Black panther

Executive Summary

Pass/Consider/Recommend/Highly Recommend


Explanation: The Black Panther screenplay is a compelling story with strong female characters, relevant themes, and exciting action sequences. However, it suffers from pacing issues, underdeveloped characters, and an underdeveloped resolution. With some revisions, it has the potential to be a highly successful film.

See Full Analysis

Genres: Science, Fiction, Drama, Action, Thriller, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Superhero, Fantasy, espionage

Setting: Provide the time period, Provide the location

Overview: The screenplay showcases a high level of originality and creativity with its blend of Afro-futuristic themes, Mesoamerican mythology, and superhero action. While it excels in character innovation, thematic depth, and audience engagement, there are opportunities for improvement in resolving emotional themes and subplots significance.

Themes: Death and Loss, Redemption, Technology, Betrayal, Family and Heritage, Responsibility, Culture Clash, Overcoming Adversity

Conflict and Stakes: Provide a summary of the primary conflicts and stakes in the story

Overall Mood: Provide a description of the overall mood or tone of the screenplay

Mood/Tone at Key Scenes:

  • Scene 1: Provide a description of the mood or tone of the first key scene
  • Scene 2: Provide a description of the mood or tone of the second key scene
  • Scene 3: Provide a description of the mood or tone of the third key scene

Standout Features:

  • Unique Hook: Provide a description of the unique hook in the screenplay
  • Major Twist : Provide a description of the major twist in the screenplay
  • Distinctive Setting : Provide a description of the distinctive setting in the screenplay
  • Innovative Idea : Provide a description of the innovative idea in the screenplay
  • Unique Character : Provide a description of the unique character in the screenplay
  • Genre Blend : Provide a description of the genre blend in the screenplay

Comparable Scripts:

  • Black Panther
  • Iron Man 3
  • Aquaman
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Wonder Woman 1984
  • Avatar
  • The Lion King
  • Batman Begins
Market Analysis

Budget Estimate:Provide a rough budget estimate for producing the screenplay

Target Audience Demographics: Provide a description of the target audience demographics for the screenplay

Marketability: Provide a justification for the marketability score

Provide a justification for the second marketability score

Provide a justification for the third marketability score

Profit Potential: Provide an estimate of the profit potential of the screenplay and a rationale for the estimate

Scene Level Percentiles
Script Level Percentiles
Emotions Elicited Percentiles
Writer's Voice

Memorable Lines:

  • M'Baku: THE BLACK PANTHER LIVES!!!! (Scene 52)
  • Shuri: I am the spirit of a murdered queen, the wrath of a wounded nation, I am the Black Panther! And I am here for retribution. (Scene 56)
  • Namor: We will match bloodshed with bloodshed. (Scene 37)
  • Namor: If you try to find us...I will kill the Princess, and then I will come to Wakanda and kill you. Do you understand? (Scene 24)
  • Dr. Graham: We lost them! GODDAMN IT. (Scene 5)
Story Shape
Emotions Elicited