Read The Ice Creature with its analysis

See Full Analysis here

Scene 1 -  Alien Contact: Quarantine

A helicopter shot reveals a vast, icy expanse of the Arctic
wilderness. Snow and ice stretch as far as the eye can see.

In the distance, a lone snowmobile carves a path through the
pristine snow, heading towards a remote research facility. A
U.S flag flies in wind that is picking up.


Four figures, bundled in heavy cold-weather gear, exit a
building and step into the harsh, frigid environment.

Leading the group is DR. MARCUS LEE, a rugged man in his
fifties with a bear-like presence and a thick mustache. He is
followed by DR. FRANK SILVA, sixty-something, medical doctor.

He approaches DR. ALICE WARREN, a striking woman in her
thirties, the lead xenobiologist of the team who gets off the

Where is the rest of the team?

They will be here shortly. They’re
towing the object so they had to go

CAPTAIN TOM MITCHELL, in his forties, steps forward and scans
the horizon with his binoculars.

You should have stayed together.
There’s a storm coming in at any

How far down did you have to go to
retrieve the relic? This could be
the find of the century.

Before Warren can respond, CAPTAIN TOM MITCHELL steps forward
and announces:

Here they come.

He points to the west. Everyone shades their eyes and looks
in that direction.

Five additional snowmobiles approach the research facility,
some towing trailers laden with securely strapped objects.

What else did you find?

You won't believe it. When we
tracked down the frequency
emanating from the relic, we found
objects scattered over a large
area. They obviously came from an
alien spacecraft. We also found

An alien spacecraft. Outstanding!

The team stirs with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

We gathered up what we could,
including the relic, took photos of
the footprints, but the weather was
turning for the worse.


Can I get out of the cold and get
some coffee in me...then I will
tell you everything.

The approaching snowmobiles grow closer, carrying the
precious cargo of alien artifacts.Everyone gathers around the
snowmobiles trying to get a good look.

Captain, can I suggest that the
objects be placed in quarantine. We
don’t know what we are dealing

Good idea doctor. Listen up,
everyone. We don't know the origin
of these items. They must be placed
in quarantine immediately.

He points to a secure area near the facility.

Take everything over there and make
sure it's secure in the containment

The crew nods and begins to unload the alien artifacts,
moving them carefully to the quarantine area. As they work,
an excited ELENA GARCIA, a tech expert in her twenties, exits
the compound and rushes up to Captain Mitchell.

Tom, all of our comms just went
down. We can’t transmit or receive.


Did you recalibrate everything? The storm hasn't arrived yet,
so that can't be the cause. Run a diagnostic again.

Tom, I did, three times. It's not
our equipment. I can't explain why
nothing is working.

Alright. Everyone inside. Elena,
I'll be right with you.

He turns to Dr. Alice Warren, his expression serious.

Listen up. No one is to move any of
the items Dr. Warren brought back
from the containment area without
my explicit permission. Understood?

The team members exchange uneasy glances but nod in
agreement. They begin to file into the research facility, the
tension palpable.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller"]

Summary A research team returns to their Arctic facility after recovering a relic from a crashed alien spacecraft. They discover other alien artifacts and footprints, sparking excitement and concern. A communication blackout further amplifies the tension as the team isolates themselves and quarantines the alien artifacts. The scene concludes with the team entering the facility, leaving the unknown artifacts in quarantine, and facing the uncertainty of their situation.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Mysterious and suspenseful atmosphere
  • Intriguing premise
  • Character development could be further explored
  • Some dialogue feels exposition-heavy


Overall: 8

The scene effectively establishes the setting, introduces key characters, and sets up the central conflict of the story. The tension and mystery surrounding the alien artifacts create a compelling narrative that keeps the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of discovering alien artifacts in the Arctic wilderness is innovative and intriguing. It combines elements of science fiction, mystery, and adventure to create a compelling premise for the story.

Plot: 8

The plot is well-structured and moves the story forward effectively. The introduction of the alien artifacts and the impending storm create immediate conflict and tension, setting up the central mystery of the narrative.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the discovery of alien artifacts in a remote Arctic setting, blending elements of science fiction with suspense and mystery. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging, adding to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are distinct and each serves a specific role in the narrative. While they could be further developed, their interactions and dialogue provide insight into their personalities and motivations.

Character Changes: 6

There are subtle hints at character development, particularly in the interactions between the team members and their reactions to the discovery of the alien artifacts. However, more significant changes may occur later in the story.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Alice Warren's internal goal is to uncover the truth behind the alien artifacts and footprints, showcasing her curiosity, determination, and expertise as a xenobiologist.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to secure and quarantine the alien artifacts to prevent any potential dangers or contamination, reflecting the immediate challenge of dealing with unknown extraterrestrial objects.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict in the scene is primarily driven by the discovery of the alien artifacts and the impending storm. The characters must navigate the challenges of the environment and the unknown technology they have uncovered.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, as the characters must navigate the challenges of the Arctic wilderness, the discovery of alien artifacts, and the impending storm. The uncertainty of the situation adds to the tension and conflict.

High Stakes: 8

The discovery of alien artifacts and the impending storm raise the stakes for the characters, as they must navigate unknown dangers and potential threats in the harsh Arctic environment.

Story Forward: 9

The scene effectively sets up the central conflict and mystery of the story, propelling the narrative forward and engaging the audience in the unfolding events.

Unpredictability: 8

The scene is unpredictable due to the discovery of alien artifacts and the potential dangers they pose. The characters' reactions and the escalating tension add to the unpredictability of the situation.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the ethical and scientific implications of interacting with alien artifacts. The characters must balance their excitement for discovery with the potential risks and consequences of their actions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

While the scene is more focused on building tension and mystery, there are moments of excitement and apprehension that evoke emotional responses from the audience.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is engaging and reveals important information about the characters and the situation. It effectively conveys the tension and excitement of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its blend of suspense, mystery, and scientific discovery. The characters' interactions and the unfolding events keep the audience invested in the story.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged in the unfolding events. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences contributes to the scene's effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene's formatting adheres to standard screenplay conventions, making it easy to follow and visualize the unfolding events. The dialogue and action lines are well-balanced and contribute to the scene's effectiveness.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure, introducing the setting, characters, and conflict in a cohesive manner. The pacing and formatting align with the genre expectations, maintaining the audience's engagement.

  • The scene starts strong with a visually evocative opening establishing the setting and creating a sense of isolation. However, the dialogue feels clunky and exposition-heavy, especially in the first few exchanges.
  • The dialogue lacks a natural flow. Characters often deliver information in a straightforward, expository manner rather than organically weaving it into the conversation.
  • The characters' reactions to the discovery of the alien spacecraft and artifacts are somewhat flat. There's a lack of dramatic tension or emotional resonance in their responses.
  • The scene rushes through the discovery and the team's initial response, leaving little time for character development or to establish the stakes.
  • The focus on the physical movement of objects and the repeated mention of 'quarantine' and 'containment' feels more procedural than dramatic.
  • The scene ends abruptly with Captain Mitchell issuing a warning and the team going inside. There's no sense of closure or an indication of what will happen next.
  • The scene lacks a clear conflict or a compelling inciting incident that drives the story forward. It feels more like a setup for the action that will follow.
  • Focus on character relationships and dynamics rather than simply conveying information. How do the characters interact with each other? What are their motivations? What are their fears?
  • Employ subtext and implication instead of direct exposition. Let the characters' actions and reactions speak for themselves.
  • Create more dramatic tension by highlighting the potential dangers of the alien artifacts. What are the risks? How do the characters feel about these risks?
  • Introduce a specific conflict or challenge that the team must overcome. What obstacle is preventing them from accessing the artifacts? What threat do they face?
  • End the scene on a cliffhanger or a moment of suspense that compels the audience to see what happens next. For example, the team could discover a hidden message or symbol on one of the artifacts.
  • Use sensory details to create a more immersive experience for the reader. Describe the sounds of the wind, the texture of the snow, the feel of the cold air, etc.
  • Consider adding a touch of visual symbolism or imagery to heighten the atmosphere of mystery and intrigue.

Scene 2 -  Alien Encounter: The Briefing

Everyone enters and heads for coffee and refreshments.

In five minutes, I want everyone in
the briefing room. No exceptions.

Garcia leans in and whispers to Dr. Warren.

Tom can be a real asshole

Yeah, he means well, but his
bedside manner could use some work.

They both share a quiet laugh.


The large briefing room is filled with the entire research
team, all eyes on Captain Mitchell as he stands at the front.

Alright, everyone, settle down. Dr.
Warren, please explain what you and
your team discovered.

Dr. Alice Warren steps forward, cradles her coffee and takes
a deep breath before she begins.

Thank you, Captain. As you know,
Elena and I have been monitoring a
unique frequency for some time.
This frequency was emanating from
what we're labeled the relic.

She pauses, making sure everyone is following.

Using the radio waves from the
relic, we traced it to a location
further east. When we arrived, we
found what appeared to be a crash
site. The scene was chaotic—debris
scattered over a vast area.

The room is silent, everyone hanging on her words.

Most of the spacecraft was
obliterated, but we recovered
several intact objects along with
the relic itself. The extent of the
damage indicates a violent impact.
We also discovered footprints
leading away from the crash site,
but we lost their trail in the
falling snow.

She glances at Captain Mitchell, who nods for her to

Given the nature of the objects and
the relic's signal, we are
confident these are remnants of an
alien spacecraft. This discovery is
monumental, but it also demands
that we proceed with extreme

I’d like to hear more about these
footprints you found.

Dr. Warren looks at Captain Mitchell, who nods.

If you want to gather around, here
are the photos we took. I'll have
Elena enlarge them later. The
footprints measure over 13 inches,
and the stride between steps is an
astonishing 5 feet.

That is extraordinary.In all my
studies, I have never heard of a
humanoid coming close to those

Everyone except Captain Mitchell gathers around, and small
talk breaks out among the team members.

Thank you, Dr. Warren. This is a
major discovery, but our priority
is safety. As I said, no one is to
touch any of these items without my
direct approval.
Alright, let's get to work. We have
a lot to do, and we need to move
quickly. Dr. Warren, please lead us
to the containment building so we
can examine your findings. I want
security doubled at all access and
egress points.

The gravity of his words settles over the room.

The team murmurs in agreement, the weight of the situation
clear on their faces.

I forgot to inform you that, for
some unexplained reason, all
communications are down. Elena
conducted a thorough diagnostic on
our systems, but nothing is
working. No internet, no radios,
nothing. Normally, I would have
immediately called for a media
blackout to keep this discovery
under wraps. But not only can't I
do that, I also can't contact
headquarters to report our

He pauses, letting the gravity of the situation sink in.

The team disperses and starts to head towards the containment
building, Dr. Marcus Lee leans into Dr. Warren.

Who the hell does Captain Mitchell
think he is, telling us scientists
when and where we can examine the
relic and spacecraft debris? If
comms weren’t down, I’d contact
headquarters and file a complaint.
What an asshole.

Dr. Alice Warren looks a bit surprised by Dr. Lee's outburst
but quickly tries to smooth things over.

Marcus, I understand your
frustration. But Captain Mitchell
is just trying to ensure our safety
and manage the situation. Given the
circumstances, I think it's best we
work together and follow protocols.
Let's focus on the discoveries
we've made and the potential they

Dr. Lee takes a deep breath, nodding reluctantly.

Yeah, you're right, Alice. Let's
get to it.

The tension eases slightly as they head towards the
containment building.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller"]

Summary A research team gathers to hear Dr. Warren's report on their discovery of an alien spacecraft crash site. The team is thrilled by the recovered debris, including a unique relic emitting a strange frequency. Captain Mitchell, however, stresses safety and imposes strict protocols for examining the artifacts, leading to a conflict with Dr. Lee, who wants immediate access. Despite the tension, the team heads towards the containment building to analyze the artifacts, leaving viewers with a sense of anticipation and impending danger.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • High stakes
  • Mystery and tension
  • Limited character development
  • Some cliched dialogue


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the central conflict and introduces key elements of the story while maintaining a sense of mystery and urgency. The dialogue is engaging, and the stakes are high, keeping the audience invested in the unfolding events.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of discovering alien artifacts in the Arctic and the subsequent communication breakdown is intriguing and sets the stage for a compelling sci-fi thriller. The scene effectively introduces these concepts and establishes the central conflict.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene, with the team uncovering crucial information about the alien artifacts and the mysterious footprints. The communication breakdown adds a layer of complexity and raises the stakes for the characters.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the discovery of alien spacecraft debris, blending elements of mystery, teamwork, and scientific exploration. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the authenticity of the situation.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are well-defined, with distinct personalities and motivations. The tension between Captain Mitchell's authoritative demeanor and Dr. Warren's more diplomatic approach adds depth to their interactions.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the dynamics between the characters are established, setting the stage for potential growth and development as the story progresses.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to ensure the safety of the team and manage the discovery of the alien spacecraft with caution. This reflects their desire to protect their colleagues and handle the situation responsibly.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to examine the alien spacecraft debris and footprints, gather information, and proceed with caution. This goal reflects the immediate challenge of investigating a monumental discovery and ensuring the safety of the team.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict in the scene is multi-layered, involving the discovery of alien artifacts, the communication breakdown, and the internal tensions within the team. These conflicts create a sense of urgency and drive the narrative forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicts between safety protocols and scientific curiosity, adding complexity and tension to the characters' interactions.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene, with the team facing the unknown alien presence, the communication breakdown, and the potential dangers associated with the artifacts. The characters' safety and the implications of their discoveries add to the sense of urgency and danger.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing key plot points, raising the stakes, and setting up future conflicts. The discovery of the alien artifacts and the communication breakdown propel the narrative in an exciting direction.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected communication blackout and the discovery of alien footprints, adding layers of mystery and tension to the narrative.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the balance between scientific curiosity and safety. Dr. Lee's frustration with Captain Mitchell's orders highlights a clash between following protocols for safety and pursuing scientific exploration.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of curiosity, concern, and determination in the characters, which resonates with the audience. The high stakes and the unknown alien presence add to the emotional impact of the scene.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is engaging and serves to convey important information about the discoveries and the team dynamics. It effectively builds tension and sets the tone for the rest of the story.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its blend of mystery, teamwork, and conflict, keeping the audience invested in the discovery of the alien spacecraft and the characters' reactions to the situation.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged in the discovery of the alien spacecraft and the characters' reactions to the situation.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting. The visual descriptions enhance the reader's understanding of the setting and character interactions.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a sci-fi genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and intrigue.

  • The scene is a bit too exposition-heavy. It's more of an information dump than a dynamic scene with conflict and tension. The characters are mostly reacting to information, not actively driving the plot forward.
  • The dialogue is a bit clunky and expository. Lines like "Thank you, Captain" and "As you know" feel unnatural and overly formal. The characters seem to be explaining things to the audience rather than to each other.
  • The scene lacks visual and emotional impact. There's not much action or character development. The team members are simply listening to Dr. Warren's report and reacting to Captain Mitchell's orders.
  • The conflict between Dr. Lee and Captain Mitchell is introduced but not fully explored. The scene ends with Dr. Lee's frustration, but there's no sense of how this conflict will play out in future scenes.
  • The scene doesn't fully establish the stakes or the sense of urgency. The communication blackout is mentioned but not fully exploited to create tension and suspense.
  • The characters are not fully developed. The dialogue and actions don't reveal much about their personalities or motivations.
  • The scene lacks a clear hook or turning point. It ends with the team moving to the containment building, which feels like a placeholder for the next scene rather than a satisfying conclusion.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of having Dr. Warren deliver a long, detailed report, focus on specific details that create visual and emotional impact. For example, instead of saying "the scene was chaotic," show a close-up of a shattered piece of the spacecraft or have the characters react to the sight of the debris.
  • Make the dialogue more natural and character-driven. Instead of having the characters explain things to each other, focus on their reactions and interactions. Let the dialogue reveal their personalities and motivations.
  • Create more conflict and tension. Introduce a specific obstacle or challenge that the team must overcome. This could be a disagreement about the best course of action, a threat from the alien artifacts, or a time constraint.
  • Raise the stakes. What are the consequences of the communication blackout? What happens if the team can't contact headquarters? What are the potential dangers of the alien artifacts?
  • Develop the characters. Give each character a specific goal or motivation. What drives Dr. Lee's passion for the alien artifacts? What are Captain Mitchell's fears about the potential danger? What are Dr. Warren's hopes for this discovery?
  • End the scene with a hook or turning point. This could be a sudden development, a shocking revelation, or a decision that sets the stage for the next scene.

Scene 3 -  The Approaching Storm

The team enters the containment building, their footsteps
echoing in the cold, sterile environment. They walk around
various tables displaying the remains of the alien craft,
each piece more enigmatic than the last.

In the center of the room, a block of thick ice sits on a
reinforced table. Within the ice, barely visible, is a round
object labeled "RELIC" by Dr. Warren. The ice around it seems
to shimmer slightly, hinting at the mysterious power
contained within.

Everyone gathers around, eyes fixed on the relic, the air
thick with anticipation and unease.

So, this is the relic? Looks like a
hubcap to me. (chuckles) What do
you think these strange markings

We’re not sure yet. Elena and I
have tried to penetrate the ice for
a better view, but we decided it’s
safer to let it thaw naturally to
avoid any damage. By tomorrow, the
ice should have melted
significantly, and we’ll be able to
see the markings more clearly.

Elena, does any of our working
equipment tell us more about the
storm’s approach?

All I can tell you is that the
temperature has dropped
significantly in the past hour, and
the winds have really picked up.
I’d say within the next hour, we’ll
be hit.

She starts to cough.

Captain Mitchell glances Elena and at his watch.

Dr. Silva, please check out Elena.
Sounds like a nasty cough to me.
Let's adjourn to the dining room
and get a hot meal.
Tomorrow, we can dive deeper into
the mystery of the items in the
containment building. For me, I
need a hot shower.

Captain Mitchell leaves the containment building but a few
stay behind for one last look at the items before leaving Dr.
Warren alone.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Mystery","Thriller"]

Summary A team of scientists investigates a thawing alien artifact in a containment building, while an impending storm casts a shadow over their exploration. Despite the growing tension, the team decides to prioritize their safety by taking a break and postponing further examination until the following day.
  • Building tension and mystery
  • Introducing intriguing alien artifacts
  • Setting up potential conflicts and challenges
  • Dialogue could be more dynamic
  • Character changes could be more pronounced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and mystery through the introduction of the relic and the impending storm, keeping the audience engaged and curious about the alien artifacts. The character interactions and reactions add depth to the unfolding events, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the scene.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring an alien crash site and discovering mysterious artifacts is intriguing and sets up a compelling premise for the story. The introduction of the relic in the ice adds a layer of mystery and suspense, drawing the audience into the unknown world of the alien spacecraft.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as the team examines the relic and prepares for the approaching storm, setting up potential conflicts and challenges for the characters. The scene lays the groundwork for future developments and reveals key information about the alien artifacts, driving the story forward.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the sci-fi genre by focusing on the discovery of alien artifacts and the conflicting motivations of the characters. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters' reactions and interactions provide insight into their personalities and relationships, adding depth to the scene. Captain Mitchell's leadership, Dr. Warren's expertise, Dr. Silva's concern for Elena, and Elena's technical skills are highlighted, setting up potential character arcs and conflicts.

Character Changes: 5

While there are hints of character development, such as Dr. Silva's concern for Elena and Captain Mitchell's leadership decisions, the scene focuses more on setting up the mystery and challenges ahead. There is room for more significant character changes and growth in future scenes.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to uncover the meaning behind the strange markings on the relic and to satisfy their curiosity about the alien craft. This reflects their desire for knowledge and understanding of the unknown.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to prepare for an approaching storm and ensure the safety of the team. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges they are facing in the containment building.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

The scene introduces potential conflicts and challenges, such as the approaching storm, Elena's health, and the mystery of the relic, setting up tension and obstacles for the characters to overcome. The conflict level is moderate, with room for escalation and resolution in future scenes.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong enough to create conflict and uncertainty, particularly with the approaching storm and Elena's health issues.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are moderately high in the scene, as the characters face the unknown dangers of the relic, the approaching storm, and Elena's health. The potential risks and challenges set up a sense of urgency and danger, raising the stakes for the characters and the overall story.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing key elements, such as the relic, the storm, and the characters' reactions, setting up future conflicts and developments. The scene lays the groundwork for upcoming events and challenges, driving the narrative forward with a sense of intrigue and suspense.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected developments, such as the approaching storm and Elena's cough, which add tension and uncertainty to the narrative.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between the desire for knowledge and understanding represented by Dr. Warren and the need for caution and safety represented by Captain Mitchell. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about risk-taking and exploration.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a mix of emotions, including anticipation, unease, concern, and curiosity, as the characters grapple with the mystery of the relic and the impending storm. The emotional impact is moderate, with potential for deeper emotional resonance as the story unfolds.

Dialogue: 6

The dialogue effectively conveys information about the relic, the storm, and the characters' concerns, but could benefit from more tension and subtext to enhance the suspense and mystery of the scene. There is room for improvement in creating more dynamic and engaging exchanges between the characters.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the suspenseful atmosphere, the mystery surrounding the relic, and the interpersonal dynamics between the characters.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment with the revelation of the relic and the approaching storm.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene descriptions, character dialogue, and action lines.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a sci-fi genre, with a clear introduction of the setting, characters, and conflict. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

  • The scene feels a bit slow and exposition-heavy. The dialogue is functional but lacks the spark and tension that would make it more engaging.
  • The characters' reactions to the relic are underwhelming. While they express a sense of anticipation and unease, they don't seem truly awestruck or terrified by its power, which feels off considering the potential implications of an alien artifact.
  • The scene's structure feels a bit stagnant. It's mostly a series of characters standing around and talking about the relic, lacking any visual dynamism or conflict.
  • The character of Captain Mitchell is presented as a bit of a one-dimensional authority figure who isn't particularly engaging. He appears more concerned with routine and protocol than the significance of the alien artifact, which detracts from the overall tension.
  • The scene doesn't contribute much to the overall plot. It's mostly an information dump about the relic and the upcoming storm, which could be conveyed more effectively through other means, such as a visual montage or a brief conversation.
  • The scene's ending feels abrupt and unsatisfying. The team simply leaves the containment building, leaving the audience wondering what happens next.
  • Introduce a sense of urgency and danger to the scene. Perhaps have the team members discover something unexpected or experience a strange phenomenon that makes them question the safety of the relic.
  • Create tension through the characters' interactions. Show their contrasting viewpoints, desires, and fears regarding the relic, and how those clash with each other.
  • Use the setting to build suspense. Highlight the cold, sterile environment and the strange, alien artifacts to create a sense of unease and the unknown.
  • Develop the characters more fully. Show Captain Mitchell's inner conflict between caution and curiosity, and let the other characters have more nuanced reactions to the relic.
  • Find a way to weave the scene's information into the plot more organically. Perhaps have the team make a crucial decision based on the relic's thawing or the approaching storm.
  • End the scene with a cliffhanger or a question that leaves the audience wanting more. For example, have Dr. Warren discover something unsettling about the relic or have the storm hit prematurely.

Scene 4 -  Ghostly Warning and Intimate Moment

Dr. Alice Warren lingers, her eyes fixed on the relic encased
in ice. The room is quiet, the air thick with anticipation
and unease.

Suddenly, she hears a faint whisper.


Dr. Warren turns, her heart pounding. Standing before her is
the ghostly figure of her deceased father, his eyes filled
with urgency.

Dad? is this possible?

Alice, you need to leave this
place. It's not safe.

Dr. Warren blinks, trying to comprehend what she’s seeing.
The apparition of her father begins to decay, his flesh
rotting away, revealing bones and decay until he vanishes

She gasps, stumbling back, her breath coming in rapid,
shallow bursts.

What just happened?

She shakes her head, trying to clear her mind, but the image
of her decaying father lingers.

I need to get some rest.

With a final glance at the relic, she leaves the containment
building, the unsettling experience weighing heavily on her


Captain Mitchell is showering, the hot water cascading over
his shoulders. He is unaware that Dr. Warren has entered his
quarters. She quietly undresses and slides open the curtain,
surprising Mitchell.

He turns, a smile spreading across his face.

Well, this is a surprise.

Thought you might need some
company. After all, it's been a
long day.

She steps into the shower, the steam enveloping them both.
They stand close, the water mixing with their words.

You know, this alien find... it's
incredible. But it worries me too.

I know. It's like nothing we've
ever seen. But right now, I don't
want to think about that.

She leans in, her hand tracing the outline of his jaw.
Mitchell’s eyes soften, and he pulls her closer.

Maybe you're right. We deserve a

Their lips meet, the kiss deepening as the water continues to
pour over them. They explore each other, the tension of the
day melting away in their embrace. The chemistry between them
ignites, leading to an intimate moment shared in the warmth
of the shower.

As they pull back slightly, Mitchell looks into her eyes, his
expression serious yet tender.

We'll figure it out, Alice.

Yes, together.

They continue their intimate connection, the outside world
and its mysteries momentarily forgotten as they lose
themselves in each other.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Romance","Thriller"]

Summary Dr. Alice Warren encounters the ghostly figure of her deceased father warning her to leave the containment building, leaving her shaken. She later shares an intimate moment with Captain Tom Mitchell in the shower, momentarily forgetting the outside world and its mysteries.
  • Effective blending of genres
  • Emotional depth of characters
  • Intriguing supernatural element
  • Sudden appearance of ghostly figure may feel jarring to some viewers


Overall: 8

The scene effectively combines different genres and tones, creating a compelling and engaging narrative. The supernatural element adds depth to the story, while the intimate moment between the characters adds emotional resonance.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of encountering a ghostly figure in the midst of an alien discovery adds a unique and intriguing layer to the storyline. The blending of science fiction with supernatural elements creates a sense of mystery and suspense.

Plot: 7

The plot advances through the revelation of the ghostly figure and the intimate moment between the characters. It adds depth to the overall narrative and sets up potential conflicts and resolutions.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the supernatural genre by combining it with science fiction elements. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are developed through their reactions to the supernatural encounter and the intimate moment shared between them. Their emotions and vulnerabilities are explored, adding complexity to their personalities.

Character Changes: 7

Both characters experience emotional changes in the scene, as they confront their fears and vulnerabilities while also deepening their connection with each other. These changes set the stage for further character development.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Alice Warren's internal goal in this scene is to come to terms with the appearance of her deceased father's ghost and the unsettling experience she just had. It reflects her deeper need for closure, understanding, and emotional resolution.

External Goal: 7.5

Dr. Alice Warren's external goal in this scene is to find out the truth about the relic and the mysterious events surrounding it. It reflects the immediate challenge she is facing in her work as a scientist and researcher.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

The conflict in the scene is more internal and emotional, as the characters grapple with the supernatural encounter and their growing feelings for each other. It sets up potential conflicts for future developments.

Opposition: 7.5

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Dr. Warren facing internal and external challenges that add complexity to the narrative.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high in the scene as the characters face supernatural encounters and emotional vulnerabilities. Their actions and decisions have the potential to impact their relationships and the overall narrative.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a supernatural element and deepening the emotional connection between the characters. It sets up potential conflicts and resolutions for future developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected appearance of the ghostly figure and the emotional intensity of the interactions between the characters.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the clash between scientific rationality and supernatural beliefs. Dr. Warren, as a scientist, is confronted with the inexplicable appearance of her father's ghost, challenging her worldview and beliefs.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene has a high emotional impact, as the characters confront their fears and vulnerabilities while also experiencing a moment of intimacy and connection. The supernatural element adds an eerie and emotional depth to the scene.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue between the characters conveys their emotions, fears, and desires effectively. It enhances the intimacy of the scene and reveals important aspects of their relationships.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, emotional depth, and the intimate connection between the characters.

Pacing: 8.5

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and suspense gradually, leading to the emotional climax between the characters.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, building tension and suspense effectively.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks a clear purpose. It jumps from a spooky encounter to an intimate moment without sufficient emotional transition.
  • The apparition of Dr. Warren's father feels underdeveloped and lacks impact. The description of its decay feels more grotesque than genuinely chilling.
  • The scene introduces a romantic subplot between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell, which might feel jarring given the dramatic events that preceded it. The connection feels forced and doesn't have enough foundation to be compelling.
  • The dialogue is bland and doesn't convey the emotional weight of the situation. Lines like "I need to get some rest" and "We deserve a break" feel generic and lack emotional depth.
  • The transition into the shower scene is abrupt and lacks a clear narrative link. The scene would benefit from a more natural progression, showing how Dr. Warren finds solace in Mitchell's company after the unsettling experience.
  • The scene ends abruptly, leaving the audience with a sense of unease and unfinished business. It would be more satisfying to see Dr. Warren process her encounter with her father and how it affects her relationship with Captain Mitchell.
  • Develop the scene's purpose. Is it to show Dr. Warren's vulnerability and need for comfort? To introduce the romantic subplot? To create suspense about the relic's effect on her?
  • Deepen the impact of the apparition. Consider using more evocative language to describe the decay, or explore how it makes Dr. Warren feel.
  • Create a more natural transition between the apparition and the shower scene. Perhaps Dr. Warren seeks out Mitchell for reassurance after the unsettling experience.
  • Elevate the dialogue. Use more evocative language to convey Dr. Warren's emotional state. Explore the characters' thoughts and fears about the relic.
  • Develop the romantic subplot organically. Show glimpses of their attraction and build a stronger foundation for their connection before the intimate moment.
  • End the scene on a more satisfying note. Perhaps Dr. Warren shares her experience with Mitchell, or they discuss their growing fears about the alien relic.

Scene 5 -  The Calling

Dr. Warren and Elena, dressed in white lab coats, stand over
the now completely thawed relic. Various scientific
instruments are attached to the mysterious object, their
monitors flickering erratically.

I’m picking up unusual energy
readings. This thing is active.

Dr. Warren leans in closer, her breath visible in the frigid
air of the containment building. The relic emits a deep,
resonating pulse, the lights flickering ominously. Dr.
Warren's vision blurs, and she stumbles, a cold sweat
breaking out on her forehead.

Her surroundings shift. The air grows colder, and a sinister
presence fills the room. She sees her late husband, Danny,
standing at the lab’s entrance, his face twisted into a
grotesque smile.

Alice, you need to leave this
place. Now.

His voice is distorted, echoing unnaturally. His flesh begins
to decay before her eyes, maggots crawling out of his rotting
skin. The sight is horrifying, and Dr. Warren feels a scream
rising in her throat.

Suddenly, she's jolted back to reality by Elena shaking her
arm, her face etched with fear.

Dr. Warren! Alice! Are you okay?

Dr. Warren gasps, her heart pounding. She steadies herself,
eyes darting to the relic as it pulses again, casting eerie,
shifting shadows that seem to move of their own accord.

I... I saw Danny. My husband. He
was here. He told me to leave. You
didn’t see him?

Elena’s eyes widen, the color draining from her face. The
relic’s pulsing grows more intense, and the instruments
around them start to glitch, emitting a high-pitched whine.

No, I didn’t see anything. We need
to get out of here. Now.

The room grows darker, the shadows deepening as a sense of
impending doom envelops them. The relic pulses once more,
sending a shockwave through the building, causing the lights
to flicker violently.

They both scramble towards the exit, the containment building
now filled with an overwhelming, malevolent energy that
threatens to consume everything within its walls. The door
will not open.

(scared) What is going on.

She and Dr. Warren pound on the door.

(shaking his head)
It's worse than we thought, Elena.
The frequency... it's not just a
signal. It's a call.

(a beat, then tense)
A call? To what?

(sighing deeply)
To something out there. Something
that might be coming here.

Elena’s eyes widen in fear. She glances at the relic, then
back at Dr. Warren.

We need to tell Captain Mitchell.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Dr. Warren and Elena examine a strange relic in a containment building. The relic emits pulses, causing Dr. Warren to experience a terrifying vision of her deceased husband warning her to flee before his body horrifically decays. The relic's energy intensifies, trapping them inside the building as lights flicker and the door malfunctions. Dr. Warren believes the relic is calling something from outside, leaving them in a state of fear and uncertainty.
  • Effective blending of genres
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Intriguing mystery
  • Strong emotional impact
  • Some elements of horror may be too intense for sensitive viewers


Overall: 9

The scene effectively blends genres, creates a tense and eerie atmosphere, and introduces a compelling mystery that hooks the audience. The supernatural elements add depth to the narrative and increase the stakes for the characters.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of uncovering alien artifacts and facing supernatural occurrences in an Arctic research facility is intriguing and well-executed. The scene introduces a complex mystery and sets up potential conflicts and dangers for the characters to navigate.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene, as the characters encounter supernatural phenomena and realize the potential threat posed by the relic. The introduction of the relic's mysterious power and the revelation of a possible incoming entity raise the stakes and propel the story forward.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the supernatural thriller genre, blending scientific and supernatural elements in a unique way. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters' reactions to the supernatural events and their growing sense of unease are well-portrayed. Dr. Warren's emotional turmoil and Elena's fear add depth to the scene, while hinting at their individual vulnerabilities and strengths.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Warren experiences a significant emotional upheaval in this scene, as she confronts the apparition of her deceased husband and grapples with the supernatural events unfolding around her. This encounter could lead to further character development and growth in subsequent scenes.

Internal Goal: 9

Dr. Warren's internal goal is to confront her past trauma and fears, as manifested by the hallucination of her deceased husband. This reflects her deeper need for closure and resolution.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal is to understand the relic's power and potential threat, as well as to escape the containment building safely. This reflects the immediate challenge she faces in the scene.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The scene is filled with internal and external conflicts, as the characters grapple with supernatural occurrences, impending danger, and the mystery surrounding the relic. The escalating tension and sense of dread create a high level of conflict that drives the narrative forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing a mysterious and powerful force that threatens their safety. The audience is left unsure of how the characters will overcome this obstacle.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene, as the characters face supernatural phenomena, impending danger, and the possibility of an unknown entity approaching. The sense of dread, the characters' vulnerability, and the growing mystery raise the stakes and create a sense of urgency and peril.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward by introducing new mysteries, escalating the danger faced by the characters, and hinting at a larger threat looming on the horizon. The revelation of the relic's power and the potential arrival of an unknown entity propel the narrative towards a climactic confrontation.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected hallucination of Dr. Warren's deceased husband, the escalating tension, and the mysterious nature of the relic's power. The audience is kept guessing about what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the idea of facing one's fears and confronting the unknown. Dr. Warren's encounter with her deceased husband challenges her beliefs and worldview, forcing her to question reality and her own sanity.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, dread, and shock in the audience through its supernatural elements, eerie atmosphere, and the characters' emotional reactions. Dr. Warren's encounter with her deceased husband and the growing sense of impending doom heighten the emotional impact of the scene.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' emotions, fears, and the escalating tension in the scene. The exchanges between Dr. Warren and Elena reveal their growing unease and the sense of impending danger, adding to the suspense.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense atmosphere, suspenseful plot, and well-developed characters. The blend of scientific and supernatural elements keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual buildup of tension, a climactic revelation, and a cliffhanger ending. The rhythm of the scene contributes to its effectiveness and keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue. The visual descriptions and action lines are well-written and engaging.

