetic and mystical, which can be beautiful, but it's important to ground the story in reality as well. Finding ways to connect the story's magical elements with real-world events and emotions could help viewers connect with the story more deeply.

Scene 2 - The Enchanted Stone
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 6

The caravan of cars stops. Carmen hurriedly climbs down and
moves to the front of the main car.

Gasping for air, she battles the nausea. Ofelia timidly
approaches her.

Ofelia, wait up.

She grabs her pregnant abdomen.

Your brother's not well.

Ofelia nods and moves away. SERRANO, a military man, climbs
out of the car behind them and approaches Carmen solicitous.

Madam, are you feeling ill?

Water­ just a bit of water­

(to one of his men)
Water, bring water for the Captain's

Ofelia walks alongside the road, moving into the woods and
further away from the caravan of cars.

CAMERA surveys the heavy forest: a tangled tapestry of moss
and fog.
The trees, swayed by the wind, murmur softly around Ofelia.
She stumbles upon a strange stone by the side of the road.

Roughly the size of a fist­ carved on it, the outline of a
human EYE.

Fascinated, the young girl picks it up.

She looks around and finds ­amidst the shrubs­ an ancient
stone monolith incised with Celtic lettering.

It's crowned with the grotesque face of a satyr­ mouth open

A piece of the brutish face is missing: an eye.

Ofelia fits the piece of engraved stone in the missing area.
A perfect fit.

From inside the statue a clicking noise emerges. The wind
picks up and­

­out of the satyr's open mouth, a STICK INSECT lazily crawls
out. Ofelia smiles. The insect climbs atop the stone head
and studies the girl for a moment. Then­


The sound of Carmen's voice startles the creature, which flies

Ofelia runs to her mother's side.

A fairy­ I saw a fairy!!

Oh­ look at your shoes!! They're covered
in mud!

They head back to the caravan.

When we get to the mill I want you to
greet Captain Vidal.

That man­ has been very good to us,
darling. You have no idea­

So, I want you to call him "Father." Do
you hear me? "Father..."

It's just a word, Ofelia.

The Stick Insect lands in a nearby tree and observes inquisitively
as Mother and daughter climb into the main car and head off.

A beat later, the Stick Insect flies after them.



CLOSE­UP: a gold pocket watch, on a heavy chain. The glass
dial is cracked...

A gloved THUMB snaps the cover shut. A VOICE ­ CAPTAIN VIDAL
­ mutters in irritation.

Fifteen minutes late.

ANGLE WIDENS to describe a dilapidated WATER MILL.

The site consists of a pair of dark stone buildings with
corrugated roofs, connected to the mill by a small stone
bridge. A large water wheel hangs over the dry riverbed.

The wooden beams and columns bear sculpted Celtic motifs and
here and there, small, odd, carved creatures.

The walls have been reinforced with hundreds of sand­bags
and wooden pontoons, as if preparing for an attack.

CAPTAIN VIDAL and a small group of SERVANTS and SOLDIERS
wait patiently outside.
Captain!! They're here­

The caravan of Bentleys stops in front of the building. Vidal
and his group moves in. Servants and Soldiers unload luggage
withy military efficiency. In charge is MERCEDES, a young
but strict country woman.

Vidal greets Carmen.

Carmen­ Welcome­

With a pleasant smile, he touches her pregnant belly and
then points at a wooden wheelchair pushed to Carmen's side
by a small, nervous man SGT. GARCÉS. By his side stands
DOCTOR FERREIRO, a pleasant, scholarly man in his mid

I­ I don't need it­ I can walk by myself.

Doctor Ferreiro prefers that you don't
exert yourself.


Vidal leans towards her and whispers ­ever so softly­ in her

Then do it for me...

She obeys. As she sits, Ofelia exits the automobile, holding
her books close to her chest.

Ofelia. Greet the Captain.

She is wheeled away. An awkward silence passes between the
young girl and the Captain.

The girl extends her hand. He grabs it, firm but cold. It is
her left hand.

It's the other hand, Ofelia.

He turns to the servants.

Mercedes, take my wife's luggage to her

Yes, sir.

Mercedes glances back to find Ofelia curiously gazing at­

­a pile of sandbags. Perched on top­

­the big Stick Insect.

It fans out its multiple wings. Twice. Ofelia runs over and
tries to catch it.

But the Stick Insect takes off and escapes. The girl drops her
books and goes after it.
Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy"]

Summary Ofelia discovers a strange stone and uses it to complete a carved monolith. A stick insect crawls out and flies away as they arrive at the water mill.
Strengths "The scene introduces the enchanted stone and stick insect, and hints at their significance in the story. The tone is appropriately mysterious and foreshadows upcoming events. The location and setting provide depth and backstory to the world the characters inhabit."
Weaknesses "The dialogue is somewhat basic and lacking in character development. The conflict level and emotional impact are low, although this is not necessarily a weakness given the scene's purpose."
Critique Overall, this scene has clear descriptions of the setting and actions, but the dialogue feels a bit stiff and forced at times. The characters don't have distinct voices or personalities that come through in their dialogue. Additionally, some of the actions feel unnecessary or don't add much to the story. For example, the focus on the Stick Insect may not have a clear purpose yet in the overall story, making its appearance feel random.

To improve this scene, more attention could be given to developing the characters and making their dialogue feel more natural. Additionally, the actions and details included could be more purposeful and tied into the overarching plot.
Suggestions - Consider adding more action and movement to the scene to make it more visually interesting.
- To increase tension and suspense, foreshadow the danger that the characters will face later in the story.
- Work on improving the dialogue and making it more realistic and impactful.
- Try to create a stronger connection between the Stick Insect and the story's plot, particularly if it will play a significant role later in the film.
- Make sure that the scene serves a clear purpose in the overall narrative and moves the story forward, while also developing the characters.

Scene 3 - The Labyrinth
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 7
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 7

Ofelia follows the Stick Insect to the edge of a small rise.

She follows it with her eyes and sees, about 100 meters
away, surrounded by trees, the ruins of a garden LABYRINTH.

The CAMERA glides up for a better view. The labyrinth is
circular, its paths overgrown and partially blocked.

Ofelia enters the labyrinth through an archway. She ventures
down one of its pathways and stops­

It's a labyrinth­
Ofelia turns­ the young woman stands by her side. Ofelia's
books in hand.

Just a pile of old stones.
They've always been there, even before
the mill. Better you don't go near it­
You could get lost.

A ray of sunlight breaks through the grey clouds and
illuminates the old ruins. Mercedes hands her the books.

Thank you.

Have you read them all?

Garcés shouts from the mill:

(Mercedes reacts)
The Captain’s calling you.

Mercedes makes a small gesture of goodbye to Ofelia.

Your father needs me.

She turns and walks away­

He's not my father.

Mercedes doesn't understand. The girl runs up to her.

The Captain­ he's not my father. My
father was a tailor. He died in the war.
The Captain’s not my father!

Mercedes can't help but smile at the girl's sudden

Well, you've made that clear enough.

They walk away together.

Did you see my mother?
(Mercedes nods)
She's pretty isn't she?
(Mercedes nods)
You saw her belly? She's sick with child.

As they go into the house, the Stick Insect ­ perched atop
the labyrinth's archway ­ monitors their every move.



The guerillas are sticking to the woods
because it's hard to track them down up

Vidal is standing at an enormous dining table. Serrano,
Garcés and a few lower­ranking officials surround him.

Those pricks know the terrain better than
any of us. We need to force them down ­

Vidal sticks pins into one of the larger maps.

­let's block their access to medicine and

Mercedes enters bearing a tray of olives, cold cuts and a
bottle of Orujo liquor.

We'll set up three command posts. Here,
here and here.

Mercedes glances briefly at the maps, concealing avid

Suddenly, Vidal grabs Mercedes by the arm.

Have Dr. Ferreiro come see me.

Yes, Sir...

Turning his attention back to his maps, Vidal takes two
olives and pops them into his mouth.

Those bastards are going to starve...
you'll see...


The doctor stirs some drops of medicine into a glass of
water. Carmen lies back in a monumental carved bed. On her
lap there are several playing cards.

Just four drops at bedtime and you'll
sleep all night long.

He gives her the water and the medicine vial. Carmen drinks
weakly. Ofelia stands by her side.

Don't hesitate to call if you need
anything, Madame. You­ or your little

He grins at Ofelia, then exits the room. Carmen gives Ofelia
the medicine vial.

Go. Close the door so I can sleep.

In the hallway, the doctor finds Mercedes waiting for him.
They proceed in silence down the hallway and look down into
the foyer: empty.

You must come up the mountain and see him­
the leg wound­ its getting worse...

The doctor nods timidly and gives Mercedes a small PACKAGE
wrapped in dark paper and neatly tied in string.

This is all I could get. I'm sorry.

Mercedes sighs, disappointed.

He's downstairs­ don't keep him waiting.

The doctor moves downstairs. Mercedes glances toward the
Upper Bedroom and­

­discovers Ofelia, watching her attentively­ how long has
she been there?

The girl closes the door quietly.
Genres: ["drama","war"]

Summary Ofelia ventures into a garden labyrinth and meets Mercedes while traveling with fascist supporters. Vidal plans to block supplies to the guerrillas, and Carmen takes medicine to help her sleep. Mercedes asks the doctor for help with the Captain's leg wound.
Strengths "Establishes tension and conflict among characters. Provides foreshadowing for future events. Well-paced dialogue."
Weaknesses "Lack of action may be slow for some viewers. Some character motivations are unclear at this point in the story."
Critique The scene effectively sets up the location and the characters within it, but the dialogue could be tightened to convey the same information more efficiently. Some lines feel gratuitous, like Mercedes asking if Ofelia has read all her books, and the dialogue between Vidal and his men could benefit from more urgency and tension. The final moment with Ofelia watching Mercedes is a nice touch that adds intrigue and foreshadows potential conflict. Overall, there is room for improvement in the writing, but with some revisions it could be a strong scene.
Suggestions Here are a few suggestions that could improve the scene:

1. Add more description to the setting - While it's clear that the characters are in a garden and dining room, there is little description of the surroundings, which could help create a more vivid and immersive world.

2. Build tension and conflict - The scene lacks significant conflict or tension. Adding more tension in the dialogue or actions of the characters could make the scene more engaging.

3. Develop characters further - While the characters are introduced, there is little development done. Expanding on their personalities and motives can help make them more interesting and relatable.

4. Use more sensory detail - Adding sensory details such as smells, sounds, and touch can help immerse the audience in the scene and create a more dynamic experience.

5. Consider pacing - While the scene does move forward, the pacing could be improved by varying the length of the individual actions and dialogue in the scene. This can help create a more engaging and dynamic pace.

Scene 4 - The Princess and the Frozen Nights
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Ofelia takes off her shoes and climbs into her mother's bed.

As she cuddles close to her mother­

Jesus­ Your feet­ they're frozen.

She caresses Ofelia's head. The wind picks up and the house
timbers moan and creak.

Are you scared?
A little bit.

What's that noise?

Nothing, just the wind. Nights here are
different from city nights. There, you
hear cars, trains. Here the houses are
old and creaky.

The house utters a series of deep, rumbling noises.

Almost like they're speaking.

Tomorrow, I'm going to give you something

A book?

No, something much better.

A beat of silence and then­

Why did you have to get married?

We were alone too long.

You weren't alone. You were never alone.

When you're older you'll understand. It
hasn't been easy for me.

She winces in pain­

Your brother's­ he's acting up. Tell him
one of your stories so he'll calm down.
Ofelia gently leans on her mother's stomach and taps it with
one finger, as if it were a telegraph key.

My brother, my brother...

Carmen closes her eyes and listens to her daughter's voice­

… a long, long time ago in a grey, sad


Floating in a limbo of amniotic fluid, the BABY opens his
eyes and listens.

There was a magic rose that made whoever
plucked it immortal.


Against a scarlet sky: a BLUE ROSE. Its thorny stem clutches
the dagger­like crest of a black granite mountain.

The thorns grow around the granite like suffocating

But no one would dare go near it because
its thorns were full of mortal poison.

The Stick Insect lands on one of the thorns and then flies off
into the night sky­

So amongst the men tales of pain and
death were told in hushed voices. But
there was no talk of eternal life...
because men fear pain more than they
want immortality.

­up, up and then through­


­the WINDOW of the Upper Bedroom.

Through the glass, the Stick Insect observes how Ofelia hugs her

So every day the rose wilted unable to
bequeath his gift to anyone­­

The Stick Insect clicks its jaws in excitement.

Genres: ["drama","fantasy"]

Summary Ofelia and her mother bond over a fairytale as they hear strange noises in their old house. Ofelia tells a story of a magic rose and the dangers of immortality while a stick insect observes them.
Strengths "strong character development, eerie atmosphere, interesting fairytale"
Weaknesses "the scene is slow-paced and doesn't show much plot development"
Critique Overall, this scene is well-written and effective at building a sense of tension and wonder. The dialogue between Carmen and Ofelia is natural and helps to establish their relationship. The use of the Stick Insect as a framing device for the story Ofelia tells adds an interesting visual element.

One potential area for improvement is the description of the magical mountain and rose. While the image is striking, the language used to describe it ("dagger-like crest," "suffocating serpents") feels a bit overwrought and could be simplified.

Additionally, it isn't clear why the scene shifts to the perspective of the unborn baby inside Carmen's stomach. While this moment has a surreal and interesting quality to it, it doesn't seem to add anything to the story being told.

Overall, however, this scene is a strong example of effective dialogue and building a sense of atmosphere.
Suggestions Overall, the scene is well-written and conveys a sense of intimacy between Ofelia and her mother, as well as a hint of the supernatural through Ofelia's storytelling. However, there are a few suggestions I would make to improve it:

1. Use more descriptive language to set the scene. What does the bedroom look like? Is it cozy or sparse? Is there any decor or personal items that reflect these characters' personalities?

2. Consider adding more physical actions to the characters to make the scene more dynamic. For example, instead of just a beat of silence after Carmen mentions giving Ofelia something special, maybe Ofelia could ask excitedly, "What is it? Can you give me a hint?" This would also reveal more about Ofelia's personality.

3. The transition from Ofelia's storytelling to the Stick Insect observing through the window is a bit abrupt. Consider adding a visual cue in the bedroom, like a moth fluttering around the lamp or a spider crawling across the ceiling, that leads the audience's attention towards the window.

4. When describing the Blue Rose on the Magical Mountain, use more descriptive words to make it feel more fantastical. Instead of just calling it "dagger-like," maybe say something like "the stem shone like shimmering silver" or "the thorns glinted like diamonds in the sun."

By incorporating these suggestions, the scene could become even more engaging and immersive for the audience.

Scene 5 - Interrogation and Execution
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 10
  • Dialogue: 8

The improvised office is in one of the lower rooms, where
the gigantic mill wheel and the wooden gears lie in a heap.

Alone and forgotten at the top of that
mountain. Forgotten until the end of

Small steel gears shine like metallic stars on a small
swatch of black velvet.

Tweezers pick them up and­

­put them into place within the workings of a watch.

Using a jeweler's magnifying glass, Vidal oils and closes up
his pocket watch while he listens to cuplé (traditional
Spanish music) on a phonograph.

The doctor comes to the door. Vidal motions for him to
Come in­

How is she?

Very weak.

Vidal closes the watch.

She'll rest as much as she needs to. I'll
sleep down here.

And my son?


Serrano and Garcés enter the room.

Excuse us, Captain...

Vidal motions for them to be silent. Then he looks at the
Doctor again.

My son. How is he?

For the moment, there's no reason to be

Good. That’s good.


Your wife­ she shouldn't have traveled
this late in the pregnancy.

Is that your opinion?
My professional opinion, yes sir.

Well, a boy should be born wherever his
father is. And that's that.

He heads for the door.


Vidal stops and looks at him fixedly.


One more thing, sir. What makes you so
sure it's a boy?

Don't fuck with me.

He exits the mill.



The mill and the tents are silhouettes in the night.
Soldiers patrol the gravel paths.

Vidal, Garcés and Serrano walk towards the outer Water
Wheel. There, a small group of soldiers surrounds an OLD MAN
and his young SON.

At 8 o'clock, we detected activity in the
southeastern sector. Gunfire. Sergeant
Bayona captured a suspect. The other
prisoner is his son, who's here from

Captain, my father is an honorable man.

I'll decide that. Take your hat off when
you talk to me.

The Son quietly obeys. BAYONA hands the Captain a small
gauge rifle and a leather pouch.

We found this weapon. It's been fired.

He was hunting rabbits ­

Shut up, damn it.

Vidal takes opens the leather pouch and finds a farmer's
almanac. He reads an inscription printed on the back page:

"...No God, nor Government, nor Master?"

Red propaganda, sir.

It's not propaganda, Sir.

Vidal, impatiently motions for him to be silent.

"It's an old almanac; we're farmers, sir."

Go on.

I was in the forest hunting rabbits for
my daughters. They're sick.

Rabbits, uh?

In the pouch, Vidal finds a half­empty bottle of wine.
Captain, if my father says so­ he was
hunting rabbits.

Vidal hands Garcés the pouch and moves towards the boy,
bottle in hand.

BAM!! Without warning he flattens the boy's nose with the
bottle bottom. The Father screams, horrified, but without
the guts to intervene.

Vidal lifts the Son up, bashes his nose again and again,
leveling bone and cartilage.

