Read Rambo First Blood Part II with its analysis

See Full Analysis here

Scene 1 -  Rambo's Offered a Way Out

A massive explosion that blows dust into the SHOT OF THE
SUN. PANNING DOWN, we are at a quarry where twenty-five
hardened criminals are slowly revealed by still MOVING
CAMERA. All the well-built men wear the same federal
prison clothing. Most wear tattered tank tops with a
large "P" stenciled on the back... Five armed guards
watch over the convicts.

We finally PAN ACROSS the rising and falling of picks and
shovels, ARRIVING on a wide back with an array of scars.
SLOWLY MOVING UP the back, we reveal RAMBO swinging a
sledge hammer onto an iron wedge sunk into the white rock

Rambo continues to pound away with deft strokes, finally
splitting the rock. He lets his hammer rest at his side
and turns to look up at the nearest guard. He nods. The
guard nods back and Rambo turns and moves to a water

He waits for a black convict to finish drinking out of a
ladle that is attached to a large bucket.


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drinking and pouring a ladleful over the back of his neck.

John Rambo?

Rambo looks up at a pair of PRISON GUARDS whose faces and
bodies are nearly indistinguishable because of the bright
sun that backlights them with a hellish glow.

Follow me...


Rambo is led toward the top of the quarry, flanked by the
two Prison Guards, passing the prisoners working away...
Suddenly, TRAUTMAN steps into view, blocking Rambo's path.

How've you been, Johnny?

Rambo nods and stares into Trautman's eyes. The silence
is shattering.

(continuing, to the
Prison Guards)
That's all... Thanks.

The Guards move off.

Rambo continues his stare. Trautman, a little
uncomfortable, continues.

I'm sorry you were sent to such a

Seen worse.

You have... haven't you...


Johnny... I told you I'd help you
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when I could... you interested?

Rambo looks off at the distance, watching the Guards hang
around off to the side.

(continuing, taken
You can't possibly want to stay in
prison for another five years?

... In here I know where I stand.

Hear me out first. A covert
operation is being geared up in the
Far East. The computer dug out your
name as one of the top three able to
accomplish the mission.

What mission?

Recon for P.O.W.'s in Nam.

Why me?

The prison camp you escaped from in
'71 is the target area -- no one
knows that terrain better than you.
The risk factor is very high.
You'll be temporarily reinstated in
the forces; and if the operation is
successful, there may be a
Congressional pardon... are you in,

Rambo's eyes turn into Trautman's. He nods his

Good. I'll get the necessary
clearances, and the next time we'll
meet, it'll be in Thailand with
Special OP's designate who will
honch the operation. All clear?
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Trautman shakes Rambo's hand and starts to turn away.

(continuing, pausing)
I want you to know I did what I
could to keep you out of here.

Rambo nods... He believes him...

I know.

Trautman starts to leave.

Sir... Do we get to win this time?

This time it's up to you.

Trautman studies Rambo's calm expression.

Trautman nods, leaving Rambo with a sense of miraculous

Genres: ["Action","Drama"]

Summary In a tense and hopeful scene, Rambo stands out amongst twenty-five criminals working at a rock quarry. When approached by prison guards and led away, he meets Trautman, who offers him the opportunity to join a covert operation in the Far East. The scene ends with Rambo accepting the offer, nodding his acceptance before Trautman shakes his hand and leaves.
  • Intense dialogue
  • Emotional depth
  • Character development
  • Some cliched elements in the dialogue


Overall: 8

The scene is well-written with intense dialogue and emotional depth. It sets up a compelling premise for the rest of the story.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of offering a dangerous mission to a convict with a chance for redemption is intriguing and sets up a strong foundation for the plot.

Plot: 8

The plot advances significantly with the introduction of the mission offer and Rambo's decision to accept it, setting the stage for the main conflict.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the redemption narrative by placing the protagonist in a morally complex situation. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Rambo and Trautman are well-developed and their interactions reveal depth and complexity, adding layers to the story.

Character Changes: 8

Rambo undergoes a significant change by accepting the mission offer, showing a willingness to confront his past and seek redemption.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to find a sense of purpose and redemption after being imprisoned. His desire to make a difference and prove himself drives his decision to accept the mission offered by Trautman.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to accept the covert mission in the Far East to recon for P.O.W.'s in Nam. This goal reflects the immediate challenge of escaping prison and finding a new purpose.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

There is a high level of internal conflict within Rambo as he grapples with his past and the decision to embark on a dangerous mission.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Trautman presenting Rambo with a difficult choice that challenges his beliefs and values. The audience is left uncertain of how Rambo will respond.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as Rambo is offered a dangerous mission that could lead to his freedom or further peril, adding tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by introducing a crucial mission and setting up the main conflict, driving the narrative towards the next act.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected offer of a covert mission and the moral ambiguity of Rambo's decision. The audience is left unsure of how the protagonist will choose.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the idea of redemption and the choice between staying in prison or taking on a dangerous mission. Rambo's values and beliefs are tested as he weighs the risks and rewards of the mission.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The emotional impact is strong, especially in the exchange between Rambo and Trautman, showcasing vulnerability and resilience.

Dialogue: 9

The dialogue is sharp, impactful, and reveals the inner thoughts and emotions of the characters effectively.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, emotional intensity, and moral dilemmas faced by the characters. The dialogue and interactions keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with well-timed dialogue and character interactions keeping the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene adheres to standard screenplay conventions, making it easy to follow and visualize.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional structure for a dramatic confrontation, with clear character motivations and conflict driving the narrative forward.

  • The scene lacks a clear goal or conflict, and it is unclear what is at stake for the characters.
  • The dialogue is expository and does not reveal character or advance the plot.
  • The scene is too long and does not move the story forward.
  • The characters are one-dimensional and stereotypical.
  • The setting is not described in detail, and it is unclear where the scene is taking place.
  • Add a clear goal or conflict to the scene.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to be more natural and to reveal character.
  • Shorten the scene and focus on moving the story forward.
  • Develop the characters more by giving them unique personalities and motivations.
  • Describe the setting in more detail to create a sense of place.

Scene 2 -  Rambo's Miraculous Rebirth: A Warm Welcome to the Military Base

Golden Buddha -- CRANE UP to helicopter as it flies by


The SOUND OF A CHOPPER is heard and slowly the chopper's
blades slash INTO VIEW. The chopper first moves across
the city of Bangkok, then past the canals... It passes
over temples, farmland and oxen. Over rice paddies and
ascends into the clouds hovering above the vast rain


Rambo gazes out the window.


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In a rollercoaster movement, the chopper clears the
mountain top and descending through the morning haze, we
see below a military base once used during the war. It
still has several buildings standing and hangers line an
airstrip. The majority of base is Thai Army with the far
end being reserved for American military.


Rambo's chopper lands in a fury of dust and he exits. His
hands are cuffed. Behind him is an M.P. Rambo is greeted
by a sharp-featured American dressed in half-military,
half-civilian. The chopper cuts its engines. ERICSON
speaks with an air of worldly confidence...

You can take them off.

Rambo studies Ericson with a raking glance. The cuffs are

How ya doing, Rambo, I'm Ericson.
We better make it over to the

Rambo follows along.

So you're the chosen one. You don't
remember me do ya? We were in boot
camp together in '63. You went
Forces, I went Rangers... haven't
been stateside since '72. Plenty of
work here.

They move towards the hanger. Active military personnel
head in a multitude of directions. Many are taken aback
by Rambo's strange appearance.

You've made a hell of a rep back in
Nam. Anyway, I'm glad to be workin'
with ya, and... this place may not
be heaven, but at least you're out
of prison.

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... Am I?
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

Summary The scene opens with a helicopter carrying Rambo, handcuffed, landing at a military base in Thailand. He is greeted by Ericson, who removes his cuffs and warmly welcomes him to the base. They exchange dialogue about their past and Rambo's reputation in Nam. The setting is a military base during sunrise, and the tone is hopeful and positive. The scene ends with Rambo and Ericson walking towards the hanger, as Rambo questions his freedom.
  • Engaging concept
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Effective character introductions
  • Limited emotional depth
  • Some dialogue feels exposition-heavy


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets the tone for the upcoming mission, introduces key characters, and creates a sense of intrigue and anticipation.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of sending Rambo on a covert mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Nam is engaging and sets up a compelling storyline.

Plot: 8

The plot progresses as Rambo arrives at the military base and begins to interact with Ericson, setting the stage for the mission ahead.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh perspective on the military genre by focusing on the internal struggles of a soldier like Rambo, blending action with introspection. The dialogue feels authentic and reveals layers of the characters' personalities.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters of Rambo and Ericson are introduced effectively, with hints of their past relationship adding depth to their interactions.

Character Changes: 6

Rambo begins to transition from a prisoner to a soldier once again, setting the stage for potential character growth.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to navigate his new environment and establish his place within the military base. This reflects his need for acceptance, belonging, and a sense of purpose after his past experiences.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to adapt to his new assignment at the military base and prove his capabilities to Ericson and the other personnel. This reflects the immediate challenge of transitioning from prison to a military setting.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 6

There is a subtle conflict between Rambo's past and his new mission, as well as the tension between him and Ericson.

Opposition: 7

The opposition in the scene is strong enough to challenge Rambo's sense of identity and purpose, creating conflict and uncertainty for both the character and the audience.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high as Rambo embarks on a dangerous mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Nam.