Structure: 9

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for a supernatural thriller, with a buildup of tension, a revelation of the supernatural element, and a cliffhanger ending. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

  • The scene starts with a strong hook, immediately drawing the reader into the unsettling atmosphere of the containment building. The description of the relic's energy readings and the erratic behavior of the instruments effectively creates a sense of danger and mystery.
  • The hallucination of Dr. Warren's deceased husband is well-written and visually striking. The use of decaying flesh and maggots adds a layer of visceral horror that effectively conveys the unsettling nature of the relic's influence.
  • The dialogue is concise and to the point, effectively conveying the characters' fear and growing awareness of the danger they're in. The contrast between Dr. Warren's vision and Elena's obliviousness creates tension and suspense.
  • The scene builds to a satisfying climax as the relic's pulsing intensifies, causing the lights to flicker and the door to jam. The description of the oppressive, malevolent energy effectively conveys the building's transformation into a hostile environment.
  • The ending of the scene, with the characters trapped and the implication of something outside waiting to enter, is a strong cliffhanger that leaves the reader eager to find out what happens next.
  • However, there are a few areas where the scene could be improved. The transition from Dr. Warren's vision to reality could be more fluid. The use of a stronger sensory detail or a specific action by Elena could help make the shift more immediate and impactful.
  • Consider adding a sensory detail to the transition from Dr. Warren's hallucination to reality. For example, a sudden rush of cold air, a sharp crack of light, or a change in the sound of the relic's pulse could help make the shift more abrupt and unsettling.
  • Explore the emotional impact of Dr. Warren's vision more deeply. Instead of just stating that she's shaken, consider showing her reaction through body language, facial expressions, or a brief internal monologue.
  • Consider adding a line of dialogue that reveals Dr. Warren's skepticism about her vision. This could add a layer of complexity to her character and create more intrigue for the reader.
  • Strengthen the connection between the relic and the events unfolding in the scene. The description of the relic's pulsing and its impact on the environment is effective, but it could be more explicitly linked to Dr. Warren's vision and the door jamming.
  • Consider adding a brief scene of Captain Mitchell or another character discovering the locked door and reacting to the situation. This could help increase the stakes and add to the overall sense of urgency.

Scene 6 -  Containment Breach

Captain Mitchell is monitoring the security feeds sees Elena
and Dr. Warren pounding on the exit door of the containment
room. He turns on the audio to the room.

What's going on there?

We need to get out of here.
Captain, we have a serious problem.
The relic... it's not just emitting
a frequency. It's sending a call.

A call? To what?

(speaking quickly)
We don’t know yet, but it’s
possible that whatever it’s calling
could be dangerous. We can’t take
any risks.

Captain Mitchell pauses, considering the gravity of the
situation. He turns to his COMMUNICATION OFFICER.

(into the intercom)
Attention all personnel. We are
initiating a full lockdown of the
containment building. No one in or
out until further notice. Security
team to the containment building.
Dr. Warren and Elena are trapped

Yes, sir. Lockdown initiated.

Alarms blare as the containment building door is forced open.
Captain Mitchell quickly approaches Elena and Dr. Warren.

Are you two okay?

Elena and Dr. Warren nod, their faces reflecting the weight
of the situation.

(excited)The relic somehow trapped
us inside.

Calm down. It's just a hunk of
metal. How could it force the door

Tom, this thing is evil. I don’t
understand how, but it manipulated
the door shut. And I've just
experienced my second

Hallucinations? Why haven’t you
told me about this before?

Because every time we bring up our
concerns, you dismiss them. This
isn't just about strange readings
or unexplained phenomena. This
relic is affecting us, and we need
to take it seriously before someone
gets hurt.

Elena nods in agreement, her face serious.

She's right, Captain. We need to
figure out what we're dealing with,
and we need your support to do it.

Captain Mitchell looks between them, seeing the genuine fear
and frustration in their eyes. He takes a deep breath, his
expression softening slightly.

Alright. First, Alice, you are off
to sick bay. I want Dr. Frank to
check you out. Next, we'll take
every precaution necessary. Let's
figure this out together.

Dr. Warren and Elena exchange relieved glances, the weight of
the situation still heavy but shared.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Drama"]

Summary Captain Mitchell, overseeing the containment building, witnesses Elena and Dr. Warren frantically trying to escape the relic's containment room. He learns that they believe the relic is emitting a dangerous call and Dr. Warren has experienced hallucinations. Initially dismissive, Mitchell orders a lockdown and sends security to investigate. After the door is forced open, he discovers that the relic trapped them and is forced to acknowledge the severity of the situation. Though hesitant, Mitchell agrees to take precautions, sending Dr. Warren to sick bay and promising to address the relic's behavior.
  • Building tension and suspense
  • Emotional depth of characters
  • High stakes and escalating danger
  • Some dialogue may feel repetitive or expository at times


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, introduces a mysterious element with the relic, and showcases the characters' emotional struggles and the escalating danger they face.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of an alien relic with unknown powers affecting the characters and causing hallucinations is intriguing and adds depth to the story. The scene effectively introduces this concept and sets up further exploration.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the characters discover the relic's dangerous capabilities and are forced to confront the escalating threat. The lockdown and the characters' reactions add layers of tension and urgency to the narrative.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique concept of a relic emitting dangerous frequencies and affecting the characters. The dialogue and actions feel authentic and contribute to the tension and mystery of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show depth and emotion in this scene, particularly Dr. Warren and Elena, as they confront the relic's effects and express their concerns to Captain Mitchell. The dialogue and interactions reveal their fears and determination to address the situation.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Warren and Elena undergo emotional changes in this scene as they confront the relic's effects and express their concerns to Captain Mitchell. Their determination and unity show growth and development in the face of danger.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to be taken seriously and have their concerns acknowledged by Captain Mitchell. This reflects their deeper need for validation and support in a high-stakes situation.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to figure out the source of the relic's power and ensure the safety of everyone in the containment building. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to prevent any potential danger.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is high, as the characters face a dangerous situation with the relic and must navigate their fears, suspicions, and the urgency of the lockdown. The internal and external conflicts add depth to the narrative.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing a supernatural threat and conflicting beliefs. The uncertainty of the relic's power adds to the tension and keeps the audience engaged.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene as the characters face a potentially dangerous relic that can manipulate their surroundings and cause hallucinations. The lockdown and the urgency to address the threat raise the stakes and create a sense of danger and suspense.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly by introducing the relic's dangerous capabilities, escalating the threat, and deepening the characters' relationships and conflicts. The lockdown and the characters' reactions set the stage for further developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the supernatural elements and the characters' unexpected reactions to the relic's power. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the belief in the supernatural power of the relic. Dr. Warren and Elena believe that the relic is dangerous and affecting them, while Captain Mitchell initially dismisses their concerns. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the unknown and the importance of taking supernatural threats seriously.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene has a significant emotional impact as the characters experience fear, frustration, relief, and determination in the face of the relic's effects. The hallucinations and the characters' reactions evoke empathy and tension.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is crucial in conveying the characters' emotions, concerns, and the escalating danger posed by the relic. It effectively builds tension and highlights the characters' relationships and conflicts.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, high stakes, and supernatural elements. The audience is drawn into the characters' fears and uncertainties, keeping them invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual buildup of tension and suspense. The rhythm of the dialogue and actions contributes to the effectiveness of the scene.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear character cues, dialogue formatting, and scene descriptions. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful thriller genre, with a clear setup, rising tension, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

  • The scene opens with a bit of a slow start, as the audio transition feels clunky and the dialogue feels a bit too exposition-heavy.
  • The repetition of "a call" in Elena's line feels unnatural and could be cut.
  • The scene doesn't fully flesh out the sense of urgency. The characters are trapped, but the pacing of the scene doesn't really reflect that.
  • The dialogue about the relic's power feels a bit repetitive. The audience already understands that it's dangerous and affecting people.
  • While the frustration expressed by Dr. Warren is understandable, it might come across as slightly abrupt. Consider adding more subtle details to her actions or dialogue to highlight her growing concern.
  • Captain Mitchell's shift from dismissing Dr. Warren's concerns to agreeing to take precautions feels a bit sudden. The scene could benefit from a more gradual shift in his attitude.
  • The scene ends on a somewhat passive note. Consider adding a final line or visual element to create a stronger sense of anticipation or suspense.
  • The scene lacks a strong visual hook. Consider adding more vivid descriptions of the environment or the characters' reactions to the situation.
  • The scene doesn't fully utilize the tension and fear built up in the previous scene. Consider adding more action, tension, or visual details to keep the audience engaged.
  • Open the scene with a more visually striking image or action. For example, show the door being jammed shut from a security feed perspective before cutting to Captain Mitchell.
  • Cut out the repeated line "a call" in Elena's dialogue and find a more concise way to convey the sense of urgency.
  • Add a visual element or action to heighten the sense of urgency and danger. For example, show Elena and Dr. Warren struggling to open the door, or have them experience a sudden drop in temperature as the relic's power intensifies.
  • Consider adding a scene transition, such as a quick cut to Dr. Lee or another character, to break up the dialogue and keep the pacing dynamic.
  • Re-write the scene to create a more gradual shift in Captain Mitchell's attitude. Perhaps he initially doubts Dr. Warren but is slowly swayed by the mounting evidence and the increasing fear in the characters' voices.
  • Add a final line or visual element to create a stronger sense of anticipation or suspense. For example, the camera could linger on the relic, suggesting its growing power, or the security feed could show something ominous outside the containment building.
  • Add more specific descriptions to bring the scene to life. Describe the flickering lights, the buzzing of the intercom, or the expressions on the characters' faces to create a more immersive experience.

Scene 7 -  The Whispering Relic

The room is dimly lit, the air thick with tension. CAPTAIN
MITCHELL stands at the head of a long table, looking haggard
and uncertain. Around him sit DR. WARREN, DR. CARTER,
LIEUTENANT SMITH, and several other TEAM MEMBERS. The relic
is securely locked in a containment chamber nearby, emitting
a faint, eerie glow.

(raising his voice)
Alright, everyone, listen up. We’re
in uncharted territory here.
That... thing is locked down, but
it’s clear we don’t fully
understand what we’re dealing with.
I need everyone to report on what
they’ve experienced so far.

(pale, but composed)
I’ve had hallucinations. My
deceased father and husband
appeared to me, warning us to
leave. I’ve also noticed a
significant drop in temperature
around the relic.

Captain Mitchell looks at Dr. Silva hoping for him to chime

Alice is fine. I think the
hallucinations are due to stress.

And the weather... it’s getting
worse. We’re completely cut off. No
communication, no way out. We’re
trapped here. It’s as if the relic
is trying to isolate us and it has
done a good job of accomplishing

Has anyone else experienced

No one said yes.

We need a plan. First, we need to
ensure everyone’s safety. Dr.
Warren, can we move the relic
further away from the living
quarters? Perhaps dig a hole and
place it back in the ice.

I’ll see to it, but we need to be
careful. Prolonged exposure might
start affecting us all.

Alright. You and I will move it to
the far end of the facility
outside. Everyone else, stay in
pairs. No one goes anywhere alone.
If you experience anything unusual,
report it immediately.

Suddenly, the lights flicker and a low, ominous hum fills the
room. Everyone tenses, eyes darting around nervously.

What the hell is that?

It’s the relic. It’s... reacting.

Stay calm. We need to move it now.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary A team of scientists and military personnel, trapped in a dimly lit briefing room, grapple with the unsettling effects of a mysterious relic they've discovered. Hallucinations, a drop in temperature, and a growing sense of isolation plague them as the relic's influence intensifies. Dr. Warren reports experiencing disturbing visions of her deceased loved ones, but Dr. Silva dismisses them as stress-induced. Fearful of the relic's power, the team decides to move it away from their living quarters, but their efforts are met with an ominous response from the artifact, leaving them in a state of heightened alarm.
  • Building tension
  • Mystery surrounding the relic
  • Character reactions and development
  • Some dialogue could be more impactful
  • Character motivations could be clearer


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and mystery, keeping the audience engaged with the unfolding events. The combination of genres and the introduction of a dangerous relic add depth to the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of an alien relic causing hallucinations and isolation in a research team is intriguing and well-executed. The scene effectively introduces the relic as a central plot point and sets up further conflict and suspense.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the characters face a new threat from the relic. The escalating tension and the characters' reactions drive the narrative forward and set up future conflicts.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique blend of supernatural elements and scientific rationality, creating an original and engaging premise. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination and fear in the face of the unknown threat, adding depth to their personalities. Dr. Warren's hallucinations and Captain Mitchell's leadership decisions reveal more about their characters.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Warren experiences hallucinations and shows vulnerability, while Captain Mitchell demonstrates leadership and decisiveness. The characters' reactions to the relic and the escalating tension hint at potential character development in future scenes.

Internal Goal: 9

The protagonist's internal goal is to maintain control and ensure the safety of the team amidst the escalating situation. This reflects his need for leadership and his fear of losing control in a dangerous environment.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal is to move the relic to a safer location to protect the team from its effects. This reflects the immediate challenge of dealing with the relic's unpredictable behavior.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is high, with the characters facing a dangerous and unknown threat from the relic. The escalating tension and the characters' conflicting opinions on how to deal with the situation create a sense of urgency and danger.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the relic's unpredictable behavior and the characters' conflicting beliefs creating obstacles for the protagonist. The audience is unsure of how the situation will unfold.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene as the characters face a dangerous and unknown threat from the relic. The isolation, hallucinations, and escalating tension raise the stakes and create a sense of urgency and danger.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing a new threat from the relic and setting up future conflicts. The characters' reactions and decisions drive the narrative forward and create suspense for the audience.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the relic's mysterious behavior and the characters' conflicting beliefs. The audience is unsure of what will happen next, adding to the tension.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between scientific rationality and supernatural beliefs. Dr. Warren's hallucinations and the relic's mysterious reactions challenge the protagonist's worldview of logic and control.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, anxiety, and determination in the characters and the audience. The characters' reactions to the relic and their personal experiences add emotional depth to the scene.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' fear and determination, as well as the urgency of the situation. The interactions between the team members add tension and move the scene forward.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, escalating conflict, and character dynamics. The mysterious nature of the relic and the characters' reactions keep the audience on edge.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with a gradual escalation of events leading to a climactic moment. The rhythm of dialogue and action keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting adheres to the conventions of the genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions. The dialogue is formatted effectively to convey tension and urgency.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful thriller, building tension through dialogue and action. The pacing and formatting enhance the atmosphere of uncertainty.

  • The scene begins with a sense of urgency and tension, which is well established through the description of the dimly lit room and the team's anxious demeanor. However, the dialogue feels somewhat stilted and expository, lacking the natural flow of conversation.
  • The scene relies heavily on exposition, with characters stating their experiences rather than showing them. For example, Dr. Warren simply says she has had hallucinations, instead of showing a glimpse of those hallucinations. This makes the scene feel less immersive and emotionally engaging.
  • The scene lacks a clear conflict or driving force. The team's decision to move the relic feels somewhat arbitrary and lacks a sense of urgency. It would be more impactful to have a specific threat or obstacle driving their actions.
  • The scene's climax with the lights flickering and the ominous hum feels somewhat sudden and anticlimactic. The buildup to this moment could be more gradual and suspenseful, adding to the tension.
  • The characters' reactions to the flickering lights and hum feel somewhat generic. Their fear is mentioned, but not fully explored. It would be more effective to show how their individual personalities and experiences shape their reactions.
  • The scene's ending feels abrupt and lacks a sense of closure. It would be beneficial to show the team moving the relic or taking some concrete action in response to the ominous events.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of characters stating their experiences, use dialogue, actions, and visual descriptions to bring those experiences to life. For example, show Dr. Warren having a brief hallucination, rather than simply telling us she's had them.
  • Introduce a clear conflict or driving force. This could be a deadline, a threat from the relic, or a disagreement between team members. Having a specific objective will create more tension and stakes.
  • Build suspense gradually. Don't rush the scene's climax. Use foreshadowing, sound effects, and other techniques to create a more gradual and unsettling build-up to the flickering lights and hum.
  • Explore the characters' individual reactions. Each team member should react differently to the ominous events, revealing their personalities and anxieties. This will make the scene more nuanced and engaging.
  • Create a sense of closure. Show the team moving the relic, preparing for a confrontation, or taking some other decisive action. Ending the scene with a sense of purpose and momentum will keep the audience engaged.

Scene 8 -  The Shadow in the Containment Building

With flashlights in hand Capt. Mitchell and Dr. Warren head
towards the containment building as the other teams members
look from various windows. The wind is howling and they have
to hang on to ropes between the two buildings.


Captain Mitchell, Dr. Warren reach the containment building.
The hum grows louder, more insistent, and shadows flicker at
the edges of their vision.

(struggling to focus)
Do you feel that? It’s like... it’s
trying to get inside my head.

(gritting his teeth)
Just keep moving. We need to get
this thing as far away as possible.

Don’t you feel it?

No. For some reason it is focused
on you, but we don’t have time to
worry about that now. We need to
get this thing outside.

They secure the relic in a bag and head towards the exit

Here, let me carry it
since it is not going
after me.

They start for the exit door. As Captain Mitchell opens it,
the door slams shut. He tries to open it

It must be the storm. You’ll need
to hold the relic so I can force it

As he turns to hand the relic to Dr. Warren, the both see a
distorted, shadowy figure standing there, eyes glowing with
an unnatural light.

(whispering in a chilling
You cannot escape us. This place is
ours now.

What is that? Is it real?

(stepping forward)
Back away slowly.

He pulls out his service weapon and fires two shots into the
figure while trying to retreat. The figure lunges forward,
dissolving into a swarm of dark, spectral forms that envelop
the corridor. Screams echo as the shadows pass through them,
leaving icy, burning pain in their wake. The brush themselves
off while Dr. Warren screams. Captain Mitchell rushes to hold
her. The Ice Phantom is gone. Capt. Mitchell grabs the
relics and forces the door open.

(Smiles)Well, at least you are no
longer the only one seeing
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren enter a containment building, encountering a strange hum and unsettling shadows. Dr. Warren is affected by the hum, but Captain Mitchell ignores it, focusing on securing a relic. As they try to leave, the storm traps them inside. A shadowy figure with glowing eyes appears, warning them that the place belongs to it. Captain Mitchell fires at the figure, but it dissolves into spectral forms, attacking them with fear and pain. The figure vanishes, and Captain Mitchell forces open the door, leaving them to confront the unknown dangers that lie ahead.
  • Effective blending of genres
  • Suspenseful atmosphere
  • High emotional impact
  • Strong character development
  • Some cliched horror elements
  • Slightly predictable plot twists


Overall: 9

The scene effectively combines elements of science fiction, horror, and thriller genres to create a suspenseful and terrifying atmosphere. The use of hallucinations, a shadowy figure, and a relic with mysterious powers adds depth and intrigue to the storyline. The pacing is well-executed, keeping the audience engaged and on edge throughout.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a team of researchers encountering supernatural phenomena and facing a mysterious relic with dangerous powers is intriguing and well-executed. The scene effectively blends elements of science fiction, horror, and thriller genres to create a unique and engaging narrative.

Plot: 9

The plot of the scene is gripping and intense, with the characters facing supernatural threats and struggling to contain the dangerous relic. The escalating tension and the introduction of the shadowy figure add depth and complexity to the storyline, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on supernatural elements, blending suspense and horror with a sense of mystery and danger. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters in the scene are well-developed and each has a distinct role to play in the unfolding events. Dr. Warren's fear and vulnerability, Captain Mitchell's determination and leadership, and Elena's support and resourcefulness add depth and complexity to the narrative.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Warren experiences a significant change in the scene, as she confronts her fears and vulnerabilities while facing the supernatural threats. Her interactions with Captain Mitchell and Elena also reveal new aspects of her character, adding depth and complexity to her arc.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to maintain composure and focus in the face of a supernatural threat. This reflects their deeper need for control and protection, as well as their fear of losing their sanity or being overwhelmed by the unknown.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to remove the relic from the containment building and escape the supernatural threat. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect themselves and others.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict in the scene is high, with the characters facing supernatural threats, hallucinations, and the dangerous relic. The introduction of the shadowy figure and the escalating tension create a sense of urgency and danger that drives the narrative forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing a supernatural threat that challenges their beliefs and puts them in danger, creating uncertainty and suspense for the audience.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes in the scene are high, as the characters face supernatural threats, hallucinations, and the dangerous relic. The escalating tension and the introduction of the shadowy figure raise the stakes even further, creating a sense of urgency and danger that keeps the audience engaged.

Story Forward: 9

The scene effectively moves the story forward, as the characters confront supernatural threats, face the dangers of the relic, and struggle to contain the escalating situation. The introduction of the shadowy figure and the revelation of the relic's powers add new layers to the narrative, driving the plot forward.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden appearance of the shadowy figure and the unexpected twist with the Ice Phantom, keeping the reader guessing about what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between the characters' rational understanding of the situation and the supernatural forces at play. This challenges their beliefs in science and logic, forcing them to confront the existence of the unknown.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene has a high emotional impact, with the characters experiencing fear, dread, and tension as they confront supernatural threats and face the unknown. The audience is drawn into the characters' struggles and fears, creating a sense of unease and suspense.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue in the scene effectively conveys the characters' emotions, fears, and motivations. The interactions between the characters are tense and suspenseful, adding to the overall atmosphere of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, intense dialogue, and supernatural elements that keep the reader on edge.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building suspense and tension gradually, leading to a climactic confrontation with the supernatural threat.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear descriptions and dialogue that enhance the atmosphere and tension of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful and supernatural genre, building tension and mystery as the characters face a supernatural threat.

  • The scene begins with a lack of clarity. It's unclear what the characters are doing or why they are going to the containment building. The initial dialogue feels forced and doesn't reveal much about the characters or the situation.
  • The description of the hum and flickering shadows feels generic and lacks specific details to create a sense of dread or urgency. The line "It's like... it's trying to get inside my head" is too vague and doesn't effectively convey the intensity of the experience.
  • The dialogue about the relic's focus on Dr. Warren is confusing and doesn't advance the plot. Why is the relic focused on her, and what does it mean for the story? The line "We don't have time to worry about that now" is a weak excuse for avoiding exposition and doesn't create a sense of urgency.
  • The action of securing the relic in a bag is too mundane and doesn't create any tension. The line "Here, let me carry it since it is not going after me" is cliché and doesn't demonstrate any real danger or consequence.
  • The door slamming shut and the character's reaction are too predictable. The dialogue about the storm is a lazy explanation and doesn't create any suspense. The line "You'll need to hold the relic so I can force it open" is clunky and doesn't showcase any real struggle or tension.
  • The introduction of the shadowy figure is rushed and doesn't create enough impact. The dialogue "You cannot escape us. This place is ours now" is too generic and doesn't effectively establish the figure's power or threat.
  • The characters' reactions to the figure are flat and lack emotional depth. The dialogue "What is that? Is it real?" is too basic and doesn't reveal any fear or anxiety. The line "Back away slowly" is a weak attempt to establish a sense of danger.
  • The use of the word "phantom" is unnecessary and feels like an attempt to add mystery without actually creating it. The description of the figure dissolving into spectral forms is too vague and doesn't create any visual imagery.
  • The description of the shadows passing through them and leaving pain is too abstract and doesn't convey the intensity of the experience. The line "The Ice Phantom is gone" is a weak ending to the encounter and doesn't create any sense of closure.
  • The dialogue "Well, at least you are no longer the only one seeing hallucinations" is a weak attempt at humor and feels out of place in the context of the scene.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective and doesn't contribute significantly to the overall plot. The encounter with the shadowy figure feels like a random event that doesn't move the story forward.
  • Start the scene with a clear objective for the characters. What is their mission? Why are they going to the containment building? What are they trying to accomplish? This will give the scene a sense of purpose and urgency.
  • Focus on specific details that create a sense of dread and isolation. Describe the hum as a low, guttural sound that vibrates through the floor and walls. Describe the flickering shadows as grotesque shapes that twist and contort, reaching out towards the characters.
  • Develop the dialogue to reveal more about the characters and their relationship. Have Dr. Warren describe her experience in more detail and explore the fear she feels. Let Captain Mitchell show his concern for her safety, but also his determination to complete the mission.
  • Create a more believable and engaging conflict between the characters and the relic. Perhaps the relic is emitting a powerful energy that is draining them or manipulating their thoughts. Or maybe it is controlling the building itself, preventing them from leaving.
  • Build suspense by gradually revealing the shadowy figure. Start with a subtle movement at the edge of their vision, then a whisper in the darkness, and finally a full-bodied reveal that leaves the characters terrified.
  • Use vivid descriptions and sensory details to bring the encounter to life. Describe the figure's eyes as glowing red embers, its voice as a raspy growl, and the spectral forms as icy claws that tear at their flesh.
  • End the scene with a sense of uncertainty and dread. Perhaps the shadowy figure disappears but leaves behind a lingering presence that chills the characters to the bone. Or maybe the characters escape the containment building but are left haunted by their experience.
  • Rework the dialogue to be more natural and engaging. Avoid clichés and unnecessary exposition. Let the characters' emotions drive the conversation and reveal their vulnerabilities.

Scene 9 -  Buried Secrets, Unseen Threats

Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren struggle through the
worsening weather, carrying the relic. They find a spot a
short distance from the building and start digging

Hurry, we don’t have much time.

They bury the relic, covering it with as much snow and ice as
they can. The eerie glow fades as they finish.

Let’s get back inside.


The team regroups in the main research building, huddled
around a table. Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren, covered in
snow and visibly shaken, recount the events.

Did burying it work?

(tired, but resolute)
For now. But we’re not out of the
woods yet. We need to figure out
what we’re dealing with and how to
stop it permanently.

And where the creature who made
those footprints ended up.

The relic seems to be connected to
these... entities. We need to study
it further, but from a safe
distance. Maybe there’s something
in our data that can help us
understand its origin and purpose.

What do you mean entities.

I experienced a hallucination at
the same time as Dr. Warren. I
fired several rounds into it but
the phantom or whatever it was,

And if those things come back, we
need to be prepared. We’ll set up a
perimeter and keep watch in shifts.

(voice shaking)
What if burying it just made things

We’ll deal with it as it comes.
Right now, we need to stay calm,
stay together, and stay vigilant.
This isn’t over, but we’re not
giving up.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary After a chilling encounter with a mysterious relic, Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren bury it in the snow, enduring strange weather and an eerie glow. The team, shaken by the experience and fearful of unseen entities, convenes to discuss their findings. Despite the threat, they decide to monitor the relic and set up a perimeter for protection, emphasizing the importance of unity and vigilance in the face of the unknown.
  • Building tension and suspense
  • Eerie atmosphere
  • Mysterious concept
  • Character interactions and conflicts
  • Character development could be further explored
  • Some dialogue could be more impactful


Overall: 9

The scene effectively builds tension and mystery, keeping the audience engaged with its eerie atmosphere and escalating conflict. The introduction of the relic and its influence on the characters adds depth to the story and sets up intriguing possibilities for future developments.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of an alien relic with mysterious powers that influence the characters is compelling and well-executed. The scene effectively introduces this concept and sets up potential conflicts and resolutions, driving the narrative forward.

Plot: 8

The plot of the scene revolves around the team's efforts to contain and understand the relic's influence, leading to escalating tension and conflict. The introduction of hallucinations and the mysterious figure add layers to the plot, keeping the audience engaged and eager to see how the situation unfolds.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the 'mysterious relic' trope by blending elements of science fiction and horror with a focus on character dynamics and philosophical themes.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters in the scene show determination, fear, and confusion in the face of the relic's influence. Dr. Warren's hallucinations and Captain Mitchell's steadfastness add depth to their personalities, but there is room for further development and exploration of their motivations and relationships.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell show signs of change in the scene, with Dr. Warren experiencing hallucinations and Captain Mitchell facing the unknown with determination. These changes set up potential character arcs and growth as they confront the relic's influence and the mysterious entities connected to it.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to maintain composure and leadership in the face of uncertainty and danger. This reflects their need for control and their fear of failure.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to protect the team from the unknown threat posed by the relic and entities. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to find a solution.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The scene is filled with internal and external conflicts, as the characters face the influence of the relic, hallucinations, and the mysterious figure. The escalating tension and fear create a sense of urgency and danger, driving the narrative forward and keeping the audience on edge.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing unknown threats and challenges that raise the stakes and create conflict.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, as the characters face the unknown powers of the relic, hallucinations, and the mysterious figure. The escalating tension and danger create a sense of urgency and fear, raising the stakes and setting up potential consequences for the characters and the story.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly, introducing the relic's influence, escalating tension, and potential conflicts. The characters' actions and decisions set up future developments and resolutions, driving the narrative forward and keeping the audience engaged.

Unpredictability: 8

The scene is unpredictable in terms of the outcome of burying the relic and the potential return of the entities, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the unknown nature of the entities and the relic, challenging the characters' beliefs about the world and their understanding of reality.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, tension, and confusion in the characters and the audience, creating an emotional impact that heightens the suspense and mystery. The hallucinations and the encounter with the mysterious figure add layers of emotion and fear, engaging the audience on an emotional level.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue in the scene effectively conveys the characters' emotions, fears, and determination. The interactions between the team members reveal their concerns and the escalating tension, driving the narrative forward and setting up future conflicts.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its suspenseful atmosphere, character dynamics, and the sense of impending danger.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' plight.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows standard screenplay formatting, making it easy to read and visualize the action.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear structure with a buildup of tension, character interactions, and a sense of urgency, fitting the genre expectations.

  • The scene starts with a bit of a slow pace. The frantic digging to bury the relic feels unnecessary, especially since we've already seen them try to move it and it's not particularly clear what the consequences of leaving it in the open would be.
  • The dialogue in the briefing room feels a bit clunky. It's mostly exposition and doesn't have much forward momentum. There's not much tension or conflict in this scene, it's mostly just them reacting to the previous events.
  • The 'entities' thing is a bit vague. We need more concrete information about these creatures. What do they look like? What are their motivations? What are their powers? It feels like the writers are holding back too much information at this point, which can make the story feel less engaging.
  • The ending of the scene is a bit abrupt. It would be helpful to see a little more of the team's reaction to the situation. Are they really calm, or are they just trying to seem that way? Is there any disagreement about the best course of action?
  • The scene's pacing could be improved. The scene is mostly exposition and lacks much action. The scene would be stronger if the dialogue was tighter and the scene was more focused on the team's reactions and fears.
  • Cut down on the exposition. The team is already aware of what happened in the previous scene, so there's no need to go over it all again. Focus on their reactions to the events.
  • Add conflict and tension. The team is in a dangerous situation. Is there any disagreement about how to proceed? Is there any tension between the members of the team?
  • Develop the creatures more. What are their powers? What are their motivations? What is their connection to the relic? The more specific you are about these creatures, the more engaging they will be.
  • Show the team's fear. They've just seen something terrifying. Show how it's affecting them. What are their immediate concerns? What are they afraid of?
  • End the scene on a stronger note. What is the team's plan? What are they going to do next? What are they afraid of? Leave the audience with a sense of suspense and anticipation.

Scene 10 -  The Relic's Grip

From the safety of the main research building, the team can
see a faint glow coming from beneath the ice where the relic
is buried. A low, pulsing sound resonates through the walls,
sending chills down their spines.

Do you hear that? The relic... it’s
still active.

Stay focused. We need answers, and
fast. Keep monitoring the area and
report any changes immediately.
Gather your weapons and lets meet
in the cafeteria. We need to eat
and build up our strength.

The team disperses, gathering weapons and equipment,
preparing for the unknown horrors that lie ahead. The wind
howls outside, carrying with it the whispers of the unseen
entities, a reminder that the nightmare is far from over.


Most of the team gathers in the cafeteria, armed and on edge.
Captain Mitchell stands at the head of the table, trying to
project calm and authority.

Alright, everyone. We need to piece
together how this all started.
Maybe understanding the sequence of
events will give us some clues on
how to deal with this.

We should start from the beginning.
Elena, you first noticed the radio
waves, right?

(taking a deep breath)
Yes. About two weeks ago, I picked
up an unusual frequency on the
radio. It was faint, but it was
there. I tracked it to the north,
towards the glacier.

(leaning forward)
And that’s when we decided to
investigate. We thought it might be
a natural phenomenon, or at least
something explainable.


We took the snowcats and followed
the signal. The further we went,
the stronger the signal became.
Until we found the tracks in the

Yeah, those tracks... they weren’t
human. Too big, too deep. And they
led us to that impact site.

The remains of the alien ship were
scattered across the ice.
It was clear that it had been there
for a long time, buried under the
snow. That’s when we found the
relic and noticed footprints
leading around from the crash site.

I remember touching the block of
ice trying to get a better look at
the object. The moment I did, I
felt... something. Like a surge of
energy. The hallucinations started
once I got back here.

But why didn’t the relic affect us
right after the crash? And, why
does it create hallucinations to
just you and Captain Mitchell

All good questions.
Maybe the relic was dormant until
we disturbed it. Or maybe it’s
reacting to our presence, feeding
off our fear and emotions.

Whatever the case, we need to
figure out how to neutralize it.
Understanding its origin and
purpose is our best shot. We need
to keep our heads and work

Agreed. We should go through our
data, see if there’s anything we
missed. Any patterns or clues that
could help us.

(standing up)
I’ll start analyzing the radio
waves again. Maybe there’s
something in the signal that we

Good. The rest of you, keep a close
watch. Report any changes, no
matter how small. And stay armed.
We don’t know what else might be
out there.

I'd like to make an additional
proposal. We need to re-examine the
crash site after the storm.
Hopefully, some of the craft will
still be visible, and we can
attempt to determine the direction
the occupant took.

Everyone glances at each other and then focuses on Captain

Let's table that idea until we get
through this storm.

The team disperses, each member taking on their assigned
tasks. The atmosphere is tense, but there’s a renewed sense
of purpose. Outside, the glow beneath the ice pulses
ominously, a constant reminder of the lurking danger.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary In the dimly lit cafeteria, a tense team gathers, armed and wary. Captain Mitchell leads a discussion about the relic's discovery and its unsettling effects, with Dr. Warren detailing the initial findings and Dr. Alice Warren recounting her experience with disturbing hallucinations. The team grapples with the relic's enigmatic power, debating its true nature and its potential danger. Despite uncertainty, they resolve to work together to understand the threat and find a way to neutralize it. The scene ends with a renewed sense of purpose, as the team prepares to face the unknown.
  • Building tension and suspense
  • Effective genre blending
  • Compelling mystery and intrigue
  • Strong teamwork dynamics
  • Some dialogue may feel exposition-heavy
  • Limited exploration of individual character arcs


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a compelling mystery surrounding the relic and its influence on the characters. The combination of genres and the focus on teamwork and problem-solving enhance the overall impact.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of an alien relic with mysterious powers and the team's efforts to understand and contain it is intriguing and well-executed. The scene effectively introduces and develops this concept, setting up further exploration in the story.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the team discusses the relic's origins, its effects on the characters, and their plan to deal with it. The introduction of new information and the decision to relocate the relic add depth to the storyline.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the sci-fi horror genre by combining elements of mystery, teamwork, and alien relics in a remote setting. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination, curiosity, and fear in the face of the unknown. Their interactions and decision-making reflect their individual strengths and vulnerabilities, adding depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 6

Dr. Warren experiences hallucinations and fear due to the relic's influence, showing vulnerability and resilience. Captain Mitchell demonstrates leadership and decisiveness in the face of danger, adapting to the evolving situation.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to understand and neutralize the alien relic, reflecting their desire for safety and control in a dangerous situation.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to piece together how the events started and find clues on how to deal with the situation, reflecting their immediate challenge of surviving and solving the mystery.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

The scene contains internal and external conflicts, including the team's struggle to deal with the relic's effects, the mysterious entities, and the impending storm. The tension and uncertainty create a sense of danger and urgency.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing unknown threats, internal conflicts, and the challenge of solving the mystery of the alien relic.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as the team faces unknown dangers, the influence of the relic, and the impending storm. The characters' lives and the success of their mission are at risk, adding tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing new information about the relic, the entities, and the team's plan to address the situation. The decision to relocate the relic and the team's preparations for the storm set up future developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unknown nature of the threats, the mystery surrounding the alien relic, and the unexpected twists in the characters' discoveries.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the unknown and the fear of the unseen entities, challenging the protagonist's beliefs about the natural world and their ability to control their environment.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes fear, curiosity, and determination in the characters and the audience. The characters' reactions to the relic's influence and the unknown entities add emotional depth to the narrative.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' emotions, motivations, and the urgency of the situation. The exchanges between team members reveal their concerns, theories, and plans, driving the scene forward.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, teamwork dynamics, and the mystery surrounding the alien relic. The dialogue and actions of the characters keep the audience invested in the unfolding events.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension, allowing for character interactions, and maintaining a sense of urgency in solving the mystery.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a sci-fi horror genre, with a buildup of tension, character interactions, and a focus on solving the mystery of the alien relic.

