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Scene 1 -  Dark Thoughts
The brownstone apartment located in NYC is long and narrow,
with two windows. Any apartment in any city will work; the
brownstone is a cost-effective location because it represents
wealth without the glitz that other locations require.
The living space has two wing chairs by the windows. On the
adjacent wall to the windows is a couch with a coffee table
that faces a fireplace and a small bar. The fourth wall
opposite the windows has a dining table with four chairs.
There is a doorway near the windows to enter the apartment
from the outside. Near the dining table is an opening that
leads to the bedrooms and bathroom.
NOAH WHEELER caucasion male late-50s looks like a guy that
always gets what he wants. He reads a book in a wing chair,
white shirt, sleeves rolled up, collar unbuttoned, tie
loosened, and legs crossed.
CINDY WHEELER Thai female late-20s, long hair, sits legs
curled with a book in the other wing chair, wears a turtle
neck sweater dress, barefooted. She has the look of a
seductive air hostess on Thai Lion Airlines.
Time for our cognac.
Cindy slowly walks to the small bar and the crystal decanter
of cognac. The glow of the fireplace gives the ambiance of
sensual wealth and power, as Noah stares at his beautiful
young wife as she serves him.
Cindy pours two snifters of the liquor. She brings the two
glasses to her husband. She softly kisses Noah on his lips as
she hands him the drink.
You are the perfect wife.
They both swirl the cognac in their glasses. Noah clicks
their glasses together as Cindy gives him a sexy smile. The
two sip their drink.
Cindy goes to her chair as Noah savors the sip. Cindy reaches
under the chair's cushion, takes out a gun and fires it, and
stands there with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.

The first scene was in Cindy's mind as she sits in the
internet cafe.
Internet cafe booth similar to a booth in a diner, but in an
alcove for privacy. On the wall is a picture of the NYC
skyline. As a location, a simple private table would work as
well, but the booth gives more seclusion to the story.
Cindy sits in the booth alone with earphones in her ears as
she reads from her laptop with her hair in a ponytail and
black reading glasses. Cindy then slams the mug of coffee on
the table and talks to herself.
No, Damm it, not a gun. It's too
friggin loud, and I don't want to
see the mess it would make.
She starts typing furiously on the laptop.

The scene is in Cindy's mind as she types it. Her voice is as
a voice-over, and the characters in the scene do not speak.
Noah and Cindy Wheeler sit on their wing chairs with books in
their hands.
Cindy slowly walks to the small bar and the crystal decanter
of cognac, as Noah stares at his beautiful young wife as she
serves him.
Cindy pours two snifters of the liquor. She brings the two
glasses to her husband. She softly kisses Noah on his lips as
she hands him the drink, then goes to her chair.
Use the pillow! Suffocate him.
Cindy goes to her chair as Noah savors the sip. She grabs a
pillow, lunges at Noah to suffocate him, and holds it on him
until he goes limp. She removes the pillow and stares at him
with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.

Cindy slams both hands on the keyboard and talks to herself.

He is too strong and would fight
her off. That was a stupid move,
Cindy starts to type on her laptop and talks to herself as
she types.
She needs to drug him.
She furiously types as she describes the scene.
She takes a small medicine bottle
out of her sleeve and pours the
contents in one of the snifters.
She takes a sip of coffee as she thinks, then types again.
Noah sips the cognac and makes a
face as he tastes something in his
drink but drinks it anyway. In a
matter of seconds, he is out cold.
Cindy has a Cheshire cat grin on her face. Then her facial
expression turns to anger.
The drug takes too long, and Noah
is a cognac connoisseur. He can
taste it and react violently. She
has to finish him off quickly.
Cindy puts her hands on her face and then gets that Cheshire
cat grin again on her face. She starts to type again.

The scene is in Cindy's mind as she types it. Her voice is as
a voice-over, and the characters in the scene do not speak.
Noah and Cindy Wheeler sit on their wing chairs with books in
their hands.
Cindy slowly walks to the small bar and the crystal decanter
of cognac, as Noah stares at his beautiful young wife as she
serves him. Cindy slips a medicine bottle from her sleeve and
empties it into the snifter of cognac.
Use only one glass.

Cindy seductively sits on Noah's lap. Before he can say
anything, she puts her finger on his lips. Cindy takes a sip
of the cognac in her mouth and then kisses Noah as she
releases the drugged drink into his mouth.
Very sexy.
Cindy does this over and over until the snifter is empty. She
throws the empty glass over her shoulder as Noah is dizzy and
can't keep his eyes open. Cindy reaches behind her, pulls her
dress up, and grabs a knife she had strapped to her thigh.
Stab him!
Cindy stabs Noah into his chest as Noah gasps.
Stab him again and again!
Cindy keeps plunging the knife in his chest as a crime of
Stop, stop. No good, no good.
Cindy turns and looks up at the ominous voice and puts her
two palms up with the what do you want me to do facial
expression. She mouths the words, what the fuck.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama"]

Summary In the scene 'Dark Thoughts', Cindy Wheeler imagines two scenarios of killing her husband, Noah, by suffocating him with a pillow and drugging him to stab him. The tension builds as Cindy struggles with her dark thoughts while interacting with Noah in their NYC brownstone apartment. The scene ends with Cindy feeling frustrated with her initial plans and seeking a more effective way to carry out her sinister intentions.
  • Strong suspense
  • Compelling characters
  • Effective use of internal monologue
  • Twist in the plot
  • Some dialogue could be more subtle
  • Transition between reality and imagination could be clearer


Overall: 8

The scene is well-written with a strong sense of suspense and tension. The unexpected twist and the character's internal conflict add depth to the story.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a wife planning to murder her husband is intriguing and keeps the audience engaged. The use of internal monologue adds a layer of complexity to the scene.

Plot: 8

The plot is well-developed with a clear progression towards the climax. The tension builds effectively as the wife's plan unfolds.

Originality: 9

The level of originality in this scene is high, as it presents a fresh take on the classic 'murder plot' trope by infusing it with elements of wealth, sensuality, and psychological depth. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the scene's originality and impact.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are well-defined, especially Cindy, whose internal conflict and sinister intentions are compelling. Noah's obliviousness adds to the suspense.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy undergoes a significant change as she transitions from planning the murder to executing it, revealing her dark side and inner turmoil.

Internal Goal: 9

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to find a way to eliminate her husband, Noah, without getting caught. This reflects her deeper desire for freedom and control in her life, as well as potentially revealing her fears or frustrations within her marriage.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal in this scene is to come up with a plan to drug and kill her husband, Noah, in a way that appears accidental or natural. This reflects the immediate challenge she faces in executing her plan without arousing suspicion or getting caught.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Cindy's desire to kill her husband and the obstacles she faces in executing her plan creates a high level of tension.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in this scene is strong, as Cindy faces internal and external obstacles in her plan to eliminate her husband. The audience is left wondering how she will overcome these challenges and whether she will succeed in her goal.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as Cindy plans to murder her husband, risking everything in the process.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing Cindy's intentions and setting the stage for the conflict to come.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in Cindy's plan to eliminate her husband, as well as the moral and ethical dilemmas she faces along the way. The audience is kept on edge by the uncertainty of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the moral dilemma of committing murder for personal gain. Cindy's actions challenge traditional values of marriage, loyalty, and trust, as she contemplates taking a life to achieve her own goals.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from suspense to fear to shock, keeping the audience engaged and on edge.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is effective in conveying the characters' thoughts and emotions. The internal monologue adds depth to the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its blend of luxury, sensuality, and suspense, as well as the complex dynamics between the characters and the high stakes of the situation. The audience is drawn in by the tension and intrigue of Cindy's plan and the potential consequences of her actions.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and suspense gradually, leading to a climactic moment of action and revelation. The rhythm of the scene keeps the audience engaged and invested in the characters' fates.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of this scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene descriptions, character actions, and dialogue that enhance the overall narrative flow and impact.

Structure: 8

The structure of this scene follows the expected format for its genre, effectively building tension and suspense through a series of escalating actions and revelations.

  • The scene feels overly descriptive and expositional. It's more of a setup for the action that will happen in Cindy's mind rather than a scene that is happening in real-time.
  • The descriptions of the apartment are too detailed. It's more important to focus on the character interactions and what is happening in the moment. Descriptions should only be used to create a feeling of space or atmosphere if it's relevant to the story.
  • The voice-over narration for Cindy is too heavy-handed and doesn't allow the reader to imagine the scenes in their own way. It also breaks the pacing and rhythm of the scene.
  • The scene is very repetitive. The writer keeps going back to the cognac and the serving of the drink as the foundation for Cindy's imagined scenarios. It feels like the writer is trying to force the plot forward instead of letting the story unfold organically.
  • The dialogue is flat and lacks any emotional weight. It's purely functional and doesn't reveal anything about the characters' personalities or relationships.
  • The description of Cindy as having a 'Cheshire cat grin' is overused and cliche. It doesn't create any suspense or intrigue, and it feels like it's trying too hard to be clever.
  • The scene lacks any sense of realism. The actions and events are too fantastical and unrealistic, and they don't resonate with the reader.
  • The scene jumps around too much, making it difficult to follow. It's unclear whether the scenes are happening in Cindy's mind or in reality.
  • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying. It feels like the writer is just trying to get to the next scene as quickly as possible.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of describing Cindy's thoughts, let the reader see them through her actions and reactions.
  • Focus on the emotional core of the scene. What is Cindy feeling? What is her motivation?
  • Develop the relationship between Noah and Cindy. Show us their dynamic, their history, and how they communicate. What are their unspoken desires?
  • Cut out the unnecessary descriptions. Only describe things that are relevant to the story and create a feeling of atmosphere.
  • Give Cindy's voice-over a specific purpose. For example, use it to reveal her inner turmoil or to create suspense.
  • Create a more believable and realistic scenario. Make the actions and events grounded in reality.
  • Simplify the structure of the scene. Have it flow organically instead of jumping back and forth.
  • Find a more satisfying ending to the scene. Leave the reader wanting more.

Scene 2 -  Casting Call
Cindy slams her laptop closed in disgust.
Closer, better, but using a knife
to the chest is difficult. What if
he isn't out cold? But the combo of
drugs and weapons is a good one.
At this point, Cindy, startled, clutches her chest due to the
unexpected touch on the shoulder by ZAC DAWSON, male early-
30s with a John Stamos head of hair and a Hugo Boss suit.
Sorry, Mrs. Wheeler, I didn't mean
to startle you.
Cindy exhales and removes her hands from her chest, and
removes the earplugs from her ears.

No, it's fine. I am miles away when
I write, especially with these in
my ears.

Zac sits opposite Cindy and puts his coffee down on the
How is my favorite screenwriter
doing on the script?
Ahh, still working on the same
scene, my favorite producer.
You better as it is the crucial
scene of them all.
I know you don't have to remind me.
There is also the matter of the
deadline we set.
Since I am casting for the lead
female actor role simultaneously,
the deadline is not an issue.
Zac takes a sip of coffee before responding.
Make sure I get to meet her before
you finalize anything.
I have been working on this for
five years. I know what I am doing
and you have to trust my process.
Zac puts both palms up like he is surrendering.
OK, OK, I trust the tremendous Thai
mind of Yindee.
Cindy starts to laugh and slaps Zac's hand.
I should have never told you my
Thai name.
Cindy just made sense for me in
America because they sound the
But Yindee means pleasure.
Zac fakes a hug as he holds his hands under his chin.
Mr. Dawson, you think you are so
funny. But this is serious.
I understand, we are in this
together. You know it's OK if you
call me Zac.
Cindy wags her index finger back and forth as she responds.
This is business, Mr. Dawson, don't
forget that.
Yes, Mrs. Wheeler. Text me when you
finish the scene.
I will also send the list of props
I need for the auditions.
Zac stands and motions like he is doffing his hat as he says
Look forward to hearing from you.
Good day, Mrs. Wheeler.
And to you, Mr. Dawson.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Screenwriter Cindy struggles with a key scene in her script at an internet cafe. Producer Zac Dawson arrives, playfully teasing Cindy about her progress and attempting to influence the casting process. Cindy asserts her independence and expertise, leading to a playful power struggle between them before Zac leaves, promising to contact Cindy again.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Well-developed characters
  • Balanced tone
  • Low conflict level
  • Minimal character change


Overall: 8

The scene effectively balances the serious discussion about the screenplay with light-hearted banter, providing insight into the characters' relationship and the importance of the project.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a screenwriter and producer discussing a crucial scene in a screenplay while also engaging in friendly banter is engaging and well-executed.

Plot: 7

The plot of the scene revolves around the discussion of the screenplay and the relationship between the characters, providing necessary exposition and setting up future developments.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces unique elements such as Cindy's Thai name, the blend of creative and business aspects in the film industry, and the dynamic between the characters.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Zac are well-developed, with distinct personalities and a clear professional dynamic. Their interactions add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 5

There is minimal character change in this scene, as the focus is more on establishing the characters' personalities and relationship dynamics.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to maintain control over her creative process and assert her expertise in screenwriting despite external pressures and deadlines.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to meet the deadline for the crucial scene in her script and finalize casting decisions for the lead female actor role.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 4

While there is some tension regarding the screenplay deadline, the overall conflict level is relatively low in this scene.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is moderate, with tensions between Cindy's creative process and Zac's business priorities creating conflict.

High Stakes: 3

The stakes are relatively low in this scene, focusing more on the creative process and character dynamics.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by providing important information about the screenplay and the characters' professional relationship.

Unpredictability: 7

The scene is somewhat unpredictable due to the unexpected touch on Cindy's shoulder and the dynamic between the characters.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between Cindy's creative vision and Zac's business-oriented approach. This challenges Cindy's belief in her process and expertise.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene elicits a moderate emotional response from the audience, mainly through the characters' interactions and the discussion of the screenplay.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is engaging and reveals information about the characters and their relationship. It effectively conveys both the serious nature of their work and the light-hearted moments.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to the witty banter, personal interactions between characters, and the tension between creative and business elements in the film industry.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and maintaining the audience's interest through the dialogue and character interactions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows standard formatting conventions for a screenplay, with clear character actions and dialogue cues.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a typical format for a dialogue-driven interaction between characters in a screenplay.

  • The scene feels a bit exposition-heavy, with a lot of dialogue that simply states facts about the plot or characters, rather than organically revealing them through action and interaction.
  • The banter between Cindy and Zac feels forced and unnatural. Their personalities clash in a way that feels more contrived than believable.
  • The scene lacks a clear dramatic purpose. While it establishes the tension between Cindy and Zac, it doesn't advance the plot or deepen our understanding of the characters.
  • The use of the Thai name "Yindee" feels like a cheap attempt to inject humor into the scene. It also undermines Cindy's character by portraying her as someone who is easily mocked.
  • The scene's ending feels abrupt and unsatisfying. It doesn't leave us with a sense of closure or anticipation for what's to come.
  • The scene relies too heavily on exposition and dialogue. It needs more action and visual storytelling to engage the reader.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of stating that Cindy is struggling with the scene, show her working on it, making changes, and experiencing frustration.
  • Develop the relationship between Cindy and Zac in a more nuanced way. Explore their power dynamics and their personal motivations for working together.
  • Give the scene a clear dramatic purpose. For example, you could use it to reveal a secret about Cindy or Zac, or to foreshadow a conflict that will develop later in the story.
  • Avoid using language that feels out of place or forced. The Thai name reference feels like a lazy attempt to add humor, and it undermines the seriousness of the situation.
  • End the scene on a more satisfying note. Perhaps Cindy receives a call that changes her plans, or Zac makes a move that reveals his true intentions.
  • Add more visual detail to the scene. Describe the setting in a way that creates an atmosphere and helps the reader imagine the characters and their surroundings.

Scene 3 -  Power Struggle
Noah sits in a wing chair in a plush robe and slippers as he
reads his book. Cindy sits curled up on the couch, back to
Noah, in a long slip lounge dress barefooted with her laptop.
INSERT - NOAH'S BOOK, titled: Invent and Wander: The
Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos.

Are you writing one of your
nonsensical scripts again?
Cindy exhales and gets her composure before she responds.
Noah can't see her face.
Yes, you know me, the silly
immigrant who tries to write.
Cindy sticks her tongue out and shakes her head back and
I'm glad you write as it improves
your value as a wife. But I'm not
spending a penny on producing any
of your shit.
I would never ask you to, as
everything I do is to help me
become the wife you deserve.
I am like Henry Higgins.
Is Henry Higgins a mogul like Jeff
Noah shakes his head in disbelief.
No, airhead. Henry Higgins was a
character in the play Pygmalion. He
took a girl off the streets and
taught her to be a polished lady.
Cindy rolls her eyes and then turns to Noah.
Yes, everything I am, I owe to you.
You are my Eliza Doolittle.
Cindy closes her laptop, looks at the mantel clock over the
fireplace and smiles at Noah.
It's 9 pm. Do you want your cognac

Yes, pour me a glass.
She gets up and walks over to the small bar where the
decanter of cognac sits and pours two snifters halfway with
the liquor.
Did you get the good stuff this
She mimics her screenplay, takes a fake bottle of drugs from
her sleeve, and pours it into Noah's glass. Her body shields
Noah from seeing this.
This is your favorite—the imported
Remy Martin cognac limited edition.
Noah closes the book on his lap points at Cindy as he
Gradatim Ferociter!
Sounds like a dinosaur.
Ahh, my naive wife. It is Latin,
and it's Jeff Bezos's motto. It
means, step by step ferociously.
It still sounds like a dinosaur.
Good thing you are beautiful. I
have adopted that motto as well. My
workers better be ready.
Cindy gives Noah the glass of cognac with a smile.
With you as their leader, how can
they not be ferocious?
Noah nods in agreement and sips his cognac. Cindy turns to
return to the couch when Noah grabs her wrist to stop her.
I found you with the pigs and
lowlifes on the streets of Bangkok.
You would be dead without me. Come
here and serve me.
Cindy drinks down her cognac in one gulp with her back to
Noah. She closes her eyes, exhales, and turns to Noah with a
sly smile.
I live to serve you.
Noah sits back in the chair and spreads his legs.
On your knees, "my Xi taw," as you
were called in Thailand at 17 years
old when I met you. Or my slut, as
I call you now.
Cindy gets on her knees and spreads open his robe. Noah grabs
her head and forces her down on his groin for oral sex.
You can take the girl out of
Bangkok, but you can't take the
cock out of the girl.
Noah puts his head back, looks up to the ceiling, and laughs
whole-heartedly at his joke while Cindy continues the oral
Genres: ["Drama","Dark Comedy"]

Summary Noah and Cindy are in their living space at night. Noah is reading a book while Cindy is working on her laptop. They have a conversation about Cindy's writing and their relationship. Noah asks for cognac, and Cindy serves it to him. Noah makes a crude comment towards Cindy and forces her to perform oral sex on him.
  • Intense character dynamics
  • Effective dialogue
  • Emotional impact
  • Disturbing content
  • Uncomfortable themes


Overall: 8

The scene is impactful and intense, effectively portraying the disturbing relationship dynamics between the characters.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a manipulative and degrading relationship is well-executed, creating a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere.

Plot: 7

The plot advances through the exploration of the characters' relationship dynamics and power struggle.

Originality: 8

The scene presents a fresh approach to exploring power dynamics and control in relationships, with authentic dialogue that highlights the toxicity of the characters' interactions.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, with Noah portrayed as manipulative and controlling, while Cindy is shown as submissive yet harboring inner strength.

Character Changes: 7

While Cindy displays moments of defiance, the overall power dynamic remains unchanged, showcasing the complexities of abusive relationships.

Internal Goal: 8

Noah's internal goal in this scene is to assert his power and control over Cindy, showcasing his superiority and dominance. This reflects his deeper need for validation and control in his relationship with Cindy.

External Goal: 7

Noah's external goal is to enjoy his evening with Cindy and have her serve him, reinforcing his sense of power and control.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Noah and Cindy is intense and emotionally charged, creating a high-stakes situation.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Cindy's internal conflict and Noah's dominance creating a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the scene portrays emotional manipulation, degradation, and control within a marriage, highlighting the toxic nature of the relationship.

Story Forward: 7

The scene provides insight into the characters' relationship dynamics and sets the stage for potential future conflicts or resolutions.

Unpredictability: 7

The scene is unpredictable in its dark humor and shocking dialogue, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the power dynamics and objectification of Cindy by Noah. It challenges Cindy's beliefs about her worth and agency in the relationship.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, particularly discomfort and tension due to the toxic relationship dynamics.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the power dynamics and manipulation between the characters, adding depth to the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its intense and uncomfortable interactions between the characters, drawing the audience into the toxic dynamic.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene builds tension effectively, leading to a climactic moment that highlights the power dynamics between the characters.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows standard formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional format for a dramatic interaction between characters, with clear dialogue and action beats.

  • The scene contains problematic and offensive elements, including the derogatory language used by Noah towards Cindy and the non-consensual sexual act. This can be uncomfortable for the reader and does not contribute to the development of the characters or the plot.
  • The dialogue between Cindy and Noah lacks subtext and is overly explanatory, which can make it feel forced and unnatural. Consider using subtext and body language to convey the power dynamic between the characters.
  • The scene does not provide enough context for the reader to understand the significance of the cognac and the motto 'Gradatim Ferociter'. It is important to provide enough context for the reader to understand the significance of these elements.
  • Consider revising the scene to remove the problematic and offensive elements, and replace them with more nuanced and consensual interactions between the characters.
  • Use subtext and body language to convey the power dynamic between Cindy and Noah, rather than relying on explicit dialogue.
  • Provide enough context for the reader to understand the significance of the cognac and the motto 'Gradatim Ferociter' and how they relate to the characters and the plot.

Scene 4 -  Audition Dilemma
In a sweater dress, Cindy sits opposite Zac in their usual
booth in the cafe. In a business suit, Zac stares at her over
his cup of coffee as he sips. Cindy holds her head as she
stares dejectedly at her laptop screen.
What's the matter? You haven't even
called me an idiot yet.
Zac smiles as he tries to cheer up Cindy. She looks up and
doesn't change her expression.
Cindy puts her head back down.
That's better. You have that Noah
treated me like shit last night

You mean Henry Higgins.
Henry who?
Nevermind. Oh crap, I have to call
Giorgio at the Plaza.
Cindy puts her Bluetooth earbuds in her ears punches the
number on her phone as Zac spins her laptop around to look at
her screen. Cindy talks to Giorgio on her Bluetooth phone.
Hello, Giorgio, it's Mrs. Wheeler.
Oh, thank you, Giorgio, you always
say the sweetest things.
I just want to confirm the Woodruff
Room for my Tenth Anniversary
Great, I will pass by later in the
week for the details.
Ciao Giorgio Mio
Cindy's smile turns sour as soon as she ends the phone call.
Your tenth anniversary, wow, no
wonder you're depressed.
It's not that. I faked sex as a
happy wife to him for over ten
years. Pretending to be joyful at a
dinner party is nothing.
So, what is it?
Our deadline is looming, and we
need to bring in our lead actress.
But, which one?
Exactly, Mr. Producer. We started
this search over a year ago.

Well, Mrs. Director, I put those
ads on the actors' online sites and
apps. We got hundreds of responses,
Then we weeded them out by our
particular criteria. No agents
chopped the list in half.
Then, they had to be sexy.
Cindy rolls her eyes at Zac.
Of course, but you should see what
some girls think is sexy. Click on
the girl Margie on the list.
Zac clicks on the laptop, and his face looks like he drank a
glass of vinegar.
And she is still in the running.
Oh, shit. There are not enough
filters in the world for that face.
Then I have to make sure they are
inexperienced, naive, and most
importantly, willing to do anything
we ask.
You do that with the virtual
auditions, right?
Yeah, I make them do these scenes
on video and send them to me.
Like what?
Cindy spins her laptop around again. She clicks on a page,
turns the computer back to Zac, and gives Zac the earbuds.
Zac puts one earbud in his one ear and watches the screen.

First, they have to act seductively
to get Noah to go away with her for
a weekend.
I will run away with this one.
No shit. Now click the following
link. Then they have to act like
Noah gave them the best sex ever.
I get this from all the girls.
Cindy playfully throws a napkin at him.
The third one they have to act like
a dominatrix and demand he pleases
Shit, they scared me. I don't like
pain at all.
Zac takes the earbuds out and closes the laptop.
You are doing great, as there are
some good candidates here. Don't be
too discerning. Go with your gut
and pick.
I know, but I have done too much to
let some asshole wannabe starlet
ruin it.
You got this. What do you do next?
The finalists are all sending me a
sexting video in the nude. The best
at sexting will get the in-person
Have them send that sexting video
directly to me.

Cindy moves her fist up and down, mimicking jerking off, with
a clenched-teeth smile, as Zac laughs at her actions.
This is the test to see if they
will go all the way for us.
Time is a factor now. Just narrow
it down to three and show me. Then
we will decide.
Genres: ["Drama","Comedy"]

Summary Cindy and Zac are at an internet cafe booth discussing their search for a lead actress. Cindy, feeling overwhelmed by her personal life and the pressure of finding the right actress, reviews audition videos with Zac. They discuss the criteria for selecting the finalists, with Zac offering support and humor to lighten the mood. The scene ends with Cindy and Zac deciding to narrow down the finalists and review the sexting videos before making a final decision.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Complex character dynamics
  • Blend of dark themes and humor
  • Lack of significant character development in this scene


Overall: 8

The scene effectively balances the dark undertones with humor and provides insight into the characters' motivations and conflicts. The dialogue is engaging and reveals layers of the characters' personalities.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of preparing for auditions and the behind-the-scenes look at the casting process adds depth to the narrative. It introduces the theme of manipulation and control in the entertainment industry.

Plot: 7

The plot revolves around the casting process and Cindy's determination to find the right actress for the lead role. It sets up potential conflicts and power dynamics within the story.

Originality: 8

The scene offers a fresh take on the casting process, blending humor with the challenges of finding the perfect actress. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Zac are well-developed, with distinct personalities and dynamics. Cindy's internal struggles and Zac's supportive yet teasing nature add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 5

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, it sets up potential growth and development for Cindy as she navigates the challenges of the casting process and her personal life.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to find the perfect lead actress for their project while dealing with personal issues related to her marriage and past experiences.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal is to finalize the casting process for their project and make sure the lead actress fits their criteria.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

There is a moderate level of conflict in the scene, primarily revolving around Cindy's internal struggles and the pressure of meeting deadlines and finding the right actress for the lead role.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene adds complexity and conflict, keeping the audience engaged and unsure of the outcome.

High Stakes: 6

The stakes are moderate in this scene, focusing on the pressure of meeting deadlines and finding the right actress for the lead role. It hints at the larger challenges Cindy faces in her personal and professional life.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by introducing the casting process and setting up potential conflicts and power dynamics. It establishes the groundwork for future developments in the narrative.

Unpredictability: 7.5

The scene is unpredictable due to the characters' unexpected actions and the dark humor intertwined with serious themes.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the ethical implications of the casting process, where the characters have to make tough decisions based on their criteria and personal values.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene evokes a mix of emotions, from humor to cynicism to resignation. It provides insight into Cindy's emotional state and hints at deeper issues in her personal life.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp, witty, and reveals the characters' motivations and conflicts. It drives the scene forward and establishes the tone of the interaction between Cindy and Zac.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its witty dialogue, character dynamics, and the high stakes involved in the casting process.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and highlighting the characters' struggles and decisions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a dialogue-heavy, character-driven scene in a screenplay.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a coherent structure, focusing on the characters' interactions and the progression of the casting process.

  • The scene feels a bit too expository, with a lot of information being conveyed through dialogue rather than action.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective for Cindy. It's not entirely clear what she's trying to accomplish beyond finding a lead actress.
  • The dialogue between Cindy and Zac is a bit stilted and lacks a natural flow. It feels like they are just checking boxes off a list of topics rather than having a real conversation.
  • The scene doesn't do a good job of building suspense or tension. We know that Cindy is in a bad marriage, but the scene doesn't really show us that tension in a compelling way.
  • The scene feels a bit repetitive with the back-and-forth about casting and the sexting video auditions. This could be condensed or rearranged to create a more impactful rhythm.
  • The scene's ending is a bit abrupt. It would be helpful to have a bit more closure or a stronger sense of what happens next.
  • The comedic element, while present, isn't strong enough to work as a counterpoint to the tension of Cindy's situation. It feels jarring and incongruous.
  • Consider adding a visual element to show the pressure Cindy is under. Perhaps she's pacing, fidgeting, or her phone is constantly buzzing with messages.
  • Focus on the tension between Cindy and Zac. What are their power dynamics? What are their personal stakes in this project? Highlight the conflict through their interactions.
  • Use dialogue to reveal character more than simply provide information. Explore the nuances of Cindy's anger and frustration, and Zac's desire to control the situation.
  • Think about how the visual elements of the scene can enhance the emotional tone. Use camera angles and close-ups to create a sense of claustrophobia and pressure.
  • Consider adding a scene or subplot that explores Cindy's relationship with Noah in more depth. This will give the audience a better understanding of her motivations and create a stronger sense of empathy for her.
  • Play with pacing and rhythm. Use silence, flashbacks, or internal monologues to create a more dynamic experience for the audience.
  • Consider the comedic element more carefully. Is it genuinely funny or just a distraction? If the scene is intended to be a comedic relief, it might be better served by focusing on one strong joke or humorous interaction.
  • Consider adding a visual element to illustrate the severity of Cindy's situation. For example, we could see flashbacks of her marriage or even a montage of the degrading behavior she's endured.
  • Think about the ending of the scene and how it sets up the next scene. Is it clear where Cindy will go from here? What are her plans?

Scene 5 -  Tension in the Brownstone
Noah relaxes on his wing chair, tie loosened, no jacket, with
a book. Cindy walks to him in her sweater dress with his
cognac snifter and waits for Noah to take the glass. Noah
makes Cindy stand there with the cognac as he questions her.
Did you call Giorgio yet?
Yes, sweetie. All done.
The tenth Anniversary is pretty
impressive. Everyone said it would
never last.
Ten wonderful years.
I certainly turned you into a lady.
I am indebted to you.
Yes, you are. You can't leave me
either because of that prenup you
signed, or else you will be a
street-walker in Bangkok again.
Leave you? Never, my love.
Noah takes the snifter from Cindy and raises it to toast
Here's to prenups.

Cindy blows a kiss to Noah, softly touches his cheek, turns,
and walks away. With her back to Noah, her eyes look up to
the ceiling, and she bites her bottom lip. She sits on the
couch and takes out her phone.
Cindy, throw me a pillow.
Daydream Starts
In her mind, Cindy reaches behind the pillow and pulls out an
ax. She stands up and slowly raises the ax over her head.
With the ax over her head, she yells out.
Gradatim Ferociter!
Cindy throws the ax at Noah. The ax misses Noah and knocks
the lamp off the table next to Noah.
Daydream Ends
Back to actual time, Noah picks up the pillow off the table
and puts the lamp back up.
What the hell are you doing
throwing the pillow like that?
Noah tries to turn the lamp back on.
You broke the friggin thing.
Sorry, dear. I am always wild when
I toss things.
True, you suck at frisbee, suck at
corn hole, even tennis. You can't
do anything with your hands.
Noah takes a sip of cognac, then puts the glass down and
smiles at Cindy.
There is one place your hands are
Noah wiggles his finger for Cindy to come to him. Then he
points down to his groin.
Genres: ["Drama","Dark Comedy"]

Summary Noah questions Cindy about calling Giorgio and they discuss their 10th anniversary and prenup. Cindy daydreams about throwing an ax at Noah, leading to a tense atmosphere. When Cindy accidentally breaks a lamp, Noah gets upset but the conflict is resolved when she apologizes. The scene ends with Noah making a suggestive comment towards Cindy, adding to the disturbing tone of the interaction.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Tension-filled interactions
  • Character depth
  • Potentially triggering content
  • Uncomfortable dynamics


Overall: 8

The scene effectively creates tension and discomfort through the dialogue and actions of the characters, while also incorporating dark humor to add depth.

Story Content

Concept: 7

The concept of a strained marriage with underlying power dynamics and manipulation is well-executed, setting the stage for further conflict and character development.

Plot: 8

The plot advances through the interaction between Cindy and Noah, revealing their complex relationship and setting up potential conflicts and resolutions.

Originality: 9

The scene presents a fresh take on power dynamics and manipulation in a relationship, with unexpected twists and dark humor. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Noah are well-defined and their personalities shine through in their dialogue and actions, adding depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy's internal struggle and Noah's manipulative behavior hint at potential character growth and change, setting the stage for future developments.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to maintain control and power over his partner, Cindy. This reflects his need for dominance and validation of his own worth.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to maintain the appearance of a happy and successful marriage, despite underlying tensions and power dynamics.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Cindy and Noah is palpable, with underlying tension and power struggles adding depth to the scene.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with underlying power dynamics and manipulation creating conflict and tension.

High Stakes: 7

The high stakes of Cindy and Noah's strained marriage and power dynamics add tension and complexity to the scene, raising the stakes for future events.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing more about Cindy and Noah's relationship, setting up potential conflicts and resolutions in the narrative.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable due to the sudden shift from a seemingly normal conversation to a dark daydream sequence, adding depth and intrigue to the narrative.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the power struggle between the protagonist and Cindy, highlighting themes of control, manipulation, and gender dynamics.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from discomfort to dark humor, adding layers to the characters and their relationship dynamics.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp, revealing the power dynamics and tension between Cindy and Noah, as well as incorporating dark humor to enhance the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its tension, dark humor, and unexpected twists, keeping the audience on edge.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment with the daydream sequence.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows standard formatting conventions for a screenplay, with clear scene headings and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional format for a dramatic dialogue scene, with clear character motivations and conflict.

  • The scene starts with an awkward exchange between Noah and Cindy. Their dialogue is a bit clunky and doesn't feel natural. The focus on the prenuptial agreement feels forced and doesn't add much to the story.
  • The daydream sequence is a good concept to show Cindy's frustration and violent thoughts but feels rushed. The ax thrown at Noah is out of character for Cindy, considering her previous attempts at murder. It also feels like a cheap solution to a complex problem.
  • The end of the scene is weak. The line "There is one place your hands are magical" is predictable and doesn't offer much in terms of tension or surprise. The scene's overall purpose and impact are unclear. Is it meant to show Noah's controlling and abusive nature? Is it meant to show Cindy's growing resentment?
  • The scene relies too much on dialogue to convey character and plot. It lacks visual storytelling and subtext.
  • The scene feels disjointed. The daydream sequence breaks the flow of the scene and doesn't feel organically integrated into the dialogue.
  • The scene doesn't offer any significant insight into the characters' motivations or relationships. It simply reiterates the fact that Noah is controlling and abusive, and Cindy is frustrated and resentful. The scene needs a clearer purpose and stronger emotional impact.
  • Rewrite the dialogue between Noah and Cindy to feel more natural and engaging. Use subtext and nonverbal cues to convey their relationship dynamics.
  • Explore Cindy's violent thoughts in a more subtle and nuanced way. Instead of a sudden daydream, consider weaving her internal struggles into the dialogue or using visual elements.
  • Consider exploring the power dynamics between Noah and Cindy more deeply. The scene could explore how Cindy's powerlessness fuels her anger and her desire to break free.
  • Add more visual storytelling to the scene. Show the tension between Noah and Cindy through their body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Consider the visual impact of the setting and the objects in the room.
  • Make the ending of the scene more impactful. Instead of a predictable line about Cindy's hands being magical, explore the consequences of Cindy's frustration or her growing determination to escape her situation.
  • Consider adding a scene immediately after this one to show Cindy's reaction to breaking the lamp or her feelings after Noah's comment about her hands. This could add more complexity and emotional weight to the story.