Story Forward: 8

The scene effectively moves the story forward by introducing the mission and setting up the challenges to come.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the uncertainty surrounding Rambo's reception at the military base and his future interactions with Ericson and the other personnel.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the contrast between Rambo's past experiences in the military and his current situation. It challenges his beliefs about duty, loyalty, and redemption.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene sets up emotional stakes for Rambo as he embarks on a dangerous mission, but the emotional impact is not fully realized yet.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue between Rambo and Ericson establishes their dynamic and hints at the challenges they may face on the mission.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its dynamic setting, character interactions, and underlying tension. The audience is drawn into Rambo's journey of redemption and adaptation.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, gradually revealing information about Rambo's past and his current situation at the military base.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene adheres to the expected formatting for a screenplay in the military genre, with clear scene descriptions, character actions, and dialogue cues.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a traditional format for an introductory sequence in a military-themed screenplay, establishing the setting, characters, and conflicts effectively.

  • The scene opens with a montage of shots that establish the setting and introduce the main character, Rambo. The montage is well-edited and visually appealing, but it is also slightly disorienting. It is not immediately clear where Rambo is or what he is doing.
  • The dialogue between Rambo and Ericson is stilted and unnatural. It sounds like two people who are trying too hard to be cool and macho.
  • The scene does not do a good job of establishing the relationship between Rambo and Ericson. It is not clear why Rambo is working with Ericson, or what their goals are.
  • The scene ends abruptly, with Rambo and Ericson walking off into the hanger. It is not clear what is going to happen next, or what the stakes are for Rambo.
  • Overall, the scene is a weak start to the film. It is disorienting, confusing, and does not do a good job of setting up the story or the characters.
  • Start the scene with a more focused shot of Rambo, and give the audience a few seconds to get their bearings.
  • Rewrite the dialogue between Rambo and Ericson to make it more natural and believable.
  • Add a scene that establishes the relationship between Rambo and Ericson, and explains why they are working together.
  • End the scene with a stronger hook that leaves the audience wanting more.
  • Consider adding some more action or suspense to the scene to make it more engaging.

Scene 3 -  Rambo's Mission Briefing and Reunion with Trautman

A section of the hanger turns out to be a HUMMING
electronic womb. Rambo and Ericson enter.

Pretty soon we'll all be out of a
job. Somebody oughta blow it to
hell and keep fightin' simple.

In the subdued light, banks of video monitors glow, and
the status light of upright computer units line one wall.
Work stations for tracking, communications, and long-range
coordination create a claustrophobic jumble of modular
equipment racks.

Rambo and Ericson walk towards the center of the hanger as
a few TECHNICIANS stare at Rambo's unkempt, almost savage
appearance from several yards away.

What's that?

He's the one going in?

Going in? He looks like he just
came out.

Ericson enters first, followed by Rambo. At the far end
of the dark, voluminous hanger is Trautman. Next to him
is MARSHALL MURDOCK, a robust thick-set man. Murdock,
dressed in his white shirt and half-undone tie, looks like
a displaced corporate type. In the corner is another
mercenary named LIFER. Lifer is unnerving in his silent
attitude and ever present sunglasses.

Murdock sweats profusely in the Thailand heat. He speaks
with a relaxed smoothness with whomever he is addressing.
Murdock has a makeshift office set up at the rear of the

As they approach Trautman and Murdock:

(stepping forward)
There he is -- 'morning, John.
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... Sir.

This is Marshall Murdock, he is in
charge of special operations from

Rambo nods and shakes his hand.

Thank you, Colonel; I've been
looking forward to meeting you. So
how was the trip -- no problem?

Rambo shakes his head "no."

None except for this damn heat,
right? Never felt anything like it.
Anyway, let's get down to business
-- Rambo, I glanced through your
files and I must say it provided
interesting reading.
(he opens a folder)
Rambo, John J., born 7/6/47 Bowie,
Arizona of Indian-Italian-German
descent. Joined army 8/6/64.
Accepted, Special Forces
specialization, light weapons,
crossed-trained as medic.
Helicopter and language qualified --
59 confirmed kills --

Ericson eyes Rambo, who remains impassive.

(continuing, reading)
... two Silver Stars, four Bronze,
four Purple Hearts, Distinguished
Service Cross, and the Medal of
Honor... You did get around, didn't
you... incredible. Now you're
probably aware that there are still
nearly twenty-five hundred Americans
missing in action in Southeast Asia.
Most of these boys are presumed
killed. But to the League of
Families -- Congress, and to a lot
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
of Americans, it's still a very
emotional issue.
(to Ericson)
Get me something cold, please.

Ericson opens a Coke machine by turning the key that is in
the front of the machine and reaches inside.

Rambo, you certainly don't know as
much about me as I do about you, but
I was honching with the Second
Battalion, Third Marines at Kom Tum
in sixty-six and lost a lot of
good men, so I know what you and
every Vet feels. Maybe the
government didn't care, maybe
certain sectors of the public didn't
care but my committee cares. It may
have been a bad war, but the men
weren't bad.

Rambo nods.

So what his committee needs is
conclusive proof that Americans are
being held.

Murdock presents Rambo with a photograph.

And once done, you can be assured
we'll get our men back...
If there's any of our men left at
the P.O.W. targer camp you'll
confirm their presence by taking


Just photographs. Then you turn
those photos over to me.

(to Trautman)
I'm supposed to leave them?
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(to Ericson)
Not exactly -- the phrase two Delta
Force assault team led by Colonel
Trautman will handle the extraction.

Murdock steps up and is backlit as he confronts Rambo. He
shakes Rambo's hand.

Anyway, I want to say that with your
participation I feel this mission
has a better than average chance of
succeeding where others have
failed... I'll meet you both at the
operations center in one hour.

Murdock and Ericson exit.

Rambo stares at him exiting. The tension is broken by
Trautman's voice.

Let's move.
Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

Summary Rambo and Ericson enter a high-tech area of the hanger, an 'electronic womb', and meet Murdock, Trautman, and other technicians. Murdock, in charge of special operations, discusses Rambo's past and the mission ahead, which involves confirming the presence of American soldiers in the P.O.W camp by taking photographs. There is a hint of tension as Rambo seems confused about leaving the soldiers behind. The scene is serious, informative, and visually striking, with banks of video monitors and a makeshift office. The scene ends with Murdock and Ericson leaving Rambo and Trautman to proceed to the operations center.
  • Establishing the mission and stakes effectively
  • Introducing key characters with clear motivations
  • Some dialogue may feel exposition-heavy


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the mission, introduces key characters, and establishes the emotional weight of the task at hand.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of searching for missing P.O.W.'s in Nam is compelling and sets the stage for the rest of the story.

Plot: 8

The plot progresses as Rambo is briefed on the mission and the stakes involved.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the military action genre by focusing on the bureaucratic and emotional aspects of a mission. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and grounded.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are introduced and their motivations are hinted at, setting up potential conflicts and alliances.

Character Changes: 6

Rambo's acceptance of the mission shows a potential change in his character from a prisoner to a soldier once again.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is to navigate the complex mission he's been assigned while grappling with his past experiences and emotions as a veteran.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to gather photographic evidence of American POWs in a target camp.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

There is a subtle conflict between Rambo's past and the new mission, as well as the emotional conflict of searching for missing soldiers.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting goals and motivations driving the characters' interactions.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes of finding missing soldiers and the emotional impact on the characters raise the tension in the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by setting up the mission and the key players involved.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting power dynamics between the characters and the uncertain outcome of the mission.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between the government's bureaucratic approach to the mission and Rambo's more direct, action-oriented mindset. This challenges Rambo's beliefs about duty and honor.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The emotional weight of the mission and the memories of the past add depth to the scene.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is informative and sets the tone for the mission ahead.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the tension between the characters, the high stakes of the mission, and the mystery surrounding the POWs.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' journey.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a structured format that effectively introduces the characters, sets up the mission, and establishes the conflict.

  • The dialogue is a bit too expository. It feels like Murdock is giving a lecture to Rambo instead of having a conversation.
  • The scene could be more visually interesting. There's a lot of talking and not much action.
  • The characters are not very well-developed. We don't really get a sense of who they are or what their motivations are.
  • The scene is a bit too long. It could be trimmed down to make it more concise.
  • The pacing is a bit slow. The scene could be more exciting if it moved along at a faster pace.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and less expository.
  • Add some more visual elements to the scene, such as action sequences or interesting visuals.
  • Develop the characters more by giving them more depth and motivation.
  • Trim down the scene to make it more concise.
  • Increase the pacing of the scene by making the action sequences more exciting and the dialogue more snappy.

Scene 4 -  Preparing for the Mission: Rambo is Equipped with Advanced Technology and Receives Instructions

Trautman and Rambo pass a tent-like camouflage canopy
under which an all-black Agusta 109 helicopter squats
ominously. It has no markings and contents of which are
screened from view. LIFER is attending to the chopper.

From Thailand, across Laos, into the
mountains of Vietnam to the drop
zone. You'll be flying a ceiling of
250 feet when you bail out, can you
handle it?

Give it a try --

The code name for the insertion and
extraction flight team is
"Dragonfly"; home base "Wolf Den,"
your code name if "Lone Wolf." Since
you're going solo, you are going to
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
have to rely upon more equipment
than you've ever used before, and
use it -- so what I'm sayin' is,
don't try the "blood and guts"
routine, let technology do most of
the work. If you need assistance,
call for it.

Let your fingers do the walking.

... Affirmative.

They head out of the canopied area and back toward the
hanger. Rambo glances over his shoulder at an ultra-
modern supersonic jet painted black.