  • The scene feels a bit exposition heavy and lacks a driving conflict. While it's important to establish the backstory, the scene could benefit from more tension and action.
  • The dialogue feels a bit too much like a report and lacks the natural flow of conversation. It would be more engaging if the characters interacted more naturally, perhaps with some banter or moments of doubt.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective. The team gathers, discusses the past, but what is their immediate goal? They need a specific task to keep the scene moving forward.
  • The ending feels a bit abrupt. The scene could end on a more compelling note, leaving the reader with a lingering sense of uncertainty or anticipation.
  • The scene feels somewhat repetitive in terms of dialogue. The characters frequently reiterate the same points, which can be tedious for the reader.
  • The use of 'Team Member #1' and 'Team Member #2' lacks individuality. Give them names or more distinctive characteristics to make them memorable and enhance the story.
  • The scene relies too heavily on the 'show, don't tell' approach. While this is generally good advice, it can be overused. The scene could benefit from some internal monologue to provide insight into the characters' thoughts and emotions.
  • The scene's pacing is uneven. There are moments of fast-paced dialogue, followed by long stretches of narration and exposition. The pacing could be more consistent for a more engaging experience.
  • Introduce a conflict. Perhaps a new development, a change in the relic's activity, or a disagreement among the team members.
  • Develop the characters' relationships. Add some humor or tension to their interactions to make them feel more real and engaging.
  • Give the team a specific goal for the scene. Maybe they need to gather data, secure a location, or find a way to communicate with the outside world.
  • Use action to build suspense. The scene mentions the team gathering weapons, but there's no sense of action or threat. Show them preparing, testing equipment, or reacting to a potential danger.
  • Emphasize the visual and sensory details. The scene mentions the glow and the pulsing sound, but it could be more immersive by using stronger imagery and descriptions.
  • Give the team members names or distinguishing traits. This will help the reader remember them and relate to them as individuals.
  • Add some internal monologue to reveal the characters' thoughts and fears. This will help the reader understand their motivations and connect with them on a deeper level.
  • Refine the pacing. Vary the length of sentences and paragraphs, and use dialogue to drive the action forward. Consider adding a dramatic moment or a shift in the scene's energy to break up the monotony.

Scene 11 -  Race Against the Storm

The next morning dawns uneventfully. Captain Mitchell
addresses the team.

I've considered Dr. Lee's motion to
reinvestigate the crash site. Elena
has reported that we will have a
four-hour window of opportunity
with the storm, but we must return
quickly before the main thrust hits

The team nods in agreement and prepares to head out.


As they approach the crash site, the wind picks up, howling
through the trees, and visibility starts to decrease. The
snow crunches under their boots, creating an eerie silence
between gusts of wind.

Stay close, everyone. We don't have
much time.

At the crash site, they find very little due to the fallen
snow. No footprints are visible, but Dr. Warren points in the
direction where she last saw them.

This is where the footprints were
last visible before the snow
covered them.

Suddenly, a distant noise catches their attention, sounding
like metal scraping against metal. The team freezes,
exchanging worried glances.

Did you hear that?

Stay alert. It could be anything.

The wind intensifies, and the sound grows louder, echoing
through the snowy landscape. They inch forward cautiously,
hearts pounding.

We should keep going. There might
be more clues just ahead.

Dr. Lee, we have to stick to the
plan. The storm window is closing

Reluctantly, they start to retreat, the mysterious noise
still lingering in the air.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Mystery"]

Summary Facing a looming blizzard, Captain Mitchell gives the team a four-hour window to reinvestigate the crash site. Despite the harsh weather and limited visibility, they push forward, searching for clues. A mysterious scraping sound fuels their curiosity, but the approaching storm forces them to retreat, leaving the source of the noise a chilling mystery.
  • Building tension and suspense
  • Intriguing concept of alien artifacts and relics
  • Establishing a sense of mystery and danger
  • Character depth and development could be further explored
  • Dialogue could be more character-specific and emotionally resonant


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and mystery, keeping the audience engaged with the unfolding events and the ominous atmosphere.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of investigating an alien crash site and dealing with a mysterious relic that affects the characters is intriguing and well-executed.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as the team explores the crash site and encounters strange phenomena, adding layers of mystery and suspense.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a familiar setting of a crash site investigation in a snowy landscape but adds a fresh element of a looming storm and mysterious noises, creating a sense of unpredictability and tension. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the scene's originality.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination and concern as they navigate the dangerous situation, but there could be more depth and development in their interactions.

Character Changes: 6

There are subtle hints of character growth and internal conflict, but more explicit changes and development could enhance the scene.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to uncover the truth behind the crash site and potentially find clues that could lead to a resolution. This reflects their desire for closure and answers in the face of uncertainty and danger.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal is to investigate the crash site within the limited time frame before the storm hits. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to act quickly to gather information.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between the team's curiosity to investigate further and the impending storm creates a sense of urgency and danger.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, as the characters face multiple challenges, including the limited time frame, the harsh weather conditions, and the unknown threat of the mysterious noise. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the characters will overcome these obstacles.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes are established through the team's dangerous investigation in the midst of a storm, facing unknown threats and supernatural phenomena.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing more about the relic and setting up further mysteries and conflicts for the team to face.

Unpredictability: 8.5

This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden appearance of mysterious noises and the characters' uncertain reactions to the unknown threat. The audience is left wondering about the source of the noise and its implications for the team's safety.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between Dr. Lee's desire to continue investigating for potential clues and Captain Mitchell's insistence on sticking to the plan and prioritizing safety. This conflict challenges the protagonist's beliefs about risk-taking and following orders in a crisis.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of unease and tension, but could enhance emotional impact through deeper character development and interactions.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency and tension of the situation, but could benefit from more character-specific voices and emotional depth.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, suspenseful atmosphere, and intriguing mystery surrounding the crash site. The characters' interactions and the looming threat of the storm keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8.5

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with a gradual increase in urgency as the characters investigate the crash site and encounter the mysterious noise. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with proper scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting that enhances readability.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful investigation sequence, with a clear setup, rising tension, and a cliffhanger ending that leaves the audience wanting more.

  • The scene starts with a rather uneventful beginning. The dialogue is functional but lacks tension or intrigue. It feels more like a setup for action than an engaging scene in itself.
  • The scene heavily relies on telling instead of showing. While it mentions the storm's intensity and limited visibility, it doesn't fully immerse the reader in the environment. We don't experience the wind's force, the snow's depth, or the team's struggle against the elements.
  • The sound of metal scraping is an interesting hook, but it doesn't feel fully developed. We don't get a sense of urgency or immediate threat. It feels more like a plot device than a real-world sound that would have an impact on the characters.
  • The scene lacks character development and internal conflict. We see the team reacting to the sound, but we don't get a sense of their individual anxieties or motivations. It feels like a collective response rather than a portrayal of individual characters.
  • The ending of the scene is abrupt. The team retreats without a clear sense of resolution. It leaves the reader wondering what happens next and what the significance of the sound is.
  • The scene lacks a strong visual sense. While it mentions snow, wind, and trees, it doesn't create a vivid picture for the reader. There's a lack of sensory details that would immerse the reader in the scene.
  • Start the scene with a more engaging visual or sound that immediately pulls the reader in. For example, show the team struggling through the blizzard, battling the wind, and fighting for visibility.
  • Use more sensory details to describe the environment. Focus on the wind's force, the snow's texture, the temperature's chill, and the sounds of the storm. Use figurative language to enhance the scene's impact.
  • Show the team's individual reactions to the sound of metal scraping. How does each member react? Are they cautious, panicked, curious? Highlight their different personalities and anxieties.
  • Develop the scene's conflict. What is at stake for the team? Are they afraid of what they might find? What are they hoping to discover? Show the team's internal struggle and their decision-making process.
  • End the scene on a stronger note. Perhaps they find something more ominous than just the sound, or a sense of foreboding lingers as they retreat. Leave the reader with a lingering question or a sense of anticipation.
  • Consider using flashbacks or internal monologues to flesh out the characters' backstories and their motivations for being in this situation.

Scene 12 -  Storm of Terror

As they return to the research facility, Dr. Lee is visibly
upset, wanting to continue further in the direction of the
former footprints.

We should have gone further. We
might have found something

I understand your frustration, Dr.
Lee, but we can't risk getting
caught in the storm. We’ll reassess
our approach once it passes.

Captain's right. Safety first.
We'll get another chance.

I just hope we don't miss something


The team is back at the research facility. The wind howls
outside, and the storm intensifies.

Alright, everyone, stay vigilant.
The storm is getting worse, and we
need to be prepared for anything.

The team nods and disperses. The scene shifts to the
containment building where two security team members,
JENKINS, twenty-something, black, and DAVIS, twenty-
something, Asian, stand guard at an access point.


Jenkins peers out into the swirling snow. He shouts to Davis.

I hate this weather. Gives me the

Just stay focused. Captain wants us
on high alert.

Suddenly, a loud thud is heard against the side of the
building. Both guards jump, exchanging wary glances.

Did you hear that?

Yeah, stay sharp.

Another thud, louder this time, followed by the sound of
scraping metal. Jenkins raises his flashlight, pointing it
towards the noise.

What the hell is that?

Before Davis can respond, a massive shadow looms outside the
window. The glass shatters, and a grotesque, otherworldly
creature bursts through, snarling. It stands over 10 feet
tall, solid and menacing, with eyes glowing a fiery red. Its
skin is a sickly gray, covered in jagged scales and oozing
sores. Long, sharp claws extend from its gnarled hands, and
its mouth is filled with rows of needle-like teeth.

Jenkins, get back!

The creature lunges at Jenkins, who tries to raise his
weapon, but it’s too late. The creature's claws slash through
him, and he falls to the ground, lifeless. Davis fires his
weapon, but the creature barely flinches.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror"]

Summary As a raging snowstorm forces a research team to retreat from a site containing mysterious footprints, two security guards, Jenkins and Davis, are left behind to watch over a containment building. The storm intensifies, and a grotesque creature bursts through a window, attacking the guards. Jenkins is killed, leaving Davis to fight for his life as the scene ends.
  • Building tension
  • Introducing a new threat
  • Creating a sense of danger and urgency
  • Possible lack of character development for secondary characters
  • Limited exploration of the creature's origins


Overall: 9

The scene effectively builds tension and fear through the introduction of the monstrous creature and the escalating storm. The stakes are high, and the atmosphere is intense, keeping the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of an alien encounter in the midst of a storm is intriguing and adds a new layer of danger to the story. The introduction of the creature raises the stakes and creates a sense of urgency.

Plot: 9

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the team encounters the creature and faces a new threat. The tension is high, and the stakes are raised, pushing the story forward in an exciting direction.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique and mysterious creature, adding a fresh element to the familiar setting of a research facility during a storm. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and suspense of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters react realistically to the escalating danger, showing fear and determination in the face of the unknown. Their actions drive the plot forward and add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters experience a shift in their perception of the situation as they encounter the creature, leading to a change in their approach and mindset.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Lee's internal goal is to uncover something important and not miss any crucial discoveries, reflecting his desire for scientific advancement and fear of missing out on valuable information.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to ensure the safety of the team and be prepared for any unexpected threats, reflecting the immediate challenge of the storm and potential dangers in the research facility.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense, as the team faces a deadly creature in the midst of a raging storm. The danger is palpable, and the stakes are high.

Opposition: 9

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the sudden appearance of the creature posing a significant threat to the characters and creating uncertainty about their survival.

High Stakes: 10

The stakes are incredibly high in this scene, as the team faces a deadly creature in the midst of a storm. Their survival is at risk, adding a sense of urgency and danger to the situation.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing a new threat and raising the stakes for the team. It sets the stage for further developments and challenges.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden appearance of the creature and the unexpected turn of events, creating tension and suspense.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between the desire for scientific discovery and the need for safety and caution. Dr. Lee's eagerness to explore clashes with Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren's prioritization of safety.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear and tension in the audience, creating an emotional impact that keeps them engaged. The characters' reactions add depth to the emotional intensity of the scene.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' fear and urgency in the situation. It adds to the suspense and tension of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, fast-paced action, and introduction of a mysterious creature, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a gradual buildup to the action sequence and a cliffhanger ending that leaves the audience wanting more.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue format.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful sci-fi genre, with a buildup of tension, action sequence, and cliffhanger ending.

  • The scene begins with a bit of exposition that feels redundant. We already know that Dr. Lee wants to continue exploring the crash site, so the back-and-forth between him, Captain Mitchell, and Dr. Warren doesn't add much to the scene. It feels like a way to reiterate information we already know.
  • The scene then jumps to the containment building, which feels abrupt. A transition would help smooth out the change in location. It could be something as simple as a shot of the team moving through the facility, heading towards the containment building.
  • The dialogue between Jenkins and Davis feels clunky and expositional. It doesn't really advance the plot and mostly serves to reiterate information about the storm and the security alert.
  • The creature's appearance is described in great detail, which can be effective in a novel but feels a bit heavy-handed in a screenplay. The visual aspect of the creature is more important than a detailed description. Let the visuals speak for themselves.
  • The action of the creature attacking Jenkins is described, which is also better suited for a novel than a screenplay. Instead, we should see the attack unfold visually, with the focus on the creature's movements and Jenkins' reaction.
  • The scene ends abruptly with Davis firing his weapon. We don't see the outcome of the attack, and it leaves the audience hanging. This abrupt ending makes the scene feel incomplete and unresolved.
  • Cut the initial dialogue between Dr. Lee, Captain Mitchell, and Dr. Warren. Focus on showing their reactions to the approaching storm, highlighting Dr. Lee's frustration with having to retreat.
  • Transition smoothly between the research facility and the containment building. Use a visual transition, such as a shot of the team moving through the facility, to guide the audience to the new location.
  • Focus on visual action instead of descriptive dialogue. Show the guards' reactions to the noise, their attempts to investigate, and their fear as the creature appears.
  • Instead of describing the creature, use strong visual cues to create a sense of dread and terror. Focus on its menacing posture, glowing eyes, and jagged claws, allowing the audience to visualize the creature's horror.
  • Show the creature's attack on Jenkins visually. We should see the creature's movements, Jenkins' reaction, and the outcome of the attack. Don't rely on description.
  • End the scene with a visual that builds suspense and leaves the audience wanting more. For example, show Davis's reaction after firing his weapon, the creature's response, or the aftermath of the attack.

Scene 13 -  The Creature Awakens

An alarm blares, and red lights flash throughout the
facility. Captain Mitchell and the others rush towards the
containment building.

What’s happening? Report!

It’s the creature! It’s here!In the
containment building

As they reach the containment building, they find Davis,
badly wounded, struggling to keep the creature at bay. The
creature turns its attention towards them, eyes glowing

Fall back! Secure the area!

The team retreats, but the creature slashes at Davis,
dragging him through the broken window. His screams echo as
the team looks on in horror.

We have to stop it! We can’t let it
get to the relic!

That’s the last of our concerns.
Everyone, grab what you can. We
need to contain it before it
reaches the main facility!


The team regroups, breathing heavily.

We need to come up with a plan.
That thing is after the relic. If
it gets inside, we’re all dead.

We have to lure it away from the
building. Maybe we can trap it

But how? It’s too strong and fast.

We’ll use the emergency lockdown
system. Seal off sections of the
facility to contain its movements.
Dr. Warren, get to the secondary
control room and start the lockdown
sequence. The rest of us will try
to distract it.

Got it. Be careful, everyone.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary An alarm signals the creature's escape in a research facility. Captain Mitchell leads the team to the containment building, where they find Davis injured and under attack. The creature drags Davis through a window, leaving him fatally wounded. The team realizes the creature's target is the relic and retreats to devise a plan. Captain Mitchell orders the team to secure the facility and utilize the emergency lockdown system to contain the creature.
  • Intense atmosphere
  • High stakes
  • Team dynamics
  • Limited character development through dialogue
  • Some cliched elements


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, with a perfect blend of genres, intense tone, and high stakes. The fast-paced action and suspenseful atmosphere make it a standout moment in the screenplay.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of an alien creature hunting the team for a mysterious relic is intriguing and well-executed. The use of the emergency lockdown system to contain the creature adds a layer of tension and strategy to the scene.

Plot: 9

The plot is driven by the team's desperate attempt to contain the alien creature and protect the relic. The escalating danger and the team's strategic decisions keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a unique creature and a high-tech research facility, adding a fresh twist to the familiar 'containment breach' scenario. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters show determination, fear, and teamwork in the face of a deadly threat. Each character's actions and reactions contribute to the tension and urgency of the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters show growth in their teamwork and decision-making skills as they face a deadly threat. The experience of confronting the alien creature and protecting the relic changes their approach to challenges.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to protect the relic and ensure the safety of the team. This reflects their deeper desire to be a strong leader and protect those under their command.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to contain the creature before it reaches the main facility and causes further harm. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to prevent a potential disaster.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the team and the alien creature, as well as the internal conflict of how to contain the threat, creates a high level of tension and suspense throughout the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the creature posing a significant threat to the characters and their goals. The audience is unsure of how the characters will overcome this obstacle.

High Stakes: 10

The stakes are incredibly high as the team faces a deadly alien creature that threatens their lives and the safety of the facility. The urgency to contain the threat and protect the relic adds to the intensity of the scene.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by introducing a new threat, escalating the danger, and forcing the team to make critical decisions. It sets the stage for further developments in the plot.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions of the creature and the characters' desperate attempts to contain it. The outcome is uncertain, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the value of sacrifice for the greater good. The characters must weigh the risk of sacrificing themselves to protect the relic and the facility against the potential consequences of letting the creature reach its goal.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, tension, and a sense of urgency, leading to a strong emotional impact on the audience. The characters' fear and determination resonate with the viewers.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused on conveying information, making strategic decisions, and expressing fear and urgency. While it serves its purpose effectively, there is room for more character development through dialogue.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and suspenseful atmosphere. The audience is drawn into the characters' struggle to contain the creature and protect the facility.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' struggle.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a high-stakes action sequence, with a clear setup, rising tension, and a resolution that sets up the next stage of the narrative.

  • The scene starts with a strong sense of urgency and danger as the team rushes towards the containment building, but it feels somewhat generic. The alarm and flashing red lights are common tropes, and the dialogue is a bit on the nose. A more unique element could be added to create a more memorable and impactful opening.
  • The introduction of the creature is rushed. It's described with menacing eyes, but the reader doesn't get a strong sense of its physicality or its threat level. Give us a better visual of the creature's presence. What are its physical characteristics? How does it move? This will make its attack more terrifying and believable.
  • The team's retreat is somewhat perfunctory. It lacks the tension and urgency that the situation demands. Consider adding more detail to the retreat. What obstacles do they encounter? How do they react to Davis's screams? This will create a more dynamic and emotionally resonant scene.
  • The scene ends abruptly with a rather generic call to action. We need to see more of the team's reaction to the creature's attack and its escape with Davis. What are their immediate thoughts? How does it affect their determination to protect the relic? This will create a more impactful ending and set up the next scene more effectively.
  • The dialogue in this scene is largely expository and lacks the emotional depth and tension that the situation demands. Explore the characters' internal thoughts and reactions to the creature's attack and the potential threat it poses. Use dialogue to reveal their fears, their motivations, and their sense of urgency.
  • The transition to the next scene is somewhat jarring. The scene ends on a note of urgency and danger, but then immediately shifts to a more contemplative tone. Consider adding a brief scene or dialogue exchange that connects the two scenes and creates a smoother transition.
  • Instead of simply saying 'the creature,' describe the creature's appearance and its movements. Give us a sense of its size, shape, and how it moves. It could be something grotesque and unsettling, or something more ethereal and frightening. This will create a more immersive and chilling experience for the reader.
  • Focus on the team's individual reactions to the creature's attack. How does each character react to the danger? Do they freeze? Do they act impulsively? What are their internal thoughts and feelings? This will create more emotional depth and make the characters feel more real.
  • Show the team's efforts to secure the facility. Do they activate emergency protocols? Do they try to contact the outside world? This will create a sense of urgency and action and show how the team is responding to the threat.
  • Instead of immediately jumping to the next scene, add a brief scene that shows the team's reaction to Davis's disappearance. Are they searching for him? Are they worried about his safety? This will create a more emotional connection with the audience and make the scene more impactful.
  • Explore the characters' internal thoughts and feelings through dialogue. How does Dr. Warren feel about the creature's threat to the relic? What is Captain Mitchell's plan for containing the creature? This will make the dialogue more engaging and revealing.
  • Consider adding a visual element to the scene that emphasizes the creature's threat. It could be a close-up of the creature's glowing eyes, a glimpse of its claws tearing through a wall, or a shot of the facility's security cameras showing its movements. This will create a more immersive and terrifying experience for the reader.

Scene 14 -  Containment and Counterattack

The team splits up, nerves on edge. As they approach the
creature, it roars, a bone-chilling sound that reverberates
through the building. Captain Mitchell fires a shot to get
its attention.

Hey! Over here, you ugly bastard!

The creature turns, snarling, and charges towards them. Dr.
Lee and the others throw objects and fire weapons to distract
it, drawing it away from the containment building.

It’s working! Keep moving!


Dr. Warren frantically types at the control panel, initiating
the lockdown sequence. Metal shutters begin to descend,
sectioning off parts of the facility.

Come on, come on...


The creature crashes into a sealed-off section, trapped
temporarily. It thrashes violently, trying to break free.

We’ve got it contained for now, but
we need a permanent solution.

We have to find a way to neutralize
it. Maybe something in the relic
can help us understand its

Alright, let's regroup and figure
out our next move. I have an
idea.Stay alert.


The team is huddled in the command center, catching their
breath. The containment building’s metal shutters hold, but
the creature’s roars and thrashing echo ominously as seen on
a video monitor.

Alright, we’ve got it contained for
now, but we need a way to
neutralize it permanently.

Its resilience is unlike anything
we’ve seen. Bullets barely slow it

We need to find its weakness, and

Maybe we’re approaching this the
wrong way. Bullets aren’t working,
but what about electricity?

Electricity? You think it could be
vulnerable to high voltage?

It’s worth a shot. A creature like
that, with its biological makeup,
might not handle an electrical
current well. We have tasers and
the electrical equipment in the
lab. We can rig something up.

It’s risky, but we don’t have many
options. If we can incapacitate it
long enough, maybe we can find a
more permanent solution.

I’ll need access to the lab’s power
grid. We can rig some high-voltage
conductors to act as makeshift

Good. Everyone, listen up. Dr.
Warren and I will work on the
electrical setup. The rest of you,
gather any tasers, stun guns, and
high-voltage equipment you can
find. We need to move fast before
it breaks through.

The team nods and springs into action, gathering equipment
and heading to the lab.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Faced with a dangerous creature trapped in a containment building, a team of researchers races to find a solution. Captain Mitchell proposes using high-voltage electricity to neutralize the creature, while Dr. Lee suggests using a relic to learn its weaknesses. Despite the risk, the team agrees to rig makeshift weapons and prepare to confront the creature.
  • Intense action
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Innovative solution to conflict
  • Strong teamwork dynamics
  • Limited character development
  • Some dialogue may feel cliché or predictable


Overall: 9

The scene effectively combines multiple genres, creates a high level of tension, and introduces a unique solution to the conflict, making it engaging and thrilling.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using electricity to combat the alien creature is innovative and adds a new layer of complexity to the scene. The containment crisis and the team's strategic approach enhance the overall concept.

Plot: 9

The plot is well-developed, with a clear goal of neutralizing the alien creature. The introduction of the high-voltage solution adds depth to the conflict and keeps the audience engaged.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique situation of a team facing a dangerous creature in a high-tech facility. The use of electricity as a weapon adds a fresh approach to the familiar theme of survival against a monster. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and suspense of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters show determination and teamwork in the face of danger. Each character has a specific role to play in the scene, contributing to the overall narrative.

Character Changes: 7

The characters demonstrate growth and adaptability as they face a new and deadly threat. Their quick thinking and teamwork show a change in their approach to challenges.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to protect their team and find a way to neutralize the creature. This reflects their deeper need for safety and security, as well as their desire to solve the problem and prevent harm to others.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to contain and neutralize the creature before it causes further harm or escapes. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect the facility and themselves.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense and high-stakes, as the team faces a dangerous alien creature that must be neutralized. The sense of danger and urgency drives the narrative forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the team facing a dangerous creature that poses a significant threat. The uncertainty of the outcome adds to the suspense and keeps the audience on edge.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, as the team must neutralize a dangerous alien creature before it breaks free and poses a threat to their lives. The sense of danger and urgency raises the stakes significantly.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by introducing a new conflict, developing a solution, and setting the stage for the next phase of the narrative. The team's actions and decisions drive the plot forward.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected use of electricity as a weapon against the creature. The outcome of the team's plan is uncertain, adding to the tension and suspense of the scene.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the ethical dilemma of using high-voltage electricity as a weapon against the creature. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the use of force and the potential consequences of their actions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, tension, and determination in the characters and the audience. The high-stakes situation and the team's struggle against the alien creature create a strong emotional impact.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused on problem-solving and strategy, reflecting the urgency of the situation. It effectively conveys the team's collaboration and determination.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, tense dialogue, and high stakes. The audience is drawn into the suspenseful situation and invested in the characters' efforts to contain the creature.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of action, dialogue, and suspenseful moments. The rhythm of the scene contributes to its effectiveness in building tension and engaging the audience.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with proper scene headings, action descriptions, and character dialogue. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear action beats, dialogue, and character interactions. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

  • The scene starts with a lot of action, but it feels rushed and lacks a clear sense of urgency. We see the team splitting up, firing shots, and throwing objects, but the stakes aren't immediately clear. It's a bit jarring to jump into the action without a better understanding of the creature's threat level or the team's objectives.
  • The transition to the control room and the lockdown sequence is sudden and abrupt. The scene could benefit from a smoother transition, showing Dr. Warren's reactions and perhaps a brief visual of the facility being sealed off.
  • The dialogue in the containment building feels a bit clunky and exposition-heavy. Lines like "It’s working! Keep moving!" and "We’ve got it contained for now, but we need a permanent solution" lack a natural flow and sound more like narrative summaries than genuine dialogue.
  • The scene in the command center is a bit repetitive. The team repeats information that was already established in the previous scenes, such as the creature's resilience and the need to neutralize it. This repetition slows down the momentum and makes the scene feel less engaging.
  • The idea of using electricity to neutralize the creature is a good one, but the scene doesn't fully explore its potential. The dialogue feels a bit too quick and straightforward. Instead of simply stating that electricity might be a good solution, the scene could benefit from a more dynamic exchange between the characters, exploring the pros and cons of this approach.
  • The scene ends abruptly, leaving the audience with a sense of unfinished business. The team springs into action, but we don't get to see them actually working on the electrical setup or gathering the equipment. The scene could benefit from a more visual representation of their preparation and a sense of anticipation for the next confrontation.
  • Start the scene with a more focused introduction of the creature's threat level. Perhaps show the team observing it from a distance, highlighting its size, strength, and behavior. This will create a greater sense of urgency and fear.
  • Add a visual element to the transition between scenes. For example, show the team moving through the facility as the metal shutters start to descend. This will help the audience understand the lockdown sequence and create a more immersive experience.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more natural and less exposition-heavy. Instead of stating facts, have the characters express their thoughts and emotions in a more organic way.
  • Remove unnecessary repetition. Focus on highlighting the new information or concerns introduced in the command center scene. For example, instead of repeating that the creature is resilient, focus on the new challenge of finding its weakness.
  • Expand on the dialogue about electricity. Have the characters discuss different electrical methods, their potential effectiveness, and the risks involved. This will create more tension and suspense and provide the audience with a better understanding of the plan.
  • End the scene with a more satisfying resolution. Instead of abruptly ending with the team springing into action, show them actually working on the electrical setup or gathering equipment. This will create a more visually engaging conclusion and leave the audience wanting to see what happens next.

Scene 15 -  Containment Breach

Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell work quickly, setting up
makeshift electrical weapons and connecting them to portable
power sources.

We’ll need to get close enough to
use these. The risk is high, but
it’s our best chance.

I know. We’ll coordinate our attack
and hit it with everything we’ve


The team, armed with the newly rigged electrical weapons,
approaches the containment building. The creature continues
to thrash and roar inside.

Alright, on my signal. We’ll hit it
from all sides. Be ready.

The team positions themselves around the containment
building’s entrance.


They burst in, weapons ready. The creature turns, snarling,
eyes glowing with rage.

Hit it with everything you’ve got!

The team unleashes a barrage of electrical currents. The
creature screeches in pain, convulsing as the electricity
courses through its body.

It’s working! Keep going!

The creature thrashes wildly but begins to weaken, its
movements becoming sluggish.

Don’t let up! We’re almost there!

Finally, the creature collapses, incapacitated by the
electrical assault. The team stands back, breathing heavily,
the air filled with the smell of ozone.

We did it. It’s down, but we need
to act fast. This might not last

Secure it and get ready for phase
two. We need to figure out how to
contain it permanently before it
regains strength.

Dr. Silva approaches the creature as the team celebrates,
exchanging relieved smiles, a low growl rumbles from the
creature. Its eyes snap open, glowing fiercely.

Oh no, it’s waking up!

Before anyone can react, the creature surges to its feet,
roaring in fury. It smashes through a nearby window with
terrifying strength, shards of glass flying everywhere.

It’s escaping! After it!
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Action"]

Summary Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell lead a team armed with electrical weapons to confront a roaring creature in a containment building. The creature is successfully incapacitated, bringing a moment of relief. However, it regains consciousness and breaks through a window, escaping. The scene ends with the team in pursuit, highlighting the creature's power and the danger it poses.
  • Tension-building
  • Action-packed
  • Innovative concept
  • Emotional impact
  • Limited character development
  • Slightly predictable outcome


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, with a perfect blend of tension, action, and horror elements. The use of electrical weapons and the unexpected twist at the end elevate the excitement and suspense.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of using makeshift electrical weapons to combat a terrifying alien creature is innovative and adds a fresh perspective to the typical alien encounter scenario. The scene effectively builds tension and keeps the audience invested in the outcome.

Plot: 8

The plot is well-executed, with a clear goal of neutralizing the creature using the electrical weapons. The escalating conflict and the unexpected twist at the end add depth and excitement to the scene.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a unique twist on the classic monster battle trope by incorporating high-tech weaponry and a sense of moral ambiguity in the characters' actions.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination and teamwork in facing the creature, but there is limited development or exploration of their individual personalities in this particular scene.

Character Changes: 6

While there is limited character development in this scene, the characters demonstrate bravery and teamwork in the face of danger, showing a willingness to adapt and strategize.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to overcome their fear and uncertainty in the face of a dangerous threat. They must find the courage to confront the creature and protect their team.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to defeat the creature and prevent it from escaping the containment building. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect others from harm.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense and high-stakes, as the team faces a terrifying creature and must work together to neutralize it before it escapes.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the creature posing a significant threat to the characters and creating a sense of danger and urgency.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes in the scene, including the threat of the creature escaping and endangering the team, add tension and urgency to the situation, raising the stakes for the characters.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by resolving the immediate threat of the creature while setting up new challenges and obstacles for the team to overcome.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twist at the end when the creature escapes, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' beliefs about the use of force and violence to achieve their goals. They must grapple with the ethical implications of using electrical weapons on the creature.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, determination, relief, and shock in the characters and the audience, heightening the emotional impact of the encounter with the creature.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency and tension of the situation, with characters coordinating their actions and reacting to the unfolding events.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and suspenseful atmosphere.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and concise action descriptions.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, building tension and conflict leading up to a climactic confrontation with the creature.

  • The scene's action feels rushed and lacks suspense. The team's victory over the creature feels unearned. It's a bit too easy, and it lacks the struggle that would make the moment more satisfying.
  • The pacing is too fast. The team quickly sets up weapons, attacks the creature, and then celebrates before the creature awakens. This rapid sequence of events doesn't allow for the tension to build, making the climax less impactful.
  • The dialogue feels too expositional and doesn't advance the plot or character development. It's mostly stating the obvious or providing information the audience already understands. For example, 'We did it. It’s down, but we need to act fast. This might not last long.' This could be conveyed through action or more nuanced dialogue.
  • The creature's escape is too abrupt. It feels like a deus ex machina, a sudden plot device used to restart the conflict without a good reason. The creature suddenly regaining strength out of nowhere weakens the scene and the overall narrative.
  • The celebration feels unearned and premature. They only incapacitated the creature, not defeated it permanently. A sense of urgency and caution should be present, as it's not yet clear if the creature is truly defeated.
  • The character motivations and reactions are not fully developed. Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell are the main characters in the scene, but their actions and reactions feel somewhat generic. The audience needs to see more of their internal struggle and emotions.
  • The scene lacks strong visuals. While there are some descriptions, the action is not brought to life vividly. For example, 'They burst in, weapons ready. The creature turns, snarling, eyes glowing with rage.' The action needs to be more detailed and engaging. It needs to show the danger of the creature and the team's effort to take it down.
  • The dialogue needs to be more dynamic and character-driven. It's mainly expositional, stating the obvious or providing information the audience already understands. For example, 'Hit it with everything you’ve got!' The dialogue should be more nuanced and reveal the characters' personalities and motivations.
  • The scene lacks a clear sense of stakes. The outcome doesn't seem to have any significant impact on the narrative or the characters' lives. The creature is too easily defeated and then easily escapes. The stakes should be raised, making the audience feel invested in the outcome.
  • Slow down the pacing. Allow the tension to build by showing the team's preparation, the struggle to set up the weapons, and the anticipation of the attack. Use more detail to show the threat posed by the creature, such as its strength, speed, and the danger it presents to the team.
  • Give the creature a more complex escape. It shouldn't be a sudden plot device. Instead, it should be a strategic move that showcases the creature's intelligence, adaptability, or other abilities.
  • Develop the characters' motivations and reactions. Show their internal struggles, fears, and emotions. For example, how does Dr. Warren feel about risking her life to attack the creature? What is Captain Mitchell's internal conflict as he faces this dangerous foe?
  • Add more visual detail. Use vivid language to bring the scene to life. Focus on the creature's physical characteristics, the effects of the electrical attacks, and the team's reactions to the creature's movements. This will create a more immersive experience for the audience.
  • Focus on the dialogue that reveals character and moves the plot forward. Use dialogue to reveal each character's personality, their motivations, their fears, and their relationships with each other. For example, Dr. Warren could express her doubt about the creature being truly defeated, while Captain Mitchell insists that they can't let up.
  • Raise the stakes. Make the creature a more formidable threat and highlight the dangers it poses. This will make the audience feel invested in the outcome and create a more compelling scene.
  • Consider rewriting the scene from a different perspective. What does the creature see and feel as it is attacked? This could add another layer of complexity to the scene and provide a deeper understanding of the creature's motivations.