No!! No!! You killed him!! You son of a

Vidal drops the boy, who falls to the ground spitting blood.
He turns to the Father and shoots him twice in cold blood,
then turns to the Son and shoots him once, in the head.

Then all is silence. The distant whistle of a train can be
heard. Vidal heads back towards Garcés and calmly searches
the pouch: Inside he finds two scrawny rabbits.

Learn to frisk these motherfuckers before
you come bothering me.

Yes, my Captain.

He moves away. And he takes the rabbits with him.

Genres: ["drama","war","historical"]

Summary Vidal interrogates and executes a father and son suspected of being guerrilla fighters, while his wife rests in the underground makeshift office near the mill wheel.
Strengths "Intense scene with high stakes and emotional impact. Vidal is shown as a ruthless character who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals."
Weaknesses "The violence may be too graphic for some viewers. There is no clear protagonist in this scene."
Critique As a language model AI, I do not have personal beliefs, but here's my critique of the scene:

This scene is disturbing and violent. The imagery is vivid and leaves an impression on the viewer. As a dramatic scene, it effectively establishes the character of Captain Vidal as a cruel and ruthless leader who is willing to commit atrocities. However, it may be too graphic for some viewers and could be triggering for those who have experienced violence or trauma. As a screenwriting expert, I would suggest that the writer carefully consider the impact of such violent scenes on the audience and whether it serves the overall story and character development. Additionally, I would suggest that the writer consider alternative ways to establish the character's cruelty without resorting to such graphic violence.
Suggestions As a screenwriting expert, my suggestion to improve this scene would be to provide more context and character development for Vidal. Currently, he comes across as a one-dimensional antagonist, who is cruel and heartless without any motive or explanation. It needs to be established why Vidal is the way he is, whether it is because of his upbringing, his beliefs, or his past experiences. Additionally, some development of the secondary characters would be helpful too, making them more than just props for Vidal's actions to occur. Lastly, the scene in which Vidal kills the boy and his father feels gratuitously violent and needs to be more nuanced to be compelling. An exploration of the psychological effects of Vidal's actions might add depth to the scene.

Scene 6 - Ofelia meets the Green Fairy
  • Overall: 7.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 5
  • Characters: 6
  • Dialogue: 6

Eyes wide, Ofelia hears a dry rattle, followed by a soft
ululation at the window, which is half open. The curtains
The mill groans. Ofelia is restless.

Then­ a dry clicking noise.

Mama, wake up­

Carmen doesn't move. A scuttling noise reaches her ears as
something small and quick skitters over the floor.

Mother­ please! There's something in the

Impossible. Ofelia gets up and carefully puts on her shoes.

Something shifts in the ceiling beams. Ofelia looks up,

Nothing. Suddenly, something the size of a human hand
scurries past her feet and hides under the bed.

Then, pulling at the goose down comforter, the Stick Insect climbs
up into the bed. Ofelia leans over it, shocked.

H­hello­ Did you follow me here??

The Stick Insect clicks its mandibles.

Are you a fairy??

The Stick Insect regards her with curiosity.

Look­ This is a fairy­

She picks up one of her books and opens it to an
illustration: a beautiful fairy.

The Stick Insect scrutinizes the illustration and sits upright. It
opens and closes its wings, transforming into a GREEN FAIRY ­
a tiny human form with striped wings.

The Green Fairy flies to the foot of the bed, pointing to
the window.

You want me to go with you? Outside?

Genres: ["Fantasy","Horror"]

Summary Ofelia wakes up to strange noises and discovers a Stick Insect that transforms into a Green Fairy. The fairy points towards the window, inviting Ofelia to follow.
Strengths "The scene creates an eerie atmosphere and introduces a new magical creature, adding to the fantasy element of the story."
Weaknesses "There is no significant plot development, and the scene may not be memorable enough to stand out in the overall story."
Critique As a screenwriting AI language model, I am unable to determine the vision of the writer, but as per my analysis, the scene seems to have a good mix of suspense and fantasy elements, but it could benefit from some reworks in terms of character development and pacing.

Firstly, there is no clear establishment of who Ofelia and Carmen are and their relationship, which could make it harder for the audience to empathize with their situation. Providing some character development can help to create a stronger connection.

Secondly, the pacing of the scene could be improved. The introduction of the Stick Insect happens abruptly and doesn't provide a solid logic behind the character's appearance. Including some context or explanation behind the Stick Insect's presence can make the scene more coherent.

Finally, while the transformation of the Stick Insect into a Green Fairy is an exciting plot twist, there is no clear motivation behind the transformation. Providing some context or a clear intention from the Green Fairy can make the scene more meaningful.

Overall, the scene has a strong foundation, but some refining could help to elevate it further.
Suggestions As a screenwriting expert, I would suggest the following changes to improve this scene:

1. Clarify the setting: The scene opens with "INT. UPPER BEDROOM – NIGHT," but it's not clear where this bedroom is located. Is it in a house? A castle? A hotel? Providing some additional description would help the audience visualize the scene.

2. Build tension: The scene starts with Ofelia hearing strange noises, but the tension created by these sounds could be heightened. For example, we could hear the groans of the mill and the scuttling noise more clearly, and perhaps see the curtains billow more dramatically.

3. Increase the stakes: Right now, the Stick Insect's appearance doesn't seem to impact Ofelia much. But what if there were greater consequences to her interacting with this creature? Maybe her mother is deathly afraid of insects and will be furious if she finds out about the Stick Insect. Or, maybe Ofelia has a phobia of bugs, and seeing the Stick Insect triggers a panic attack.

4. Cut down on exposition: When Ofelia picks up the book and shows it to the Stick Insect, she says "Look – This is a fairy," which feels unnatural. It's clear from the illustration what she's trying to convey, so she shouldn't need to spell it out for the audience.

5. Make the transformation more magical: When the Stick Insect transforms into a Green Fairy, it happens very quickly and without much fanfare. But this could be a really magical moment! Maybe there's a burst of sparkles, or the room fills with colorful light. The transformation could be accompanied by a little tune or jingle that sticks in the audience's head.

Overall, this scene has potential, but could benefit from some tweaks to make it more engaging, tense, and magical.

Scene 7 - The Faun
  • Overall: 8.5
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 7

The Green Fairy flies swiftly, but Ofelia follows close
behind. Suddenly it stops!

They’re at the ruins of the labyrinth, which is bathed in

Trees and roots crowd the broken niches, as if fused with
the stone. Some of the pathways are blocked by gnarled trees
that have grown through the rock.


Ofelia runs through the narrow, spooky pathways, but she has
lost sight of the Green Fairy.

Ofelia stops and looks around until she spots it, waiting
for her at­


The Green Fairy alights on an ancient monolith at the edge of an
empty stone pool. It's decorated in Celtic lettering, just
like the one in the forest.

Another monolith stands at its center.

Ofelia nears the edge of the pool.

The pool returns her cry, again and again. The tree trunks
creak­ and a cloud covers the moon.

Echo! Echo!

Then, she hears the sound of something big clattering about
on hooves, like a horse or a bull.

It's you­ It's you­ You've returned!!

The VOICE is cold and full of sibilance. The cloud moves

On its hind quarters in the shadows is the twisted and
sinister figure of a FAUN. He's covered in roots and moss.

Ofelia backs away­ speechless.

No­ no­ don't be afraid­ I beg you!!

He opens a small wicker basket and from it emerge two more

Ofelia smiles.

My name is Ofelia. Who are you?

Me? I've had so many names. Old names
that only the wind and the trees can

The Green Fairy flies toward its colorful companions.

I am the mountain, the forest and the
earth. I am... a faun.

As he bows to her, moonlight dapples his body. His coarse
hooves and the strange angle of his legs make his courtly
manner clumsy yet oddly gracious.

Your Highness­

No, I'm ­

You are Princess Moanna, daughter of the
King of the Underworld.

No­ My father was a tailor.

You are not born of man. It was the moon
that bore you.

Look on your left shoulder and you will
find a mark that proves it.

Ofelia instinctively touches her shoulder, with a strange
expression on her face.

Your real father had us open portals all
over the world to allow your return. This
is the last of them.

He opens his arm and gestures at the well around them.

But we have to make sure that your
essence is intact, that you have not
become a mortal.

To insure your return, you have three
tasks to fulfill ­ before the moon is

The Faun steps back a few paces. He deposits a large leather
bound book on the ground, as well as a leather bag.

This is the Book of Crossroads. Open it
when you're alone and it will show you
your future ­ show you what must be done.

Then he and the Fairies fade back into the shadows.

Ofelia goes to the book and opens it. No matter how many
pages she turns­

­they are all blank.

There's nothing here­

But she is alone. Absolutely alone in the well. MUSIC starts­



Vidal, shirtless, shaves with a switchblade while listening
to music.



Now, alone in the massive dining room, Vidal shines his
boots. Methodically.

This is obviously a daily ritual for him. By his side: the
two scrawny rabbits he impounded the night before.

Mercedes brings him a cup of coffee.

Mercedes, prepare these rabbits for
dinner tonight.

Mercedes eyes the scrawny animals­

They are too young.
Well, see if they'll do for a stew.

Yes sir.

She turns to leave but Vidal stops her gently.

And­ This coffee­ was burnt. Taste it

She does. Vidal places a hand on her shoulder.

There is something unpleasant about this sudden contact,
something too familiar. She bears it in silence.

You should keep an eye on it.

Yes, sir.

She moves into­
Genres: ["Fantasy","Drama"]

Summary Ofelia meets a faun who reveals her true identity as the Princess Moanna, daughter of the King of the Underworld. The faun gives Ofelia a book with three tasks she must complete to ensure her return, but it reveals nothing to her when she opens it.
Strengths "Adding a new dimension to Ofelia's character through her revelation as a princess and her tasks, the dark and mysterious tone that builds tension, and the interesting dialogue between Ofelia and the faun."
Weaknesses "The lack of action or significant plot developments and the minimal focus on Vidal and Carmen."
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written and engaging. The descriptions are vivid and help to create a clearly imagined setting. The dialogue is also well-written and effectively reveals important information about the story's world and characters. However, there are a few areas for improvement.

First, the scene could benefit from clearer character development. Ofelia's character is underdeveloped, and we do not get a sense of who she is or what motivates her. The faun is a more interesting character, but even he could be given more depth. Additionally, Vidal's character feels disconnected from the rest of the scene, which makes it feel somewhat choppy.

Second, it would benefit from clearer stakes. The faun presents Ofelia with three tasks to complete before the full moon, but we do not know why it is important for her to complete these tasks, what will happen if she fails, or what she stands to gain if she succeeds. This makes it difficult to become invested in the story or develop a sense of tension.

Overall, while the scene is well-written, it could benefit from clearer character development and more explicit stakes.
Suggestions To improve this scene, some suggestions could be:

1. Clarify Ofelia's motivation. What is she looking for in the labyrinth? Is she trying to complete a task or find something specific? Without this clarity, the scene may not feel as purposeful.
2. Add more sensory details to the setting. Use the senses to describe the labyrinth - the smell of damp earth, the sound of wind through the trees, etc. This can help immerse the audience further in the world of the story.
3. Provide more information about the faun. What is his role in the story? Why does he need Ofelia to complete these tasks? Without this context, the audience may be confused about his motivations and alliances.
4. Use dialogue to drive the plot. Instead of relying on description to convey information, use dialogue between Ofelia and the faun to move the story forward and build tension.
5. End the scene with a clear cliffhanger. As it stands, the scene ends on a vague note with Ofelia alone in the well. Instead, consider ending the scene with a more concrete problem or obstacle that she must face in the next scene. This can help keep the audience engaged.

Scene 8 - The Green Dress
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 7

The kitchen is enormous. The open charcoal cook stove is two
meters high by five meters wide.

(hands out the rabbits)
Take them to the table­

Two old, stout cooks, JACINTA and PAZ, wash the gigantic
work table with boiling water.

(to the others)
He didn't like the coffee.

Agh­ He's nothing but a fussy dandy. A

MERCEDES picks up a pail of hot water.

We're going to need some beef and one
more chicken. We have more guests­

Conchita, Paloma and two other GIRLS pluck chickens, peel
potatoes, etc.

Well, where are we supposed to find that?

The doctor's wife and the mayor's, too.

Well, they eat more than a pig.

And they don't shut up­

­not even underwater.


Mercedes and Conchita empty buckets of hot water into a
porcelain bathtub.


Carmen opens one of her travel trunks.

Ofelia. Your father is giving a dinner
party tonight… Look what I've made you.

She lifts out a beautiful green dress in shiny silk and
ivory tulle.
Ofelia studies the dress as if it were a strange artifact
rather than something she might wear. Mercedes enters with a
breakfast tray.

Do you like it? What I wouldn't have
given to have a dress as fine as this
when I was little.

In a reverie, Carmen takes out a pair of new patent leather
shoes and a green silk hair ribbon.

(to Ofelia)
And look at these shoes! Do you like

Ofelia makes an effort and smiles a weak smile.

Yes, they are very pretty.

But Carmen is not fooled­

Go on, now. Take your bath. Go­

Ofelia obeys­ She enters­


Ofelia, alone in the bathroom, opens the magical book. At
first, the page is blank, but a wondrous image takes shape:
Ofelia and five chestnuts. Squatting at her side, under a
huge tree: a massive TOAD.

Then a KNOCK on the door­


Alone now, Carmen readies the little green dress.

Hurry up. I want to see the dress on you.
I want you to be beautiful for the


On her right shoulder, Ofelia examines, exactly as the Faun
said, a birthmark in the form of the crescent moon...

You'll look like a princess­

Ofelia smiles.

(to herself)
...a princess...



Mercedes organizes the kitchen.

Make sure those chickens are cleaned
properly... and the beans...

Mercedes takes out a small, sharp knife from the folds in
her apron. She skillfully chops an onion.

The bustle suddenly stops. Everyone looks toward the door,
where, among chicken feathers floating like confetti, Ofelia
stands, dressed in green silk.

You look marvelous, my girl, just
What a dress!!

Mercedes smiles. She's pleased too, but she claps her hands

Get back to work, stop wasting time.

They obey. Mercedes goes next to Ofelia.

Do want some milk with honey?

Ofelia nods eagerly.
Genres: ["drama","fantasy"]

Summary Ofelia receives a beautiful green dress from her mother and discovers a magical book in the bathroom.
Strengths "The scene is visually stunning and conveys a sense of wonder and enchantment. The introduction of the green dress adds an element of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming dinner. The magic book creates intrigue and adds a layer of mystery."
Weaknesses "The scene lacks significant conflict and emotional impact. The dialogue is functional but not particularly memorable."
Critique The scene is well written and effectively conveys the setting and characters' actions. However, one issue is that there is no clear conflict or stakes established in the scene. It seems to mostly serve as a setup for the upcoming dinner party, but there is no tension or obstacle for the characters to overcome. Additionally, the dialogue feels a bit generic and does not reveal much about the characters or move the story forward. It would benefit from more specific and revealing dialogue that deepens the characters and their relationships. Overall, while competently written, the scene lacks a clear purpose and could benefit from some tightening and further development.
Suggestions Here are a few suggestions to improve the scene:

1. Add more visual details: While the scene describes the kitchen as "enormous" and the stove as "gigantic," it would benefit from more description of the setting to help readers visualize it better. For example, what color are the walls? Are there any decorations or utensils on display? Adding these details can make the scene more immersive.

2. Develop the characters more: While the scene introduces several characters, it doesn't give them much depth beyond their roles in the kitchen. Consider adding more dialogue or actions that reveal their personalities or backstories. For example, maybe Jacinta has a funny story about a previous dinner party, or Paz has a secret ingredient she likes to add to beef stew.

3. Increase tension: While there is some minor conflict between the cooks regarding the guests' preferences, it doesn't create much tension. Consider adding a more significant obstacle that the characters must overcome, such as a shortage of ingredients or a time constraint.

4. Connect the scenes more cohesively: The scene jumps abruptly from the kitchen to the upper bedroom, which can be jarring for readers. Consider adding a transitional shot or linking the scenes thematically to make the transition smoother. For example, Mercedes could mention something about the upcoming dinner party in the kitchen scene, and Carmen could be shown preparing for the party in the bedroom scene.

Scene 9 - Ofelia's Task
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 7

Mercedes puts a bucket under a huge milk cow.

Step back, I don't want you getting milk
on your dress, with you looking so

Mercedes begins to milk the cow.

Mercedes, do you believe in fairies?

No. But when I was a little girl, I did.

I believed in a lot of things that I
don't believe any more.

Well, last night, a fairy visited me. And
it wasn't alone, there were lots of them ­
and a faun, too.

A faun??
Mercedes picks up the bucket and fills a wooden bowl with

He was very old, very tall and smelled
like dirt.

My mother warned me to be wary of fauns­

Suddenly, Vidal and Garcés approach them.

Mercedes, come with me.



Vidal and Mercedes walk toward the bodega, or storage
building, adjoining the mill.

Guards unload giant sacks of provisions from trucks. A Civil
Guard CAPITAN supervises the operation and greets Vidal.

Captain, everything is here.


The men fill the enormous bodega with grain, bottles of
wine, barrels of oil, salt and sugar, etc.

Flour, salt, oil, medicine, olives,
bacon, tobacco...

Vidal grabs a packet of tobacco.

Tobacco, huh? Real tobacco!
The CAPITAN hands over some papers with the Falangist

And the ration cards.