... There's your ride.


Rambo and Trautman enter. Rambo looks around curiously at
all the electronic equipment.

All of this is for you.

Murdock, Ericson and Lifer approach from the rear of Rambo
and Trautman.


Rambo looks around.

Besides the monitoring devices you
see here, you'll be issued every
ultra-modern piece of equipment to
insure your safety.
(gestures at the
humming equipment)
Rambo, you can feel totally safe
because today we have the most
advanced weapons in the world
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
available to us.

I believe the mind is the best

... Times change.

For some people.

... Amen.

Ericson smiles and continues to walk. Lifer watches Rambo
with casual indifference, as if trying to size him up.

This is true -- Don't let me
interrupt, Colonel --

Rambo gazes around as if in another world.

Upon insertion, call in to base camp
by Transat -- proceed to Point Hawk
September for rendezvous with ground
contact -- indigenous agent Co Bao.

Glances at Rambo who appear oblivious to the Colonel's
instructions. Murdock speaks to Trautman but does not
think Rambo can overhear him.

Is he listening?

... Indigenous agent Co Bao.

Rambo gives him a cold stare and heads outside.

Colonel, are you sure he's not still
unbalanced from the war? We can't
afford to have anyone involved who
might crack under pressure in that

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Pressure? Let me just say that
Rambo's the best combat Vet I've
ever seen. A pure fighting machine
with only a desire, to win a war
someone else lost, and if winning
means he has to die, he'll die. No
fear. No regrets... one more
thing... what you choose to call
"Hell", he calls home.

Trautman walks away. Murdock shoots Lifer a meaningful
glance. Ericson notices this.


A black maw. The vanes begin to turn. The rising WHINE
becomes a STEADY ROAR.
Genres: ["Action","War","Adventure"]

Summary Trautman and Rambo approach a camouflaged helicopter as Trautman explains the mission details. They head to a hanger where Rambo is introduced to high-tech equipment for his mission. Murdock, Ericson, and Lifer join them, expressing varying levels of confidence in Rambo's abilities. Rambo remains mostly silent, only speaking to repeat Trautman's instructions. Murdock questions Rambo's mental stability, but Trautman defends him. The scene ends with Trautman walking away and Rambo leaving the hanger, likely to begin his mission. The conflict between Murdock and Rambo regarding his mental stability and ability to handle the pressure of the mission remains unresolved.
  • Strong character dynamics
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Limited character development
  • Some exposition-heavy dialogue


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the mission, introduces key characters, and establishes the tension between Rambo and Murdock. It provides crucial information while maintaining a sense of suspense and intrigue.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a covert mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia is engaging and sets the stage for the action to come. The use of advanced technology adds a modern twist to the traditional war narrative.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as the mission details are revealed and the conflict between Rambo and Murdock is introduced. The scene sets up the stakes and challenges that Rambo will face on the mission.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh take on the military genre by exploring the psychological aspects of warfare and the impact of technology on combat. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and add depth to the story.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters, especially Rambo and Murdock, are well-defined and their contrasting personalities create tension. Rambo's stoic nature and Murdock's more calculating approach add depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 6

While there is not a significant character change in this scene, the introduction of the conflict between Rambo and Murdock sets the stage for potential growth and development in future scenes.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to prove his worth and competence to the team, despite their doubts about his mental state. He wants to show that he is capable and focused on the mission at hand.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to successfully complete the mission he is being briefed on and prove his skills as a soldier.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between Rambo and Murdock, as well as the larger mission to search for P.O.W.'s, creates a sense of urgency and sets up potential obstacles for the characters.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting viewpoints and motivations among the characters. Rambo faces doubts and challenges from his team, adding to the tension and conflict.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as Rambo embarks on a dangerous mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia. The potential consequences of failure add tension and urgency to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene effectively moves the story forward by setting up the mission, introducing key plot points, and establishing the dynamics between the characters. It lays the groundwork for the action to come.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the conflicting motivations of the characters and the uncertainty of how the mission will unfold. The audience is left wondering how Rambo will handle the challenges ahead.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is between Murdock's reliance on technology and modern weapons versus Rambo's belief in the power of the mind as the best weapon. This challenges the traditional military mindset and highlights the contrast between old-school tactics and new technology.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of determination and tension, especially in Rambo's interactions with Murdock. The stakes are high, and the emotional weight of the mission is palpable.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is sharp and reveals important information about the mission and the characters. It also sets the tone for the interactions between Rambo, Trautman, and Murdock.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, conflict between characters, and the mystery surrounding the mission. The tension and suspense keep the audience invested in the story.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with a gradual escalation of conflict and stakes. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences adds to the scene's intensity.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay in its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character dialogue. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a military drama, with a briefing and character interactions setting up the mission. The pacing and formatting are effective in building tension and suspense.

  • The scene is too long and can be trimmed down. A lot of the exposition can be delivered in a more efficient way. For example, the explanation of the mission details by Trautman can be shortened and made more concise.
  • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. The characters sound like they are reading from a script, rather than speaking like real people. This is especially noticeable in the conversation between Rambo and Murdock.
  • The scene lacks visual interest. The characters are mostly standing around talking, and there is very little action. This makes the scene visually boring and difficult to follow.
  • The scene does not advance the plot. The characters discuss the mission details, but there is no real sense of progress. This makes the scene feel like a waste of time.
  • The scene does not build tension or suspense. The characters are not in any real danger, and there is no sense of urgency. This makes the scene feel flat and uninteresting.
  • Introduce conflict between the characters to create tension and suspense.
  • Break up the exposition into smaller chunks that are more easily absorbed.
  • Add visual interest to the scene with action or movement.
  • End the scene at a point of tension or suspense to keep the reader engaged.

Scene 5 -  Preparing for Takeoff: Rambo and the Pilots Gear Up

In the darkened room, Rambo's presence is highlighted by
shadows as he intently sharpens his knife. EXTREME
CLOSEUP on Rambo's eyes then the blade as it drags across
the grinding stone.


as the blue FIRE ROARS in the exhaust throat.


EXTREME CLOSEUP of what appears to be boots being tied on.


Under the beams of floodlights a ground crew smoothly but
quickly removes a fueling hose.


Rambo is looking down the telescope and sight of an
assault rifle.


The pilots, one being Ericson, go through an equipment
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
check in the cockpit...



as he pushes .45 hollow point slugs into a clip and jams
the .45 which the CAMERA FOLLOWS PAST his face and INTO
his holster...


Everyone sits at their respective stations -- tension
penetrates the room. Murdock is flanked by a pair of army
communications TECHNICIANS.

D-minus 10 minutes.

Murdock remains expressionless.


A CLOSEUP of the knife being picked up and placed in the


Ericson is making some final equipment checks on the

The Prince of Darkness.


That was his nickname in Nam --
'Prince of Darkness'. At night he'd
go out alone and hunt Cong, then
come back at dawn... no questions
asked. Man has style.
Genres: ["Action","Thriller"]

Summary In this suspenseful nighttime scene, Rambo meticulously sharpens his knife, ties his boots, and loads his gun in his quarters, while Ericson and Lifer make final equipment checks and share stories about Rambo's nickname 'Prince of Darkness' in the cockpit. Meanwhile, the ground crew, including a expressionless Murdock, removes a fueling hose from the Peregrine aircraft in the hanger tent. The scene ends with a countdown to takeoff, building tension as everyone prepares for the upcoming mission.
  • Building tension
  • Establishing character dynamics
  • Setting up high-stakes mission
  • Lack of strong emotional moments
  • Dialogue could be more impactful


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets the stage for the upcoming mission. It showcases Rambo's skills and reputation while introducing high-stakes elements.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of preparing for a covert mission and showcasing the protagonist's skills and reputation is well executed.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses as Rambo prepares for the mission, setting up the conflict and stakes effectively.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces familiar military and action elements but presents them in a fresh and intense way. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are introduced and their dynamics are established, especially focusing on Rambo's past and reputation.

Character Changes: 6

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the groundwork is laid for potential growth and development.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to mentally prepare himself for the upcoming mission. This reflects his need for control, his fear of failure, and his desire to prove himself capable.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to successfully complete the mission and return safely. This reflects the immediate circumstances of the mission and the challenges he faces in a dangerous environment.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict is subtly introduced through the doubts about Rambo's mental stability and the high-stakes mission.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene, represented by the challenges and dangers Rambo faces, adds complexity and uncertainty to the narrative. The audience is kept guessing about the outcome of the mission.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes of the covert mission and doubts about Rambo's mental stability raise the tension and importance of the upcoming events.

Story Forward: 8

The scene effectively moves the story forward by setting up the mission and establishing key elements for future developments.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unknown outcome of Rambo's mission and the potential dangers he faces. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 6

The philosophical conflict in this scene is between Rambo's sense of duty and his personal survival instincts. He must balance his commitment to the mission with his own safety and well-being.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene lacks strong emotional moments but sets the stage for potential emotional depth in future developments.

Dialogue: 6

The dialogue serves the purpose of conveying mission details and character dynamics, but could be more impactful.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense atmosphere, focused action, and high-stakes situation. The tension keeps the audience invested in Rambo's mission.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of action and description that keeps the momentum moving forward. The rhythm enhances the tension and urgency of the situation.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and descriptions that enhance the visual storytelling.

Structure: 9

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear transitions between different locations and actions. The pacing and rhythm contribute to its effectiveness.