Scene 6 -  Casting Frustrations
In a sweater dress, Cindy sits at her favorite booth. She
looks at her open laptop with earbuds in her ears. Next to
her computer is a cup of coffee and a memo pad and pen. Cindy
talks to herself in a whispered voice.
I just need two women to send me
their sexting tape to go alone with
Nathalie's. I need three girls for
my producer to make the choice.
Cindy then dials her phone and talks to the candidates for
the role on Bluetooth.
Hello, Willow. This is Cindy
Did you look over the scene I sent
Great, I need you to send me a
video of the sexting scene.
Yes, you have to be naked. It is
I am a professional too. You have
my word that I am the only one that
will view it.
Sorry, you feel that way. That's
our criteria for an audition. We
will have to look at our other
Cindy crosses out a name on the memo pad and dials another
phone number.

The montage is a series of short scenes, all at the cafe
booth with Cindy by herself on the phone.
1. Cindy sits in the booth and has a smile on her face.
Hello, Marisa. This is Cindy
Sorry to hear that.
2. Cindy sits in the booth and crosses another name off the
3. Cindy sits in the booth and twirls her hair as she
listens, then rolls her eyes.
4. Cindy sits in the booth and crosses another name off the
list with disgust.
5. Cindy sits in the booth and gently punches her forehead as
she listens and speaks.
Yes, you have to be naked.
6. Cindy sits in the booth and angrily crosses another name
off the list.
7. Cindy sits in the booth raises both hands over her head in
triumph as she listens and responds.
Fantastic, Paige, you made the
final three.
8. Cindy sits, listens, and then crosses another name off the
list so hard that the paper tears.
9. Cindy walks back and forth in front of the booth and
shakes her head as she listens and speaks.
What the fuck!
10. Cindy plops back down in the booth, crosses another name
off the list, and puts her head down on the memo pad.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy, at an internet cafe booth, is working on casting for a project by making phone calls to potential candidates and asking them to send her a video of a sexting scene. She faces resistance from some candidates who are uncomfortable with the audition criteria, leading to frustration as she crosses off names from her list.
  • Intense atmosphere
  • Character development for Cindy
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Limited external conflict
  • Lack of significant character change


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up the stakes for Cindy's audition process, adding depth to her character and the overall narrative.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of Cindy meticulously selecting actresses for the lead role adds layers to the story and highlights her commitment to her work.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses as Cindy navigates through the audition process, showcasing her challenges and determination.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the casting process in the film industry, highlighting the ethical dilemmas faced by filmmakers and actors. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The scene delves into Cindy's character, revealing her passion for her work and the internal struggles she faces.

Character Changes: 6

While there is not a significant character change in this scene, it does provide insight into Cindy's dedication and the challenges she faces.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to find the right candidates for a role that involves sexting, showcasing her determination and willingness to push boundaries in her career.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to cast the right actors for the sexting scene, reflecting the immediate challenge she faces in her professional life.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

The conflict mainly revolves around Cindy's internal struggles and the pressure she faces in selecting the right actress.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, as Cindy faces challenges in finding the right candidates for the role, adding complexity to the narrative.

High Stakes: 6

The stakes are moderately high as Cindy's career and the success of her film project depend on her ability to select the right actress.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by showcasing Cindy's audition process and the obstacles she encounters.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected reactions of the characters and the twists in the casting process.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the ethical implications of asking actors to participate in sexting scenes for a film. It challenges Cindy's values and morals as she navigates the casting process.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of tension and frustration, drawing the audience into Cindy's world and her creative process.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys Cindy's interactions with the audition candidates, showcasing her professionalism and dedication.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced dialogue, high stakes, and moral dilemmas that keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and maintains the audience's interest through the series of phone calls and interactions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and concise, following the expected format for a screenplay in this genre.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a structured format that effectively conveys the tension and urgency of the casting process.

  • The scene is a bit clunky and repetitive. The back-and-forth between Cindy and the candidates feels monotonous, with the same dialogue repeated across multiple calls. The montage is not particularly engaging and could be condensed or presented in a more dynamic way.
  • The scene doesn't reveal anything new about Cindy or her motivations. We already know she's looking for actresses for a film project. This scene feels like a placeholder rather than a meaningful moment in the story.
  • The use of Bluetooth for the phone calls feels artificial and unnecessary. It adds a layer of awkwardness to the scene without serving any purpose.
  • The scene's emphasis on nudity and sexual content feels jarring and out of place, particularly after the previous scene's graphic depiction of sexual assault. It feels like the screenplay is trying too hard to be edgy and provocative.
  • The use of the memo pad and the montage's visual elements, like Cindy crossing names off the list, feel very theatrical and don't translate well to the screen. This method of conveying information could be handled more subtly and organically.
  • The ending of the montage with Cindy collapsing on the memo pad feels abrupt and doesn't offer any sense of closure. It doesn't leave the audience with a strong impression of what Cindy is feeling or what she's going to do next.
  • The scene lacks a clear purpose in the larger context of the story. It doesn't move the plot forward, develop character, or create any significant tension.
  • Instead of repeating the dialogue, show the montage more visually. Use quick cuts and different camera angles to depict Cindy's frustration and the various types of responses she gets. Show the frustration through her actions rather than her words.
  • Focus on the emotional impact of Cindy's actions. What is she feeling as she goes through this process? Show her internal conflict, her desperation, and her desire to control the situation.
  • Explore the moral implications of Cindy's actions. Is she uncomfortable asking the actresses for these videos? Is she questioning her methods? Show her internal struggle and the consequences of her choices.
  • Consider cutting the scene entirely or incorporating it into another scene where it could serve a greater purpose. For example, you could show Cindy making these calls while she's also trying to avoid Noah or while Zac is watching her.
  • Introduce a new conflict or tension in the scene. Maybe one of the actresses has a particular reaction that challenges Cindy or makes her reconsider her approach.
  • Use the montage to build suspense or foreshadowing. Show Cindy's actions in a way that suggests the possibility of her being exposed or the potential consequences of her actions.

Scene 7 -  Successful Audition Progress
Cindy has her head down on the memo pad. She slowly picks her
head, looks at her memo pad, and talks to herself. She clicks
on her laptop.
One name left, Melanie Lucroy, from
Cindy dials her phone and calls Melanie.

Hello, Melanie.
I am so happy that you did the
sexting video audition.
Yes, you made the final three.
I will let you know after the
producer decides.
Cindy pulls her earbuds out, stands up, and does a happy
dance in front of the booth. Cindy's phone rings, and it is a
FaceTime call from Nathalie. Cindy sits and takes the call.
We see NATHALIE POWELL, a Black-British female late-20s, on
the phone. Her Afro-Boho style is a retro-vision from the 70s
with a short natural Afro-hairstyle and oversized hoop
earrings. This earthy look naturally exudes sensuality.
Hello, Miss Powell.
Good Morning Mrs. Wheeler. I'm so
excited that you called.
Did you video the sexting-
Nathalie interrupts her on the phone before Cindy can finish
the sentence.
Yes, I love that scene. I will send
it right to you.
Thank you.
Sent. I really got into sexting and
lost it a little. I hope you like
I am sure I will like it, just have
to make sure the producer does.
If he is a man, he will love it.

Nathalie and Cindy both laugh.
When will I meet the producer?
As soon as I make him think it was
his idea to choose you.
I know you can handle him.
Plan to visit in a day or two.
I am ready now, just call.
I can't wait to see you in person.
I feel the same way.
Study your lines, got to go. Bye.
Nathalie waves good-bye then Cindy ends the call. Cindy
smiles as she looks at her laptop, nods her head up and down,
satisfied with what she sees.
Genres: ["Drama","Romance","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy contacts Melanie to share the news that she made the final three in a sexting video audition. She then receives a FaceTime call from Nathalie, discussing the audition video and making plans to meet the producer. The scene takes place in an internet cafe booth during the day, with an upbeat and positive tone. There are no major conflicts, and the dialogue includes Cindy informing Melanie of her progress and Nathalie discussing the audition video. Cindy does a happy dance and ends the scene smiling at her laptop, satisfied with her progress.
  • Engaging character dynamics
  • Natural dialogue
  • Balanced blend of genres
  • Limited physical action
  • Some dialogue could be more impactful


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends drama, romance, and thriller elements, keeping the audience engaged with the character dynamics and the high stakes of the audition process.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of balancing personal struggles with professional responsibilities is well-executed, adding depth to the characters and the overall story.

Plot: 7

The plot advances through Cindy's interactions with potential actresses, setting up future conflicts and developments in both her personal and professional life.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces fresh perspectives on the entertainment industry and the challenges faced by women in the field. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters, especially Cindy and Nathalie, are well-developed and engaging, each with their own unique personalities and motivations.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, Cindy's interactions with Nathalie hint at potential growth and transformation in her character.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to successfully manage the audition process and impress the producer with her choices. This reflects her desire for validation and success in her career.

External Goal: 7.5

Cindy's external goal is to secure the best talent for the video role and ensure the producer's satisfaction with her choices. This reflects the immediate challenge of making the right decisions under pressure.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

There is a moderate level of conflict in the scene, primarily stemming from Cindy's internal struggles and the pressure of the audition process.

Opposition: 7.5

The opposition in the scene comes from the pressure of making the right decisions for the audition process and managing the expectations of the producer.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high for Cindy as she navigates her troubled marriage and the pressure of finding the right actress for her project, adding tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene effectively moves the story forward by introducing key elements of the audition process and setting up future developments in Cindy's personal and professional life.

Unpredictability: 7

The scene is somewhat predictable in terms of the outcome of the audition process, but the character dynamics and subtext add layers of unpredictability.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the idea of using sexuality to appeal to a male producer. Cindy and Nathalie's conversation touches on the potential objectification of women in the entertainment industry and the power dynamics at play.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension and excitement to hope and confidence, creating a compelling emotional experience for the audience.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is natural and engaging, revealing the characters' emotions and relationships while moving the scene forward.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to the dynamic dialogue, character interactions, and the tension surrounding the audition process.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, maintaining a steady rhythm that keeps the audience engaged and invested in the characters' interactions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting adheres to industry standards, making the scene easy to read and follow for potential production.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with a setup, conflict, and resolution, fitting the expected format for a dialogue-driven scene in a screenplay.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks the emotional depth that would make it more engaging. While the dialogue reveals information about the plot and characters, it feels more like exposition than a natural conversation.
  • The action of Cindy doing a happy dance feels out of place and jarring, as it doesn't align with the overall tone of the scene. It's a sudden burst of energy that doesn't flow organically from the previous dialogue.
  • The description of Nathalie's appearance is repetitive and doesn't add much to the scene. The reader already knows she's a Black-British female in her late 20s, and the detail about her 'earthy sensuality' feels clichéd and unnecessary.
  • The scene lacks conflict. While Nathalie and Cindy discuss the audition and meeting the producer, there's no real tension or stakes. The conversation feels more like a formality than a genuine interaction.
  • The dialogue between Cindy and Nathalie can feel stilted and unnatural. The exchange about the producer's reaction to the sexting video feels forced and predictable.
  • The scene ends abruptly without a sense of closure. The final line, 'I can't wait to see you in person,' lacks emotional weight and doesn't leave a lasting impression on the reader.
  • Consider adding more internal monologue or subtext to Cindy's actions and dialogue. Explore her inner thoughts and motivations behind her decisions, especially regarding the sexting audition and her interaction with Nathalie.
  • Develop the conflict between Cindy and Nathalie. Highlight their contrasting personalities and how their relationship might evolve. Consider adding tension around their collaboration on the project or their contrasting goals.
  • Create more visual and sensory details to enhance the scene. Describe the atmosphere of the internet cafe, the sounds around them, and the expressions on their faces. This will make the scene more immersive for the reader.
  • Focus on building emotional resonance. Instead of rushing through the dialogue, allow the characters to express their feelings and motivations more authentically. Explore the anxieties and desires that drive their actions.
  • Consider adding a scene with Cindy and the producer to show their interactions and dynamics. This will give the reader a better understanding of their relationship and the challenges Cindy faces in navigating the film industry.
  • End the scene on a stronger note. Instead of abruptly ending with a simple goodbye, consider leaving the reader with a question or a sense of anticipation about what's to come next.

Scene 8 -  Deceitful Desires
Cindy sits at the table with her laptop and earbuds on. She
has the video of Nathalie sexting paused.
INSERT - LAPTOP SCREEN OF NATHALIE, picture shows: Nathalie
sits naked, legs crossed, a hand under her chin; that arm
rests on the other arm that goes across her chest to hide her
Nathalie you are so hot. I have to
watch this again.
Cindy presses play on the video. While Cindy watches the
video, we only hear Nathalie's voice from the video, as we
watch Cindy's facial reactions as she views the footage of
Nathalie's sexting.
The finger must always be wet.

Cindy sticks her finger in her mouth and slowly rocks in her
I love when your hands softly
massage me.
Cindy's softly massages her breasts through her blouse, as
she seems mesmerized.
Let me spread my legs for you.
Cindy spreads her legs.
Slowly my hand slides down.
Cindy runs her hand down between her legs and rests her palm
on the seat of her chair.
Now softly, I circle my moist yoni
for my Noah.
Cindy rubs her groin against her wrist as her body sways left
and right, left and right. Noah enters the room from the far
entrance behind Cindy.
Cindy doesn't hear Noah.
I am circling my pearl just for
you, Noah.
Cindy moves her hips in a circular motion. Her motion from
behind looks like a dance, as if there is music in her
Cindy! Are you listening to that
Luk thung, shit Thai, music again?
Cindy still doesn't hear Noah.
Oh, Noah.
Oh, Noah.

Yes, it's Noah. Who were you
Good, you can finally hear me.
But Cindy doesn't hear Noah yet.
Yes, baby, yes.
Yes, baby, yes.
Noah takes his jacket off and looks strangely at Cindy.
Will you look at me when you talk
to me? You are acting like an ass.
Nathalie moans seductively on the video.
Oh, oh, oh!
Cindy grabs the top of the laptop screen with the other hand
and throws her head back. She then sees Noah with his arms
folded across the room. Cindy falls back off the chair onto
the floor, and the motion causes her laptop to close.
What the fuck are you doing?

Cindy scrambles to get up and rubs her flushed face.
No wonder your face is red with
embarrassment as you fall on the
floor like a drunk.
Cindy clears her throat before responding.
I'm not drunk. I just lost my
balance as I got lost in the music.
Noah waves his hand at her in a dismissing motion.

Tomorrow, my Chief Financial
Officer will be here to give me a
Cindy's jaw drops then she responds.
Zac will be here? Why?
Noah slowly accentuates Zac's formal name and title.
Mr. Dawson, my CFO, has a proposal
that he wants to present to me in
For dinner?
No, I hate this bastard. I told him
to come for drinks after dinner.
Anything special you need prepared.
Make a pitcher of that Sabai Sabai
drink that the sex workers in
Thailand always drank.
Cindy bites her lip and then responds.
It will be ready for you.
I'm going right to bed. Clean this
room up before you come in.
Of course, good night, dear.
Noah grunts and walks out of the room. Cindy mumbles under
her breath.
I'm going to kill Zac.
Genres: ["Drama","Erotic Thriller"]

Summary Cindy watches a video of Nathalie sexting and becomes engrossed in it, mimicking the actions in the video. Noah interrupts her, leading to an awkward confrontation. Cindy lies about her behavior and agrees to prepare a special drink for Noah's guest.
  • Effective tension-building
  • Complex character dynamics
  • Sensual and dramatic tone
  • Some dialogue may come off as cliched or melodramatic


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and introduces conflict through the interaction between Cindy and Noah. The sensuality and awkwardness of the situation add depth to the characters and advance the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring Cindy's inner conflict and strained relationship with her husband through a voyeuristic scene involving sexting is intriguing and well-executed.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as Cindy's secret activities are discovered by Noah, leading to a confrontation that hints at deeper issues in their marriage.

Originality: 9

The scene offers a fresh and bold approach to exploring themes of desire, power dynamics, and manipulation in relationships. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Noah are well-developed in this scene, showcasing their complex dynamics and inner turmoil. Their actions and dialogue reveal layers of their personalities.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy experiences a shift in her relationship with Noah as her secret activities are exposed, hinting at potential character growth and transformation.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to indulge in her desires and fantasies, seeking pleasure and escape from her reality. This reflects her deeper need for excitement, validation, and possibly a sense of control.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to please Noah and fulfill his requests, showcasing her role as a submissive partner. This reflects the immediate challenge of maintaining Noah's approval and managing his expectations.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Cindy and Noah escalates as their power dynamics and hidden desires come to the surface, creating a tense and dramatic atmosphere.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting desires and power dynamics between Cindy and Noah. The audience is left uncertain about the outcome of their interactions, adding to the tension and drama.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are raised as Cindy's secret activities are discovered by Noah, leading to a confrontation that could have significant consequences for their marriage.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing new layers of the characters' relationships and setting the stage for future conflicts and developments.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected twists in the power dynamics between Cindy and Noah, as well as the tension that arises from their interactions. The audience is left unsure of how the scene will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the themes of power dynamics, control, and manipulation in relationships. It challenges Cindy's beliefs about her own agency and autonomy, as well as her willingness to comply with Noah's demands.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from sensuality to embarrassment to anger, drawing the audience into the characters' inner turmoil.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys tension, sensuality, and conflict, adding depth to the scene and the characters' interactions.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its provocative and tense atmosphere, as well as the dynamic between the characters. The intimate moments and subtle power dynamics keep the audience invested in the unfolding drama.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and maintaining the audience's interest. The rhythm of the dialogue and actions contributes to the scene's effectiveness in conveying the emotional stakes.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with distinct character actions and dialogue cues. It adheres to the expected format for its genre, enhancing the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows a clear progression of events, building tension and conflict effectively. It adheres to the expected format for its genre, balancing dialogue and action.

  • The scene starts with a lot of visual description, which can be tedious for the reader. It's best to show the action, not tell it. For example, instead of saying "Cindy sticks her finger in her mouth and slowly rocks in her chair", show Cindy doing those things.
  • The use of Nathalie's voiceover is a little clunky and doesn't add much to the scene. It feels like a cheap way to show Cindy's inner thoughts. Consider using more subtle ways to convey her emotions, such as facial expressions or actions.
  • The dialogue between Noah and Cindy is repetitive and doesn't reveal much about their characters. They keep saying "yes" and "oh, Noah" back and forth, which is not engaging for the reader.
  • The scene lacks a clear purpose. It's unclear why Cindy is watching the video, or what the implications are for the overall story. The scene seems to be there just to show Cindy's sexual fantasies, which feels gratuitous and unnecessary.
  • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying. The conflict between Noah and Cindy is not resolved, and we don't learn anything new about their relationship.
  • The scene is written in a way that is too descriptive. For example, the line "Cindy runs her hand down between her legs and rests her palm on the seat of her chair" is too explicit and unnecessary.
  • The scene is overly focused on Cindy's physical actions and doesn't explore her inner life. As a result, the reader doesn't connect with her character or understand her motivations.
  • The scene feels disjointed and lacks a cohesive flow. The transitions between Cindy's fantasies and Noah's arrival are jarring and unnatural.
  • The scene lacks a strong sense of tension or suspense. It's hard for the reader to care about what happens in this scene, because there's no real danger or threat.
  • The scene feels repetitive and predictable. The reader can anticipate Cindy's reactions to the video and Noah's dialogue. This makes the scene less engaging and interesting.
  • Focus on showing, not telling. Cut back on the descriptive language and let the action speak for itself.
  • Remove the voiceover and find other ways to convey Cindy's emotions.
  • Make the dialogue more natural and engaging. Give Noah and Cindy more unique lines that reveal their characters and their relationship.
  • Give the scene a clear purpose. What is the scene trying to achieve? How does it advance the plot or character development?
  • End the scene with a stronger resolution. What happens after Noah confronts Cindy? How does this affect their relationship?
  • Show Cindy's inner life. What are her thoughts and feelings? What are her motivations for watching the video? How does this connect to her overall arc in the story?
  • Make the scene more suspenseful by introducing a real threat or danger. What are the stakes for Cindy in this scene?
  • Add more conflict to the scene. What is the power dynamic between Noah and Cindy? How does this affect their interactions? What are their goals and motivations?
  • Make the scene more engaging by adding a surprise element or a twist. This will keep the reader guessing and interested in what happens next.

Scene 9 -  Unexpected Encounter
Cindy wears her usual sweater-type dress sits in her regular
booth, laptop open, and earbuds in her ears. Zac sneaks up on
her and kisses her cheek, and Cindy responds with a punch to
his groin area. Zac doubles over and clutches his stomach.
Damm, Cindy, no hitting below the
Zac shuffles over and sits opposite Cindy as she pulls the
earbuds out of her ears. She yells at him in a loud whisper.
Why the fuck are you coming over to
my house tonight?
It was all Noah's idea. He didn't
want to talk to me at the office.
Bullshit! This smells like you.
All Noah, not me, as I have a
business proposal for your husband.
It is controversial, so he wants it
in private in his home.
Why don't you meet him in a bar or
restaurant or a strip club?
Anywhere but in my home with me
I tried, but he insisted on a face-
Cindy bites her bottom lip before she responds and answers
with clenched teeth.
In and out tonight. Noah is
brilliant and can read a room
better than anyone. He will sense
we are doing something.
Don't worry. I got this.

Zac grabs Cindy's hand and strokes it lovingly. Cindy rips
her hand away.
Not in public, not here. Have you
gone stupid on me?
No one will see us here. Your
stupid cafe is nowhere near where
you live, or I work. I had to take
a cab just to get here.
It is not my problem you are too
out of shape to walk. We can't risk
it, period.
Sorry, I get it, but I miss you.
Cindy waves her hand at Zac in dismissal. Then she opens her
laptop and points to her script.
This is what is essential right
now, nothing else.
Zac nods his head in agreement.
I have narrowed the list to three
finalists for you to choose from.
Let me pick our future Oscar
OK, Mr. Producer. Scoot over here
next to me, and let's evaluate the
final three.
Genres: ["Drama","Romance","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy is surprised by Zac with a kiss on the cheek while she is working in an internet cafe booth. She responds by punching him in the groin. Zac explains that Noah wants to meet her husband for a business proposal. Cindy is skeptical and insists on keeping the meeting short and private. They discuss a script Cindy is working on, and the scene ends with them agreeing to evaluate the final three finalists together.
  • Complex character dynamics
  • Tense dialogue
  • Emotional depth
  • Some cliched dialogue exchanges
  • Lack of clarity in certain character motivations


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and emotion through the interactions between the characters, setting the stage for future conflicts and developments.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring the personal and professional struggles of the characters within the context of a strained marriage is compelling and engaging.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as Cindy navigates her relationships with Zac and Noah, setting up potential conflicts and resolutions.

Originality: 8

The scene presents a fresh take on relationship dynamics and workplace boundaries, with authentic character interactions and conflicts.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, with complex motivations and relationships that drive the scene forward.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy experiences internal conflict and tension, hinting at potential character growth and development in future scenes.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to maintain boundaries and focus on her script, despite Zac's attempts to distract her. This reflects her need for independence and dedication to her work.

External Goal: 7.5

Cindy's external goal is to navigate the situation with Zac and ensure that her husband's business proposal is handled professionally and discreetly.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The scene is filled with underlying tensions and conflicts, both internal and external, that drive the character interactions and plot forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and motivations driving the characters' interactions.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high in terms of personal and professional relationships, as well as the potential consequences of the characters' actions and decisions.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing new conflicts, relationships, and tensions that will impact future developments.

Unpredictability: 7.5

The scene is unpredictable in terms of the characters' conflicting motivations and the outcome of their interaction.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' differing priorities and boundaries. Cindy values her work and privacy, while Zac prioritizes their relationship and connection.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes strong emotions from the characters and the audience, particularly in the strained relationships and power struggles depicted.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp and revealing, showcasing the characters' personalities and conflicts effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its conflict-driven dialogue and character dynamics, keeping the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8.5

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and maintains the audience's interest through well-timed character interactions and dialogue.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined character interactions and conflicts, contributing to its effectiveness.

  • The scene feels a bit repetitive and lacks a clear purpose. The conflict between Cindy and Zac regarding the meeting at her house is already established in the previous scene and doesn't really advance the story here.
  • The dialogue feels clunky and lacks natural flow. Phrases like "Damm, Cindy, no hitting below the belt" and "This smells like you" are overly informal and lack believability.
  • The scene relies too much on exposition. There's a lot of telling rather than showing. For example, Zac's explanation of Noah's business proposal is delivered in a clunky way rather than through subtle hints or actions.
  • The scene's pacing feels uneven. The initial confrontation between Cindy and Zac is abrupt and then the scene slows down during their conversation about the casting process.
  • The scene lacks a strong emotional core. The conflict between Cindy and Zac isn't presented in a way that creates tension or intrigue for the reader.
  • The scene doesn't offer much insight into the characters. The scene mainly focuses on plot points and doesn't explore the characters' motivations or inner conflicts.
  • The visual elements of the scene are limited. The descriptions are mostly centered on dialogue and don't utilize strong imagery to engage the reader.
  • Consider streamlining the scene by focusing on a single conflict or objective. Maybe it's Cindy trying to convince Zac to meet Noah elsewhere or Zac trying to push Cindy to trust him.
  • Refine the dialogue to make it more natural and believable. Avoid using overly informal language and focus on using subtext and implied meaning to convey information.
  • Show rather than tell. Instead of Zac explaining Noah's business proposal, consider showing a scene where Noah presents it to Zac and his reaction to it.
  • Develop a stronger emotional core by exploring the characters' motivations and conflicts. Why is Cindy so insistent on keeping the meeting away from her home? What is Zac's real agenda?
  • Introduce stronger visual elements. Use vivid imagery to engage the reader's senses. For example, describe the internet cafe in detail or highlight the characters' expressions and body language.
  • Use this scene as an opportunity to delve deeper into the characters' inner lives. Explore Cindy's anxieties and fears about Noah, and Zac's possible hidden agenda.

Scene 10 -  Casting Call
Zac slides over next to Cindy on one side of the booth. The
laptop is between them. Cindy gives Zac one of her earbuds.
Zac studies the laptop screen like a doctor diagnosing a
cancer patient's x-ray, as Cindy studies Zac's expressions.

The blonde has tattoos which gives
her a Sons of Anarchy look, but she
is a little heavy.
True, our actress has to be
The redhead has that crazy look
that fits what she needs to do. But
maybe too crazy in real life to
follow direction.
That is a risk.
The black girl looks like someone
from the 80s. This isn't a
timepiece. But our leading man is
old enough to like that type.
That is true.
This is a more difficult decision
than I thought.
Even for a shallow guy like you.
I'm serious. This is the turning
point of our project.
Cindy clicks a file on the laptop.
Check the sexting video of each of
the girls.
Zac's eyes widened, jaw dropped, and he rubbed his palms
together as he watched the sexting videos.
The blonde is a little too thick
for our guy to be mesmerized, but
she could waste him for sure.
How about the redhead?

Zac clicks on the next video, and he jumps back in his chair
in surprise.
She is kinky, whoa, too kinky for
me, that is for sure.
Wow, even Zac has limits.
Zac nods his head in agreement and then clicks the last one.
Then there is Nathalie from
Weehawken, New Jersey.
This black girl is Asian too! Holy
shit, she is a temptress. Damn, a
married guy would risk everything
for her.
Zac's eyes stay glued on the screen while Cindy covers her
mouth to stifle a laugh.
Her name is Nathalie Powell. I like
her, but she was my second choice
after the blonde.
Cindy closes the laptop to get Zac's attention again.
The blonde, really? Does Nathalie
check all the boxes of our profile?
She fits our profile to the T.
She's young, poor, no agent,
business naive, checkered past, as
she was in rehab several years ago.
She checked my box, that's for
sure. It is definitely Nathalie.
Cindy rubs her chin in thought and then turns to Zac with a
I can live with that decision.
Zac bangs his hand on the table to accentuate his happiness
with his selection of Nathalie.

She is the perfect girl for this
role. You won't be sorry.
I will call her to tell her she got
the job.
That takes care of that. Anything
else that you need my expertise in?
I am still working on the details
for scene 42.
What's the hangup?
I need a quiet weapon, but easy for
a woman to use.
How about axes? People throw axes
at bars now.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Zac and Cindy evaluate potential actresses for a project by watching their sexting videos in an internet cafe booth. After discussing the qualities of each actress, they ultimately decide on casting Nathalie Powell for the role. The scene ends with Zac and Cindy finalizing their decision and planning to call Nathalie to offer her the role.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Engaging tension between characters
  • Innovative audition process
  • Limited emotional depth
  • Minimal character development


Overall: 8

The scene is engaging, with a good balance of tension, humor, and excitement. The use of sexting videos as part of the audition process adds a unique element to the scene, keeping the audience intrigued.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of choosing the lead actress and using sexting videos as part of the audition process is innovative and adds depth to the scene. The tension between Cindy and Zac as they discuss the candidates adds layers to the concept.

Plot: 7

The plot revolves around the decision-making process of selecting the lead actress, with the tension between Cindy and Zac adding conflict and interest to the scene.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh perspective on casting decisions in the entertainment industry, blending humor with industry-specific details. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 8

Cindy and Zac are well-developed characters with distinct personalities. Their banter and interactions reveal their dynamic and add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 5

There is minimal character change in the scene, as Cindy and Zac maintain their respective personalities and dynamics throughout.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to make a crucial decision that will impact the project's success. This reflects their desire for validation and recognition of their expertise in the industry.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to finalize casting decisions for the project. This reflects the immediate challenge of selecting the right actors to bring the project to life.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

There is a moderate level of conflict in the scene, primarily stemming from the decision-making process and differing opinions between Cindy and Zac.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is moderate, with conflicts arising from the characters' differing opinions and priorities. The audience is left unsure of the final casting decision.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are relatively high in terms of choosing the right actress for the project, as it can make or break the success of the film.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by focusing on the crucial decision of selecting the lead actress, setting the stage for the next steps in the project.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists in the characters' reactions to the casting choices, keeping the audience on their toes.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

There is a philosophical conflict between superficiality and substance evident in this scene. The characters' focus on appearance and image clashes with the deeper implications of their casting choices.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene elicits a mix of emotions, including tension, excitement, and amusement, but does not delve deeply into emotional depth.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, witty, and engaging, reflecting the tension and humor in the scene. The back-and-forth between Cindy and Zac keeps the audience entertained.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the witty banter, humorous dialogue, and the high stakes decision-making process. The audience is drawn into the characters' interactions and the outcome of their choices.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense around the casting decisions, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a dialogue-heavy sequence in a screenplay, with clear scene headings and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected format for a dialogue-heavy sequence in a screenplay, with clear character interactions and progression of the decision-making process.

  • The scene feels a bit clunky and expository. It's a lot of dialogue about the actresses' qualities, rather than showing us what makes them good for the role.
  • The scene relies too heavily on telling, rather than showing. We hear about the actresses' qualities, but we don't really see them in action.
  • The dialogue is stilted and doesn't feel natural. The characters sound like they are reading lines, rather than having a real conversation.
  • The scene is repetitive. The characters keep saying the same things over and over again, like 'She's provocative' and 'He's old enough to like that type.'
  • The scene is lacking in conflict. There is no real tension or sense of urgency. It's simply a matter of the characters making a decision.
  • The scene is not particularly interesting. It's a lot of talking about things that could be shown instead.
  • The scene is too focused on the casting process. We don't get a sense of Cindy's motivations or her relationship with Zac.
  • The scene lacks visual interest. It's just two people sitting in a booth, talking about things.
  • Instead of describing the actresses' qualities, show us what makes them good for the role. Have them audition, or have Cindy and Zac react to their performances.
  • Use visual elements to show the actresses' personalities and how they fit the role. For example, have them dressed in a certain way or interacting with other people in a way that reveals their personality.
  • Make the dialogue more natural and realistic. Use more subtext and let the characters' emotions come through in their words.
  • Add conflict to the scene. Perhaps Cindy and Zac disagree about which actress is best for the role, or Cindy is worried about making the wrong choice.
  • Use more visuals to make the scene more interesting. For example, show us close-ups of the actresses' faces, or have Cindy and Zac react to their performances in a way that shows their emotions.
  • Focus more on the relationship between Cindy and Zac. What is their dynamic? What are their goals?
  • Break up the dialogue with action. Have the characters get up and move around, or have them do something physical.
  • Focus on the emotional stakes of the decision. Why is this choice so important to Cindy and Zac? What are the consequences if they make the wrong choice?

Scene 11 -  Deadly Plans
Cindy has a quick flashback of the other night when she
imagined that she threw an ax.
In her mind, Cindy, on the couch, reaches behind the pillow
and pulls out an ax. She stands up and slowly raises the ax
over her head. With the ax over her head, she yells out.
Gradatim Ferociter!
Cindy throws the ax at Noah, who sits on the wing chair. The
ax misses Noah and knocks the lamp off the table next to

Back to the present as Cindy sits next to Zac on the same
side of the booth. Cindy interrupts Zac as she puts two hands
up and shakes her head no.
No axes!
OK, no axes. A gun is too loud, and
a knife is too difficult. How about
Poison takes too much time.
Drugging him first would make the
murder easier.
There is always Rohypnol. My old
friend is a doctor, and can get
some for an old fashion roofie.
You have some lowlife friends that
will help you with date rape.
He has an enormous student debt.
Cindy shakes her head in disbelief.
What weapon?
I have an idea. Let me work on it.
About time you do something for
this project.
Zac leans over and whispers in her ear.
We can do this.
Cindy gives a closed-mouth smile. Zac then kisses Cindy on
the cheek and moves quickly away before Cindy can hit him

See you tonight.
Cindy pumps her fist at Zac as he leaves the cafe.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy has a flashback of imagining throwing an ax at Noah, but it misses and knocks over a lamp. In the present, Cindy and Zac are in an internet cafe discussing ways to kill Noah. Cindy rejects Zac's suggestions of using a gun, knife, poison, or Rohypnol, asking him to come up with a better weapon. Zac whispers his idea to Cindy, kisses her on the cheek, and leaves.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Intense tone
  • Suspenseful atmosphere
  • Potential for graphic violence
  • Lack of resolution in the scene


Overall: 8

The scene is engaging and intense, with a strong focus on the characters' motivations and actions. The dialogue is sharp and adds depth to the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of planning a murder adds a layer of suspense and intrigue to the scene. The discussion between Cindy and Zac about the different methods of killing Noah is compelling and sets up future conflict.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as Cindy and Zac discuss their plan to murder Noah, adding tension and conflict to the story. The scene sets up future events and character dynamics.