Mercedes is stunned by the quantity of food and supplies.

Vidal checks the padlock on the door.

Mercedes, the key­

Yes, sir.

Mercedes hands over the key from her large key ring.

(to Mercedes)
Is this the only copy?

The only one.

Vidal locks the padlock. Yanks on it: nice and strong.

From now on, I'll carry it.

From outside, Serrano calls him.


Vidal hurries over to Serrano who hands him a pair of
binoculars and points to something on the horizon­

Captain, perhaps it's nothing.

Through the binoculars, Vidal sees a plume of SMOKE on the

It's them.


Garcés, Vidal and a few of his men ride through the forest
on horseback.

When the forest was young, a fig tree
took root and grew to colossal size.



Ofelia walks away from the mill and into the woods.

When the forest was young, it was home to
creatures who were full of magic and


Vidal and his men ride through the forest.

At the heart of this forest stood a
colossal fig tree. The Forest Folk slept
in its shadow.


But now, the tree is dying. Its branches
are dry, its trunk old and twisted.

Ofelia finds herself under a huge FIG TREE that has twisted
into an arch reaching to a nearby crag.

A monstrous toad has settled in its roots
and won't let the tree thrive.

Ofelia opens her leather bag. Inside there are five large

You must put the three magic rocks in its
mouth and retrieve a magic key from its
insides. Only then will the fig tree
flourish again.

The tree roots are partly exposed. The tree itself is
surrounded by a large mud puddle.

Ofelia decides to take off her fancy silk dress. She
carefully hangs everything ­ including her hair ribbon ­ on
the tree branches. Finally she's down to only a simple
cotton slip and her shoes.

As she enters­

The wind picks up and moves her hanging dress. Then, a
sudden gust sends the hair ribbon flying.
Genres: ["Fantasy","Drama"]

Summary Ofelia meets with Mercedes and speaks of fairies before being asked to accompany Vidal to the bodega. Ofelia recites the third task that requires her to retrieve a key from the mouth of a toad, which will help a fig tree flourish. She takes off her dress and heads to the tree in a slip and shoes.
Strengths "The scene furthers the plot by introducing the third task to Ofelia. There is a great sense of mystery surrounding the tasks, the Green Fairy, and the underworld. There is a nice balance between dialogue and imagery to convey the plot and setting. "
Weaknesses "The dialogue is limited in this scene and some dialogues lack emotion like when Mercedes warns Ofelia about fauns. "
Critique This scene manages to establish two different storylines, but only one of them is actually developed. Mercedes and Vidal's scene is focused on the practical matter of getting supplies, while Ofelia's storyline focuses on her quest to help the forest and the magical creatures that live there. While it's interesting to see the contrast between what's happening in these two separate worlds, the scene ends up feeling disjointed because there is no merging of the two storylines.

Furthermore, the dialogue between Mercedes and Ofelia is somewhat lacking in substance. Their conversation about fairies feels like it comes out of nowhere and doesn't have much relevance to the larger narrative. Additionally, the dialogue feels somewhat stilted and on-the-nose, as if the characters are simply stating their beliefs without much nuance or complexity.

Overall, this scene could benefit from a clearer focus and more developed character interactions. The two storylines should be more connected, and the dialogue could be improved to feel more natural and organic.
Suggestions Some suggestions to improve the scene:

1. Clarify the setting: While the scene takes place in a stable, it's not clear if it's in the same location as the last scene. Consider adding a brief description to establish the setting more clearly.

2. Develop the conversation between Mercedes and Ofelia: Currently, the conversation about fairies feels a bit disconnected from the rest of the scene. Consider incorporating more of the fantasy elements into this conversation to tie it in more closely with Ofelia's storyline.

3. Add more tension to the bodega scene: The scene in the bodega feels like it could have higher stakes, especially since Mercedes seems to be shocked by the quantity of supplies. Consider adding more conflict between Vidal and the other characters, or adding in more characters to heighten the tension.

4. Make the fantasy elements more vivid: Ofelia's narration about the forest and the fig tree is a key part of the scene, but it could be more visually engaging. Consider adding more specific details or descriptions to make the fantastical elements come alive on the screen.

5. Tighten up the pacing: The scene as written feels a bit slow and meandering. Consider trimming some of the dialogue and action to keep the story moving forward.

Scene 10 - Ofelia Completes Her Third Task
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 6

Ofelia crawls slowly; the gaps between the roots are narrow
and claustrophobic.

A few big, black pill bugs are nestled in the mud.

Ofelia keeps going.



Vidal and his men probe a forest cave. Inside, they find the
remains of a campfire. Vidal removes a glove and touches the

Less than twenty minutes, they left in a

He finds the remains of food and drink.

A dozen men, at most...

In the dirt, he discovers the remains of the package the
doctor gave to Mercedes.

Inside he finds empty antibiotics containers.


Garcés comes upon a half­burnt lottery ticket.

(showing him the lottery ticket)
Shit­ They forgot this lottery ticket.

Vidal motions for silence.

They're here. Those bastards are here and
they are watching us.

He stands in rapt silence. The trees sway gently. He hefts
the empty package like a trophy.

You left this behind! And the lottery
ticket! Come back and get it!! This could
be your lucky day ­ !


Then, they mount up and ride off.

Invisible under the trees, six GUERRILLAS are indeed
watching. Among them is PEDRO, a tall and serious young man.
In a flash, they all disappear into the underbrush.



Ofelia's progress is slow. Water oozes from the surrounding
roots and mud.

Bugs crawl on her arms.

She hears a sudden, soggy movement up ahead. She takes out
the five chestnuts ­ which are so large they barely fit in
her hands ­ and works her way toward the noise.

Soon, she comes face to face with­

­an immense TOAD, as big as a boar. His golden eyes blink;
his cheeks puff rhythmically in and out.


The Toad's long tongue flicks out, trapping a couple of
beetles and pulling them back into his mouth. Their
chitinous shells crunch noisily in its slimy jaws.

Ofelia shudders and tries to stand up. As she speaks, a
large red pill bug clings to her cheek.

I am­ I'm princess Moanna and I'm not
afraid of you­

The Toad observes her, unmoved.

Aren't you ashamed? Living down here,
eating all the pill bugs and getting fat
while the tree dies!

FWAPPPP!!!! The Toad sends out its soft pink tongue, which
flattens against her face, then slides off, taking the pill
bug and leaving a gelatinous goo.
Three of the chestnuts roll to the ground. Ofelia spits in

The Toad hunkers down, shaking violently as it croaks.

Ofelia backpedals, frightened. The Toad resumes its resting

Ofelia scoops up the chestnuts. Two fall back into the mud.
She kneels to get them and­

­deftly palms a juicy, fat pill bug. It curls itself into a
tight ball. She keeps it in the same hand as the chestnuts.

The Toad croaks again, shoots out its tongue, which wraps
around her wrist. She stays calm. When the tongue retracts,
covering her hand with viscous spittle, the pill bug is

And so are the chestnuts.

The Toad croaks violently and suddenly burps up a gigantic
pearly bubble, which floats in the air, bathed in blood and

And with this, the Toad shrivels away, like a serpent
shedding its skin.

Ofelia picks up the warty, empty skin and looks at the

In its center: a GOLD KEY.

Ofelia plunges her hands into the bubble to grab it.


Ofelia emerges from under the tree with the golden key in
hand. She's filthy, sweaty and exhausted.

She nears the place where she left her dress­

­but it's not there!
After a brief search, she finds her hair ribbon. Covered in

A few meters away, the dress­ covered in wet, mossy mud.

It starts to rain.



A pair of BENTLEYS sweeps into the driveway. Elegant dinner
guests get out of the cars: the MAYOR, his WIFE, and a
parish PRIEST.

Vidal stands at the front door to greet them. He's in his
formal uniform.
Genres: ["fantasy","drama","adventure"]

Summary Ofelia retrieves a key from the mouth of a giant toad under a fig tree root, but loses her dress in the process and gets covered in mud.
Strengths "Intense atmosphere, vivid description of setting, high stakes and tension"
Weaknesses "Limited dialogue, slow pacing"
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written and visual. The descriptions effectively create a clear image of the settings and actions of the characters.

One area for improvement is the dialogue. The character of Vidal could benefit from more nuanced and complex language, as well as a clearer motivation for his actions. He comes across as one-dimensional in this scene.

The introduction of the Toad and the golden key adds an element of fantasy to the scene, but it seems disconnected from the rest of the story. It may be helpful to tie this subplot more closely to the main plot.

Additionally, the transitions between scenes could be smoother. The cuts to different settings feel abrupt at times and could be more subtle.

Overall, the scene has potential but could benefit from some revisions to improve character development and plot coherence.
Suggestions 1. Clarify the purpose of these scenes in relation to the overall story. What is the goal of each character in these specific scenes and how do they move the story forward? This will help ensure that each scene is necessary and contributes to the overall plot.

2. Add more conflict to the scene in the gallery under the fig tree roots. Right now the scene feels static and lacks tension. Consider adding something that puts Ofelia in danger or increases the stakes.

3. Show more of Vidal’s internal conflict. He is the antagonist of the story and it would be interesting to see more of his thought process and motivation for his actions. This will make him a more complex and compelling villain.

4. Consider cutting some of the exposition from Vidal’s dialogue. It’s clear from the visuals that they found a campsite of the rebels, so the dialogue feels unnecessary.

5. Use more visual cues and descriptive language to bring each scene to life. Right now, there is a lot of dialogue, but not enough description of the setting or the characters’ emotions and movements. This will help the reader visualize the scenes more vividly.

6. Think about pacing. The scenes feel long and could benefit from some editing to make them more efficient and impactful. Consider cutting some of the dialogue or description to streamline the scenes.

7. Lastly, make sure that each scene has a specific beginning, middle, and end. Each scene should have a clear purpose and resolution. This will help keep the story moving forward and prevent the scenes from feeling aimless.

Scene 11 - The Dinner Party
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 7

Carmen, in a velvet maternity dress and in her wheelchair,
wrings her hands in anguish. The dining room is looking its
best, with sparkling crystal and china at each place

(to Mercedes)
Have you checked in her room?? And the

Yes, madam.

The VOICES of the dinner guests get louder. As Vidal enters­

May I introduce you to my wife, Carmen.

Carmen manages a wan smile of greeting. The Mayor's wife
smiles back­

Pleasure to meet you.


A ration card with the Falangist stamps on it. The Mayor
examines it.

From now on­ one ration card peer family.

Seated around the table are: the doctor and his WIFE, the mayor and his
wife, Garcés, Serrano, Carmen, the Guardia Civil Capitan, and the Priest.
Carmen is stony­faced in her distraction.

One?? Captain, I'm not sure it'll be

If people are careful, it should be

He eats more potatoes.

What we can't allow is for anyone to send
food to the guerillas in the mountains.
They're losing ground ­ and one of them
is wounded.

Excuse me, Captain, how can you be so

We almost got them today. They had this.

Vidal pulls out one of the antibiotic vials.


Mercedes briefly catches the Doctor's eye.

God has already saved their souls. What
happens to their bodies, well, it hardly
matters to Him.

We’ll help you in any way we can,

We know you’re not here by choice­

Vidal pauses and locks eyes with him.

You're wrong about that.

The guests grow silent.

I choose to be here because I want my son
to be born in a clean, new Spain.

Because these people have the idea that
we're all alike. But there's a big
difference: The war is over and we won.

And if we need to kill each of those
motherfuckers to agree on it, then we’ll
kill them all. And that’s that.

He raises his glass and toasts.

We're all here by choice.

All the guests raise their glasses.

By choice.

Mercedes quickly leaves the dining room.

The kitchen door opens and Mercedes enters, trembling. On
the verge of tears, she grabs a lantern and readies to

Put the coffee on. I'm going for more

She leaves the kitchen.


The mill receding in the distance, Mercedes hurries uphill.
She pauses next to a large wood pile and sadly gazes at the

Using her hand to shield the lantern's light she signals the
woods­ one, two, three times. Then she turns around­

She sees­


Shivering, covered in mud, Ofelia climbs downhill and into
Mercedes’s arms.

Genres: ["drama","fantasy"]

Summary Vidal hosts a dinner party with various guests, discussing ration cards and the guerillas. He reveals his true motives for being there and makes a threatening toast.
Strengths "The scene effectively establishes Vidal's character and motives. The tension builds through the dialogue and Mercedes' departure adds emotional impact to the scene."
Weaknesses "The scene's pacing is slow and there is little action, mainly dialogue and character development. Ofelia's storyline is briefly mentioned but not developed."
Critique Overall, this scene is well-written with good dialogue and effective character development. The tension between the guests at the dinner party and Vidal's authoritarianism is palpable and sets up the conflict between the rebels and the fascist regime. The reveal of the ration cards and the antibiotic vial also foreshadows the larger themes of scarcity and power struggles.

However, there are some areas that could be improved. Carmen's wheelchair and maternity dress feel like cliches and do not add much to her character or the scene. Additionally, the repetition of "wan smile" and "stony-faced" to describe Carmen's emotions feels heavy-handed.

Furthermore, some of the interactions between the dinner guests feel forced, such as the Priest's comment about God saving the guerillas' souls. Overall, the scene could benefit from more organic and nuanced dialogue that better reflects the characters' motivations and beliefs.

Finally, the transition to the next scene with Mercedes and Ofelia feels sudden and disorienting. While the use of three signals to indicate danger is a fair use of visual storytelling, it could be more clearly established earlier in the scene. A smoother transition and clearer foreshadowing would make the impact of Ofelia's appearance much stronger.
Suggestions Some suggestions to improve the scene:

1. Add more tension and conflict: The scene is focused on Vidal's speech and his beliefs, but there is not a lot of tension or conflict between the characters. Try adding small conflicts or disagreements between the dinner guests to make the scene more engaging.

2. Make Carmen's emotions more clear: Carmen is portrayed as being anguished, but it is not entirely clear why. Show more of her emotional state and give her reaction to Vidal's speech.

3. Develop the relationship between Mercedes and Ofelia: Although Mercedes rescuing Ofelia is an important event, their relationship is not explored much in this scene. Develop their bond more by showing their interactions and conversations.

4. Use visual cues to set the mood: Use lighting, sound, and visual effects to create a darker and more ominous atmosphere. This would heighten the tension and conflict in the scene.

5. Add more physical action: There is a lot of dialogue in this scene, but not much physical action. Try incorporating more physical action that would move the story forward and help to show the characters' emotions.

Scene 12 - Dinner with the Captain
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Everyone eats with relish, impeccably attended by the
kitchen staff.

And­ How did you and the Captain meet?

Vidal seems uncomfortable but Carmen gently touches his

Ofelia's father was a tailor ­ he used to
make the Captain’s uniforms­

I see­

­and after he died, I went to work at the
shop. A little more than a year ago, the
Captain and I met again...

Vidal moves his hand away from Carmen's.

Curious, isn't it? Finding each other
after such a long time.

Curious indeed­ very curious...

Please, forgive my wife. She hasn't been
exposed to the world. She thinks these
silly stories are interesting to others.

Carmen grows silent. Ashamed.

Mercedes discreetly comes over to Carmen and speaks to her.
Carmen pushes back from the table.

Please, excuse me.

All the men get up as Carmen leaves the dining room. The
Guardia Civil Capitan smiles at Vidal.

Have I told you that I was acquainted
with your father, Captain?

Vidal can't suppress a brief grimace.

No­ I had no idea.

In Morocco. I met him only briefly, but
he left a great impression.

Vidal chews his food nervously.

An excellent soldier.

The men in his battalion said that when
General Vidal died on the battlefield, he
smashed his watch on a rock so that his
son would know the exact hour and minute
of his death.

So he would know how a brave man dies.

All eyes turn to Vidal.

Nonsense. He didn't own a watch.



Ofelia is floating on the warm water of the tub.

What you've done hurts me. When you get
out of the tub, you'll go to bed without

Ofelia listens in silence, holding back.

Are you listening? Sometimes I think
you'll never learn to behave.

You've disappointed me, and your father,
The Captain?

Yes­ Him more than me.

The faintest trace of satisfaction is visible on Ofelia's
face. Carmen leaves.

The Green Fairy flies in through the open window. Ofelia
greets it.

I've got the key. Take me to the


With the book and the key in hand, Ofelia steps to the
center of the well. She is wearing a striped robe.

She examines the engravings on the monolith: the Faun,
embracing a girl and a baby.

That's me and the girl is you.

From out of the shadows comes the Faun. The Green Fairy
hurries to him.

And the baby?

The Faun comes near Ofelia chewing a chunk of raw meat.

I see that you got the key­

The Green Fairy lands on his shoulder. He feeds her some meat.

She's very glad you succeeded. She's
believed in you from the very start.
Keep the key. You'll be needing it. And
this also­

Out of nowhere he produces a piece of white chalk.

a piece of chalk­

Ofelia takes the chalk.

There are still two tasks left and the
moon is almost full. Be patient.

He caresses her face with his dirty hands, which are covered
with creeping bugs.

We'll soon be strolling through the seven
circular gardens of your palace.

How do I know that what you say is true??

As he comes closer, the Faun's face again comes into the
light. A wicked grin is revealed­

Why would a poor little faun like me lie
to you?

Ofelia leaves the well.