  • The scene is very short and doesn't do much to advance the plot or develop the characters.
  • The action is repetitive and doesn't create any suspense or excitement.
  • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural.
  • The setting is bland and uninteresting.
  • Add more dialogue to develop the characters and their relationships.
  • Add more action to create suspense and excitement.
  • Make the setting more interesting by adding details and descriptions.
  • Consider adding a twist or surprise to the end of the scene.

Scene 6 -  Rambo's Departure and a Quick Correction

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
DOLLYING before Rambo and Trautman. Blue and red taxi
lights send strobe flashes of color across their faces as
they approach the aircraft. He is burdened by what seems
to be a mountain of high-tech military communications

Thirty-six hours to get the hell in
and out, so don't stop to smell the
roses, okay? If there is any
trouble, try like hell to get to the
Hawk September extraction sight
marked on your map.

Rambo nods "yes".

(yells above the
Ready to roll, Colonel.

Good luck, son.

(low, but hard)
Remember when Murdock said he was
with Second Battalion, Third Marines
at Kom Tum in '66...

Trautman nods.

The Second Battalion was at Kud

Trautman lets that sink in then pats Rambo's shoulder. A
relaxed Lifer helps Rambo aboard.

All set?


Let's go.

Ericson gives Rambo a "thumbs up" gesture... Rambo returns
the gesture.
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Genres: ["Action","War","Adventure"]

Summary Rambo and Trautman, along with Ericson and a relaxed lifer, are at an airfield at night. Trautman reminds Rambo to be quick and head to the extraction sight if there's trouble. A friendly lifer helps Rambo aboard the aircraft and they exchange thumbs up gestures. A brief conflict arises when Rambo corrects Trautman about Murdock's unit location in Nam, but it is quickly resolved. The scene is serious in tone, with a hint of nostalgia, and ends with Rambo boarding the aircraft.
  • Effective setup of mission and conflict
  • Tense atmosphere
  • Clear exposition of plot details
  • Lack of emotional depth
  • Limited character development


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the mission, establishes tension, and introduces key characters and conflicts, but could benefit from more emotional depth and character development.

Story Content

Concept: 7

The concept of a covert mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia is engaging and sets the stage for high-stakes action.

Plot: 8

The plot moves forward with the briefing and preparation for the mission, setting up the conflict and challenges to come.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh perspective on military relationships and the challenges of trust and loyalty within a mission. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds depth to the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are introduced and their relationships and conflicts are established, but there is room for more depth and development.

Character Changes: 6

There is some indication of character growth, particularly in Rambo's determination and focus, but more development is needed.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to prove his knowledge and experience to Trautman, showcasing his expertise and dedication to the mission. This reflects his desire for validation and respect in his role as a soldier.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal in this scene is to successfully complete the mission within the given time frame and follow the extraction plan. This reflects the immediate challenge he faces in executing the mission effectively.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

There is a high level of conflict between characters, particularly between Rambo and Murdock, adding tension to the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Rambo facing challenges from both external mission objectives and internal conflicts with Murdock. The audience is kept on edge by the uncertainty of how these obstacles will be overcome.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the characters prepare for a dangerous covert mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia.

Story Forward: 9

The scene effectively moves the story forward by setting up the mission and introducing key elements that will drive the plot.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected revelation about Murdock's military service and the implications for the mission. The audience is left unsure of how this conflict will impact the outcome.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the trust and loyalty between soldiers, as Rambo questions Murdock's integrity and honesty in his past military service. This challenges Rambo's beliefs in the military hierarchy and the importance of truth and honor.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene lacks strong emotional impact, focusing more on the mission briefing and preparation than on character emotions.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys information about the mission and reveals character dynamics, but could be more impactful and memorable.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its intense character dynamics, sharp dialogue, and high stakes mission. The tension and suspense keep the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of dialogue and action that maintains the tension and momentum of the mission. The rhythm of the scene enhances its effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character dialogue. The formatting enhances the readability and impact of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear character interactions and a focused narrative progression. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

  • **The conversation seems unnatural and expository.** The dialogue between Trautman and Rambo is very formal and unnatural, and it seems like they're just exchanging information for the audience's benefit. For example, Trautman's line, "Remember when Murdock said he was with Second Battalion, Third Marines at Kom Tum in '66..." is very clunky and expositional. It would be more natural for Trautman to simply say, "You know Murdock was lying about his service record, right?" This would be more surprising and engaging for the audience.
  • **The stakes are not clear.** It's not clear what Rambo's mission is or why it's so important. The audience needs to know what Rambo is trying to achieve and why he's the only one who can do it.
  • **The characters are not developed.** Rambo and Trautman are both very one-dimensional characters. The audience doesn't know anything about their motivations, their fears, or their hopes. This makes it difficult to care about them or their mission.
  • **The pacing is too slow.** The scene is very slow-paced, and it doesn't really build any momentum. The audience is likely to get bored and lose interest.
  • **The dialogue is too heavy.** The dialogue is very heavy and dense, and it's difficult for the audience to follow. The writer should try to use more natural and conversational language.
  • **The scene is too dark.** The scene is very dark, and it's difficult to see what's going on. The writer should try to use more light and color to create a more visually interesting scene.
  • **Re-write the dialogue to make it more natural and less expository.** For example, you could have Trautman say, "You know Murdock was lying about his service record, right?" instead of "Remember when Murdock said he was with Second Battalion, Third Marines at Kom Tum in '66..."
  • **Add more details to Rambo's mission.** For example, you could have Trautman say, "Your mission is to infiltrate the POW camp and confirm the presence of American soldiers. You'll be taking photographs and sending them back to us."
  • **Develop Rambo and Trautman's characters.** For example, you could have Rambo talk about his experiences in Vietnam and how they've affected him. You could also have Trautman talk about his reasons for choosing Rambo for this mission.
  • **Increase the pacing of the scene.** For example, you could have Rambo and Trautman walk through the hanger while they're talking. You could also have them be interrupted by a sudden attack.
  • **Use more natural and conversational language.** For example, instead of having Rambo say, "I understand my mission, Colonel," you could have him say, "I got it, Colonel."
  • **Add more light and color to the scene.** For example, you could have the scene take place in a well-lit hanger. You could also have the characters be wearing bright colors.

Scene 7 -  Rambo's Preparation and Contemplation amid Mission Discussion

The aircraft hurtles down the runway, gathering speed.
The nose picks up. It clears the end of the runway and
then the treeline by a few feet.


Trautman watches the jet start its takeoff and slowly
ascend into the night.

Murdock steps INTO FRAME next to him.

Think he'll find someone?

P.O.W.'s... doubtful... but there's
people to satisfy. Questions that
have to be answered.

You don't sound too emotional about

It wasn't my war, Colonel. I'm just
here to clean up the mess.

Murdock looks up at the sky and reports as Trautman
continues to watch the plane disappear into the night.


A sleek silhouette above the moonlit forest, the jet
flashes across the rolling terrain just above the


Ericson uses HUD (Heads Up Display) that reflects the
instruments off the front windshield. This device permits
a pilot to fly without ever having to look down at his

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

Rambo checks his equipment, preparing for the jump.


Murdock and Trautman are hunched at the main console.

AWACS two-five has acquired. They
are holding time line... Affirmative
Wolf Den... Over.


Trautman watches the glowing dot representing the jet
crawling almost imperceptibly across a computer generated
grid map of Central Laos. It is reflected in his eyes.


as it slices through a twisting canyon like a knife. As
it slithers between mountainous flanks -- still moving
incredibly close to the earth's contour.


Rambo methodically checks his burdensome pack and harness,
seemingly oblivious to the insanity outside.

Back in the Badlands, my man.

Even the impassive Rambo is affected as he realizes he is
back "in country." Lifer holds on to the side of the
plane's interior as he moves to his position at the exit

... Party time.

Stand by your position -- insertion,
minus fifteen seconds.

Rambo unbuckles and half-crawls to the open door.
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Genres: ["Action","War","Adventure"]

Summary The scene begins with an aircraft taking off from an airfield at night, as Trautman and Murdock discuss the mission of finding POWs. Rambo, who is also present, focuses on preparing for a jump. The setting is an airfield, a hangar, and the cockpit and passenger compartment of an aircraft during nighttime and dawn. A conflict of emotion and readiness is evident among the characters. The tone is serious and anticipatory, with a hint of nostalgia for Rambo. The scene ends with Rambo unbuckling and moving towards the exit door, preparing for the jump.
  • Tension building before takeoff
  • Establishing character dynamics
  • Setting up the mission objectives
  • Dialogue could be more impactful
  • Emotional depth could be further explored


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the mission, establishes the characters' motivations, and creates a tense atmosphere before takeoff.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a covert mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia is engaging and sets the stage for high-stakes action.

Plot: 8

The plot progresses as the characters prepare for the mission, revealing their dynamics and motivations.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the familiar war movie genre by focusing on the internal struggles and moral dilemmas faced by the characters. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters are well-defined, with distinct personalities and conflicting viewpoints adding depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 6

While there are hints of character growth and change, it is not fully realized in this scene.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to complete the mission and ensure the safety of his team. This reflects his deeper need for redemption and purpose.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to successfully execute the mission and rescue any potential prisoners of war. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges they are facing in the war zone.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

There is a high level of internal and external conflict among the characters, adding tension to the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting motivations and goals among the characters that create obstacles and challenges for the protagonist.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as the characters embark on a dangerous mission with uncertain outcomes.