Originality: 9

The scene presents a fresh approach to the theme of murder and revenge, with authentic dialogue and actions that feel true to the characters.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters of Cindy and Zac are well-developed in this scene, showcasing their darker sides and complex motivations. Their interactions reveal their personalities and relationships.

Character Changes: 6

Cindy's character undergoes a subtle change as she delves deeper into her plan to murder Noah. Her darker side is revealed, setting up future character development.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to come up with a plan to murder someone, reflecting her deeper desires for revenge or control over a situation.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to successfully plan a murder without getting caught, reflecting the immediate challenge she is facing in the project.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Cindy's desire to kill Noah and Zac's involvement in the plan creates tension and suspense. The scene is filled with internal and external conflicts.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting viewpoints and obstacles that challenge the characters' plans.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as Cindy and Zac plan to murder Noah, risking their relationships and freedom. The scene sets up a dangerous and suspenseful situation.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by setting up future conflicts and character dynamics. The discussion between Cindy and Zac propels the narrative and adds depth to the plot.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists in the characters' plans and motivations.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is between morality and practicality, as Cindy and Zac discuss the ethics of murder and the most efficient way to commit the act.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes negative emotions such as tension, suspense, and intrigue. The characters' darker thoughts and actions add depth to the emotional impact.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, sarcastic, and intense, adding depth to the scene. It reveals the characters' motivations and sets up future conflicts.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the tension between the characters, the dark humor, and the suspenseful plot development.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a good balance of dialogue and action.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with proper scene headings and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful thriller genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution.

  • The scene feels repetitive and lacks tension. The back-and-forth between Cindy and Zac about killing Noah feels like a rehash of previous conversations and doesn't offer anything new.
  • The dialogue is stilted and lacks natural flow. Lines like 'I have an idea. Let me work on it' feel clunky and don't reveal much about the characters.
  • The humor is forced and doesn't land well. The 'roofie' joke and the line 'You have some lowlife friends that will help you with date rape' feel out of place and detract from the seriousness of the scene.
  • The flashback sequence feels unnecessary and doesn't add much to the story. It simply reiterates the idea that Cindy is considering killing Noah.
  • The scene ends abruptly and doesn't offer a strong resolution. It's unclear what Zac's idea is and how it will affect their plan.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective. While we understand Cindy and Zac are brainstorming, the scene doesn't build towards a specific goal or reveal any crucial information about their plan.
  • Instead of listing various killing methods, focus on one or two that have the most potential for conflict and intrigue. This will make the scene feel more focused.
  • Give Zac's idea more weight. Don't just have him whisper it to Cindy and leave it at that. Show his thought process and the potential for his plan to work.
  • Add subtext to the dialogue. Explore Cindy and Zac's motivations and how they are feeling about their plan. What are the risks involved? How are they managing their guilt and fear?
  • Consider cutting the flashback or finding a way to make it more impactful. The flashback could be used to show Cindy's internal struggle or to foreshadow a future event.
  • Give the scene a stronger ending. Show the audience that Zac has a plan and that Cindy is considering it. Maybe have Cindy ask a specific question about Zac's idea to make the scene feel more complete.
  • Focus on the emotional aspect of the scene. What is Cindy feeling as she contemplates killing her husband? How does her relationship with Zac evolve as they discuss this?

Scene 12 -  Dismissed Proposal
Cindy wears the same sweater dress from earlier, while Zac
and Noah are in their business suits.
Cindy sits on a wing chair, head down, using her phone when
Noah comes into the apartment with Zac, who has a briefcase.
Cindy puts her phone down and stands up to greet them.
Cindy, you know Mr. Dawson.
Nice to see you again, Mr. Dawson.
Always a pleasure, Mrs. Wheeler.
Noah throws his suit jacket at Cindy. She catches it as it
hits her face and places it neatly on the wing chair. Zac
follows Noah to the dining table and sits on the opposite
side of the table.
Cindy, bring us our drinks.
Cindy goes to the small bar and takes the pitcher of Sabai
Sabai that she prepared for the meeting to the table.
I don't want that sweet Thai swill.
You asked me to make this for you.
Whatever, I don't want your kool-
aid. You drink it. Get Zac and me
two cognacs.
Cindy shakes her head and walks over to the small bar. She
puts her pitcher of drinks down and then takes the decanter
of cognac, gets two snifters, and pours the liquor. At the
table, Zac takes folders out of his briefcase.

Can you hurry up with the drinks?
Cindy sticks her tongue out and scrunches up her face as she
mimics Noah's command with her back to the two men. She then
turns with the glasses of cognac in her hands with an ear-to-
ear smile.
Sorry I took so long.
Zac slides one of the folders to Noah. Cindy places one drink
in front of Zac without making eye contact. She then walks
over to Noah and puts the drink down as he has the folder
open and goes through the documents.
Anything else?
Noah doesn't look up from the folder, says nothing, but his
one hand goes up the back of Cindy's leg, under her dress,
and he squeezes her ass. Cindy squirms slightly as Noah looks
up into her eyes.
This is good for now. Now go sit
over there and keep Instagramming
or Snap shit that you do all day.
Noah slaps Cindy on the butt, and she closes her eyes and
walks away back to the wing chair. Noah smiles and continues
to peruse the folder. Zac diverts his eyes in embarrassment
and takes a deep slug of his cognac.
This proposal is sheer bullshit.
Cindy looks at her phone but listens to the guys'
Sir, this has been researched
thoroughly by my entire team.
Who founded, nurtured, and built
Sunways Exporters into a worldwide
You did, sir, but-

But nothing. You want to risk our
financial stability on some
internet fad.
It's not a fad, sir, it's-
It's something that internet heads
like my bird brain wife would
The cryptocurrency market is ripe
now, and we can make a killing.
Cindy, what do they say on Facebook
about cryptocurrency?
It is all the rage for celebrities.
Noah points his finger at Cindy as he talks to Zac.
She knows it is some cool thing to
do based on celebrity posts. That
is not how I do business.
Sir, please look at the numbers.
This is not some internet scam.
Noah sarcastically looks at the document.
I see, sign here, and I will lose
millions on a scam as rich as that
Nigerian prince of years ago.
Zac drops his head, and Cindy covers her mouth to stifle a
laugh. Noah then crumbles the document and throws it at Noah.
The paper bounces off of Zac's head and hits the floor.
Forget this shit, or I will find a
new Chief of Financial Operations.
Yes, sir, I understand.

Good, I am going to bed. Cindy show
Mr. Dawson out and clean up this
Yes, dear, with pleasure.
Noah gets up and leaves the room. Zac puts the folders back
in his briefcase and slowly walks to the door with his head
down. Cindy follows him.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Noah, a domineering husband, dismisses Zac's investment proposal in cryptocurrency as an internet fad. He belittles Zac's work and mocks his ideas, ultimately rejecting the proposal and leaving Zac feeling defeated. Cindy, Noah's servant-like wife, is caught in the middle, forced to clean up the mess and show Zac out.
  • Intense dialogue
  • Effective portrayal of power dynamics
  • Emotional impact
  • Uncomfortable themes
  • Toxic relationships portrayed


Overall: 8

The scene is intense and uncomfortable, effectively portraying the toxic relationship dynamics and power struggle between the characters.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a business meeting turning into a display of disrespect and manipulation within a toxic relationship is well executed.

Plot: 7

The plot focuses on the power dynamics and conflict between the characters, moving the story forward in terms of character development and relationship exploration.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the familiar setting of a business meeting, incorporating elements of power dynamics and social commentary. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, with Noah portrayed as manipulative and disrespectful, Cindy as enduring but conflicted, and Zac as caught in the middle.

Character Changes: 7

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, it further establishes the existing dynamics and conflicts between the characters.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to navigate the power dynamics and uncomfortable situation she finds herself in with Noah's inappropriate behavior. This reflects her desire to maintain her composure and professionalism despite the challenges she faces.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to assist in the business meeting and maintain a sense of professionalism. This reflects the immediate circumstances of the meeting and the challenges presented by Noah's behavior.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the characters is high, with Noah's manipulation and disrespect creating tension and discomfort.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting viewpoints and power dynamics creating tension and conflict. The audience is unsure of how the situation will unfold, adding suspense to the scene.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high in terms of the characters' personal and professional relationships, with Noah's threats of replacing Zac adding tension.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by deepening the understanding of the characters and their relationships, setting the stage for future developments.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions and dialogue from the characters, particularly Noah's inappropriate behavior and the tension between traditional business values and modern trends.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the clash between traditional business values and modern technological trends. Noah represents the traditional business mindset, while Zac advocates for embracing new opportunities in the cryptocurrency market. This challenges Cindy's beliefs about business practices and innovation.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes strong emotions of discomfort and tension, drawing the audience into the toxic dynamics of the characters.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and power struggle between the characters, showcasing their personalities and motivations.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the tense interactions between the characters, the sharp dialogue, and the underlying power dynamics. The audience is drawn into the conflict and invested in the outcome of the business meeting.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and maintaining the audience's interest throughout the interactions between the characters. The rhythm of the dialogue and actions enhances the scene's impact.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for a screenplay, with clear scene descriptions and character actions. The dialogue is formatted correctly, enhancing the readability of the scene.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for a dialogue-heavy, character-driven scene in a screenplay. The pacing and rhythm of the interactions contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

  • The scene feels repetitive and lacks momentum. The previous scene ends with Zac whispering his plan to Cindy, and this scene opens with Noah returning to the apartment, which feels like a missed opportunity to show more of Cindy and Zac's developing relationship.
  • The dialogue in the scene feels expositional and lacks natural flow. The conversations between Noah, Zac, and Cindy often feel forced and unnatural.
  • The scene is dominated by Noah's abusive and controlling behavior, which is not surprising given the established dynamic, but it becomes repetitive and predictable.
  • The use of descriptive language, such as "Cindy sticks her tongue out and scrunches up her face as she mimics Noah's command with her back to the two men" feels excessive and detracts from the scene's pacing.
  • The scene ends abruptly, with Noah going to bed and Cindy agreeing to show Zac out. It lacks a clear resolution or emotional payoff, leaving the audience wondering what will happen next.
  • Consider cutting the scene or finding a way to combine it with the next scene. The scene could be incorporated into the next scene where Cindy and Zac are alone, allowing for a more seamless transition and a more interesting exploration of their relationship.
  • Explore different ways to convey Noah's controlling behavior. Instead of having him directly insult Zac and belittle Cindy, show his power through subtle actions and nonverbal cues. For example, he could look down at Zac with disdain while talking about cryptocurrency.
  • Focus on the relationship between Cindy and Zac. What is their dynamic in this moment? Is there any subtext or tension between them? This scene is an opportunity to reveal more about their feelings and intentions.
  • Emphasize the visual elements of the scene. Instead of relying solely on dialogue, use the camera to create a sense of tension and claustrophobia. For example, close-ups on Cindy's face as she endures Noah's abuse or shots of Zac's uncomfortable expressions.
  • Consider adding a scene-ending moment that gives the audience a sense of closure or anticipation. For example, Cindy could give Zac a meaningful look as he leaves, suggesting their plan is moving forward. Alternatively, Cindy could subtly do something that foreshadows the next scene, such as grabbing a weapon or making a decision that will have consequences.

Scene 13 -  The Pact
Zac turns around at the doorway to talk to Cindy. She
surprises him with a push to the chest.
You piece of shit.
What? What are you saying?
As Cindy responds, she emphasizes each word with her index
finger poking his chest with anger.
Zachary Dawson, you are backing out
of our deal. If he signed that
document, I would never see you
Noah puts both hands up in the air in the surrender pose.
You got this wrong, just like you
keep taking his shit with his hand
up your ass. I have to continue my
work to keep my cover too.
Your hand will never be on this ass
again until you prove to me you are
all in with me. Now get out of
Cindy pushes Zac out, slams the door closed, leans her back
on the door, and whispers to herself.

All you men are self-absorbed. This
is years in the making, and no one,
especially you, Zac, will spoil it
for me.
As Cindy leans on the door, she has her hand under her chin,
deep in thought. She focuses on the crumbled document on the
Then she looks at Zac's empty glass.
A Cheshire cat smile comes across her face again.

Cindy sits in a turtle-neck sweater dress in her usual booth
as she scrolls on the laptop. Zac walks up to the table with
his soft briefcase on a shoulder strap in a business suit.
May I sit, Mrs. Wheeler?
Cindy looks at him, pauses, then points with a finger for him
to sit down.
You misunderstood my intentions
last night.
Misunderstood? Hmmm, you try to
make a safe deal to relieve your
financial situation because you
don't have the balls for mine.
Listen, the people at Sunways who
support me becoming the next CEO
would not back me if I didn't make
this proposal.
So, this was for your cronies at
Yes, totally. I knew he would never
accept it.

Cindy looks up to the ceiling as she avoids eye contact and
thinks about this response.
Maybe, but let's review our
situation and check your balls.
My balls are all yours.
Cindy shakes her head to dismiss his remark and then puts her
foot on his groin and pushes, which causes Zac to grunt.
I will crush those balls if you
doubt anything.
Zac removes her foot slowly.
I know you will. Continue.
It is imperative to get rid of Noah
for both of our futures.
Agreed. You are in an abusive
marriage, but he has that prenup
that leaves you with this as your
only option.
You are in an abusive work
situation, and the only way to
become CEO is for Noah to
If I don't, he will continue to
treat me poorly and is powerful
enough to blackball me if I leave.
I concur. We are catfishing a naive
actor to audition for a movie that
we will never make.
You as the director and me as the

We will have her audition with the
props in my home.
These props will leave her
fingerprints and DNA at the murder
We kill Noah and frame our actress
with the props as evidence.
Don't forget the burner phones.
I got this idea from Noah. He uses
these burner phones for his sleazy,
shady deals that he wants no trail
leading back to him.
I have a Noah burner phone that I
always have in my bag.
Like I said, for his sleazy deals.
Zac shakes his head dejectedly.
I have to admit. It's brilliant the
way you are using them.
I'm creating text messages with the
burner app between Noah and the
It shows they are in a relationship
that goes bad.
It creates motive. I will put their
audition videos within the texts to
develop why she murdered him.
Cindy and Zac look at each other and smile with their mouths
closed in agreement. Zac then rubs his face before he speaks.

Do you feel guilty about staging
this whole screenwriting scam to
frame an unsuspecting young girl
with the murder of your husband?
Cindy gets upset, grits her teeth, and responds.
Guilty? Did anyone feel guilty when
a rich businessman slit my Mother's
throat or me living through ten
years of abuse from this monster.
Zac pats Cindy's hand to calm her down.
I know, relax.
You know this is the only way.
I agree, and I understand what we
are doing. I'm all in.
Good, don't go soft on me now.
Zac grabs her hand and looks into her eyes.
Soft? I am always hard for you.
Zac takes Cindy's hand and kisses it as Cindy shakes her head
and laughs.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy confronts Zac about his hesitation in killing her husband, Noah. Driven by a shared desire for revenge, they solidify their plan to frame a naive actress for Noah's murder. Despite a moment of doubt, Zac assures Cindy of his commitment, leaving them both determined to execute their deadly scheme.
  • Complex characters
  • Intense conflict
  • Compelling plot development
  • Potential for confusion due to the intricate plot and character dynamics


Overall: 9

The scene is gripping and intense, with strong character dynamics, high stakes, and a compelling plot development.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of framing an actress for murder to escape an abusive marriage is unique and intriguing, adding layers of deception and moral ambiguity.

Plot: 9

The plot is well-developed, with a clear progression towards the central conflict of orchestrating Noah's murder and framing the actress.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the classic 'crime thriller' genre, with characters who are willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goals. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Zac are complex and multi-dimensional, with conflicting motivations and a tense dynamic that drives the scene.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy undergoes a subtle shift in her resolve and determination, moving closer to executing her plan to escape her abusive marriage.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to maintain his cover and protect his own interests while navigating a dangerous partnership with Cindy. His deeper need is to survive in a hostile environment and secure his future.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal is to eliminate Noah and frame an unsuspecting actress for his murder, in order to advance his career and escape an abusive work situation.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Cindy, Zac, and Noah is palpable, with high stakes and intense emotions driving the scene.

Opposition: 8.5

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and motivations driving the characters' interactions. The audience is left uncertain about the outcome and the characters' true intentions.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as Cindy and Zac plot to frame an innocent actress for murder to escape their respective abusive situations.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly advances the plot by setting up the central conflict of framing the actress for murder and deepening the characters' motivations.

Unpredictability: 9

This scene is unpredictable because of the characters' shifting allegiances, hidden agendas, and unexpected plot developments. The audience is kept guessing about the characters' true intentions and the outcome of their schemes.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' willingness to commit heinous acts in pursuit of their goals. It challenges their moral compass and forces them to confront the consequences of their actions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes strong emotions of resentment, defiance, and determination, drawing the audience into the characters' struggles.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp and impactful, revealing the characters' true intentions and adding tension to the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, moral ambiguity, and unpredictable twists. The conflict between the characters keeps the audience on edge and invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8.5

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of dialogue, action, and character introspection. The rhythm builds tension and maintains the audience's interest throughout.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions. The dialogue is formatted correctly and enhances the overall flow of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional structure for a suspenseful thriller, with escalating tension and conflict between the characters. The pacing and rhythm contribute to its effectiveness.

  • The scene starts with a somewhat confusing exchange between Cindy and Zac. It feels rushed and lacks context. The audience needs to understand why Cindy is so angry with Zac and what the 'deal' they had was. The dialogue is also overly expository and lacks nuance.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective. It seems to jump from one topic to another without a clear focus. What is the purpose of this scene? What information does it convey? What is the emotional arc of the characters?
  • The scene relies heavily on exposition. Characters are telling each other what they already know or explaining things that the audience can figure out on their own. This weakens the scene and makes it less engaging.
  • The 'catfishing' element feels unnecessary and unearned. The scene could be stronger without it. The 'catfishing' plot point adds another layer of complexity to the story that doesn't feel essential.
  • The dialogue is too clunky and heavy-handed. The characters speak in very obvious ways and the dialogue lacks subtext. The scene would be more engaging if the characters had more subtle and nuanced ways of communicating.
  • The scene ends abruptly. The ending doesn't feel satisfying or conclusive. What happens next? What is the emotional impact of the scene on the characters?
  • Provide more context for the 'deal' between Cindy and Zac. What was the deal, why did Zac back out, and what are the consequences for both of them?
  • Establish a clear objective for the scene. What information do you want to convey? What is the emotional arc of the scene? The scene needs to move the story forward in a meaningful way.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of explaining everything through dialogue, use actions, reactions, and subtext to convey the characters' intentions and motivations.
  • Consider simplifying the plot by removing the 'catfishing' element. This might streamline the story and allow you to focus on the core relationship between Cindy and Zac.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more natural and subtle. Avoid overly expository dialogue and let the characters' actions and reactions speak for themselves.
  • Add a stronger ending to the scene. Give the audience a sense of closure and leave them wanting more. Consider showing the consequences of Cindy and Zac's decision to move forward with their plan.

Scene 14 -  Abusive Night
In a flowing floral casual housedress, Cindy sits on the
couch with her laptop. In his casual after-work look, Noah
sits on the wing chair and opens his Jeff Bezos book. He
tries to put the lamp on, but it doesn't work.
You were supposed to get this lamp
fixed. Remember, you ungrateful
bitch that you broke it.

Cindy takes a deep breath, closes her laptop, and walks over
to the lamp.
I did get it fixed. The plug is out
of the wall, that's all.
Well, Thomas Edison, plug the
friggin thing in.
Cindy goes behind Noah and his wing chair and picks up the
lamp's wire that lies on the floor unplugged.
Daydream Starts
In her mind, she clutches the lamp's wire with two fists
separated by about two feet. She sneaks behind her husband
and puts the wire around his throat. Noah drops the book,
grabs at the wire, chokes, and his face turns red.
Gradatim Ferociter!
Noah reaches behind him with both hands, grabs Cindy by the
hair, and flips her down over him onto the floor with a thud.
Daydream Ends
Back to actual time, Cindy sprawled on the floor in front of
Noah, who looks up from his book and laughs.
You are one clumsy bitch.
I tripped on the lamp wire.
Cindy slowly raises herself onto her knees to get up, but
Noah gets up and, with his foot on her back, pushes her flat
on her stomach to the floor.
Stay there, my slut. I'm going away
on business tomorrow.
Cindy lowers her head dejectedly as Noah takes his belt off
and makes a loop that he puts around her neck.
I want to fuck you on the floor
like the animal you are.
Tears run down Cindy's cheeks.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary In this scene, Cindy and Noah are in their living space at night. Noah criticizes Cindy for not fixing the lamp, but she explains that the plug is just out of the wall. A daydream sequence shows Cindy imagining choking Noah with the lamp wire, but in reality, Noah pushes her to the floor and degrades her. The main conflict is the abusive dynamic between Noah and Cindy, with Noah belittling and physically dominating Cindy while she tries to defend herself. The emotional tone is tense, abusive, and degrading, with key dialogue including Noah calling Cindy names and degrading her. The scene ends with Noah further degrading Cindy by calling her a slut and expressing his desire to treat her like an animal.
  • Intense atmosphere
  • Compelling concept
  • Strong emotional impact
  • Well-developed characters
  • Graphic violence
  • Abusive language


Overall: 8

The scene is intense, disturbing, and effectively conveys the toxic relationship between Cindy and Noah. The introduction of the murder plot adds a layer of suspense and intrigue, keeping the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of planning a murder to escape an abusive marriage is a compelling and dark premise that drives the tension and conflict in the scene.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly with the introduction of the murder plan and the collaboration between Cindy and Zac. The scene sets up a crucial turning point in the storyline.

Originality: 9

The level of originality in this scene is high, as it presents a fresh and unapologetic depiction of domestic abuse and control. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the scene's impact.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters of Cindy, Noah, and Zac are well-developed, with their motivations and dynamics clearly portrayed. Cindy's desperation to escape her abusive marriage and Zac's willingness to help her add depth to the characters.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy undergoes a significant change as she decides to collaborate with Zac to plan Noah's murder, showing her determination to break free from her abusive marriage.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to navigate the abusive and controlling behavior of her husband, Noah, while maintaining some sense of dignity and self-preservation. This reflects her deeper need for autonomy, safety, and respect.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal in this scene is to survive the abusive encounter with Noah and potentially find a way to escape or seek help. This reflects the immediate challenge she faces in dealing with Noah's violent behavior.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Cindy and Noah, as well as the internal conflict within Cindy as she plans Noah's murder, creates a high level of tension and suspense in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in this scene is strong, with Noah exerting control and power over Cindy, creating a sense of uncertainty and danger for the audience.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene as Cindy and Zac plan to commit murder to escape an abusive relationship. The consequences of their actions are significant, adding a sense of urgency and danger.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a crucial plot development - the murder plan. It sets the stage for future events and escalates the tension in the narrative.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden shifts in power dynamics and the unexpected escalation of violence, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the clash between power and vulnerability, control and autonomy, and abuse and respect. This challenges Cindy's beliefs about her worth, agency, and right to safety.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes strong emotions of fear, anger, and desperation, particularly in Cindy's situation. The abusive dynamics and the stakes involved in the murder plan heighten the emotional impact.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the power dynamics between Cindy and Noah, as well as the tension between Cindy and Zac as they discuss their plan. The dialogue is sharp and impactful.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense and emotionally charged interactions between the characters, drawing the audience into the disturbing dynamics at play.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension gradually and then escalating the conflict at a strategic moment.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of this scene adheres to the expected format for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

Structure: 8

The structure of this scene follows the expected format for its genre, effectively building tension and conflict through dialogue and actions.

  • The scene feels repetitive and lacks tension. The violence against Cindy is depicted graphically, but the scene itself is not very dramatic or suspenseful.
  • The daydream sequence is clunky and doesn't add much to the scene. It feels like a lazy way to show Cindy's violent fantasies instead of finding a more subtle and effective way to convey them.
  • The dialogue is clunky and unnatural. Phrases like 'ungrateful bitch' and 'plug the friggin thing in' feel overly dramatic and don't sound like real conversations.
  • The scene ends abruptly and doesn't leave the reader with a sense of closure. The scene feels incomplete and leaves the reader wondering what happens next.
  • Noah's actions are over the top and feel more like a cartoon villain than a believable character. The scene would be more effective if Noah's actions were more nuanced and believable.
  • The scene lacks a clear purpose. It doesn't advance the plot or develop the characters in a meaningful way. It feels like filler and could be cut without sacrificing anything important.
  • Remove the daydream sequence. Instead, focus on showing Cindy's rage and desperation through her actions and expressions.
  • Rework the dialogue to sound more natural. Use everyday language and avoid overly dramatic phrases.
  • Give Cindy more agency in the scene. She is currently a passive victim of Noah's abuse. Show her trying to fight back or defend herself, even if she is unsuccessful.
  • Consider adding a new element to the scene to create tension. For example, what if Noah's phone rings, or someone knocks at the door?
  • End the scene on a more dramatic note. For example, Cindy could find a weapon or decide to take a drastic action.
  • Consider cutting the scene entirely. It doesn't advance the plot or develop the characters in a meaningful way and could be removed without sacrificing anything important.

Scene 15 -  The Mysterious Offer
Cindy sits in her favorite booth on her laptop with jeans,
sneakers, and an NYU sweatshirt. Zac sits down opposite Cindy
in a business suit and his soft briefcase over his shoulder.
Jeans! That means your husband is
away on business.
Cindy closes her laptop and rubs her face to wake up like she
was asleep.
Thank God I almost killed him last
Don't rush it. We are almost there.
Almost there, I failed again on
scene 42 last night. I need that to
be precise.
Don't fret. Zac is here to save the
Cindy puts two hands behind her head, rests on the booth's
back wall, and answers with a sarcastic tone.
Go ahead, save the day.
Yes, it's a perfect plan, and I
have something to prove that I am
all in with you.
It better be good.
Zac opens his briefcase on his lap and takes out a black case
about the size of a cereal box. He pats the black case with
his hand.
This is the answer to our scene 42
Zac opens the case, and inside is a shiny large silver knife
with a black handle and three silver cartridges. All encased
by black foam storage material for safety.

This is the WASP Injector knife.
Zac takes the knife out and demonstrates how to use it as he
The handle screws off, and you load
a C-O-2 cartridge in the handle.
Lock it closed.
Zac grips the knife and raises it over his head, and brings
it down on the table.
Then you puncture a person and push
this silver button.
Zac then throws his hand up in the air, mimicking an
Cindy jumps from the fake explosion.
The knife injects a ball of liquid
nitrogen, and it freezes to the
size of a basketball that splits
open a watermelon or a husband.
Cindy puts her finger to his lips, shushing him.
Quiet. Yes, I remember now. They
used this in a Law and Order
episode to kill John Stamos.
A small female can kill a large man
with ease. It takes no strength.
Just puncture the skin and push the
Perfect, as it's silent as well.
But there's more. You are going to
love this.
Cindy is excited now and motions with her hands to hurry and

Go on.
You have our actress rehearse with
one handle. After the murder, you
screw on the handle, and it puts
her prints on the murder weapon.
It's fucking genius.
I know, thank you. But there's
Zac reaches into his pocket, pulls out a small prescription
medicine bottle, and slides it across the table to Cindy.
Cindy picks up the bottle and reads it.
Rohypnol, use several drops before
sleep for insomnia.
Or to incapacitate one Noah
Cindy's eyes widen, and she grabs Noah's hand and squeezes
I want to fuck you right now in
this booth.
Zac puts his finger to Cindy's mouth to silence her.
Not so loud. I will sneak up to you
tonight. When the cats are away,
the mice will play.
Zac looks around the cafe to make sure no one is watching
them as they share a laugh. He puts the knife back in the
I just wanted to show you that I
love you, and I am all in. I knew
you wouldn't believe just my words.
You are right about that.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama"]

Summary Cindy, a struggling screenwriter, meets with Zac in an internet cafe booth. Zac presents her with a specialized knife and Rohypnol to help with her screenplay. Despite initial hesitation, Cindy embraces the plan and expresses a desire to sleep with Zac. The scene is filled with suspense, intrigue, and sexual tension as the characters discuss using the tools to overcome their writing challenges.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Innovative murder weapon
  • Tension-filled atmosphere
  • Dark humor
  • Potential for graphic violence
  • Lack of resolution in the scene


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, filled with suspense, dark humor, and intense dialogue. The introduction of the innovative murder weapon adds a new layer of intrigue to the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of planning a murder using a specialized weapon and framing an actress is well-developed and adds depth to the storyline. The introduction of the WASP Injector knife is a creative and intriguing element.

Plot: 9

The plot is gripping, with the tension between the characters escalating as they discuss their plan to kill Noah. The scene moves the story forward significantly and sets the stage for future developments.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique murder weapon and plot twist, adding freshness to the familiar trope of a murder plan gone awry. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters of Cindy and Zac are well-defined, with their dark intentions and complex relationship driving the scene. Their dynamic and conflicting personalities add depth to the narrative.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy experiences a shift in her character as she fully commits to the plan to kill Noah, showcasing her determination to escape her abusive marriage. Zac also undergoes a change, proving his loyalty to Cindy by providing the murder weapon.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to successfully execute the murder plot and prove her loyalty to Zac.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to solve the dilemma in scene 42 and ensure the success of the murder plan.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is high, with tension escalating between Cindy and Zac as they discuss their deadly plan. The internal conflict within Cindy, torn between her desire for freedom and her fear of the consequences, adds depth to the narrative.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and moral dilemmas creating tension and conflict for the characters.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, as Cindy and Zac plan to commit murder to escape an abusive marriage. The consequences of their actions are severe, adding tension and suspense to the narrative.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing the plan to kill Noah, setting the stage for future developments and escalating the tension between the characters. The audience gains insight into the dark motives driving the narrative.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected plot twists and character revelations, keeping the audience guessing about the outcome.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around the moral implications of murder and deception, challenging Cindy's values and beliefs.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from suspense and tension to dark humor and intrigue. The audience is drawn into the characters' twisted motives and complex relationships, creating a compelling emotional impact.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, intense, and filled with dark humor, reflecting the characters' sinister motives and escalating tension. The conversations between Cindy and Zac drive the scene forward and reveal their twisted relationship.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its suspenseful plot, witty dialogue, and unexpected twists, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a good balance of dialogue, action, and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the story.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows standard formatting for a dialogue-heavy, character-driven scene, making it easy to follow and engaging for the reader.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with well-paced dialogue and action, building tension and suspense effectively.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacking in emotional depth. While the introduction of the WASP Injector knife is intriguing, the pacing feels too fast, and the dialogue is overly expository.
  • The dialogue is a bit too on-the-nose, with Zac explicitly explaining the functions of the knife and the Rohypnol. This could be shown more subtly through action and visual cues.
  • Cindy's reaction to the WASP Injector knife is somewhat flat. It feels like she's more excited about the practicality of it than the potential for violence, which might feel jarring given her previous violent fantasies.
  • The scene lacks a clear sense of tension or conflict. The back-and-forth between Cindy and Zac feels more like a business transaction than a passionate collaboration.
  • The ending feels abrupt. There's no sense of closure or emotional resonance. The final line about Zac sneaking up on Cindy feels more like a cheap joke than a genuine attempt at romance.
  • Slow down the pacing of the scene. Allow the characters to react to the WASP Injector knife and the Rohypnol with more nuance and emotional complexity.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of Zac explicitly explaining the functions of the knife, let him demonstrate them in a way that is both visually engaging and subtly reveals their dangerous potential.
  • Explore Cindy's inner conflict. How does she feel about using such a violent weapon? Is she conflicted about her growing attraction to Zac? These internal struggles can add depth and complexity to the character.
  • Create more tension and conflict. What are the potential risks of using the WASP Injector knife? What are the consequences if their plan goes wrong? These questions can raise the stakes and make the scene more suspenseful.
  • End the scene on a more impactful note. Leave the audience with a lingering question or a sense of anticipation about what will happen next. For example, you could end on a close-up of Cindy's face as she looks at the Rohypnol bottle, her eyes filled with a mix of excitement and fear.

Scene 16 -  Secret Affair
Cindy sits on the couch in a floral silk robe as she scrolls
on her phone. Zac talks to Cindy from the bedroom.
ZAC (O.S.)
Which towels should I use?
The white towels I left out for
ZAC (O.S.)
Uhh, let's see, there they are. Got
them, thanks.
Cindy whispers under her breath.
Zac comes into the living room with one white towel around
his waist, and he dries his head with the other towel.
Do you feel better now? I solved
all your problems.
Don't get a big head now, as you
were a little quick in there.
It's been a while, quick, but you
enjoyed it.
Cindy shrugs her shoulders to show she isn't sure. Zac takes
the towel from his head and throws it at Cindy.
You better make sure Noah doesn't
see my hairs on the towel.
Cindy opens the towel and picks up one of Zac's hairs.
What? Are you going bald?
Nah, I just have excess hair like a
Cindy looks at the towel and pauses for a moment. Then she
carefully folds the towel and places it next to her.

Don't worry. I will have this
entire apartment fumigated to
remove any sign of you being here.
We can't get sloppy now.
Zac plops on the couch next to Cindy.
You know we can't see each other
for a long time now.
How long?
We have to be extra careful, and we
need to wait until the trial is
over and done with.
No problem, I waited this long
already. I will be busy taking over
Sunways Importers for a while
I'm meeting Nathalie tomorrow for
our first in-person interview.
This Nathalie is the easy mark we
were looking for.
I hope so. I will meet Nathalie
alone tomorrow afternoon, and you
will meet her here later that
That's perfect. But are you nervous
about people coming to your home
with Noah away?
That's why we use the rear entrance
as the security camera hasn't
worked in months back there.

I can imagine Noah's reaction if he
found out.
Cindy stands up in front of Zac and uses her CINDY IMITATING
NOAH voice in her response.
You little bitch, while I'm away,
you have that pencil-pushing
asshole Zac up here with that
Jersey slut of a friend.
Zac laughs at her imitation.
I will bang your three heads
together like the Three Stooges.
Zac holds his stomach in hearty laughter and puts his hand up
for her to stop.
Oh my God, you sound just like him.
That poor bastard has no idea what
you are up to.
Cindy rubs the top of Zac's head.
Guys never do. They are all
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy and Zac are in Cindy's apartment, discussing their secret affair and how to keep it hidden from Noah. They plan to fumigate the apartment to remove any signs of Zac being there and strategize using the rear entrance to avoid security cameras. The scene is lighthearted and playful, but also tense as they navigate their desire for each other and fear of being caught. The scene ends with Cindy and Zac laughing about their plan to deceive Noah.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Tension building
  • Character dynamics
  • Lack of significant character development
  • Limited action


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a darker tone for the story. The dialogue is sharp and reveals the dynamics between the characters. The use of humor adds depth to the scene.

Story Content

Concept: 7

The concept of tension and hidden motives in a domestic setting is well-executed. The scene introduces the idea of secrecy and manipulation, setting the stage for future developments.