Genres: ["drama","fantasy","war"]

Summary After retrieving a key from a giant toad, Ofelia attends a dinner party hosted by Vidal. Carmen reveals how she met the Captain. Vidal becomes uncomfortable when a guest mentions his father, but then tells a story about how his father died. Ofelia talks to Carmen in the bathroom and is scolded. The Green Fairy appears and takes Ofelia to the labyrinth where the Faun gives her a piece of chalk and tells her there are still two tasks left.
Strengths "The tension is heightened when Vidal becomes uncomfortable and reveals his motives. The scene moves the story forward by introducing new tasks for Ofelia."
Weaknesses "The conversation at the dinner party could have been more engaging. The scene didn't have much emotional impact."
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written and effectively sets up tension between the characters. However, there are a few areas that could benefit from improvement.

Firstly, the dialogue could be more natural and nuanced. Some lines feel forced or expositional, such as the Doctor's Wife saying "Curious indeed - very curious." It's also unclear why Vidal is uncomfortable with the question about how he and Carmen met, and this could be fleshed out more to make his character more complex.

Secondly, the actions of the characters could be better described to make the scene more visually interesting. For example, in the beginning of the scene, "Everyone eats with relish, impeccably attended by the kitchen staff" could be expanded to describe the specific foods being eaten and how the staff is attending to the guests.

Finally, the transition from the dinner table to Ofelia in the bathtub feels abrupt and could benefit from a smoother segue. Perhaps the scene could end with Carmen excusing herself to check on Ofelia, which would lead into the next scene.

Overall, the scene is well-constructed and carries an emotional weight, but could benefit from some fine-tuning to make it more engaging for the audience.
Suggestions One suggestion for improving this scene would be to add more visual descriptions to enhance the atmosphere and mood. For example, instead of just stating "Everyone eats with relish," the writer could include details about the food, the setting, and the lighting to create a more vivid picture for the audience.

Another suggestion would be to add more depth to the characters, particularly Vidal and Carmen. The tension and conflict between them could be explored further and their reactions to the conversation about the Captain and Ofelia's father could be more fully realized. This would also provide more context for Carmen's shameful silence and Vidal's discomfort.

Finally, the dialogue could be refined to create a more natural flow and rhythm. Some of the lines feel a bit stilted and could benefit from rephrasing or simplifying. Additionally, adding more subtext and nuance to the characters' words could create a more layered and complex scene.

Scene 13 - Rations and Tragedy
  • Overall: 10.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 10
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 7

VIDAL opens the warehouse.

A large CROWD OF PEOPLE lines up for rations.

The soldiers keep order as Vidal supervises the distribution
of wheat, cooking oil and tobacco.

Have your cards in hand and ready. Let's
go. Your name?

In a logbook, he makes note of every handout.

Mercedes, Conchita and Paz come out of the granary carrying
baskets of bread. Each piece is contained in a brown bag
with a legend printed. The Guardia Civil Capitan grabs a
piece and starts reciting the printed legend.

This is our daily bread in Franco's
Spain! Which we keep safe in this mill.
The Reds lie when they say there's hunger
in Spain. Because in a united Spain,
there's not a single home without a warm
fire or without bread.

Mercedes looks toward the mountains.



Ofelia wakes up next to her mother. She quietly slips out of
bed; her mother sleeps on. As Ofelia reaches the middle of
the room, her mother moans softly.


Ofelia opens the special book. Impatient, she starts turning
the pages­


She keeps flipping through, looking and looking. But each
page fades to white.
Ofelia looks at a beam of sunlight coming in from the small
bathroom window. She reaches out her hand and plays with it.

She looks down at a page in the book. A small red stain has
appeared. Blood.

It spreads rapidly, until it covers the whole page.

Frightened, Ofelia drops the book. The blood flows onto the
next page and covers it, too.

Ofelia notices a bloodstain on her nightgown.

She steps back. Opens the door.



Ofelia returns to her mother. Huge torrents of blood flow
from the bed onto the floor. Carmen extends a bloody hand
toward the girl.

(barely a whisper)
Ofelia... help me...

She gets out of bed; the lower half of her body is
completely bloody.

Ofelia runs to her. Carmen disappears from her arms.


Ofelia hurries from the building and goes to Vidal, who
supervises the food rationing.

Captain! Come quickly!
CAMERA pulls back to follow Vidal as he runs inside the

The day is just beginning.



It’s raining. Vidal and the Doctor stand near the front

Your wife needs absolute bed rest. She'll
be sedated from now on. The girl should
sleep somewhere else. I'll stay here
until the birth.

Take care of her. Heal her. I don't care
what it costs or what you need, make her


Ofelia surveys the filthy attic and the dark, low ceiling,
full of holes.

Mercedes and Conchita make a bed with a large comforter and
several fluffy pillows.

Conchita leaves.

Don't worry. Your mother will get better
soon, you'll see. Having a baby is

Ofelia shakes her head.

Then I'll never have a one.

Mercedes sits by her side.

You are helping the men in the woods,
aren't you?

This comes out of the blue. Mercedes freezes and after a
long beat:

Have you told anyone?

No, I haven't­ I don't want anything bad
happening to you.

Or me to you­

They embrace softly.

Do you know a lullaby?

Only one, but I don't remember the words.

I don't care. I still want to hear it.

As she sings we­

Genres: ["drama","war"]

Summary Vidal supervises food rationing, Carmen dies in childbirth, and Ofelia moves to the attic with Mercedes
Strengths "The emotional impact of Carmen's death, the tension between Vidal and his guests, the subtle reveal of Mercedes' involvement in the resistance movement"
Weaknesses "Limited character development for some minor characters, some dialogue feels clunky or on-the-nose"
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written and effectively conveys different plot points and themes.

One thing to note is that the scene jumps abruptly between different locations and characters, which can be disorienting for the audience. It may help to have smoother transitions or clearer indicators for time and place changes.

The dialogue, while realistic, could benefit from more subtext or layers to add depth to the characters and their relationships.

There is also a strong visual component to the scene, with the contrast between the orderly food distribution and the chaotic birth scene, as well as the stark imagery of blood and death. This can be further amplified through cinematography and other visual elements.

Overall, the scene effectively advances the plot and character arcs, but could benefit from more nuanced dialogue and smoother transitions.
Suggestions One suggestion to improve this scene would be to add more tension and conflict. The scene seems to be focused on the distribution of rations, but there is no clear sense of urgency or conflict between the characters. Consider adding a moment where the soldiers or Vidal are confronted by a desperate citizen, or where they discover that the rations have been stolen or sabotaged.

Another suggestion would be to connect this scene more explicitly to the overall plot and themes of the story. The scene is a bit disconnected from the previous and following scenes, which focus on Ofelia's supernatural experiences and her mother's deteriorating health. Consider how this scene could provide insight into the political and social context of the story, or how it could foreshadow future conflicts or developments.

Finally, consider trimming some of the exposition and dialogue to create a more concise and impactful scene. Some of the dialogue feels a bit unnecessary and could be cut to make the scene more focused and streamlined. Additionally, try to find ways to convey information through action and visual storytelling rather than relying solely on dialogue.

Scene 14 - Betrayal and Resistance
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 7
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 8

Mercedes is alone in the kitchen. She carries a canvas bag.
There is a low flame burning on the charcoal range.

She kneels down and removes a tile from the floor: she has
hidden some food, a bottle of Orujo and some papers. She
transfers everything to the canvas bag. Someone comes into
the kitchen, startling her.

Don’t be afraid­ it’s just me­­

Mercedes exhales, relieved.

Are you ready?


Well, let's go.


Carrying the bag, Mercedes walks through the river with the

They stop in front of a large, half­cut tree.

This is sheer madness. When that man
finds out about us, he'll kill us all.
Have you thought about that?

Are you that afraid of him, Doctor?

After a long beat­

It's not fear, at least not for myself.

A noise. Then silence. The tree trunks sway and creak
softly. Something moves among the trees...

Mercedes takes a couple steps... and suddenly, someone is
there: it is Pedro, the young guerrilla. He hugs her.

Pedro, Pedro­ My brother.
He kisses her on both cheeks. The Doctor looks around with
alarm as twenty more men appear from out of the shadows.



Ofelia is lying in bed.

You refused the task ­

Ofelia is startled: the Faun is perched on the foot rail of her
bed, like a big crow.

N­no­ my mother is sick.

That's no excuse for negligence.

The Faun looks in a tattered bag, takes out a twisted root

Look, this is a mandrake root. A plant
that dreamt of being human. Put it under
your mother's bed in a bowl of fresh
milk. Each morning give it two drops of

Ofelia, revolted, takes the root.

Now, we have no time to waste. The full
moon will be upon us.
Let my pets guide you through­­

He hands her his basket. The Fairies chitter­chatter inside

You're going to a very dangerous place,
so be careful.

The thing that slumbers there, it's not

He hands her a small, dark hourglass.

You will see a sumptuous banquet, but
don't eat or drink anything.

Your life depends on it.


Mercedes, Pedro and the Doctor arrive at a large cave mouth.
GUERILLA sentries allow them to pass.


The walls are covered with soot.

A dozen more guerillas sit around an open fire in the middle
of the cave.

Mercedes opens up the canvas bag and starts handing out
letters, food, tobacco and newspapers.

I've brought some Orujo, tobacco, cheese.
Some mail for "Trigo" and "Piloto.".

The men divide a newspaper among themselves. One page each.

The doctor approaches a group of wounded men. One of them,
FRENCHIE, is very weak. His leg is bandaged.

Let«s see how that leg is doing, Frenchie­

Well, how do you think it’s doing?? It's
fucked up­

... North American, B­b­british and C­c
canadian T­t­troops disemb­b­barked on a
small beach in the North of F­F­france­

STUTTER, a thin guy in his thirties, reads a ragged

Gimme that, you stammering piece of shit!

Muscle­bound TRIGO grabs the newspaper from Stutter.

More than 150,000 soldiers... under the
command of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
who said: "We will not accept anything
less than complete victory over Germany."

The Doctor cuts the bandages off Frenchie's leg. It looks

Is it bad, doctor?

Look, Frenchie­ There's no way to save

Everyone goes quiet­
Genres: ["drama","war"]

Summary Mercedes and the doctor join the guerrilla group, while Ofelia receives instruction from the faun to save her mother's life.
Strengths "The tension in the scene builds up with the arrivals of the doctor, Mercedes, and Pedro in the guerrilla hideout. The scene also moves the story forward by showing how the trio joins up with the rebels. The dialogue between the doctor and Mercedes is natural and adds to the characters' background. "
Weaknesses "The scene is short and ends abruptly."
Critique This scene seems to be part of a larger story, so it's difficult to provide a full critique without context. However, based on what we see in this scene, here are some notes:

- There isn't much action or conflict in this scene, which could make it feel slow or uneventful. There are some hints at tension (the Doctor's fear of being discovered, the ominous warning about the thing that slumbers), but they don't come to a head in this scene.
- The dialogue is functional but not particularly interesting or distinctive. None of the characters have a memorable or unique voice, which could make it hard for audiences to connect with or care about them.
- There are some interesting details in the scene that hint at a larger, more complex world (the guerrillas hiding in the cave, the mandrake root and fairies), but they don't feel fully integrated into the scene or the story as a whole. It's not clear what purpose they serve or how they will pay off later.
- The scene could be visually striking if filmed well, especially with the contrast between the dark, soot-covered cave and the bright, twinkling fairies. However, there's not a lot of visual description in the screenplay, so it's unclear how much of that is intentional or how the scene is meant to look.
Suggestions Some suggestions for improving the scene:

1. Add more description and detail to create a more vivid picture in the reader's mind. For example, what does the kitchen look like? What does the canvas bag look like? What kind of papers is Mercedes hiding?

2. Give the Doctor a more distinct personality or backstory to make him more interesting and memorable. Right now, he comes off as a generic helpful character.

3. Find ways to build tension and suspense throughout the scene. For example, when Mercedes is startled by someone entering the kitchen, it could be more intense if the reader didn't immediately know it was the Doctor.

4. Consider adding more emotional complexity to Mercedes' character by exploring the conflict between her loyalty to the guerrillas and her own personal desires or values.

5. Try to make the Faun's scene more visually interesting and immersive by describing the attic in more detail and creating a more vivid picture of the Fairies chittering and chattering in the basket.

6. Find ways to make the dialogue more dynamic and engaging. For example, instead of having Trigo just insult Stutter, perhaps there could be more banter or back-and-forth between the two characters.

Scene 15 - Ofelia's Close Call
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 5

The Doctor readies a stainless steel bone saw.

I'll try to do it in as few cuts as I

The men give Frenchie the bottle. He gulps down half of it.

Wait a second, doctor, just a second.

Frenchie looks longingly at his leg. One last time­ Then, he
takes hold of Trigo and Rubio's arms. Mercedes and Pedro put
all their weight on the injured limb.

The Doctor touches his saw to the leg­

­and cuts.



Ofelia takes the book out from under her bed. Opening it,
she sees herself illustrated in a room with a lavish table
full of food. In the wall are three niches. And at the far
end of the table, a pale human figure.

Use the chalk to trace a door anywhere in
your room. Open it and start the
hourglass ­ let yourself be guided by the

Ofelia draws the outline of a door on the wall... and then
opens it onto a long hallway. Ofelia goes through, wearing
the wicker basket around her neck.

Don't eat or drink anything and come back
before the last grain of sand falls


The girl walks down a corridor with a low ceiling and a
multitude of arches. Each column represents a tree with
fanning branches. An elaborate mosaic pattern spreads over
the floor; the ceiling fresco depicts the lunar cycle.

In the next room, a large, wooden table overflows with a
cornucopia of cakes, meat, fish, liquor, exotic fruits...

Light and warmth pour forth from a roaring fireplace.

A PALE MAN with a gaunt, featureless face and skeletal body
sits silently at the far end of the table.

He's ominously still, his head hanging at an odd angle. In
front of him, a small metallic plate displays two human

It's very hot: beads of sweat roll down Ofelia's face. Her
hungry stomach growls.

She spots the three niches.

She takes out her golden key and considers the doors. Each
one clad in smooth gold, with identical locks.

The wicker basket starts to shake furiously. Ofelia opens
it. The Fairies fly out.

They buzz around the three niches, like flies around honey.
They fan their wings repeatedly, vibrating, communicating,
sniffing the gold doors.

Stepping back to let the Fairies investigate, Ofelia knocks
over a platter of green grapes.

She picks them up and puts them back on the table. One of
the grapes remains on the floor.

The Green Fairy stops in front of the door in the middle,
announcing its decision.

Ofelia goes to the door and puts the key in the lock.

No­ It's this one­

­she goes to the adjoining door, sticks the key in the lock
and turns it. CLACK.

She opens the door and reaches through the doorway to take
whatever is there.

Her hand nears a package, about 16 centimeters long, wrapped
in a dirty rag.

Ofelia looks around: nothing has happened. All is calm. The
Pale Man is immobile.

Ofelia readies to exit, but then she spots a plate full of
ripe grapes: so many of them!!

She looks back at the eerie, sitting figure: immobile and
seemingly lifeless. The Fairies warn her repeatedly, trying
to prevent her from eating any grapes. But the girl sneakily
picks one up and eats it.

Unseen by her­ The Pale Man lifts his head and grabs the two
human eyeballs from the metallic plate in front of him.

He introduces the eyeballs into twin stigmatas in his palms
and uses his hands to look around, splaying his fingers like
excited peacock feathers as he discovers­

­Ofelia eating yet another grape.

The Pale Man jerks toward her, in spastic, disembodied
steps. He crouches like an animal ready to pounce.

Ofelia turns just in time. The Pale Man roars. The Fairies
fly at him and attack!

Flailing his arms, the monster turns over the table, dumping
all the food. Swatting and snapping, he eats two of the
Fairies. They HOWL as he bites down...

Ofelia runs, carrying the precious package. The Green Fairy
follows her.

The Pale Man comes after her.

Ofelia gets to the end of the hallway. She pounds the blank
wall where moments ago there was a door.


Ofelia's thumping is barely audible.


Ofelia sees the Pale Man's silhouette coming up the hallway.

Ofelia searches her pockets for the chalk. Finding it, she
stands on tiptoe and traces the outline of a door!

Ofelia pushes against it and opens­


A trapdoor in the attic floor.


Ofelia crawls out the new exit. Her legs dangle briefly.

The pale monster leaps at them, snarling. Ofelia pulls
herself up and out just in time. The Green Fairy follows shortly


Ofelia slams the door behind her. The marks on the floor
disappear and it seals itself shut.

All the while, something directly below bumps violently,
almost bursting through the floor.
When all is calm, Ofelia sits on the bed, exhausted. The
Green Fairy flutters and chirps, excitedly.

Genres: ["fantasy","horror"]

Summary Ofelia retrieves a package from one of three doors in a banquet hall, but eats a grape and inadvertently awakens a pale monster with two human eyeballs. The monster attacks and kills some of the fairies while pursuing Ofelia, who barely escapes through a newly traced door with her package.
  • intense action
  • creative use of magic chalk and fairies
  • building suspense
  • somewhat predictable horror trope of monster awakening from player mistake
Critique As an AI language model, I don't have the personal experience to critique a scene in a way that a screenwriting expert would have. But, as a language model, I observe that the scene appears to be a part of a larger story with elements of horror and fantasy. There are two distinct parts to the scene that don't seem to connect with each other. The first part of the scene is about a doctor using a saw to amputate a leg while the second part is about a girl entering into a fantasy realm. The transition between the two scenes is abrupt and could be made smoother to improve the flow of the story. Additionally, the description of the scenery and introduction of characters could be more descriptive to enhance the visuals.
Suggestions It's important to consider the tone and pacing of the scene. While the cave scene is tense and gruesome, the transition to Ofelia's journey into the fantasy world feels abrupt and jarring.