Story Forward: 9

The scene effectively moves the story forward by setting up the mission, introducing key characters, and establishing conflicts.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the uncertain outcome of the mission and the conflicting motivations of the characters. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between Murdock's detached attitude towards the mission and Trautman's sense of duty and emotional investment in the outcome. This challenges the protagonist's beliefs about the importance of the mission and the value of human life.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of duty, sacrifice, and uncertainty, but could delve deeper into emotional depth.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is informative and reveals character relationships, but could be more dynamic and impactful.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and emotional depth of the characters. The audience is drawn into the tension and suspense of the mission.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted to build tension and suspense, with a balance of action sequences and character interactions that keep the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, action descriptions, and character dialogue.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a high-stakes action sequence in a war movie, with a clear setup, rising tension, and a cliffhanger ending.

  • The scene is short and doesn't provide much information about the mission or Rambo's objectives. It would be helpful to add more context to the scene so that the reader can better understand what is happening.
  • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. It doesn't sound like the way real people would talk to each other. It would be helpful to rewrite the dialogue so that it is more conversational.
  • The scene doesn't do much to develop Rambo's character. It would be helpful to add more details about his personality and motivations so that the reader can better understand him.
  • The scene doesn't do much to advance the plot. It would be helpful to add more action or conflict to the scene so that the reader is more engaged.
  • Add more context to the scene so that the reader can better understand what is happening.
  • Rewrite the dialogue so that it is more conversational.
  • Add more details about Rambo's personality and motivations so that the reader can better understand him.
  • Add more action or conflict to the scene so that the reader is more engaged.

Scene 8 -  Rambo's Perilous Escape During a High-Stakes Skydiving Mission


The ready light changes from red to yellow. Rambo hooks
up his static line.

Five seconds, four, three, two.
Jumper away.

Read light turns to green.

Rambo is gone.


Rambo's static line suddenly gets hung up. His equipment
is tangled and Rambo is being dragged through the sky.


An ALARM SOUND and Ericson nearly jumps up.

(into mike to Lifer)
Shit! What's happening?


All present hear the transmission from Ericson.


Rambo's helmet is torn off by the incredible wind
velocity. Rambo can no longer breath.


Lifer tries to free Rambo's entanglement from the inside
but cannot.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
He's hung up!

He'll be torn apart!!


Murdock has the headset on.

What's happening?!


(filled with panic)
Condition Red! He's hung up!?


What do you mean "hung up"?!

He's being dragged! Lifer cut him

Can't reach him! -- pull out before we
get killed!!


Rambo manages to grasp his knife and with his other hand
pulls a strap away from his body and cuts it... a pack of
equipment blows away... Along with it, his rifle...


POV of mountains approaching.


Ericson eyes the radar screen.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Ericson, abort mission! Pull out!

It'll kill him to change course!


Lifer looks out, seeing the mountains.

Pull out you bastard! Climb!


The mountain range is dead ahead on a collision course.


Rambo cuts the second strap and more equipment disappears.

Rambo strains to wedge his body forward and in a final
effort breaks free of the jet.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","Thriller"]

Summary The scene is set in the early morning, with Rambo skydiving from a plane named Peregrine. His static line gets hung up, causing him to be dragged through the sky. Ericson, the pilot, and Lifer, another crew member, attempt to free him, while Murdock and Trautman monitor the situation from a hanger. With the plane on a collision course with a mountain, Rambo cuts himself loose, narrowly avoiding disaster. The tone is tense and urgent, with key dialogue highlighting the danger and urgency of the situation.
  • Intense action
  • Suspenseful pacing
  • Strong character development
  • Some dialogue may feel cliched or overly dramatic


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, filled with tension, and showcases the protagonist's resilience and quick thinking in a life-threatening situation.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a high-altitude rescue mission gone wrong is executed with intensity and suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Plot: 9

The plot advances significantly with the protagonist facing a life-or-death situation, adding depth to the overall narrative.

Originality: 9

The scene is original in its depiction of a skydiving mission gone wrong and the struggle for survival in a high-pressure situation. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and true to the military setting.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters, especially Rambo, display courage and determination in the face of danger, showcasing their strong personalities.

Character Changes: 7

Rambo undergoes a significant change as he faces a life-threatening situation and must rely on his skills and instincts to survive.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is survival and overcoming the obstacles he faces. This reflects his deeper need for freedom and his fear of being trapped or controlled.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to complete the mission and avoid being killed in the process. This reflects the immediate challenge of the dangerous situation he is in.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict is intense and life-threatening, with the protagonist struggling to survive against all odds.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with multiple obstacles and challenges that the protagonist must overcome.

High Stakes: 10

The stakes are incredibly high as the protagonist's life hangs in the balance, adding a sense of urgency and danger to the scene.

Story Forward: 9

The scene propels the story forward by putting the protagonist in a perilous situation and setting the stage for further developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected obstacles and challenges that arise, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between the value of following orders and the value of saving a life. This challenges Rambo's beliefs in the military system and his loyalty to his comrades.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes fear, tension, and admiration for the protagonist's bravery, creating a strong emotional impact on the audience.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is focused on urgent communication during the crisis, adding to the tension and urgency of the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, fast-paced action, and the sense of danger faced by the characters.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is fast and intense, building tension and keeping the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with concise descriptions and dialogue.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for an action sequence in a military setting, with clear progression and escalating tension.

  • The scene starts with a lot of technical details about Rambo's equipment and the aircraft, which can be confusing and difficult to follow for the reader.
  • The dialogue is mostly technical jargon and doesn't really reveal much about the characters or their motivations.
  • The action is described in a very clinical and detached way, which makes it difficult for the reader to feel any emotional connection to what's happening.
  • The scene lacks any real conflict or tension, which makes it feel flat and uninteresting.
  • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying, leaving the reader feeling like they've been left hanging.
  • Start the scene with a stronger hook that grabs the reader's attention and makes them want to learn more about what's happening.
  • Develop the characters more by giving them clear motivations and goals, and by revealing their inner thoughts and feelings.
  • Use more vivid and descriptive language to bring the action to life and make the reader feel like they're right there in the middle of it.
  • Create some conflict or tension between the characters, whether it's physical, emotional, or psychological.
  • Give the scene a more satisfying ending that leaves the reader feeling like they've been on a journey and that something has been resolved.

Scene 9 -  Rambo's Daring Jump and the Uncertainty of His Fate

Rambo falling away from the plane.


Lifer is being ravaged by the DEAFENING ROAR and the wind
force, and shields his eyes as he watches Rambo break

He's out!


The jet veers skyward.


Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
(to himself)
... Out where?


Rambo falls. His chute explodes open.


CLOSEUP of Rambo as chute opens.


of ground approaching.


approaching the treetops and disappearing through them.


hits the ground and rolls down slope.


stops rolling by hitting a massive tree trunk.


Foreboding darkness is everywhere. Furtive. Timeless.
Rambo is lying on his side, badly shaken. He looks around
to get some sense of bearing and then begins to gather in
his chute.


Ericson and Lifer in cockpit.

What's happened back there?

... Malfunction.

Ericson eyes him.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

The chief TELECOM TECH turns to Murdock.

Nothing's coming in from Rambo.

Dragonfly, this is Wolf Den, over.
Dragonfly, do you read?

This is Dragonfly One, over.


Ericson and Lifer head homeward.

Any visual bearings?

... Negative.


Trautman looks at Murdock.

We didn't see anything.


Rambo squats, studying his waterproof map. He checks his
compass in the knife's handle. After a quick look around,
he gets to his feet, and slips into the jungle.


Rambo moving through the jungle.


Trautman stands with Murdock.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Maybe the smart thing to do is abort
the mission now before there's any
more complications. I mean who
could've survived something like

He's got to be given the benefit of
the doubt. He has 36 hours to carry
out the mission and reach the
extraction site, we owe him that.

... Of course we do -- but
understand in 36 hours we pull out.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

Summary In this tense and uncertain scene, Rambo jumps out of a jet and parachutes into a jungle, while the jet crew reports a malfunction and loss of contact with him. The scene takes place in the sky during dawn, a jungle clearing during daytime, and a hanger during daytime. The main conflict is the uncertainty of Rambo's location and well-being, with key pieces of dialogue including Lifer exclaiming 'He's out!' and Murdock suggesting aborting the mission. The scene ends with Rambo entering the jungle and Trautman insisting on giving him more time to complete his mission.
  • Tension-building
  • Action sequences
  • Character dynamics
  • Some dialogue could be more impactful
  • Limited emotional depth in certain moments


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the mission, establishes tension, and showcases Rambo's skills and determination. The action sequences are well-paced and engaging, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a covert mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia is intriguing and sets the stage for high-stakes action. The scene effectively introduces the mission objectives and the challenges faced by the characters.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as Rambo prepares for and executes the mission, facing obstacles along the way. The scene sets up the conflict and establishes the goals of the characters.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh approach to the survival and mission theme, with unique character dynamics and settings. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters, especially Rambo, Trautman, and Murdock, are well-defined and their motivations are clear. Rambo's determination and survival skills are highlighted, while Murdock's skepticism adds tension to the scene.