Plot: 7

The plot thickens as the tension between Cindy and Zac escalates. The scene hints at hidden agendas and sets up potential conflicts to come.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces familiar relationship dynamics but adds a twist with elements of secrecy and deception. The characters' interactions feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters of Cindy and Zac are well-developed in this scene. Their interactions reveal layers of complexity and hint at ulterior motives.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the dynamics between Cindy and Zac hint at potential transformations to come.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to maintain control and secrecy in her relationship with Zac, while also managing her personal life and interactions with others.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to successfully navigate her upcoming meeting with Nathalie and coordinate her plans with Zac without arousing suspicion.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Cindy and Zac is palpable in this scene, setting the stage for future confrontations and power struggles.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene comes from the characters' hidden agendas and the potential consequences of their actions, adding tension and conflict.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are raised as the tension between Cindy and Zac escalates, hinting at potential betrayals and power struggles.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by deepening the conflict between the characters and setting up future plot developments.

Unpredictability: 6

The scene has some unpredictability in the characters' interactions and hidden motives, but the overall direction is somewhat predictable.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

The scene presents a conflict between honesty and deception, as Cindy and Zac engage in secretive behavior while maintaining a facade of normalcy.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension to humor, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' dynamics.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, witty, and reveals the underlying tension between the characters. The use of humor adds depth to the scene and keeps the audience engaged.

Engagement: 8

This scene is engaging due to its witty dialogue, character dynamics, and hints of intrigue surrounding the characters' hidden agendas.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-balanced, with a mix of dialogue and action that maintains the audience's interest and drives the narrative forward.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene is well-formatted and easy to follow, with clear scene descriptions and character actions that enhance the visual storytelling.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a typical dialogue-driven format for a character-driven drama, with clear exchanges and interactions that propel the narrative forward.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks a clear objective. While the dialogue establishes that Cindy and Zac are preparing for Nathalie's arrival, it lacks a sense of urgency or tension. The scene feels like it's moving from one plot point to another without a clear purpose.
  • The dialogue feels a bit clunky and repetitive. Cindy's lines, such as "Don't get a big head now," and "We can't get sloppy now," feel like they are there to move the plot forward rather than reveal character or advance the story.
  • Cindy's voice imitation of Noah feels out of place and comes across as a bit juvenile. It's not clear what this scene contributes to the overall narrative, especially since it's used for comic relief in a scene that has a dark and serious tone.
  • The scene's ending feels abrupt. The final lines lack a sense of closure and leave the reader wondering what the next steps are. The scene doesn't provide a sense of anticipation for what's to come.
  • The scene feels a bit too focused on the logistics of the plan, rather than the emotional consequences of the characters' actions. The scene could benefit from some introspection on the part of Cindy and Zac, exploring the potential consequences of their plan and the weight of their decisions.
  • Consider starting the scene with a stronger hook. Perhaps a scene where Cindy is anxious about Nathalie's arrival and the potential risks involved. This will create tension and make the audience more invested in the scene.
  • Focus on revealing the characters' emotional states and their motivations. Why is Cindy so concerned about Noah's reaction? What are Zac's thoughts on taking over Sunways Importers? Explore their internal conflicts and fears.
  • Rework the dialogue to be more natural and revealing. Replace generic lines with more specific and impactful dialogue that reveals the characters' desires, fears, and motivations.
  • Consider adding a visual element that adds tension or suspense to the scene. Perhaps a close-up on Cindy's face as she imagines Noah's reaction, or a shot of the security camera outside her apartment window, emphasizing the risk involved.
  • Explore the potential consequences of their plan. What are the risks? What could go wrong? Adding this element will create a sense of anticipation and suspense for the audience.

Scene 17 -  The Femme Fatale's First Meeting
Cindy sits in her favorite booth and scrolls on her laptop in
sneakers, jeans, and a sweater.
Nathalie wears a peasant shirt and bell-bottom jeans.
Nathalie is Boho-chic and retro beautiful as she walks up to
Cindy, but Cindy doesn't notice her there.
Hello, Mrs. Wheeler.
Cindy is startled, looks up, and sees Nathalie.
Nathalie, you got here early.
Cindy pops up and hugs Nathalie. Both smile and they then sit
opposite each other in the booth.

Stop with Mrs. Wheeler.
Nathalie gives Cindy a wink of agreement.
I got the early bus into the city.
I'm glad you did. Welcome to my
office, away from my office.
It's a cute place.
Can I get you a coffee or something
to eat?
No, I'm good, thank you.
It was so special to chat with you
the past year.
I feel the same way.
Today is just a formality, as I
told the producer that I have to
make sure you are the same dynamic
girl in person.
Dynamic, me?
You need to be able to take
compliments and criticisms.
I'm used to criticisms.
Cindy and Nathalie both share a laugh.
We will go to my apartment later
for you to do some lines for me.
I've never been in anyone's home
here in Manhattan.

Cindy waves her hand at Nathalie.
It's nothing special, just an
overpriced brownstone. We will use
my apartment for the rehearsals as
Will Mr. Dawson be there?
Not today; you will meet the
producer tomorrow night when we
celebrate at dinner.
Why do you think I can pull this
You are a natural person that
people can believe when you talk.
Cindy touches Nathalie's hand.
I need a friend, and it felt right
with you.
It always felt right.
Good, because I need your complete
trust. We have to shape you into
our femme fatale.
You got it, take me, mold me, make
me into the actor you envision.
Cindy pats her seat as she talks to Nathalie.
Come, and sit on this side of the
booth with me to share my laptop
with you.
Nathalie walks over to the other side of the booth and scoots
onto the bench next to Cindy. The two girls share the laptop,
laugh, and talk like old friends from middle school.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy, a casting director, meets with Nathalie, an aspiring actress, in an internet cafe to discuss her role as the femme fatale in a new movie. Cindy is confident in Nathalie's ability to embody the character, highlighting her natural talent and ability to handle both praise and criticism. The two connect over their shared enthusiasm for the project, creating a positive and exciting atmosphere. As they discuss the role, they share a laptop and laugh together like old friends, ending the scene with smiles and a shared excitement for the future.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Tension-building
  • Character dynamics
  • Lack of action
  • Limited physical movement


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and establishes the relationship between Cindy and Nathalie, setting the stage for future developments. The dialogue is engaging, and the tone keeps the audience intrigued.

Story Content

Concept: 7

The concept of Cindy mentoring Nathalie for an audition while also hinting at darker motives adds depth to the scene. The introduction of the specialized knife and drug foreshadows potential conflicts and twists.

Plot: 8

The plot progresses as Cindy and Nathalie discuss the audition process and their roles, setting up future interactions and conflicts. The scene sets the stage for character development and potential betrayals.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces a fresh take on the mentor-mentee relationship, focusing on personal connection and emotional growth.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Nathalie are well-developed, with distinct personalities and motivations. Their interactions reveal layers of complexity and hint at hidden agendas, adding depth to the narrative.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, there is a subtle shift in the power dynamics and trust between Cindy and Nathalie. This sets the stage for potential transformations in future interactions.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to connect with Nathalie on a personal level and establish trust and friendship.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to prepare Nathalie for an upcoming acting role and ensure she can handle compliments and criticisms.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

There is a subtle conflict underlying the interactions between Cindy and Nathalie, as trust is tested and hidden motives are hinted at. The tension between the characters adds depth to the scene.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is mild, with the conflict mainly centered around personal growth and trust.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high for Cindy and Nathalie, as they navigate the audition process and the hidden agendas at play. The scene hints at potential betrayals and conflicts that could have significant consequences.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by establishing key relationships, motivations, and conflicts. It sets the stage for future developments and hints at the darker undertones of the narrative.

Unpredictability: 6

The scene is somewhat predictable in terms of character interactions and dialogue.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

There is a philosophical conflict between the protagonist's desire to shape Nathalie into a specific character and Nathalie's willingness to be molded into that role.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from excitement to nervousness, as the characters navigate their complex relationship. The audience is drawn into the tension and dynamics between Cindy and Nathalie.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is engaging and reveals important information about the characters and their relationships. It sets the tone for future interactions and builds tension effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the heartfelt interactions and the development of the mentor-mentee relationship.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and emotional depth.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows standard formatting for a dialogue-heavy interaction in a screenplay.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a natural progression of dialogue and actions, effectively building the relationship between the characters.

  • The scene feels a bit too expository and lacks tension. While it's important to set up the relationship between Cindy and Nathalie, the dialogue feels a bit too on-the-nose, especially lines like "You are a natural person that people can believe when you talk." These lines are more telling than showing.
  • The scene lacks a sense of urgency. Cindy and Nathalie are about to embark on a dangerous plan, but the scene feels too casual. The pacing is slow and the dialogue feels a bit too friendly. The scene needs to build tension and make the audience feel the stakes are high.
  • The 'femme fatale' trope feels a bit cliché. While the concept of a femme fatale can be intriguing, the scene relies on a bit too many clichés and stereotypes about feminine beauty and sexuality. It could be more original and thought-provoking.
  • The ending of the scene is a bit abrupt. It ends with Cindy and Nathalie sharing the laptop, and the scene just kind of peters out. It would be more effective to end the scene with a moment that leaves the audience wanting more, like a hint of danger or a sense of intrigue.
  • Show the audience what makes Nathalie special, don't just tell them. Instead of describing her, have her actions, expressions, and words reveal her personality.
  • Explore the tension between Cindy and Nathalie. They are about to embark on a risky plan, but the scene plays it too safe. There should be a sense of uncertainty and even a hint of conflict.
  • Subvert the femme fatale trope. The script could explore a more complex and nuanced interpretation of the femme fatale archetype.
  • End the scene with a cliffhanger or a question that lingers. It could be a cryptic remark from Nathalie, a sudden interruption, or a subtle change in the atmosphere that suggests something is amiss.

Scene 18 -  Watermelon Mishap
Cindy and Zac sit on opposite sides of the table. Cindy wears
a workout suit, and Zac wears his business suit and over-the-
shoulder briefcase, as he just got there after work. There is
a watermelon on the table between them.
So, Nathalie passed the test today.
She is perfect. We are lucky as I
feel like the plan will work now.
I never had a doubt.
You are not smart enough to have
Hey, you will give me a complex if
you keep putting me down.
Sorry, I can't help myself. I will
tell her in the morning she has the
We'll take her to dinner tomorrow
night to celebrate.
We can't be seen out in public.
Let's go to that Thai restaurant as
Noah or any of his friends would
never go there.
That works, then back here to stage
the scene.
Oooh, listen to you talking like a
Cindy playfully pats Zac on the face several times and then
pats the watermelon.

Are you ready to test that
injection knife on this watermelon?
I've been waiting all day for this.
Zac opens his soft briefcase, takes out the knife case, opens
it, and takes the knife in his hand. He raises the knife in
the air, and then Cindy puts her hand up to stop him.
Not here, idiot, in the bathroom
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.
Zac takes the watermelon and the knife and walks out of the
room to the bathroom.
Wait a minute as I want to video
Cindy goes to the wing chairs and picks up her phone from the
chair. She scrolls through to start the video when suddenly,
she hears a sound like a loud juicy fart.
Are you taking a dump in there?
That sounds disgusting.
ZAC (O.S.)
Oh, shit.
You are telling me. I'm not going
in there for a while.
Cindy turns around, and there stands Zac. He holds the knife
in his one hand, and watermelon pieces and juices cover his
head, face, chest, and pants. Cindy starts to laugh, then
uses her camera to take a picture of this mess.
You couldn't wait one minute for
me, could you?
Zac shrugs his shoulders.
The knife works.
Genres: ["Thriller","Dark Comedy"]

Summary Cindy and Zac are excited about hiring Nathalie after she passes a test. While Cindy is confident in their plan, Zac is more hesitant and wants to celebrate with Nathalie. Their playful banter continues as Zac prepares to test the injection knife on a watermelon in the bathroom. However, things go awry when a loud sound and a mess of watermelon juice and pieces reveal Zac's accidental self-destruction. Cindy, amused by the situation, captures the moment with a photograph.
  • Dynamic character interactions
  • Blend of suspense and humor
  • Foreshadowing of dark themes and risks
  • Limited character development beyond Cindy and Zac
  • Some dialogue could be more nuanced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends suspense, humor, and dark comedy, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued. The interaction between Cindy and Zac is dynamic and entertaining, adding depth to their characters and the overall plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of testing the injection knife on a watermelon to prepare for a murder scene adds a unique and suspenseful element to the scene. It showcases the dangerous and secretive nature of Cindy and Zac's plan.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as Cindy and Zac discuss their plan to frame an actress for murder and celebrate Nathalie landing the role. The scene sets up tension and foreshadows the dangerous path ahead for the characters.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique situation of testing a weapon on a watermelon in a domestic setting, adding a fresh and unexpected element to the narrative. The authenticity of the characters' dialogue and actions contributes to the originality.

Character Development

Characters: 8

Cindy and Zac's characters are well-developed, with their dynamic and complex relationship adding depth to the scene. Their interactions reveal their motivations, secrets, and the risks they are willing to take.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, it deepens the complexity of Cindy and Zac's relationship and foreshadows the risks they are willing to take.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to feel confident in the success of her plan and to assert her superiority over Zac in a playful manner. This reflects her need for validation and control.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to test the injection knife on the watermelon in a controlled environment. This reflects the immediate challenge of testing the functionality of the weapon.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

The conflict between Cindy and Zac's plan to frame an actress for murder, their secretive relationship, and the tension surrounding Noah's presence creates suspense and intrigue in the scene.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is moderate, with the challenge of testing the weapon on the watermelon providing a small obstacle for the characters to overcome.

High Stakes: 8

The high stakes are present in the scene as Cindy and Zac plan to frame an actress for murder, risking their safety, reputation, and relationships in the process. The tension and danger are palpable throughout.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by setting up the next steps in Cindy and Zac's plan, introducing Nathalie's role in their scheme, and building tension and suspense for the audience.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected outcome of the watermelon test and the humorous twist at the end with Zac covered in watermelon juice.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

There is a subtle philosophical conflict between Cindy's confidence and Zac's playful banter, highlighting their differing approaches to the situation. Cindy's need for control clashes with Zac's more carefree attitude.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene elicits a range of emotions, from suspense and humor to tension and intrigue. The messy outcome of the watermelon test adds a comedic element, balancing the darker themes present.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue between Cindy and Zac is engaging and reveals their personalities, goals, and the dark humor present in their interactions. It effectively conveys the tension and secrecy surrounding their plan.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the dynamic between the characters, the humor injected into the dialogue, and the unexpected turn of events with the watermelon test.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and humor, with a smooth flow of dialogue and actions leading to a comedic climax.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene adheres to the standard screenplay format, with proper scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a typical format for a dialogue-driven interaction between characters in a screenplay, with clear scene direction and character actions.

  • The scene feels a bit rushed and lacking in depth. The dialogue is functional but doesn't reveal much about the characters or their relationship.
  • The humor involving the watermelon and Zac getting covered in juice feels forced and out of place. It doesn't contribute to the overall story or character development.
  • The scene's purpose seems to be solely to showcase the effectiveness of the 'injection knife,' which feels like a plot device rather than a natural progression of the story.
  • The scene could benefit from more emotional nuance and tension. Cindy's excitement and Zac's eagerness feel superficial, lacking the underlying anxieties and motivations that drive their actions.
  • The scene doesn't advance the plot significantly. While it does establish that Nathalie is joining the team, the scene doesn't give the reader any new information about the characters, their goals, or their plans. It feels like a filler scene.
  • Explore the emotional dynamics between Cindy and Zac. What are their true feelings for each other? How does their shared goal affect their relationship?
  • Deepen the scene by adding more character-driven dialogue. Instead of focusing solely on the practicalities of the plan, reveal their hopes, fears, and inner conflicts.
  • Consider replacing the watermelon incident with a more meaningful interaction that reveals more about the characters or their relationship. Perhaps they could share a moment of vulnerability or discuss their anxieties about the plan.
  • Emphasize the tension and stakes of their actions. How does the risk of being caught affect their decisions and behavior?
  • Connect the scene more strongly to the overall plot. Instead of focusing on a single action, build tension and anticipation for the upcoming events. How does this scene move the story forward?

Scene 19 -  Cafe Collaboration
The remains of breakfast are on the table as there are empty
dishes with crumbs and toast left. In jeans, sneakers, and
hoodie, Cindy sits facing Nathalie, who's in bell-bottom
jeans, Bohemian loose blouse, sandals, and both with coffees.
Thanks for laying your cards on the
table for me. I knew this would be
Unorthodox for sure.
You are very detailed in your
Too much at risk not to be super
So, is this your first attempt?
Yes, I have been wanting to do this
for years, but I now have the
Don't worry about me. I'm a big
girl, and you clearly explained
your expectations for me.
Our shady approach doesn't seem to
phase you.
I've been through some devious
experiences already, so I don't
scare easily.
Cindy pats Nathalie's hand and then caresses it.
You are perfect for this.
My entire life, I have been acting.
I am ready for this role.

Cindy's phone rings, and she looks at the phone to see the
I have to take this. It's the
Nathalie nods in agreement and sips her coffee as Cindy talks
on the phone.
Hey Zac.
Yes, she agreed to the role.
Where are you?
Come on in. We are at my usual
Cindy puts the phone away.
The producer is outside. He is
coming in for a minute just to see
you, as he can't wait until
Good, I get to meet him.
When Zac gets here, I guarantee he
will sit with you instead of with
Come on, get out of here. He
doesn't even know me.
I will bet you a coffee.
You're on.
They both give a restrained laugh.
I hear Zac coming.

Cindy slides to the wall to make room for Zac. Cindy points
to Nathalie to slide the other way, so there is no room for
Zac on that side. Zac walks up to the table.
Good Morning, Director. And this
must be our alluring lead actress,
Nathalie Powell.
Zac takes Nathalie's hand and kisses it. Nathalie nods her
head at Cindy as Cindy covers her mouth to stifle a laugh.
Nathalie, this is our producer, Zac
Dawson. Have a seat, Zac.
Cindy pats the bench she sits on to gesture Zac to sit there.
Zac ignores the motion and gestures to Nathalie to slide
over. Nathalie slides over and turns her head, so Zac doesn't
see her laugh.
Welcome aboard, Nathalie.
Thank you for your support.
I have some big money ready to
invest in this movie. We need to
get good still pictures of Nathalie
to sell the film to them.
I don't have a very professional
Don't worry about it. I have some
great pictures already and will
take more during rehearsals.
We should take some nude photos
Cindy kicks Zac under the table.
Oww, I mean, or we can just take
tasteful, sensual pictures.
I understand.

Nathalie puts her index finger under her chin and blinks her
eyes in a sarcastic pose.
It is impossible for Nathalie to
take a bad picture.
I look forward to working with you,
Mr. Dawson.
Nathalie puts her hand on Zac's shoulder as she turns to look
at him. Zac is mesmerized, staring at Nathalie. Cindy shakes
her head back and forth in disgust.
Hey Zac.
Cindy snaps her fingers to get Zac's attention. Zac clears
his throat and shakes his head out of a trance before he
I'm sorry, Cindy, I haven't had my
coffee yet.
Cindy looks at her watch.
Don't you have to get to work?
Yes, yes, I do. Sorry, Nathalie,
but I will see you tonight.
Ciao, Zac.
Zac gets up and stumbles out. Cindy crosses her arms and
gives Nathalie a smirk-type smile.
I see what you mean about our
producer. I will get your coffee.
Cindy and Nathalie both laugh. Nathalie gets up and walks
away to get the coffee. When Nathalie leaves, Cindy's laughs
stop, and her face changes from happy to pensive.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy and Nathalie meet at an internet cafe to discuss their film project, joined by producer Zac who shows interest in investing and taking photos of Nathalie. There is flirtation between Zac and Nathalie, causing tension with Cindy. The scene ends with Zac leaving, leaving Cindy feeling uneasy.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Tension-building
  • Character dynamics
  • Potentially controversial themes
  • Lack of clarity in some character motivations


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a complex web of relationships and motivations, keeping the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using manipulation and deception in the casting process is intriguing and adds depth to the storyline.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as the characters discuss their plan to hire Nathalie and execute their scheme, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the behind-the-scenes dynamics of filmmaking, incorporating elements of secrecy, professionalism, and ethical dilemmas. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging, adding to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-developed, with distinct personalities and hidden agendas that drive the plot forward.

Character Changes: 7

The characters undergo subtle changes in their dynamics and motivations, setting the stage for further development in the story.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to successfully navigate the challenges of producing a film, showcasing her organizational skills and determination. This reflects her desire for success and validation in her chosen career.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to impress the producer and secure funding for the movie. This reflects the immediate challenge she faces in getting the project off the ground.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

There is a high level of conflict present in the scene, both internally and externally, as the characters navigate their hidden agendas and conflicting motivations.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting values and power dynamics between the characters. The audience is left wondering how Cindy will navigate the challenges presented by the producer's unethical suggestion.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as the characters plot to deceive and manipulate each other for their own gain, risking their relationships and reputations in the process.

Story Forward: 8

The scene effectively moves the story forward by introducing new plot elements, deepening character relationships, and setting up future conflicts.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected interactions between the characters and the ethical dilemma introduced by the producer's suggestion. The audience is kept on their toes, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

There is a philosophical conflict between Cindy's ethical approach to filmmaking and Zac's suggestion of taking nude photos. This challenges Cindy's values and professionalism in the industry.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension and suspense to dark humor and intrigue, keeping the audience emotionally engaged.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, witty, and reveals the characters' true intentions, adding depth to their interactions.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the witty dialogue, dynamic character interactions, and underlying tension between the characters. The audience is drawn into the world of filmmaking and the challenges faced by the protagonist.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of dialogue and action that keeps the audience engaged. The rhythm of the scene builds tension and suspense, leading to a satisfying conclusion.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is consistent with the genre expectations, with clear scene descriptions and character actions. The dialogue is well-paced and contributes to the overall flow of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined character interactions and dialogue. It effectively sets up the conflict and tension between the characters, leading to a compelling narrative.

  • This scene feels a bit exposition-heavy, with a lot of dialogue explaining the characters' motivations and the project's premise. While it's important to establish these things, it could be done more organically and with more intrigue.
  • The dialogue feels a bit clunky and unnatural at times, particularly in the way the characters describe the project and their roles. For example, "unorthodox" and "devious" are somewhat cliche and don't fully capture the specific nuances of their plan.
  • The scene's tension is a bit flat. Cindy's manipulation of Nathalie and Zac is evident, but the scene doesn't fully explore the consequences of this manipulation or the potential fallout for all three characters.
  • The scene is a bit static visually. While there is some movement in the characters sliding and walking, there could be more visual detail to add interest and further develop the story.
  • The scene's ending feels a bit abrupt and lacks a clear sense of closure. It abruptly transitions to the next scene without leaving the reader with a strong feeling or a clear understanding of the characters' motivations.
  • Consider showing more of Cindy's motivations and how she's manipulating Nathalie and Zac. You can do this through subtle gestures, reactions, and unspoken dialogue.
  • Refine the dialogue to make it more natural and engaging. Use concise, evocative language that captures the characters' personalities and the unique nature of their plan.
  • Introduce some conflict or tension within the scene. This could be a subtle disagreement between the characters or a moment of doubt that adds stakes and intrigue.
  • Utilize visual elements to enhance the scene. Focus on the characters' expressions, gestures, and reactions to create a more immersive experience for the reader.
  • End the scene with a more impactful moment or a thought-provoking question. This could be a lingering shot on Cindy's pensive face, a reveal about her true intentions, or a hint at the upcoming conflict.

Scene 20 -  Cindy's Impression
In a black dress and heels, Cindy leads Nathalie in a boho-
chic peasant dress and Zac in a grey business suit into the
apartment. They come in through the back door and enter the
room near the dining table.
I loved the Pad Thai at that
My husband won't step foot in that
place, but we order delivery from
there all the time.
Do an imitation of your husband for
I don't know.
Please do, Cindy.
Zac and Nathalie sit at the dining table. Cindy walks around
them like a tough guy, scratches her groin, then puts one
foot up on a dining table chair. She gets into the Noah
character and uses her best Noah voice.
I wouldn't take a step in that
rundown third-world shithole you
call a restaurant.
Zac laughs enthusiastically, and Nathalie's face lights up.
You can order that Thai slop to go,
but you'll never catch me in that
greasy wok. Zac, get our drinks,
god damn it.
Zac applauds her performance, and Nathalie covers her mouth
in surprise. Cindy then bows to each of them.
That is spot on. Nathalie, you have
no idea how that sounds just like

You should be an actor.
No, no, I will stay on the other
side of the camera.
Cindy puts her bag down on the dining table.
Zac, there is a bottle of wine on
the bar.
Zac goes to the bar to open the bottle of wine, and Cindy
sits next to Nathalie. Nathalie spins her head in a 360-
degree rotation and inspects everything in awe.
This place is so cool.
Just an apartment.
I knew someone like you would have
an awesome spot.
Cindy gives Nathalie a quick hug.
Let's sit on the couch and get
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller","Dark Comedy"]

Summary Cindy, Nathalie, and Zac arrive at Cindy's apartment. Cindy hilariously imitates her husband Noah for Nathalie and Zac, drawing laughter and admiration from them. After the performance, Cindy ushers Nathalie to the couch to relax, setting the scene for a comfortable and entertaining evening.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Tension-filled interactions
  • Intriguing plot development
  • Potential for confusion with the multiple subplots and characters


Overall: 8

The scene is engaging, filled with tension, and sets up a dark and suspenseful tone for future developments.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a plan to murder a character, the use of dark humor, and the introduction of a mysterious weapon add depth and intrigue to the scene.

Plot: 7

The plot thickens with the introduction of the murder plan and the tension between characters, setting up future conflicts and developments.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh and humorous approach to a common social situation, showcasing the authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue. The writer's use of exaggerated humor adds originality to the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-developed, with distinct personalities and motivations that drive the scene forward.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the dynamics between characters evolve, setting the stage for future developments.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to entertain and impress her guests, Nathalie and Zac, with her imitation skills. This reflects her desire for approval and validation from others.

External Goal: 6

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to host a successful gathering and make her guests feel comfortable and entertained.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between characters, the tension of the murder plan, and the underlying deceit create a high level of conflict in the scene.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is mild, with a subtle conflict between Cindy's desire to entertain and her husband's disapproval of the restaurant. The outcome is uncertain, adding a layer of tension to the scene.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high with the introduction of a murder plan and the characters' risky actions, adding tension and suspense to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a crucial plot point and deepening the conflict between characters.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected humor and character dynamics that unfold during the interaction.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a subtle philosophical conflict between Cindy's desire to entertain and impress her guests and her husband's disapproval of the restaurant they mentioned. This conflict challenges Cindy's loyalty to her husband's preferences while also asserting her independence and individuality.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension to amusement, keeping the audience engaged.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, witty, and reveals the dynamics between the characters, adding depth to the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the witty dialogue, humorous interactions between characters, and the dynamic pacing of the scene.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining a lively and engaging rhythm that keeps the audience interested in the characters' interactions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a dialogue-heavy scene in a screenplay, with proper character cues and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected format for a dialogue-driven, character-focused scene in a screenplay, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

  • The scene starts off strong with the introduction of the three characters and their contrasting styles: Cindy's glamorous black dress, Nathalie's bohemian chic, and Zac's business suit. This visual contrast helps establish their distinct personalities and their different roles in the story.
  • The dialogue is engaging and reveals key information about the characters' relationships: Cindy's husband's disdain for Thai food, the dynamics between the three of them, and the level of comfort they have with each other.
  • Cindy's imitation of her husband, Noah, is well-written and captures his personality with a mix of arrogance, rudeness, and controlling behavior. This provides a good insight into the power dynamics within their marriage.
  • The scene's pacing is well-balanced, moving seamlessly from the initial introductions to the playful banter, then to Cindy's convincing imitation of Noah, and finally, to the ending where Nathalie is impressed by the apartment and they settle down for the next stage of their plan.
  • However, the scene could benefit from a stronger visual element to emphasize the tension or discomfort that is building between the characters. While Zac laughs and Nathalie is impressed by Cindy's performance, we don't see any visible signs of anxiety or unease from Cindy. This could be a missed opportunity to highlight her inner turmoil as she is about to embark on a dangerous scheme with these two individuals.
  • Consider adding a subtle visual cue to highlight Cindy's nervousness, such as a fleeting glance towards the door or a quick tightening of her jaw. This could subtly foreshadow the tension and risk involved in their plan.
  • You could explore Nathalie's reaction to the imitation in more depth. Perhaps she is initially amused but then becomes subtly uncomfortable as she realizes the true nature of Noah's controlling behavior. This could add layers to her character and create a sense of unease.
  • Think about how the lighting or sound design could enhance the scene's atmosphere. You could use dim lighting to create a sense of secrecy or use a subtle sound effect to emphasize the tense undercurrents between the characters.
  • The scene could also benefit from a stronger closing line or action. The current ending, with Cindy leading Nathalie to the couch, feels a bit abrupt. Consider ending with a line that hints at the next stage of their plan, or with a shot that focuses on Cindy's face, revealing her inner thoughts and anxieties.

Scene 21 -  Unexpected Interruption
Cindy and Nathalie plop down on the couch. Cindy puts her
phone on the coffee table. Zac walks over with three glasses
of wine and carefully puts two down on the coffee table, then
takes his drink and stands as he faces the girls.
What does your husband say about
you filming here?
Zac's eyes widen, and he nervously takes a long drink of
wine. Cindy takes a deep breath before she responds.
My husband doesn't support my
filmmaking dreams. He doesn't want
to see any movie people in his
apartment when he comes home.

He is away on business for the next
several weeks, so we are in the
Well, let's make a blockbuster and
change that prehistoric mindset.
That's the spirit. Let's toast.
Nathalie and Cindy both stand for the toast.
Here's to the success of our
The three clink glasses and take a sip. Cindy and Nathalie
sit back down on the couch, and Zac walks over and sits on
Noah's wing chair to face them.
Zac sits in Noah's chair as in the
scene we discussed at dinner.
Cindy walks over to the small bar to enact the scene as
Nathalie narrates with her.
That's the bar where I pour Noah's
drink. My back is to him so that I
can slip the drug in his glass.
Cindy pours a drug from an invisible bottle into her glass of
wine. Cindy then walks toward Zac with her glass of wine in
her hand.
I sit on Noah's lap and give him
his drink.
Cindy sits on Zac's lap and gives him her wine glass.
Noah drinks it and smiles. Then his
eyes start blinking, and he tosses
his head back and forth.
Zac blinks his eyes and tosses his head as Cindy takes the
glass out of Zac's hand.

The drug incapacitates Noah. Then I
pull the back of my dress up.
Cindy pulls the back of her dress up and reveals to Nathalie
that she is not wearing panties. Nathalie's eyes widen at
Cindy's naked ass, and her mouth opens, then closes in a sly
Then you reach for the knife
strapped to your upper thigh.
Cindy grabs at an invisible knife on her backside.
Then I slowly pierce the side of
Noah's neck.
Cindy slowly takes her fist with the imaginary knife and
places her fist on the side of Zac's neck.
Then you push the silver button
that injects the C-O-2 ball into
his neck.
Then Zac bounces up but holds on to Cindy so she doesn't
fall, and then he screams.
BOOM! Noah's brains and blood is
scattered across the room and on
the ceiling.
Cindy stumbles back into Nathalie's arms, and they fall back
on the couch, sharing a hearty laugh. Then Cindy's phone
rings on the coffee table. Cindy checks the phone.
It's my husband. I have to take it.
Of course.
Zac rolls his eyes to Nathalie.
Hi, darling, where are you?
You need me to do what?
Can't your courier service do that
for you?
OK, OK, I will go now.
Cindy ends the phone call as Zac and Nathalie look at her.
That was my husband. He needs me to
get some folders from his office
and get them to his special client
You're kidding me?
At this time?
I know, but I have no choice. You
two finish your drinks. Go out the
back way when you leave. See you
both tomorrow.
Cindy gives Nathalie a hug and whispers in her ear. Cindy
then gives Zac a peck on the cheek.
I will clean up when I get home.
Sorry again, bye.
Cindy stamps her feet out of the room in a huff. Nathalie and
Zac look in disbelief.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama","Dark Comedy"]

Summary Cindy, Nathalie, and Zac are in Cindy's apartment working on a film project. They reenact a scene where Nathalie's character, a femme fatale, kills Zac's character. Cindy's husband unexpectedly calls, needing her to pick up folders for a client, causing Cindy to leave in a hurry. The conflict between Cindy's filmmaking ambitions and marital obligations is left unresolved as Nathalie and Zac are left alone in the apartment.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Intriguing plot development
  • Creative use of imaginary scenarios
  • Limited emotional depth in characters
  • Character development could be more nuanced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends tension, humor, and intrigue, keeping the audience engaged and curious about the characters' motives and actions.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of planning a murder and the intricate details involved in the scene are well-executed, adding depth to the storyline and character dynamics.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly with the introduction of the murder plan and the characters' motivations, setting the stage for future developments.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique and suspenseful situation involving filmmaking and a dramatic plot twist. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters' interactions and hidden agendas create tension and intrigue, but there could be more depth and development to enhance the emotional impact.

Character Changes: 6

While there are hints of character development and shifting alliances, more significant changes could enhance the complexity of the scene.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to pursue her filmmaking dreams despite her husband's lack of support. This reflects her desire for independence, creativity, and success.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to complete the filming project successfully and navigate the challenges presented by her husband's disapproval.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between the characters, their hidden agendas, and the tension surrounding the murder plan create a high-stakes and suspenseful atmosphere.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicts arising from both internal and external sources.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes of planning a murder, betrayal, and manipulation heighten the tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward with the introduction of the murder plan and the characters' collaboration, setting the stage for future conflicts and resolutions.

Unpredictability: 9

This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden plot twist and unexpected character actions.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between Cindy's desire for creative freedom and her husband's traditional mindset. This challenges Cindy's values and beliefs about pursuing her dreams.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension to amusement, but could benefit from deeper emotional connections to the characters.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, witty, and reveals the characters' true intentions and dynamics effectively, adding depth to the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its suspenseful plot, dramatic dialogue, and unexpected twists.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined character actions and dialogue. It effectively sets up the conflict and resolution.