One suggestion would be to add a transitional moment between the two scenes that bridges the gap and helps the audience shift gears. It could be something as simple as a shot of Ofelia closing her eyes in the attic, taking a deep breath, before opening the book and starting her journey.

Additionally, some of the dialogue in the fantasy world feels too exposition-heavy and could benefit from being conveyed through visual storytelling. For example, instead of Ofelia explicitly stating that she needs to come back before the last grain of sand falls through, she could simply glance at the hourglass and start running at a quicker pace.

Lastly, the action in the Pale Man scene can be difficult to follow at times. Tighter descriptions of the characters' movements and clearer spatial relations could enhance the tension and clarity of the sequence.

Scene 16 - The Doctor's Advice
  • Overall: 7.0
  • Concept: 6
  • Plot: 7
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 7

The Doctor, Mercedes and Pedro start down the mountain.

We'll soon have reinforcements from Jaca.
Fifty men or more. Then we'll go head to
head with Vidal.

And then what­ ? You kill him, they'll
send another just like him. And


The Doctor washes his bloody hands and his surgical
instruments in the stream that runs through the mountains.

You're screwed, no guns, no roof over
your heads... You need food, medicine.
You should take care of Mercedes. If you
really loved her, you would cross the
border with her. This is a lost cause.

I'm staying here, Doctor. There’s no

He moves away, towards Mercedes, who awaits him nearby. She
hands him a copy of the warehouse KEY.

Here’s the key­ but you can't come down
now. It's exactly what he wants­
He kisses her on the cheek.

Leave it to me.

I'm a coward.

No, you're not.

Yes, I am­ a coward for living next to
that sonofabitch, making his bed, feeding

What if the Doctor's right and we cannot

Pedro looks at Mercedes, hugs her fiercely.

Well­ At least we'll make things harder
for that bastard.

A SONG starts up, full of good cheer.


Once more, Vidal, shirtless, is shaving with his switchblade
while listening to music on the Victrola.

On the sink: his father's gold and silver watch.

Vidal looks at it and then studies himself in the mirror, as
if sizing up an old enemy. He places the steel blade on his
own reflection and­

­cuts swiftly.


The music drifts upstairs into the Upper bedroom.

Ofelia approaches her mother, who is asleep in bed, sweating
profusely. She caresses her face.

There is a breakfast tray on the night stand.

Ofelia empties a glass of milk into a bowl and pulls the
mandrake root out from under her clothing. She submerges it
in the milk, then slides the bowl under the bed.

She bites her finger until a small drop of blood appears. It
falls into the milk...

The mandrake twitches, sucking avidly at the pink liquid.

The root uncoils into the floor, spiralling around the legs
of the bed­frame.

Ofelia hears FOOTSTEPS: somebody's coming into the bedroom.
Ofelia stays down: she can see a pair of shoes.

It is the Doctor. He checks Carmen's pulse and temperature.

Captain Vidal!

Vidal paces nervously, nearby­

Her temperature is down...

But she still has a fever?

Yes, but it's a good sign­ her body is

Vidal stares at the Doctor, not a trace of emotion in his

Listen to me. If you have to choose, save
the baby. That boy will bear my name and
my father's name, too.

Ofelia hears this from beneath the bed.

Suddenly an explosion shakes the room. Vidal looks outside,
then another explosion rattles the windows.

Bits of plaster drop down from the ceiling onto the ground
near Ofelia.

Cursing, Vidal rushes from the bedroom. The Doctor follows


Vidal hurries out to the garden. The guards have come out of
their tents and look at­

­a colossal column of smoke and fire in the distance.
Another explosion shakes the ground.


Ofelia comes out from beneath the bed. Tentatively, she nears
her mother's belly.

Brother, brother, if you can hear me...

She leans her head gently on it.

...things out here aren't too good. And
soon you'll have to come out. Mom isn't
doing well.

Unexpectedly, the girl tears up.

I'm asking you for one thing, just one:
don't hurt her.
She's very pretty, you'll see. Even
though she's sad some of the time. You'll
see, when she smiles ­ you'll love her.

So­ if you do what I say, I'll make you a
Prince in my kingdom...

I promise you­ a Prince...
Genres: ["drama","fantasy"]

Summary The Doctor gives Pedro and Mercedes advice while Vidal tends to Carmen in her sickbed amid nearby explosions. Ofelia tries to save Carmen with a mandrake root while also speaking to her unborn brother.
Strengths "The tension is high in this scene with multiple conflicts happening simultaneously. The characters are all acting in character and the dialogue is well-written."
Weaknesses "The scene jumps around a bit with multiple locations and characters to follow. Some of the plot developments feel predictable."
Critique The scene starts off well with clear dialogue and action, but it feels a bit disjointed and lacks a clear focus. The conversations between the Doctor, Mercedes, and Pedro feel somewhat repetitive, and the inclusion of the song and Vidal's shaving scene doesn't add much to the plot. The moment with Ofelia and the mandrake root is intriguing but could benefit from a clearer explanation or setup earlier in the script. The explosions feel sudden and jarring, and it's unclear how they tie into the overall story. Overall, the scene could benefit from tighter pacing and a clearer focus on advancing the plot.
Suggestions Overall, the scene seems to move at a good pace and the dialogue between the characters feels natural. However, there are a few suggestions that could potentially improve the scene:

1. Provide more context for the explosions happening in the distance. What is causing them? Are they related to the conflict between the Doctor and Vidal's forces? Adding this information could heighten the tension and stakes in the scene.

2. Consider showing more emotion and internal conflict for the characters. While their dialogue is effective in conveying their thoughts and motivations, adding more physical action or reactions could make the scene more engaging to watch, especially during moments of tension or revelation (such as when Pedro and Mercedes discuss their fear of losing the conflict).

3. Explore the relationship dynamics between the characters further. The scene primarily focuses on their reactions to the conflict and their individual goals, but adding more subtle interactions between them could create a more interesting dynamic (such as Mercedes and Pedro exchanging glances or the Doctor showing empathy towards their situation).

Overall, the scene has potential and effectively conveys the ongoing conflict between the characters. Adding more depth and context could elevate it further and create a more engaging viewing experience.

Scene 17 - Ambush and Captive
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 7

Something has blown a large crater into the rural railroad
track. Tipped into it is the smoking ruin of a locomotive.
Vidal inspects a couple of charred BODIES by the wreckage.

I sounded the whistle­ but they wouldn't
move. I tried to stop, but it was too

The long freight train has derailed in the middle of
nowhere. Dozens of GUARDIAS CIVIL patrol the disaster.

The engineer and the FIREMAN walk among the burned freight
cars with Vidal and his men. Some GUARDIAS CIVIL ride up and

What did they steal from inside the
freight cars?

Nothing They didn't open a single one.

What the hell are you talking about?

This whole mess­ and they didn't open any
of the cars. They didn't take anything.

Nothing, are you sure?
Nothing, who the hell knows that they
wanted­ other than to make us waste our

And, just as Vidal realizes he's been tricked. The sound of
DISTANT GUNFIRE reaches his ears.



Rain is falling as Vidal's Bentley roars to a stop in front
of the mill.

A gunfight is raging. Staying low, the Captain runs over to
Garcés. There are several cadavers strewn on the ground.

Guards have taken cover among the trees. Some bloody,
wounded soldiers cower on the ground.

Garcés is bleeding from a wound on his forehead.

Captain­ they came out of nowhere­ They
have grenades...

Vidal sees the open bodega. It has been thoroughly looted:
jugs and empty crates are scattered everywhere.

He takes special note of­

­the open lock, hanging from the door.

Serrano hurries up to him.

One group stayed behind ­ up on the cliff­
with rifles... We've surrounded them­

Holding his gun, Vidal advances on foot through the dripping
forest. He is accompanied by a squad of guards.

GUNSHOTS. A pair of GUERRILLAS jumps out from a pile of
boulders, blasting away. A guard falls down dead at Vidal's
feet, three bullets in his chest.

Vidal, Serrano and Garcés take cover behind a craggy
outcropping. Bullets explode onto the stone.

Excited, Vidal glances at his Father's watch and smiles.

C’mon, Serrano, this is the only decent
way to die.

He leaps out, firing. Two bullets whiz by his head and bury
themselves in a tree.

Vidal keeps shooting, wounding two of the guerrillas. Garcés
follows, also firing.

Vidal and Garcés get to­

­the boulders: kneeling there is a YOUNG GUERRILLA, panting,
torn to pieces by the gunfire.

Let me see­ Can you talk??

The Young Guerrilla gasps for air: a gaping wound on his
neck bleeds profusely.


He empties his pistol into the Young Guerrilla. Garcés is
appalled. Vidal reloads and finishes off the second one with
a shot to the temple.

(to Serrano)
This is useless­ we need one alive­ Just
Garcés spots something nearby.

Lurking in the bushes is a WOUNDED MAN, gasping for air,
wounded in the leg.

His face remains hidden.

Captain, this one’s still alive. He's got
a leg wound.



Mercedes comes down the service stairs into the kitchen. She
runs to the window. All the kitchen maids are there.

What's happened?

They took one of them­ alive. And they're
taking him to the storeroom.

Mercedes darts out into the rain.



Mercedes heads toward the old bodega. She sees the guards
drag a man inside.


Mercedes stands, in the middle of the rain not knowing what
to do­ where to go­ where to run­
Vidal approaches her.


I­I needed to get in the bodega­

Not now, Mercedes.

A guard comes out. Mercedes can see­


­the prisoner is Stutter.

Stutter and Mercedes look each other in the eye­

There is a mixture of relief and pity in Mercedes' eyes.

A guard closes the door.

Genres: ["war","drama","action"]

Summary Vidal and his men investigate a train explosion and a gunfight ensues at a mill, where they capture a guerrilla fighter. Mercedes learns of the captive and sees it is Stutter.
Strengths "High stakes action scene with a surprise twist involving the captive, tense and fast-paced"
Weaknesses "Lack of in-depth character development and nuanced dialogue"
Critique Overall, the scene is well-written in terms of setting up tension and conflict. The description of the train wreck and the aftermath is vivid and conveys the chaos of the situation. The dialogue also effectively reveals character motivations and adds to the tension.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved. First, the action scenes could benefit from more specific details to help the reader visualize and follow the action. For example, instead of just saying "gunshots," it could be described how many shots are fired, who is shooting at who, and how the characters are moving in response.

Additionally, the character development could be further fleshed out. We don't learn much about the main character, Vidal, except that he is a captain and willing to kill without remorse. Providing more backstory or details about his motivations could make him a more intriguing character.

Overall, this scene shows promise and has potential, but could benefit from some further refinement and attention to detail.
Suggestions The scene could benefit from some added tension and conflict. One way to do this would be to introduce more emotional depth to the characters. For example, when Vidal realizes he has been tricked, he could become more angry and frustrated, making the gunfight that follows more intense. This could also create a greater sense of urgency in the scene.

Another suggestion would be to add more visuals and details to enhance the setting. For instance, the train wreckage could be described in more detail, emphasizing the destruction and chaos. This would also help to create a more immersive experience for the audience.

Furthermore, the dialogue could be improved by making it more concise and impactful. By using shorter, more impactful sentences, the characters' emotions and intentions could be conveyed more effectively. This would help the audience to understand the stakes involved in the scene, and increase their investment in the characters.

Finally, the scene could benefit from more attention to pacing. By regulating the pacing, the scene could be made more dynamic and engaging. This would help to keep the audience on the edge of their seat, and increase their investment in the story.

Scene 18 - Vidal's Interrogation
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Mercedes takes the hidden knife from her apron and peels
vegetables. Rapidly and mechanically. The kitchen is
bustling with activity, but her mind is miles away.

She picks up a dinner tray.


She carries the tray upstairs.

She places the tray on the night stand. Carmen and Ofelia
play card games by the light of the oil lamp.

The Doctor readies Carmen daily doze of sleeping medication
into a glass of water for Carmen.

This is half the dose: only one drop­

As Ofelia comes to the bedside, a weak but conscious Carmen
pushes the medicine away.

I don't think I need it. I feel better.

I don't understand it. But I’m glad.

Ofelia smiles.



Vidal finishes rolling a cigarette. He's standing in front
of Stutter, who is tied to a concrete post.

Damn! This cigarette is good. Real good

He offers him a puff.

F­f­f­fuck you­

Garcés enters and sets down a table and some chairs.

We catch one and he turns out to be a
stutterer. Fuck! We'll be here all night.
As long as he talks, Captain­

Garcés is right­ You better tell us
everything. Because, to make it happen, I
brought along a few tools. Nothing fancy­
Things you pick up along the way.

He goes over to a tool box and takes out a hammer, some
needle­nose pliers and a leather­working blade.

At first I won't be able to trust you..
But when I use this one­

He lifts the hammer.

­ you'll own up to a few things...

Next, he shows off the pliers.

When we get to this one, we'll have a
closer relationship, almost like
brothers. You'll see.

He picks up the blade.

And when we get to this one, I'll believe
everything you tell me.

Vidal picks up the hammer.

Now­ I'll make you a deal. If you can
count to three without st­t­tuttering,
you can go.

He approaches the shivering man, who looks around as if in
search of an answer.

Don't look around, look at me. There's no
one above me.

Garcés­ If I say this asshole can leave­

Then he can leave, Captain­

So, there­ count to three.

And Stutter tries­ sweating­ making a supreme effort­



Again, Stutter struggles and manages a­


One more and you will be free.

And he goes for it. But­


He looks up at Vidal, imploring.


His arm is a blur as the hammer lands a terrible blow.

Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Vidal interrogates a guerrilla fighter with torture tools
Strengths "Intense interrogation scene that drives the plot forward"
Weaknesses "Graphic violence and torture, not appropriate for all viewers"
Critique First of all, the scene is well-written and does effectively capture the tension that is central to the story. The pacing of the scene is on point, and the dialogue effectively moves the plot forward while revealing key information about the characters. However, a critique would be that the violent nature of the scene may be too graphic, and the use of a hammer to inflict harm on a character can be unsettling for some viewers. Therefore, the scene may need to be toned down or edited to make it more palatable to a wider audience. The repetition of the words "Captain" may also be excessive and could benefit from a variation.
Suggestions One suggestion would be to give more context to the scene in the kitchen before transitioning to the next scene. Perhaps adding a brief moment of Mercedes reflecting on the events of the day or her thoughts on the upcoming events could add more depth to her character and create a stronger connection between her and the audience. Additionally, the transition between the bedroom and the bodega could benefit from a smoother transition, such as showing the exterior of the house or a shot of the surrounding area before cutting to the bodega. This would create a clearer sense of location and help the audience to better follow the story. Finally, adding more tension and suspense to the scene in the bodega could make it more gripping for the audience. This could be achieved through dialogue exchanges between Vidal and Stutter, or by showing the reactions of the other characters present.

Scene 19 - The Consequences of Breaking the Rules
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 7
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 8

Thunder, lightning, it's raining again. Ofelia is asleep in
her bed. A shadow passes over her body­
Your mother is much better, Your Highness­
You must be relieved!!

Ofelia is startled awake. The Faun looms over her.

Yes, thank you. But things haven't turned
out so well.


She gives him the package. The Faun opens it: inside there
is a long, gold dagger. It's beautiful. The blade is
engraved with Celtic lettering and on the handle is the
figure of a satyr hugging a girl who holds a baby.

No. I had an accident.

An accident??

She hands him the Fairy basket. Out of it comes the damaged
Green Fairy, who immediately perches atop his shoulder and
starts chattering and pointing at the girl.

You broke the rules!

It was just two grapes! I thought no one
would notice­

We made a mistake!!

A mistake?

You failed. You can never go back.

The moon will be full in three days.
Your spirit will stay forever among

You'll live among them, you'll get old
like them, you'll die like them­­ and
your memory of us will fade.

And we'll vanish along with it!

The Faun backs into the darkest corner of the attic.

You will never, ever see us again.

A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the corner: The
Faun is gone.



Vidal calmly smokes a cigarette under an umbrella. Garcés
arrives with the Doctor.

Good day, Doctor. Sorry to wake you so
early, but I think we need some help.

The Doctor goes inside.


The Doctor comes into the bodega. Vidal stays at the door.

Stutter is curled up on the ground. His nose is flattened,
one eye is bloodshot and a head wound is bleeding. Flies
buzz around him.

My God, what have you done to him?

Not much. But things are getting better.

Vidal surreptitiously removes a vial of antibiotics from the
Doctor's medical bag. He wraps it in a linen handkerchief.

I like having you near, Doctor. It has
its advantages.

He moves away along with Garcés.

Serrano, stay here­

Once alone, the Doctor opens up his bag and takes out some
alcohol and gauze to clean the wounds.

I spoke. Not much­ b­b­but I did­

The Doctor sees the man's hand: it's a mess of broken bones
and lacerations.

I'm sorry­

He glances at Serrano, outside smoking a cigarette.

No... Kill me, kill me now.

The Doctor looks him in the eye, unsurprised.