Scene 16 -  Containment or Destruction: A Debate Under Pressure

The team scrambles to chase the creature as it disappears
into the darkness, its roars echoing through the night. The
storm rages on, making the pursuit even more perilous.

We can’t let it get away. Who knows
what it’ll do out there!

No! Wait. Everyone needs to return
to the facility. If we try to track
it down in the blizzard, we’re
playing into its hands. Back to the
facility now!


Everyone glances at each other, fear evident in their eyes.
Captain Mitchell senses the tension and breaks the silence.

Well, we kicked its ass for a
little while.

Everyone nervously laughs.

We need to get a hot meal in us and
come up with a different strategy.
What do you all say?

Without waiting for an answer, everyone begins making
themselves something to eat and drink.


Everyone is gathered in the dining room, eating and trying to
regain their strength. The atmosphere is tense but calm. Dr.
Lee approaches Dr. Alice Warren, who is sitting alone at a
table, deep in thought.

Alice, can I talk to you for a

Sure, Marcus. What’s on your mind?

I can't help but feel that we’re
missing out on a great opportunity

What do you mean?

You’re a xenobiologist. This
creature is unlike anything we’ve
ever encountered. We should be
trying to capture it, study it,
understand its biology and origins.

I understand that, Marcus. But it’s
dangerous. It already killed
Jenkins and wounded Davis. We can’t
risk any more lives.

I know it’s risky, but think about
the potential discoveries. This
could change everything we know
about extraterrestrial life. Isn’t
that worth the risk?

Of course, it’s worth it. But we
need to be smart about it. We can’t
just rush in blindly.

I’m not suggesting we be reckless.
But we have to consider the bigger
picture. This creature could hold
the key to so many questions we’ve
had for years. And you, of all
people, should be leading that

Marcus, it’s not just about the
science. This thing has already
killed one of our team members. We
can’t afford to lose anyone else.
It has to be destroyed.

But Alice, think of what we could
learn. We owe it to ourselves and
to science to at least try to
capture it.

And risk more lives? No, Marcus. My
responsibility is to this team. We
destroy it, and we ensure everyone
here stays alive.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity. We might never get
another chance like this.

I get that, but we’re not equipped
to handle this safely. The priority
is to protect everyone here. That
means neutralizing the threat.

I can’t believe you’re saying this.

I don’t like it any more than you
do, but it’s the reality we’re

Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee approach Captain Mitchell, who is
discussing the next steps with the team.

Captain, we need to talk. Lee and I
have been discussing our next move.

I’m listening.

We should try to capture the
creature. The scientific
implications are too great to

No, Captain. This thing has already
killed one of our team members.
It’s too dangerous. We need to
destroy it before it kills again.

I understand both sides, but we
can’t afford to lose any more
people. Safety comes first. We need
to find a way to neutralize this
creature once and for all.

This is a mistake. We’re letting
fear dictate our actions.

We’re letting common sense and
survival dictate our actions. It
has to be done.

Listen up, everyone. What we have
learned so far is that the creature
is only stunned when we use
conventional weapons on it. When we
hit it with electricity, that
seemed to temporarily incapacitate
it, but it quickly revived.
Frankly, I’m out of ideas.

He glances around the room, hoping to receive some input.

We need to think outside the box.
Maybe there’s something we haven’t
tried yet.

What about using higher voltage?
Something more powerful than what
we’ve used so far? Enough to really
knock it out.

That could work, but we need to be
sure we can handle it safely. Any
other ideas?

We could try a combination of
methods. Hit it with high voltage
and then contain it somehow.

What about good old fire?

A buzz breaks out among the team members as they consider the


Fire? It could work. Many creatures
have vulnerabilities to high heat.
We haven’t tried that yet.

It’s a possibility. But how do we
control it without burning down the

We could use portable flamethrowers
or set a controlled fire trap. We
need to think of a way to direct
the fire at the creature without
endangering ourselves or the

Maybe we can lure it into an area
where we’ve set up controlled burn
points. Use barriers to contain the
fire to that specific area.

It’s risky, but it might be our
best shot. We’ll need to be precise
and ensure we have fire suppression
ready in case it gets out of hand.

Alright, let’s gather all the fire-
based equipment we have and start
planning this out. We’ll set up a
trap and lure the creature in. But
remember, safety first. If anything
goes wrong, we switch to Plan B and
destroy it by any means necessary.

The team nods in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of
determination as they begin to strategize their next move.

Elena begins showing symptoms of the flu: coughing, runny
nose, fever.

Elena, come with me to sick bay.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary Faced with a dangerous creature, the team grapples with the decision of capture or destruction. Captain Mitchell prioritizes safety, Dr. Warren favors destruction for protection, and Dr. Lee advocates for scientific study. Despite the storm raging outside, they finally decide to trap the creature using fire-based equipment, putting safety first. As they begin strategizing, Elena shows signs of illness and is taken to the sick bay.
  • Tension-filled dialogue
  • Conflict among characters
  • Introduction of innovative weapon strategy
  • Some dialogue may feel repetitive or overly explanatory


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and conflict among the characters while moving the plot forward with the decision-making process regarding the creature. The introduction of the fire as a potential weapon adds an innovative twist to the situation.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of capturing or destroying the alien creature presents a moral and strategic dilemma for the characters, adding depth to the scene. The introduction of fire as a potential weapon is a creative and risky concept that raises the stakes.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as the team discusses and plans their next move regarding the creature, leading to a decision to use fire as a potential weapon. The conflict and tension among the characters drive the plot forward effectively.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the 'creature feature' genre by focusing on ethical dilemmas and moral choices rather than just survival. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show differing opinions and motivations regarding how to handle the creature, adding depth and conflict to the scene. Dr. Alice Warren's determination to prioritize safety and Dr. Lee's scientific curiosity create an engaging dynamic.

Character Changes: 6

Dr. Alice Warren's resolve to prioritize safety over scientific curiosity is reinforced in this scene, showcasing her character development. Dr. Lee's persistence in wanting to study the creature also adds depth to his character.

Internal Goal: 9

Dr. Alice Warren's internal goal is to protect her team members and ensure their safety. This reflects her deeper need for security and her fear of losing more lives under her leadership.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal is to neutralize the creature before it causes more harm. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing in dealing with a dangerous and unknown threat.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict among the characters regarding how to deal with the creature creates a high level of tension and drama in the scene. The differing opinions and motivations lead to a compelling conflict.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting viewpoints and moral dilemmas creating obstacles for the protagonist. The audience is unsure of how the conflict will be resolved.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team grapples with the decision of how to deal with a dangerous alien creature that has already caused harm. The potential risks and rewards of capturing or destroying the creature raise the stakes significantly.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by presenting the team with a crucial decision on how to handle the creature, leading to the introduction of a new strategy involving fire. The plot advances as the characters plan their next move.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected moral choices and conflicting viewpoints presented by the characters. The audience is unsure of how the situation will be resolved.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict is between Dr. Lee's desire for scientific discovery and Dr. Warren's prioritization of safety and survival. This challenges Dr. Warren's beliefs about the value of human life over scientific advancement.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes fear, determination, and conflict among the characters, engaging the audience emotionally. The high stakes and moral dilemmas add to the emotional impact.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the conflicting viewpoints and emotions of the characters, driving the decision-making process regarding the creature. The discussions are engaging and reveal the characters' personalities.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, moral dilemmas, and suspenseful atmosphere. The conflicting viewpoints and tense interactions keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a balance of dialogue and action to keep the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful thriller, with escalating tension, character conflicts, and a clear goal for the protagonist.

  • The scene opens with an exciting, action-packed moment, but quickly transitions to a more talky and contemplative tone. The pacing feels uneven, and the dramatic tension from the creature's escape is lost in the ensuing discussions.
  • The dialogue feels repetitive, with Dr. Lee and Dr. Warren reiterating their positions on capturing versus destroying the creature. While their contrasting viewpoints are clear, the repetition lessens the impact of their arguments.
  • The team's discussion about using fire to neutralize the creature feels rushed and underdeveloped. It lacks a sense of urgency and strategy. The dialogue focuses primarily on the challenges of using fire, but doesn't explore potential solutions or risks in detail.
  • The scene lacks a clear visual focus. The dialogue-heavy nature and lack of action scenes makes it challenging for the reader to imagine the setting and the team's interactions.
  • The scene introduces Elena's flu symptoms without fully integrating them into the plot. It feels like a random detail that could be developed further to introduce a new element of conflict or tension.
  • Consider shifting the focus back to the creature and its movements. Instead of lengthy discussions, show the team tracking the creature through the storm, using their skills and tools to follow its trail. Focus on the urgency and danger of the pursuit.
  • Explore the team's different ideas about dealing with the creature in more detail. Use dialogue to highlight the characters' individual skills, fears, and motivations. For example, Dr. Lee's passion for research could lead to an ethical dilemma, showcasing his character arc.
  • Develop the use of fire as a strategy more fully. Introduce specific obstacles and solutions to using fire in the confined space of the facility. Maybe the team needs to build a specialized trap, or they must consider the creature's potential resistance to fire.
  • Add more visual cues to the scene. Use specific details about the setting, such as the flickering lights, the storm raging outside, or the team's exhausted expressions, to enhance the reader's engagement.
  • Connect Elena's flu symptoms to the larger plot. Perhaps the virus could be a factor in the team's future strategies, or it could pose a threat to the team's well-being and create another obstacle they need to overcome.

Scene 17 -  Under Siege: The Creature's Hunger

Sit here Elena and unbutton your
blouse. How long have you had this

A few days I guess. I wasn’t
keeping track of it. The cough
keeps me awake at night.

Dr. Silva places his stethoscope on various parts of Elena’s
chest. She coughs a few times. He examines her throat and
comes to a prognosis.

I think young lady, you have a bout
of the flu. No more venturing
outside unless you want to develop
pneumonia. Rest, stay warm, and get
some soup in the kitchen. Also
drink a lot of liquids. Got it?

Yes Doctor.

She buttons up her blouse and heads out of sick bay.


The creature attacks again, bursting through a wall. The
team, armed with flamethrowers, moves into position.

Everyone ready? On my signal!

The creature roars and charges towards them.


The team unleashes a wall of fire, directing the flames at
the creature. It screeches in pain and thrashes about.

It’s working! Keep it up!

The creature is temporarily contained, but it shows signs of
resilience, slowly pushing through the flames.

It’s getting through! We need to
fall back!

The creature breaks free and escapes through the hole in the
wall he entered from into the darkness once more, leaving the
team frustrated but undeterred.

Why do you think it continues to
return? If it’s picking up signals
from the relic, why wouldn’t it be
outside digging it up?

I wish I had answers for you
doctor, but I don’t.

I think it is coming back here
because we are its food source. I’m
not sure yet why it is not
searching for the relic.

Elena continues to sneeze, wiping her nose and coughing. Dr.
Silva turns to her.

Wish I could give you something but
it’s a virus.

Maybe it’s not just the relic or
us. What if it’s attracted to the
energy we’re generating. All our
equipment, the containment field-it
could be drawing it in.

That’s a good point. Many creatures
are attracted to certain energy
frequencies. The relic might have
started it, but our own energy
output could be keeping it here.

And if it’s after energy, that
could explain why t seems to be
getting stronger. It’s feeding off
our power sources.

But why attack us directly? If it’s
just after energy, why not go
straight for the generators?

It could be territorial. We’re in
its perceived domain, and it’s
trying to eliminate us as threats.

Or it might see us as an easy
energy source. If it consumes
biological energy as well, we could
be a dual-purpose target - both
food and energy.

So, we have a creature that’s drawn
to both biological and electronic
energy. We need to figure out how
to cut off its access to these
sources without compromising our

Maybe we should consider shutting
down some of our non-essential
systems. Reduce our energy
footprint and see if that has any

That’s a start, but we also need to
prepare for its return. We can’t
rely on cutting off its energy
alone. We need to be ready to
neutralize it when it comes back.

I’ll start re-routing power to
essential systems only. If we can
make this place less attractive,
maybe we can buy some time.

And I’ll check our generator
defenses. If it tries to go for our
power, we need to be ready to
protect those sources.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary While Elena Garcia is diagnosed with the flu by Dr. Silva in the sick bay, the facility is attacked again by the creature. The creature, bursting through a wall, charges at the team, forcing them to use flamethrowers to contain it. Despite the temporary setback, the creature breaks free and escapes. The team, realizing the creature may be attracted to their energy sources, decides to reduce their energy footprint and strengthen defenses in preparation for its inevitable return.
  • Effective blending of genres
  • Tense atmosphere
  • High stakes
  • Suspenseful dialogue
  • Limited character development
  • Some dialogue could be more nuanced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends genres, creates a tense and suspenseful atmosphere, and advances the plot significantly. The high stakes and emotional impact contribute to its overall rating.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a dangerous creature attracted to energy sources and the team's efforts to neutralize it is engaging and well-executed. The scene introduces innovative ideas and keeps the audience intrigued.

Plot: 8

The plot is well-developed, with the team facing a new challenge and strategizing to overcome it. The scene moves the story forward significantly and sets up future conflicts and resolutions.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique creature with ambiguous motivations, adding a fresh twist to the familiar 'monster attack' scenario. The characters' scientific approach to problem-solving and the focus on energy sources are also original elements.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show fear, determination, and curiosity, adding depth to the scene. However, more development of individual character arcs and motivations could enhance the overall impact.

Character Changes: 6

While the characters show fear and determination, there is room for more significant character development and growth. The scene sets the stage for potential changes in future interactions.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to understand the nature of the creature and how to stop it from attacking them. This reflects their desire for safety and survival.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to neutralize the creature and protect themselves and the facility. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict is high, with the team facing a dangerous creature and strategizing to neutralize it. The stakes are raised as they confront a new threat and work together to overcome it.

Opposition: 9

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the creature posing a significant threat to the characters' safety. The audience is unsure of how the team will overcome this obstacle.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team faces a dangerous creature attracted to their energy sources. Their survival and the containment of the creature are crucial, adding tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing a new challenge, escalating the conflict, and setting up future developments. The team's actions and decisions shape the narrative and drive the plot.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the ambiguous nature of the creature and the characters' varying theories about its motivations. The audience is kept guessing about what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the nature of the creature and its motivations. The characters debate whether it is after energy, food, or sees them as threats, reflecting different value systems and beliefs.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, tension, and determination in the characters and the audience. The high stakes and suspenseful atmosphere create an emotional impact that drives the narrative forward.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' emotions, thoughts, and strategies. It drives the plot forward and reveals the team dynamics and conflicts.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, fast-paced action, and strategic planning. The audience is invested in the characters' survival and the mystery of the creature.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is fast and intense, with a sense of urgency and suspense that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences enhances the effectiveness of the scene.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with proper scene headings and dialogue formatting. It adheres to the expected format for its genre.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a sci-fi action sequence, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the tension and urgency of the situation.

  • The scene starts with a bit of a jarring jump. We've just seen the creature escape from the building, so going immediately into Sick Bay feels disjointed. The audience needs a moment to process the situation before being thrown into a new setting.
  • The dialogue in Sick Bay between Dr. Silva and Elena feels clunky and expositional. It's obvious that Elena has the flu, and the lines about rest and liquids feel like unnecessary padding. Instead of explicit instructions, perhaps have Dr. Silva comment on Elena's condition and suggest a course of action, leaving the audience to infer the specifics.
  • The scene's action picks up when the creature attacks, but the transition from Sick Bay to the hallway is abrupt. A brief transition shot showing the team preparing to face the creature could bridge the gap and create a more smooth flow.
  • The scene feels repetitive. We've already seen the team use flamethrowers to contain the creature in a previous scene, so seeing them do it again feels uneventful. Consider showcasing a new strategy or emphasizing the creature's resilience in a more captivating way.
  • The dialogue during the confrontation feels repetitive and lacks tension. Lines like "It's working! Keep it up!" and "It's getting through! We need to fall back!" feel generic and don't convey the urgency of the situation. Instead, explore the characters' reactions to the creature's strength and the potential for failure.
  • The scene feels too exposition-heavy. The dialogue about the creature's energy source feels like a lecture rather than a natural conversation. Consider finding ways to integrate this information through action, character reactions, or subtext instead of direct explanation.
  • The scene doesn't adequately build tension. The creature's escape feels anticlimactic. Instead of showing the team frustrated, consider highlighting their fear or the impact of the creature's escape on their plans. The ending feels abrupt and lacks a sense of urgency.
  • Begin the scene with a short shot of the team regrouping after the creature's escape. This will provide a sense of continuity and allow the audience to process the previous events.
  • Refine the dialogue in Sick Bay, making it more organic and character-driven. Focus on Dr. Silva's concern for Elena and his observations of her condition.
  • Transition between the Sick Bay and hallway scenes more smoothly. Consider a brief shot of the team preparing for the creature's return, showcasing their weapons and their determination.
  • Explore a new strategy for containing the creature. Perhaps they use a different weapon or approach, or they focus on protecting a specific target instead of outright containment.
  • Develop the characters' reactions to the creature's strength and resilience. Show them expressing fear, frustration, or doubt, creating a sense of tension and uncertainty.
  • Integrate the information about the creature's energy source through subtext. For example, show the team discussing the creature's behavior, observing its actions, or reacting to the energy it absorbs.
  • Build tension toward the creature's escape. Showcase the team's fear, desperation, or the impact of the creature's power. Consider ending the scene with a shot of the creature's escape from a different angle, adding to the sense of urgency and threat.

Scene 18 -  Hallucination and Chaos

The team is tense, huddled around a table, weapons at the
ready. The atmosphere is heavy with fear and uncertainty. Dr.
Warren and Dr. Silva are discussing the next steps.

We need to figure out what's
causing these hallucinations. The
relic must be emitting some kind of
frequency that's affecting our

Suddenly, TEAM MEMBER #2 starts looking around frantically.

(shouting) Look out. It’s coming!

He pulls out his weapon and fires several shots wildly,
nearly hitting Dr. Warren and Dr. Silva. The sound of gunfire
echoes through the room, causing everyone to jump and grab
their weapons.

Stop firing! Holster your weapon!

(to Team Member #2) What the hell
are you doing? There's nothing

Team Member #2 lowers his weapon, breathing heavily, eyes
wide with fear.

I... I saw it. It was right there.

This is exactly what I'm talking
about. The relic is buried out
there in the snow, but it's still
affecting us. We need to contain
this before someone gets seriously

Everyone, listen up. We need to
stay calm and stick together. No
more shooting unless there's a
clear threat. Understood?

The team nods, visibly shaken but trying to regain their

We need to run more tests, but
first, we have to secure the area.
The hallucinations are only going
to get worse if we don't find a way
to shield ourselves from the
relic's influence.

We can set up a perimeter and use
the equipment we have to monitor
for any unusual frequencies. Maybe
we can find a way to block it.

Alright, let's move. Stay alert and
keep your wits about you. We'll get
through this.

The team begins to mobilize, checking their gear and
preparing to head out into the frigid night. The tension is
palpable as they step out of the relative safety of the
building and into the dark, snow-covered landscape.

Dr. Silva walks over to Elena.

You are not going outside Elena.

He touches her forehead.

Your fever is higher.

I can’t stay in my quarters. What
if the creature gets in?

You need to rest, but I understand.
Stay with the others until we
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary A team of researchers, studying a mysterious relic, are plagued by its mind-altering effects. One team member experiences a vivid hallucination and fires his weapon, causing pandemonium. Dr. Warren and Dr. Silva explain the relic's influence, while Captain Mitchell restores order, emphasizing caution and preparedness. As the team prepares to venture into the snowy wilderness, Elena is ordered to stay behind due to her illness, leaving them facing the unknown with heightened apprehension.
  • Building tension and suspense
  • Introducing a new threat with the creature
  • Advancing the plot significantly
  • Some cliched dialogue
  • Limited character development in this scene


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, introduces a new threat with the creature, and advances the plot by focusing on the team's struggle to deal with the relic's influence.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a mysterious relic affecting the characters' minds and attracting dangerous creatures is intriguing and well-executed. The scene effectively explores the consequences of the relic's presence and the team's efforts to contain it.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene, introducing a new threat with the creature and highlighting the team's struggle to deal with the relic's influence. The tension and stakes are raised, keeping the audience engaged.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique situation of characters experiencing hallucinations caused by a relic, adding a fresh and mysterious element to the story. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters' reactions to the escalating situation are realistic and add to the tension of the scene. Dr. Warren's determination to contain the relic and Captain Mitchell's leadership are particularly notable.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character arcs in this scene, the characters' reactions to the escalating threats show their resilience and determination to overcome challenges.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to understand and contain the effects of the relic's hallucinations. This reflects their desire to protect themselves and their team from harm and to solve the mystery of the relic's influence.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to secure the area, run tests, and find a way to shield themselves from the relic's influence. This reflects the immediate challenge of dealing with the dangerous effects of the relic.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is high, with the team facing both internal (hallucinations, fear) and external (creature attack) threats. The tension is palpable, keeping the audience on edge.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing internal and external challenges, including hallucinations, fear, and the dangerous effects of the relic.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene, with the team facing a dangerous creature and the escalating influence of the relic. The characters' lives are at risk, adding urgency to their actions.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing a new threat with the creature, escalating the danger posed by the relic, and setting up the team's plan of action to contain the threats.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the characters' hallucinations, the unexpected actions of Team Member #2, and the mysterious nature of the relic's influence.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between the characters' rational understanding of the situation and the irrational fear and hallucinations caused by the relic. This challenges the characters' beliefs in science and logic.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes fear, uncertainty, and concern in the characters and the audience. The danger posed by the relic and the creature adds to the emotional impact.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' fear, uncertainty, and determination. It also provides necessary exposition about the relic and the team's plan of action.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its tense atmosphere, high stakes, and dramatic action. The characters' struggles and the mystery of the relic keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with a balance of action, dialogue, and description that keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful and action-packed sequence, with clear character goals, escalating tension, and a cliffhanger ending.

  • The scene starts strong, establishing the tension and fear in the team's atmosphere. However, it quickly becomes repetitive with multiple characters stating the same information. For example, both Dr. Warren and Dr. Silva bring up the need to understand the hallucinations and secure the area, making the dialogue redundant.
  • Team Member #2's hallucination feels a bit forced. It's a predictable development and doesn't offer much new information. Consider revising the scene to showcase his hallucination in a way that reveals something unique about the relic's effect or the creature's presence, rather than just a generic 'it's coming' warning.
  • The scene rushes through Captain Mitchell's orders to calm the team and stay alert. This feels like a generic, clichéd moment. It would be more impactful if his orders were delivered in a way that revealed a specific strategy or showed a sign of his leadership during a crisis. Consider adding an element of intrigue or suspense to his orders, such as a suggestion that they might have to evacuate or a hint about a plan to counter the relic's influence.
  • The dialogue feels clunky and repetitive. The characters often restate what was previously mentioned, making the conversation feel unnatural and lacking depth. For instance, Dr. Warren and Dr. Silva's plans to run tests and monitor the area for unusual frequencies are stated multiple times. Consider trimming redundant dialogue and focusing on exploring different perspectives or adding a layer of tension by showing the team's internal conflicts and anxieties.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective for the team beyond just 'securing the area' and 'running more tests.' This leaves the scene feeling somewhat aimless and without a strong sense of purpose. Consider giving the team a specific goal, such as finding a way to block the relic's frequency or gathering evidence to understand the creature's behavior. This would provide a clearer sense of direction and make the scene more engaging.
  • The ending of the scene feels rushed. The team suddenly mobilizes and heads out into the night without much context or build-up. Consider adding a moment of reflection or suspense before they leave. Perhaps the team encounters a strange phenomenon or receives a cryptic message, leaving them with a lingering sense of unease as they head into the darkness.
  • Refine the dialogue to remove redundancy and highlight the team's unique anxieties and strategies. For example, instead of stating the same problem twice, explore the different ways that the characters are affected by the relic's influence and how their individual perspectives might influence the team's decision-making process.
  • Deepen Team Member #2's hallucination. Instead of a generic warning, showcase a more specific and impactful vision that reveals something about the creature's capabilities or a hidden aspect of the relic's power.
  • Give Captain Mitchell a more dynamic and impactful moment of leadership. Instead of just calming the team down, have him announce a plan, implement a strategy, or reveal a piece of information that shifts the narrative's momentum.
  • Add a specific objective for the team. For instance, instead of just heading out into the night, they could be searching for a source of energy to power a device that might counter the relic's influence, or they could be tracking the creature based on new evidence they've uncovered.
  • Create a more impactful ending to the scene. Perhaps the team encounters a mysterious phenomenon, discovers a cryptic clue, or receives a warning that leaves them on edge as they head into the darkness. This would create suspense and anticipation for the following scenes.

Scene 19 -  Blizzard Ambush

The wind howls as Dr. Lee, Dr. Warren, Captain Mitchell, and
two security members, step outside into the frigid night. The
snow crunches under their boots, visibility low in the
swirling snowstorm. They move with purpose, knowing the
danger that lurks in the darkness.

(Shouting over the wind) We need to
move quickly. The longer we're out
here, the more vulnerable we are.

Stay alert and keep your weapons
ready. We don’t know where that
thing is.

They reach the spot where they buried the relic. The team
forms a defensive perimeter while Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee
start digging, shoveling snow with frantic urgency.

(cautiously) We have to be careful.
If the relic is affecting us, we
need to minimize exposure.

(determined) Almost there. Just a
little more.

Finally, they uncover the relic, its ominous glow piercing
through the snow. Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee carefully lift it
out, wrapping it in a protective cover.

Alright, let’s move. Keep tight

They start their trek back to the containment building, the
tension palpable. Every shadow, every gust of wind feels like
a potential threat.

Suddenly, a horrifying roar pierces the night. The creature
bursts from the snow, a monstrous silhouette against the icy
backdrop. It lunges at the team with terrifying speed.

(screaming) It’s here! Open fire!

The team unleashes a barrage of gunfire, but the creature is
relentless. It swipes at Security team member #1, its massive
claws tearing into him. Blood sprays across the snow as he
screams in agony.

Fall back! Fall back!

The creature grabs the security team member, dragging him off
into the darkness. His screams fade into the howling wind.

(rapid fire) We have to go! Now!

They keep shooting, but the creature disappears, leaving only
blood and chaos in its wake. The team, shaken and terrified,
resumes their retreat to the containment building, the relic
clutched tightly in Dr. Warren's arms.

(moving quickly) We can’t let it
happen again. Everyone inside, now!
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary A team of researchers and security personnel venture into a raging blizzard to retrieve a buried relic. They succeed in finding it, but are attacked by a monstrous creature emerging from the snow. One security member is killed and dragged away by the creature, forcing the team to retreat to their base with the relic, shaken and fearful.
  • Intense action
  • High stakes
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Possible lack of character depth for some team members


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, with a strong mix of genres, intense action, and high stakes. The tension and fear are palpable, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a team facing a dangerous creature in an Arctic research station, combined with the mysterious relic and hallucinations, is intriguing and well-executed.

Plot: 9

The plot is gripping, with a clear goal of containing the creature and the relic. The escalating danger and fast-paced action drive the narrative forward effectively.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the 'Arctic research station' setting by incorporating supernatural elements and a mysterious relic. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and suspense.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-defined and their actions are in line with their motivations. The team's dynamic and reactions to the creature add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters experience fear, determination, and loss during the scene, leading to some development in their personalities and relationships.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to protect the team and successfully retrieve the relic without any casualties. This reflects their desire to maintain control in a chaotic and dangerous situation.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to secure the relic and return safely to the containment building while facing the threat of the creature. This goal reflects the immediate challenge of survival and containment.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the team and the creature, as well as the internal conflict caused by the relic's influence, creates a high level of tension and danger.

Opposition: 9

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the creature posing a significant threat to the characters and creating a sense of danger and urgency that drives the action.

High Stakes: 10

The stakes are extremely high, with the team facing a deadly creature and the potential influence of the relic. The loss of a team member raises the stakes even further.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by escalating the danger, revealing more about the relic and the creature, and setting up future conflicts and resolutions.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden appearance of the creature and the unexpected turn of events, keeping the audience guessing about the characters' fates.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the value of knowledge and power versus the potential dangers and consequences of seeking it. The characters must weigh the benefits of the relic against the risks it poses.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, tension, and urgency, leading to a strong emotional impact on the audience. The team's struggle for survival and the loss of a team member heighten the emotional stakes.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused on conveying urgency and fear, which works well in the context of the scene. It effectively communicates the team's determination and fear of the creature.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and suspenseful atmosphere that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension, a climactic confrontation, and a quick resolution that keeps the audience engaged and invested.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene is well-formatted and easy to follow, with clear action lines and dialogue cues that enhance the pacing and readability.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a typical structure for a suspenseful action sequence, building tension and conflict leading to a climactic confrontation with the creature.

  • The scene starts strong with a sense of urgency and danger, but it quickly becomes repetitive and predictable.
  • The dialogue is functional but lacks characterization and doesn't fully capture the tension and fear of the situation.
  • The action is described in a straightforward way, lacking visual detail and visceral impact.
  • The creature's sudden appearance and attack feel a bit too convenient and lacks build-up.
  • The security team member's death feels rushed and lacks emotional weight, making the scene feel less impactful.
  • The scene ends abruptly, leaving the reader with a sense of unfinished business and wanting more closure.
  • The scene relies too heavily on exposition and narration, which hinders the visual storytelling and reader engagement.
  • The scene lacks any moments of suspense or surprise, making it predictable and lacking in dynamism.
  • Instead of simply stating they are moving quickly, show them running, slipping on the ice, struggling to maintain their footing, and shouting over the wind to emphasize the urgency.
  • Focus on character interaction and emotional responses to the threat. How does Dr. Warren react to the relic's presence? What are Dr. Lee's thoughts? Does Captain Mitchell doubt his team's abilities? Explore the characters' internal struggles.
  • Use more vivid imagery and sensory details to create a more immersive experience. Describe the feel of the snow, the biting wind, the smell of the frozen air, and the sound of the creature's roar.
  • Consider foreshadowing the creature's appearance before it actually shows up. Perhaps the team notices disturbed snow, strange sounds, or flickering shadows, raising the stakes and creating suspense.
  • Build up the tension before the creature's attack by focusing on the team's anticipation and fear. Show them scanning the horizon, checking their weapons, and whispering their anxieties.
  • Give the security team member a brief moment to react and showcase his personality or backstory before he is killed, adding emotional weight to his death.
  • Provide more details about the creature's appearance and actions, making it a more imposing and menacing figure. Describe its physical attributes, its movements, and the sounds it makes.
  • End the scene with a lingering shot of the creature, leaving the audience in suspense and wondering what will happen next.

Scene 20 -  The Threat Within

They rush into the containment building, slamming the door
shut behind them. The harsh reality of their situation
settles in as they catch their breath.

(panting) We need to find a way to
stop that thing. It’s not just the
relic; it’s something more.

(steely resolve) We will. But
first, we secure this damn relic.

The team regroups, their fear turning to determination. The
battle is far from over. They watch as Dr. Warren carefully
places the relic in a metal box.

(Hopeful tone) Perhaps this metal
can contain whatever this thing is

Dr. Warren looks at Captain Mitchell and notices he doesn’t
look well.

Tom. Do you feel okay. You look
like your running a fever.

Probably picked up the bug from
Elena. I’ll check with Dr. Silva
when we get back into the main
building. Let’s get out of here. We
can return later after the sun
comes up.


Upon returning to the main facility Dr. Warren seeks out Dr.
Silva to check on Captain Mitchell.

Does anyone know where Dr. Silva

The last time I saw him, he was in
his office. While you were gone he
found some liquid left behind by
the creature who must have cut
itself either gaining access or
when he fled.


Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren enter sick bay finding Dr.
Silva bent over microscope. He looks up when he hears the two

I have another sick one for you.

He motions for Captain Mitchell to take a seat and begins
examining him.

Yep. Another case of the flu. You
can thank Elena when you see here.
Nothing I can do for you Captain
except recommend rest, fluids, and
stay warm. Just have to all the
virus to run it’s course and avoid
pneumonia. How did you do with the

It’s secured in a metal box in the
containment building. Not sure if
that’s going to help or not but
reburying it in the snow did

I understand you found some liquid
left behind by the creature.

Dr. Silva examines the blood sample under a microscope, while
Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell look on.

(amazed) This is incredible. The
creature’s blood cells are...
different. It appears to have both
male and female reproductive cells.

You mean it can reproduce on its

(solemnly) Yes. It’s
hermaphroditic. If it reproduces,
we could be dealing with more than
one of these things soon.

(determined) We need to find a way
to stop it before that happens.

Now Dr. Warren begins to cough.

Don’t need to exam you Alice. You
are coming down with the flu also.
Whatever strain this is, it spreads
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Dr. Lee, Captain Mitchell, and the team secure a relic in a containment building, only to discover the creature's ability to reproduce on its own. Dr. Warren seeks medical attention for Captain Mitchell and herself as they are both infected with a contagious flu. Dr. Silva reveals the virus is spreading quickly with no cure, heightening the sense of urgency and fear within the team.
  • Building tension and suspense
  • Revealing new threat with unique characteristics
  • Advancing the plot significantly
  • Limited character development or change
  • Some dialogue may feel exposition-heavy


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, introduces a new threat with the creature, and advances the plot by revealing the relic's influence and the potential consequences of the creature's reproduction. The dialogue is engaging and reveals character dynamics and motivations.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a mysterious relic influencing the characters and unleashing a dangerous creature is intriguing and adds depth to the story. The introduction of the creature's unique characteristics, such as hermaphroditic blood cells, raises the stakes and creates a sense of urgency.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the team faces a new threat with the creature and learns more about the relic's influence. The tension and suspense are effectively maintained, keeping the audience engaged and eager to see how the characters will deal with the situation.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique creature with hermaphroditic reproductive abilities, adding a fresh twist to the typical monster narrative. The dialogue and actions of the characters feel authentic and grounded in the scientific setting.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination, fear, and hope in the face of the new threat, adding depth to their personalities. The scene reveals more about their relationships and motivations, especially Captain Mitchell's leadership and Dr. Warren's scientific curiosity.