  • The scene feels a bit too literal and lacks the visual flair that the previous scenes have established. The imagery of the drug, the knife, and the C-O-2 ball is all described, but not shown, which takes away from the scene's impact.
  • The characters' actions feel too staged and lack naturalism. Their movements and dialogue seem to be driven by the need to explain the scene rather than by genuine interactions.
  • The comedic elements, like Zac's reaction to the CO2 ball, feel out of place and detract from the overall tone of the scene. The scene is supposed to be about a serious plot point, but the humor makes it feel lighthearted.
  • The ending feels abrupt and unsatisfying. Cindy's unexpected call from her husband and her sudden departure leave the scene feeling incomplete and unresolved.
  • The scene lacks a sense of tension or anticipation. It feels more like a rehearsal for a murder than a scene that is meant to be suspenseful or exciting.
  • The dialogue in the scene feels expository and lacks any real depth or character development. The characters are mostly telling each other what they are doing rather than engaging in natural conversation.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of simply describing the drug, knife, and C-O-2 ball, use visual elements to show these objects and their use in the scene.
  • Focus on the characters' emotions and motivations. Why is Cindy so eager to enact this scene? What is Zac's reaction to being the victim? What does Nathalie think of the situation?
  • Find a way to incorporate the comedic elements more organically into the scene. Perhaps a subtle bit of humor can be used to create tension or to highlight the characters' desperation.
  • Consider adding a twist or a surprise element to the scene. This will create a sense of suspense and keep the audience engaged.
  • Rework the ending of the scene to create a more satisfying resolution. Perhaps Cindy could have a more emotional reaction to the interruption, or Zac could make a comment that suggests the plan is in jeopardy.
  • Add some subtext to the dialogue. What are the characters really thinking and feeling? What are their hidden agendas?

Scene 22 -  Secrets and Alliances
Cindy sits at her usual booth with a cup of coffee as she
scrolls on her phone.
I will give them about twenty
minutes. That is enough for Zac to
show his true colors.
She sips her coffee, shakes her head, and mumbles to herself.
I have to work on an alternate plan
in case Zac fails his loyalty test
tonight. Shit, I have to phone

Cindy dials Noah's number on the phone and talks when Noah
picks up. We hear Noah through Cindy's phone.
Hello, Noah.
What the hell do you want?
Just checking in as you ask me to
Considered yourself checked.
When do you plan to return?
On Monday, as I told you. Don't you
ever listen?
Just making sure there are no
changes in the plan.
Whatever. I'm busy. Maybe I got two
girls in bed with me now.
Cindy doesn't respond.
Of course, you got nothing to say
because there isn't shit you can do
about it. Just make sure to finish
our tenth-anniversary plans.
The phone clicks off. Cindy just looks at the phone.
You are making this so easy for me.

Nathalie stands in front of the couch and adjusts and smooths
out her dress. Zac hugs a pillow as he sits on the couch.
You really meant it when you said
this was the traditional casting

Just joking, as you had the part
We shouldn't mix business with
I know, my bad.
Zac attempts to stand up, but Nathalie pushes him back down.
Should I tell Cindy about this?
Zac grabs onto her dress to keep her from her attempt to
No, no, please don't.
Nathalie slaps his hand down off of her.
It could jeopardize the entire
Casting couch? That's so pathetic.
Have you ever heard of the me-too
Nathalie stands with her arms folded in front of her. Zac
stands and places his hands on her elbows.
I'm sorry, but I need to share
something with you.
You need a better line than that.
I will prove it to you. Just don't
say anything to Cindy.
Nathalie puts her pointed finger in Zac's face.
I've dealt with guys like you my
entire life. You owe me, and you
better have something good for me,
or else I tell Cindy.

Zac puts both hands up in a surrender position.
Please, leave Cindy out of this as
she has enough stress on her from
her husband.
Nathalie relaxes her aggressive stance, puts her two hands
together in a prayer pose, places them under her chin as she
I picked up on that before.
Cindy is in an abusive marriage.
Does he hit her?
Yeah, some awful rough sex too, but
also extreme psychological abuse.
Fuck, poor Cindy.
She is trapped, as she comes from
the slums of Bangkok as a kid and
has no one else for support.
Nathalie sits down and puts her face in her hands. She looks
up to ask Zac a question.
How about you? Are you her friend?
Yes, we are intimate friends, but I
work for her husband, limiting what
I can do with her and for her.
So, you are cheating with the
boss's wife?
Nathalie, it's-
Nathalie puts her hand up and interrupts him.

I don't want to know, don't tell me
another word.
Please, understand I want the best
for Cindy and I do all this for
I am putting it all on you. Make
sure this movie project succeeds,
as this can change all of our
I will. You can count on me.
I'm leaving, don't follow me. Clean
this place up. See you tomorrow.
After Nathalie leaves, Zac looks around the room and argues
with himself.
She won't tell Cindy.
Girls are worse than men. They
share everything.
Nathalie might think more of me as
I shared private information with
I can't win, I know, I can't win.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy, worried about her husband Noah's whereabouts, calls him but is met with vague responses. Meanwhile, Nathalie confronts Zac about his casting couch tactics, believing he is exploiting Cindy. Zac reveals Cindy's abusive marriage, prompting Nathalie to join forces with him to secure a successful film project for Cindy, hoping to help her escape her situation. While relieved Nathalie didn't betray Cindy, Zac worries about the information being shared with others.
  • Complex character relationships
  • Tension-building dialogue
  • High stakes and conflict
  • Potential lack of clarity in character motivations
  • Some dialogue may be too on-the-nose


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a complex web of relationships and motivations, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of betrayal, manipulation, and hidden agendas is well-executed, adding depth to the characters and driving the plot forward.

Plot: 7

The plot is engaging and sets up potential conflicts and resolutions, adding layers to the story.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces fresh and provocative themes such as abuse, power dynamics, and loyalty tests. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and unpredictable, adding to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-developed and their motivations are clear, adding complexity to the relationships and dynamics in the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters undergo subtle changes in their relationships and motivations, setting the stage for potential growth and conflict.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to protect herself and navigate the complex relationships and situations she finds herself in. This reflects her deeper need for safety, control, and independence.

External Goal: 7.5

Cindy's external goal is to ensure the success of a movie project and manage the relationships and dynamics involved in it. This reflects the immediate challenges she faces in her professional and personal life.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the characters is palpable and sets the stage for further developments in the story.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals, moral dilemmas, and power dynamics that create tension and uncertainty for the characters.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as characters navigate betrayal, deception, and manipulation, leading to potential life-changing consequences.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing new conflicts, relationships, and motivations, setting up future developments.

Unpredictability: 8.5

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists, character revelations, and moral dilemmas that challenge the audience's expectations.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the moral dilemma of loyalty versus personal gain, as well as the ethical implications of power dynamics and abuse in relationships. This challenges Cindy's beliefs about trust, integrity, and the greater good.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension to empathy, keeping the audience emotionally invested in the characters' fates.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is sharp and reveals the characters' intentions and emotions effectively, driving the scene forward.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the intense character dynamics, moral dilemmas, and suspenseful dialogue that keeps the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by balancing dialogue, action, and character interactions to maintain tension and suspense.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with proper scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene transitions, character actions, and dialogue.

  • The scene feels rushed and exposition-heavy, lacking the natural flow of dialogue and action that makes a scene engaging.
  • The dialogue is mostly expository, stating information rather than revealing it through character interaction and action.
  • The dialogue between Nathalie and Zac feels unnatural and forced. They are not yet established enough as characters to have this level of intimacy and trust.
  • The 'casting couch' element feels like a cliché and doesn't add much to the narrative or character development.
  • The exposition about Cindy's abusive marriage feels out of place and doesn't flow organically from the previous scene.
  • The scene's ending with Zac's internal monologue feels abrupt and doesn't leave the reader with a strong impression.
  • The scene lacks a clear purpose. While it introduces the conflict between Nathalie and Zac, it doesn't move the plot forward significantly.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of stating Cindy's plan, show her taking actions to prepare for Zac's potential betrayal.
  • Develop the relationship between Nathalie and Zac more organically. Show them interacting in a way that establishes their dynamics and their individual personalities.
  • Subtly introduce Cindy's abusive marriage through action and dialogue. Let the audience infer the extent of the abuse through the characters' actions and interactions, rather than explicit exposition.
  • Consider adding a visual element or action to the scene to make it more engaging. For example, Nathalie could react to Zac's revelations with a physical action, like slamming her hand on the table or pacing the room.
  • Rework the dialogue to focus on character interaction and reveal information through subtext. This will make the dialogue more natural and engaging.
  • Consider adding a visual element to the scene to convey the emotional tension. For example, a close-up of Nathalie's face as she reacts to Zac's revelations.

Scene 23 -  Deceptive Plans at the Internet Cafe
Cindy wears a black dress with a jean jacket sits in her
booth. On the table are a coffee, two phones, and a laptop.
Zac sits opposite Cindy in his business suit with a coffee in
his hand.
What's this?
What's what?
Zac picks on the cuff of her jean jacket.

Are you going bohemian like
Nathalie, now?
Cindy pulls her hand away from Zac.
When Noah is away, I can dress the
way I like.
I don't know, but you and Nathalie
seem a little too close for someone
you just met.
You don't realize that we have been
communicating for a year now. I
needed to develop this trust with
A year?
You are unbelievable. I've been
working on this non-stop for over a
year. While you have done--
I know. I have done nothing. But I
will make this happen now for you.
Zac gives Cindy the thumbs-up sign, and Cindy shakes her head
at him and sighs. Zac then points to the phones on the table.
Anyway, are these the burner phones
you are using?
Yes, they are. I have completed
several text conversations between
the two lovers with this unique
secretive wifi texting app.
Can it be traced?
Nope, why do you think Noah uses

Cindy slides the phone to Zac, and he takes it and starts to
read and scroll.
Wow, this is good. You should be a
Cindy sticks her tongue at Zac.
I have what Nathalie thought were
online video auditions to download
on Noah's phone as private messages
with him.
Let me see that sexting video
Cindy grabs the phone away from Zac.
Don't get attached to Nathalie. It
only gets things sticky.
Zac puts both palms up.
Just an interest like any other
shallow male has about a video of a
nude girl.
Shallow is right. Get serious as we
have to do one more video message
tonight with Nathalie.
The death threat.
More like the violent ultimatum.
I will bring the green screen.
Maybe you can show her how to do
this scene?
Yes, I will do that. I have to do
my share.
Tonight I will show Nathalie that I
am the man in charge.
You fit right into this producer
role, don't you?
I think I was born for this.
Zac sips his coffee as Cindy leans forward to ask him a
Mr. Producer, did you act
appropriately with our young
starlet when I left last night?
Zac chokes on his coffee and grabs a napkin to cover his
Just what I thought.
Zac stammers a response.
No, no, it was nothing like that.
Very professional friendly.
You are such a dog.
Whatever I did last night or didn't
do last night is not important-
Cindy interrupts Zac.
Not important? You always think
with the wrong head.
Let me finish. After last night
Nathalie is more determined than
ever to make the project succeed.
So, thank you very much.
Cindy laugh derisively at Zac. Then points a finger in his

I will be watching you closely
Zac mumbles under his breath.
Damn, another finger in my face.
Zac stands and salutes Cindy.
Aye-aye, Captain. I will be the
perfect producer tonight.
Zac clicks his heels and leaves.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy and Zac meet at an internet cafe to discuss their scheme involving burner phones and a secretive wifi texting app. They plan to create a video message with a violent ultimatum for Nathalie. Tensions rise as Cindy questions Zac's behavior with Nathalie, hinting at potential inappropriate actions. The scene ends with Zac leaving after a tense interaction, with Cindy calling him an idiot.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Tension-filled atmosphere
  • Intriguing plot development
  • Lack of significant character development in this specific scene


Overall: 8

The scene is engaging, filled with tension, and sets up a complex web of deceit and manipulation. The dialogue is sharp and keeps the audience on edge.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of manipulating Nathalie to further their plan is intriguing and sets up a high-stakes situation. The introduction of burner phones and secretive communication adds depth to the plot.

Plot: 8

The plot thickens as Cindy and Zac discuss their next steps in manipulating Nathalie and furthering their plan to frame Noah. The tension between the characters drives the scene forward.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces unique elements such as burner phones, secretive wifi texting apps, and a plot centered around deception and manipulation. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the overall originality.

Character Development

Characters: 7

Cindy and Zac are well-developed characters with clear motivations and conflicting agendas. Their dynamic adds depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the dynamics between Cindy and Zac evolve as they further their manipulative plan.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to maintain control over the situation and assert her authority in the face of Zac's interference. This reflects her need for power and autonomy.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to successfully execute her plan to incriminate Noah and further her own agenda. This reflects the immediate challenge she is facing in the scene.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Cindy and Zac, as well as their plan to manipulate Nathalie, creates a high level of tension and suspense in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition between Cindy and Zac is strong, with conflicting goals and values driving the conflict in the scene.

High Stakes: 8

The high stakes of manipulating Nathalie and framing Noah add tension and suspense to the scene. The characters' actions have significant consequences.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by setting up the next steps in Cindy and Zac's plan to frame Noah and manipulate Nathalie. It adds depth to the plot and increases the stakes.

Unpredictability: 7

The scene is somewhat predictable in terms of character interactions and plot developments, but the tension and power struggles keep the audience engaged.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' differing values and approaches to achieving their goals. Cindy values control and manipulation, while Zac is more focused on immediate results and personal gain.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension to sarcasm to determination. The audience is drawn into the complex web of deceit and manipulation.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, filled with tension, and reveals the manipulative nature of the characters. It drives the scene forward and keeps the audience engaged.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its sharp dialogue, power dynamics, and tension between the characters.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective, building tension and maintaining the audience's interest throughout.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting adheres to standard screenplay conventions, making it easy to follow and understand.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a typical format for a dialogue-heavy, character-driven scene in a screenplay.

  • The scene feels a bit repetitive and lacks tension. Cindy and Zac's dynamic has already been established, so their back-and-forth about trust, control, and manipulation feels like a rehash of earlier scenes.
  • The scene focuses too heavily on dialogue and exposition. It feels more like a technical briefing than a scene with emotional weight and conflict. The scene would benefit from showing more visual action or details to help the reader visualize what's happening and create a more engaging experience.
  • The tone is inconsistent. The scene starts with a playful banter between Cindy and Zac, then shifts to a more serious discussion about their plan. The sudden shift in tone can be jarring for the reader.
  • The dialogue can be clunky and expository. Lines like "Can it be traced?" and "You are unbelievable. I've been working on this non-stop for over a year." feel unnatural and detract from the scene's flow.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective or a sense of urgency. While Cindy and Zac discuss their plan, there isn't a compelling reason for the reader to care about the outcome or what happens next.
  • The ending feels abrupt and doesn't leave a strong impression. The scene ends with Cindy calling Zac an "Idiot" and then the scene abruptly ends. This ending lacks a sense of closure and doesn't leave the reader with a strong emotional response.
  • Focus on showing rather than telling. Instead of having Cindy and Zac explain their plan in detail, show them working together to create the video message. This could involve them discussing the content, brainstorming ideas, or editing the video.
  • Add more conflict to the scene. Instead of just having Cindy and Zac discuss their plan, create a tension between them. Perhaps Zac is reluctant to participate in the plan, or he doubts Cindy's ability to pull it off. This conflict would add intrigue and suspense to the scene.
  • Use visual details to create a more immersive experience. Describe the internet cafe in more detail, including the sounds, smells, and the other patrons. This will help the reader visualize the scene and make it feel more real.
  • Give the dialogue more natural rhythm and flow. Replace clunky exposition with more natural dialogue. Instead of "Can it be traced?", have Zac say something like "I just want to make sure this is foolproof. Can someone trace these messages back to us?"
  • Introduce a compelling objective for the scene. What does Cindy want to achieve by the end of the scene? Does she want to convince Zac of her plan? Does she want to show him that she's in control? Having a clear objective will give the scene a sense of purpose and direction.
  • Create a more satisfying ending. Instead of simply ending with Cindy calling Zac an "Idiot", consider ending the scene with a more dramatic or emotional moment. Perhaps Zac leaves the cafe feeling conflicted or anxious about what they are about to do. This would leave the reader with a stronger impression and increase anticipation for what happens next.

Scene 24 -  Threatening Text
Still, in her black dress and jean jacket, Cindy fixes the
green screen to shoot the scene. In a peasant dress and ankle
boots, Nathalie sits in a wing chair with a drink while Zac
pours a drink from a pitcher at the bar.
I love these Sabai Sabai drinks.
Reminds me of Thailand.
You've been to Thailand.
Long time ago, as a young student.
Yindee lived there as a child.
Yindee is Cindy's real name from
Yindee, that is very sensual. I
love it.

Thank you, Nathalie, for being
It means pleasure.
Ooooh, it as an erotic flair.
Cindy claps her hands to change the subject.
OK, OK, let's get to work now.
Why are we using a cell phone to
video this scene?
Zac moves his hands and arms as he thinks of an appropriate
We need a video from an actual cell
phone as we will see this video on
Noah's phone in the movie.
Yes, yes, I was just going to say
Cindy rolls her eyes at Zac.
Finish your drink, Nathalie.
Cindy walks over with a hairbrush and spray bottle. She
spritzs Nathalie's hair and starts to brush her hair softly.
Thanks for the spray when you
You have beautiful hair. Love the
natural look.
Thank you, I love when someone else
brushes my hair.
Nathalie and Cindy exchange a smile.

Zac, why don't you do this scene
for Nathalie to show her what we
want from her?
I would love to show off my acting
Cindy whispers in Nathalie's ear.
This should be funny.
Zac positions himself in front of the green screen.
Just talk to the phone like you are
taking a selfie video. You push the
record button on the phone and go
right into the scene.
Zac looks behind him and then back at Cindy.
Got it.
Ready, action.
Zac pushes the record button and moves back to the perfect
spot to record. Zac shakes both fists in front of him as says
the lines with anger.
Noah, you listen to me and listen
good. You will not ignore me! You
think you are better than me, you
piece of shit.
Zac turns around and takes the injection knife from the table
behind him. He raises the knife in the air and gets closer to
the phone.
Or else, I will use this knife to
cut your balls off. This is not a
bluff. I'm on my way to see you.
Zac jams the knife on the table in front of the phone. Then
he pushes the stop button on the phone. Nathalie starts to
clap and whistle.

Perfect, absolutely perfect.
Thank you, maybe Cindy should write
me into the screenplay.
Now don't give him a big head. But
you get the emotion we need in this
short video selfie.
Got it.
Nathalie and Cindy start to laugh.
OK, it's Nathalie's turn.
Nathalie jumps up and gets in position.
Let it all out, Nathalie. It feels
great to yell.
Nathalie stands in front of the green screen.
Ready when you are.
Ready, action.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama"]

Summary Director Cindy is filming a scene for a movie where a character named Noah receives a threatening video message. She is using a cell phone and a green screen to create the scene. Cindy instructs the actress playing Noah, Nathalie, to capture the emotion and anger in the scene. To help Nathalie understand, actor Zac demonstrates how to deliver the threatening lines with exaggerated body language. Despite some initial confusion, Nathalie ultimately gets ready to film her part of the scene.
  • Tension
  • Humor
  • Suspense
  • Sharp Dialogue
  • Innovative Concept
  • Limited Character Development
  • Some Predictability


Overall: 8

The scene effectively combines tension, humor, and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of filming a violent ultimatum video message on a green screen is innovative and adds depth to the plot.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as the characters rehearse a crucial scene involving the murder of a character, setting the stage for future developments.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the behind-the-scenes process of creating a video scene, blending elements of humor, drama, and performance.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show depth and complexity, with hints of hidden motives and conflicting emotions.

Character Changes: 6

While there are subtle hints of character development, the scene focuses more on setting up future changes and revelations.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to capture the right emotions and performance in the video selfie. This reflects their desire for authenticity and emotional depth in their acting.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to create a convincing video scene for the movie, showcasing their acting skills and emotional range.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between the characters, their hidden agendas, and the tension in the scene create a high level of conflict.

Opposition: 7.5

The opposition in the scene adds tension and conflict, creating obstacles for the characters to overcome and keeping the audience engaged.

High Stakes: 8

The high stakes of the characters' plan to frame a naive actress for murder and the tension between them raise the stakes in the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a crucial plot point and setting the stage for future events.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected twists in the characters' interactions and performances, keeping the audience on their toes.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between the characters' professional goals and personal emotions. The tension between authenticity in performance and the need to follow the script's demands creates a conflict of artistic integrity versus commercial success.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension and suspense to humor and intrigue, keeping the audience emotionally engaged.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp, engaging, and reveals the characters' personalities and relationships effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its mix of humor, drama, and character dynamics, keeping the audience interested in the characters' interactions and performances.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-balanced, with a mix of dialogue, action, and character moments that keep the scene moving at a steady pace.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and follows the expected format for a screenplay, making it easy to visualize and understand.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with a setup, conflict, and resolution, leading to a satisfying conclusion.

  • The scene starts with a somewhat awkward exchange about Thailand, which feels like an unnecessary exposition dump and doesn't contribute much to the overall story.
  • The scene feels rushed and lacks a clear focus. It jumps between different elements, such as the green screen setup, the drinks, and the acting lesson, without a clear sense of direction.
  • The dialogue is stilted and doesn't sound natural. Lines like 'Yindee is Cindy's real name from Thailand' and 'It as an erotic flair' feel forced and clunky.
  • The scene feels repetitive with the back and forth between Cindy and Zac about the video phone, which slows the pacing and makes the scene less dynamic.
  • The acting lesson for Nathalie feels artificial and doesn't flow well. Zac's over-the-top performance, while intended to be humorous, comes across as a bit cheesy and doesn't feel authentic.
  • The scene ends abruptly without any real closure. The audience doesn't feel like they have learned anything new or seen any meaningful character development.
  • The scene doesn't advance the plot or character development. It feels like a filler scene that could be cut without impacting the overall story.
  • Consider streamlining the scene by cutting out the unnecessary exposition about Thailand. Focus on the core elements of the scene - the acting lesson.
  • Give the scene a clear purpose and focus. What is the main goal of this scene? Is it to show Cindy's skills as a director, to develop Nathalie's character, or to set up the next scene?
  • Rewrite the dialogue to sound more natural and believable. Instead of exposition dumps, use dialogue to reveal character motivations and conflicts.
  • Make the scene more dynamic by adding visual elements that enhance the storytelling. Use close-ups to capture Nathalie's reactions to Zac's performance and show how Cindy is directing.
  • Give the scene a stronger ending. Consider having Nathalie deliver the line with a sense of confidence and ownership. This could set up the next scene and create anticipation for what's to come.

Scene 25 -  Flirtation and Betrayal
Cindy is alone to clean up after Zac and Nathalie left. Cindy
then goes behind the bar and gets a box of plastic zipper
freezer bags.
Let me get this in order with them
She puts a hairbrush in one bag, two glasses in separate
bags, the knife handle in another one, and places all the
bags on the coffee table.
With this video clip, this is all
the evidence we need.

Cindy exhales deeply as she looks at the three bags on the
coffee table and then shakes her head slowly.
We have motive with the videos and
forensic evidence for means and
She point her finger up as if she just remembered something.
My alibi, that is the final piece.

Zac opens his bag and takes out a folder. Nathalie sits
opposite Zac and rubs her hands together in anxious
Now, this is a standard contract
for a first-time actor in a low-
budget independent film.
Are you kidding me? This is
fantastic, a dream come true.
I love your enthusiasm.
Zac takes out a pen and points to where Nathalie needs to
sign. Nathalie takes the pen and signs with an emphatic
flair. She takes out her phone to take a selfie of the
This is for my scrapbook.
Zac has a big smile on his face as Nathalie snaps the photo.
Just a warning, with independent
films, the plug can get pulled at
any time.
I get it, but I am enjoying each

You are certainly a breath of fresh
air. We should get together for an
actual date.
Nathalie playfully wags her finger at Zac.
Don't you remember the other night?
Do you forget the me-too movement?
Zac puts both hands up in front of him.
Sorry, my bad, after the project is
over. We will wait until it is all
wrapped up.
Aren't you involved with Cindy?
Zac shakes his head before he answers.
She's married. We have had some
fun, but we have no future. As soon
as this project is over, we will
never see each other again.
Nathalie tils her head in thought.
OK, when we finish this project, I
will go on a real date with you.
Even if the project gets dumped
before it's finished?
Either way. I don't want to do
anything while we are working and
Cindy is around.
Zac takes her hand and gives it a soft kiss. Nathalie pulls
her hand back.
Not so fast, lover boy, the project
has to end first.
Zac holds up the pen.

Can I have that in writing?
Nathalie takes the pen, grabs a napkin, writes on it. Then,
she takes the napkin rubs her lips with a kiss on it. She
then takes the napkin and slams it on the table. Zac picks it
up and reads it.
I-O-U these lips after the project
is done.
Zac looks at Nathalie. She winks and walks away, exaggerating
her hips gyration to wiggle her ass seductively as she
leaves. Zac looks at the red lipstick on the napkin from her
lips and kisses the napkin, and then mumbles to himself.
This project might be done earlier
than you think.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama"]

Summary Cindy cleans up the bar area after Zac and Nathalie leave, organizing evidence in plastic bags. Meanwhile, Zac and Nathalie discuss a film contract at an internet cafe booth. The scene is filled with mystery, flirtation, and potential betrayal as Zac and Nathalie flirt with each other while discussing their professional relationship. Cindy's involvement hints at a love triangle, adding to the tension. The scene ends with Zac reading a note from Nathalie, suggesting a potential early end to their project.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Complex character relationships
  • Tension-building
  • Some dialogue may be overly expository
  • Limited physical action


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends tension, intrigue, and character dynamics, keeping the audience engaged and curious about the unfolding story.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of using a contract to symbolize a promise of future intimacy adds depth to the characters' relationships and motivations.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as characters make decisions that will impact their futures, setting the stage for potential conflicts and resolutions.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the romantic and professional dynamics between characters, with unexpected twists and turns in their interactions. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, with distinct personalities and motivations that drive their actions and interactions.

Character Changes: 6

While there are subtle shifts in character dynamics, the scene primarily focuses on establishing relationships and motivations.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to gather evidence and solidify her case against someone, possibly for a crime or deception. This reflects her need for justice and closure, as well as her desire to uncover the truth.

External Goal: 7.5

Zac's external goal is to secure Nathalie's commitment to a project and potentially a romantic relationship. This reflects his immediate challenge of balancing professional and personal boundaries.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

The scene contains underlying tensions and conflicts, both personal and professional, that add depth to the narrative.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and motivations between characters that create tension and uncertainty. The audience is left unsure of how the relationships will evolve.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are raised as characters make decisions that could have significant consequences for their personal and professional lives.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing new conflicts, alliances, and motivations that will impact future events.

Unpredictability: 8.5

This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting dynamics between characters, unexpected revelations, and the potential for conflict or resolution in future scenes.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

There is a philosophical conflict between Zac's casual approach to relationships and Nathalie's insistence on clear boundaries and respect. This challenges Zac's values and beliefs about romance and professional conduct.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene elicits a range of emotions, from excitement to anxiety, as characters navigate complex relationships and decisions.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is engaging, revealing character dynamics and building tension through subtext and playful banter.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the witty banter, romantic tension, and unexpected twists in the character interactions. The dialogue and actions keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8.5

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension, revealing information, and maintaining audience interest. The rhythm of the dialogue and character interactions contribute to the scene's effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene adheres to industry standards for screenplay format, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with distinct character actions and dialogue that advance the plot. The formatting aligns with the expected format for a dialogue-heavy scene in a screenplay.

  • The scene feels a bit rushed and lacks a clear purpose. It seems to be primarily focused on setting up the next scene, but it doesn't provide much in the way of character development or plot advancement.
  • The dialogue feels a bit forced and unnatural, particularly Zac's lines about the project getting dumped. It's also unclear why Nathalie is so eager to sign the contract, especially considering she's already demonstrated her willingness to work on the project.
  • The scene relies heavily on visual elements like the bags of evidence and the napkin with lipstick, but these elements feel more like props than integral parts of the narrative.
  • The ending feels abrupt and anticlimactic. Zac's line "This project might be done earlier than you think" is a bit of a non sequitur and doesn't provide any real sense of closure.
  • The scene feels a bit repetitive, as it echoes previous scenes where Cindy gathers evidence and Zac attempts to seduce Nathalie. This repetition could be streamlined to avoid redundancy.
  • The scene could benefit from a more emotional undercurrent, as both Cindy and Zac have been deeply involved in a scheme that has potentially tragic consequences. However, the tone remains lighthearted and playful, which could create a disconnect for the audience.
  • Consider adding a scene with Cindy and Nathalie discussing their plan in more detail, revealing their motives and their fears. This could create a more compelling emotional connection with the audience.
  • Develop the relationship between Zac and Nathalie further. Their interactions seem superficial and lacking in depth. Exploring their motivations and the dynamics of their relationship could make the scene more engaging.
  • Explore the consequences of the scheme's potential success or failure. How would Cindy's life change if she were to successfully frame Zac? How would Nathalie's life change if she were to be caught in the scheme?
  • Add a layer of tension to the scene by highlighting the risks involved in the scheme. This could be achieved through dialogue, action, or visual elements that suggest the potential for danger.
  • Consider streamlining the scene by eliminating unnecessary dialogue and visual elements. Focus on the most essential aspects of the story and create a more concise and impactful scene.
  • Add a touch of irony or dark humor to the scene to further highlight the contrast between the lighthearted tone and the potentially devastating consequences of the scheme.

Scene 26 -  Seductive Role-Playing
Cindy wears a tunic dress with an oriental print sits in
Noah's wing chair. Nathalie is in a baggy sweater and a short
jean skirt at the small bar. Nathalie pours herself a glass
of orange juice.
I want to work out the step-by-step
procedure of the murder sequence.
Speaking of that, I want to use one
of your suggestions.
Fantastic, I will play Noah, and
you show me.
You got it.
Nathalie closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, holds the
breath, then releases it to get ready to act. Nathalie takes
an invisible bottle out of her sleeve and pours an imaginary
liquid into her orange juice.
Hurry up with my drink!

Nathalie takes the glass of orange juice with two hands and
walks seductively to Cindy. Nathalie then puts her knees on
each side of Cindy and sits on Cindy's lap.
Nathalie puts her finger on Cindy's lips to shush her.
Nathalie takes a sip of orange juice, holds it in her mouth,
then kisses Cindy deeply and releases the orange juice in her
mouth. Cindy moans and stares at Nathalie as she pulls back.
So nice.
Nathalie takes another sip of orange juice and again kisses
Cindy and releases the liquid in her mouth. The two kissed
passionately, and Cindy's hands ran up and down Nathalie's
back and ass as Nathalie grinds on Cindy's lap.
Cindy stands up, and Nathalie holds on around her neck and
wraps her legs around Cindy. Cindy and Nathalie are nose to
nose with sly smiles as Nathalie flicks her tongue at Cindy.
Cindy slowly walks to the couch and they fall onto it.
Cindy is on top of Nathalie. Her elbows are straight as in
the up position of a push-up, and she looks down into
Nathalie's eyes.
I want you so fucking bad.
I want you more.
Nathalie tightens her legs around Cindy and pulls her down on
top of her. The two passionately kiss and moan in delight.
Genres: ["Drama","Romance"]

Summary Cindy and Nathalie discuss a murder sequence and decide to act it out using one of Cindy's suggestions. They engage in a seductive role-playing scenario involving orange juice and passionate kissing. The scene takes place in a brownstone apartment living space in the morning. There are no apparent conflicts in this sensual and intimate scene, with key dialogue including Cindy expressing her desire for Nathalie and Nathalie reciprocating the sentiment. The scene ends with Cindy and Nathalie passionately kissing and moaning in delight.
  • Sensual and passionate dialogue
  • Effective character development
  • Intriguing plot advancement
  • Possible controversial content
  • Risk of sensationalizing serious topics


Overall: 8

The scene effectively combines sensuality, passion, and tension, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of forbidden desire and murder planning adds depth and complexity to the storyline, making it compelling and suspenseful.

Plot: 7

The plot advances with the planning of the murder sequence and the development of the forbidden romance, creating intrigue and suspense.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique blend of sensuality and mystery, with the characters engaging in a creative exercise that explores both intimate desires and darker emotions. The dialogue and actions feel authentic and add depth to the characters' motivations.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters of Cindy and Nathalie are well-developed, showcasing their desires, fears, and motivations effectively.

Character Changes: 7

Both Cindy and Nathalie experience a shift in their relationship and desires, leading to character development.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to explore their desires and passions through a sensual interaction with another character. This reflects their deeper need for connection and intimacy.

External Goal: 6

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to act out a murder sequence as part of a creative exercise. This reflects the immediate challenge of exploring dark themes and emotions.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

There is a conflict between desire and morality, as well as the tension of planning a murder, creating a suspenseful atmosphere.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in this scene is not strong, as the conflict is more internal and emotional rather than external. The audience is unsure of how the characters' relationship will evolve, adding a sense of unpredictability.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high with the planning of a murder and the forbidden romance, adding tension and suspense to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by advancing the forbidden romance and the murder planning, setting up future conflicts and resolutions.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected shift from a creative exercise to a sensual interaction, adding depth and complexity to the characters' relationship.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the juxtaposition of love and desire with darker themes like murder. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the complexity of human emotions and motivations.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes strong emotions of desire, passion, and suspense, keeping the audience emotionally engaged.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is sensual, passionate, and adds depth to the characters' emotions and intentions.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the tension and intimacy between the characters, as well as the blend of sensuality and mystery that keeps the audience intrigued.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and intimacy gradually, leading to a climactic moment of passion between the characters.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for a screenplay, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for a dramatic and intimate interaction between characters, with a clear progression of actions and dialogue.

  • The scene contains explicit sexual content that may not be necessary to convey the intended message. It might be more effective to focus on the emotional connection between the characters rather than their physical intimacy.
  • The dialogue is sparse and could benefit from more development to provide context and depth to the characters' motivations and relationship.
  • The scene structure lacks clarity, and the transition from the previous scene is not smooth. It would be helpful to provide more context about the characters' current situation and the purpose of this scene.
  • Develop the dialogue to reveal more about the characters' thoughts and feelings. This will help create a stronger emotional connection between them and the audience.
  • Consider revising the scene to focus on the emotional connection between Cindy and Nathalie, rather than their physical intimacy. This could include discussing their plans for the murder, their fears, or their hopes.
  • Provide a clearer transition from the previous scene, making it easier for the reader to understand the context and purpose of this scene. This could include a brief recap of the previous scene or a more explicit introduction to the new scene.

Scene 27 -  The Unexpected Assignment
Zac sits with a coffee and scrolls through his text messages
when he hears a phone ring. He looks left and right and then
realizes the phone he hears is in his bag.
Shit, it must be Noah.
Zac gets the phone and answers it. We hear Noah's voice
through Zac's phone.
Good Morning, Sir.

Zac, my boy, just needed to touch
base with you.
You are still away, aren't you?
I am just stopping at home to pick
up a Ming vase.
Home? A Ming vase?
Zac nervously sits up and juggles the phone as he is
For some god damm reason, you have
to bring a gift when dealing with
Asians. I'm just popping in and
heading to Atlantic City.
Are you in town now?
Yes, blocks from my apartment. I
just want to say I thought about
your proposal from last week. I
think it shows promise.
Noah calms down on hearing this, and a smile comes across his
You do, sir?
Yes, the more people I talk to, the
more you make sense.
Thank you, sir.
After this weekend in A-C, we need
to have a sit-down for your
cryptocurrency plan as soon as I
get back.
That's fantastic, sir.