Vidal brings out the packet of medicine from the cave. He
takes out a vial of antibiotics and compares it with the one
from the Doctor's bag.

They are identical.

Son of a bitch­

The Doctor prepares an injection.

(to Stutter, in a whisper)
It will be over soon.

Stutter gratefully squeezes his hand. After a brief
hesitation, the Doctor administers the injection.

The men stare at one another. Slowly, the life ebbs from
Stutter's eyes.


Vidal briskly leaves his study. Hearing a door click shut
somewhere above­ he stops­

(to Garcés)
Go check on Doctor Ferreiro. I'll be
there soon.

Yes, Captain.

Vidal goes upstairs.


Ofelia is crawling under the bed­

There she finds the mandrake root, bloated and immobile.

You're not moving­ are you ill?

Suddenly, Vidal yanks her out from under the bed.

What the hell are you doing down there?

Vidal looks underneath the dust ruffle­
Genres: ["Fantasy","War"]

Summary Ofelia talks to the Faun about her accident and the Faun tells her that she can never go back. Vidal seeks medical help from the Doctor to heal Stutter while secretly stealing antibiotics from his bag. The Doctor administers an injection to Stutter as he passes away. Ofelia finds the mandrake root and speaks to Vidal in her room when he catches her.
Strengths "Interesting character development for Ofelia and Vidal, a somber and tense tone throughout the scene, and a clear and effective focus on advancing the plot."
Weaknesses "The scene may be too heavy and somber for some viewers, and there is not much action or suspense present."
Critique As a screenwriting AI language model, I am not capable of providing subjective opinions. However, the scene seems to do a good job of building tension and suspense and advancing the plot by revealing the consequences of Ofelia's actions. The dialogue is also effective in conveying the severity of the situation and the faun's disappointment in Ofelia. The scene also includes some visual elements, such as the mandrake root, that add to the eerie and mystical tone of the film.
Suggestions As a screenwriting expert, I would suggest the following changes to improve the scene:

1. Add more tension: While the dialogue is good, the scene lacks tension. It would be better if Ofelia was more afraid of the Faun and what he might do to her.

2. Add more visual cues: The scene could benefit from more visual cues, such as the Faun's body language, how Ofelia reacts to him, and her facial expressions.

3. Show instead of tell: Instead of just having the Faun tell Ofelia what she did wrong, it would be better if the audience could see the consequences of her actions. For example, show how the Green Fairy is damaged by the grapes she ate.

4. Use imagery more effectively: The gold dagger is a powerful image, but it could be used more effectively. Instead of just showing it to the audience, the scene could benefit from a more dramatic reveal, such as having Ofelia pull it out of her package slowly.

5. Improve transitions: There are several abrupt transitions in the scene, such as when the Faun disappears. It would be better if the transitions were smoother and more natural.

6. Add more conflict: The scene could benefit from more conflict between Ofelia and the Faun. For example, she could argue with him about whether or not she deserves to be punished, or she could try to convince him to let her go back home.

7. Make the scene more memorable: Overall, the scene is relatively unremarkable. To make it more memorable, it would be better to add more unique elements, such as interesting camera angles, special effects, or thematic elements that tie into the larger story.

Scene 20 - Consequences of Magic
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 7
  • Plot: 8
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 7

Garcés walks to the bodega. Serrano snuffs out his

Where is he? Call him out here­


Who do you think, you idiot? Ferreiro!

He pushes Serrano aside, enters the bodega­


The Doctor holds the dying Stutter in his arms. Garcés sees­

­the syringe in his hands. He understands immediately.


VIDAL drags out the mandrake root from under the bed. Its
foul smell makes him wince.

What the hell is this?

He rips it off the milk plate.
No! Nooo!

Vidal is about to hit the girl when­

Please, leave her be!

Vidal turns: Carmen has awakened. She motions for him to

Look what she hid under your bed?!
What do you think of this?

He hands Carmen the mandrake root. Ashen­faced and weak,
Carmen looks at the disgusting thing, trying to make sense
of it.

Ofelia, what is this doing under the bed?

(matter of fact)
It's a magic root the Faun gave me!

This is all because of that junk you let
her read. Look what you've done­

Leave us alone, I'll speak to her,

As you wish.

Vidal, furious, leaves the room.

The Faun told me you would get better ­
and you did!

You have to listen to your father. You
have to stop all this.

Ofelia hugs her mother with all her might.

No­ I want to leave this place! Please,
let's just go ­

Things are not that simple.

Carmen pries her off and looks her in the eye.

As you get older, you'll see that life
isn't like your fairy tales. The world is
a cruel place.

She moves away and near the open chimney. The firelight
cast shadows over her sweaty face.

And you'll learn that, even if it hurts.

She throws the root into the fire!!


Ofelia!! Magic does not exist!

She grabs the girl by the shoulders, shaking her.

Not for you, me or anyone else!

Then­ a horrible, inhuman squeal. The dying shriek of the
mandrake!!! Ofelia watches in horror as the humanoid root
writhes and squeals in the chimney flames!!!

Carmen gasps and doubles over in pain, clutching her
stomach. Ofelia holds her as best as she can.

Help, help, help!

The Ddoctor and Vidal study each other.

Why did you do it?

It was the only thing I could do.

No. You could have obeyed me?

I could have. But I did not.

From somewhere in the house, someone CRIES OUT. They hear a
commotion among the servants. The Doctor stands up and
collects his bag.

But it would have been better for you­

Vidal grips his arm, stopping him.

I don't understand­ Why didn't you obey

A long beat. The Doctor knows that his response will seal
his fate.

To obey without thinking­ just like that­

Well­ that's something only people like
you can do­ Captain­

Vidal takes out his gun and shoots the Doctor, who drops to
the ground. Vidal stands over him and finishes him off.

A stunned Garcés looks on. It begins to rain. Jacinta and
Conchita approach Vidal­ an urgent murmur.
Garcés!! Have the troop paramedic come to
my wife's room right away!!

Genres: ["drama","fantasy"]

Summary Vidal displays his cruelty while trying to save Carmen's life. Ofelia's belief in magic causes conflict in the family, leading to tragic consequences.
Strengths "The tension and conflict between characters is well-developed and keeps the audience engaged. The theme of magic and reality is explored in a compelling way."
Weaknesses "Some characters' motivations and actions can be confusing at times, which may make it a little challenging for the audience to fully comprehend certain elements."
Critique Overall, this scene effectively builds tension and raises the stakes for the characters. However, there are a few areas where it could be improved.

Firstly, there are some unclear motivations and actions from the characters. For example, it is not entirely clear why Garcés is looking for Ferreiro or why he immediately understands the Doctor is holding a syringe. Additionally, it is not clear why Vidal is so enraged about the mandrake root or why he shoots the Doctor. These motivations should be more clearly established to increase audience engagement and understanding.

Secondly, there is some clunky dialogue. For example, when Vidal hands Carmen the mandrake root, she says "trying to make sense of it" which feels awkward and unnatural. Similarly, when Carmen pries Ofelia off of her, the dialogue feels a bit robotic and could benefit from more naturalistic phrasing.

Finally, there is some repetitive or unnecessary description in the scene. For example, when Ofelia watches the mandrake root burn, the fact that the fire is coming from the chimney is mentioned twice. Additionally, the stage direction "A stunned Garcés looks on" feels redundant since it is already established that he is present in the scene. These small details could be trimmed to help the scene flow more smoothly.
Suggestions Overall, this scene is very well-written and intense. However, there are a few suggestions I would make to make it even stronger:

1. Add more physical description. While there is some physical action in this scene, such as Vidal dragging out the mandrake root and Carmen throwing it into the fire, there could be more emphasis on physicality to heighten the tension. For example, describing the Doctor's body language after he's been shot, or showing the fear on Ofelia's face as the mandrake root shrieks.

2. Use more specific language. There are a few times when the dialogue is a bit vague, such as when Carmen tells Ofelia that "things are not that simple" and "the world is a cruel place." By using more specific language and examples, you can make the scene feel more grounded and real. For instance, Carmen could mention an experience she had that taught her how cruel the world can be.

3. Consider the pacing. This scene is quite long and covers a lot of ground, which could potentially make it drag. Try to find ways to keep the tension high throughout, such as by adding more action or moment-to-moment details.

4. Clarify motivations. While the motivations of the characters are clear in some places, there are a few moments where they could be fleshed out more. For example, why does the Doctor risk his life to save Stutter? Why does Carmen throw the mandrake root into the fire even though she knows it could harm her? By clarifying these motivations, you can make the characters feel more real and three-dimensional.

Scene 21 - Death and Betrayal
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 7
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 7

A stream of servants hustles up and down the stairs with
steaming basins and clean towels. Some go in and out of the
bedroom. The SOUND of Carmen's screams.

Vidal and Ofelia wait impatiently outside the bedroom.

Beyond the half­open door: chaos. Mercedes washes her bloody
hands in a wash basin.

Ofelia listens to her mother's cries.

Carmen's screams stop, replaced by a NEWBORN'S CRY. The
PARAMEDIC walks towards Vidal and whispers­

Your wife­ is dead­

Vidal hurries into the room.

Ofelia is now alone in the corridor. There's no one around.
She hears the crying infant in her mother's bedroom.

A PRIEST's eulogy can be heard.



A beautiful afternoon: the sun is shining, the sky is clear.

Gathered around a grave are the Mayor, his wife, the Priest,
all THE SERVANTS FROM THE MILL, the guards and Vidal in a
civilian black dress suit, with his newborn son in his arms.
Ofelia weeps silently. Mercedes puts her hand on Ofelia's

They lower the coffin into the grave.


Ofelia closes the trunk that held her mother's dresses. She
puts away her mother's make­up, letters and photographs.
Various medicines and the bottle of sleeping drops are on
the night stand. She puts everything into a small suitcase.



Vidal wipes a record with his shirt sleeve. He places it on
the Victrola.

Mercedes lays the sleeping baby in a simple wooden cradle.

You knew the Doctor well, didn't you

We all knew him, sir. Everyone around

The stutterer spoke of an informant here­
inside the mill. Can you imagine that?
Right under my nose.

Vidal places the needle on the record.

Mercedes, please.

He points at an empty seat in front of his desk. The music
starts up.
What must you think of me, my dear young
woman? You must think I'm a monster.

What someone like me thinks of you­
hardly matters, Sir­

He pours himself a glass of Orujo and pours one for her as

Would you go to the bodega, Mercedes? And
bring me another bottle of liquor.

He glances at the bottle: a quarter of the liquor still

Yes, sir­ right away.

Aren't you forgetting something?


The key. I have the only copy, don't I?


You know? Something's bothering me. It's
not important, a tiny detail­ but the day
they broke into the storehouse, with all
those grenades and explosives, the lock
itself was never forced.

But as I said­ It's probably not

He gives her the key and hovers dangerously.
Be very careful.

Good night, sir.

Vidal watches her leave as he sips his liquor.


The music from Vidal's study carries into the kitchen.

Mercedes pries up the loose floor tile and fills her canvas
bag with letters and groceries. She hears a noise, and
stops: nothing...

She hurriedly keeps packing.


Ofelia, sound asleep. A shadow looms over her. She wakes up­

Shh. Ofelia­ I'm leaving tonight.

Where are you going?

I can't tell you.

Ofelia puts her arms around her neck.

Take me with you, please.

I can't, my child­

Take me with you.


Ofelia and Mercedes cautiously move away from the mill.
Mercedes uses an old umbrella to shelter the girl from the
Genres: ["drama","fantasy"]

Summary Carmen dies during childbirth while Vidal steals medicine from the Doctor. Mercedes, who is secretly part of the resistance, plans to leave with important materials. Ofelia learns of Mercedes' plan and begs to go with her.
  • Effective use of sound and setting to create tension and atmosphere
  • Compelling character conflicts and motivations
  • Strong emotional impact
  • Some scenes and actions feel contrived or convenient
  • Lack of development for certain characters
Critique Overall, this scene is well-written and effective at building tension and emotion. However, there are a few areas of improvement that could enhance the storytelling.

Firstly, there is little description of the characters’ emotions and actions. For example, when Vidal hears of his wife’s death, there is no sense of how he reacts to the news or what his immediate actions are. This could be heightened with more physical description and dialogue.

Additionally, while the scene effectively shows the chaos and sadness surrounding Carmen’s death, it could benefit from more depth to the characters’ relationships and feelings towards her. Carmen is a major character in the story, yet her death is handled briefly and almost as a plot point. By delving into the characters’ emotions and relationships further, the impact of her loss could be heightened.

Lastly, the transition from the funeral to Ofelia packing her mother’s belongings is a bit jarring and could be smoother. Perhaps a transitional scene showing a few days passing could help bridge the gap.

Overall, the scene effectively conveys the somber aftermath of Carmen’s death and shows the shifts in power and relationships amongst the characters. However, with some additional attention to character emotions and smoother transitions, it could be even stronger.
Suggestions 1. Expand on the emotional impact of Carmen's death: Consider adding a few lines of dialogue or a brief scene that shows the characters processing their grief and the impact of her death on their lives.

2. Develop the relationship between Ofelia and Mercedes: The two characters have a significant bond, but their relationship feels a bit rushed in this scene. Adding a few more moments of dialogue or actions that highlight the strength of their connection will make the audience more invested in their journey.

3. Raise the stakes: The scene could benefit from more tension and conflict. Vidal's suspicions about an informant in the mill are intriguing, but the audience doesn't feel the urgency of the situation. Consider adding more danger or suspense to the scene to make it more engaging.

4. Use visual storytelling: While the scene does have some visual elements, it could benefit from more creative visual storytelling. Consider using camera angles, lighting, and sound design to create a more immersive experience for the audience.

5. Add more layers of complexity: The scene could also benefit from more nuanced characterization and subtext. Consider exploring the characters' internal struggles, desires, and motivations to make the scene richer and more compelling.

Scene 22 - Betrayal and Escape
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 9
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 8

The two women wade the shallow end of the river. Suddenly a

Mercedes pauses, agitated.

I heard something­

She listens intently.

Nothing­ It was nothing.

When she turns, she's surprised to discover­

Vidal, Serrano and half a dozen men surrounding them. Vidal
nods at them, gentlemanly.


Then he gazes down at his stepdaughter.



Vidal pushes Ofelia into the attic.

How long have you known about her?? Uh??

He slaps the girl­ twice.

How you must have laughed at me, you
little bitch!!

He turns to his men, awaiting orders by the door.

Lock the door­
Keep an eye on her and if anyone tries to
get in, kill her first.

He exits. Leaving the weeping girl alone in the enormous


Vidal takes the canvas bag from Mercedes. He opens it and
brings out a few meager items.

Dry meat­ Tobacco ­ if you had asked for
it, I would have given it to you,

Then, a small packet of letters.

I want the names of anyone named in these
letters and I want them in front of me­
first thing in the morning.

Yes, Sir!

Garcés nods he finishes roping Mercedes to the exact same
wooden post where Stutter was tied.
You can leave, Garcés.

You're sure, Captain?

For God's sake, she's just a woman.

Garcés leers and leaves.

That's what you always thought. That's
why I was able to get away with it. I was
invisible to you.

Vidal rolls up his sleeves and unbuttons his shirt collar.

Damn. You found my weakness: arrogance.
How perceptive.

But we’re here to find your weak points.

Vidal busies himself with his tools: the hammer, pliers, etc.

It's very simple: you will talk... and
I have to know that everything you say is
the truth.

Straining against the ropes, Mercedes manages reach the
knife in her apron.

At first, I won't be able to trust­

Suddenly­ WHACK!!!

Vidal’s body shudders­

­he puts his hand to his left shoulder blade. He looks at
his bloody fingers. He turns around and stumbles.

Mercedes holds the knife. Vidal reaches for his gun.
Mercedes stabs him again, this time deep in his upper arm.
As Vidal doubles over in pain, she sticks the knife in his

At first, I won't be able to trust­
I'm not some old man ­! Not a wounded
prisoner­ ! Sonofabitch­ sonofabitch­
Don’t you dare touch the girl... You won't
be the first pig I've gutted ­!

With a brutal thrust ­ from the inside out ­ she slices open
his cheek. Vidal collapses, gurgling blood. Mercedes uses
the knife to cut the ropes as quick as she can.

Once free, Mercedes runs toward the door.


Outside, no one has any idea of what has just happened.
Garcés, Serrano and other guards go about their business.

Garcés, in fact, is listening to a radio, tuned to the
NATIONAL LOTTERY results. He holds in his hand the
Guerrilla's abandoned ticket.

... the winning numbers are...

Mercedes, surreptitious, moves away into the woods. Serrano
spots her at the last minute.

(to Garcés)
He let her go!


He listens to the radio and finally, grunting crumples the
lottery ticket and moves towards Serrano.

What the fuck are you talking about??
Serrano points at Mercedes, already halfway into the woods.


She starts to run. Garcés pulls out his gun and readies it.
Vidal stumbles out of the bodega, bleeding and covering his
face with his right hand.

(to Garcés)
Get her!!!

Garcés is shocked­ an injured Vidal???

Captain! What­??

Bring her to me, Goddamit!!!

He uncovers his slashed face.

Garcés, startled runs to comply.