Character Changes: 6

The characters show resilience and determination in the face of the new threat, but there is not significant character development or change in this scene. However, their interactions and reactions reveal more about their personalities and relationships.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to protect their team and find a way to stop the dangerous creature. This reflects their deeper desire to maintain control in a chaotic situation and protect those under their care.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to secure the relic and prevent the creature from reproducing. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to contain the threat.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is high, as the team faces a new threat with the creature and must find a way to stop it before it reproduces. The tension and suspense are effectively maintained, keeping the audience on edge.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing a dangerous creature and the potential for a larger threat if it reproduces. The uncertainty adds tension and keeps the audience on edge.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene as the team faces a dangerous creature with unique characteristics and the potential consequences of its reproduction. The tension and suspense are heightened, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly by introducing a new threat with the creature, revealing more about the relic's influence, and setting up the team's plan to deal with the situation. The stakes are raised, and the audience is left eager to see what happens next.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because it introduces a new element with the creature's unique reproductive abilities, adding a layer of complexity to the conflict.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the ethical implications of dealing with a dangerous creature that can reproduce on its own. It challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the value of life and the responsibility to prevent harm.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes fear, determination, hope, and concern in the characters, creating an emotional impact on the audience. The stakes are raised with the revelation of the creature's unique characteristics and the potential consequences of its reproduction.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' emotions, motivations, and the urgency of the situation. It reveals important information about the relic, the creature, and the team's plan to deal with the threat.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because it presents a compelling mystery and raises the stakes for the characters. The dialogue and actions keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining a sense of urgency and suspense throughout. The rhythm of the dialogue and actions keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings and dialogue formatting. The transitions between locations are smooth and easy to follow.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a logical progression, moving from the containment building to the research facility and sick bay. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the sense of urgency and suspense.

  • The scene starts a little slow. The team rushing into the containment building and slamming the door shut is a bit generic and doesn't really set the tone for the rest of the scene.
  • Dr. Lee's line about the relic being 'something more' is a bit vague and could be more specific. It doesn't tell us anything new about the relic's nature.
  • The dialogue between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell about his health feels a bit forced and out of place. It's a bit early in the scene to introduce a new plot point like a potential illness.
  • The scene transitions between the containment building and the research facility too quickly. It would be more impactful if the team's return to the main facility was shown in more detail, perhaps with some brief scenes of their interaction with other team members.
  • The scene in sick bay feels a bit rushed. The information about the creature's reproductive capabilities is revealed too abruptly. It would be more effective to build suspense by showing Dr. Silva's examination of the blood sample in more detail, perhaps with some close-ups of the microscopic images and reactions from Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell.
  • Dr. Warren's cough at the end of the scene feels like a forced way to introduce the potential threat of the virus spreading. It would be more effective to show her symptoms earlier in the scene, perhaps with a brief scene of her feeling unwell or noticing a change in her health.
  • The overall tone of the scene feels a bit flat. It lacks the urgency and tension that would be expected in a situation where the team is facing a dangerous, possibly multiplying creature.
  • Start the scene with more action and tension. For example, show the team encountering the creature again, even briefly, before they retreat to the containment building.
  • Develop Dr. Lee's dialogue about the relic being 'something more' by giving him a specific theory or observation. Make it clear what he's trying to convey.
  • Consider delaying the introduction of Captain Mitchell's illness to a later scene. This would allow you to focus on the immediate threat of the creature and the relic.
  • Show the team's return to the main facility in more detail, perhaps with a brief scene of them reporting their findings to the rest of the team or interacting with other characters.
  • Build suspense around Dr. Silva's examination of the blood sample. Show his reactions, close-ups of the microscope images, and the reactions of Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell.
  • Show Dr. Warren experiencing symptoms of the flu earlier in the scene, perhaps with a brief scene of her feeling unwell or noticing a change in her health.
  • Create a more suspenseful and urgent tone for the scene by using more visual elements and sound effects to emphasize the danger the team is in. Use the dialogue to show the characters' fear and desperation as they try to find a solution.

Scene 21 -  Paranoia and the Relic

The team sits around a table, the tension in the air
palpable. Dr. Warren, sniffling, takes a seat next to Dr.

(lightening the mood) Remember when
we first got here? We were so
excited to make groundbreaking

(smiling weakly) Yeah, those were
simpler times. Who would’ve thought
we’d end up fighting for our lives
against an alien creature?

(joining in) I still remember my
first mission. Thought I’d seen it
all. Guess I was wrong.

(excited) Look at this, Alice. The
creature’s cells regenerate at an
alarming rate. This could explain
its resilience.

(weakly) If we could find a way to
disrupt its cellular regeneration,
we might have a chance to stop it.

(nodding) We need more samples. We
have to understand its biology


Dr. Lee sits alone, looking at a photo of his family. Tears
well up in his eyes as he clutches the photo.

(Whispering) I’ll get back to you.
I promise. I should have listened
to you and turned down this
assignment but if I can somehow
trap the creature or at least steal
some of his blood, I will be on
every scientific journal in the


The team gathers for a meeting. Captain Mitchell stands at
the head of the table, his expression grim.

We need a new plan. The creature
can reproduce, and it’s only a
matter of time before it attacks
again. Any ideas?

We need more samples. If we can
find a way to disrupt its
regeneration, we might have a


The team ventures outside again, this time to gather more
samples from the jagged remains of the building facade. The
wind howls as they move cautiously, weapons drawn.

(scanning the area) Stay sharp. It
could be anywhere.

Suddenly, the creature appears, roaring as it charges. The
team opens fire, but the creature seems unfazed. It swipes at
a security team member, sending him flying.

(firing)Dr. Silva. Check on the man
down. The rest.... fall back! Get

Wait! Look. The creature has left
a trail of blood. We need to gather
those samples.

Okay, but quickly.

The team retreats helping the security team member and with
several vials of the creature’s blood.


Dr. Silva examines the new samples, his expression one of
intense concentration.

(To himself) There has to be

Doctor. Can I take a look?

Be my guest. Maybe you can see
something I can’t.

Elena looks through the microscope and seem the various cells
moving and replicating. She continues to cough and wipe her

She notices a reaction in the blood cells. Their movement
seems to be slowing down.

Doctor. The cells seem to be
slowing down in their movement.

Of course! The virus is killing the
cells. We might be able to use it
against the creature.


The team gathers again, this time with a new plan. Captain
Mitchell addresses them, determination in his eyes.

Dr. Silva has discovered that the
creature’s cells react to the virus
many of us now carry in our system.
We might be able to use it to our

(explaining) If we can create a
aerosol compound of the flu virus,
we might be able to disrupt its
regeneration of he creature and in
high enough concentration weaken or
kill it.


Dr. Silva, being helped by Drs. Warren and Lee, begin
isolating the virus from blood samples taken from Dr. Warren,
Elena and Captain Mitchell. The wind howls as they work
quickly, knowing the creature could attack at any moment.


Most of the team members have gathered in the dining room
area for lunch. Suddenly Security Team member #3 jumps up and
points a gun at Security Team member #4.

What are you doing? I saw you
talking to it.

What are you talking about? Put the
gun down!

Everyone, calm down! We’re all on

Holster that weapon! This isn’t
real. It’s the relic. It’s
affecting our minds.

As Team Member #3 holsters his weapon, Another team member
#5, runs and tackles Team Member #6, strangling him until
Captain Mitchell pushes him off.

It’s the creature! We have to kill

He jumps back up and tries to attack Team Member #3 but
Captain Mitchell slugs him, knocking him out.

We need to neutralize the relic and
I mean now. The hallucinations are
affecting everyone.

You’re right. I think it is time to
smash that object and be damn with
science. Maybe after we neutralize
it, engineers can put it back
together without experiencing what
we are going through.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Following a terrifying encounter with a creature, the team scrambles to find a solution. Dr. Silva discovers a potential weapon in the virus infecting them, leading to a plan to create an aerosol compound. However, the relic's influence triggers hallucinations and paranoia, driving the team to near-violence. To quell the escalating chaos, Captain Mitchell orders the destruction of the relic, leaving their future and mission in jeopardy.
  • Tension-building
  • Innovative concept
  • Character development
  • Emotional depth
  • Some dialogue may feel repetitive or expository


Overall: 8

The scene effectively combines elements of tension, suspense, and action to create a compelling narrative. The use of the flu virus as a weapon against the creature adds an innovative twist to the traditional monster-fighting scenario. The high stakes and emotional impact of the situation enhance the overall intensity of the scene.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of using a flu virus to disrupt the creature's regeneration is a unique and innovative idea that adds depth to the narrative. The scene effectively explores the scientific aspects of the situation and introduces a creative solution to the team's dilemma.

Plot: 8

The plot of the scene revolves around the team devising a plan to combat the alien creature using a flu virus as a weapon. The tension and suspense build as the team faces the threat of the creature and works together to find a solution. The plot moves the story forward and sets up the next stage of the conflict.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the alien creature genre by focusing on scientific discovery and ethical dilemmas. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and urgency of the situation.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters in the scene demonstrate determination, fear, and teamwork as they face the threat of the alien creature. Each character plays a role in the plan to combat the creature, showcasing their individual strengths and skills. The emotional impact of the situation adds depth to the characters' interactions.

Character Changes: 7

Several characters undergo changes in the scene, showing growth, determination, and teamwork as they face the threat of the alien creature. The challenges they face force them to adapt and find creative solutions, leading to personal growth and development. The character changes add depth to the narrative and drive the story forward.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Lee's internal goal is to redeem himself for taking on the assignment that put his family at risk. He wants to trap the creature or steal its blood to make a scientific breakthrough and prove his worth.

External Goal: 9

The team's external goal is to find a way to stop the alien creature from reproducing and attacking again. They need to gather samples, analyze them, and come up with a plan to disrupt the creature's regeneration.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict in the scene is high, as the team faces the threat of the alien creature and must devise a plan to combat it. The tension and suspense build as the team works together to find a solution, facing obstacles and challenges along the way. The conflict drives the narrative forward and keeps the audience engaged.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with internal conflicts, ethical dilemmas, and physical threats that challenge the team's goals and beliefs.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, as the team faces the threat of the alien creature and must find a way to combat it before it strikes again. The emotional impact of the situation adds depth to the high stakes, driving the characters to take decisive action and find a solution. The high stakes heighten the tension and suspense of the scene.

Story Forward: 9

The scene effectively moves the story forward, as the team devises a plan to combat the alien creature using a flu virus as a weapon. The tension and suspense build as the characters face obstacles and challenges, driving the narrative towards the next stage of the conflict. The story forward is crucial in setting up the resolution of the conflict.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists, ethical dilemmas, and character conflicts that keep the audience guessing about the outcome.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the ethical implications of using the flu virus to weaken or kill the creature. It challenges the team's values of scientific discovery and ethical responsibility.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene has a high emotional impact, as the characters face fear, determination, and uncertainty in their battle against the alien creature. The stakes are high, and the emotional depth of the characters adds complexity to their interactions. The emotional impact drives the narrative forward and engages the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue in the scene effectively conveys the tension, fear, and determination of the characters as they discuss their plan to combat the creature. The dialogue showcases each character's personality and motivations, driving the narrative forward and building suspense.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and character dynamics. The audience is invested in the team's mission to stop the alien creature and overcome internal and external challenges.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a balance of action sequences, dialogue, and character moments that keep the story moving forward.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with proper scene headings, dialogue formatting, and action descriptions that enhance the visual storytelling.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear transitions between locations and a progression of events that build tension and suspense.

  • The scene starts with a recap of the team's initial excitement about the research, which feels unnecessary and slows down the pacing. It's already established that the team is in a dire situation.
  • The dialogue in the common area feels too expository. It's clear that Dr. Silva is examining the blood cells and Dr. Warren wants to find a way to disrupt the creature's regeneration, but this could be shown visually rather than through direct dialogue.
  • The scene in Dr. Lee's quarters feels out of place and doesn't advance the plot. It reads like an internal monologue and could be better integrated into other scenes, perhaps through a flashback or a conversation.
  • The scene where the team goes outside to gather samples feels rushed and lacks tension. The reader doesn't get a sense of the danger or the importance of their mission. The dialogue during the attack is also repetitive and doesn't highlight the urgency of the situation.
  • The scene in the lab feels like a repetition of the previous scene. Dr. Silva is examining samples again, and the scene ends with the same conclusion: the virus could be used to weaken the creature. This could be consolidated.
  • The scene in the dining room is chaotic and confusing. It's hard to follow who is attacking who, and the dialogue feels unnatural. The scene doesn't do a good job of conveying the terror of the hallucinations.
  • The ending of the scene with Captain Mitchell's decision to smash the relic feels abrupt and doesn't build to a satisfying climax. It also undermines the team's previous efforts to study and understand the relic.
  • Overall, the scene lacks a clear central conflict and a satisfying resolution. It feels more like a series of disconnected events rather than a cohesive narrative unit.
  • Cut the opening recap of the team's initial excitement. Focus on the present danger and the team's current predicament.
  • Show, don't tell. Use visual elements and action to convey the team's understanding of the creature's biology and their efforts to find a solution. For example, show Dr. Silva examining the blood samples under a microscope and having a reaction to what he sees.
  • Integrate Dr. Lee's internal conflict into the main narrative. Show him struggling with the decision to continue his research while the team is in danger, and incorporate his internal monologue into a conversation with another character.
  • Increase the tension and urgency during the team's mission to gather samples. Show the creature's ferocity and the team's fear through action and dialogue. Use vivid descriptions of the Arctic landscape and the creature's attacks.
  • Consolidate the scenes in the lab. Show Dr. Silva examining the blood samples and then immediately transition to the team's brainstorming session, emphasizing the connection between Dr. Silva's discovery and the team's plan.
  • Re-write the scene in the dining room to create a more cohesive and suspenseful experience. Focus on the psychological effects of the relic on the team and the growing tension and paranoia.
  • Build towards a more satisfying climax. Create a sense of urgency and suspense leading up to Captain Mitchell's decision to destroy the relic. Show the team struggling with the moral implications of their choice, and explore the potential consequences.
  • Consider adding a scene where the team successfully develops the virus compound and tests it on the creature. This would provide a sense of progress and a resolution to the conflict.

Scene 22 -  Confronting the Creature

Everyone is startled by the sound of a wall crashing. They
rush to the scene, several team members armed with
flamethrowers. When they arrive, the creature already has one
arm inside. They all open fire. The creature screams and
retreats back into the snow. Other team members use fire
extinguishers to put out the flames.


Dr. Alice Warren and Captain Tom Mitchell stand over a table
cluttered with maps, documents, and equipment. Both look
tense and exhausted. The room is dimly lit, with the
flickering lights adding to the sense of urgency.

We can’t keep going like this. The
hallucinations are getting worse.
It’s only a matter of time before
someone gets seriously hurt or

I agree. We need to neutralize the
source, and we need to do it now.

(takes a deep breath)
That relic has to be destroyed. If
we can get into the containment
building, we can end this.

We’ll have to be fast and prepared
for anything. The creature might
not give us another chance.

Dr. Warren grabs a heavy-duty flashlight and a toolkit.
Captain Mitchell checks his weapon and grabs a sledgehammer
from a nearby rack. Two security team members armed with
flamethrowers follow.

(steeling herself)
Let’s do this.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror"]

Summary A monstrous creature breaks through a wall, forcing a research team to fight back with flamethrowers. Realizing the creature's attacks are driven by the effects of a dangerous relic, Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell decide to destroy it. The team, armed with flamethrowers, a sledgehammer, and flashlights, bravely heads into the containment building to face the threat.
  • Tension-building
  • High stakes
  • Urgency in the situation
  • Limited exploration of individual character motivations
  • Dialogue could be more nuanced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a climactic confrontation with the creature, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using a virus to weaken the creature and the decision to destroy the relic add depth to the storyline and raise the stakes for the characters.

Plot: 9

The plot advances significantly as the team prepares to confront the creature and destroy the relic, leading to a high-stakes showdown that will likely have major consequences for the characters and the overall story.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a unique setting and situation, with a blend of science fiction and horror elements. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and suspense of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are driven by a sense of urgency and determination, but there could be more exploration of their individual motivations and relationships to enhance the emotional impact of the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters are forced to confront their fears and make difficult decisions, leading to some development and growth as they face the challenges ahead.

Internal Goal: 9

Dr. Alice Warren's internal goal is to protect her team and prevent further harm from the hallucinations and creature. This reflects her deeper need for safety and security, as well as her fear of losing control in a dangerous situation.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal is to destroy the relic in the containment building to end the threat posed by the creature. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to take decisive action to protect themselves and others.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the team and the creature, as well as the internal conflict caused by the hallucinations and fear, creates a high level of tension and suspense in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing a dangerous creature and a moral dilemma. The audience is unsure of how the characters will overcome these obstacles, adding to the suspense.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team prepares to confront the creature and destroy the relic, with the potential for life-threatening consequences and major shifts in the story.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by setting up a crucial confrontation with the creature and the relic, moving the plot towards a climactic resolution.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the characters' mission to confront the creature and destroy the relic. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of the outcome.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the ethical dilemma of destroying the relic, which may have historical or cultural significance, to eliminate the threat. This challenges Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell's values of preservation versus survival.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, determination, and concern in the characters and the audience, heightening the emotional impact of the impending confrontation with the creature.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency and tension of the situation, but there could be more depth and complexity in the interactions between the characters.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, fast-paced action, and suspenseful atmosphere. The audience is drawn into the characters' mission and the danger they face.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' mission. The rhythm of the dialogue and action enhances the urgency of the situation.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, action lines, and dialogue formatting. This enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

  • The opening action sequence with the creature breaking through the wall and the team using flamethrowers feels a bit repetitive, especially given the previous action sequences in the script. It could benefit from some fresh visual elements or a more unique approach to the creature's attack.
  • The dialogue between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell in the command center feels a bit expositional and lacks a sense of urgency. The writer might consider exploring their characters' emotional states more deeply. What are they feeling as they face this ongoing threat? Are they starting to lose hope? Are they concerned about their own safety? The dialogue could also benefit from some visual action, like a sudden flicker of the lights, a tense silence, or a fleeting moment of panic, to build suspense and keep the reader engaged.
  • The scene lacks a sense of tension and build-up. The decision to destroy the relic comes relatively easily, and the preparation for this action is rushed. The writers could explore the team's internal conflicts, their fears, and the potential risks involved in destroying the relic, to build suspense and make the action feel more impactful.
  • The scene lacks a sense of visual detail. The writer could paint a more vivid picture of the command center, the characters' expressions, and the overall atmosphere, to further immerse the reader in the scene.
  • The ending feels abrupt. The scene could end with a more impactful moment, such as a close-up of the sledgehammer as Captain Mitchell prepares to destroy the relic, or a final line of dialogue that foreshadows the danger that lies ahead.
  • Consider adding a new element to the creature's attack, like a unique ability or a change in its physical appearance. This could make the sequence feel more exciting and unpredictable.
  • Explore the emotional impact of the relic's effects on Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell. What are their fears? Their hopes? Their frustrations? Show how these emotions shape their decisions and actions.
  • Build tension by emphasizing the risks involved in destroying the relic. What are the potential consequences of their actions? What could go wrong? Explore the internal conflicts the characters may have about destroying the relic.
  • Add more sensory details to the scene. Describe the flickering lights, the sounds of the creature's screech, the scent of smoke in the air, or the characters' tense expressions. This will create a more immersive and evocative experience for the reader.
  • End the scene with a more impactful moment. Perhaps the characters stop and stare at the relic in the containment building, realizing the gravity of their decision. Or, they could have a brief conversation about their hopes for the future, adding a touch of hope and humanity to the scene.

Scene 23 -  Containment Breach

The air is thick with tension. Dr. Warren and Captain
Mitchell move cautiously through the darkened building, their
flashlights cutting through the gloom. The containment
building is eerily silent, the only sound being their
footsteps and the occasional creak of the structure.

They reach the chamber where the relic is still contained in
a metal box.


(nods, voice shaky)

They approach the relic. Dr. Warren shakes the relic out of
the metal container onto a desk. Captain Mitchell raises the
sledgehammer, his face set in determination.

Dr. Warren adjusts her grip on the flashlight, illuminating
the relic fully.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoes through the building, followed
by the familiar, terrifying roar of the creature. They
exchange a look of urgency. Security team members rush to the

Do it now!

(raising her toolkit)
For everyone’s sake!

Captain Mitchell brings the sledgehammer down on the relic
with all his might. The relic shatters, sending shards and a
shockwave through the room. The glow fades instantly, and the
oppressive feeling lifts.

(breathing heavily)
Did it work?

The creature’s roar fades, replaced by an eerie silence. They
stand still, listening.

He’s run off again. I guess that
did it.

(voice filled with
I think it did. Let’s get back and
see if the others are okay.

They turn and quickly make their way out of the containment
building, their faces showing the strain and hope that this
ordeal might finally be over. Dr. Warren looks back at what
was left of the relic.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell enter a containment building to destroy a dangerous relic. Despite their cautious approach, the creature remains active, forcing them to act quickly. Captain Mitchell smashes the relic with a sledgehammer, causing a shockwave that eliminates the relic's glow and silences the creature's roar. Security reports indicate the creature has fled, leaving Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell cautiously optimistic that the threat has been neutralized.
  • Tension-building
  • Resolution of immediate threat
  • Character development
  • Limited character interactions
  • Some predictable plot elements


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, with a strong mix of tension, urgency, and hope. The resolution of the relic's destruction and the potential end of the creature's threat provide a satisfying conclusion to this part of the story.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a powerful relic causing hallucinations and attracting a dangerous creature is intriguing and well-executed. The idea of using a virus to weaken the creature adds depth to the plot and creates a sense of urgency.

Plot: 9

The plot is well-developed, with a clear goal of destroying the relic to stop the hallucinations and creature attacks. The tension builds effectively throughout the scene, leading to a climactic moment of the relic's destruction.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique blend of supernatural elements, action, and ethical dilemmas, creating a fresh and engaging narrative. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters show determination, fear, and relief, adding depth to the scene. Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren's actions drive the plot forward, while the security team members provide support and urgency.

Character Changes: 7

Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren show growth in their determination and willingness to sacrifice for the team's safety. The experience of facing the creature and destroying the relic changes their perspective and actions.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to confront and overcome their fear of the creature and the relic. This reflects their deeper need for closure and resolution.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to destroy the relic to stop the creature and protect themselves and others. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing in the scene.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the characters and the creature, as well as the internal conflict caused by the relic's effects, creates a high level of tension and urgency in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the threat of the creature and the ethical dilemma of destroying the relic creating obstacles for the characters to overcome.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team faces a dangerous creature and the effects of the relic. The decision to destroy the relic and the potential consequences of using the virus add to the urgency and risk involved.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly by resolving the immediate threat of the creature and the relic. The team's decision to destroy the relic and the discovery of the virus as a potential weapon propel the plot towards a new direction.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twist of the relic shattering and the creature disappearing, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the ethical dilemma of destroying a relic with unknown powers to save lives. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the value of ancient artifacts versus the safety of people.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, relief, and determination in the characters and the audience. The stakes are high, and the resolution of destroying the relic brings a sense of closure and hope.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is concise and serves the purpose of advancing the plot and revealing character emotions. The urgency and determination in the characters' voices add to the tension of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, high stakes, and dynamic character interactions.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful action sequence, building tension, introducing conflict, and resolving the immediate threat.

  • The scene feels a bit rushed. The tension is built up nicely, but the resolution feels too quick. The creature's roar and the security team's arrival seem to happen too quickly after Dr. Warren urges Captain Mitchell to destroy the relic.
  • The dialogue feels a bit clunky and expository. Lines like "Ready?" and "For everyone’s sake!" feel too on-the-nose and could be replaced with more nuanced expressions of their emotions and motivations.
  • The visual description is lacking. We don't get a good sense of the chamber, the relic, or the sledgehammer. We only see what is illuminated by the flashlight.
  • The scene lacks a sense of consequence. The creature is simply 'run off again', leaving the audience questioning if the threat is truly over. The destruction of the relic should have a more significant impact on the environment or the characters.
  • The scene could use more internal conflict. We know Dr. Warren has experienced hallucinations, but there's no indication of how this impacts her as she prepares to destroy the relic. Captain Mitchell could also be wrestling with the moral implications of destroying the relic, even if it's the only solution.
  • Slow down the pacing. Allow the tension to build for a longer period before the creature's attack. Perhaps have the team encounter some obstacle before reaching the relic, adding to the suspense.
  • Replace the clunky dialogue with more emotionally resonant dialogue. Instead of "Ready?" and "For everyone’s sake!" consider lines that reveal their inner thoughts and motivations. For example, Dr. Warren could say, "I hope this works. I can't lose anyone else."
  • Add more sensory details to the scene. Describe the relic in detail. Describe the feel of the sledgehammer in Captain Mitchell's hand. Describe the sound of the metal box being opened.
  • Give the creature's 'run off again' a more concrete consequence. Perhaps the containment building collapses, or a security team member is injured. This would emphasize the danger and raise the stakes.
  • Explore the internal conflict of the characters. Dr. Warren could have a flashback to her hallucination, reminding her of the danger. Captain Mitchell could express doubt or regret about destroying the relic, creating a more complex and interesting dynamic.

Scene 24 -  The Scientist and the Threat

Dr. Lee is alone in the laboratory, pacing back and forth.
The dim light casts long shadows, and his frustration is
evident. He stops in front of a specimen jar, staring
intently at a sample taken from the creature. The door creaks
open, and Dr. Alice Warren enters.

(speaking gently)
Lee, we need to talk.

(turning sharply)
About what, Alice? About how we're
planning to destroy one of the most
incredible discoveries in history?

I understand how you feel, but this
isn't just about science anymore.
The creature is dangerous. It's
already killed people.

(raising his voice)
And what if it’s the key to
unlocking unimaginable scientific
advancements? Cures, new
technologies—this creature could
change everything!

We can't take that risk. Our
priority is the safety of everyone
here. The hallucinations, the
attacks—we're barely holding on.

(stepping closer, more
Alice, we’re scientists. We can’t
let fear dictate our actions. We
need to understand this creature,
not destroy it out of panic.

Lee, it’s not about panic. It’s
about survival. If we don’t act,
there won’t be anyone left to study

Dr. Lee clenches his fists, struggling with the conflict
between his scientific curiosity and the reality of the

I just... I can’t accept that.
There has to be another way.

(reaching out to him)
Maybe there is, but right now, we
have to focus on the immediate
threat. Help us find a solution
that keeps everyone safe. We can’t
do this without you.

Dr. Lee looks down, his resolve wavering. Finally, he nods,
though reluctantly.

Alright, but I’m not giving up on
finding a way to study it safely.

I wouldn’t expect anything less
from you.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller"]

Summary Dr. Lee, consumed by scientific curiosity, refuses to prioritize the immediate danger posed by a creature that causes hallucinations and has already killed people. Dr. Alice Warren, emphasizing the need for survival, urges Dr. Lee to focus on finding a solution. Despite his reluctance, Dr. Lee ultimately agrees to help, but his belief in the creature's scientific potential remains.
  • Exploration of ethical dilemmas
  • Character development
  • Tension and conflict
  • Some dialogue could be more concise


Overall: 8

The scene effectively conveys the internal conflict and emotional turmoil of the characters while advancing the plot and raising the stakes.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of balancing scientific curiosity with the safety of the team is well-developed and drives the conflict in the scene.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as the characters make a crucial decision regarding the creature and the relic, setting up future events and escalating the tension.

Originality: 8.5

The scene introduces a fresh take on the classic 'scientist vs. ethics' dilemma, with well-developed characters and thought-provoking dialogue.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters' conflicting motivations and emotions are well-portrayed, adding depth and complexity to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Lee experiences a shift in perspective, moving from scientific curiosity to a more cautious approach, showcasing character development.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Lee's internal goal is to understand and study the creature for scientific advancement, reflecting his curiosity and passion for discovery.

External Goal: 7.5

Dr. Lee's external goal is to convince Dr. Alice Warren to allow him to study the creature instead of destroying it, reflecting his desire to pursue scientific knowledge despite the risks.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The internal conflict within the characters and the external conflict of deciding the fate of the creature create a high level of tension.

Opposition: 8

The opposition between Dr. Lee and Dr. Alice Warren is strong, with conflicting beliefs and motivations driving the conflict.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes of deciding the fate of the creature and the safety of the team add urgency and tension to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by resolving a key conflict and setting up future events with the destruction of the relic.

Unpredictability: 7.5

The scene is somewhat predictable in terms of character choices and narrative direction, but the emotional stakes and ethical dilemmas add a layer of unpredictability.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict revolves around the balance between scientific curiosity and ethical responsibility. Dr. Lee believes in the potential benefits of studying the creature, while Dr. Alice prioritizes safety and survival.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The emotional impact of the characters' dilemmas and the high stakes of their decision-making process resonate with the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the characters' internal struggles and the central conflict of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its intense conflict, moral dilemmas, and emotional depth, keeping the audience invested in the characters' decisions.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and emotional stakes, with well-paced dialogue exchanges and character interactions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene adheres to standard formatting conventions for a screenplay, with clear scene headings and character dialogue.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional structure for a dramatic confrontation, with clear character motivations and escalating tension.

  • The scene opens with Dr. Lee in a dimly lit lab, pacing and staring at a specimen jar. This is a good way to establish his frustration and his continued interest in the creature. However, the dialogue feels repetitive and doesn't contribute much to the scene's progression. Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee have already had a similar exchange about the creature's threat and the importance of scientific advancement.
  • The arguments between Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee feel somewhat predictable, with Dr. Warren representing the pragmatic and Dr. Lee representing the passionate scientist. This dynamic could be more nuanced by exploring potential internal conflict within Dr. Warren. For example, she might express some appreciation for Dr. Lee's scientific curiosity but ultimately prioritize the team's safety. Dr. Lee could also express some guilt about the deaths that have occurred.
  • The pacing of the scene could be improved by adding more visual detail and internal action. For example, instead of simply stating that Dr. Lee is pacing, show him interacting with the lab equipment, or reveal his thoughts and emotions through internal monologue.
  • The scene ends with Dr. Lee reluctantly agreeing to help find a solution, which feels somewhat anticlimactic. This scene would have more impact if it concluded with a moment of tension or uncertainty. For example, Dr. Warren could reveal that the creature is already inside the facility, or Dr. Lee could have a sudden change of heart and try to steal the creature's blood sample, leaving Dr. Warren in a state of confusion.
  • Explore the internal conflict within Dr. Warren. She has a scientific interest and a desire to help, but her fear is also justified. Perhaps she has lost someone close to her due to the creature.
  • Create a more dynamic exchange between Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee. Perhaps they are both under stress and start to become more aggressive. Or Dr. Warren could reveal a secret that changes the stakes of the scene.
  • Use more visual details and internal action to create a more engaging scene. Show Dr. Lee interacting with the specimen jar, the lab equipment, or even the creature’s blood. Use more physical actions to convey emotion and create tension.
  • Consider adding a more impactful ending. This scene could end with a revelation, an unexpected turn of events, or a moment of tension and uncertainty. For example, Dr. Lee could have a sudden change of heart and try to steal the creature's blood, leaving Dr. Warren in a state of confusion.

Scene 25 -  Confrontation and Choice

The team, excluding Dr. Lee, is gathered around the dining
room table. Charts, diagrams, and notes are spread out. The
atmosphere is tense but focused.

We need to find a way to lure the
creature into a trap. Once it's
contained, we can expose it to the

We know it’s avoiding the areas
where people are sick. Maybe we can
use that to our advantage.

We could set up a containment area,
use some of the infected team's
belongings as bait. The creature
will likely steer clear of the

Right, and once it’s in the trap,
we flood the area with the virus.
Dr. Silva, can you synthesize
enough of it?

(looking concerned)
I can, but it will take some time.
We need to make sure the dosage is
high enough to be effective but
safe for us.

We need to act fast. Every moment
we delay, we risk another attack.

The team continues to discuss logistics and strategies, their
voices overlapping with urgency.


Dr. Lee quietly slips into the sick bay, glancing around to
make sure no one is watching. The room is dimly lit, filled
with medical equipment and supplies. Dr. Silva’s workstation
is cluttered with vials, notes, and samples.

Dr. Lee approaches a refrigerated unit, opening it carefully.
He scans the labels on the vials, finally spotting one marked
with the creature’s blood. His hands shake slightly as he
takes the vial, slipping it into his lab coat pocket.

(whispering to himself)
This could be the key...

He quickly closes the unit and exits the sick bay, determined
but wary. The scene shifts back to the dining room, where the
team is still deep in discussion.


The camera pans across the faces of the team, showing their

(to the team)
Alright, let’s get to work. We
don’t have much time.

Tom, I have a thought. If you
remember, when we hit the creature
with electricity it stunned him to
the point that we thought we had
killed it.

I remember. Go on.

The team gathers around a large table covered with maps,
equipment, and notes. Dr. Alice Warren, Captain Mitchell, Dr.
Frank Silva, and the others are deep in discussion.

(serious, determined)
Well, what if we can set up a
situation where the creature enters
an area we have wired up with high
voltage electricity. Once it enters
that zone, we zap it, temporarily
stunning it and allowing us to get
close enough to really expose it to
the virus.

That’s a fantastic idea.

The team exchanges determined looks, understanding the
gravity of the situation and the slim chances of survival.
They nod in agreement.

(almost shouting)
Alright, let's make this happen. We
need to work fast and coordinate
our efforts perfectly.

We should still consider the
scientific implications of this
creature. Killing it might not be
the best course of action.

Our priority is survival. We need
to stop it before it kills us all.

The tension is palpable, but there is a sense of unity and
determination as the team disperses, each member heading to
their tasks with purpose.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary Faced with a deadly creature, a research team devises a desperate plan to capture it. They decide to use infected belongings as bait and flood the containment area with the virus. Dr. Lee, however, secretly steals a vial of the creature's blood, torn between scientific ethics and the need to survive. The team opts for a high-voltage solution to stun the creature, exposing it to the virus. Dr. Lee's concerns over killing the creature are overridden by Dr. Silva's insistence on survival, creating a tense conflict between science and humanity.
  • Tension-filled dialogue
  • Strategic planning
  • High stakes
  • Limited character development
  • Some cliched elements


Overall: 8

The scene is intense, with high stakes and a sense of urgency. The team's determination and strategic planning add depth to the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using the virus to weaken the creature and setting up an electricity trap is innovative and adds complexity to the storyline.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly as the team devises a plan to capture the creature and destroy the relic causing hallucinations.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique challenge of dealing with a creature that avoids sick areas and presents fresh approaches to trapping and neutralizing it. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the authenticity of the situation.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination, resolve, and conflict in their decision-making, adding depth to their personalities.

Character Changes: 6

The characters show some development in their decision-making and priorities.

Internal Goal: 9

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to find a solution to contain the creature and ensure the safety of the team. This reflects their deeper need for survival and the fear of the creature causing harm.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal is to trap the creature and expose it to a virus to neutralize the threat it poses. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing in dealing with the creature.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between scientific curiosity and survival instincts, as well as the urgency of capturing the creature, creates a high level of tension.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the team facing a dangerous creature and internal conflicts about the best course of action. The audience is left uncertain about how the team will overcome these challenges.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team faces a dangerous creature and must make critical decisions to ensure their survival.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing a plan to capture the creature and destroy the relic.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists in the team's strategies and the philosophical conflict between characters. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

There is a philosophical conflict between Dr. Lee, who suggests considering the scientific implications of killing the creature, and Dr. Silva, who prioritizes survival. This conflict challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the ethical implications of their actions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes fear, hope, and determination in the face of a dangerous threat.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused, urgent, and reflects the characters' motivations and concerns.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, tense atmosphere, and strategic planning involved in dealing with a dangerous creature. The urgency and determination of the team members keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and maintains the urgency of the situation, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions, character dialogue, and transitions between locations.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup of the challenge, strategic planning, and a sense of unity among the team members.