I see big things for your future
with this company.
I've been waiting for this day.
Well, your ship has come in. I'm at
the apartment now. One more thing,
can you keep your eye on Cindy for
me while I'm away?
Eye on her? Sir.
She's up to something, but I need
another set of eyes. She likes you,
so you can get close and find
things out.
I will make myself available to see
what she does when you're not
Perfect, keep tabs on her and
report to me, then you will move to
my inner circle.
I am honored, sir, and will watch
her every move.
Good, I knew I could trust you.
Talk to you on Tuesday.
Thank you again, sir. I will have
the crypto proposal updated and a
report on your wife's plans.
Zac puts the phone on the table, rests back in his seat, and
exhales deeply.
I don't believe it. The bastard is
coming around.
All of a sudden, Zac jumps up in a panic.

Oh, shit, Cindy!
Zac frantically picks up his phone and dials Cindy's number.
Come on, come on, pick up, pick the
friggin phone up.
We hear Cindy's voice mail message on the phone.
Sorry, I'm not in right now, please
leave a message, and I will get
back to you as soon as possible.
Zac slams the phone down on the table.
Damm it, Cindy. This will ruin
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama"]

Summary Zac receives a phone call from his boss, Noah, with exciting news about his business proposal. However, the good news is quickly overshadowed when Noah asks Zac to keep an eye on his wife, Cindy, while he's away. Zac, eager to please his boss, agrees. But when he tries to call Cindy, she doesn't answer, leaving him in a panic that she may be onto Noah's plan and his secret role in it.
  • Tension-building
  • Revelation of character motivations
  • Intrigue
  • Some dialogue may be overly expository
  • Limited physical action


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and suspense through the phone conversation, keeping the audience engaged and curious about the characters' motives. The revelation of Noah's request for Zac to spy on Cindy adds a layer of complexity to the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of betrayal and manipulation is well-executed in this scene, setting up future conflicts and character dynamics. The use of the phone call as a tool for revelation adds intrigue and suspense.

Plot: 7

The plot thickens with the introduction of Noah's request to Zac, adding a new layer of conflict and deception. The scene moves the story forward by revealing the characters' true intentions and setting up future confrontations.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on corporate intrigue and surveillance, with unique character dynamics and a sense of impending conflict.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters of Zac and Noah are developed further in this scene, showcasing their complex relationship and conflicting motivations. The scene also hints at Cindy's involvement in a larger scheme, adding depth to her character.

Character Changes: 7

Zac undergoes a subtle shift in this scene as he grapples with Noah's request and the implications for his relationship with Cindy. His internal conflict and decision to spy on Cindy hint at future character development.

Internal Goal: 8

Zac's internal goal is to gain Noah's trust and approval, reflecting his desire for recognition and advancement within the company.

External Goal: 7.5

Zac's external goal is to keep tabs on Cindy for Noah while he is away, reflecting the immediate challenge of surveillance and potential betrayal.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is high, with Zac torn between loyalty to Noah and his growing feelings for Cindy. The revelation of Noah's request raises the stakes and sets the stage for future confrontations.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and hidden agendas that create uncertainty and suspense for the audience.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high in this scene, as Zac faces a moral dilemma that could have far-reaching consequences for his relationships with Noah and Cindy. The revelation of Noah's request raises the stakes and adds urgency to the plot.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing crucial information about the characters' motivations and setting up future conflicts. The audience gains insight into Zac's dilemma and the growing tensions between the characters.

Unpredictability: 7.5

The scene is unpredictable due to the shifting dynamics between characters and the revelation of new information that complicates the plot.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict revolves around loyalty, trust, and manipulation. Zac must balance his loyalty to Noah with his growing suspicions about Cindy's intentions.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene elicits a range of emotions from tension and anxiety to relief and surprise. The audience is emotionally invested in Zac's dilemma and the potential consequences of his actions.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and deception between Zac and Noah, as well as Zac's internal struggle. The phone conversation is well-written and keeps the audience on edge.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its fast-paced dialogue, high stakes, and character dynamics that keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' actions.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting adheres to industry standards, making the scene easy to follow and engaging for the reader.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a standard format for a dialogue-driven sequence, effectively building tension and revealing character motivations.

  • The scene starts with a promising premise: Zac receiving a call from Noah, revealing Noah's growing interest in Zac's business proposal and his request to keep an eye on Cindy. However, the dialogue feels clunky and lacks tension.
  • The phone conversation between Zac and Noah feels too formal and stilted. It lacks the natural rhythm of a real conversation, especially between two people who have a dynamic based on power and manipulation.
  • Zac's reactions to Noah's comments feel unearned. While his initial surprise at Noah's visit is understandable, his subsequent panic about Cindy is sudden and unexplained. The audience needs more context for his fear.
  • The scene's ending is abrupt and anticlimactic. Zac's panic about Cindy discovering Noah's plan to spy on her doesn't feel justified or impactful. The scene ends with Zac calling Cindy, but there's no real resolution or sense of consequence.
  • The scene's pacing is uneven. The lengthy phone conversation between Zac and Noah slows down the scene, while Zac's sudden panic and subsequent call to Cindy feels rushed and underdeveloped.
  • The scene lacks visual interest. While the setting is described, there's no sense of environment or atmosphere. The visual descriptions are limited and don't contribute much to the scene's storytelling.
  • The scene's emotional impact is weak. The dialogue lacks the complexity and tension that would create a sense of suspense and intrigue. The audience doesn't feel invested in the characters' emotional journeys.
  • The scene's connection to the previous scene feels weak. The transition from the passionate encounter between Cindy and Nathalie to Zac's phone call with Noah is jarring and doesn't flow organically.
  • Rewrite the dialogue between Zac and Noah with a more natural and believable rhythm. Incorporate more subtext and tension to reflect their power dynamic.
  • Develop Zac's motivations for being afraid of Cindy finding out about Noah's plan. Show him struggling with the implications of this revelation and how it affects his own relationship with Cindy.
  • Create a more visually engaging scene by utilizing the internet cafe setting. Describe the atmosphere, the other patrons, and the visual details that contribute to the scene's mood.
  • Build suspense and tension by focusing on Zac's inner conflict as he grapples with Noah's request to spy on Cindy. Explore his feelings of guilt, loyalty, and ambition.
  • Connect the scene more effectively to the previous scene by incorporating a subtle visual or emotional transition. For example, Zac could be distracted by thoughts of Cindy while on the phone with Noah, hinting at his conflicted feelings.
  • Consider adding an external element to the scene, like a patron interrupting Zac's phone call or a news report playing in the background, to add visual and thematic depth.
  • Rework the scene's ending to create a more impactful and satisfying closure. Consider showing Zac's internal struggle, his decision to betray Cindy, or the consequences of his actions.

Scene 28 -  Unexpected Arrival
Cindy hears footsteps coming up the front stairs. She runs to
the door and peaks out. She turns and yells in a whisper
voice to Nathalie.
It's Noah!
Cindy puts the chain on the front door. Then she frantically
fixes the pillows and cushions on the couch while Nathalie
looks for her clothes in her panties and bra.
Where is my skirt?
Cindy finds her skirt and throws it at her with her blouse.
Suddenly, they hear the door opening, but the chain is on it.
What the fuck. Cindy, get your ass
over here and take the chain off
the door.
Shit, you have to hide.
Nathalie looks left and right in bewilderment.
Hide? Where?

Cindy pushes her behind the wing chair and whispers with
Stay silent! Don't come out until I
tell you.
Open the door, damm it.
Cindy puts her hands together to beg Nathalie.
Please, trust me.
Nathalie crouches down behind the wing chair with her blouse,
skirt, and bag in her lap. Cindy takes the chain off the door
and lets Noah in the apartment.
About time. Why the hell do you
have the chain on the door?
Noah comes into the living room with Cindy behind him.
I thought you would be away until
Monday, and you know I am scared
without my husband to protect me.
Noah ignores Cindy and looks behind the bar for a Ming vase.
There it is.
Noah grabs the vase and blows in it to get rid of the dust.
Cindy looks at the wing chair and sees Nathalie's head
peeking out. Cindy waves at her violently to get down, and
Nathalie quickly gets back out of sight.
I am still out of town, just on my
way to Atlantic City to meet with
some Asian asshole. I was advised
to bring a gift.
So you are leaving again.

Yes, my driver is waiting for me
outside. I will be back Monday.
Awww, too bad you have to leave
right away.
Noah tilts his head at her and examines her with one eye
squinted. With two fingers, Noah picks at the sleeve of her
dress like it is contaminated.
Why are you wearing this peasant
shit? You wore this walking the
streets of Bangkok.
This is just something comfortable
I wear around the house.
You look like the street whore that
you were when I met you.
Cindy laughs nervously.
My wife wants to be treated like a
whore again, doesn't she?
Whatever you want, dear.
Noah grabs her by the hair and pushes her to the floor. Cindy
lets out a yelp. Noah steps over her and plops down on the
wing chair.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy and Nathalie scramble to hide Nathalie from Noah when he unexpectedly arrives at their apartment. Noah's arrival is met with tension as he criticizes Cindy's appearance and treats her disrespectfully, ultimately pushing her to the floor. The scene ends with Noah settling into a wing chair, leaving Cindy on the floor and unresolved conflict hanging in the air.
  • Tension-filled atmosphere
  • Well-defined characters
  • Emotional impact
  • Potentially triggering content
  • Abusive behavior depicted


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a dangerous atmosphere with the abusive behavior of Noah towards Cindy. It keeps the audience engaged and curious about the hidden secrets and motives of the characters.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of hidden secrets, deception, and abuse is well executed in the scene, creating a compelling narrative that drives the story forward.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses as Noah's abusive behavior is revealed, adding complexity to the relationships between the characters. The tension and conflict are heightened, setting the stage for future developments.

Originality: 8

The scene presents a fresh approach to the theme of abusive relationships and power dynamics, with authentic dialogue and actions that feel true to the characters.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-defined, with Cindy portrayed as a victim of abuse, Noah as the abusive husband, and Nathalie as a newcomer caught in the middle. Their interactions and dynamics add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy's character undergoes a subtle change as she tries to protect Nathalie from Noah's abusive behavior, showing a glimpse of her strength and resilience.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to protect herself and the other character, Nathalie, from the potentially dangerous Noah. This reflects her fear and desire for safety.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to keep Noah from discovering Nathalie and potentially causing harm to either of them. This reflects the immediate challenge of hiding Nathalie and maintaining the deception.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Cindy, Noah, and Nathalie is intense and palpable, especially with Noah's abusive behavior towards Cindy. The power struggle and hidden agendas increase the conflict level significantly.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Noah's abusive behavior creating a sense of danger and uncertainty for the characters.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as Cindy tries to protect Nathalie from Noah's abusive behavior while keeping her own secrets hidden. The danger and tension are palpable, raising the stakes for all characters involved.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing the abusive nature of Noah and setting up potential conflicts and resolutions in the future. It adds layers to the narrative and character dynamics.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions and dialogue from the characters, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the power dynamics and abusive behavior exhibited by Noah towards Cindy. This challenges Cindy's values and beliefs about relationships and self-worth.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, anxiety, and tension in the audience, especially with the abusive interactions between Noah and Cindy. It creates an emotional impact that lingers.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and power dynamics between the characters, especially in Noah's abusive remarks towards Cindy. It adds to the overall atmosphere of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the suspenseful atmosphere, dramatic dialogue, and high stakes for the characters.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene builds tension effectively, with a gradual escalation of conflict and suspense.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and follows the expected format for a screenplay, making it easy to visualize the action and dialogue.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a tense, dramatic moment in a screenplay, with clear action and dialogue.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks tension. The conflict between Noah and Cindy feels repetitive and predictable, not adding anything new to their established dynamic.
  • Noah's dialogue is excessively crude and misogynistic. While the intention might be to portray him as an abusive character, the language feels repetitive and over-the-top, losing its impact.
  • Nathalie's reaction to being told to hide feels unrealistic. She has been involved in the plot with Cindy, so her confusion and disbelief seem out of character.
  • The scene relies heavily on exposition and dialogue to move the plot forward. There is a lack of visual action and tension, making it feel static and uneventful.
  • The scene lacks a clear objective for Cindy. She seems to be reacting to Noah's presence rather than taking any initiative or moving the plot forward.
  • The comedic element of Nathalie hiding behind the chair, with her skirt and blouse, feels out of place in the overall tone of the scene, which is dark and suspenseful.
  • Consider adding a visual element that creates tension. For example, the sound of Noah's footsteps getting closer could be amplified, creating a sense of urgency.
  • Explore Nathalie's reaction to Noah's presence more realistically. She could show signs of fear, anger, or frustration, based on her prior knowledge of him.
  • Focus on a specific objective for Cindy in the scene. Is she trying to protect Nathalie? Is she trying to avoid a confrontation with Noah? Or is she playing a dangerous game of her own?
  • Reduce the amount of exposition and dialogue. Show, don't tell, the dynamic between Cindy and Noah. Instead of dialogue, use their actions and reactions to convey their relationship.
  • Reconsider the comedic elements in the scene. They clash with the overall tone and distract from the seriousness of the situation.
  • Focus on raising the stakes and creating suspense. The arrival of Noah should feel like a turning point in the story, not just another instance of his abusive behavior.

Scene 29 -  Overhearing Disrespect
Nathalie crouches behind the wing chair, and her body
tightens when she hears Cindy's yelp. She can't see what is
going on, but she hears everything.
On your knees.
Yes, dear.
The sound of Noah's zipper opening causes Nathalie to cover
her mouth to stifle her reaction.

This is the position you were in
for our first date.
Nathalie's head turns toward the back of the chair, and she
squints her eyes to shoot imaginary knives from her anger
into Noah's back.
This will be a great story for our
tenth-anniversary party. On our
first date, my Thai slut spent it
on her knees.
Noah laughs loudly at his own joke, which causes Nathalie to
cock back her fist like she wants to hit Noah in the head.
Nathalie then hears Cindy making a slurping sound and Noah
moaning. Nathalie puts her head down as tears run down her
cheeks. Then Nathalie's phone rings, and she silently
rummages through her bag to find it and turn it off.
Who's phone is that?
It must be mine.
Probably my driver. Damn it, Cindy,
you took too long. If you lose this
skill, I might as well get rid of
Nathalie hears the sound of someone hitting the floor, Noah's
zipper, and Noah steps toward the door.
I'm leaving. I will be back Monday.
Get this place, and yourself
cleaned up and ready.
Yes, dear, hurry home.
Nathalie hears the front door open and close.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Nathalie crouches behind a chair and overhears a disturbing conversation between Noah and Cindy, where Noah is disrespectful towards Cindy. This leads to Nathalie feeling anger and sadness. The scene ends with Noah leaving after giving instructions to Cindy.
  • Intense emotional impact
  • Realistic character dynamics
  • Compelling themes of abuse and manipulation
  • Potentially triggering content for some audiences


Overall: 8

The scene is intense, emotionally charged, and effectively conveys the dark themes of abuse and manipulation. The tension between the characters is palpable, and the high stakes keep the audience engaged.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring the dynamics of an abusive relationship and the manipulation tactics used by one character on another is compelling and well-executed.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly in this scene, revealing the toxic nature of Cindy and Noah's relationship and setting the stage for further conflict and character development.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the theme of infidelity and power dynamics, with a focus on the internal struggles of the protagonist. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed and their emotions are portrayed realistically, adding depth to the scene. The audience can empathize with their struggles and motivations.

Character Changes: 7

The characters experience emotional turmoil and revelations in this scene, leading to potential shifts in their dynamics and motivations.

Internal Goal: 8

Nathalie's internal goal in this scene is likely to control her emotions and not react impulsively to the situation unfolding before her. This reflects her deeper need for self-control and composure in difficult circumstances.

External Goal: 7

Nathalie's external goal in this scene is to avoid confrontation and maintain her cover of eavesdropping on Noah and Cindy without being discovered. This reflects the immediate challenge of staying hidden and gathering information.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense and emotionally charged, with power struggles and manipulation tactics at play, creating a sense of unease and tension.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Nathalie facing internal and external challenges that create conflict and drive the narrative forward.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene, as the characters navigate a toxic and abusive relationship, with potential consequences for their emotional well-being and safety.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing crucial information about the characters and their relationships, setting the stage for future developments and conflicts.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected twists in the characters' actions and dialogue, keeping the audience on edge and unsure of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the themes of power, control, and gender dynamics. Noah's demeaning language towards Cindy and Nathalie's internal struggle to contain her anger highlight the clash of values and beliefs.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, particularly feelings of anger, sadness, and disgust, as the characters navigate a toxic and abusive situation.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the power dynamics and emotional turmoil between the characters, enhancing the tension and drama of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense emotional content, suspenseful atmosphere, and the audience's investment in Nathalie's internal struggle and the unfolding drama.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with a rhythmic flow of events that maintain the audience's interest and anticipation.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The formatting of the scene adheres to the expected format for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions that enhance the visual storytelling.

Structure: 9

The structure of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, following a logical progression of events that contribute to the overall narrative.

  • The scene is a bit too descriptive and relies heavily on the use of "O.S." (off-screen) dialogue, which can make it feel static and distant. The audience is mostly hearing the characters, and not seeing what's going on.
  • The use of "yelp" and "slurping sound" is a bit too on-the-nose and feels like the writer is trying to tell the audience what to think and feel, rather than showing it to them.
  • The scene feels rushed, with the events happening quickly and without much build-up. We get little sense of how long Noah's abuse has been going on or how Cindy is feeling, making it hard to connect with her.
  • The scene relies too much on dialogue and not enough on action or visuals. We see very little of what is actually happening in the scene.
  • The line "This will be a great story for our tenth-anniversary party." is a bit clunky and doesn't feel authentic to the characters or situation. This is especially true given that the rest of the dialogue is extremely heavy and upsetting.
  • The character of Nathalie is not fully developed in this scene, and her anger and sadness feel a bit overblown given that she has no real relationship with Cindy or Noah. It's unclear why she is so invested in Cindy's situation.
  • The scene feels repetitive and predictable. We've seen this type of abuse before, and the scene doesn't offer anything new or surprising to the story.
  • Show, don't tell: Instead of describing what is happening, focus on showing the action through visuals and dialogue. For example, instead of saying that Noah laughs loudly, show him laughing and how Cindy reacts.
  • Develop Nathalie's character: Give Nathalie a more concrete reason for being invested in Cindy's situation. Explore her backstory or her motivations more thoroughly.
  • Focus on Cindy's internal struggle: Give the audience a better sense of Cindy's emotional state. Show how she is coping with the abuse and her feelings of helplessness.
  • Create suspense and tension: Use a more cinematic approach to build tension and suspense. Consider using camera angles, lighting, and sound to create a sense of unease.
  • Explore the power dynamic: The scene needs a deeper understanding of the power dynamic between Noah and Cindy. Why is she so submissive? What are her reasons for staying with him? How long has this been going on?
  • Be more specific and evocative: Replace generic terms like "slurping sound" with more specific and evocative descriptions that give the audience a clearer picture of the scene.
  • Don't be afraid to be subtle: The scene can be more effective if the writer is less explicit about the abuse and instead lets the audience infer what is happening.

Scene 30 -  Hidden Agendas
Nathalie stands up from behind the wing chair and looks left
and right. Nathalie comes from behind the chair and sees
Cindy lying there in a fetal position.

Nathalie drops her things and runs to Cindy, and hugs her in
a spoon position on the floor.
I'm so sorry. I had no idea.
I'm embarrassed that you had to
witness this.
Embarrass shit. I am pissed off.
It's been ten years. I can't do
this shit anymore.
He treats you worse than a friggin
He has me trapped with that damn
prenup, and he knows it.
I will do anything to help you.
First, just hug me tight.
Nathalie hugs her and whispers in Cindy's ear. Cindy smiles
and closes her eyes. Nathalie's phone rings again. Nathalie
sits up, gets the phone from her bag, but stays lying with
Cindy on the floor. We hear Zac on the phone with Nathalie.
What is it, Zac?
ZAC (O.S.)
Noah is in town. He's coming over.
You are a little late with that
ZAC (O.S.)
I tried to call Cindy, but it went
directly to voice mail.
She was busy. How did you know Noah
was coming here?

Zac has no response, and Cindy looks at Nathalie for Zac's
answer. An awkward silence is in the air.
ZAC (O.S.)
Never mind that. Is Cindy OK?
I got Cindy, she's fine. We will
talk later.
ZAC (O.S.)
Later works for me, we can--
Nathalie doesn't even listen to Zac's reply, ends the
conversation, and throws the phone in her bag.
I'm not going anywhere until you
tell me everything.
Cindy reaches up, pats Nathalie's face lovingly, kisses her
hand, puts Nathalie's hand on her chest. Nathalie cuddles
close with Cindy again.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Nathalie finds Cindy distraught and in tears, offering comfort and support. However, a call from Zac revealing Noah's imminent arrival sparks suspicion in Nathalie, who feels Zac is hiding information about Noah's visit to Cindy's apartment. Despite Cindy's assurances, Nathalie senses something amiss and remains determined to uncover the truth. The scene ends with Cindy's phone call hinting at someone else's arrival, leaving the audience questioning the unfolding drama and the tangled web of relationships.
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Supportive theme
  • Lack of external action
  • Limited setting


Overall: 8

The scene is emotionally impactful, well-written, and moves the story forward significantly. The intense dialogue and character interactions create a compelling and engaging moment.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of abuse, empowerment, and friendship is effectively portrayed through the interaction between Cindy and Nathalie. The scene delves deep into the emotional core of the characters.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses as Cindy opens up about her abusive marriage, and Nathalie offers her support. The conflict between Cindy and her husband is heightened, setting up future developments.

Originality: 8

The scene presents a fresh approach to the theme of abusive relationships, focusing on the supportive friendship between Nathalie and Cindy. The dialogue feels authentic and emotionally resonant.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Cindy and Nathalie are well-developed and their emotional depth shines through in this scene. Their bond and determination to help each other are central to the scene.

Character Changes: 8

Both Cindy and Nathalie experience growth and transformation in this scene, deepening their bond and solidifying their resolve to overcome challenges.

Internal Goal: 9

Nathalie's internal goal in this scene is to support and comfort Cindy, reflecting her deeper need for connection and loyalty.

External Goal: 7

Nathalie's external goal is to find out the details of Cindy's situation and offer help, reflecting the immediate challenge of Cindy's abusive relationship.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

The conflict between Cindy and her abusive husband adds tension to the scene, while the support and solidarity between Cindy and Nathalie provide a sense of resolution and empowerment.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the conflict between Nathalie's desire to help Cindy and Cindy's feelings of entrapment.

High Stakes: 7

The high stakes of Cindy's abusive marriage and the need for support and empowerment create a sense of urgency and importance in the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing crucial information about Cindy's abusive marriage, setting up future conflicts and resolutions.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected phone call from Zac and the tension in the conversation.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the value of loyalty and friendship versus the constraints of a toxic relationship. Nathalie's desire to help Cindy conflicts with Cindy's feelings of entrapment.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes strong emotions of empathy, compassion, and determination, drawing the audience into the characters' struggles and triumphs.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is emotional, raw, and impactful, revealing the inner thoughts and struggles of the characters. It drives the scene forward and deepens the connection between Cindy and Nathalie.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the emotional intensity and the audience's investment in Nathalie and Cindy's relationship.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and emotional resonance, keeping the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a natural progression of events and dialogue, effectively building tension and emotional depth.

  • The scene starts strong with Nathalie discovering Cindy in a vulnerable state, but the dialogue feels a bit too expository and doesn't fully capture the emotional weight of the moment. Lines like "I'm so sorry" and "I'm embarrassed" feel a bit generic and lack the raw emotion that the situation calls for.
  • The scene then takes a turn towards exposition with Cindy explaining her predicament with the prenup and Nathalie declaring her willingness to help. This feels like information dumping and slows down the momentum of the scene.
  • The phone call with Zac feels somewhat jarring and out of place. It introduces a new plot point that wasn't set up before, leaving the audience wondering how Zac knows Noah is coming over.
  • The awkward silence and Zac's lack of response to Nathalie's question about how he knew about Noah coming over is a missed opportunity for tension. The scene could have benefitted from a more suspenseful build-up to the reveal of Zac's knowledge.
  • The ending of the scene with Nathalie declaring she won't leave until she knows everything feels somewhat abrupt. It would be more impactful if the scene ended with a more emotional exchange between Cindy and Nathalie, showing their growing bond and resolve to take action.
  • The dialogue between Cindy and Nathalie is a bit heavy-handed. They repeat similar sentiments like "He treats you worse than a slave." and "I will do anything to help you." This could be more subtle and impactful if they expressed their feelings through actions and nonverbal communication.
  • Explore the emotional impact of the scene through visual cues and subtext. Use close-ups on Cindy's face to show her pain and vulnerability. Let Nathalie's actions speak louder than words, demonstrating her empathy and willingness to protect Cindy.
  • Consider using flashbacks or dream sequences to delve deeper into Cindy's past and her relationship with Noah. This could provide a more nuanced understanding of her situation and her emotional state.
  • Rework the phone call with Zac to be more organic and impactful. Perhaps Zac could call because he knows Noah is coming over and wants to warn Cindy. This would create tension and reveal Zac's knowledge about Noah's visit.
  • End the scene with a more emotional exchange between Cindy and Nathalie. Perhaps Nathalie could comfort Cindy and promise to stand by her, setting the stage for their future collaboration.
  • Focus on showing, not telling. Instead of having them directly state their emotions, let their actions and nonverbal communication convey their feelings. This will make the scene more emotionally resonant and impactful.

Scene 31 -  The Watchful Wait
Zac sits in Cindy's regular booth with a cup of coffee.
Nathalie walks to the booth, throws her bag on the seat,
plops down opposite Zac, and starts to talk before her butt
hits the seat.
How did you know Cindy's husband
was coming home?
Well, hello to you too.
Stop the shit. How did you know?
I work for him. When you work for
Noah Wheeler, you are on the clock
twenty-four hours a day at his
beckoned call.
You took your time telling us.

I called as soon as I knew. He
phoned me from outside the
Don't forget this project is good
for you, too, as you both need to
rid yourselves of Noah Wheeler.
That was the design, but now I'm
not sure.
Don't you waver on us. We are doing
this or else.
Or else?
You know my past, so you know what
or else means.
Zac waves his hand in a downward motion to settle Nathalie
OK, I hear you. I'm just getting a
little nervous.
You're nervous? Cindy has been
living for ten years with a friggin
Believe me. I know that. Maybe we
should just postpone the production
for a while.
No way. Cindy needs us to do it.
Stop, we are ready. Let's go
forward. We all have the motivation
needed for this project.

Zac rubs his face, looks up to the ceiling, and asks in an
earnest voice.
How's Cindy?
I calmed her down, and she was
asleep when I left.
I should go over and talk to her.
No, wait until tomorrow. I will go
back and spend the night with her.
You think you know what's going on.
Don't delude yourself as Cindy can
be as devious as anyone.
Well, that may be. But you don't
know me at all and how devious I
can be.
Listen, relax. We are both on the
same team. Go to Cindy, and we will
regroup tomorrow after a night's
Don't mess up this project. Period.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Zac and Nathalie, working to expose Cindy's abusive husband Noah, discuss their next steps after learning he's returning home. They agree to wait until morning to approach Cindy, with Nathalie staying with her overnight. Despite Zac's concerns about Cindy's possible deception, Nathalie reassures him of their shared goal and her ability to handle the situation.
  • Tension-filled dialogue
  • Complex character dynamics
  • High stakes and suspense
  • Some dialogue may be too on-the-nose


Overall: 8

The scene is engaging, filled with tension, and sets up a compelling conflict that drives the story forward.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of forming an alliance to take down Cindy's abusive husband adds depth and intrigue to the storyline.

Plot: 8

The plot thickens as the characters navigate their complex relationships and the high stakes involved in their plan.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces complex relationships and conflicting motivations, adding depth to the characters and their interactions. The dialogue feels authentic and reveals layers of the characters' personalities.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-developed, each with their own motivations and conflicts that drive the narrative forward.

Character Changes: 7

The characters undergo subtle changes as they navigate the complexities of their relationships and the high-stakes situation.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal is to navigate the complicated dynamics of the group and maintain their loyalty while dealing with personal doubts and fears.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal is to successfully execute a project that involves getting rid of a problematic individual, while also dealing with personal relationships and conflicts.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the characters is palpable, creating tension and driving the scene forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and motivations creating obstacles for the protagonist.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in this scene, as the characters risk everything to achieve their goals and protect themselves.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly, setting up the next stage of the narrative and increasing the tension.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting alliances and hidden agendas of the characters, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around loyalty, trust, and the lengths people are willing to go to achieve their goals. It challenges the protagonist's beliefs about loyalty and deception.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The emotional impact of the scene is high, as the characters grapple with difficult decisions and conflicting loyalties.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is tense and impactful, revealing the characters' emotions and motivations effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high emotional stakes, intense dialogue, and complex character dynamics.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene builds tension effectively, with a good balance of dialogue and action to keep the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene is well-formatted and easy to follow, with clear dialogue and action descriptions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a typical format for a dramatic confrontation, with clear character motivations and escalating tension.

  • The scene feels a bit too expository. It's largely a conversation about what's going to happen next, which slows down the pace and doesn't move the plot forward as much as it could.
  • Nathalie is a bit too quick to judge Zac. The scene could benefit from some tension between them. She doesn't believe him about the call from Noah, and she doesn't hesitate to accuse him of not being committed to the plan. Her confidence might make her come across as unlikeable, and the scene could benefit from some vulnerability on her part.
  • Zac's concern for Cindy feels a little underdeveloped. We know that Cindy is abused, but it's unclear how Zac feels about Cindy specifically. He doesn't express much empathy. Is he motivated purely by self-preservation, or is he genuinely concerned about Cindy's well-being?
  • The scene ends on a rather flat note. The dialogue about regrouping the next day lacks excitement and could be more compelling. The scene could benefit from a more dramatic or surprising ending.
  • The dialogue isn't very compelling, it's not as interesting as the dialogue between Zac and Cindy. It mostly consists of exposition and threats.
  • The scene lacks any conflict. It seems like Nathalie is fully in control of the situation, and Zac is passively accepting her instructions. This could be a missed opportunity to add some tension to the story.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of having them discuss the plan, show them putting it into action. Perhaps Nathalie could try to get information from Cindy about Noah's habits or routines.
  • Explore the internal conflict within Zac. He's in a difficult position, torn between his loyalty to Noah and his desire to help Cindy. Show his struggle more clearly, perhaps through his body language or his hesitation.
  • Build tension between Zac and Nathalie. They both have a stake in this plan, but they come from different backgrounds and have different motivations. What happens if they don't agree? Show some mistrust or jealousy, perhaps over their connection to Cindy.
  • Use subtext to add depth to the dialogue. Instead of stating their motivations explicitly, let them hint at them through their words and actions. For example, Zac could express concern for Cindy but also highlight the risks involved in the plan.
  • Create a conflict between Nathalie and Zac. What is her past? Why is she so insistent? Is she trying to control him? Give Zac more agency and allow him to disagree with Nathalie at some point.
  • Make use of the setting. The internet cafe is a place where people are often isolated and disconnected. Use the setting to highlight the characters' loneliness and their desire for connection. What are their individual goals? What are they trying to escape from?
  • End the scene with a cliffhanger. What happens when Nathalie goes back to Cindy? Does she reveal Zac's knowledge of Noah's arrival? What happens if Cindy becomes suspicious of Zac's involvement? Leave the audience wondering what will happen next.

Scene 32 -  A Night of Secrets
Nathalie and Cindy sit at the dining table. Nathalie is in
the same clothes as earlier in the day, a baggy sweater and a
short jean skirt, while Cindy is in a long sleep shirt. They
both have a glass of wine in front of them.
You should be sleeping.
I did sleep but woke up and can't
get back to sleep. But this wine
will help.

I hope you don't mind me asking
this. How did things get like this
with you and your husband?
Cindy looks up to the ceiling to gather her thoughts.
I've never told anyone before.
It will do you good to let it out.
Cindy takes a deep breath and then starts to tell Nathalie
the story.
Well, you know my roots from the
slums of Bangkok and how Noah saved
me and took me to America to be his

The montage flashback consists of a series of scenes all in
the apartment with Noah and Cindy. No one talks in the
scenes, and Cindy's voice-over is what she says to Nathalie.
1. Cindy sits on a wing chair, and Noah is on the other. Noah
hands her a gift in a large box and a bow. Cindy opens the
gift, takes a white fur coat out, puts the fur on, and spins
around for Noah's approval
In the beginning, Noah was so good
to me. He was always spoiling me.
He was buying me furs and expensive
2. Noah puts a diamond necklace around Cindy's neck.
I felt like Cinderella.
3. Noah and Cindy sit at the dining tables with textbooks.
Noah teaches Cindy how to read and write English.
He had such patience and taught me
how to read and write English.

4. Noah and Cindy waltz around the apartment with big smiles
on both of their faces.
We would dance and laugh together.
I was in a fairy tale.
Genres: ["Drama"]

Summary Over glasses of wine, Cindy confides in Nathalie about her troubled marriage to Noah, revealing a story she's never shared with anyone before. The scene transitions into a flashback montage, showcasing happy moments from their life together in the apartment, hinting at the complex history behind their current struggles.
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Revealing backstory
  • Lack of immediate conflict
  • Limited action


Overall: 8

The scene effectively delves into Cindy's backstory through a poignant conversation and flashback montage, adding depth to the characters and setting up the emotional stakes for the upcoming conflict.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring Cindy's past and the contrast with her present situation is compelling and adds layers to the narrative.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses by revealing crucial information about Cindy's past and the dynamics of her current relationships, setting the stage for future conflicts.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh perspective on the dynamics of relationships, blending elements of fairy tale romance with real-world challenges. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, especially Cindy, whose vulnerability and strength are showcased through her conversation with Nathalie.

Character Changes: 7

Cindy undergoes a subtle emotional change as she reflects on her past, leading to a deeper understanding of her character.

Internal Goal: 8

Nathalie's internal goal in this scene is to connect with Cindy on a deeper level and offer her support. This reflects Nathalie's desire for emotional connection and understanding.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to learn more about Cindy's past and understand the dynamics of her relationship with her husband. This reflects the immediate challenge of navigating complex emotions and relationships.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

While there is no immediate conflict in this scene, the tension between Cindy's past and present relationships sets the stage for future conflicts.

Opposition: 6

The opposition in the scene is subtle but present in the form of emotional barriers and past traumas that hinder Cindy's ability to open up fully to Nathalie.

High Stakes: 6

The stakes are raised as Cindy's past with Noah is revealed, hinting at potential conflicts and emotional turmoil in the future.

Story Forward: 7

The scene moves the story forward by providing crucial information about Cindy's past and setting up future conflicts with Noah.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because it challenges initial perceptions of Cindy and Noah's relationship, revealing hidden complexities and conflicts.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the contrast between appearances and reality in relationships. Cindy's initial fairy tale perception of her marriage with Noah is challenged by the underlying issues that led to their current situation.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The emotional impact is high as Cindy opens up about her past, revealing vulnerability and adding layers to her character.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is emotionally charged and reveals important information about Cindy's past, deepening the audience's understanding of her character.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the intimate and emotional nature of the conversation between Nathalie and Cindy, drawing the audience into their personal stories and struggles.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and emotional resonance, allowing for moments of reflection and introspection.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene adheres to standard screenplay conventions, making it easy to follow and visualize the interactions between the characters.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows a traditional format for character-driven dialogue scenes, allowing for a natural progression of the conversation and emotional revelations.