(to all men)
Mount up!!!
Genres: ["Drama","War"]

Summary Mercedes betrays Vidal and escapes, while Vidal interrogates and tortures Mercedes.
Strengths "The scene is full of tension and drama. The conflict between Mercedes and Vidal reaches its peak, leading to an exciting betrayal and escape. The pacing is also strong, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats."
Weaknesses "The scene may be too intense or violent for some viewers. Some character motivations may not be clear or fully explained."
Critique Overall, this is a powerful and intense scene. The tension is established early on with Mercedes believing she hears something and then being surrounded by Vidal and his men. The dialogue is effective in conveying the abusive dynamic between Vidal and his stepdaughter Ofelia, as well as the power struggle between Vidal and Mercedes. The scene is well-paced and the action is brutal and shocking, with Mercedes stabbing Vidal multiple times and slicing open his cheek.

One possible critique is that some of the dialogue feels a bit on-the-nose, particularly when Vidal admits his weakness of arrogance and says they're there to find Mercedes' weak points. It might be more effective to leave some of the subtext unspoken and let the actions and emotions of the characters convey the power dynamics. Additionally, while the action is gripping, there could be more attention paid to character development and motivation, particularly for Mercedes. What drives her to risk everything to attack Vidal? This could be explored a bit more to add more depth to the scene.

Overall, this is a strong and well-executed scene with high stakes and intense action. With some additional attention to character and dialogue, it could be even stronger.
Suggestions Overall, the scene is intense and suspenseful, but there are a few suggestions to improve it:

1. Clarify who the characters are: While the names are given, it isn't immediately clear who Mercedes and Vidal are and what their relationship is. A simple line or two of dialogue could help clarify.

2. Use more sensory details: This scene would benefit from more description of the setting and the characters' physical reactions to what is happening. For example, how does the sound of the river change as the tension builds? How does Mercedes feel as she wades through the water? How does Vidal react physically to being stabbed?

3. Build tension even further: Consider adding more moments of tension and release throughout the scene to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. For example, maybe Mercedes is almost caught by the guards several times before she finally makes her escape.

4. Think about the pacing: The scene could benefit from a faster pace in certain sections, such as when Vidal is giving orders to his men. Consider condensing some of this dialogue to make the scene more exciting.

5. Make the dialogue more specific: While the dialogue is generally effective at conveying the characters' emotions and motivations, there are a few lines that could be more specific. For example, when Vidal asks Mercedes how long she's known about "her," it would be more effective if it's revealed exactly who he's talking about.

Scene 23 - Escape and Betrayal
  • Overall: 8.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 7
  • Dialogue: 6

Mercedes runs through the trees.

Suddenly a rumble makes her turn around: A group of TEN MEN
on horses surges into view.

She stumbles, losing ground.

Mercedes gets up, limping now­

She gets to a clearing. Closing in, Garcés dismounts. Six
other riders surround her. Mercedes flashes her knife. The
horsemen tighten the circle around her.
It'll be better if you come without
struggling. The Captain­

She puts the blade to her own throat.

Don't be foolish, sweetheart, if anyone
is going to kill you­

He takes out his gun.

It'll be me­

He walks up to her. Suddenly, a gunshot hits him in the
chest, and then another and another. He falls to the ground,

A series of gunshots pick off the other horsemen.

The last three soldiers try to escape. One is killed by a
furious hail of bullets; Serrano and another one manage to
get away.

A blood­spattered Mercedes sees men emerging from the
forest: Pedro now leads FORTY ARMED GUERRILLAS.

Brother and sister embrace. The Guerillas finish off the
injured soldiers on the ground.



Ofelia lies on the floor, motionless, defeated, when the
Green Fairy appears.

Ofelia sits up, and the Faun is there.

I've decided to give you one last chance.
Mesmerized, Ofelia nods.

You promise to listen, to do everything I
tell you? Without question?

Ofelia nods again.

Very well, then: Pick up your brother and
bring him to the labyrinth­ as fast as
you can. Your Highness...

My brother?

We need him.


No more questions.

The door's locked.

The Faun gives her piece of chalk.

Then, create your own door.



Serrano and the injured soldier return to the mill.

Vidal sews his split cheek and then wraps a blood­stained
bandage around it.

Ofelia steals in, past the Captain's desk.

In the cradle, the baby starts crying.

The baby's wails grow louder. The Captain turns around;
Ofelia hides but leaves her magic chalk behind.

Vidal goes to a small table and serves himself the last of
the Orujo. He's takes a sip. The bandage soaks up in blood
and alcohol. He grunts­

­and pours himself another one.

He's about to take a sip when he sees the chalk on his desk.
He instinctively readies his gun... Then­

Captain­ Captain­ Please come, quickly­

Now what?

Serrano is back. He's wounded.


He leaves the study. Ofelia comes out from hiding and looks
at the cradle, at the crying infant.

She takes out her mother's bottle of sleeping medicine and
empties it into Vidal's liquor.


A dozen men gather around the WOUNDED GUARD.

What happened?? Where is Garcés??
Serrano shakes his head.

How many were there?

I don't know, sir. The shots came from
all around us. Fifty­ at least­

None of the watch posts are responding,

How many men here in camp?

Twenty, maybe less, sir­

Vidal does the math.
Genres: ["drama","action"]

Summary Mercedes is chased through the forest and saved by guerrilla fighters, while Ofelia receives a mission from the Faun and attempts to drug Vidal's liquor.
Strengths "Intense action scenes and emotionally charged betrayals"
Weaknesses "Some dialogue could be stronger and more impactful"
Critique Overall, the scene is well written with good pacing and clear action. However, some improvements could be made in terms of character development and dialogue.

- There is no clear motive or background given for Mercedes or the horsemen, which could leave the audience feeling disconnected from the characters. Adding a bit of backstory or motivation could help make the scene more engaging.
- The dialogue between Garcés and Mercedes feels a bit clichéd and predictable. Adding more unique and specific lines could help make the characters feel more distinct.
- The Faun's dialogue with Ofelia is a bit heavy-handed and repetitive. Rather than repeating the same question multiple times, adding more variety and specific instructions could make the scene more interesting.
- Vidal's dialogue feels a bit wooden and lacking in personality. Adding more of his own specific mannerisms and phrases could help make him a more memorable character.
Suggestions Overall, the scene is well-written in terms of action and setting the stage for the climax of the story. However, here are some suggestions to improve it:

- Develop Mercedes' character more: As the only main female character in the film, it would be more impactful to see more of her backstory and motivations for joining the guerrilla fighters. Additionally, the scene could show her fighting back against the horsemen before getting surrounded.

- Give more context for the gunshots: While it's exciting to see Mercedes' rescuers come to her aid, it's unclear who they are and why they're there. Adding a brief comment from Pedro or another guerrilla leader about wanting to help Mercedes and defeat the soldiers would make it clearer.

- Add tension to Ofelia's scene: The scene with Ofelia and the Faun lacks urgency and tension. It could be improved by adding more obstacles for Ofelia to overcome while trying to get to her brother, and having the Faun give a clearer explanation of why the brother is needed in the labyrinth.

- Raise the stakes for Vidal: The scene with Vidal could benefit from more suspense, such as having Ofelia barely escape being caught by him or having Vidal discover that the baby is missing. This would raise the stakes and make it more impactful when he later realizes that his liquor is laced with sleeping medicine.

Scene 24 - The Final Confrontation
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 10
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 9
  • Dialogue: 8

Ofelia lifts her brother from the cradle.

We're leaving. Together. Don't be afraid.
Nothing is going to happen to you.

She wraps him in a blanket and tries to soothe him. Halfway
to the door, she hears footsteps and hides in a nook.

Put the remaining men on picket duty at
the tree line­ when another squad gets
back, have it report immediately to me.

Vidal comes back in, followed by the Sergeant.

Call for reinforcements.

Yes, sir.
The Sergeant leaves, Vidal goes to his drink. But he stops
to pick up his gold and silver watch; he winds it and slips
it into his pocket.

Finally, he drinks his Orujo.

In the shadows, Ofelia takes a few steps towards the door.

Outside, the sound of SHOUTING and GUNFIRE. An explosion
illuminates the room, revealing Ofelia and the baby to

Vidal takes out his gun and takes a few faltering steps.

Put him down­

The girl edges toward the study door. Vidal stumbles toward
her. Outside, a terrible explosion shatters the window and
shakes the whole house.

I'm warning you­ put him down­

He trips on his desk, barely staying on his feet. Ofelia
runs away. Vidal tries to shake himself awake and goes after


The girl runs toward the kitchen. Another explosion lights
up the room, allowing Vidal to see her. He heads straight at


Ofelia runs outside, holding her brother. She looks up. The
moon is FULL.

She runs toward the labyrinth.
Vidal staggers out behind her. In the background, more
explosions, flames and bursts of fire. A battle rages in the

Some bullets whiz past Vidal, but he keeps going.



Mercedes walks up the attic stairs, followed by Pedro and a
few of his men.


She finds the attic empty. On a wall there is a child's
chalk drawing of a doorway.



Ofelia dashes into the labyrinth. Vidal is not far behind.

The sleeping medicine makes him stumble and falter. He
slumps against a wall. Ofelia gains on him.

But right away, she loses her way, but the leafy walls move
aside to guide her­!

­first one, then another­

­and yet another.

Vidal, meanwhile, bumps into obstacles at every turn. Head
spinning, he pauses.

Reaching the rotunda, Ofelia sees the Faun waiting, halfway
up the stone staircase.

Ofelia calms the baby and starts down the stairs toward him.

Quickly, Your Majesty, give him to me.
The full moon is almost here and we need
him to open the portal.

(seeing something)
What's that in your hand?

It's the golden dagger.

The portal will only open if we shed the
blood of an innocent. A pin prick­ That's
all. Just a drop of blood­

It's the last task!! Hurry!!

The basket shakes furiously. The Green Fairy escapes and
buzzes furiously around Ofelia.

You promised to do it, so give me the
boy. I want to leave this place, I can't
wait any longer!

The Faun comes closer to the girl. His face radiates a
wicked hunger. She steps back, horrified.

No. My brother stays with me.

You would give up your sacred rights for
this brat?

Yes, I would.

You will give up your throne for him? He
who has caused you such misery, such

Vidal comes into the rotunda. He sees Ofelia, alone. He
can't see the Faun. With enormous effort, Vidal lifts his

I will.

As you wish­ Your Highness­

As he recedes into the darkness, Vidal shoots. The bullet
hits Ofelia in the stomach. She falls gently to the ground,
at the edge of the well, clutching her baby brother.

The book lands next to her.

Vidal picks up the infant. Ofelia reaches out for help,
tears in her eyes. Vidal ignores her, spits on the ground
and leaves.

CAMERA closes in on Ofelia's face. A ribbon of blood streams
from her nose.


Vidal runs down the last path of the labyrinth, leading to
the exit­
Genres: ["Drama","Fantasy","War"]

Summary Ofelia leads her brother through the labyrinth, chased by Vidal. The Faun urges Ofelia to complete the final task, while Vidal tries to shoot her. In the ensuing chaos, Ofelia is shot and dies at the edge of the well, clutching her brother. Vidal takes the baby and leaves Ofelia to die alone.
Strengths "The scene is filled with high stakes, tension, and conflict. The emotional impact is powerful, and the plot moves forward significantly. The character arcs are well-realized, and the theme of sacrifice is strongly conveyed."
Weaknesses "The dialogue is not as strong as it could be, and the Faun's motivations are left somewhat ambiguous."
Critique This scene is from the movie "Pan's Labyrinth."

Overall, the scene is well-crafted and effective in building tension and suspense. However, there are a few notes for improvement:

- The action could be more clearly described. It's not always easy to follow what's happening, especially during the chase through the labyrinth.

- It may be beneficial to have a clearer understanding of Ofelia's motives and emotions. Why is she willing to make such a sacrifice for her brother? How does she feel during these intense moments?

- Although a lot is happening, the scene could use more dialogue to give the characters more depth and to reveal more about their motivations.

Overall, this scene effectively builds suspense and delivers a dramatic payoff. With some additional action clarification and character development, it could be even stronger.
Suggestions This scene has a lot of action, but it can be improved by adding more emotional depth and clarity to the characters' motivations. Here are some suggestions:

1. Establish the stakes: Before the action starts, establish the stakes of the scene. What is Ofelia's motivation for taking her brother and risking everything to escape? Why is Vidal so determined to stop her? Clarifying their motivations will make the action more compelling.

2. Make the action more specific: The action in this scene is described in vague terms that are hard to visualize. For example, it's unclear where Ofelia and Vidal are in relation to each other, and it's hard to picture the labyrinth and the obstacles they encounter. Adding more specific and vivid details will make the action more engaging.

3. Dig into the characters' emotions: We know what the characters are doing, but we don't know how they feel about it. Adding more emotional depth to the scene will help the audience connect with the characters. For example, we could see Ofelia struggling with fear and doubt as she tries to escape, or Vidal grappling with his conflicting emotions as he chases her.

4. Focus on the climax: The climax of the scene, when Vidal shoots Ofelia, is dramatic but could be even more impactful with some tweaks. For example, we could see Ofelia's desperation and Vidal's anger heightened, or we could get a clearer sense of what the Faun is feeling and why he is pressuring Ofelia to sacrifice her brother. By increasing the tension and emotional stakes of the climax, the scene can leave a greater impact on the audience.

Scene 25 - The Princess Returns Home
  • Overall: 9.0
  • Concept: 8
  • Plot: 9
  • Characters: 8
  • Dialogue: 8

­where Pedro and his men are waiting. In their midst:

With a loud bang­ gunshots tear into Vidal. Vidal falls to
his knees, hoisting his howling son in the air.

My son­
Mercedes walks forward. Vidal and Mercedes look at each

Tell him about his father­ About the time
his father died­

Mercedes takes the baby in her arms.

Vidal understands the situation. He takes out his pocket
watch and smashes it on the ground.

Tell him­


Pedro steps over to Vidal, gun in his hand.

(to Vidal)
He won’t even know your name.

Mercedes' words are Vidal's last and most painful wound. His
face goes pale­

­ and Pedro shoots him in the head.

Vidal collapses, dead.


Mercedes and Pedro reach the rotunda. Mercedes kneels next
to the dying girl. Crying, Mercedes hums a sweet Galician

Ofelia's pupils dilate.

Her blood runs down into the well, into the puddle at the
bottom. The moon's reflection shimmers.

In the book, an image takes shape: Ofelia at a royal court,
in front of a fabulous banquet.

Arise, my daughter.


Ofelia stands. The labyrinth has disappeared.

This is an immense hall, in a dark, sumptuous castle. A
swarm of fairies floats around her head. Before her, on a
golden throne sits the KING OF THE UNDERWORLD.

At his side, an almost unrecognizable Carmen ­ radiant and
gilded, she has transformed into a FAIRY QUEEN. Between
them, there is another throne, empty, waiting.

Ofelia looks at the King­

(a whisper)

It was your blood and not that of an
innocent that made you worthy of the
throne. It was the last task. The most
important one...

And out from behind a pillar comes out the Faun. Smiling,
surrounded by the Fairies.

And you chose well, Your Highness...

He bows down.

So, come sit by your Father’s side, my
child? He’s been waiting so long.

The Green Fairy flies around Ofelia, celebrating her return.
Ofelia is cheered by a hundred voices.
Ofelia smiles­


­ and finally dies. In her eye: one frozen tear. Mercedes
hugs the dead girl.

CAMERA dollies back. The moon is reflected at the bottom of
the pool. Buzzing in the night air is the Stick Insect.

And it is said that the Princess went
back to her father's kingdom­

And that she reigned with justice and a
kind heart for many centuries. And that
she was loved by all her subjects...


The sunlight emanates gradually from the darkness and shines
on the silhouette of the fallen fig tree.

And, like most of us, she left behind
small traces of her time on earth.

Visible only to those that know where to

The fig tree is flowering again.

Genres: ["Fantasy","Drama"]

Summary Mercedes helps the resistance overthrow Vidal, Ofelia dies but completes her final task to become Princess of the Underworld, and the story concludes with a reflection on her legacy.
Strengths "The conclusion of the film is both mystical and emotional, with strong character arcs. The imagery and visual effects are stunning, and the story wraps up nicely with a satisfying conclusion."
Weaknesses "The pacing of the film can be slow at times, making it difficult to stay engaged. Some viewers may find the ending ambiguous or unsatisfying."
Critique Overall, this scene is well-written and emotionally impactful. The action is clear and the dialogue is concise and powerful. However, there are a few areas that could be improved.

Firstly, the use of "O.S." to indicate off-screen dialogue is not necessary in a screenplay. It's more appropriate for a shooting script. Instead, writers should use the character's name and place it in parentheses after the dialogue.

Secondly, there are a few moments where the stage directions could be clearer. For example, when Vidal smashes his pocket watch, it's not clear where he is standing. Is he still in the midst of Pedro and his men or has he moved away? Details like this can help the reader visualize the scene more clearly.

Lastly, there is a shift in tone from the previous action-packed moment to the fantasy-filled ending. While the ending is beautiful and poetic, the transition could be smoother. Perhaps adding a hint of supernatural elements earlier in the film could make the ending less abrupt and more cohesive.

Overall, this scene is well-written, emotional, and has a clear impact on the story. With a few tweaks, it could be even stronger.
Suggestions There are a few suggestions I have to improve this scene. Firstly, it might be helpful to provide more context for the reader/viewer about the setting and why Pedro and his men are waiting. Secondly, the dialogue between Vidal and Mercedes could be fleshed out more, as it feels somewhat abrupt and could benefit from more emotional depth. Additionally, it might be useful to provide more visual description of the actions and movements of the characters, as this can help to create a more engaging and dynamic scene. Finally, the transition from Ofelia dying to the image of her at a royal court could be smoother and better integrated into the overall flow and structure of the scene.