  • The scene feels a bit rushed and lacks the tension and urgency that the previous scene built up. The team's determination feels a bit too quick and lacks the internal struggle that would make it more compelling.
  • The dialogue is functional but lacks the spark and intensity you'd expect from a scene where the team is facing an imminent threat. The pacing feels flat, like the team is simply going through the motions instead of actively battling for their survival.
  • Dr. Lee's sudden appearance and his secret action of stealing the vial seem out of place. The scene doesn't adequately explain his motivation or his sudden shift in perspective. His actions feel more like a plot device than a natural development of the character.
  • The ending of the scene feels anticlimactic. The team's decision to proceed with the plan feels like a foregone conclusion rather than a hard-won victory. There's a lack of emotional weight to the team's commitment to their plan.
  • Consider adding internal monologues or flashbacks to delve deeper into the characters' motivations and anxieties. This will help build tension and emotional depth.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more dynamic and evocative. Emphasize the fear and urgency the team is facing, making their words feel more powerful and impactful.
  • Focus on Dr. Lee's internal struggle and the conflict between his scientific curiosity and the need for survival. Show his desperation and the internal debate he's facing before taking action.
  • Add a visual element to the scene that increases the tension. Perhaps the creature makes a sudden appearance, or there's a power outage that throws the research facility into chaos.
  • End the scene with a moment of suspense or uncertainty. Maybe the team discovers a new threat or Dr. Lee's actions lead to an unforeseen consequence.

Scene 26 -  A Tense Wait

The team works tirelessly, setting up high-voltage cables and
positioning them around the designated zone.


Dr. Warren monitors the progress on multiple screens,
coordinating with team members through a radio.

(into radio)
Keep the voltage steady. We need to
make sure it’s enough to stun, not

(over radio)
Understood. Everything is almost


The team regroups, tired but resolute.

This is it. Everyone knows their
roles. Let’s bring this creature
down. Now we wait.

They share a final look of resolve before heading to their
positions, prepared for the final showdown.


The team is gathered, waiting for the creature to attack. The
tension in the air is almost unbearable.

(looking around)
Alright, we need to stay sharp.
Let's set up shifts so everyone
gets some rest. We can't afford to
be exhausted when it comes.

The team members nod in agreement. Captain Mitchell begins
assigning shifts.

Dr. Warren, you're with me on the
first shift with half the security
team. Dr. Silva, Dr. Lee, and the
rest of you, get some sleep. We'll
rotate in four hours.

The team disperses, finding spots to rest. Dr. Warren
approaches Captain Mitchell as he settles into a chair.

(sitting next to him)
You need rest too, you know. Can't
have our fearless leader collapsing
on us.

(smiling wearily)
Someone's got to keep an eye out.

(laying down next to him)
We'll get through this. We've faced
worse odds before.

I know. I trust this team. We'll
make it.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary A team of researchers, led by Captain Mitchell, prepares for a final confrontation with a dangerous creature in a research facility. They set up high-voltage cables to stun it and prepare for a long wait, assigning shifts to ensure everyone gets rest. The scene is filled with anticipation and tension, but the team shows determination and confidence, reassuring each other of their abilities and the team's strength.
  • Effective tension-building
  • Strategic planning by the team
  • Clear character motivations and actions
  • Limited character development in this scene
  • Some dialogue could be more impactful


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up the climax of the story. The teamwork, determination, and strategic planning of the characters enhance the overall impact of the scene.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using high-voltage cables and infected belongings to trap and weaken the creature is innovative and adds depth to the narrative. The decision to destroy the relic to stop the hallucinations is a crucial turning point in the story.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the team prepares for the final confrontation with the creature. The decision to destroy the relic and the strategic planning add layers of complexity to the story.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the 'team confronts dangerous creature' trope by focusing on internal struggles and sacrifices. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination, teamwork, and leadership qualities in this scene. Captain Mitchell's confidence and Dr. Warren's resilience stand out, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the scene.

Character Changes: 6

While there is not a significant character arc in this scene, the characters demonstrate growth in their teamwork, determination, and decision-making skills as they prepare for the final showdown.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to lead the team successfully and ensure the safety of everyone involved. This reflects their need for control, responsibility, and the fear of failure.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to capture or neutralize the dangerous creature in the facility. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect themselves and others.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between the team and the creature, as well as the internal conflict regarding the decision to destroy the relic, creates a high level of tension in the scene. The stakes are raised as the team prepares for the final confrontation.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the threat of the creature and the characters' sacrifices creating a sense of danger and uncertainty.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene as the team prepares for the final showdown with the creature. The decision to destroy the relic and the potential consequences of their actions raise the stakes even further.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by setting up the final confrontation with the creature and resolving the conflict surrounding the relic. The decision to destroy the relic adds a new layer of complexity to the narrative.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable due to the unknown outcome of the creature's attack and the characters' sacrifices, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the value of sacrifice for the greater good. Captain Mitchell's willingness to sacrifice his own rest for the safety of the team contrasts with Dr. Warren's concern for his well-being.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of determination, hope, and anxiety in the characters and the audience. The emotional impact is heightened by the high stakes and the characters' resilience in the face of danger.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency and determination of the characters as they prepare for the final showdown. The instructions given by Captain Mitchell and the coordination among team members enhance the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, teamwork dynamics, and suspenseful atmosphere that keeps the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds suspense and urgency, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' actions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting adheres to the genre conventions of a suspenseful thriller, with clear scene transitions and character interactions.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful confrontation, building tension and character dynamics effectively.

  • The scene is a bit static. It primarily focuses on exposition and setup, lacking the tension and urgency expected from a final confrontation.
  • The dialogue feels repetitive. The lines about staying sharp, knowing their roles, and waiting for the creature to attack lack originality and don't propel the scene forward.
  • The characters' emotions aren't well conveyed. While they're described as tired and resolute, the dialogue and actions don't fully demonstrate those emotions. Dr. Warren's concern is present, but the scene lacks a deeper exploration of the emotional impact of the situation.
  • The scene feels like a holding pattern. It sets up the next scene but doesn't contribute much to the overall plot or character development. The 'final showdown' should be built to with greater tension and suspense, showing the team's resolve in a more dynamic way.
  • The ending is predictable. Dr. Warren's reassurance to Captain Mitchell lacks a sense of urgency or even a spark of hope. It feels like an obligatory line to end the scene on a positive note but doesn't truly capture the tension of the situation.
  • Start with the creature attacking, not the team preparing. This immediately raises the stakes and creates tension. Show the team reacting to the creature’s attack, their plans in action, and the unexpected challenges they face.
  • Add action and visual elements. Instead of just talking about the cables and zones, show them in action. Have the team encounter obstacles, have the creature attack, and show the tension in the setup process. This will create a more visceral experience for the reader.
  • Dig deeper into the characters' emotions. Show their exhaustion, fear, and determination through their actions and dialogue. Give them a moment of vulnerability, maybe a shared memory, to highlight their camaraderie and strengthen their bond. This will create a more engaging and human connection for the reader.
  • Focus on the team's teamwork and the individual sacrifices they are making. Show their dedication to the mission and their willingness to risk their lives to save others. This will raise the stakes and make the scene more meaningful.
  • Consider a twist or an unexpected event. This could be a sudden change in the creature's behavior, a malfunction in their equipment, or a revelation about the creature's vulnerabilities. This will keep the reader guessing and create a more impactful final confrontation.

Scene 27 -  The Hunt Begins

Dr. Lee sneaks into the storage room, looking around
cautiously. He retrieves a vial containing the creature's
blood and carefully hides it in a secure case, ready for


The team has rotated shifts, and everyone looks more rested
but anxious. The creature has not attacked.

Why hasn't it come yet? It should
have attacked by now.

Do you think it knows? Could it be
aware of the trap?

How would it know? It can't

What if it's reading our minds?
Remember how the relic created
hallucinations. Perhaps it has the
ability to do something similar. Or
worse, what if it's reproducing
somewhere? Creating more of itself.

The team looks at each other, the weight of the new
possibilities sinking in.

We need to be prepared for
anything. We can't assume it will
attack the way we expect.

Agreed. We need to stay vigilant
and adapt to whatever comes our


The team is gathered, each member lost in their own thoughts.
The tension is palpable, and the silence heavy. ELENA GARCIA,
looking contemplative, breaks the silence.

You know, there is something none
of us addressed.

Everyone awake turns and looks at Elena, curiosity and
concern etched on their faces.

We focused on the object we later
called the relic after we picked up
its pulse. We found it among the
crash site.

She pauses, allowing the gravity of her words to sink in.

We were all so excited with our
find, that we didn’t consider the
existence of the creature. We all
just assumed it had disintegrated
in the crash. Instead, we now know
that it either ejected or was
thrown from the craft.

The team exchanges uneasy glances, the implications of
Elena’s words dawning on them.

Are you suggesting that the
creature survived the crash and has
been out there this whole time?

Yes. We were so focused on the
relic, we didn't stop to think that
something might have been alive in
that wreckage.

And now it's here, trying to get it

We underestimated it. We assumed it
was just some sort of artifact, not
something that was being sought

Or worse, something that was
protecting it.

Which means it might not be acting
alone. There could be more of them,
or it could be trying to
communicate with others.

And if it's trying to communicate,
it might be getting help or
instructions on what to do next.

We need to rethink our strategy.
It's not just about capturing or
killing the creature. We need to
understand its motives and prepare
for the possibility that it’s not

Well, that creature a whole new
ballgame doesn’t it. Instead of
being focused on only one creature,
we need to know if there are more.

The team, now fully awake and alert, disperses to their tasks
with renewed urgency and determination, understanding the
stakes have just been raised significantly. Dr.Lee returns to
the group.

Sorry. I couldn’t sleep. Any
updates I missed.

It has been over 24 hours and the
creature has not attacked giving us
the opportunity to brainstorm.
Elena pointed out that in all the
excitement the day we found the
relic, we didn’t consider the
possible existence of a creature.

Sorry. I don’t follow. So what? We
now know of it’s existence.

Elena brought up the possibility
that perhaps there is more than one
creature we are battling.

(excited) You mean, we may have
multiple alien beings we are
dealing with?

That’s the possibility we were
discussing when you arrived.

No one spoke as they processed what had been discussed.

There is one way to find out but it
is risky and will divide us up.

What are you thinking?

For these creature or creatures to
survive especially in this weather
for a considerable time, they had
to find shelter.


Meaning it or they must have found
a cave to hide in.

(excited) We need to leave


(holding up a hand)
Hold off, Marcus. I know you would
love to sedate one of these things
and make a big scientific splash,
but too many people have died, and
going out searching for a possible
cave has us playing on its turf.

But if we can find it, we might be
able to end this once and for all.

Tom's right. We need to be
strategic about this. Rushing in
could get more people killed.

Exactly. We need to think this
through. Splitting up is risky, but
it might be our only shot at
finding its hiding place and
understanding its behavior.

If we do decide to split up, we
need a solid plan and constant
communication. No one goes out of

We can set up base points and have
check-ins every fifteen minutes. If
anyone finds anything, we regroup

Alright. Let's prepare for a
scouting mission. We'll need enough
supplies and equipment to stay safe
and maintain communication.

We should also prepare for any
encounters. Tranquilizers,
flamethrowers, flares, anything
that can help us subdue or fend off
the creature if we come across it.

Agreed. But would really work is
some explosives.

He turns to security team member #7.

Anything come to mind?

(Smiling) We might be able to come
up with something.

Alright. We leave at first light. I
will decide who stays behind and
guards the fort, while the rest of
us go hunting.

The team nods, understanding the gravity of the situation.
They disperse to gather their gear and finalize preparations
for the scouting mission, the tension and anticipation
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary The team discovers the creature may have survived the crash and been lurking all along. This revelation sparks a debate on its potential motives and abilities, including mind-reading and reproduction. They grapple with the possibility of multiple creatures and ultimately decide to split up and search for their hiding place. The scene ends with the team gearing up for a risky scouting mission, fueled by a newfound sense of urgency and determination.
  • Building tension
  • Revealing new plot elements
  • Creating a sense of urgency and danger
  • Some dialogue could be more concise and impactful


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension, introduces new plot elements, and sets up a high-stakes mission, keeping the audience engaged and eager to see the outcome.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of multiple creatures and the need for a strategic approach to deal with the situation adds depth and complexity to the storyline, enhancing the overall narrative.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly with the revelation of the possible existence of multiple creatures and the team's decision to embark on a scouting mission, setting up the next phase of the story.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the familiar 'creature threat' trope by focusing on the characters' underestimation of the creature and the need to reassess their strategies. The dialogue feels authentic and realistic, adding depth to the characters' actions and motivations.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination, concern, and adaptability in the face of new challenges, adding depth to their personalities and highlighting their evolving dynamics.

Character Changes: 7

The characters show a shift in mindset, from underestimating the situation to realizing the gravity of the threat and adapting their approach, showcasing growth and development.

Internal Goal: 9

The protagonist's internal goal is to understand and anticipate the creature's behavior in order to protect themselves and others. This reflects their desire for safety and control in a dangerous situation.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal is to locate and neutralize the creature or creatures that pose a threat to the research facility and its inhabitants. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect themselves.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict intensifies with the revelation of multiple creatures, raising the stakes and creating a sense of imminent danger for the team.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing a formidable and unknown threat that challenges their assumptions and strategies. The audience is kept on edge by the uncertainty of the creature's motives and capabilities.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high with the revelation of multiple creatures, the team's decision to embark on a dangerous scouting mission, and the sense of imminent danger and uncertainty, creating a sense of urgency and suspense.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing new plot elements, raising the stakes, and setting up the next phase of the narrative, keeping the audience invested in the unfolding events.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and revelations about the creature's capabilities and motives. The characters' reactions and decisions keep the audience guessing about the outcome.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' assumptions and underestimation of the creature's capabilities. It challenges their beliefs about the nature of the threat they are facing and forces them to reconsider their strategies and assumptions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes emotions of anxiety, concern, and determination in the characters and the audience, heightening the tension and engagement.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the team's discussions, concerns, and decision-making process, contributing to the scene's tension and sense of urgency.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its tense atmosphere, suspenseful dialogue, and high stakes. The characters' reactions and interactions draw the audience in, creating a sense of anticipation and danger.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a gradual escalation of the characters' discoveries and reactions. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences enhances the scene's impact.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings, dialogue formatting, and action descriptions. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear and logical structure, moving from the characters' initial assumptions to the realization of the true threat they are facing. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

  • The scene feels repetitive with the team discussing the possibility of multiple creatures. This conversation has been had multiple times in the previous scenes and feels like it's stalling the story instead of moving it forward.
  • The revelation that the creature may have survived the crash feels like a belated twist. The audience has already been introduced to the creature and its capabilities, so this revelation comes across as unnecessary.
  • Dr. Lee's presence in this scene feels somewhat forced. He's not actively contributing to the discussion and his motivation for returning to the group is unclear.
  • The dialogue regarding the need for explosives and a scouting mission feels rushed and lacks the emotional impact of the previous discussions about the creature.
  • The scene ends abruptly with the team preparing for the scouting mission, leaving the audience with a sense of unfinished business.
  • Consider restructuring the scene to focus on a more compelling aspect of the team's strategy. Perhaps explore the team's internal conflicts or their fears about facing multiple creatures.
  • Instead of reiterating the possibility of multiple creatures, explore the team's reaction to this new information. Are they panicked? Do they feel defeated? Do they have a plan to deal with this new challenge?
  • Develop Dr. Lee's character further by providing him with a more active role in the scene. What is his motivation for wanting to find the creature's hideout? How does his perspective differ from the other team members?
  • Build tension and suspense by focusing on the team's preparation for the scouting mission. What are their anxieties? What are their hopes? What are the specific dangers they are anticipating?
  • Consider ending the scene on a more dramatic note. Perhaps show the team setting out into the dangerous landscape, or highlight the emotional toll of facing this new threat.

Scene 28 -  The Hunt Begins

The team is gathered around a large table, maps and equipment
spread out before them. The atmosphere is tense but focused.
Captain Tom Mitchell stands at the head of the table,
addressing the group.

Alright, we’ve discussed our
options and we need to split up.
Dr. Warren, Dr. Lee, and I, along
with a few members of the security
team, will search from the crash
site to see if we can find a cave
where the creature or creatures may
be hiding.

The rest of you will stay here at
the research center, maintain
communication, and be ready for
anything. We’ll need constant
updates on the weather and any
signs of activity.

She looks at Elena who nods.

We’ll hold the fort here. Make sure
you check in every fifteen minutes.
We can’t afford to lose contact.

(gearing up)
We need to be prepared for anything
out there. Everyone, make sure you
have your equipment ready –
tranquilizers, flares, and
communication devices.

Agreed. We head out at first light.
Until then, get some rest and
gather everything we might need.
This mission is critical.

(looking around)
Stay alert, everyone. The creature
has been unpredictable so far, and
we need to be ready for any

We’re ready, Captain. We’ll find
that cave and bring back any
information we can.

Good. Let's move out.
Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Thriller"]

Summary A research team prepares for a mission to locate a creature that crashed on their planet. Led by Captain Mitchell, they split into two groups: one to search for a cave near the crash site and another to maintain communication from the facility. The team is tense and focused, aware of the dangers and the importance of the mission. Captain Mitchell emphasizes the need for communication and readiness, and the scene ends with the order to prepare for the mission at dawn.
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Clear mission setup
  • High stakes
  • Limited character development in this scene


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the next phase of the story with a clear mission and high stakes, maintaining a tense and focused tone throughout.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of searching for the creature in a cave while dealing with infected team members and hallucinations adds depth to the story and raises the tension.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as the team prepares to search for the creature, introducing new challenges and obstacles to overcome.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces a familiar scenario of a team preparing for a dangerous mission, but adds a unique element with the mysterious creature and the philosophical conflict of exploration versus safety. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination, concern, and readiness for the upcoming mission, setting the stage for potential character development and conflicts.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the setup for the mission and potential conflicts can lead to character development in future scenes.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to ensure the safety of the team and successfully locate the creature. This reflects their desire to protect others and their sense of responsibility as a leader.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to locate the creature or creatures and gather information about them. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing in dealing with the unpredictable creature.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict is high as the team faces the unknown threat of the creature and must navigate infected team members and hallucinations.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, as the characters are facing a dangerous and unpredictable creature. The audience is unsure of how the mission will unfold, adding to the suspense and tension.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team prepares to search for the creature in a dangerous environment while dealing with infected team members and hallucinations.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by setting up the mission to search for the creature and introducing new challenges for the team to overcome.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because the outcome of the mission is uncertain, and the characters are facing a dangerous and unpredictable creature. The audience is left wondering how the team will handle the situation.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is between the characters' desire to protect and understand the creature, and the potential danger it poses. This challenges their beliefs about the balance between exploration and safety.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of determination and concern from the characters, setting the stage for potential emotional moments in the upcoming search for the creature.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused on the mission at hand, conveying the urgency and seriousness of the situation.

Engagement: 8

This scene is engaging because it sets up a high-stakes mission with a sense of danger and mystery. The characters' preparations and dialogue keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with clear instructions and preparations leading up to the mission. The rhythm of the dialogue and action keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear dialogue and action descriptions that help visualize the scene. The formatting enhances the readability and impact of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful action sequence, with clear instructions and preparations leading up to the mission. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension.

  • The scene feels a bit rushed and lacks the tension and urgency that would be expected given the situation. While the dialogue is functional, it's not particularly engaging or memorable.
  • The scene could benefit from more character interaction and development. The team feels like a collection of individuals rather than a cohesive unit. For example, we could see some specific anxieties or motivations from individual characters as they prepare for the mission.
  • The scene's visual elements are somewhat generic. It would be helpful to see more specific details about the lab, the equipment, or the characters' expressions to heighten the tension and create a more immersive experience.
  • The ending of the scene feels abrupt. It would be more satisfying if the scene ended with a more powerful image or a stronger sense of the characters' emotions and determination.
  • The scene lacks a strong conflict. While the team is preparing for a dangerous mission, there's no real tension or disagreement within the team. Adding a conflict, whether it be a disagreement about strategy, a personal fear, or a moment of doubt, would make the scene more compelling.
  • Consider adding a scene-setting moment at the beginning. For example, open with a close-up of Dr. Lee's hand nervously tracing a map, or a shot of Dr. Warren's furrowed brow as she studies equipment. These small details can build anticipation and establish a more specific mood.
  • Incorporate more emotional reactions from the team members. For example, Dr. Warren could express her anxiety about leaving the research facility, or Dr. Lee could reveal his excitement about finding the creature for scientific study. These moments will add depth and make the team feel more human.
  • Explore the tension between Dr. Lee's scientific curiosity and the team's need for survival. Maybe he argues for a more cautious approach, or expresses concern about the potential consequences of their actions.
  • End the scene with a strong visual or emotional element. For example, the scene could end with a close-up of Captain Mitchell's face as he stares into the darkness, or a shot of the team silhouetted against the setting sun as they prepare to leave the research facility.
  • Consider adding a flashback to the creature's last attack to heighten the tension and remind the audience of the danger the team is facing. This could be done with a brief montage of the team's previous experiences with the creature.

Scene 29 -  The Cave's Shadow

The team members gather their gear, checking equipment and
packing supplies. The sense of urgency and anticipation is


The first light of dawn breaks over the horizon. Captain
Mitchell, Dr. Warren, Dr. Lee, and the security team assemble
outside, ready to embark on their mission.

Remember, stay sharp and stick
together. We move as one unit and
maintain communication at all

Let's find that cave and put an end
to this.

We'll be careful and thorough.
Let's go.

The team sets off, leaving the research facility behind.
Those staying behind watch them go, the weight of the mission
heavy on everyone's shoulders.


Dr. Silva and the remaining team members settle into their
positions, monitoring screens and radios.

(into radio)
Stay safe out there. We’re here and
ready if you need anything.

Copy that. We’ll keep you posted.


The search team trudges through the harsh, frozen landscape,
following Captain Mitchell. Visibility is low, the icy wind
whipping around them. The sound of their footsteps crunching
in the snow is the only noise that pierces the eerie silence.

(shouting over the wind)
Stay close! We don’t want to get

The team members, including Dr. Warren, Dr. Lee, and the
security personnel, nod and tighten their formation. The cold
is biting, and their breath forms clouds in the frigid air.


They finally reach the crash site, marked by twisted metal
and scattered debris. The area is desolate, remnants of the
alien craft buried in snow.

We found footprints over there on
the day we discovered the relic.

The team spreads out cautiously, ensuring they can still see
the shoulders of the person next to them. They advance
slowly, scanning the ground and the surroundings.

(struggling to see)
I can barely make anything out in
this weather.

Keep looking. We’re close, I can
feel it.

They continue to search, moving methodically through the
snow. Just as they are about to give up, Captain Mitchell
spots something in the distance.

(excited, pointing)
There! I think that’s a cave.

The team quickly gathers around him, peering through the
blowing snow. Indeed, a dark opening in the rocky landscape
is visible ahead.

We found it.

Alright, here’s the plan. We’ll
approach carefully and set the
makeshift bomb near the entrance.
We need to be quick and quiet. Dr.
Warren, you and Dr. Lee cover us
while we set it up.

Understood. We’ll keep an eye out
for any movement.

(readying equipment)
Let’s do this.

The team advances toward the cave, moving slowly and
deliberately. The tension is high, each step taking them
closer to a potential encounter with the creature.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary A research team, led by Captain Mitchell, ventures into a harsh frozen landscape to locate a cave near the crash site of an alien craft. Braving low visibility and harsh weather, the team, including Dr. Warren and Dr. Lee, press on, driven by the need to find the cave and neutralize the threat it poses. They ultimately discover the cave, a dark opening in the rocky landscape, and prepare for a cautious approach, setting a makeshift bomb at the entrance.
  • Tension-building
  • High stakes
  • Innovative strategies
  • Genre blending
  • Limited character development
  • Dialogue could be more emotionally impactful


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged with the high-stakes mission and the team's determination to confront the creature. The combination of genres and the innovative strategies used to trap the creature enhance the overall impact of the scene.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of hunting down a dangerous creature in a frozen landscape while dealing with hallucinations and a mysterious virus is intriguing and well-executed. The scene effectively introduces and develops these concepts, setting the stage for a thrilling confrontation.

Plot: 8

The plot is well-structured, with a clear goal for the team to locate and confront the creature. The tension builds as they search the crash site and prepare to enter the cave, keeping the audience invested in the outcome.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces a familiar premise of a team on a dangerous mission, but adds original elements such as the alien crash site and the harsh frozen landscape. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are determined and focused on their mission, with distinct personalities and roles within the team. While there is some development in terms of their actions and decisions, more depth in character interactions could enhance the scene.

Character Changes: 6

There are subtle changes in the characters' attitudes and decisions as they prepare for the mission, showing their growth and adaptation to the challenges they face. More explicit character development could enhance the impact of these changes.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to successfully complete the mission and ensure the safety of the team. This reflects their deeper desire for accomplishment and protection of their colleagues.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to locate and neutralize the threat in the cave. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect the research facility and its members.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict is high, with the team facing multiple challenges such as the harsh environment, the creature's presence, and internal struggles with hallucinations and illness. This creates a sense of urgency and danger that drives the scene forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing difficult challenges and obstacles in the frozen landscape. The uncertainty of the mission outcome adds to the suspense and keeps the audience on edge.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team embarks on a dangerous mission to locate and confront the creature, facing multiple threats and challenges along the way. The outcome of their mission could have far-reaching consequences, adding tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by advancing the team's mission to locate and confront the creature. The introduction of new challenges and strategies adds depth to the narrative and sets the stage for further developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because the characters face unexpected challenges and obstacles in the harsh frozen landscape, adding to the suspense and tension. The audience is unsure of the outcome of the mission.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between the desire to explore and discover new things (represented by the mission to find the cave) and the fear of the unknown and potential danger (represented by the harsh frozen landscape and the alien crash site). This challenges the protagonist's beliefs in the pursuit of knowledge versus the need for safety.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, including anxiety, hope, and determination, as the team faces the unknown and prepares to confront the creature. While there is room for deeper emotional exploration, the scene effectively engages the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency and seriousness of the mission, as well as the team's determination to confront the creature. However, more opportunities for character development and emotional depth through dialogue could improve the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because it effectively builds suspense and tension, keeping the audience invested in the outcome of the mission. The high stakes and the characters' determination create a sense of urgency and excitement.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a gradual escalation of obstacles and challenges for the characters. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting. This enhances readability and clarity for the reader.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

  • The scene feels a bit rushed and lacks a sense of tension and suspense, considering the high stakes of the mission.
  • The dialogue feels a bit expository and predictable, with characters stating the obvious or repeating what we already know.
  • The action is mostly described, lacking visual detail and a sense of immediacy. We don't experience the harshness of the frozen landscape or the team's cautious movements.
  • The scene lacks a sense of character development or emotional depth. We don't feel their fear, determination, or the weight of the mission on their shoulders.
  • The scene could benefit from a more focused point of view, showing the events through the eyes of one character, allowing the reader to experience the suspense and danger more intimately.
  • The 'makeshift bomb' is introduced abruptly, lacking context or explanation. It feels like a plot device suddenly thrown into the scene.
  • Show, don't tell: Instead of stating the urgency and anticipation, use sensory details and actions to convey those emotions. Describe the icy wind whipping around them, the frost clinging to their gear, and their quick, nervous movements.
  • Develop character-driven dialogue: Instead of stating the obvious, use dialogue to reveal character dynamics, inner conflicts, and their emotional responses to the mission. Focus on their fears, motivations, and doubts.
  • Build suspense: Create a sense of suspense by slowing down the action, focusing on the team's cautious steps, the eerie silence, and the constant threat of the creature.
  • Incorporate sensory details: Immerse the reader in the frozen landscape by using sensory details to describe the biting cold, the blinding snow, the crunching snow under their feet, and the distant, ominous silence.
  • Focus on a single character's perspective: Choose one character and show the events through their eyes, allowing the reader to experience the fear, determination, and danger more intimately.
  • Introduce the bomb more organically: Build tension by hinting at the need for a bomb earlier in the story, maybe with a conversation about strategy, or by showing the team preparing the makeshift bomb before setting out.
  • Use visual imagery: Instead of simply stating that the crash site is desolate, describe the twisted metal, the broken windows, the buried debris, and the eerie silence that hangs in the air.

Scene 30 -  Countdown to Confrontation

They reach the entrance of the cave, the darkness inside
seeming to swallow the light.

Sounds like there are more than one
creature in there. Set the bomb
here, just inside the entrance.
Make sure it’s secure. Set the
timer for five minutes giving us
enough time to retreat.

The security team member kneels down and carefully begins to
set the makeshift bomb, their hands steady despite the cold
and nerves.

(whispering to Dr.
This is it. We need to be ready for

(whispering back)
Stay sharp. We’ve come too far to
lose now.

Everyone, take your positions. Once
the bomb is set, we move back and

The team members take their positions, weapons at the ready,
eyes fixed on the cave entrance. The bomb is finally set, and
the security team member gives a thumbs-up.

Good. Now let’s move back, nice and

The team retreats a safe distance, keeping their eyes on the
cave. The tension is palpable, every second feeling like an
eternity as they prepare for whatever comes next.
Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary A team led by Captain Tom Mitchell prepares to face the creatures lurking within a dark cave. They plant a bomb at the entrance, setting a five-minute timer, and retreat to a safe distance. With weapons ready and anticipation mounting, they wait anxiously for the bomb to detonate, bracing for the inevitable clash.
  • Tension-building
  • Strategic planning
  • Character dynamics
  • Genre blending
  • Possible lack of character development for all team members
  • Limited exploration of the creature's origins and motives


Overall: 9

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged with the high-stakes confrontation and the team's strategic planning. The mix of genres adds depth and complexity to the scene, making it a compelling and memorable moment in the screenplay.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of confronting a dangerous creature in a dark cave with a makeshift bomb is innovative and engaging. The scene effectively combines elements of science fiction, thriller, and horror genres to create a unique and intense confrontation.

Plot: 9

The plot of the scene revolves around the team's preparation and execution of a plan to confront the creature in the cave. The strategic positioning, use of a bomb, and the high stakes involved drive the plot forward and keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces a familiar action-oriented scenario but adds a unique twist with the use of a makeshift bomb and the characters' strategic planning. The dialogue feels authentic and contributes to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters in the scene show determination, fear, and a sense of urgency as they prepare to confront the creature. Their interactions and dialogue reveal their personalities and motivations, adding depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters show growth and development as they face the challenge of confronting the creature. Their determination, fear, and teamwork reflect their evolving personalities and motivations, adding depth to their character arcs.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is likely to survive the encounter with whatever creatures are inside the cave and complete their mission. This reflects their deeper need for survival, accomplishment, and possibly a desire to protect their team members.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to set the bomb inside the cave entrance, secure it, and detonate it safely from a distance. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing of dealing with potential threats inside the cave.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict in the scene is high, as the team faces a dangerous creature in a dark cave with limited resources and high stakes. The strategic planning, tense atmosphere, and imminent threat of the creature create intense conflict that drives the scene forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing potential danger from the creatures inside the cave. The uncertainty of the outcome adds to the tension and suspense.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes in the scene are high, as the team confronts a dangerous creature in a dark cave with limited resources and a sense of urgency. The outcome of the confrontation will have significant consequences for the characters and the overall story, raising the tension and suspense.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by escalating the conflict, revealing new information about the creature, and setting the stage for a crucial confrontation. The team's actions and decisions drive the plot towards a climactic moment, advancing the narrative.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because the outcome of setting off the bomb and facing the creatures inside the cave is uncertain. The audience doesn't know how the characters will handle the situation.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene could be the ethical dilemma of using violence or force to deal with the creatures inside the cave. It challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the use of force and the value of life.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene has a strong emotional impact, evoking fear, tension, and determination in the audience. The characters' emotions and reactions to the situation resonate with the viewers, creating a sense of urgency and suspense.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue in the scene effectively conveys the tension, fear, and determination of the characters as they prepare for the confrontation. The strategic planning and communication among the team members enhance the scene's intensity.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, suspenseful atmosphere, and clear character goals. The tension and uncertainty keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension and suspense that keeps the audience engaged. The rhythm of the dialogue and action enhances the scene's effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with concise action lines and dialogue that enhance the suspenseful atmosphere.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful action sequence, with clear direction and pacing that builds tension effectively.

  • The scene feels a bit static. While the tension is palpable, the action is mostly dialogue and waiting.
  • The dialogue is mostly exposition and instruction, which can feel a bit clunky in a scene where the stakes are high.
  • The scene lacks visual detail. We are told the bomb is set and the team takes positions, but we don't see how the bomb is placed or how the team members position themselves.
  • The scene could benefit from more internal thoughts and reactions from the characters. We know they are tense, but we don't experience it through their internal voice.
  • The last line of the previous scene and the first line of this scene feels a bit repetitive. The tension is already established, so repeating it can be redundant.
  • The scene lacks a sense of urgency. While the team is preparing for the bomb, there is a lack of sense of urgency that would make the scene more compelling.
  • Add more visual detail to the scene. Describe the bomb being placed, the team members positioning themselves, and the environment around them.
  • Consider adding some action or suspense to the scene, such as a character noticing movement in the cave or a change in the sound coming from inside.
  • Give the characters more internal thoughts and reactions. Show their fear, their determination, their doubts, and their hopes through their inner voice.
  • Rework the dialogue to be more organic and less expository. Use the dialogue to reveal character and build tension, rather than just explaining the situation.
  • Consider adding a sense of urgency to the scene. The team has been preparing for this moment, and the anticipation should be palpable.
  • Explore the psychological impact of the bomb. What is it like for the characters to be waiting for an explosion? How does it make them feel?

Scene 31 -  The Cave Collapse

The team is crouched at a safe distance, anxiously watching
the cave entrance. The cold wind continues to blow, but the
tension keeps them focused.

Everyone, stay sharp. It should go
off any moment now.

The seconds tick by slowly. Everyone's breath is visible in
the cold air, and the silence is almost unbearable.

How much longer?

Any second now.

Suddenly, a movement catches their eye. A creature emerges
from the darkness of the cave, its form barely visible
through the swirling snow.

(whispering urgently)
Look, it’s coming out!

The creature stands near the bomb, initially unaware of its
presence. The team holds their breath, watching intently.

Hold steady. Wait for it...

The creature moves closer to the bomb, its alien features
partially visible. It seems curious, sniffing the air, and
then it notices the device. It reaches down to examine it.

Come on, come on...

The creature’s fingers touch the bomb, and in that instant,
the device detonates. A blinding flash of light and a
deafening explosion tear through the air, throwing the
creature backward.

The explosion is massive, ripping the creature to pieces and
sending chunks of rock and debris flying. The shockwave
knocks the team back slightly, but they quickly recover.