Character Changes: 6

Rambo undergoes a physical and emotional journey in the scene, facing challenges and obstacles that test his skills and determination. His character is further developed as he navigates the mission.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is to survive and complete his mission despite the challenges he faces. This reflects his deeper need for redemption and purpose.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to reach the extraction site within 36 hours and complete the mission. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges he's facing.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict is high as Rambo faces physical and mental challenges during the mission. There is tension between the characters, especially between Rambo and Murdock, adding to the overall conflict in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting viewpoints and challenges that create obstacles for the protagonist.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high as Rambo embarks on a dangerous mission to search for P.O.W.'s in Southeast Asia. The risk of failure and the potential consequences add urgency and tension to the scene.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by setting up the mission, introducing the main objectives, and establishing the challenges that the characters will face. It propels the narrative towards the next stage of the plot.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the uncertain outcome of Rambo's survival and mission.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

There is a philosophical conflict between Murdock's pragmatic approach of aborting the mission and Trautman's belief in giving Rambo the benefit of the doubt. This challenges Rambo's values of duty and loyalty.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of tension and suspense, as the audience roots for Rambo to succeed in his mission. There is a sense of danger and uncertainty that adds to the emotional impact of the scene.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is functional and serves to convey important information about the mission and the characters' relationships. It effectively establishes the tone of the scene and the dynamics between the characters.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, suspenseful atmosphere, and character dynamics.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining tension and momentum throughout.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear transitions between locations and characters.

  • The scene opens with a visual of Rambo falling away from the plane, which is visually striking but doesn't provide much context or information about the situation.
  • The cut to the interior of the passenger compartment is jarring and doesn't provide a clear understanding of the relationship between the characters or the situation.
  • The dialogue between Lifer and Ericson is brief and doesn't add much to the scene, and the lack of reaction from the other characters makes it feel disjointed.
  • The exterior shot of the Peregrine veering skyward is visually impressive but doesn't contribute much to the narrative or character development.
  • The cut to the cockpit is abrupt and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • Ericson's line, "... Out where?" is confusing and doesn't provide any clear information about the situation.
  • The exterior shot of Rambo falling with his chute open is visually striking but doesn't provide much context or information about the situation.
  • The close-up of Rambo as his chute opens is visually striking but doesn't provide much context or information about the situation.
  • Rambo's POV of the ground approaching is visually impressive but doesn't contribute much to the narrative or character development.
  • The cut to Rambo hitting the ground and rolling down the slope is jarring and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • The cut to Rambo lying on his side, badly shaken, is abrupt and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • The cut to the interior of the Peregrine is jarring and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • The dialogue between Ericson and Lifer is brief and doesn't add much to the scene, and the lack of reaction from the other characters makes it feel disjointed.
  • The cut to the interior of the hanger is jarring and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • The dialogue between the chief TELECOM TECH and Murdock is brief and doesn't add much to the scene, and the lack of reaction from the other characters makes it feel disjointed.
  • The cut to the exterior of the rain forest clearing is jarring and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • The cut to the interior of the hanger is jarring and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • The dialogue between Trautman and Murdock is brief and doesn't add much to the scene, and the lack of reaction from the other characters makes it feel disjointed.
  • The final line of the scene is abrupt and doesn't provide a clear sense of time or location.
  • Consider starting the scene with a wider shot that establishes the context and situation, such as a shot of the jet flying over the jungle.
  • Provide more context and information about the situation, such as why Rambo is jumping from the plane and what his mission is.
  • Establish a clearer relationship between the characters and the situation, such as by showing them interacting before the jump.
  • Use smoother transitions between shots to create a more cohesive and visually appealing scene.
  • Provide more dialogue and action to develop the characters and advance the narrative.
  • Use more close-ups to create a sense of intimacy and connection with the characters.
  • Use more wide shots to create a sense of space and scale.
  • Use more establishing shots to orient the audience to the setting.
  • Use more dynamic camera angles and movements to create a sense of urgency and excitement.
  • Use more sound effects and music to create a sense of atmosphere and tension.
  • Consider cutting some of the briefer and less important scenes to improve the pacing and focus of the scene.

Scene 10 -  Rambo's Encounter with Co Bao in the Ruined Temple

Rambo heads quickly up a steep trail over the ridgeline


as he moves along a narrow game trail. Shapes loom out of
the mist, revealed as harmless trunks of vines only at the
last second.


Rambo is half running along, then pauses... He hears
MOVEMENT and freezes. In one deadly movement he whips the
knife around and a SLICING SOUND is heard... Turning
around he sees the suspended body of a decapitated
writhing snake hanging from a branch... He replaces his
knife and moves on.


Running to the top of the rise, the trail opens out onto a
plateau-like cleared area.

Rambo pauses to catch his breath.

Ahead, wreathed in vines, looms from the mist, the ruins
of a Wat.


Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
as Rambo walks into the atrium of a ruined "Wat," or
Buddhist temple.


Serene despite the ravages of centuries, two stone Buddhas
sit flanking the stairs to the ruined temple. Trees and
vines all but obscure the cracked and tumbled forms of
ornately carved walls.

The central courtyard is open to the sky. Spire-like
structures are dimly visible in the fog beyond.

Moving in the shadows, Rambo walks through the ruins
noiselessly. Rambo senses movement and lunging to the
side draws his pistol and goes into a combat ready stance.
The figure in the undergrowth takes shifts position.
Rambo takes up a new position. What appears to be a Viet
soldier shifts position again; likewise Rambo.


Rambo moves with surprising grace through the
undergrowth... His quarry also moves with amazing
swiftness... This chess game goes on for several more


We are not able to distinguish any recognizable features.
One thing for certain; this person is carrying an AK-47

The stranger turns and brings the rifle into view.

Rambo's knife slashes into view... He jerks the soldier's
head back, preparing to cut his throat... The stranger's
hat falls off and long hair tumbles out.

Don't kill me!

Rambo freezes and beholds a diminutive Vietnamese WOMAN of
about 28. She is absolutely beautiful, wide wide,
expressive eyes and a strong but sensuous mouth which is
now parted in frozen fear.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
(continuing, Viet
Let me go, please!

Who are you?

Co Bao -- Are you the one they send?

Rambo nods.

I was hiding -- you did not come on
time. I thought you one of
mercenaries still here. You did not
expect a woman, no?
(in broken English)
Better speak English, yes?

Rambo nods... Co rises and stands before Rambo, almost a
head shorter than him. Her lithe figure is not entirely
concealed by her loose black "pajamas."

We better get moving.

Yes, we go to river...
(they start off)
Why you so late?

... Got hung up.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

Summary Rambo, on his journey through the rainforest, hears movement and decapitates a harmless snake. He comes across a ruined Buddhist temple where he encounters Co Bao, initially planning to kill her, but changes his mind upon realizing she is a woman. They converse in broken English, and Co Bao reveals she is not a soldier. The scene ends with them heading towards the river.
  • Effective blend of action and character development
  • Intriguing introduction of new character
  • Tension and suspense maintained throughout
  • Minimal dialogue may leave some aspects of character development unclear


Overall: 8

The scene effectively blends action, suspense, and character development, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of a lone soldier navigating through a jungle and encountering unexpected characters is well-executed and adds depth to the story.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as Rambo encounters the Vietnamese woman, setting up potential future conflicts and alliances.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh setting in the rainforest and incorporates elements of mystery and danger. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Character Development

Characters: 8

Rambo and Co Bao are intriguing characters with unique backgrounds and motivations, adding depth to the scene.

Character Changes: 6

Both Rambo and Co Bao experience a subtle shift in their dynamic as they navigate the initial encounter.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is to navigate the dangerous environment and potentially confront the mercenaries. This reflects his need for survival and his desire to protect himself and others.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to find and potentially rescue the Vietnamese woman, Co Bao. This reflects the immediate challenge he faces in the rainforest and his sense of duty to help others.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

The scene contains a moderate level of conflict as Rambo encounters the mysterious woman and must decide how to proceed.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the potential threat of the mercenaries and the uncertainty of Co Bao's intentions. The audience is kept on edge as they wonder how the conflict will unfold.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are raised as Rambo encounters a potential ally or threat in the jungle, adding complexity to his mission.

Story Forward: 8

The scene propels the story forward by introducing a new character and setting up potential future plot developments.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected encounter between Rambo and Co Bao, as well as the shifting dynamics between the characters. The presence of the Vietnamese woman adds a new layer of complexity to the narrative.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the juxtaposition of violence and beauty, as seen in the contrast between the dangerous environment and the serene ruins of the temple. This challenges Rambo's beliefs about the world and his role in it.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of tension, curiosity, and determination, engaging the audience emotionally.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue between Rambo and Co Bao is minimal but effective in conveying their initial interaction and setting the tone for their relationship.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and the introduction of a new character, Co Bao. The suspenseful atmosphere keeps the audience invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of action sequences and character interactions. The rhythm of the scene contributes to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 9

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and action descriptions. The dialogue is formatted correctly and enhances the pacing of the scene.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined action beats and character interactions. It effectively builds tension and suspense.

  • The scene lacks a clear purpose. It's not clear what Rambo and Co are trying to accomplish by going to the river.
  • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. The characters speak in a way that no real people would.
  • The scene is too short. It doesn't give the reader enough time to get to know the characters or to understand their motivations.
  • The scene is too slow-paced. There's not enough action or excitement to keep the reader engaged.
  • The scene is too predictable. The reader can guess what's going to happen next.
  • Give Rambo and Co a clear purpose for going to the river. For example, they could be trying to find a way to escape from the jungle or to find supplies.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and believable. For example, you could have Rambo and Co talk about their backgrounds or their motivations.
  • Add more action or excitement to the scene. For example, you could have Rambo and Co encounter some enemies or have them face some kind of obstacle.
  • Speed up the pace of the scene. For example, you could have Rambo and Co move more quickly through the jungle or have them face a more dangerous threat.
  • Add some unexpected twists or turns to the scene. For example, you could have Rambo and Co be betrayed by their allies or have them discover something surprising about the jungle.