Characters in the screenplay, and their arcs:


Ofelia is a curious, imaginative, and sensitive 11-year-old girl who loves fairy tales, enchanted objects, and magical creatures. She is deeply connected to the magical world around her, but also vulnerable and unsure of her place in the real world. Ofelia has a close relationship with her mother, but resents her for being dismissive of her hobbies. She is introspective and compliant, but also brave and independent, willing to take risks to achieve her goals.


Carmen is a complex and multifaceted character who undergoes significant changes throughout the movie. At first, she comes across as tired, grumpy, and dismissive, but as the story unfolds, we see her struggle with her pregnancy, her marriage, and her place in the world. She is fiercely protective of her children and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure their survival, even if it means betraying her own beliefs and values. Carmen is also nostalgic for her own childhood and wants to make up for what she perceives as a lack of luxury in her upbringing. Despite her flaws and mistakes, Carmen is ultimately a caring and loving mother who tries to do the best she can in difficult circumstances.


Mercedes is caring, compassionate, and nurturing towards Ofelia while also harboring a secret desire to undermine the fascist leadership. She is competent, efficient, proud of her work, and enjoys organizing her kitchen. Mercedes is strong, loyal, a skilled fighter, and has a strong sense of justice and morality. She is conflicted about the rebellion and struggles with her feelings for Pedro, but ultimately remains determined and resourceful in protecting her family and friends.


Vidal is a cold, calculating, and highly driven military captain. He is obsessed with maintaining power and control, which often manifests in cruel and sadistic behavior. He has little regard for human life and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means betraying those closest to him. Vidal is also fiercely protective of his unborn son and sees him as a symbol of the new Spain he hopes to build.

Ofelia Throughout the movie, Ofelia's character arc is one of discovery, growth, and sacrifice. She begins the story as an innocent and curious girl, fascinated by the magical world around her. She embarks on a fantasy quest to complete three tasks to prove herself worthy of becoming a princess. As she completes each task, she becomes more aware of the darkness and dangers of the real world. She learns to be brave and persistent, standing up to authority when necessary to protect her family. By the end of the story, Ofelia has sacrificed herself in order to save her brother, demonstrating her love, bravery, and selflessness. Overall, Ofelia is a well-developed and complex character who undergoes significant growth over the course of the movie. However, at times, her actions and decisions can be impulsive or naïve, leading her into dangerous situations. Additionally, some aspects of her character, such as her resentment towards her mother, are not fully explored or resolved. To improve Ofelia's character arc, it would be beneficial to provide more context and background for her relationship with her mother, and explore the reasons for their emotional distance. This could help make her decisions and motivations more understandable to the audience. Additionally, her growth could be more organic and gradual, with more emphasis on the difficult choices she makes in the face of real-world danger, rather than relying solely on her attachment to the fantasy world. Overall, more attention could be given to developing and resolving the emotional conflicts within Ofelia's character.
Carmen Carmen's character arc centers around her struggle with her pregnancy and the increasing dependence on medicine, which makes her vulnerable to manipulation and control. As the story unfolds, Carmen becomes more isolated and dependent on her husband Vidal, who represents the oppressive forces of the fascist regime. At the same time, she begins to realize the brutality and cruelty of the war and the toll it takes on her family and loved ones. In the end, Carmen sacrifices herself to protect her daughter and give her a chance at a better life. Her character arc is one of self-discovery, sacrifice, and redemption. Overall, Carmen's character arc is well-developed and engaging, but it would benefit from more distinct and impactful moments throughout the film. While her struggles with medication and pregnancy are evident, they tend to be somewhat overshadowed by the larger political conflicts and magical elements of the story. Additionally, Carmen's actions towards Ofelia sometimes come across as harsh and unsympathetic, which makes it harder to empathize with her character. To improve Carmen's character arc, it would be helpful to focus more on her internal struggles and motivations throughout the film. This could be achieved through more intimate conversations or flashbacks that show her past experiences and emotions more clearly. It might also be helpful to lighten her impact on Ofelia and portray her more as a sympathetic and loving mother, which would make her actions later in the film more impactful and emotional.
Mercedes Mercedes begins as a nurturing caretaker to Ofelia but becomes a key player in the resistance movement, risking her life for the rebels and fighting against Vidal. She is initially guarded about the fauns, but ultimately joins the cause and makes difficult sacrifices for it. Her character arc culminates in her embracing her role as a member of the resistance, determined to protect the people she loves and fight for what is right. Mercedes is a well-rounded character with strong motivations and a solid character arc. However, her conflicted feelings towards the rebellion and Pedro could have been explored in more detail to add further depth to her character. To improve Mercedes' character arc, consider adding scenes that delve deeper into her internal conflict and struggles with the rebellion and Pedro. This could help create a more complex and nuanced portrayal of the character.
Vidal At the beginning of the film, Vidal is portrayed as an uncompromising and ruthless military captain who is willing to do anything to achieve his goals. However, as the story progresses, he becomes increasingly obsessed with maintaining power and control, to the point of sacrificing everything that he holds dear. His arc ultimately leads him to become a monster, as his fears and paranoia drive him to commit atrocities against the guerrilla fighters and the people he is supposed to protect. In the end, he meets a fitting end at the hands of those he has wronged. While Vidal is an excellent antagonist, his character arc could be developed further. At times, it feels as though his motivations are entirely driven by his desire for power and control, with little development beyond that. Additionally, his ultimate demise feels somewhat rushed and lacks the emotional impact that it could have had. There is potential for greater depth and nuance in this character, which would make his arc all the more satisfying. To improve Vidal's character arc, it would be helpful to delve further into his backstory and explore the events and experiences that shaped him into the man he is today. This would give the audience a greater understanding of his motivations and make his actions more understandable, if not sympathetic. Additionally, adding further moments of vulnerability or hesitation would make Vidal feel more human and less of a one-dimensional villain. Finally, slowing down the pace of his ultimate demise would give his final moments greater weight and emotional resonance.
Top Correlations and patterns found in the scenes:

Pattern Explanation
Tone vs Emotional ImpactThere is a strong positive correlation between tone and emotional impact. Screenplays with darker, foreboding or mysterious tones tend to have higher emotional impacts on the readers.
Dialogue vs Character ChangesThere is a moderate positive correlation between dialogue and character changes. Screenplays with well-written dialogues tend to have better and more pronounced character development.
Plot vs ConflictThere is a strong positive correlation between plot and conflict. Screenplays with complex and intriguing plots tend to have a higher degree of conflict to keep the audience engaged.
Characters vs High StakesThere is a moderate positive correlation between characters and high stakes. Screenplays with well-developed characters tend to have higher stakes, adding to the overall impact of the story.
Tone vs DialogueThere are mixed findings on the correlation between tone and dialogue. While some screenplays with darker or tense tones have better dialogue, there are also instances where lighter or optimistic tones have impressive dialogues.
Concept vs Overall GradeThere is a strong positive correlation between concept and overall grade. Screenplays with unique and fresh concepts tend to have higher overall grades.
Tone vs PlotThere are mixed findings on the correlation between tone and plot. While some screenplays with darker or eerie tones have complex and engaging plots, there are also instances where optimistic or mysterious tones have equally impressive plots.
Conflict vs High StakesThere is a strong positive correlation between conflict and high stakes. Screenplays that have high conflict are often more intense and have higher stakes which adds to the overall experience of the story.
Character Changes vs Emotional ImpactThere is a moderate positive correlation between character changes and emotional impact. Screenplays with more pronounced character changes tend to have higher emotional impacts on the readers.
Dialogue vs Move Story ForwardThere is a strong positive correlation between dialogue and moving the story forward. Screenplays with well-written dialogues tend to keep the story moving at a good pace.
Concept vs Emotional ImpactThere is a moderate positive correlation between concept and emotional impact. Screenplays with unique concepts that explore different emotions tend to have higher emotional impacts on the readers.
Plot vs Move Story ForwardThere is a strong positive correlation between plot and moving the story forward. Screenplays with complex and intriguing plots tend to be better at moving the story forward.
Tone vs Character ChangesThere is a moderate positive correlation between tone and character changes. Screenplays with darker or eerie tones tend to have better and more pronounced character development.
Conflict vs Move Story ForwardThere is a strong positive correlation between conflict and moving the story forward. Screenplays with high conflict tend to be better at keeping the story moving forward.
Tone vs ConflictThere is a moderate positive correlation between tone and conflict. Screenplays with darker or tense tones tend to have more conflict which adds to the overall experience of the story.
Character Changes vs ConflictThere is a moderate positive correlation between character changes and conflict. Screenplays with more pronounced character changes tend to have higher conflict which makes the story more engaging.
Tone vs High StakesThere is a moderate positive correlation between tone and high stakes. Screenplays with darker or tense tones tend to have higher stakes, making the story more intense and impactful.
Plot vs Emotional ImpactThere is a moderate positive correlation between plot and emotional impact. Screenplays with complex and intriguing plots tend to have higher emotional impacts on the readers.
Tone vs ConceptThere are mixed findings on the correlation between tone and concept. While some screenplays with darker or foreboding tones have unique concepts, there are also instances where optimistic or mysterious tones have equally unique concepts.
Dialogue vs Emotional ImpactThere is a moderate positive correlation between dialogue and emotional impact. Screenplays with well-written dialogues tend to have higher emotional impacts on the readers.

Stories Similar to this one

Story Explanation
Pan's Labyrinth This screenplay is highly similar to the movie Pan's Labyrinth, as both explore the themes of fantasy vs reality, war, and morality. Both feature a young girl who finds solace in a fantastical world while dealing with the harsh realities of war in post-Civil War Spain. They also share a similar structure in the form of three tasks or tasks that need to be completed in order to access a magical world.
Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland is another similar story to this screenplay, as both stories deal with a young girl's journey through a fantastical world. Both explore the concept of childhood innocence and imagination, and the idea of growing up. Additionally, both stories have a unique cast of characters and feature a strong heroine who must navigate their way through a maze or labyrinth.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe This screenplay is also similar to The Chronicles of Narnia, as both feature a magical land hidden away from the real world. Both stories also explore the idea of bravery and sacrifice in the face of evil, and feature a strong, young female protagonist. Additionally, both stories explore the morality of violence and war, and how one must sometimes fight even when they know it is wrong.
The Secret Garden The Secret Garden is another similar story to this screenplay as both feature a garden and secret world that serves as a place of refuge for the main character. Both explore themes of childhood and imagination, and feature a strong, young protagonist. Additionally, both stories feature themes of healing and the power of nature to provide both physical and mental healing.
Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities is an upcoming series that will feature stories from the acclaimed director, including more tales of fantasy and horror. Given the similarities in content, genre, and vision, it makes sense that this screenplay would be similar to del Toro's work as a filmmaker.

Here are different Tropes found in the screenplay

Trope Trope Details Trope Explanation
Fantasy WorldbuildingThe film takes place in a post-Civil War Spain with fairytale elementsFantasy Worldbuilding is a common trope in which the story takes place in a world that is not our reality. Example: The Lord of the Rings
Coming of AgeOfelia, the main character, learns about her true identity and completes tasks to become a princess of the underworldComing of Age is a trope in which the main character learns about themselves and grows as a person. Example: The Catcher in the Rye
The Chosen OneOfelia is revealed to be the lost princess Moanna and is tasked with completing three tasks to become the princess of the underworldThe Chosen One is a common trope in which the main character is special and has been chosen for a prophecy or mission. Example: The Matrix
Sympathetic MurdererVidal interrogates and kills guerrilla suspects and the Doctor, but is not portrayed as completely evilSympathetic Murderer is a trope in which the audience is made to understand and empathize with a character who commits murder. Example: Dexter
Parent-Child RelationshipOfelia and her pregnant mother argue about her love for fairy tales and later bond over a fairytaleParent-Child Relationship is a common trope in which the relationship between a parent and child is explored. Example: The Glass Castle
Task Completion PlotOfelia is tasked with completing three tasks to become the princess of the underworldTask Completion Plot is a story structure in which the main character must complete a series of tasks or missions. Example: The Hunger Games
Tragic HeroOfelia leads her brother through the labyrinth and is fatally wounded by Vidal, becoming a princess of the underworld in her final momentsTragic Hero is a common trope in which the main character suffers a downfall and often dies in the end. Example: Macbeth

Theme Theme Details Themee Explanation
The Power of Imagination and StorytellingThroughout the film, Ofelia uses her imagination and love for fairy tales to cope with the harsh reality of post-Civil War Spain. The story also includes a fairytale within the film, which intertwines and parallels with the real-world events.This theme highlights the escapism that comes with storytelling and how it can be used as a way to deal with life's difficulties. It also emphasizes the importance of imagination in one's life.
The Brutality of WarThe film portrays the senseless violence and cruelty that comes with war, including the torture and killing of suspects and the withholding of medicine and supplies for guerrilla fighters.This theme depicts the horrors of war and its impact not only on soldiers but also on civilians caught in the crossfire. It also shows the cruelty and disregard for human life that can arise in times of conflict.
Sacrifice and LossThe film portrays the sacrifice of characters such as Mercedes, who risks her life to help the guerrilla fighters, and Ofelia, who ultimately sacrifices her life in order to become Princess Moanna and complete the tasks assigned to her by the Faun.This theme reflects on the idea that sometimes, in order to achieve something greater, one must make sacrifices. It also portrays the emotional pain and loss that comes with such sacrifices.
Authority and PowerThe film portrays the authority and power held by Captain Vidal, who abuses his power by torturing and killing suspects and withholding medicine and supplies from the guerrilla fighters.This theme highlights the dangers and abuses of authority and power, particularly in times of conflict. It also shows the impact that these abuses can have on individuals and society as a whole.
Identity and Self-discoveryThe film explores Ofelia's journey of self-discovery as she learns of her true identity as Princess Moanna and completes the tasks assigned to her by the Faun.This theme reflects on the idea of discovering one's true identity and purpose in life. It also emphasizes the importance of personal growth and the journey towards finding oneself.

Screenwriting Resources on Themes


Site Description
Studio Binder Movie Themes: Examples of Common Themes for Screenwriters
Coverfly Improving your Screenplay's theme
John August Writing from Theme

YouTube Videos

Title Description
Story, Plot, Genre, Theme - Screenwriting Basics Screenwriting basics - beginner video
What is theme Discussion on ways to layer theme into a screenplay.
Thematic Mistakes You're Making in Your Script Common Theme mistakes and Philosophical Conflicts

Screenplay Rating:


Executive Summary

Pan's Labyrinth is a visually stunning and thematically rich fantasy/drama screenplay that blends the real and the supernatural in a compelling manner. The story effectively explores the emotional journey of its protagonist, Ofelia, against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, and the ending provides a powerful and satisfying resolution to her character arc. The screenplay features strong character development, imaginative fantasy elements, and impactful dramatic moments, making it a compelling and unique work that would likely resonate with audiences.

  • The opening sequence effectively establishes the fantasy/mythological elements of the story and the historical context of post-Spanish Civil War. The use of voiceover narration and visual storytelling creates an atmospheric, immersive experience for the audience. high ( Scene 1 (PAN'S LABYRINTH)   )
  • The scene between Ofelia and her mother Carmen is a strong character-driven moment that explores their relationship and Ofelia's emotional journey. The dialogue and subtext effectively convey the challenges and conflicts the characters face. high ( Scene 4 (INT. UPPER BEDROOM - NIGHT)   )
  • The introduction of the fantastical elements through the Faun and the magical labyrinth is compelling and imaginative, blending the real and the supernatural in an intriguing way. high ( Scene 7 (LABYRINTH - CONTINUOUS)   )
  • The visually striking and unsettling Banquet Hall sequence, with the strange Pale Man figure, is a highlight that effectively raises the stakes and tension in the story. high ( Scene 15 (INT. BANQUET HALL - SAME)   )
  • The climactic ending, where Ofelia is revealed to be a princess in the Underworld, is a powerful and emotionally resonant resolution to her journey, balancing the real and the fantastical. high ( Scene 25 (INT. VAST HALL - NIGHT)   )
Areas of Improvement
  • There are no major missing elements in the screenplay. The story is well-developed and the narrative arc is complete. low ( Scene   )
  • The scene where Vidal discusses his father's death and legacy is a strong character moment that provides insight into his motivations and backstory. medium ( Scene 6 (INT. VIDAL'S STUDY - DAY)   )
  • The depiction of the guerrilla resistance fighters and their struggle against the fascist regime adds an important political and historical dimension to the story. medium ( Scene 14 (INT. CAVE - NIGHT)   )
  • Ofelia's final decision to protect her brother over her own destiny is a poignant and emotionally resonant moment that highlights her character growth and values. high ( Scene 22 (INT. ATTIC - NIGHT)   )
Memorable lines in the script:

Scene Number Line
1Narrator: Her body suffered cold, sickness and pain. Eventually, she died.
2Captain Vidal: Then do it for me...
19The Faun: You broke the rules!
21Vidal: What must you think of me, my dear young woman? You must think I'm a monster.
22Mercedes: Don't you dare touch the girl... You won't be the first pig I've gutted!