  • The scene starts a bit slow. The initial dialogue feels a bit mundane and doesn't immediately engage the reader. It takes a while to get to the actual flashback and Cindy's story.
  • While the flashback montage is visually appealing, it lacks tension and lacks a compelling reason for the reader to be invested in Cindy's past. The images themselves are somewhat generic and don't create a strong emotional impact.
  • The voiceover narration in the flashback is a bit too straightforward and descriptive. It lacks the emotional depth and complexity to truly capture the transition from a blissful fairy tale to a horrifying reality.
  • The montage ends abruptly without any closure or resolution. It leaves the reader hanging, unsure of how the initial idyllic life turned into the abusive situation we know Cindy is currently in.
  • The scene lacks a clear hook or a specific event that would drive the narrative forward. It feels more like a simple exposition dump rather than a crucial moment in the story.
  • While the scene provides some backstory, it doesn't contribute much to the overall plot or character development. The flashback is a bit too passive and doesn't actively propel the story forward.
  • The scene could benefit from more dialogue between Cindy and Nathalie. Their conversation could provide additional insight into their relationship and create a more intimate and emotional connection.
  • Start the scene with a more engaging hook. Perhaps Nathalie asks Cindy about the scar on her arm, prompting her to share her story.
  • Instead of a static montage, incorporate more dynamic elements into the flashback. Consider using flashbacks with dialogue that highlight the turning point in Cindy's relationship with Noah.
  • Focus on the emotional core of Cindy's story. Use evocative imagery and dialogue to showcase the gradual shift from affection to manipulation and abuse.
  • End the flashback with a strong image or event that creates a sense of tension and anticipation for what comes next. Perhaps it could be a subtle hint of the abuse, or a specific moment where Cindy realizes she is in danger.
  • Add more conflict or tension to the scene. This can be done by including a scene where Noah interrupts the conversation or by having Nathalie ask more probing questions.
  • Use the flashback montage to reveal more about Cindy's character. Show her vulnerability and her resilience. How did she cope with the abuse and what made her start writing a screenplay? What is her current state of mind?
  • Consider adding more dialogue between Cindy and Nathalie. This can help to develop their relationship and give the reader more insight into their thoughts and motivations.

Scene 33 -  Unveiling the Trauma
Cindy smiles at Nathalie and then drops her head. Nathalie
reaches out to hold her hands on top of the table. Cindy then
continues to talk to Nathalie with her head down.
Then one day, everything changed.
Noah was away on business and came
home not the same man he was when
he left.

The montage flashback consists of a series of scenes all in
the apartment with Noah and Cindy. No one talks in the
scenes, and Cindy's voice-over is what she says to Nathalie.
1. Noah storms into the apartment and throws Cindy on the
floor. Cindy, startled, looks up at Noah as he screams at her
like a ringside fan at a boxing match.
He ranted that things would change.
I would be the obedient, smiling,
subservient wife on the outside and
his sex slave at home.
2. Noah forces Cindy face down on the floor, puts her ass up
in the air, grabs her wrist, and ties them to her ankles.
Noah tied me up like an animal. He
kept me tied for hours and abused
me verbally and sexually.
3. Cindy lies on the dining table spread eagle with her hands
tied over her head to each table leg, her ankles tied to each
table leg. Cindy has tears on her cheeks as Noah rips off her

It was nonstop for an entire week
that felt like an eternity in hell.
4. Cindy is on her knees in a slave pose in front of Noah,
who sits in a wing chair. She nods her head in agreement with
the demands that Noah gives her.
He mentally broke me. I became this
sex slave at home and his Stepford
Wife in front of other people.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy opens up to Nathalie about the abuse she suffered from her husband Noah, detailing how he turned her into a sex slave at home while maintaining a facade of a perfect marriage in public.
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Intense conflict
  • Dialogue could be more nuanced


Overall: 9

The scene is highly impactful, emotionally charged, and sets up significant conflict and character development.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of exploring Cindy's past trauma and the impending confrontation with Noah is compelling and drives the emotional intensity of the scene.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly by revealing Cindy's backstory and setting up the conflict with Noah, adding depth to the narrative.

Originality: 9

This scene demonstrates a high level of originality through its unflinching portrayal of domestic abuse, the nuanced exploration of power dynamics in relationships, and the authentic depiction of trauma and resilience. The characters' actions and dialogue feel genuine and impactful.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters, especially Cindy, are well-developed and their emotions and motivations are effectively portrayed, adding layers to the story.

Character Changes: 8

Cindy undergoes significant emotional turmoil and growth as she confronts her past trauma, setting the stage for potential character development.

Internal Goal: 9

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to come to terms with the trauma and abuse she has experienced in her relationship with Noah. This reflects her deeper need for healing, safety, and autonomy.

External Goal: 8

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to confide in Nathalie about her past experiences with Noah and seek support and understanding. This reflects the immediate challenge of opening up about her trauma.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Cindy and Noah, as well as the internal conflict within Cindy, is intense and drives the emotional tension of the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in this scene is strong, as the protagonist faces internal and external obstacles related to her past trauma and current emotional struggles. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the protagonist will navigate these challenges.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as Cindy confronts her abusive past and prepares to face Noah, leading to a potentially explosive confrontation.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing crucial information about Cindy's past and setting up the conflict with Noah, advancing the narrative.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because it subverts traditional narrative expectations, revealing shocking and disturbing truths about the protagonist's past experiences with Noah. The non-linear structure adds an element of surprise and suspense.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the clash between the protagonist's desire for agency and autonomy versus Noah's oppressive and abusive behavior. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about relationships, power dynamics, and self-worth.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 10

The scene evokes strong emotions of sadness, fear, and anger through Cindy's traumatic past and the impending confrontation with Noah.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is impactful and serves the emotional and dramatic tone of the scene, but could be more nuanced in certain moments.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because it immerses the audience in the protagonist's emotional journey, creating a sense of empathy, suspense, and catharsis. The intense subject matter and compelling character dynamics hold the viewer's attention.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by balancing moments of tension, reflection, and revelation. The rhythm of the dialogue and flashback sequences creates a dynamic and engaging narrative flow.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of this scene follows the expected format for its genre, using clear scene headings, descriptive action lines, and character dialogue to create a visually engaging and emotionally resonant narrative.

Structure: 8

The structure of this scene effectively conveys the protagonist's internal and external struggles, using a combination of present-day dialogue and flashback sequences to build tension and reveal key information.

  • The scene lacks visual impact. The description of the flashbacks is too wordy and lacks vivid imagery. For example, instead of saying 'Noah storms into the apartment and throws Cindy on the floor,' show the action: 'The door bursts open, and Noah strides in, eyes blazing. He grabs Cindy's arm, yanking her off her feet, and throws her to the floor.'
  • The scene feels repetitive and lacks variation. The flashbacks use the same structure: Noah abuses Cindy, Cindy describes it in a voiceover. This makes the scene monotonous.
  • The scene lacks emotional depth. The voiceover feels detached and factual. There's little sense of Cindy's emotional state during the abuse. For example, 'He ranted that things would change.' could be 'His voice was a raspy growl, like he was spitting acid at me.'
  • The scene doesn't do enough to build suspense. It's simply a description of the abuse with no indication of what Cindy is going through emotionally or how she's going to react.
  • The scene is missing a clear goal. While it does introduce the core conflict of the film (Cindy's abuse), it doesn't give the audience a sense of what she's going to do about it or how she will move forward.
  • Focus on showing, not telling. Use vivid imagery and strong verbs to bring the flashback scenes to life.
  • Vary the structure of the flashbacks. Use different camera angles, pacing, and sounds to create a more dynamic and engaging experience.
  • Deeper Dive into Cindy's emotions. Show her fear, anger, helplessness, and perhaps even a flicker of hope. Her internal monologue should be a mix of her thoughts during the abuse and her current emotional state.
  • Add a moment of suspense or surprise to the end of the scene. Maybe Nathalie reacts to Cindy's story, or Cindy makes a surprising decision about what she's going to do next.
  • Consider focusing on a single moment of abuse in greater detail. This could be more impactful than a montage of various events. Let the reader truly understand the abuse through one scene that stands out.
  • Use the voiceover to add a layer of complexity to the scene. Let Cindy's current emotional state bleed into the flashback. Is she angry about what happened? Relieved to finally be sharing it? Scared for what the future holds?
  • Consider whether the voiceover is necessary at all. Often, the action itself can be more powerful. Use flashbacks to create visual and emotional impact. Let the audience infer Cindy's thoughts and feelings.

Scene 34 -  Tears and Trust: A Night of Shared Grief and Hope
Cindy and Nathalie both have tears on their cheeks. Nathalie
wipes Cindy's tears away, and Cindy wipes Nathalie's tears
away. They both laugh at their attempts to soothe each other.
How did Zac get involved in your
Ahh, Zac.
Cindy looks up and shakes her head before she continues.
Zac worked for Noah and he knew
that Noah was a bully and that I
was oppressed. Over time he slowly
became a friend. My only friend.
You two became intimate?
Yeah, I just needed a non-
threatening touch, and Zac, well,
he's a guy.
Cindy gives a sad laugh.
Zac did help you then.
In a weird way as it is an oddball
relationship. We don't have a
future, and we both know it.

How about the movie-making idea?
I would write using a pen name, so
Noah didn't find out. I got good
feedback, and I showed Zac. We then
came up with this idea, my dream.
Don't give up on this dream.
I don't know if I can pull this off
You are a survivor, stay fierce,
and now you have me on team Cindy.
There is so much more I have to
share with you.
I am staying all night so let's
have another wine and get
Genres: ["Drama"]

Summary Cindy and Nathalie, both in tears, comfort each other in Cindy's brownstone apartment. Cindy confides in Nathalie about her relationship with Zac, detailing their friendship, their physical connection, and their collaboration on her dream screenplay. She reveals her insecurities about her ability to make her dream a reality, but Nathalie offers unwavering support, encouraging her to stay strong. The scene ends with Nathalie inviting Cindy to stay up and share more wine, highlighting their bond and their commitment to each other.
  • Emotional depth
  • Authentic character interactions
  • Strong thematic exploration
  • Lack of external conflict
  • Limited plot progression


Overall: 8

The scene effectively conveys emotional depth and vulnerability through the characters' interactions, drawing the audience in with its heartfelt moments and genuine connection between Cindy and Nathalie.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exploring the characters' pasts, their relationships, and their shared aspirations adds depth to the narrative, creating a compelling and relatable storyline.

Plot: 7

While the plot doesn't advance significantly in terms of action, it progresses in terms of character development and relationship dynamics, setting the stage for future conflicts and resolutions.

Originality: 8.5

The scene presents a fresh approach to themes of friendship, support, and pursuing dreams, with authentic character interactions and emotional depth.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, with Cindy and Nathalie displaying vulnerability, strength, and empathy. Their interactions feel authentic and engaging, drawing the audience into their emotional journey.

Character Changes: 7

Both Cindy and Nathalie experience emotional growth and bonding in the scene, deepening their connection and setting the stage for future character development and relationship dynamics.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to come to terms with her past relationship with Zac and her doubts about pursuing her dream of movie-making. This reflects her deeper need for validation, acceptance, and the fear of failure.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to confide in Nathalie about her past and current struggles, seeking emotional support and encouragement. This reflects the immediate challenge of opening up and facing her insecurities.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 4

While there is emotional conflict and tension in the characters' past experiences, the scene focuses more on connection and support rather than external conflicts or dramatic events.

Opposition: 6.5

The opposition in this scene is more internal and emotional, with the characters facing personal doubts and insecurities rather than external obstacles.

High Stakes: 5

The stakes are relatively low in this scene, focusing more on emotional depth, character dynamics, and personal growth rather than high-stakes conflicts or dramatic events.

Story Forward: 6

While the scene doesn't significantly advance the plot in terms of action or external events, it moves the story forward in terms of character development, relationship building, and thematic exploration.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is somewhat predictable in terms of character interactions and emotional revelations, but the authenticity and vulnerability of the dialogue keep the audience invested.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the protagonist's struggle between holding onto her dream and letting go of her doubts. This challenges her beliefs about self-worth, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes a strong emotional response from the audience, eliciting feelings of empathy, compassion, and hope as the characters share their vulnerabilities and offer support to each other.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is heartfelt and meaningful, revealing the characters' inner thoughts and emotions. It enhances the scene's emotional impact and strengthens the bond between Cindy and Nathalie.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the emotional depth, character development, and relatable themes that draw the audience into the characters' struggles and relationships.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building emotional tension and allowing for character introspection, with a natural flow of dialogue and moments of reflection.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of this scene is clear and concise, following industry standards for screenplay writing.

Structure: 8

The structure of this scene follows the expected format for a character-driven, dialogue-heavy scene in a drama genre.

  • The scene's emotional impact is strong, focusing on the emotional bond between Cindy and Nathalie, which helps to build their characters and their relationship.
  • The dialogue is natural and engaging, allowing the characters to open up and share their vulnerabilities.
  • The use of a flashback montage in the previous scene effectively conveys the emotional trauma Cindy experienced in her marriage.
  • The scene could benefit from more visual storytelling, such as showing Cindy's emotional state through facial expressions or body language.
  • Consider adding more visual elements to the scene, such as showing Cindy's emotional state through facial expressions or body language.
  • Add more tension to the scene by hinting at the danger that Noah poses to Cindy and Nathalie.
  • Consider adding more details about Cindy and Zac's relationship, such as how they first met and how their friendship developed.
  • Explore the theme of survival and resilience by showing how Cindy and Nathalie support each other and work together to overcome their challenges.

Scene 35 -  Confrontation at the Internet Cafe
Zac in his business suit and Nathalie in her peasant dress
sit at Cindy's booth. Zac has a cup of coffee, and Nathalie
has a tall glass of ice coffee.
How's Cindy?
She's good, still sleeping when I
That girl has gone through a lot.
How did you become involved with
Cindy? Give me the truth, as I need
to know.
In the beginning, I only saw Cindy
at business parties.
She was quiet and stunning. I would
try to chat with her without Noah
I can see you doing that.
Nathalie is restless in her seat as she has a stern look on
her face.
Now, promise you won't overreact if
I tell you the truth.
Nathalie bites her bottom lip.
Nathalie sits back in her seat, crosses her arms, and nods
her head up and down.
I promise.
There was this weekend conference
in Atlantic City. The guys were
teasing and riding Noah about
Teasing Noah? I can't see that.
Everyone was drunk and wasted. They
mocked Noah's westernization of
Cindy. They said he should keep her
as a quiet and obedient slut.
Nice guys.
Just drunk guys teasing the boss.
They challenged his manhood.
Noah abused her because his friends
teased him?
Not exactly.

How exactly?
I wanted to make points with the
boss, so I gave him a link to a
What website?
Zac looks left and right as he squirms in his seat like a kid
in front of the principal.
Well, emh, the site was how to make
your wife your sex slave through
What the fuck, So, this is all your
Zac jumps forward in his seat to defend himself.
It wasn't just me, the group of
guys, including men as powerful as
Noah, not just his underlings. I
was just sucking up to him.
But you gave him the means to
actually make it happen.
Yeah, but I never thought he would
do it.
You didn't think at all.
Then, about a month later, when I
found out about Cindy being abused,
I felt guilty, so I reached out to
So, then you fucked a vulnerable

It is not like that at all. We were
both abused by Noah. Grant it. Hers
was much more severe. We
commiserated with each other.
Don't even compare your situation
with hers. Does Cindy know your
part in this torture she has
No, but I have given her some
relief and happiness.
Happiness? Don't even. She didn't
look happy yesterday.
I know, But we uniquely did bond
with a common enemy. Together, we
developed this movie idea.
This project means everything to
Cindy and her future, and it is
time you break free from Noah too.
Noah is a dangerous man to play
around with.
I'm a dangerous girl to play around
with too.
OK, settle down, tough girl.
Tonight we will go over the
production schedule, as I know
Noah's travel plans.
You better make this happen.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Zac and Nathalie meet in a tense conversation at an internet cafe. Zac reveals his involvement in Cindy's abuse, prompting Nathalie to confront him about his actions. They discuss their collaborative movie project, with Nathalie challenging Zac to break free from his connection to Noah and make the project a reality.
  • Intense dialogue
  • Revealing character backstory
  • Building tension and conflict
  • Possible lack of resolution in the scene
  • Heavy exposition


Overall: 8

The scene is emotionally charged, with intense dialogue and revelations that drive the plot forward. The confrontation between Nathalie and Zac adds tension and complexity to the story.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of exposing abuse and manipulation within a relationship is powerful and engaging. The scene effectively sets up the conflict and stakes for the characters.

Plot: 8

The plot thickens as the characters' motivations and past actions are revealed. The scene moves the story forward by introducing new conflicts and challenges.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on power dynamics and abuse, exploring the consequences of manipulation and betrayal in a compelling and thought-provoking manner. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and raw, adding to the scene's originality.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are well-developed, with complex relationships and motivations. Their interactions drive the emotional impact of the scene.

Character Changes: 8

The characters undergo significant emotional changes in the scene, with revelations about their pasts and motivations. Their relationships and dynamics shift as new information comes to light.

Internal Goal: 8

Nathalie's internal goal is to uncover the truth about Zac's involvement with Cindy and confront him about it. This reflects her need for honesty and justice, as well as her desire to protect Cindy.

External Goal: 7

Zac's external goal is to maintain his relationship with Nathalie and continue working on the movie project with Cindy. This reflects his immediate challenge of balancing his loyalty to his boss, Noah, and his guilt over Cindy's abuse.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between the characters is high, with emotional stakes and intense confrontations. The scene sets up a major conflict between the characters and builds tension for future events.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting values and motivations driving the characters' interactions. The audience is left uncertain about the outcome of the confrontation, adding to the scene's intensity.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high in the scene, with the characters facing the consequences of their past actions and making decisions that will impact their futures. The conflict between the characters raises the stakes for the story.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward by revealing key information about the characters and setting up future conflicts. It advances the plot and builds tension for upcoming events.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and revelations in the characters' motivations and actions. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the conflict will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The scene presents a philosophical conflict between the characters' moral values and actions. Nathalie questions Zac's ethics and holds him accountable for his role in Cindy's abuse, challenging his justification and sense of responsibility.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene has a high emotional impact, with themes of guilt, anger, and sadness. The revelations and confrontations between the characters evoke strong emotions in the audience.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is intense and confrontational, revealing key information about the characters' pasts and motivations. It adds depth to the scene and drives the conflict forward.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense emotional conflicts, moral dilemmas, and suspenseful revelations. The dynamic between the characters keeps the audience invested in the unfolding drama.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension and suspense leading to a climactic confrontation between the characters. The rhythm of the dialogue enhances the scene's emotional impact.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene adheres to the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions, character actions, and dialogue cues. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a structured format with clear character motivations and conflicts, building tension and suspense effectively. The dialogue flows naturally, contributing to the scene's pacing and rhythm.

  • The scene's primary focus is on the backstory and relationship between Zac and Cindy, but the dialogue and pacing could be improved to better engage the reader.
  • The scene starts off with Zac and Nathalie discussing Cindy's well-being, but quickly shifts to Zac's involvement in Cindy's abuse. This shift in focus might confuse the reader, as it seems unrelated to the previous scene.
  • The dialogue between Zac and Nathalie could be more concise and engaging. The repetition of 'Cindy' and 'Noah' in the dialogue makes the conversation feel stilted and unnatural. Consider rephrasing some of the lines to reduce repetition and improve flow.
  • The scene's pacing is uneven. The revelation of Zac's involvement in Cindy's abuse happens too late in the scene, and the emotional impact of this revelation is not fully explored. Consider restructuring the scene to emphasize this critical moment.
  • Streamline the dialogue by reducing repetition and focusing on the emotional core of the conversation. For example, instead of saying 'Cindy' and 'Noah' multiple times, use pronouns to maintain the flow of the conversation.
  • Reorder the scene to emphasize the revelation of Zac's involvement in Cindy's abuse. This moment should be the climax of the scene, so structure the dialogue and pacing to build up to this critical point.
  • Explore the emotional impact of Zac's revelation. Give Nathalie and Zac time to react and process the information. This will help the reader understand the significance of the moment and its impact on their relationship.
  • Consider adding a visual element to the scene, such as a flashback or a change in the setting, to emphasize the emotional weight of Zac's revelation. This will help the reader better understand the characters' motivations and the stakes of their plan.

Scene 36 -  The Fake Movie
Cindy wears a St. Johns t-shirt and jeans sits with her feet
on the dining table. Cindy faces Nathalie in an African print
dress with a matching headband. Both women have drinks in
front of them and laugh like it is not their first drink.

ZAC (O.S.)
Hello, are you two here?
Cindy and Nathalie hear Zac as he walks up the back steps.
We are at the dining table
Zac walks into the room and sees Nathalie with the bottle of
wine to her lips, Cindy with her feet on the table, and he
shakes his head back and forth.
Wasn't this supposed to be a
serious meeting?
Loosen up, Zac. We are pumped up
about our future.
Yeah, aren't you always the one
that wants to fool around.
Zac approaches the table, takes his shoulder bag off, helps
Cindy's feet off the table, and gently removes the bottle
from Nathalie's grip.
We have to be businesslike.
Cindy and Nathalie sit upright and fold their hands in front
of them sarcastically. Zac just shakes his head.
OK, this is the way it is. The fact
is we should cancel the movie
Cindy and Nathalie look at Zac and then look at each other in
Cancel? You mean postpone.
No, cancel. This movie can't be
made. The money has fallen through.
What's wrong with you, Zac? Are you
getting cold feet? We had this all
worked out. Don't blow it now!

Don't force me, Cindy, to tell
Tell Nathalie what?
Stop, Zac, we will start the movie
on time. Period.
Zac walks back and forth as he rubs his head and face. He
stops and leans on the table to talk to the two women.
Nathalie, there is no movie. There
never was a movie.
Cindy, what is he saying.
Zac walks over to Nathalie and puts his hands on her
Cindy used the movie idea to frame
an innocent actor for the murder of
her husband.
Tears run down Nathalie's face as she turns to look at Cindy.
It was an entire con job. She got
your fingerprints on the murder
weapon, hairs from the brush, and
your DNA on the glasses.
Cindy starts to cry and reaches across the table to touch
It's not like that.
Nathalie pushes Cindy's hands away from her.
Those idiotic video auditions I did
were made just to frame me.
To create the motive.

I'm so sorry, Nathalie.
Nathalie gets up and pushes Zac in the chest with two hands.
You are just as guilty as Cindy.
I tried to back out earlier, and
now there is no other choice.
Cindy pushes Zac in the chest with two hands as well.
You spineless piece of shit.
Nathalie sits on the couch, her back to Cindy and Zac. She
cries as her shoulders heave up and down. Cindy and Zac look
at each other as to what they do next. All of a sudden,
Nathalie's cries turn to laughter.
She's in shock.
Cindy then burst out in laughter as well. Cindy goes over to
Nathalie, hugs her, and they both fall into each other's arms
on the couch as they laugh in their embrace. Cindy then
points at Zac.
The look on your face.
She knew all about it. I told her.
I am a pretty good actress.
Zac exhales deeply and sits on a chair as he catches his
You two really had me going. So the
movie is off?
What movie?
All three share a relieving type of laughter that removes the
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller","Dark Comedy"]

Summary Cindy and Nathalie are celebrating in Cindy's apartment when Zac arrives with shocking news: the movie they're all excited about is canceled. The money fell through, he reveals, and it was all a scam. Cindy, initially dismissive, is then exposed as the mastermind behind the plan, using the fake movie to frame Nathalie for her husband's murder. Nathalie, devastated, accuses Zac of being involved, but a surprising twist unfolds. Nathalie reveals she knew about the scheme all along, and the three share a relieved laugh, revealing a shared understanding and easing the tension.
  • Well-executed plot twist
  • Effective mix of tension and humor
  • Strong character interactions
  • Sudden shift in tone may be jarring for some audiences


Overall: 8

The scene is engaging, with a well-executed plot twist that keeps the audience on their toes. The mix of tension and humor adds depth to the characters and the story.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a fake movie production used to frame a character for murder is unique and intriguing. The twist adds complexity to the story and challenges the audience's expectations.

Plot: 8

The plot twist is well-developed and adds a new layer of conflict and deception to the story. It keeps the audience engaged and eager to see how the characters will navigate the situation.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on betrayal and deception, with unexpected revelations that challenge the audience's expectations. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and engaging.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters show depth and complexity, especially in their reactions to the revelation of the deception. Their emotional range and interactions add richness to the scene.

Character Changes: 7

The characters undergo a significant change as they come to terms with the deception and their roles in it. Their relationships and dynamics are altered by the revelation.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to maintain control and hide her true intentions from Nathalie and Zac. This reflects her deeper need for power and manipulation.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to continue the facade of planning a movie production with Nathalie and Zac. This reflects the immediate challenge of keeping up appearances and avoiding suspicion.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict in the scene is high, as the characters confront the truth about the fake movie production and their roles in the deception. Tensions run high before being diffused with humor.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and motivations driving the characters' actions and dialogue.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high as the characters face the repercussions of their deception and must navigate the fallout of their actions. The future of their relationships and the movie project hang in the balance.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by revealing the truth about the fake movie production and setting the stage for the characters to deal with the consequences of their actions.

Unpredictability: 9

The scene is unpredictable due to its sudden shifts in tone and unexpected plot developments, keeping the audience guessing.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around deception and betrayal. Cindy's manipulation of Nathalie and Zac challenges their beliefs in trust and honesty.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene elicits a range of emotions from tension and shock to relief and humor. The characters' reactions and interactions create a strong emotional impact on the audience.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension, humor, and shock of the situation. It reveals the characters' true motivations and adds depth to their relationships.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its blend of drama and humor, keeping the audience on their toes with unexpected twists and revelations.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene enhances its effectiveness by building tension and suspense, leading to a satisfying resolution.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene adheres to standard formatting conventions for its genre, making it easy to follow and visualize.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined character arcs and plot progression. The dialogue and actions flow naturally, contributing to the scene's effectiveness.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks the emotional weight it deserves given the revelation that Cindy has been framing Nathalie.
  • The dialogue is somewhat clunky and lacks a natural flow. For example, 'Cindy used the movie idea to frame an innocent actor for the murder of her husband' feels too expository and doesn't allow the tension to build organically.
  • The actions of the characters are predictable. Cindy's reaction to Nathalie's outburst is a bit too theatrical. We know that Cindy has been manipulating Nathalie, so her tears and her attempt to touch Nathalie feel out of place, almost like a manipulation tactic.
  • The scene ends on a somewhat anticlimactic note. It would be more impactful if the scene ended with a sense of uncertainty or with Nathalie's anger simmering, rather than a shared laughter that defuses the tension.
  • The character development of Zac is inconsistent throughout the scene. He seems too gullible to be a savvy player in this elaborate scheme.
  • Consider slowing down the pace of the scene and allowing the tension to build gradually. Let the characters' reactions be more subtle and nuanced, especially Nathalie's.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more natural and less expository. Instead of simply stating the facts, allow the characters to react to the information in a way that reveals their personalities and motivations.
  • Add more visual elements to the scene. Show how Nathalie's body language changes as she realizes Cindy's deception. Show how Zac reacts to the revelation in a way that shows his internal conflict.
  • Explore the emotional impact of the revelation on all three characters. How does each character feel about the betrayal? How does this change their relationships?
  • End the scene on a more ambiguous note. Consider ending with Nathalie walking out in anger, or with Zac questioning his role in the scheme. This would create more dramatic tension and set the stage for the next scene.

Scene 37 -  A Change of Plans
Nathalie and Zac stand by the doorway as they get ready to
So, do you remember what we said to
each other?
What did we say?
When the project is completed or
canceled, we will go out on a date.
Did I say that? I was just acting.
Zac playfully pushes Nathalie's shoulder.
Didn't you mean it?
I just wanted you to stop bothering
me so we could finish the project.
Zac puts both hands on his heart and fakes that he is
heartbroken. Nathalie laughs, and Cindy comes over to them.
What's so funny.
Nothing funny as Nathalie has
broken my heart.
You should be used to that by now.
Zac pouts like a little boy and puts his head down. Nathalie
and Cindy both give Zac a peck on each side of his face.
So you are saying I have a chance.
Cindy playfully pushes Zac against the door.
Don't ruin the vibe, as it has been
a great night.

Yes, the pressure is off all of us.
All three of them give an exaggerated exhale and smile.
Zac, can you stay for one minute,
as I have one more thing to discuss
with you.
Sure, as long as I'm not in
Don't be silly. We are past all
that. Nathalie, I will meet you at
noon sharp at the cafe.
Nathalie leans in and kisses Cindy good night.
Don't be a minute late as the car
will be packed and ready.
Not a minute.
Nathalie turns and leaves. Zac pushes the door closed to talk
to Cindy before he goes.
What's going on with you two?
I'm leaving Noah, running away with
Cindy tomorrow.
What? You can't.
I don't give a shit about the
money. Nathalie and I will start
our own life from the bottom.
Noah won't like this.
I don't give a shit what Noah likes

Don't do this, Cindy. Stay and talk
it over with Noah.
Talk to that animal. Forget it. I'm
You can't leave me.
Cindy starts laughing and pats Zac's cheeks.
Come on, Zac, you knew we had no
future. We never hid that from each
But, I am getting in good with Noah
now and--
That's why you wanted to cancel the
murder. You didn't need Noah dead
Cindy crosses her arms and looks down at the floor.
You were never all in. It was
always a game to you.
Cindy, come on now, it's friggin
murder. It's too drastic. I had
nightmares thinking about it. Just
stay until Noah comes back.
Sorry, Zacky boy, but I will get a
24-hour head start on Noah. I will
bring my bags to the cafe at noon
tomorrow and then adios.
Any way you change your mind?
Nope, my mind is made up. I will
say goodbye to you tomorrow at the

It's been a real trip. I have
destroyed all the evidence of a
movie or any connection between you
and me.
I did that also.
So, after all that planning and
scheming for over a year, we go out
with a whimper.
I'm finally strong enough to do it.
Zac gives Cindy a long hard hug.
Till tomorrow.
Tomorrow it is.
Zac leaves, and Cindy closes the door. Cindy leans on the
door and whispers to herself.
I know I can count on you, Zacky
boy. Don't let me down now.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary After a successful night working on a project, Cindy reveals to Zac her plan to leave Noah and run away with Nathalie. Shocked, Zac tries to dissuade her, revealing his growing connection with Noah was a factor in his reluctance to participate in the murder plot. However, Cindy is resolute and departs with Nathalie, leaving Zac behind with a sense of uncertainty and the knowledge that their plans have been drastically altered.
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Authentic dialogue
  • Tension and suspense
  • Some predictable elements
  • Slight lack of subtlety in certain interactions


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends drama, tension, and emotional depth, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' journeys.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a character deciding to leave an abusive relationship is powerful and resonant, adding depth to the storyline.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as Cindy makes a crucial decision to leave her husband, setting up potential conflicts and resolutions in future scenes.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh and unexpected twist in the characters' relationships and motivations, adding complexity and depth to the narrative. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue enhances the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed, with complex emotions and motivations driving their actions. The interactions between them feel authentic and engaging.

Character Changes: 8

Cindy undergoes a significant change by deciding to leave her abusive husband, showing growth and empowerment. Zac also experiences a realization about his involvement in the situation.

Internal Goal: 8

Nathalie's internal goal in this scene is to maintain her composure and professionalism while dealing with the playful advances of Zac. She wants to focus on completing the project and not get distracted by personal matters.

External Goal: 7.5

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to discuss a plan to leave her current situation and start a new life with another character. This goal reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges she is facing in her current relationship.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

There is internal conflict within Cindy as she grapples with her decision to leave her abusive husband. The tension between characters also adds to the conflict.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting values and motivations driving the characters' actions. The audience is left wondering how the characters will resolve their differences.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as Cindy makes a life-changing decision to leave her husband, potentially facing consequences and uncertainties in the future.

Story Forward: 8

The scene propels the story forward by introducing a major turning point in Cindy's life and setting up new dynamics between the characters.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists in the characters' relationships and motivations. The audience is kept on their toes, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 8

There is a philosophical conflict between the characters' values and beliefs regarding loyalty, commitment, and personal fulfillment. Cindy's decision to leave her current partner and start a new life challenges traditional notions of loyalty and commitment.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, particularly in the moments of revelation and decision-making. The characters' vulnerability and strength are palpable.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is natural and reveals important information about the characters' relationships and inner struggles. It also balances serious moments with light-hearted banter effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the dynamic character interactions, witty dialogue, and emotional depth. The tension and conflict between the characters keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment of decision and revelation. The rhythm of the dialogue and action keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions, character dialogue, and action lines. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear character motivations, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness.

  • The scene's tone is inconsistent with the previous scene's emotional intensity. It might be more impactful if there were some residual tension or emotional aftermath from the revelations in the previous scene.
  • The dialogue in this scene is mostly playful and light-hearted, which doesn't seem to align with the characters' recent experiences and the overall theme of the script. More serious and reflective dialogue might be more appropriate.
  • The characters' decisions and actions seem sudden and not fully justified. Cindy's decision to leave Noah and run away with Nathalie, as well as Zac's desperation to keep Cindy around, could be better motivated and developed over the course of the script.
  • Consider adding a line or two that hints at the emotional aftermath of the previous scene, such as Cindy being tearful or Zac looking guilty. This could help maintain the emotional tone and make the scene feel more connected to what came before.
  • Develop the characters' motivations and decisions more thoroughly. Show Cindy struggling with her decision to leave Noah, or Zac becoming more attached to Cindy as the project progresses. This could make their actions in this scene feel more earned and understandable.
  • Consider adding a hint of tension or unease to the scene, even if it's just a subtle undercurrent. This could help maintain the emotional intensity and make the scene more engaging for the reader.

Scene 38 -  Scene 42: The Confrontation
Cindy enters the living space area from the rear entrance by
the dining table. She wears a peasant dress and sneakers and
has two suitcases with her. Cindy takes two steps into the
room, stops abruptly, drops both bags onto the floor.
Cindy was startled by Noah, as she didn't know he was there.
Noah leans on the bar in his usual business suit and shakes a
note back and forth in his hand.
I didn't hear you come in.
Good Morning. I wanted to surprise
my loving wife.
Noah looks at the note again and then calmly speaks to Cindy,
who froze in her tracks.