Scene 11 -  Negotiating Passage with River Pirates

With Co leading the way through a maze of aimless game
trails, she and Rambo make their way parallel to a modest
river, the Ca.

I have arranged transportation down
river -- old routes not safe.
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Rambo studies her face.

Then they move off.


Crudely fashioned hut of corrugated sheet metal and bamboo
walls among the naked tree roots in a brackish inlet off
the main river. Out on the edge overhanging the river are
two men, drunk and loudly speaking. Possibly two of the
most misbegotten specimens ever seen. Modern day pirates.

They suspiciously eye Co and Rambo as they approach from
along the riverbank. Exchange a few quick syllables, and
Co turns, motioning Rambo forward into the hut.

Salt of the earth, yes?


Best way down river -- not get army


The sunlight filters into the dusty, dark hut, which is
nothing more than a den of eight incredibly vicious-
looking thieves... most of them drink and smoke... two
worn-out river whores are present.

Every conceivable space is crammed with scavenged or
looted detritus: ammo cases, hubcaps, radios, a TV with no
back, several guns, and a shotgun is seen among the junk.
Some of the pirates are smoking opium.

Wearing all manner of jewelry, including four wristwatches
and a pair of filthy Western-style jeans a size too large,
CAPTAIN TRONG KINH grins and motions them in.

The grin reveals bare gums where his upper front teeth
would be.

Wa-ky number one. You come number
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
one sampan.

Thank you, Captain, for your

This is the man who wants to go down
You speak Viet?

Rambo pretends like he is ignorant.

He does not understand.

You have money?

Half now... half later.

Co hands over a wad of American money... Kinh smiles but
is not happy about the financial arrangements and barks
some commands to the lounging pirates.

We leave now. It's safer --
(he offers Co a drink
from the bottle)
... Want a drink? Good for you.

He smiles, and starts out the door.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

Summary Co and Rambo meet Captain Trong Kinh and his group of pirates while following game trails parallel to the Ca river. Co negotiates their passage down the river, while Rambo remains silent. The scene is tense and uncertain, with the pirates looking suspicious and potentially dangerous. After some negotiation, Kinh agrees to take them down the river, and the group offers Co a drink before they leave.
  • Building tension
  • Introducing new conflict
  • Creating a sense of danger
  • Limited emotional depth
  • Some dialogue could be more engaging


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up a dangerous situation for the characters, keeping the audience engaged. The introduction of the pirates adds a new layer of conflict and mystery to the plot.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of encountering river pirates in a jungle setting is unique and adds an unexpected twist to the story. It creates a sense of unpredictability and raises the stakes for the characters.

Plot: 7

The plot advances as Rambo and Co encounter the pirates and make arrangements to travel down the river, setting up a new direction for the story. The introduction of the pirates adds complexity to the mission and increases the danger for the characters.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique setting with modern day pirates and a dangerous river journey, offering fresh and authentic situations for the characters. The dialogue feels realistic and adds to the authenticity of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters, especially Captain Trong Kinh and Co, are intriguing and add depth to the scene. Their interactions with Rambo reveal different facets of their personalities and motivations.

Character Changes: 5

While there are no significant character changes in this scene, the interactions with the pirates and the decisions made by the characters hint at potential development in future scenes.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to navigate a dangerous situation and secure transportation down the river without attracting the attention of the army. This reflects her need for survival and resourcefulness in a hostile environment.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal is to secure safe transportation down the river without alerting the army or falling into the hands of the modern day pirates. This goal reflects the immediate challenge she faces in the scene.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between the characters and the river pirates adds tension and suspense to the scene. The characters are in a precarious situation, surrounded by dangerous individuals who could pose a threat to their mission.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the protagonist facing off against dangerous pirates and navigating a risky deal to achieve her goal.

High Stakes: 7

The stakes are high in this scene as the characters must navigate through dangerous territory and deal with unpredictable adversaries. The outcome of their encounter with the pirates could have significant consequences for their mission.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by introducing a new obstacle for the characters to overcome and setting up the next stage of their mission. It adds complexity to the plot and raises the stakes for the characters.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions of the pirates, the shifting power dynamics, and the uncertain outcome of the protagonist's deal.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is between survival and morality. The protagonist must make deals with unsavory characters to achieve her goal, challenging her values and beliefs.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The scene evokes a sense of danger and uncertainty, but the emotional impact is not as pronounced as in other scenes. The focus is more on the suspense and tension of the situation.

Dialogue: 6

The dialogue between the characters is functional and serves to move the plot forward. It conveys necessary information about the characters' intentions and sets up the upcoming events.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its tense atmosphere, unpredictable characters, and high stakes. The interactions between the protagonist and the pirates keep the audience on edge.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and suspense, with well-paced action and dialogue that keep the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, action lines, and dialogue formatting.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear action and dialogue sequences that advance the plot and develop the characters.

  • The scene lacks a clear goal or objective for Rambo and Co. What are they trying to achieve by meeting with the pirates? What do they hope to gain?
  • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. The characters speak in a forced and unrealistic manner, which makes it difficult for the reader to connect with them.
  • The setting is not well-developed. The reader does not get a clear sense of the environment or the atmosphere in which the scene is taking place.
  • The scene lacks tension or conflict. There is no sense of danger or urgency, which makes it difficult for the reader to stay engaged.
  • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying. The reader is left with more questions than answers, which can be frustrating.
  • Give Rambo and Co a clear goal or objective for meeting with the pirates. What do they hope to gain?
  • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural. The characters should speak in a way that is believable and relatable.
  • Develop the setting more fully. Describe the environment and the atmosphere in which the scene is taking place.
  • Add tension or conflict to the scene. Create a sense of danger or urgency to keep the reader engaged.
  • Rewrite the ending of the scene to make it more satisfying. Answer the questions that the reader has and leave them feeling satisfied.

Scene 12 -  Reflections on the Past: A Conversation Between Rambo and Co

Rambo, Co and two of Kinh's cronies sit in the dim

You stay here -- you want a drink?

He offers the bottle again... Co shakes her head no.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
What about patrol boats?

Co looks at Kinh who smiles and opens a greasy wooden
locker and takes out Russian-made R.P.G. rocket


Kinh returns the weapon to the locker and smiles at Co.

We will have no problems.

He laughs and exits.


Rambo faces Co.

You want to rest?

They speak English which has the pirates staring
curiously. Rambo shakes his head "no."

That settles that -- we eat, yes?

Co pulls a food tube off her shoulder, she unrolls the
rubber tree leaves and exposes some rice. Rambo takes the
rice on the side of his knife.

You're welcome.

... Want it back?

No, you eat -- How you get into

Long story.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Long ride.

Rambo shakes his head "no."

How about you?

My father work for intelligence
agency -- He killed, and I take his
place -- Too much death here. Death
everywhere... I just want to live,
Rambo. What you want?

Rambo shrugs.

... To win, to survive.

... To survive.

Rambo nods.

Not so easy to survive here -- Still
war here.

... To survive war, you have to
become war.

That why they pick you because you
like to fight?

Rambo shakes his head "no."

... I'm expendable.


Know what it means?

Don't tell me... It mean if you
invited to party and you do not show
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
up, it does not matter? Yes?

Rambo studies her face and slowly nods. Rambo looks at
the medallion around her neck.

It bring me good luck -- What bring
you good luck?

Rambo slowly reaches down and wraps his fingers around the
butt of his knife then glances over at the lounging
pirates... Co gathers his meaning.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

Summary In the dimly lit sampan cabin, Rambo, Co, and two of Kinh's cronies discuss patrol boats and weapons. Co offers Rambo food and they converse in English, revealing their motivations and pasts. Co's father worked for an intelligence agency, and she took his place, while Rambo shares that he is expendable and knows how to survive. The tone is reflective and contemplative, with Rambo and Co discussing their motivations and pasts. The scene ends with Co asking Rambo what brings him good luck.
  • Engaging dialogue
  • Character development
  • Exploration of themes
  • Some cliched elements
  • Predictable interactions


Overall: 8

The scene effectively sets up the survival theme and introduces key characters while maintaining a tense and reflective tone. The dialogue is engaging and reveals important character traits.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of survival in a hostile environment is well-established, and the scene effectively explores the characters' motivations and struggles.

Plot: 7

The plot progresses as Rambo and Co navigate through the jungle and interact with the pirates. The scene sets up the mission and the challenges ahead.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces unique characters and explores their motivations in a fresh and engaging way. The authenticity of the dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 9

The characters of Rambo and Co are well-developed through their dialogue and actions. Their motivations and personalities are clearly portrayed.

Character Changes: 7

Both Rambo and Co undergo a subtle change in their perspectives on survival and war. Their interaction leads to a shift in their understanding of each other.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to survive and find a way to live amidst the constant death and war surrounding them. Co expresses her desire to live and avoid the violence that has plagued her life.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to navigate the dangerous world of pirates and war, as well as to establish a connection with Rambo and understand his motivations.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 7

There is a subtle conflict between Rambo's past experiences and Co's desire for peace. The tension with the pirates also adds to the conflict in the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing difficult choices and moral dilemmas that add to the tension and conflict.

High Stakes: 7

The high stakes of survival in a hostile environment are effectively portrayed, especially with the presence of the pirates and the ongoing war.