(shouting over the noise)
Take cover!

The team shields themselves as debris rains down. When the
dust settles, they look up to see the cave entrance partially
collapsed, rocks and rubble blocking the way.

Did we get it?

(observing the debris)
It looks like it. The entrance is

(looking around)
What about the creature?

It’s in pieces. We got it.

The team slowly stands, the realization of their success
sinking in. They move closer to the cave entrance, carefully
avoiding the still-smoking debris.

Let’s get back to the research
facility and regroup. We need to
reassess and plan our next move.

The team nods and begins to make their way back, their
spirits slightly lifted by their small victory.
Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary A bomb planted inside a cave is detonated, killing a creature that emerges from the entrance. The explosion partially collapses the cave, effectively blocking the creature's escape route. The team, initially tense and apprehensive, experiences relief and reaffirms their commitment to containing the threat.
  • Tension-filled atmosphere
  • Action-packed sequence
  • Effective teamwork dynamics
  • Significant plot development
  • Limited character development in the scene
  • Dialogue could be more nuanced


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, filled with tension, action, and a significant development in the plot. The explosive climax and the teamwork displayed by the characters make it a standout moment in the screenplay.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of confronting the creature at the cave entrance and using a bomb to eliminate the threat is well-executed and adds a thrilling element to the storyline. The scene effectively showcases the team's strategy and determination to overcome the creature.

Plot: 9

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the team successfully confronts and potentially eliminates the creature, leading to a major turning point in their mission. The explosive climax adds excitement and sets the stage for further developments.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the classic 'alien encounter' scenario by focusing on the ethical dilemmas faced by the characters. The dialogue and actions feel authentic and contribute to the overall tension and drama.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters demonstrate courage, teamwork, and determination in the face of danger, adding depth to their personalities. Captain Mitchell's leadership, Dr. Warren's expertise, and Dr. Lee's scientific curiosity contribute to the scene's intensity.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the teamwork and unity displayed by the characters contribute to their growth and development as a group. The shared experience of facing danger together strengthens their bond.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to successfully complete the mission and eliminate the alien threat. This reflects their desire to protect themselves and others, as well as their need for validation and accomplishment.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to neutralize the alien creature and prevent any harm to their team or the research facility. This goal is directly related to the immediate challenge they are facing.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict is high in this scene as the team faces a dangerous creature and must devise a plan to eliminate it. The explosive confrontation and the uncertainty of the outcome create intense conflict and suspense.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the team facing a formidable alien creature and the threat of the bomb. The audience is unsure of the outcome, adding to the suspense and drama.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene as the team confronts a dangerous creature that has already caused harm and poses a threat to their mission. The explosive climax and the potential elimination of the creature raise the stakes even further.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by resolving the immediate threat posed by the creature and setting the stage for the next phase of the mission. The successful confrontation at the cave entrance propels the narrative towards new challenges and developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns, such as the detonation of the bomb and the collapse of the cave entrance. The audience is kept guessing about the outcome and the characters' fates.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the morality of using violence to protect oneself and others. The team must grapple with the ethical implications of their actions and the consequences of their decisions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes emotions of tension, relief, and determination as the characters confront the creature and face the possibility of danger. The teamwork and bravery displayed by the characters resonate emotionally with the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused on conveying urgency, strategy, and teamwork, enhancing the tension and suspense of the scene. While not overly complex, the dialogue effectively serves the action and character dynamics.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, suspenseful atmosphere, and moral dilemmas. The action and dialogue keep the audience on the edge of their seats, invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension leading to the explosive climax. The rhythm of the action and dialogue keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, action lines, and character dialogue. The formatting enhances the readability and impact of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear and engaging structure, building tension and suspense leading up to the climax. The dialogue and action are well-paced and contribute to the overall narrative.

  • The scene lacks tension and suspense despite the imminent bomb detonation. The dialogue, especially the repeated 'whispering,' feels unnatural and repetitive, lacking a sense of urgency.
  • The creature's emergence and interaction with the bomb feels rushed and uneventful. The reader doesn't get a sense of the creature's personality or threat level before the explosion.
  • The explosion itself is described in a rather generic way. The reader doesn't feel the force or impact of the blast. The descriptions of light and sound are too vague.
  • The aftermath of the explosion feels anticlimactic. The team's reaction and the confirmation of the creature's destruction are too matter-of-fact. The emotional impact of the event is missing.
  • The scene ends abruptly with the team deciding to regroup. The ending lacks a sense of closure and doesn't create a sense of anticipation for what comes next.
  • The scene focuses more on the action of planting and detonating the bomb than on the character's reactions and emotions.
  • The scene lacks any sense of mystery or intrigue surrounding the creature and its abilities.
  • Build tension by showing the team's anxiety and fear in the lead-up to the explosion. Utilize their dialogue and actions to convey their apprehension.
  • Give the creature a more distinct personality and a clear purpose. Make it more threatening and imposing. Show its interaction with the bomb with more detail and tension.
  • Use vivid sensory descriptions to capture the power and impact of the explosion. Describe the light, sound, and shockwave with more detail and intensity.
  • Emphasize the emotional impact of the explosion on the team. Show their reactions, their relief, and their lingering fear. Use their dialogue and actions to convey their feelings.
  • End the scene on a note that creates anticipation and mystery. Leave the reader wanting to know more about the creature's fate and the team's next steps. Consider a lingering shot of the partially collapsed cave entrance, hinting at possible dangers.
  • Focus on the team's emotional journey during the scene. Allow their actions and dialogue to reveal their fears, hopes, and their determination to overcome the threat.
  • Introduce more questions and mysteries about the creature's nature and its abilities. This will enhance the suspense and intrigue of the narrative.

Scene 32 -  Awakening Fury

Everyone is congratulating each other. Music, laughter, fills
the room. Captain Mitchell leaves the group but shortly
returns carrying several bottles of champagne.

I think we have all earned a little

Cheers ring out. Some security team members pop open the
champagne and start pouring.

Dr. Warren. Can I have this dance?

Well Dr. Silva. I though you would
never ask.

The two began dancing while more cheers ring out.


Sunlight streams into the cave from an opening on the
opposite side of the explosion site. The interior of the cave
is dimly lit, with shadows dancing across the walls. Snow and
debris cover the floor, remnants of the explosion still

A mound of snow near the center of the cave begins to shift.
Slowly, a creature’s hand pushes through the snow, followed
by its entire form as it struggles to free itself. The
creature rises, shaking off the snow and debris, revealing
its menacing features.

(looking around)
(guttural roar)

It surveys the cave, its eyes falling upon the bodies of
other creatures, including several smaller ones that appear
to be babies, lifeless and partially buried under the snow
and rubble. The sight enrages the creature.

It turns its attention to the source of the sunlight, a
narrow hole in the cave wall where the explosion has created
an opening.

The creature moves towards the hole, its powerful claws
scraping against the rocky surface. It starts clawing at the
edges of the hole, trying to widen it, driven by a desperate
need to escape and perhaps seek revenge.

Chunks of rock and ice break away as the creature continues
to claw at the opening, its roars growing louder and more
intense. The sunlight glints off its dark, alien skin,
highlighting the raw power and anger coursing through it

The creature pauses for a moment, looking back at the fallen
bodies of its kin. Its eyes narrow with a newfound resolve,
and it turns back to the opening, renewing its efforts with
even greater ferocity.

As the creature claws at the hole, more sunlight pours into
the cave, illuminating the tragic scene. The creature’s roars
echo through the mountains, a chilling reminder of the danger
that still lurks.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror"]

Summary After a joyous celebration at the research facility, the scene shifts to a cave where a monstrous creature emerges from the snow. Enraged by the sight of its dead kin, including several babies, the creature focuses on an opening created by an explosion. It desperately claws at the opening in a bid to escape and seek revenge, its roars echoing through the mountains, leaving a chilling reminder of the danger that still lurks.
  • Effective tension and suspense
  • Compelling creature character development
  • High-stakes conflict
  • Minimal dialogue
  • Limited character development


Overall: 9

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with a strong focus on the creature's emotions and actions. The combination of genres and the development of the creature's character make it a compelling and engaging scene.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a vengeful alien creature seeking revenge adds depth and complexity to the story. The scene effectively explores the creature's motivations and emotions, creating a sense of urgency and danger.

Plot: 9

The plot advances significantly in this scene as the creature emerges from the cave and begins its quest for revenge. The team's actions and decisions have a direct impact on the unfolding events, leading to a dramatic confrontation.

Originality: 7

The scene presents a familiar situation of celebration after a successful mission, but the authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds a fresh and realistic touch to the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters' reactions to the creature's emergence and their interactions with each other add depth to the scene. The focus on the creature's perspective and emotions enhances the character dynamics and creates a sense of conflict.

Character Changes: 7

The scene does not focus on significant character development, but it does show the characters reacting to the escalating danger and making tough decisions. The creature's actions also reveal its evolving emotions and motivations.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to enjoy the moment of success and camaraderie with their team. This reflects their need for validation, connection, and a sense of belonging.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to celebrate the successful mission with their team and maintain positive morale. This reflects the immediate circumstances of completing a mission and the challenges faced during it.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense and high-stakes, as the team must confront a powerful and vengeful creature. The emotional and physical danger adds to the tension and suspense, driving the narrative forward.

Opposition: 5

The opposition in this scene is minimal, as the focus is on celebration and camaraderie. However, potential underlying tensions or conflicts within the team hint at future opposition.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene, as the team faces a deadly and vengeful creature that poses a significant threat to their survival. The emotional and physical danger adds intensity to the narrative, keeping the audience engaged.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a new threat in the form of the vengeful creature. The team's actions and decisions set the stage for a dramatic confrontation and raise the stakes for the upcoming events.

Unpredictability: 6

This scene is predictable in its outcome of celebration after a successful mission, but the dynamics between the characters and potential conflicts add an element of unpredictability.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

There is a philosophical conflict between the protagonist's desire for celebration and camaraderie, and potential underlying tensions or conflicts within the team that may arise during the celebration. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about teamwork and unity.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, anger, and desperation in both the characters and the audience. The creature's emotions and actions create a sense of empathy and tension, drawing the audience into the story.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue in the scene is minimal but effective in conveying the characters' emotions and motivations. The creature's roars and actions speak volumes, adding to the tension and suspense.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because it captures the excitement and camaraderie of the characters, drawing the audience into the celebratory atmosphere.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining a lively and celebratory atmosphere, keeping the audience engaged in the characters' interactions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene adheres to the expected format for a celebratory moment in a screenplay, with proper scene headings and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for a celebratory moment in a screenplay, with clear scene direction and character interactions.

  • The scene starts with a jarring shift in tone and setting from the celebratory atmosphere of the previous scene. This abrupt transition can be jarring for the reader, and it might benefit from a more gradual transition.
  • The description of the creature's appearance and features is relatively bland. Consider using more vivid and evocative language to create a stronger visual impression of the creature's menacing presence.
  • While the scene portrays the creature's anger and desire for revenge, the motivations are not fully explored. It might be beneficial to delve deeper into the creature's emotional state and backstory to create a more complex and compelling character.
  • The creature's actions of clawing at the opening seem repetitive and lack narrative tension. It could benefit from a more dynamic approach, potentially involving obstacles, traps, or other threats that would heighten the sense of danger and urgency.
  • The scene ends with a somewhat predictable and clichéd conclusion: the creature's roars echoing through the mountains. A more creative and impactful ending would leave a stronger impression on the reader.
  • The scene's overall pacing is slow. Consider using shorter sentences, more active verbs, and a faster tempo to create a more dynamic and engaging reading experience.
  • The lack of dialogue in this scene could be a missed opportunity to provide insights into the creature's thoughts or motives. Consider adding a few lines of dialogue or internal monologue to give the creature a more distinct voice.
  • Consider adding a transition scene that bridges the gap between the celebration and the creature's awakening. This could involve a brief scene showing the team returning to the research facility or setting up a perimeter around the cave.
  • Use more descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the creature's appearance and features. Consider using sensory details like smell, sound, and texture to create a more immersive experience.
  • Explore the creature's motivations and backstory in more detail. This could involve flashbacks, internal monologues, or external clues that reveal its history and relationship with its kind.
  • Introduce obstacles or traps that the creature must overcome as it attempts to escape the cave. This would create a sense of urgency and danger, making the scene more exciting and unpredictable.
  • End the scene with a more creative and impactful conclusion. Perhaps the creature could encounter another threat, discover a hidden passage, or make a chilling discovery that further fuels its rage.
  • Revise the pacing of the scene to make it more dynamic. Use shorter sentences, more active verbs, and a faster tempo to create a more engaging reading experience.
  • Consider adding dialogue or internal monologue to the creature to give it a more distinct voice and provide insights into its thoughts and motivations.

Scene 33 -  Victory Dinner

Several hours have passed, and the atmosphere is calm and

The entire team is assembled in the dining room, a sense of
relief and camaraderie in the air. The room is filled with
the comforting aroma of a home-cooked meal.

(walking in, smiling)
Well chef, what culinary treats do
you have for us tonight?

Well Captain, in celebration of our
killing the creature, I have made
my famous spaghetti and meatballs,
plus garlic bread, salad, and a,
pardon my pun, monster chocolate

The team laughs, the tension from earlier easing into light-
hearted banter. They begin to serve themselves, filling their
plates with the delicious food. Dr. Warren and Captain
Mitchell sit next to each other, their shoulders brushing as
they eat.

This is exactly what we needed. A
little comfort food goes a long

Couldn’t agree more. It's nice to
have a moment of normalcy.

The team chats and jokes, enjoying the rare moment of peace.
As the meal winds down, the mood turns more reflective.

It's hard to believe we actually
did it. But we can't let our guard
down. There could be more out

You're right. We'll stay vigilant.
But tonight, let’s just appreciate
what we’ve accomplished.

As the team finishes their meal, they start to disperse,
heading to their quarters to rest. Dr. Warren and Captain
Mitchell linger a bit longer, sharing a quiet moment.

Thank you for keeping us together
out there. We couldn’t have done it
without you.

(meeting her gaze)
We did it together, Alice. I
couldn’t have done it without you

They share a meaningful look, the bond between them evident.
Slowly, they stand and make their way out of the dining room.
Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Horror","Thriller","Drama"]

Summary After a successful battle against a dangerous creature, the research team celebrates their victory with a celebratory meal. Laughter and lighthearted banter fill the dining room, highlighting the camaraderie and relief they feel. As they enjoy the chef's special meal, the conversation shifts to the potential threat of other creatures, reminding them of the dangers that still exist. Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren share a quiet moment, acknowledging each other's contributions to their success, underscoring the strong bond they have forged during their ordeal.
  • Effective balance of tone
  • Strong character dynamics
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Lack of immediate conflict resolution
  • Potential lack of clarity on future threats


Overall: 8

The scene effectively balances moments of light-heartedness with underlying tension and hints at future conflicts, keeping the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of celebrating a victory while acknowledging ongoing threats is well-executed, adding depth to the story.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses by showing the aftermath of the mission and setting up potential future conflicts, maintaining the audience's interest.

Originality: 9

The scene offers a fresh approach to the aftermath of a dangerous situation, focusing on the characters' emotional responses and the importance of connection and reflection. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters' interactions and dynamics are well-developed, especially the growing bond between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell.

Character Changes: 7

The scene shows subtle changes in the characters' dynamics, especially in the growing bond between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to find a moment of peace and reflection after a tense and dangerous situation. This reflects their need for connection, comfort, and a break from the intensity of their work.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to acknowledge their accomplishment in killing the creature while also remaining vigilant for potential threats. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges they are facing in their work environment.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

While there are hints of potential conflicts and threats, the scene focuses more on reflection and camaraderie, lowering the immediate conflict level.

Opposition: 5

The opposition in this scene is not particularly strong, as the characters are mostly in agreement and focused on the same goals. However, the underlying tension of potential future threats adds a layer of uncertainty.

High Stakes: 6

While the stakes are not immediately high in this scene, the hints of future threats and the need for vigilance raise the stakes for the characters.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by setting up potential future conflicts and challenges, keeping the narrative momentum going.

Unpredictability: 6

This scene is somewhat predictable in its progression from tension to relief and reflection, but the characters' interactions and emotional depth add layers of unpredictability to their responses and relationships.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the balance between celebrating achievements and remaining vigilant for future challenges. It challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the importance of acknowledging success while also staying prepared for potential dangers.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from relief and camaraderie to anxiety and reflection, engaging the audience on an emotional level.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the team's camaraderie, concerns, and appreciation for each other, adding depth to the characters.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because it balances moments of humor, tension, reflection, and camaraderie, keeping the audience invested in the characters' experiences and emotions.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively transitions from light-hearted moments to reflective ones, maintaining a rhythm that allows for emotional depth and character development.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene descriptions, character actions, and dialogue cues.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with a clear progression from light-hearted banter to reflective moments, leading to a sense of closure as the characters disperse.

  • The scene feels a bit predictable and uneventful. After the previous scene's cliffhanger, a sense of immediate threat is expected, but the scene focuses on a calming, almost idyllic celebration.
  • The dialogue feels a bit expositional and lacks a sense of urgency or character depth. While there's a touch of reflection, it doesn't carry the weight of what the team has just been through.
  • The scene's focus on food, while seemingly grounding the narrative, doesn't move the plot forward. The 'monster chocolate cake' pun feels out of place and doesn't serve the scene's purpose.
  • The ending feels a bit rushed. The quiet moment between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell is brief and doesn't build on their growing tension and relationship. It feels like a missed opportunity to add more emotional weight to their interaction.
  • The transition between the previous scene's dramatic cliffhanger and this scene feels abrupt. A brief scene showing the team returning from the cave or a mention of the creature's escape could create a smoother transition and increase tension.
  • Introduce a subtle but lingering sense of unease. Perhaps the team is celebrating, but their laughter feels a bit forced or they keep looking over their shoulders.
  • Explore the psychological impact of the events. Consider having a character express lingering anxiety, fear, or a change in their perspective on their situation.
  • Focus on the tension between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell. Perhaps a subtle disagreement arises over future strategy, or one of them expresses a fear they've been holding back.
  • Use the dialogue to foreshadow future events. A mention of the creature's babies, or a discussion about the possibility of other creatures, could create a sense of unease.
  • Consider adding a scene of the team returning to the research facility and discovering the extent of the damage caused by the creature's escape, or have them see the hole in the ground from which it escaped. This could create a more dramatic and immediate sense of danger.

Scene 34 -  Embracing Love

Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell walk down the hallway, the
facility quiet around them. The tension between them is
palpable, an unspoken connection simmering beneath the

Tom, can we talk for a minute? In

Of course.

They enter a small, cozy room adjacent to the hallway. The
room is dimly lit, the soft glow creating an intimate


Dr. Warren closes the door behind them. She turns to face
Captain Mitchell, her eyes searching his.

I don’t know what I’d do if
something happened to you out
there. It made me realize how much
you mean to me.

(taking her hand)
I feel the same way, Alice. This
whole experience... it’s brought a
lot of things into focus for me.

They move closer, the space between them shrinking. Their
eyes lock, and in a moment of shared understanding, they



They kiss, the intensity of their emotions pouring into the
moment. Slowly, they make their way to the bed, the world
outside fading away.
Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Romance"]

Summary Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell have a private conversation in a dimly lit room, expressing their feelings for each other and sharing a kiss. Dr. Warren expresses her fear of losing Captain Mitchell, but he reassures her of his feelings for her. The tension between them is resolved as they embrace and make their way to the bed, ending the scene on an intimate and romantic note.
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Tension
  • Potential lack of focus on external conflict


Overall: 8

The scene effectively balances the emotional depth of the romantic connection between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell with the tension of their situation, creating a compelling and engaging moment.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring the unspoken feelings between two characters amidst a high-stakes sci-fi scenario is well-executed and adds depth to the overall narrative.

Plot: 7

The plot advances through the emotional development of the characters and their relationship, adding layers to the overall story.

Originality: 8

The scene offers a fresh approach to the theme of emotional connection and vulnerability, with authentic dialogue and character interactions.

Character Development

Characters: 9

Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell are well-developed characters with complex emotions and motivations, driving the scene forward with their interactions.

Character Changes: 8

Both Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell experience emotional growth and a deepening of their relationship throughout the scene.

Internal Goal: 9

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to express their feelings of love and vulnerability to each other. This reflects their deeper need for emotional connection and validation.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is not clearly defined, as the focus is on their emotional connection rather than any specific external challenge.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

The internal conflict of the characters' unspoken feelings adds tension to the scene, complementing the external conflict of their dangerous situation.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is minimal, as the focus is on the characters' emotional connection rather than external conflict.

High Stakes: 7

The high stakes of their dangerous situation heighten the emotional impact of the scene, adding urgency to the characters' interactions.

Story Forward: 7

While the scene focuses more on character development, it still moves the story forward by deepening the emotional stakes for the characters.

Unpredictability: 6

The scene is somewhat predictable in its focus on emotional intimacy, but the intensity of the characters' emotions adds an element of unpredictability.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' internal struggles with vulnerability and emotional intimacy. It challenges their beliefs about professional boundaries and personal relationships.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The emotional impact of the scene is high, as the audience is invested in the relationship between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the unspoken feelings between the characters, adding depth to their relationship.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the emotional tension and connection between the characters, drawing the audience into their intimate moment.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and emotion, leading to a satisfying resolution.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting of the scene is clear and concise, following industry standards for screenplay format.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a romantic moment in a screenplay, with a buildup of tension and emotional release.

  • The scene feels rushed and underdeveloped. It lacks the emotional depth and tension that would make it compelling. The dialogue is very on-the-nose and doesn't leave room for subtlety or nuance. The action feels forced and unearned. The scene feels like it's trying to get to the kiss as quickly as possible, without taking the time to build any real connection or tension between the characters.
  • The scene feels like a cliché. It relies on tired tropes of romance in a stressful situation. The characters' feelings for each other seem to develop out of thin air. We need to see more evidence of their attraction and connection throughout the screenplay for this scene to feel organic.
  • The scene doesn't advance the plot in any meaningful way. It's a distraction from the main conflict of the story. The writers seem to be trying to inject some romance into the narrative, but it feels misplaced and unnecessary. The scene could be easily cut without affecting the flow of the story.
  • The scene doesn't provide any new insights into the characters. We don't learn anything new about Dr. Warren or Captain Mitchell. The scene just reinforces their pre-existing traits.
  • The scene feels too rushed and unrealistic. The characters declare their feelings for each other with an immediacy that doesn't feel authentic, especially given their prior interactions. The scene could benefit from a more gradual buildup to their romantic encounter.
  • Focus on showing instead of telling. Let the audience see the attraction between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell build over time. This could be done through subtle gestures, shared glances, or moments of vulnerability.
  • Make the scene more about the characters' relationship to each other than about the physical act of kissing. Explore the shared experiences that have brought them closer, the vulnerabilities they have revealed to each other, and the trust they have built.
  • Explore the tension between their personal feelings and the dangers they are facing. How does the threat of the creatures affect their attraction to each other? Does it make them cling closer to each other or pull them apart?
  • Find ways to incorporate the scene's setting into the story. What does the private room symbolize? How does the dimly lit atmosphere affect their mood and actions?
  • Consider removing the scene entirely. If the scene doesn't advance the plot or reveal new information about the characters, it may be better to cut it out.
  • Instead of a private room, consider the scene taking place in the dining room after the team's celebration, perhaps with the rest of the team present but focusing on the two of them. This will allow for more tension and intrigue as they share this intimate moment while surrounded by others.

Scene 35 -  After the Cave

The room is now dimly lit by the moonlight streaming through
boarded up window. Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell lie in bed
together, wrapped in each other’s arms, a sense of peace and
connection enveloping them.

(speaking softly)
Do you think we got them

Captain Mitchell kisses Dr. Warren on her forehead and
strokes her hair.

Whatever was in that cave was blown
to hell. I mean, even if the blast
didn’t kill them, tons of snow and
debris sealed whatever else was in
there until another research team
decides to excavate the cave.

Dr. Warren sighs, a mixture of relief and lingering concern.

I hope you’re right. I just can’t
shake the feeling that we might
have missed something.

We did everything we could, Alice.
We’ll stay vigilant and be ready
for anything.
But for now, try to rest. We need
our strength for whatever comes

(smiling slightly)
You’re right. I’ll try.

They lie together in silence for a moment, the weight of
their experiences settling over them.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Romance"]

Summary Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell, shaken from their recent encounter in the cave, seek solace in each other's company. While Dr. Warren worries about potential remaining threats, Captain Mitchell reassures her, emphasizing their thoroughness and commitment to vigilance. Despite their anxieties, they find comfort in their shared experience and the promise of continued support, preparing for whatever challenges may lie ahead.
  • Emotional depth of characters
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Balanced tone
  • Lack of external conflict
  • Limited action


Overall: 8

The scene effectively balances tension, relief, and romance, providing a well-rounded emotional experience for the audience. The dialogue is engaging, and the character dynamics are compelling.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of facing a mysterious creature and the aftermath of a successful mission is intriguing. The scene effectively explores the characters' emotions and relationships in the midst of uncertainty.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses as the characters reflect on their recent encounter and prepare for potential future threats. The resolution of the creature conflict adds closure to this storyline.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the typical post-disaster aftermath, focusing on the characters' emotional responses and interpersonal dynamics rather than action or suspense. The dialogue feels authentic and nuanced, adding depth to the characters' experiences.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed and their interactions feel authentic. The emotional depth of Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell's relationship adds a layer of complexity to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters experience a subtle shift in their mindset, moving from relief to lingering concern about potential threats. Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell's bond deepens as they face uncertainty together.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Warren's internal goal is to find closure and peace after a traumatic event. She is grappling with feelings of relief and lingering concern, indicating a need for resolution and emotional stability.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to ensure the safety and security of the research facility and its inhabitants. This reflects the immediate circumstances of potential danger and the need for preparedness.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

While there is a sense of lingering concern and potential threats, the conflict in this scene is more internal and emotional rather than external. The characters are grappling with their fears and uncertainties.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong enough to create tension and conflict, but not overwhelming. The characters' differing perspectives and emotional states create a sense of uncertainty and complexity.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high as the characters reflect on their recent victory while remaining vigilant for potential threats. The emotional and personal stakes are emphasized in this scene.

Story Forward: 7

The scene provides closure to the creature conflict storyline while setting the stage for potential future challenges. It moves the story forward by highlighting the characters' resilience and unity.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the characters' conflicting emotions and unresolved concerns, leaving the audience unsure of how their relationship and the story will progress.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' sense of duty and responsibility versus their personal well-being and emotional needs. Dr. Warren's concern for potentially missed threats clashes with Captain Mitchell's reassurance and focus on rest and recovery.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from relief and hope to concern and love. The intimate moment between Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell adds a poignant touch to the overall emotional impact.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is meaningful and reveals the characters' inner thoughts and emotions. It enhances the scene by providing insight into the characters' motivations and fears.

Engagement: 8

This scene is engaging because of the emotional depth and vulnerability of the characters, as well as the subtle tension and unresolved conflicts that keep the audience invested.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of dialogue, action, and introspection that maintains tension and emotional resonance. The rhythm of the scene enhances its effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting. The visual descriptions enhance the atmosphere and mood of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear structure with a setup, conflict, and resolution, effectively conveying the characters' emotional journey and conflicts. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the scene's effectiveness.

  • The scene feels a bit too expository. The dialogue is mostly about recapping events that have already happened and reassuring Dr. Warren, which can feel redundant given the previous scene's emotional resolution.
  • The dialogue is lacking in conflict and tension. Both characters seem to be in agreement, which removes the sense of dramatic urgency. There's a lack of back and forth, making the conversation feel static.
  • The scene doesn't fully capitalize on the romantic tension built in the previous scene. The kiss is mentioned in passing, but the moment feels rushed and unearned. More focus could be placed on the physical and emotional intimacy.
  • The scene could benefit from showing instead of telling. Instead of just stating that they're feeling a sense of peace, the scene could explore those emotions through their actions, body language, and subtle interactions.
  • Consider adding a new element of conflict or tension to the scene. For example, Dr. Warren could have a lingering fear about the creature's potential for return, or Captain Mitchell could be harboring secret doubts about their success.
  • Explore the emotional aftermath of their ordeal. Focus on how they are processing the trauma, the shared experience, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead.
  • Give the characters more agency in their dialogue. Instead of just stating facts, allow them to share their fears, desires, and hopes for the future. This will create a more engaging and emotionally resonant scene.
  • Focus on the physical intimacy between them. Show them touching, comforting each other, or simply enjoying their newfound closeness. This will add depth and emotional weight to the scene.
  • Introduce a new element of suspense. For example, a noise outside could indicate that they haven't truly eliminated the threat. This would create a sense of unease and keep the audience engaged.

Scene 36 -  Forbidden Curiosity

Meanwhile, in the dimly lit hallway, Dr. Marcus Lee sneaks
out of his quarters, carrying a small, secure case. He
glances around, ensuring no one sees him, and quietly makes
his way toward the lab.


Dr. Lee enters the lab and locks the door behind him. He
places the case on a table and opens it, revealing the vial
of the creature’s blood he had hidden earlier. He stares at
it, a mixture of fascination and determination in his eyes.

(whispering to himself)
This is just the beginning. There’s
so much we can learn from this.

He carefully secures the vial back in the case, planning his
next steps. His thoughts are interrupted by a faint noise
from outside.


Back in the private room, Dr. Warren stirs, sensing something

Did you hear that?

Yeah, I did. Stay here, I’ll check
it out.

(shaking her head)
No, I’m coming with you. We stick
together, remember?

They quickly get dressed and head out of the room, moving
cautiously through the facility.


They walk down the hallway, alert to any unusual sounds or
movements. As they approach the lab, they see a faint light
under the door.

Someone’s in there. Stay behind me.

He finds the door locked. Dr. Lee panics with the case on the
table. He tries to remain calm before opening the door.

What are you doing, Marcus?

Tom, Alice... I can explain.

You’d better. What’s going on?

I was just... making sure we had
everything secured. This blood
could be crucial for our research.

And you couldn’t do that during the
day, with everyone else around?

Fine. I was curious. I wanted to
run some tests, see if there’s
anything we missed. This could be a
breakthrough, Tom. We can’t let
fear stop us from learning.

We understand, Marcus. But you need
to remember, safety comes first. If
there’s more to discover, we’ll do
it together, following protocols.

Exactly. Now, secure that vial and
get some rest. We’ll discuss this
in the morning.

Dr. Lee nods reluctantly, placing the vial back into the case
and locking it securely.

Alright. I’m sorry. I’ll see you
both in the morning.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller"]

Summary Dr. Marcus Lee, driven by scientific ambition, sneaks into the lab at night to study a vial of the creature's blood. His clandestine actions are discovered by Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell, leading to a tense confrontation. Dr. Lee initially lies but eventually admits his desire to conduct unauthorized tests. He is reprimanded for disregarding safety protocols and agrees to follow them in the future, though his curiosity remains.
  • Building suspense
  • Creating tension through conflicting motivations
  • Introducing a new plot element
  • Emotional impact could be stronger
  • Dialogue could be more dynamic


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds suspense and intrigue, setting up a potential conflict and raising questions about the characters' motivations.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of conducting experiments with the creature's blood adds depth to the story and introduces a new element of danger and mystery.

Plot: 7

The plot thickens with the discovery of Dr. Lee's secret experiment, adding tension and raising the stakes for the team.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the classic 'scientist with questionable ethics' trope, adding layers of moral complexity and character development.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters' reactions and interactions in this scene reveal their conflicting priorities and motivations, adding complexity to their personalities.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Lee's decision to conduct the secret experiment hints at a potential character arc involving ethical dilemmas and personal growth.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Marcus Lee's internal goal is driven by his curiosity and desire for scientific advancement. He is fascinated by the potential knowledge that can be gained from the creature's blood.

External Goal: 7

Dr. Marcus Lee's external goal is to conduct unauthorized tests on the creature's blood to potentially make a breakthrough discovery.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Dr. Lee's curiosity and the team's safety concerns creates a sense of tension and uncertainty.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting values and motivations driving the conflict between the characters.

High Stakes: 7

The high stakes are established through the potential danger of experimenting with the creature's blood and the conflict it creates within the team.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a new plot element and raising the stakes for the team.

Unpredictability: 8

The scene is unpredictable due to the characters' conflicting motivations and the unexpected turn of events.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the balance between scientific curiosity and ethical responsibility. Dr. Lee's actions challenge the values of safety and protocol upheld by Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene evokes curiosity and a sense of foreboding, but the emotional impact is not as pronounced as in other scenes.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and suspicion between the characters, as well as their differing perspectives on the situation.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful atmosphere, moral dilemmas, and dramatic confrontations.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' decisions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting adheres to the expected format for a suspenseful sci-fi thriller, enhancing the pacing and tension of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear and engaging structure, building tension and conflict effectively.

  • The scene starts with Dr. Lee sneaking out, which feels a bit out of character given the celebratory atmosphere of the previous scene. It also introduces a sense of paranoia that isn't quite justified at this point.
  • The dialogue in the lab feels a bit clunky, particularly Dr. Lee's self-justification. It lacks the natural flow of conversation.
  • The scene feels somewhat repetitive with Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell responding to Dr. Lee's actions in similar ways. It could benefit from a bit more differentiation in their responses.
  • The ending feels abrupt and lacks a sense of closure. The scene ends with Dr. Lee apologizing and agreeing to get some rest, but it doesn't feel like a natural conclusion.
  • The scene could benefit from more visual details. The descriptions of the hallway, lab, and closet are a bit sparse and lack atmosphere.
  • While the scene establishes Dr. Lee's curiosity and potential threat, it doesn't fully develop the consequences of his actions or the tension surrounding his secret. This could be explored further in the following scenes.
  • Consider adding a brief flashback or internal monologue to Dr. Lee before he leaves his quarters, giving the audience a better understanding of his motivation and inner conflict.
  • Rewrite the dialogue in the lab to be more natural and engaging. Consider adding some subtle tension or subtext to the interaction.
  • Give Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell more distinct responses to Dr. Lee's actions, highlighting their individual personalities and concerns.
  • End the scene with a more impactful moment. Perhaps Dr. Lee shows a glimpse of his true intentions, or a hint of a potential conflict is introduced.
  • Incorporate more visual descriptions, including specific details about the lighting, shadows, and atmosphere of the location. This will help create a stronger sense of place and mood.
  • Explore the consequences of Dr. Lee's actions in the subsequent scene. How does his secret affect the dynamic between the characters? What potential dangers does it create? This will help raise the stakes and create more compelling tension.

Scene 37 -  Creature Escapes, Chaos Ensues

As Dr. Lee leaves the lab and heads to his quarters, Dr.
Warren and Captain Mitchell share a concerned look.

We need to keep an eye on him.
Curiosity is one thing, but this...

Agreed. We can’t afford any more
risks. Let’s get some rest and be
ready for whatever comes next.

They head back to their individual quarters, the sense of
unease lingering but tempered by their resolve to face
whatever lies ahead together.

Alarms and red lights fill the research facility rousing
anyone who was asleep. Captain Mitchell runs to the command



Captain, the creature has broken
into the containment building.

She points to several video monitors where the creature
appears to be searching for something. Dr. Silva, Warren,
and Lee enter all looking at the displays.