It seems you think you are going
I'm sorry, Noah, I must.
Noah reads the note in a sarcastic tone.
Dear Noah, I am going to stay with
my friend Nathalie in Weehawken,
New Jersey, for a few days.
Noah puts his one palm facing upwards and scrunches his face
in a fake way to demonstrate he doesn't understand.
Fucking Weehawken, New Jersey, what
a joke.
Noah puts his hand up in a stop motion and interrupts Cindy
by reading the rest of the note.
I hope you had a nice trip. See you
Wednesday. Love, Cindy.
Noah slams the note on the bar, and his tone changes to
Wednesday? You don't plan on coming
back, you ungrateful bitch.
I'm just visiting a friend.
Stop the shit. Zac told me that you
are leaving me with that bimbo.
That's why I came home early.
Cindy walks to Noah, buries her head in his chest, and hugs
No, no, it is just a visit.
Noah grabs Cindy by both shoulders and straightens out his
arms to look Cindy in the face.

You are not going anywhere. You
need another week of discipline.
Noah throws Cindy down on top of the coffee table. Cindy
crashes on it, breaks the table, lies on the broken table,
and stares up at Noah.
All I gave you, and you're just
running off with some lowlife
Noah takes the decanter of cognac and pours himself a drink.
He raises the glass for a mock toast.
To my beautiful slut of a wife,
let's start the re-discipline of my
obedient Thai whore.
Noah downs the entire glass of cognac. He then slowly walks
over toward Cindy. Each step that Noah takes causes Cindy, to
squirm slightly away on the floor. Tears run down Cindy's
face, and Noah's face lights up in a malicious scowl.
What made you think you could ever
leave me?
Please, Noah.
Noah mimics Cindy's plead.
Please, Noah.
Noah then kicks Cindy in her stomach. Cindy yells, then holds
her stomach and coughs several times.
Noah then wobbles a little, loosens his tie, and rubs both
his eyes with the palm of his hands. As he loses his balance,
he staggers over to his wing chair and plops down in it. He
mumbles to Cindy.
I, I, don't feel right.
Ahh, ahh--
Noah goes silent as he sits in the chair without any bodily

The only action is his eyes that move left and right in a
panicky manner. Noah tries to talk, but only a gurgle-type
sound comes out.
Cindy slowly gets to her knees, looks at Noah, then slowly
stands up. She rotates her shoulder to loosen it from the
fall, fixes her hair, and smoothes out her dress.
Men, you are so predictable.
Cindy gets her one suitcase, places it on the other wing
chair, opens it, and takes out a pair of latex gloves. She
snaps each glove on, right in the face of Noah. His eyes
widened and blinked with each snap.
I wish I had one of those director
Cindy separates her hands a couple of feet apart.
I would slam the clapperboard shut.
Cindy brings the top hand down and slaps the other hand
Scene 42, Take One, Action.
Cindy laughs in Noah's face.
You see, scene 42 is the murdering
of Noah scene in my screenplay.
I've rehearsed it many times, and I
am ready as I only need one take.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Cindy returns home to confront Noah, who accuses her of leaving him for another woman and physically assaults her. As Noah collapses in a chair, Cindy reveals her plan to film 'scene 42' of her screenplay, in which she murders him, setting the stage for a dark and tense power struggle.
  • Intense emotional impact
  • Strong character development
  • Compelling plot twists
  • Tense dialogue
  • Graphic violence
  • Potentially triggering content


Overall: 9

The scene is highly impactful, with intense emotions, a gripping plot twist, and strong character dynamics. It effectively conveys the central conflict and sets up a major turning point in the story.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a final confrontation between an abused wife and her abusive husband is a powerful and compelling idea. The scene effectively explores themes of control, manipulation, and empowerment.

Plot: 8

The plot is well-developed, with a clear escalation of tension and conflict leading to a surprising revelation. The scene advances the story significantly and sets the stage for the resolution of key plot points.

Originality: 9

The scene presents a fresh approach to the theme of domestic abuse, portraying it in a raw and unflinching manner. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are complex and well-defined, with Cindy's transformation from victim to empowered survivor being a standout element. Noah is a menacing and manipulative antagonist, while Zac adds an additional layer of intrigue and conflict.

Character Changes: 9

Cindy undergoes a significant transformation in the scene, from a victim of abuse to a survivor who takes control of her own destiny. This character change is pivotal to the overall narrative and sets the stage for the resolution of her arc.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to assert her agency and break free from Noah's control and abuse. This reflects her deeper need for independence, freedom, and self-respect.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal in this scene is to leave Noah and visit her friend in New Jersey. This reflects the immediate challenge she faces in trying to escape from an abusive relationship.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict in the scene is intense and multi-layered, with emotional, physical, and psychological elements at play. The power struggle between Cindy and Noah drives the tension to a boiling point.

Opposition: 9

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Noah's control and abuse posing a significant obstacle for Cindy to overcome.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, as Cindy's life and freedom are on the line in her confrontation with Noah. The outcome of this encounter will have far-reaching consequences for all the characters involved.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by revealing key information, escalating the conflict, and setting up the climax of the narrative. It introduces new dynamics and challenges that will shape the characters' actions and decisions moving forward.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected turn of events, such as Cindy's revelation of her true intentions and the dramatic confrontation between the characters.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict evident in this scene is the clash between Noah's belief in dominance and control over Cindy and Cindy's desire for autonomy and self-determination. This challenges Cindy's values of respect and equality in a relationship.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 10

The scene is emotionally charged, evoking fear, anger, sadness, and defiance in both characters and the audience. The raw emotions and high stakes make it a powerful and memorable moment in the story.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is tense and impactful, effectively conveying the power dynamics between the characters and building suspense. The lines are sharp and revealing, adding depth to the character interactions.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense emotional conflict, suspenseful atmosphere, and unpredictable twists that keep the audience on edge.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension and suspense leading to a climactic confrontation between the characters.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and concise, following the expected format for a screenplay in terms of scene descriptions and dialogue.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for a dramatic confrontation, building tension and conflict effectively.

  • The scene starts with an interesting premise: Cindy's attempt to escape Noah is thwarted, and the situation quickly escalates into violence. However, the dialogue and action feel clunky and repetitive, lacking the intensity and suspense expected from such a pivotal scene.
  • The scene relies too heavily on exposition and telling instead of showing. The note reading feels tedious and unnecessary, especially given the previous scene's emotional buildup. We already know Cindy wants to escape, and Noah's reaction could have been communicated more effectively through actions and gestures.
  • The scene lacks a clear sense of stakes and consequences. While we understand Cindy wants to escape, the urgency of her situation isn't fully conveyed. The physical violence feels gratuitous, lacking emotional impact and a clear purpose beyond demonstrating Noah's cruelty.
  • Noah's sudden collapse feels rushed and lacks believability. The transition from anger and violence to a medical emergency is abrupt and disrupts the scene's momentum. The audience needs more time to understand Noah's condition and why Cindy sees this as her opportunity.
  • Cindy's celebration of her "murder scene" feels unearned and undermines the seriousness of the situation. Her excitement about filming the scene feels out of place and disconnects the audience from her emotional journey.
  • The dialogue feels stilted and repetitive, often resorting to clichés and predictable tropes. The scene lacks wit and depth, failing to engage the audience on an emotional level.
  • The scene's ending feels anticlimactic. While Cindy's announcement of her "murder scene" is dramatic, it lacks a sense of closure and leaves the audience with unanswered questions about the consequences of her actions.
  • The scene could benefit from a more nuanced portrayal of Cindy's emotional state. While we understand her desire to escape, her inner conflict and motivations need to be explored further. We need to see her fear, her desperation, and her resolve more explicitly.
  • Focus on showing, not telling. Instead of having Noah read the note, show him finding it and reacting in a way that reveals his anger and possessiveness. This could involve him crumpling the note, throwing it, or reacting with violent gestures.
  • Build suspense through visual cues and subtle actions. Instead of telling us about Cindy's plan to leave, show her packing her bags, looking worried, and perhaps even calling Nathalie. This will create a sense of anticipation and urgency.
  • Explore Cindy's internal conflict. Show her struggling with fear, doubt, and determination as she prepares to leave. This will make her actions more relatable and her eventual decision to stay more impactful.
  • Rework Noah's collapse. Instead of a sudden and unexplained medical emergency, explore his reaction to Cindy's planned departure. Show his rage, his desperation, and perhaps even his vulnerability, leading to a gradual decline in his health. This will make his collapse more believable and build tension towards the climax.
  • Find a more subtle way to convey Cindy's determination. Instead of directly announcing her intention to kill Noah, show her making preparations, gathering materials, and perhaps even imagining the scene in her head. This will allow the audience to understand her motivations without explicitly stating them.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more natural and engaging. Use subtext and wit to convey emotions and intentions. Avoid clichés and predictable lines, and strive for dialogue that feels authentic and believable.
  • End the scene with a stronger sense of closure. Instead of simply announcing her intention to kill Noah, show her taking a decisive action. This could be a small gesture, like putting on a pair of gloves, or a more significant action, like grabbing a weapon. This will leave the audience with a sense of anticipation for the next scene.

Scene 39 -  Betrayal and Violence
In his business suit, Zac sits alone with his hands on his
head as he stares down into his cup of coffee. Then Nathalie
wears a paisley smock dress, and ankle boots plops in the
seat across from him. Zac doesn't even pick up his head.
Hey Zac, what's wrong? Who died?
Zac slowly picks his head up to respond.

I have to stop Cindy from leaving
Nathalie is alarmed and grabs Zac's two hands and pulls him
What are you talking about?
I'm worried about Cindy. I don't
think it is in her best interests
for her to run away with you.
It's better than living with that
savage asshole Noah.
I have to stop her.
Stop her? Who the fuck are you? How
will you stop her?
Noah has to know.
Nathalie raises her voice at Zac.
What the hell!
Zac puts both palms up to calm Nathalie down. Nathalie looks
around the cafe to see if anyone heard her and sits back
I can't let her go.
You mean you want to please Noah.
You lowly ass-kissing piece of
It will be better for everyone this
way. Cindy wouldn't be happy with

You only care about yourself. Don't
pretend that you did this for
Don't tell me she will have a
better life with a loser like you.
Loser? You have no clue. You never
had to survive, prep school baby.
It's not as easy as you think.
From the beginning, I knew
something was up with this strange
movie project.
A confused Zac sits back and scratches his head.
What? How?
Please, nothing added up as I have
been bullshitted to my entire life.
Why did you go along with it then?
You guys are rich, I'm poor, you
two looked liked a pair I could use
for my own financial benefit.
You are slick, aren't you?
I was working on my own scam when I
fell for Cindy.
Yeah, she is easy to fall for.
Then after I saw how desperate she
was from Noah's abuse, I talked her
into leaving with me.

Talked her into leaving the rich
life for a poor one?
Money is not always the answer, we
will be just fine.
Man, this is unbelievable. I'm in
Don't worry about us. We are two
intelligent, resourseful women and
will be just fine.
Shit. Just go by yourself back to
There's no going back. I'm going to
get Cindy.
Nathalie stands up to leave.
Don't bother. It's too late, I
tipped off Noah this morning.
Nathalie leans over the table picks Zac out of his seat by
his jacket lapels.
Noah is there already. Cindy's not
coming. She's not going anywhere.
You motherfucker. You better hope
nothing happens to her.
Nathalie pulls her fist back and punches Zac in the nose. Zac
goes flying back into his seat as blood pours out. Nathalie
runs out of the cafe while Zac moans in pain and puts his
hand to his nose to stop the blood.
Genres: ["Drama","Thriller"]

Summary Zac, dressed in a suit, sits in an internet cafe, visibly distressed. Nathalie, in a paisley smock dress, confronts him about his betrayal: he informed Noah about Cindy's escape plan. Nathalie is furious, accusing Zac of only wanting to please Noah. She reveals her own motives, admitting she used Zac and his wealth while helping Cindy leave. Zac, shocked, tries to defend himself, but Nathalie is enraged. When Zac reveals that Noah is already with Cindy, Nathalie punches him in the nose and runs out of the cafe.
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Intense emotions
  • Shocking revelations
  • Character dynamics
  • Possible lack of clarity in some character motivations


Overall: 8

The scene is highly engaging, with intense emotions, sharp dialogue, and shocking revelations. It effectively builds tension and sets up further conflict.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of betrayal, manipulation, and emotional turmoil is well-executed in the scene. The revelation of Zac's betrayal and Nathalie's anger adds depth to the story.

Plot: 8

The plot thickens with the revelation of Zac's betrayal and Nathalie's reaction. The scene moves the story forward by introducing new conflicts and raising the stakes.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces fresh elements such as class conflict, manipulation, and moral ambiguity. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and unpredictable, adding depth to the narrative.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Zac and Nathalie are well-developed in this scene, with their conflicting motivations and emotions driving the narrative. Their dynamic adds depth and tension to the story.

Character Changes: 8

Both Zac and Nathalie undergo significant changes in this scene, with Zac's betrayal exposed and Nathalie's anger and determination coming to the forefront. Their relationship is forever altered by the revelations.

Internal Goal: 8

Zac's internal goal is to protect Cindy and prevent her from leaving with Nathalie. This reflects his desire to maintain control and authority in his relationship with Cindy, as well as his fear of losing her to someone he perceives as inferior.

External Goal: 7

Zac's external goal is to stop Cindy from leaving with Nathalie and to inform Noah about the situation. This reflects the immediate challenge he faces in the scene.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict between Zac and Nathalie reaches a peak in this scene, with intense emotions and sharp dialogue driving the confrontation. The stakes are high, and the tension is palpable.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and values driving the conflict between the characters. The audience is left uncertain about the outcome, adding to the tension.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high in this scene, with the revelation of Zac's betrayal and Nathalie's determination to confront him. The characters' relationships are at a breaking point, and the consequences are significant.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly, introducing new conflicts, raising the stakes, and deepening the characters' relationships. It sets up further developments and keeps the audience engaged.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable due to the characters' shifting alliances, conflicting goals, and unexpected plot developments. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the conflict will resolve.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the characters' differing values and beliefs about love, loyalty, and social status. Zac prioritizes stability and wealth, while Nathalie values freedom and independence.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene has a high emotional impact, with intense emotions, shocking revelations, and deep-seated betrayals. The audience is drawn into the characters' turmoil and conflicting motivations.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, emotional, and impactful, revealing the characters' true feelings and motivations. It drives the conflict forward and keeps the audience engaged.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense conflict, emotional depth, and unpredictable twists. The characters' motivations and actions keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with well-timed reveals and emotional beats. The rhythm of the dialogue and action keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene is well-formatted and easy to follow, with clear descriptions and dialogue tags. The pacing and rhythm enhance the emotional impact of the confrontation.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional format for a dramatic confrontation, with escalating tension and emotional stakes. The dialogue and actions flow naturally, building towards a climactic moment.

  • The scene feels rushed and lacks a strong sense of dramatic tension. The characters are constantly interrupting each other, which makes the dialogue feel choppy and disjointed.
  • The dialogue is not very organic or realistic. The characters are using overly aggressive and clichéd language, which doesn't feel true to their personalities or the situation.
  • The characters' motivations are not clear. Why is Zac so desperate to stop Cindy from leaving with Nathalie? What are his true intentions? Why is Nathalie so angry at Zac for telling Noah? What does she want? The scene needs to more clearly define the characters' motivations.
  • The emotional payoff is weak. The scene ends with a rather flat and anticlimactic punch. The scene needs a more impactful conclusion to create a stronger sense of dramatic weight.
  • The scene lacks a strong sense of visual description. The script is too focused on dialogue, and there is not enough attention paid to the visual aspects of the scene.
  • The scene lacks internal logic. Why does Zac, who seems to be trying to protect Cindy, tell Noah that she is leaving? It makes no sense for him to do that, especially given his previous attempts to help her.
  • The scene is repetitive. The dialogue feels like it is repeating the same ideas over and over again, without developing the characters or the plot.
  • The scene does not advance the plot. While the scene reveals that Zac betrayed Cindy and Nathalie, it doesn't provide any new information or move the story forward. It feels like a filler scene.
  • Slow down the pacing of the scene. Allow the characters to have longer pauses and reactions, allowing for moments of silence and contemplation. This will create a more natural and dramatic feel.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more organic and realistic. Use language that feels natural to the characters and the situation, and avoid clichéd expressions. You could explore the characters' backgrounds and use their unique voices to create a more immersive dialogue.
  • Develop the characters' motivations more clearly. Explore the reasons why Zac wants to stop Cindy from leaving with Nathalie, and what are Nathalie's true goals. The scene should give a deeper insight into their intentions and motivations.
  • Raise the stakes of the scene. Make the consequences of Cindy leaving with Nathalie more significant, and create a sense of urgency that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
  • Add more visual description to the scene. Describe the setting in more detail and pay attention to the characters' actions, gestures, and body language. This will help bring the scene to life and create a more immersive experience for the reader.
  • Rethink the scene's internal logic. Why does Zac, who seems to be trying to help Cindy, betray her? Find a way to make his actions more believable and consistent with his character arc.
  • Eliminate unnecessary repetition. Focus on developing the story, characters, and plot rather than repeating the same ideas over and over again. Cut out unnecessary lines and focus on what is most important.
  • Create a more impactful ending. Consider what is the most impactful way to end the scene and leave the audience wanting more. Maybe explore how Zac's actions affect his relationship with Nathalie, or highlight how Cindy's betrayal of Zac might affect her relationship with Nathalie.

Scene 40 -  The Cold-Blooded Plan
Cindy stands in front of Noah with her suitcase open on the
adjacent wing chair. She takes out a ziplock bag with a
cognac snifter in it. Cindy opens it and drops the glass on
the broken coffee table.

Thanks for breaking the table. The
glass with someone else's DNA is on
Cindy then gets another ziplock bag with human hairs in it.
She sprinkles some on Noah and then a few more by the broken
coffee table and couch.
I can't drop too many as we
wouldn't want this murder to look
staged, as research told me how
many strands to use.
Then Cindy takes the bottle of Rohypnol out and puts it in
Noah's face.
Your boy, Zac, got this for me to
use on you.
Cindy puts the bottle on the floor behind the bar. Then walks
over to the couch and picks up a large pillow.
Don't worry. I won't suffocate you
as it takes too much strength.
Cindy puts the pillow on Zac's lap and reaches into her
suitcase to get the knife. She slowly takes it out and waves
it back and forth in front of his face.
This C-O-2 charged knife will blow
your head right off—no open casket
for you. And someone else's
fingerprints are on the handle.
Cindy takes the knife and slowly pushes the blade into the
side of Noah's neck. With the knife deep into Noah's neck,
Cindy stops. Tears run out of Noah's petrified eyes as he
can't move.
Look at the face of the little girl
from Thailand that will enjoy all
your riches as your prenup doesn't
prevent me from them if you die.
Cindy laughs, then, with one hand on the knife, puts the
pillow over Noah's face. She pushes hard on the pillow.

What was that phrase to do things
step by step ferociously?
Oh, yeah. Gradatim Ferociter!
Cindy pushes the button on the knife, the C-O-2 cartridge
causes a muffled thud. She backs away from Noah and drops the
knife. The pillow stays on the place where his head once was
and gets reddened quickly with the blood.
All of a sudden, someone pounds on the front door. The noise
startles Cindy as her head whips around in the front door
Cindy are you OK? Let me in!
Cindy exhales in relief as Nathalie bangs louder.
I'm fine, Nathalie, one minute.
Cindy walks to the door and opens it.
Come in, I'm fine. Relax. Don't
touch anything. It's over.
Cindy and Nathalie walk into the living space. Nathalie gasps
and covers her mouth at the sight of Noah with a bloodied
pillow where his head once was.
You did it? You went through with
It worked out perfectly.
How did it work out?
Men are predictable. I knew Zac
would save his ass and tell Noah.
So I drugged the decanter as I knew
Noah would take a drink.
Nathalie follows Cindy to get closer to Noah.
Noah, you never looked better.

I just need to put some final
touches on the frame job.
Cindy goes to her suitcase, gets a crumbled document out, and
drops it on the broken coffee table.
That's the document that Zac wanted
Noah to sign.
Cindy then takes a burner phone out.
Now I get to do my Noah imitation
Genres: null

Summary Cindy, fueled by vengeance, drugs Noah with Rohypnol. In a calculated move, she meticulously stages his murder, planting evidence to frame Zac. She stabs Noah in the neck and suffocates him with a pillow before wiping down the scene. Nathalie arrives, shocked to find Noah dead, and Cindy, in a chillingly calm demeanor, explains her plan to frame Zac, ensuring Nathalie believes she has successfully carried out her revenge.
Strengths null
Weaknesses null


Overall: 0

Story Content

Concept: 0

Plot: 0

Originality: 9

The scene is highly original in its depiction of a complex and manipulative character like Cindy. The actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Character Development

Characters: 0

Character Changes: 0

Internal Goal: 9

Cindy's internal goal in this scene is to exact revenge on Noah for some perceived wrongdoing. This reflects her deeper desire for control and power in the situation.

External Goal: 8

Cindy's external goal is to frame Noah for murder and make it look like an accident. This reflects the immediate challenge she is facing in executing her plan successfully.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 0

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Cindy facing obstacles and challenges in executing her plan.

High Stakes: 0

Story Forward: 0

Unpredictability: 9

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions and twists that keep the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the morality of Cindy's actions. She is willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve her goal, which challenges traditional values of honesty and integrity.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 0

Dialogue: 0

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, suspenseful atmosphere, and unpredictable twists.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and suspense gradually, leading to a climactic moment.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, enhancing the reader's understanding of the action and dialogue.

Structure: 8

The structure of the scene follows the expected format for a suspenseful thriller genre, building tension and suspense effectively.

  • This scene, while dramatically charged, feels somewhat unearned and lacks the emotional depth that would make it truly impactful.
  • The scene relies heavily on exposition, with Cindy explaining her plan rather than showing the actions.
  • The pacing feels rushed. There is very little actual interaction between Cindy and Noah, and the scene plays out more like a checklist of actions rather than a dynamic encounter.
  • The scene relies heavily on dialogue to convey information and motivation, which can feel clunky and less engaging than showing the action.
  • The scene lacks suspense. We know Cindy is going to kill Noah, and there is little tension about whether or not she will succeed.
  • The comedic element of Cindy's 'performance' feels out of place given the seriousness of the situation.
  • The sudden arrival of Nathalie feels contrived and breaks the flow of the scene. It appears to serve the function of validating Cindy's actions rather than deepening the drama.
  • The scene lacks a sense of consequence. There is no sense of urgency, peril, or emotional toll on Cindy.
  • The ending feels abrupt and lacks emotional resonance.
  • Focus on showing the action rather than telling. Let the audience see Cindy executing her plan rather than explaining it.
  • Create tension and suspense by adding a sense of urgency or danger to the situation. Could someone walk in? Could Noah fight back?
  • Explore Cindy's inner conflict. Is she truly committed to killing Noah, or is she experiencing a moment of doubt? Is she feeling remorse, excitement, or fear?
  • Focus on the details of the scene to create a more realistic and immersive experience. How does the smell of blood affect Cindy? What are the sounds of the C-O-2 knife and Noah's struggle?
  • Consider using flashbacks or daydreams to explore Cindy's motivations and the events leading up to this point.
  • Rethink the role of Nathalie in the scene. Instead of just validating Cindy's actions, could she question Cindy's plan or reveal her own hidden motives?
  • Find a more organic way to introduce Nathalie into the scene. Could she have been involved in the plan from the beginning, or could she be drawn into the situation by an unforeseen event?
  • Explore the aftermath of the murder. What does Cindy do with the body? How does she react to the crime she has committed?
  • Consider the emotional and psychological impact of the murder on Cindy. How does she feel after she kills Noah? What does this act do to her?

Scene 41 -  The Setup
Zac sits in the booth with tissues in his nostrils to stop
the blood. His burner phone rings, and he answers it. We hear
CINDY IMITATING NOAH'S voice through Zac's phone.
Hey Zac.
How's everything at home.
Perfect, thanks to you.
Did that girl Nathalie get over
Yeah, no problem, I will write her
a check, and we will never see her
That's very smart of you, boss.
Money is always the answer. Meet me
tomorrow before work in that
shithole of a cafe.
Sure, but why here?

I want to settle things with you as
you are my number one guy now.
Thank you so much. I am honored.
Destroy this burner phone as we
don't need them anymore.
I will do that immediately.
Gotta go.
See you tomorrow.
Zac ends the call then breaks the phone into pieces on the
table. He then sits back triumphantly.
I don't need Cindy anymore, and
Nathalie is all talk. Nothing can
stop me now.

Cindy hangs up the phone, then Nathalie and Cindy burst out
He has no clue.
Sold me down the river in a blink,
so now he gets his.
Nathalie points to each piece of evidence with a finger as
she says them.
Prints on the knife, DNA on glass,
hair fibers at the site, the
document and Zac's video
performance on Noah's phone.
And the bottle of Rohypnol on the
floor behind the bar.

Aren't the police going to question
why Zac didn't clean the scene of
Cindy puts one finger up for Nathalie to wait. She takes out
a cell phone.
This is Noah's regular phone, and I
have to use my imitation of Noah's
voice for the last time.
Cindy dials the phone and starts a conversation.
Hello Piaywat, this is Noah
Cindy is away at a friend's house.
Can you deliver an order for me?
Good, I want two Pad Thai. One very
spicy, and write the name Noah on
that one. And one plain and write
the name Zac on it.
How long?
I might be in the shower. I will
leave the door open, just walk in
and place it on the bar.
Thank you.
Cindy hangs the phone up and places it on the table next to
the wing chair.
So, Zac is startled by the Thai
delivery boy and runs out the back
door. His prints are all over that
door too.
The Thai delivery boy, Phet, will
discover the body. Poor Phet, I
will send him a check when this
blows over.
Cindy picks up one bag, and Nathalie takes the other.
Zac always was the easy mark.

Let's go to Weehawken!
The two girls run out the back entrance, and you can hear
their footsteps and laughter all the way out.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama"]

Summary Cindy, disguised as Noah, calls Zac and instructs him to destroy a burner phone and meet her at the cafe the next day. Zac, believing he is escaping Cindy's control, happily complies and smashes the phone. Meanwhile, in Noah's apartment, Cindy and Nathalie reveal their plan to frame Zac for Noah's murder. They have planted evidence, including fingerprints, DNA, and a drug, and they order Thai food, leaving one Pad Thai for Zac in Noah's apartment, ensuring that a delivery driver will find the body. The scene ends with Cindy and Nathalie triumphantly setting their trap.
  • Intriguing plot twists
  • Complex character dynamics
  • Sharp dialogue
  • High tension and suspense
  • Potential for confusion due to multiple layers of deception and manipulation


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, filled with suspense, and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The unexpected twists and turns add depth to the storyline and create a compelling narrative.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of betrayal, manipulation, and revenge is well-executed in the scene. The intricate plot twists and character dynamics enhance the overall concept and keep the audience intrigued.

Plot: 9

The plot is intricately woven with layers of deception and betrayal, leading to a climactic moment of revelation. The pacing is well-maintained, and the scene effectively advances the overall storyline.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on themes of betrayal and manipulation, with unexpected plot twists and complex character dynamics. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters are well-developed and their motivations are clear. The interactions between the characters drive the plot forward and add depth to the narrative.

Character Changes: 7

Several characters undergo significant changes in the scene, particularly in their relationships and motivations. The revelations and betrayals lead to character growth and development.

Internal Goal: 8

Zac's internal goal in this scene is to assert his independence and power by breaking away from Cindy and Nathalie's control. This reflects his desire for autonomy and recognition.

External Goal: 9

Zac's external goal is to eliminate any evidence that could incriminate him in a crime, as well as to distance himself from Cindy and Nathalie's schemes.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The scene is filled with internal and external conflicts, driving the tension and suspense. The conflicting motivations of the characters create a sense of unease and anticipation.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals, hidden agendas, and unexpected obstacles that challenge the characters' motivations and actions.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, with characters facing life-changing decisions and consequences. The tension and suspense are heightened by the risks involved.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward with major plot developments and revelations. It sets the stage for the climax and resolution of the narrative.

Unpredictability: 9

This scene is unpredictable due to its unexpected plot twists, character revelations, and shifting power dynamics.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the themes of loyalty, betrayal, and manipulation. Zac's loyalty is tested as he navigates his relationships with Cindy and Nathalie, who are manipulating him for their own gain.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from suspense and fear to shock and satisfaction. The emotional depth of the characters adds complexity to the narrative.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp, engaging, and reveals the complex relationships between the characters. It effectively conveys the tension and emotions of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to its suspenseful atmosphere, complex character dynamics, and unexpected plot developments.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining tension, building suspense, and allowing for character development.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene adheres to industry standards, with proper scene headings and character cues.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear scene transitions and a well-paced narrative.

  • This scene feels rushed and lacks the tension and suspense it should have after the previous scene's dramatic climax.
  • The dialogue feels clunky, especially Cindy imitating Noah, and the constant reminders about fingerprints and evidence seem forced and repetitive.
  • The scene feels like a plot exposition dump rather than a character-driven moment. We don't get a sense of Cindy's emotional state after killing Noah or Nathalie's reaction to witnessing the body.
  • The 'Thai delivery boy' subplot feels unnecessary and contrived. It's a weak and predictable way to frame Zac, and it doesn't add much to the overall plot.
  • The scene lacks a clear sense of purpose. The main goal seems to be to show how Cindy is framing Zac, but it doesn't create much suspense or intrigue.
  • Focus on the emotional impact of the moment. Show Cindy's reaction to what she's done and explore her feelings after killing Noah.
  • Show Nathalie's reaction to discovering the body. Is she surprised? Shocked? Relieved? This could create more emotional depth and tension.
  • Consider using flashbacks or inner monologues to show Cindy's thoughts and motivations. What is she thinking as she sets up Zac? What are her fears?
  • Rework the Thai delivery boy subplot. Find a more organic and subtle way to frame Zac that doesn't rely on such a contrived element.
  • Show, don't tell. Instead of explicitly listing the evidence, show Cindy placing it and focus on the details that create a sense of suspense.
  • Think about the visual storytelling. How can the scene's visuals convey the tension and suspense? For example, focus on Cindy's hands planting the evidence, or show her face as she imitates Noah's voice.

Scene 42 -  Victory and a Dream
Cindy wears jeans with a sweater faces Nathalie in an African
print dress with a matching headband.
Hello, Widow Wheeler.
Fancy meeting you here, Miss
The two girls both giggle.
I can't believe Zac signed a guilty
His lawyer knew the evidence
against him was staggering.
I didn't realize that Zac purchased
the knife in his name.
The jury also thought that Noah
gave Zac the broken nose instead of
the feisty girl I'm looking at.
Nathalie blows on her knuckles and dusts them off, which
causes Cindy to laugh.
How did you pull off the mourning
It was easy as nobody actually
liked Noah, just his money.
Speaking of money.

We don't have to worry about that
ever again.
What do you want to do now?
Let's make a movie!
The two girls laugh wholeheartedly at that idea.
Genres: ["Thriller","Drama","Mystery"]

Summary Six months after Zac's trial, Cindy and Nathalie meet in an internet cafe. They celebrate their success in manipulating the system and securing Noah's wealth. Filled with joy and newfound freedom, they decide to channel their shared experience into making a movie together.
  • Intricate plot twists
  • Complex character dynamics
  • Sharp dialogue
  • Emotional depth
  • Complexity may require multiple viewings to fully grasp


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, with a mix of suspense, drama, and dark humor that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The unexpected twists and revelations add depth to the story and leave a lasting impact.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of betrayal, deception, and dark humor is executed effectively in the scene. The plot twists and character dynamics create a compelling narrative that keeps the audience intrigued.

Plot: 8

The plot is intricate and full of twists and turns, with the characters' motivations and actions driving the story forward. The revelation of the murder plot and the framing of Zac add layers of complexity to the narrative.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on themes of wealth, deception, and friendship, with unexpected twists and character dynamics. The dialogue feels authentic and engaging, offering a unique perspective on familiar situations.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters are well-developed and their relationships are central to the scene. Cindy's transformation from a victim to a mastermind, Nathalie's loyalty and determination, and Zac's conflicted nature add depth to the story.

Character Changes: 8

Several characters undergo significant changes in the scene, particularly Cindy's transformation from a victim to a mastermind. Nathalie's loyalty and determination also evolve, while Zac's conflicted nature is revealed.

Internal Goal: 8

Cindy's internal goal is to maintain a facade of mourning for her deceased husband while secretly reveling in the newfound financial freedom. This reflects her desire for independence and security.

External Goal: 7

Cindy's external goal is to suggest a new project, making a movie, to Nathalie as a way to move forward and embrace their freedom.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The scene is filled with internal and external conflicts, driving the characters' actions and decisions. The tension between the characters, the revelation of the murder plot, and the framing of Zac create a high-stakes situation.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is subtle yet effective, with conflicting desires and hidden agendas creating tension and uncertainty for the characters.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high in the scene, with the characters facing betrayal, deception, and potential consequences of their actions. The revelation of the murder plot and the framing of Zac raise the stakes and create a sense of urgency.

Story Forward: 9

The scene moves the story forward significantly, with the revelation of the murder plot, the framing of Zac, and the characters' decisions shaping the narrative. The plot twists and character developments propel the story towards its climax.

Unpredictability: 7

The scene is unpredictable in terms of character revelations, shifting power dynamics, and unexpected plot developments.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

The philosophical conflict revolves around the characters' attitudes towards wealth, relationships, and morality. Cindy's willingness to exploit her husband's death for financial gain contrasts with Nathalie's more ethical concerns.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a range of emotions, from shock and suspense to humor and hope. The characters' struggles and revelations resonate with the audience, creating a strong emotional impact.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp and impactful, revealing the characters' emotions and motivations. The exchanges between the characters convey tension, humor, and deception effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging due to the dynamic dialogue, intriguing character dynamics, and underlying tension between the characters' motivations.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of dialogue, action, and character introspection that maintains the audience's interest and drives the narrative forward.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene adheres to standard formatting conventions for its genre, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined character interactions and narrative progression. The pacing and formatting enhance the overall impact of the dialogue.

  • The scene feels rushed and anticlimactic, especially considering the dramatic events that preceded it.
  • The dialogue is exposition-heavy and lacks the spark and tension that would be expected in a final scene.
  • The 'happy ending' for Cindy and Nathalie feels unearned and undermines the complex moral ambiguity that the story had established.
  • The scene lacks a sense of closure for the audience, leaving many unanswered questions and unresolved conflicts.
  • The joke about the jury believing Noah broke Zac's nose instead of Nathalie feels forced and out of place.
  • The final line, 'Let's make a movie!', feels like a weak attempt at humor and a cliche ending.
  • The scene lacks a strong visual component and doesn't leave a lasting impression on the audience.
  • Consider a more ambiguous ending that leaves the audience with questions and reflects the complexity of the characters' actions.
  • Instead of directly stating that they're financially secure, show it through their actions and dialogue.
  • Explore the potential consequences of their actions, even if they believe they've gotten away with it.
  • Develop a stronger visual element to the scene, perhaps showing a montage of their lives after the events of the story.
  • Allow for a moment of introspection or reflection from Cindy or Nathalie, showing their emotional state after the trial.
  • Focus on the potential impact of Zac's guilty plea on the characters' future, rather than simply celebrating their success.
  • Consider adding a final line that leaves a more impactful and thought-provoking impression.