It’s looking for the relic.

It looks pissed to me.

On cue, the creature starts throwing objects from tables,
smashing lab equipment and snarling. It then leaves through
the hole it had made in the wall.

Well, we know that at least one of
them survived the explosion.

What is the relic so damn important
to it?

We may never know, but now that he
knows it is not working anymore,
I’m sure we are it’s new targets.

Dr. Lee abruptly leaves the others unnoticed.

Elena. Can you bring up the footage
taken from the blast yesterday?

Sure. Give me a few.

Soon one of the monitors lite up with footage before, during,
and after the explosion at the cave.

Look, there.

Everyone strained to an area on the monitor he was pointing

I see it. There’s an opening near
the top of the mound.
One of the creatures survived the
blast and use the hole to dig
themselves out.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller"]

Summary After Dr. Lee leaves the lab, the research facility plunges into chaos when an alarm signals the creature's escape from containment. The creature wreaks havoc, destroying lab equipment before escaping through a hole in the wall. Meanwhile, Dr. Warren, Dr. Silva, and Captain Mitchell observe the creature's behavior, noting its search for something. Footage from the cave explosion reveals that one of the creatures survived and escaped, suggesting a greater threat than initially anticipated.
  • Building tension
  • Creating suspense
  • Advancing the plot
  • Limited character development in this specific scene


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a new conflict, keeping the audience engaged and eager to see what happens next.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of the creature escaping and the team's reaction to it is well-executed, adding a new layer of complexity to the story.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly with the creature's escape, leading to new challenges and obstacles for the characters to overcome.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a unique blend of science fiction and thriller elements, with a focus on the characters' reactions to a dangerous creature. The dialogue feels authentic and the actions are driven by the characters' motivations and fears.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show determination and concern in the face of the new threat, adding depth to their personalities.

Character Changes: 6

While there is not a significant character change in this scene, the characters' reactions to the new threat show growth and development.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to protect the research facility and its inhabitants from the creature. This reflects their desire to maintain order and safety in a chaotic situation.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to contain the creature and prevent it from causing further damage. This goal reflects the immediate challenge they are facing and the need to protect the facility.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The level of conflict is high as the team faces a new threat and must come up with a plan to deal with it.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the creature posing a significant threat to the characters and the facility. The audience is left wondering how the characters will overcome this obstacle and what the consequences will be.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team must deal with the escaped creature and prevent further harm to themselves and the research facility.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly by introducing a new conflict and setting up the next phase of the narrative.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions of the creature and the characters' reactions to the escalating situation. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the ethical dilemma of dealing with a dangerous creature and the unknown motivations behind its actions. This challenges the characters' beliefs about science, ethics, and the consequences of their research.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of concern and determination in the characters, resonating with the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency and tension of the situation, as well as the characters' conflicting motivations.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, tense dialogue, and high stakes. The audience is drawn into the characters' struggle to contain the creature and protect the facility.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a balance of action and dialogue that keeps the audience engaged. The rhythm of the scene contributes to its overall effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, dialogue formatting, and action descriptions that enhance the visual storytelling.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful thriller, with a buildup of tension, a reveal of the creature's actions, and a cliffhanger ending that leaves the audience wanting more.

  • The scene opens with a bit of unnecessary exposition. We already know Dr. Lee is curious about the creature's blood and that Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell are concerned about his actions. The dialogue feels a bit clunky and redundant.
  • The alarm and red lights are a common and somewhat generic way to signal a threat. Consider a more creative and specific way to show the creature's return, maybe using sound or visuals.
  • The description of the creature 'smashing lab equipment' is somewhat vague. Instead of telling us, show us the specific actions. How does the creature smash the equipment? What is the effect of its actions? This will create a more vivid and impactful scene.
  • The line 'Well, we know that at least one of them survived the explosion' from Dr. Lee feels out of place. This information is not relevant to the immediate threat. It also comes across as somewhat callous given the recent events.
  • The scene suffers from a lack of tension and urgency. The creature's actions are described but not shown, and the dialogue is not particularly engaging. The pacing is slow and lacking in immediacy.
  • The ending of the scene feels abrupt. The revelation that the creature escaped through a hole in the ground is not particularly surprising, and it lacks a sense of closure.
  • The visual descriptions of the scene are lacking. For example, the description of the command post is too vague. Consider adding specific details about the room's layout, technology, and atmosphere. This will help the reader visualize the scene more clearly.
  • There is an opportunity to further develop the relationship between Dr. Lee and the creature. Could there be a flashback or brief moment that hints at a possible shared history between the two?
  • Cut the opening dialogue and instead, show Dr. Lee entering the lab, looking around, and then picking up the vial with a sense of excitement and determination. This will create a more dynamic and impactful opening.
  • Instead of stating that the creature has broken into the containment building, show the creature breaking through a wall, shattering glass, or using its strength to gain entry. This will create a sense of immediate threat and suspense.
  • Show the creature's actions in a more specific and visceral way. For example, instead of 'smashing lab equipment,' show the creature ripping a monitor from a wall, crushing a metal table, or throwing a chair with force. This will create a more immersive and engaging scene.
  • Consider adding some dialogue that reveals the creature's motives or goals. Why is it so determined to find the relic? What does it plan to do with it? This will add depth and complexity to the story.
  • Increase the pace and intensity of the scene by using shorter sentences, more action verbs, and a more urgent tone. Show the characters reacting to the threat in a more visceral way, highlighting their fear, desperation, and determination.
  • End the scene with a more impactful moment. Consider a close-up of the creature's eyes, a shot of the facility falling into darkness, or a final line of dialogue that reveals the true nature of the threat.
  • Add more visual details to the scene. Describe the layout of the command post, the specific instruments and technology, the lighting and sounds of the facility. This will help the reader visualize the scene and become more immersed in the story.
  • Add an internal monologue to Dr. Lee, revealing his inner thoughts and motivations as he examines the creature's blood. This will provide insight into his character and his growing obsession.

Scene 38 -  Containment Breach and Counterattack

Dr. Lee's bedroom has been converted into a makeshift lab. A
table is cluttered with a microscope and various lab
equipment. Dr. Lee carefully takes out a small sample of the
creature’s blood and places it under the microscope,
seemingly unconcerned about the creature breaking into the
containment building.

(to himself)
Perhaps once I’m out of this place,
I can allow these cells to
replicate. Who knows? Under the
right conditions, I might be able
to create a fully grown creature.

He examines the blood sample intently, lost in his thoughts
of scientific discovery and ambition.


The team turns back to the exit spot the creature used to
leave the containment building.

Elena. Turn on all cameras outside.
Let’s see where our friend is.

Elena masterfully changes from one camera to another until
they spotted movement in the center of the complex.

That’s the food and supplies area.
We can’t let him get in there.

As soon as he said that, the creature crashed through the
wall and began trashing the room throwing much needed
supplies and material around. Captain Mitchell looks at his
security team members.

Never mind. It’s too late. We need
to implement the trap to
electrocute this asshole. Dr.
Silva, do you have the virus ready?

If you can render him out for only
a few seconds, I think I can spray
more than enough virus onto it.

Tom. I think we can manipulate the
creature to the exact area we need
it in. Elena and I had been able to
recreate the pulsing sound that
came from the relic. If we set the
trap, I can replay the sounds and
that should attract the thing to
the area.

Alright everyone, listen up. Dr.
Silva, besides me, Elena and Dr.
Warren, who else appears to have
the flu?

Dr. Silva looks around the room, pointing to several of the
security team members.

Good. Here is what we are going to
do. You three will be in a room
adjacent to the trap. Before
entering, Dr. Warren will turn on
the sounds. He will avoid the room
we are in and should focus on the
trap. Once he steps on the
conductors, I will throw the
switch, hopefully frying the
bastard. Once he is stunned, Dr.
Silva will enter and spray the
creature, then return back inside
the room with us.

From outside, the growling of the creature is heard as it
destroys their supplies. Elena looks at the video screen,
watching the creature's movements intently.

He just went back outside and is
headed off into the snowbank.

It will be back.

Alright, let’s move. We don’t have
much time.
Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary A creature escapes its containment building, wreaking havoc on supplies. Captain Mitchell rallies the team, devising a plan to electrocute the creature and then inject it with a virus. The team uses a trap and a team member's flu symptoms to lure the creature into the trap. The scene ends with the team preparing to execute their plan, but the creature's fate remains uncertain.
  • Tension-building
  • Strategic planning
  • Character dynamics
  • Genre blending
  • Dr. Lee's unethical behavior may be too predictable
  • Some dialogue could be more nuanced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense through the team's preparations to trap the creature, Dr. Lee's risky behavior, and the imminent threat posed by the creature. The mix of genres and the high-stakes nature of the situation keep the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using scientific methods to combat a deadly creature, the clash between scientific curiosity and survival instincts, and the strategic planning to trap the creature are well-executed. Dr. Lee's unethical actions add complexity to the concept.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as the team prepares to confront the creature, faces unexpected challenges, and deals with the aftermath of the creature's escape. The tension and conflict drive the plot forward, keeping the audience invested in the outcome.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a unique blend of scientific experimentation, action, and ethical dilemmas in dealing with a dangerous creature. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the overall tension and suspense.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are driven by their respective motivations - Dr. Lee's ambition, Dr. Warren's concern for safety, and Captain Mitchell's leadership. The dynamic between the characters adds depth to the scene, especially with Dr. Lee's questionable actions.

Character Changes: 6

Dr. Lee's actions challenge the team dynamics and force the other characters to confront their priorities and values. The scene sets the stage for potential character growth and changes in future developments.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Lee's internal goal is to achieve scientific discovery and ambition by studying the creature's blood sample and potentially creating a fully grown creature. This reflects his desire for knowledge, advancement, and recognition in the scientific community.

External Goal: 9

The team's external goal is to capture and neutralize the creature before it causes more damage and danger. This reflects their immediate challenge and the need to protect themselves and their resources.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Dr. Lee's reckless behavior and the team's need for safety, the conflict with the creature, and the internal conflict within the team members create a high level of tension and suspense in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the creature causing chaos and the characters facing challenges in capturing and neutralizing it. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the characters will overcome the obstacles.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes are evident in the team's confrontation with a deadly creature, the risk posed by Dr. Lee's actions, and the potential consequences of the creature's escape. The survival of the team and the success of their mission are at stake.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by escalating the conflict with the creature, introducing new challenges, and setting up future confrontations. The strategic planning and the aftermath of the creature's escape propel the narrative towards a resolution.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions of the creature and the characters' evolving strategies to capture it. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the ethical dilemma of using traps and viruses to capture and potentially harm the creature. It challenges the characters' values of scientific progress versus ethical treatment of living beings.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene elicits anxiety, determination, and concern from the audience as the team faces a dangerous creature and deals with unexpected challenges. The emotional impact is driven by the high stakes and the characters' reactions to the situation.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the urgency of the situation, the conflicting viewpoints of the characters, and the strategic planning to trap the creature. The dialogue enhances the tension and reveals the characters' personalities.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and dynamic character interactions. The tension and urgency keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining a sense of urgency and tension throughout. The rhythm of the action sequences and dialogue keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting. The technical writing proficiency enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks tension. The team's plan to electrocute the creature is presented very quickly and lacks a sense of urgency, given the creature is actively destroying supplies.
  • Dr. Lee's actions in his bedroom lab feel disconnected from the main plot. The scene doesn't effectively highlight the danger he is in or the potential ramifications of his research.
  • The dialogue is functional but lacks character and personality. The characters speak in a very matter-of-fact tone, which makes the scene feel less engaging.
  • The scene's description lacks detail and could be more evocative. Instead of 'trashing the room throwing much needed supplies and material around,' consider providing specific examples of the creature's destruction to make it more visceral and impactful.
  • The scene doesn't adequately convey the team's desperation and fear. The creature's presence and the ongoing threat should create a more intense atmosphere.
  • The plan itself feels overly simple and predictable. The audience can easily guess what will happen, which diminishes the suspense.
  • The scene ends abruptly, leaving the reader wanting more. Consider ending the scene with a shot of the creature approaching the trap or with a more suspenseful cliffhanger.
  • The scene should emphasize the tension between Dr. Lee's research and the team's need to contain the creature, which would create more complex and nuanced character dynamics.
  • Start the scene with a more dramatic visual of the creature's destruction. Highlight the destruction of vital resources, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.
  • Develop the scene's pacing by using flashbacks or cutaways to Dr. Lee's lab, highlighting the danger he's in and the consequences of his actions.
  • Give the characters more distinctive voices and personalities through their dialogue. Explore their fears, motivations, and relationships.
  • Provide more sensory details about the environment, such as the smell of burning materials or the sound of the creature's enraged growls, to create a more immersive and intense atmosphere.
  • Introduce a new element of uncertainty or danger into the plan. For example, what if the creature can detect the trap or change its behavior unexpectedly?
  • End the scene with a suspenseful image, such as the creature approaching the trap with a determined look, or with Dr. Warren and Captain Mitchell sharing a worried glance as the creature heads outside, creating anticipation for the next scene.

Scene 39 -  The Fatal Encounter

Dr. Warren, Dr. Silva, and the rest of the team quickly move
into the adjacent room, setting up the trap. The tension is
palpable as they work quickly and efficiently.

(whispering to herself)
Come on, come on...

She turns on the sounds, a series of high-pitched frequencies
designed to attract the creature. They can hear the
creature's growls growing closer, drawn by the noise. They
retreat to the secured room with the other who have the flu.

(into radio)
Positions, everyone. Get ready.


The team watches anxiously from the adjacent room as the
creature crashes through an exterior wall. It enters the trap
room, drawn by the sounds. It steps cautiously, sniffing the

Wait for it...

Just as the creature steps on the conductors, Dr. Lee
suddenly appears from a side entrance, his face a mix of
desperation and determination.

Wait! Don’t hurt it! We can learn
from it!

Lee, get back here!

Ignoring the warnings, Dr. Lee approaches the creature,
trying to reason with it.

Please, we don’t have to fight. We
can coexist. We can understand each

The creature tilts its head, momentarily pausing its
movements. Then, with a swift and brutal swipe, it
decapitates Dr. Lee, his body crumpling to the floor.


He throws the switch. A surge of electricity courses through
the creature, stunning it. The creature roars in pain and
confusion, its movements jerky and uncoordinated. It
continues to trash about before falling to it’s knees and
finally on it’s stomach.

Now, Dr. Silva, go!
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary A research team sets a trap to capture a dangerous creature using high-pitched frequencies and electrified conductors. Dr. Lee, despite warnings, enters the trap room and attempts to reason with the creature, only to be decapitated. Captain Mitchell, horrified, activates the trap, electrocuting the creature and rendering it incapacitated. The scene ends with a tense atmosphere as the team, shaken by the events, assesses the situation and plans their next steps.
  • Intense atmosphere
  • Strong character dynamics
  • Emotionally impactful moments
  • Unexpected twists
  • Dr. Lee's death may be too sudden for some viewers
  • Limited exploration of the creature's motives


Overall: 9

The scene is intense, emotionally impactful, and moves the story forward significantly. The high stakes, strong character dynamics, and shocking events make it a standout moment in the screenplay.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of trapping and confronting the creature is well-executed, with the added element of Dr. Lee's betrayal and tragic demise adding depth to the storyline.

Plot: 9

The plot is gripping, with a well-paced buildup to the final confrontation. The unexpected turn of events with Dr. Lee's death adds a layer of complexity and tragedy to the narrative.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the 'trapping a dangerous creature' trope by adding a moral dilemma and complex character dynamics. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-developed, each with their own motivations and conflicts. Dr. Lee's betrayal and ultimate sacrifice add depth to his character, while Captain Mitchell's leadership and decision-making skills are highlighted.

Character Changes: 8

Dr. Lee undergoes a significant change in this scene, from a curious scientist to a tragic figure who ultimately sacrifices himself for his beliefs. The other characters also experience growth as they face difficult decisions and consequences.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Warren's internal goal is to successfully trap the creature without anyone getting hurt. This reflects her desire to protect her team and her fear of failure or loss.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to capture the creature alive for study. This reflects the immediate challenge of dealing with a dangerous and unknown entity.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense, both externally with the creature and internally with Dr. Lee's betrayal. The clash of motivations and the high stakes create a compelling dynamic.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Dr. Lee's intervention creating a difficult obstacle for the protagonist to overcome. The audience is unsure of how the situation will resolve.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are incredibly high in this scene, with the team facing a life-or-death situation against the creature. The consequences of failure are dire, adding to the tension and urgency of the confrontation.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by resolving the conflict with the creature and setting the stage for the next phase of the narrative. The unexpected events and character developments keep the audience engaged.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected turn of events, such as Dr. Lee's intervention and the creature's violent reaction. The audience is kept on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between Dr. Lee's belief in peaceful coexistence and Captain Mitchell's belief in the necessity of violence for survival. This challenges the protagonist's values of compassion and understanding in the face of danger.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene elicits strong emotions from the audience, particularly with the tragic death of Dr. Lee and the tense confrontation with the creature. The sense of desperation and sacrifice adds to the emotional impact.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and desperation of the situation, with Dr. Lee's plea for understanding from the creature adding a poignant moment amidst the chaos.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, moral dilemma, and intense action. The audience is invested in the outcome and the characters' fates.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a balance of action and character moments. The rhythm of the scene keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful action sequence, with a clear setup, rising tension, and a dramatic climax.

  • The scene starts with a lot of telling and not showing. We are told that the tension is palpable, but we don't see any evidence of it. The actions of the characters should demonstrate the tension.
  • The description of the sounds is a bit vague. Instead of "a series of high-pitched frequencies," try something more evocative and specific, like "a piercing screech that vibrates through the metal" or "a pulsating hum that seems to burrow into your skull."
  • Dr. Lee's sudden appearance is a bit out of place. The scene doesn't give us much reason for his dramatic entrance. We need to see some build-up to his actions. Perhaps he's been observing the creature and has become fascinated by it, or he's had a change of heart.
  • Dr. Lee's dialogue is a bit too expository. He's basically summarizing the theme of the film rather than engaging in an emotional plea. We need to see him struggle with his decision to try to communicate with the creature.
  • The creature's reaction to Dr. Lee is abrupt. There isn't a clear motivation for it to decapitate him. Perhaps the creature feels threatened by his approach or is simply drawn to violence.
  • The scene ends abruptly after the creature is electrocuted. We need to see the aftermath of the attack, how the team reacts to Dr. Lee's death and what they do with the creature.
  • Show the tension through the characters' actions. Perhaps they are fumbling with their equipment, their hands shaking, or they are talking in hushed tones.
  • Use sensory details to describe the sounds. Make the reader feel the impact of the high-pitched frequencies.
  • Give Dr. Lee a motivation for his sudden appearance. Show him struggling with his decision to communicate with the creature.
  • Make Dr. Lee's dialogue more emotional and less expository. Show him wrestling with his fear and desire to understand the creature.
  • Give the creature a clear motivation for decapitating Dr. Lee. Perhaps it's a defensive action or a sign of its primal instincts.
  • Show the aftermath of the attack. How does the team react to Dr. Lee's death? What do they do with the creature's body? How do their emotions play out?

Scene 40 -  Viral Containment

Dr. Silva, armed with a sprayer containing the virus, enters
the room cautiously. He approaches the stunned creature, his
hands steady despite the fear coursing through him.

(almost whispering)
This is for all the people you’ve

He sprays the creature thoroughly, ensuring the virus covers
its body. The creature writhes but is unable to move

(into radio)
Silva, get back here!


Dr. Silva retreats quickly, rejoining the team in the
adjacent room. They close the door behind him, sealing
themselves in.

(out of breath)
Did it work?

We’ll find out soon enough.
Everyone, stay alert.

They watch through the monitors as the creature continues to
struggle, the virus beginning to take effect. Its movements
grow weaker, a mucus substance begins to come from it’s
mouth, eyes, and ears, and it finally collapses, motionless.

We did it... we actually did it.

(putting a hand on
Silva's shoulder)
Good work, everyone. But we’re not
out of the woods yet. Let’s keep an
eye on it and make sure it’s really
down for good.

The team nods, their relief tempered by the knowledge that
the battle might not be over. They watch the monitors
closely, ready for whatever comes next.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Thriller","Horror"]

Summary Dr. Silva, armed with a virus sprayer, enters a trap room to confront a stunned creature. He thoroughly sprays the creature, causing it to writhe before collapsing. The virus takes effect, producing mucus from the creature's orifices. The scene shifts to an adjacent room where Dr. Alice Warren and Captain Tom Mitchell monitor the creature's condition. Captain Mitchell praises Dr. Silva's actions, but cautions the team to remain vigilant as the creature's demise may not signify the end of the threat.
  • Tension-building
  • Character development
  • Emotional impact
  • Predictable resolution
  • Some cliched dialogue


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense, resolves the immediate conflict, and sets up potential future conflicts. The emotional impact and character development are strong, but there are minor weaknesses in pacing and dialogue.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using a virus to incapacitate the creature is innovative and adds a unique twist to the typical monster confrontation. The scene effectively showcases the team's resourcefulness and determination.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as the team successfully defeats the creature, but there are some predictable elements in the resolution. The introduction of the virus adds complexity to the conflict and sets up potential future developments.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the classic 'containment' trope by incorporating ethical dilemmas and moral complexities into the narrative. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the overall tension of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters show growth and resilience in the face of danger. Dr. Silva's bravery and Captain Mitchell's leadership are highlighted, while Dr. Lee's actions add a layer of moral complexity to the narrative.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Silva shows bravery and resolve in confronting the creature, while Dr. Lee's actions lead to his demise. Captain Mitchell's leadership is tested and proven in the face of danger.

Internal Goal: 8

Dr. Silva's internal goal in this scene is to confront his fear and take control of the situation by successfully containing the infected creature. This reflects his deeper desire to protect others and make a difference in the face of a deadly threat.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to neutralize the infected creature and prevent it from causing harm to others. This goal is directly tied to the immediate challenge of containing the virus and ensuring the safety of the team.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the team and the creature is intense and high-stakes, with the outcome uncertain until the final moments. The internal conflict within Dr. Lee adds an additional layer of tension.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in this scene is strong, with the characters facing a difficult challenge and uncertain outcome. The audience is kept in suspense, unsure of how the situation will resolve.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the team faces a deadly creature, risking their lives to protect others. The outcome of the confrontation has significant consequences for the characters and the research facility.

Story Forward: 8

The scene resolves the immediate conflict with the creature and sets up potential future conflicts with the revelation of the surviving creature. It moves the story forward by showcasing the team's resourcefulness and determination.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the uncertain outcome of the characters' actions and the potential consequences of using the virus to neutralize the creature. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the ethical dilemma of using the virus to eliminate the creature. Dr. Silva must grapple with the moral implications of his actions and the potential consequences of his decision.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, relief, and determination in the characters and the audience. The emotional stakes are high, especially with Dr. Lee's sacrifice and the team's victory.

Dialogue: 6

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and emotions of the scene, but some lines feel slightly cliched or melodramatic. The interaction between characters is engaging and reveals their personalities.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, moral dilemmas, and intense action sequences. The audience is drawn into the characters' struggles and invested in the outcome of the situation.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of action, dialogue, and suspenseful moments that keep the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene adheres to the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, dialogue formatting, and action descriptions.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear and effective structure, building tension through action and dialogue while advancing the plot and character development.

  • The scene is a bit too straightforward and lacks tension. It feels more like a task completion than a dramatic climax.
  • The dialogue is functional but not particularly memorable. 'We did it... we actually did it' is a bit bland and lacks emotional weight for such a climactic moment.
  • The scene relies too heavily on exposition and lacks visual storytelling. The description of the creature's reaction to the virus is mostly told and not shown.
  • The ending feels anticlimactic. The team's relief is stated but not demonstrated through their actions or expressions.
  • The scene lacks a sense of urgency. The team seems complacent after the creature is subdued, despite the lingering threat of the virus and other potential dangers.
  • Focus on the visual details of the creature's reaction to the virus. Instead of simply describing it, show the mucus, the contortions, and the struggle for breath. This will create a more visceral and unsettling experience for the audience.
  • Explore the emotional impact of the moment. What are the team members thinking and feeling as they witness the creature's demise? Are there any lingering doubts or fears? A few lines of dialogue could add depth to their reactions.
  • Consider a more impactful image to signify the creature's defeat. Instead of simply collapsing, maybe it lets out a final, agonizing shriek or its body melts away like ice in the sun. This would create a more lasting visual impression.
  • Build the tension by showing the team monitoring the creature's state. Perhaps they are on edge, arguing about the effectiveness of the virus, or debating what to do next if the virus fails. This would create a sense of suspense and anticipation.
  • Add a hint of ambiguity to the ending. Is the creature truly dead? Could the virus have unexpected side effects? This would leave the audience wondering about the true implications of the victory and create a sense of lingering threat.

Scene 41 -  A Heavy Silence

The creature lies motionless on the floor, the virus having
taken its toll. The team cautiously approaches, making sure
it’s truly dead.

Alright, let's make sure this thing
is really done for. Security team,
cut off its head and take the body
to the largest walk-in freezer.
We’re not taking any chances.

The security team members nod and move in with heavy-duty
equipment. They carefully cut off the creature’s head and
lift both the head and the body onto stretchers.


The security team wheels the creature’s remains down the
hallway, heading towards the walk-in freezer. The facility is
eerily quiet, the only sound being the clatter of their


The security team places the creature’s head and body inside
the largest freezer. They secure the door, making sure it’s
tightly locked.


Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren stand together, the weight of
the recent events hanging over them. Captain Mitchell looks
at Dr. Warren, his expression a mix of frustration and

If Dr. Lee had just gone along with
the plan, he would have had his
dream... an almost intact creature.
His obsession cost him his life.

He couldn’t see past his ambition.
It’s a harsh reminder of what’s at
stake out here.

(putting a hand on her
We did what we had to do. Now,
let’s focus on getting everyone out
of here safely.
Genres: ["Science Fiction","Horror","Thriller"]

Summary Following the creature's demise, Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren transport its body to a secure freezer. They discuss the tragic death of Dr. Lee, acknowledging his obsession as the cause. The scene emphasizes the seriousness of the situation, with the characters acknowledging the danger while resolving to prioritize the safety of everyone. They end the scene with a sense of unease, suggesting that the battle may not be over.
  • Effective genre blending
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Tension and suspense
  • Possible lack of clarity on certain character motivations


Overall: 8

The scene effectively combines genres, explores complex themes, and advances the plot while providing emotional depth and character development.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of dealing with the aftermath of a dangerous encounter with a creature, exploring themes of ambition, sacrifice, and determination, is well-executed and engaging.

Plot: 8

The plot effectively resolves the conflict with the creature, while also setting up potential future conflicts and character arcs.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the theme of ambition and sacrifice in a scientific setting, with authentic character interactions and realistic dialogue.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show depth and development, particularly in their reactions to the events and their interactions with each other.

Character Changes: 7

Dr. Lee's tragic end and the reactions of the other characters show significant character development and growth.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to come to terms with the consequences of their actions and decisions. Captain Mitchell is grappling with the loss of a team member due to their own ambition and the need to prioritize the safety of the remaining team.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to ensure the safety and containment of the creature's remains to prevent any further spread of the virus or danger to the team.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict with the creature and the internal conflicts of the characters create tension and drive the scene forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing internal and external challenges that test their beliefs and values.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes of dealing with a dangerous creature and the potential consequences of failure add tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene resolves the conflict with the creature while setting up potential future conflicts and character arcs, moving the story forward effectively.

Unpredictability: 8

The scene is unpredictable in its exploration of character motivations and the consequences of their actions, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the themes of ambition versus safety. Dr. Lee's obsession with his dream led to his demise, highlighting the consequences of prioritizing personal goals over the greater good.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The emotional impact of loss, sacrifice, and determination is palpable throughout the scene, adding depth and resonance.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the emotions and motivations of the characters, as well as advancing the plot and themes.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its high stakes, moral dilemmas, and character-driven conflict, keeping the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene enhances its effectiveness by building tension and suspense, allowing for moments of reflection and character development.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting of the scene adheres to the expected format for a suspenseful thriller genre, with concise descriptions and impactful dialogue.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear and engaging structure, moving seamlessly between different locations within the research facility to build tension and suspense.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacking in emotional impact. The aftermath of the creature's death and Dr. Lee's sacrifice is given short shrift.
  • The dialogue is functional but lacks nuance and doesn't reveal much about the characters' emotional states. The focus is on stating facts rather than exploring the characters' feelings.
  • The scene's pacing is uneven. The opening moments with the security team are brief and perfunctory, while the subsequent dialogue between Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren feels drawn out and repetitive.
  • The scene lacks visual imagery. The descriptions are primarily focused on actions rather than establishing the atmosphere or tension.
  • The scene doesn't fully capitalize on the potential for emotional resonance. The loss of Dr. Lee is mentioned as a fact but not explored in depth, missing an opportunity for the characters to grieve and reflect on his actions.
  • The scene feels like an obligatory conclusion to the previous scene, rather than a standalone scene with its own purpose.
  • Expand the scene by showing the emotional reactions of the characters to Dr. Lee's death. The team members could react in different ways, showcasing a range of grief, anger, and guilt.
  • Add more descriptive details to the setting and actions. Use vivid language to evoke the atmosphere of the research facility and the tension in the air.
  • Explore the characters' internal thoughts and feelings. Use internal monologues or subtext to reveal their hidden anxieties and fears.
  • Consider showing the security team members reacting to the creature's head and body, revealing their own anxieties about the potential for danger.
  • End the scene with a more impactful image, perhaps a close-up of Dr. Warren staring at the locked freezer, suggesting lingering uncertainty or unresolved emotions.

Scene 42 -  Hope Restored

The remaining research team members are gathered in the
command center. The atmosphere is tense but hopeful. Elena is
working at the console, her fingers flying over the keys.

We’ve got our comms back up! Our
rescue team will arrive in five

A wave of relief washes over the team. They exchange smiles
and sighs of relief, the end of their ordeal finally in

Thank goodness. We’ll finally be
out of this nightmare.

He sneezes.

Guess who has the flu now?

Everyone laughs.

It’s almost over. Just a few more

(standing with Dr.
You all did an incredible job.
Let’s start preparing for their

The team disperses to prepare, but Captain Mitchell and Dr.
Warren stay back for a moment. Captain Mitchell pulls Dr.
Warren into an embrace.

(softly)We made it, Alice.

Captain Mitchell looks and sees most of the staff smiling as
he embraces Dr. Warren.

Oops. I guess our secret is out of
the bag.

I think everyone knew long before
we did. It was the worst kept

They both laugh and continue their embrace.

They share a quiet, tender moment, finding solace in each
other as they look forward to their rescue.

Genres: ["Sci-Fi","Thriller","Drama"]

Summary A beleaguered research team, stranded in their command center, receives the news of their impending rescue in five hours. Overwhelmed with relief, they celebrate their imminent freedom, share laughter and joy, and prepare for the arrival of their saviors. The scene highlights the team's shared experience of hardship and their unity as they look forward to a return to normalcy. The scene ends with Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren finding solace in each other's embrace, their love and resilience shining through.
  • Emotional depth
  • Character relationships
  • Tender moment between Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren
  • Lack of significant action
  • Minimal external conflict


Overall: 8

The scene effectively wraps up the immediate conflict and sets the stage for the resolution, providing closure and a sense of relief for the characters. The emotional depth and character dynamics add richness to the overall narrative.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of rescue and reunion after a harrowing ordeal is well-executed, with a focus on the emotional impact on the characters. The scene effectively transitions from tension to relief, setting the stage for the resolution.

Plot: 7

The plot focuses on the immediate aftermath of the team's success in defeating the creature and preparing for rescue. While it lacks significant action, it serves as a necessary breather and transition point in the narrative.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a familiar setting but adds originality through the characters' interactions and the balance between professional duty and personal relationships. The authenticity of the dialogue enhances the scene's originality.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters' emotions and relationships are central to the scene, particularly the bond between Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren. Their interactions add depth and humanity to the story, making the audience invest in their journey.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the emotional bond between Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren is further solidified, deepening their relationship and setting the stage for potential growth in future events.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to find solace and relief after enduring a nightmare-like ordeal. This reflects their deeper need for safety and comfort.

External Goal: 9

The protagonist's external goal is to prepare for the rescue team's arrival and ensure a smooth transition out of the facility. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges they are facing.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 3

The conflict in the scene is minimal, focusing more on resolution and relief after the intense events leading up to it. The tension is mostly internal, as the characters await rescue and reflect on their experiences.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is mild, with the main obstacle being the characters' anticipation of the rescue team's arrival. The audience is unsure of how the characters will react to the impending rescue.

High Stakes: 4

The stakes in the scene are relatively low compared to previous events, as the team awaits rescue and reflects on their experiences. However, the emotional stakes are high, particularly in the tender moment between Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by resolving the immediate conflict and preparing for the next phase of the narrative. It sets the stage for the team's rescue and introduces a sense of closure and relief after the intense events leading up to it.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because it introduces moments of humor and intimacy amidst the tense situation, surprising the audience with the characters' reactions.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the balance between professional duty and personal relationships. Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren share a tender moment amidst the chaos, blurring the lines between their roles as colleagues and potentially more.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene has a high emotional impact, evoking feelings of relief, hope, and love. The tender moment between Captain Mitchell and Dr. Warren adds depth and poignancy to the narrative, resonating with the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is natural and reflective of the characters' emotions, providing insight into their relationships and inner thoughts. It effectively conveys the sense of relief and camaraderie among the team.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because it balances tension, relief, humor, and intimacy, keeping the audience invested in the characters' journey.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension, providing relief, and highlighting the characters' emotional journey towards rescue.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, dialogue, and action descriptions.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm contribute to its effectiveness.

  • This scene feels rushed and uneventful. The entire scene is driven by dialogue, and lacks visuals. The audience doesn't see the relief on the team's faces or the tension in their shoulders as they realize their ordeal is nearly over.
  • The dialogue is predictable and lacks a sense of urgency. Instead of driving the scene forward, the dialogue feels like a list of pre-determined outcomes: comms are back, rescue is coming, everyone's relieved. It feels generic and lacks emotional weight.
  • The ending of the scene is unsatisfying. The team's embrace feels awkward and out of place, especially after the tension and seriousness of the previous scenes. The line 'I think everyone knew long before we did' feels forced and unnecessary.
  • The scene lacks a sense of closure. There's no reflection on the events that led to this moment or the personal growth the characters have experienced. This scene reads as if the team is simply waiting for the rescue, without much emotional impact. It would be more impactful if the writer shows the team's feelings instead of simply telling us about them.
  • Start the scene with a visual, perhaps showing the team's reactions to the news of rescue. This would immediately engage the audience and establish a sense of relief and anticipation.
  • Focus on character-driven dialogue that reflects the tension and emotions of the characters. Let them express their relief, worry, or even lingering fear about the future.
  • Show the team's preparations for their rescue. This could be as simple as packing their belongings or making a list of priorities. This will give the scene a sense of purpose and action.
  • Add a touch of conflict or tension to the scene. Perhaps there's a last-minute problem or a lingering fear that the rescue might not arrive. This will keep the audience engaged and add suspense.
  • Show the team reflecting on the events that have unfolded. What have they learned? How have they changed? This will create a sense of closure and add depth to the scene.