Story Forward: 8

The scene moves the story forward by establishing the mission, introducing key characters, and setting up the challenges ahead for Rambo and Co.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable due to the characters' conflicting motivations and the tense interactions between them.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the idea of survival and the cost of living in a war-torn environment. Co and Rambo discuss the necessity of becoming war to survive, highlighting the moral dilemmas they face.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes a sense of empathy for the characters and their struggles. The discussion about survival and luck adds emotional depth to the scene.

Dialogue: 8

The dialogue is engaging and reveals important information about the characters' backgrounds and motivations. It also sets the tone for the scene.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its tense atmosphere, authentic dialogue, and the characters' struggles to survive in a dangerous world.

Pacing: 8

The pacing of the scene is effective in building tension and revealing the characters' internal struggles and external challenges.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and character actions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a standard format for its genre, with clear character interactions and dialogue driving the narrative forward.

  • The dialogue between Rambo and Co feels a bit stilted and unnatural. It's important to make their conversation flow more smoothly and sound like real people talking.
  • The scene could benefit from more visual description. The reader should be able to picture the setting and the characters' actions more clearly.
  • The scene lacks a clear conflict or goal. It's not clear what Rambo and Co are trying to achieve or what obstacles they are facing.
  • The ending of the scene is abrupt and doesn't leave the reader with a sense of closure. It would be helpful to add a few more lines to wrap up the conversation and transition to the next scene.
  • The scene could use more tension and suspense. The reader should feel like something is at stake and that Rambo and Co are in danger.
  • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and conversational. For example, instead of having Rambo say "... To survive war, you have to become war.", you could have him say something like "The only way to survive in war is to embrace it."
  • Add more descriptive language to the scene. For example, instead of saying "Rambo and Co sit in the dim interior", you could say "Rambo and Co sit in the dim interior of the sampan cabin, the air thick with the smell of fish and sweat."
  • Establish a clear conflict or goal for the scene. For example, you could have Rambo and Co discussing a plan to escape from the pirates.
  • Add a few more lines to the end of the scene to wrap up the conversation and transition to the next scene. For example, you could have Co say "I hope we can find a way to survive this" and Rambo reply "We will."
  • Add some elements of tension and suspense to the scene. For example, you could have the pirates become suspicious of Rambo and Co, or you could have them encounter a dangerous animal in the jungle.

Scene 13 -  Murdock Denies Trautman's Request to Join Extraction Team

The water is coppery, silhouetting the sampan as it glides
down the river.


Murdock sits behind his desk. Lifer sits in the corner
nearby drinking a soda... Trautman enters... Murdock looks
up. Ericson is present.

Any further reports?

None so far.

I want to go out with the extraction
team at dawn.



It's too dangerous.

He deserves a chance.

Lifer eyes Ericson and exhales out his cigarette smoke.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Colonel, we're a team here. It's
everyone's worry -- I just think all
things considered it's an
unnecessary risk.

We have a schedule to keep.

With who? We don't even know if
Rambo's alive.

The odds are against it.

Look, you said we go through as

But, if you want to go through with
it, we will!
(to Ericson)
The Colonel will be joining the
extraction team... You're a good
man, Trautman.

Trautman gives him a curious look and exits.
Genres: ["Action","War","Adventure"]

Summary The scene takes place on a river at dusk and in Murdock's office during the day. Murdock, Lifer, and Ericson discuss Trautman's desire to join the extraction team, but Murdock ultimately denies his request due to the danger involved. Trautman and Murdock have a disagreement about the team, while Lifer remains silent and Ericson supports Trautman. The tone is serious and tense, and the scene ends with Trautman giving Murdock a curious look and exiting the office. Visual elements include the coppery water of the river and the sampan gliding down the river, while the characters' body language conveys their seriousness.
  • Tension-building dialogue
  • Character dynamics
  • Plot progression
  • Limited emotional depth
  • Some predictable dialogue


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds tension and sets up the conflict surrounding the extraction mission, keeping the audience engaged and interested in the characters' dynamics.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of deciding whether to include Trautman in the extraction team adds depth to the plot and sets the stage for potential conflicts and challenges.

Plot: 8

The plot progresses as the characters discuss the risks and uncertainties of the mission, setting up the stakes and potential obstacles for the upcoming events.

Originality: 7

The scene introduces a familiar military setting and conflict but adds depth through the exploration of duty, loyalty, and risk. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the scene's authenticity.

Character Development

Characters: 7

The characters' interactions and conflicting viewpoints add layers to their personalities, showcasing their concerns and motivations for the mission.

Character Changes: 6

There are subtle hints of character development, particularly in Trautman's determination to be part of the extraction team despite the risks involved.

Internal Goal: 8

The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to convince Murdock to allow him to go out with the extraction team at dawn. This reflects Trautman's desire to fulfill his duty, save Rambo, and uphold his values of loyalty and commitment.

External Goal: 7

The protagonist's external goal in this scene is to secure permission to join the extraction team and potentially save Rambo. This goal reflects the immediate challenge of navigating bureaucratic obstacles and convincing superiors to take action.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict between the characters regarding Trautman's involvement in the mission creates a sense of urgency and suspense, driving the scene forward.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with Murdock's resistance to Trautman's request creating a significant obstacle. The audience is unsure of how the conflict will be resolved, adding suspense and intrigue.

High Stakes: 8

The stakes are high as the characters debate the inclusion of Trautman in the extraction team, highlighting the risks and potential consequences of their decisions.

Story Forward: 8

The scene effectively moves the story forward by introducing key decisions and conflicts that will impact the mission and the characters' relationships.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting power dynamics and conflicting goals of the characters. The audience is unsure of how the situation will be resolved, adding tension and suspense.

Philosophical Conflict: 9

The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the value of duty and loyalty versus caution and risk aversion. Murdock prioritizes safety and protocol, while Trautman emphasizes the importance of fulfilling their mission and saving a team member.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 6

The emotional impact is moderate, with hints of concern and curiosity among the characters, setting the stage for potential emotional developments in the future.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue effectively conveys the tension and disagreements among the characters, setting the tone for the scene and hinting at future conflicts.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, conflicting motivations, and intense dialogue. The audience is drawn into the power struggle between the characters and invested in the outcome.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension, strategic placement of dialogue and action beats, and a satisfying resolution. The rhythm of the scene enhances its effectiveness.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with proper scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting. The clarity of formatting enhances the readability of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear character introductions, conflict development, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the scene's effectiveness.

  • The scene lacks a clear purpose and doesn't advance the plot in a meaningful way. It's more of a filler scene that could be removed without affecting the overall story.
  • The dialogue is expository and lacks subtext. It's mostly characters stating their opinions and positions, without any real conflict or tension.
  • The characters are not well-developed and their motivations are unclear. Murdock's decision to deny Trautman's request to join the extraction team is abrupt and lacks justification.
  • The scene is too short and doesn't give the audience enough time to connect with the characters or the situation.
  • Consider removing the scene altogether and find a more effective way to convey the information that is being discussed.
  • If the scene is essential to the story, rewrite the dialogue to make it more engaging and give the characters more depth.
  • Develop the characters' motivations and make their actions more understandable. Explore the reasons why Murdock denies Trautman's request and what his underlying motivations might be.
  • Expand the scene and give the audience more time to connect with the characters and the situation. Add more details and descriptions to create a more immersive experience.

Scene 14 -  Rambo and Co Approach the Prison Camp

The Sampan glides toward the shore. The pirates prepare
for landing.


Rambo and Co appear on deck, ready to disembark. They
jump off the boat, landing in water about knee deep and
head toward the jungle.

(to Kinh)
You wait here... We come back, then
pay rest...


Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Rambo and Co move through the forest... DISSOLVE to a
different elevation and ANGLE as they continue to travel.



As they reach a clearing rise, CAMERA BOOMS UP over the
shoulder of the embankment to reveal an extraordinary
compound beyond... dark, except for the moonlight.


Rambo and Co watch from concealment in the foliage.


Looking between leaves, scanning the prison camp.

Two guard towers are uniquely built into trees that grow
diagonally at opposite corners of the compound. There is
a maze of rolled barbed wire on wooden posts enclosing the
area and a main gate with a sentry box, that is built into
the hollow of a tree.

Three wooden barracks form a U, around the large but
concealed opening in the side of a rock formation. All
this can be near a riverbank or swamp. The camp is
totally original in its oppressive design, and contrary to
the way most prison camps are depicted in bright open
areas. This one is dark and recessed into the hellish

CO (O.S.)
... Looks empty.


We should move closer.

She starts to move and almost steps on a booby trap but
Rambo places a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
A young woman on a Lambretta scooter pulls up to the entry


They listen to the conversation (in Vietnamese). Co says:

Cyclo-girl whore from village.
Business slow there.
(listens more)
She makes him good deal... very good


The guard opens the gate and the girl goes inside.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","Thriller"]

Summary Rambo, Co, and Kinh arrive at the prison camp via the Sampan river. While Kinh stays behind, Rambo and Co move through the forest and observe the camp from a distance. A young woman on a scooter arrives at the main gate and negotiates with the guard, eventually entering the camp. The scene is tense and suspenseful, with Rambo and Co facing the danger of being detected as they approach the camp.
  • Building tension
  • Intriguing setting
  • High stakes
  • Mysterious characters
  • Dialogue could be more dynamic
  • Character development could be more pronounced


Overall: 8

The scene effectively builds suspense and tension, introduces intriguing elements, and sets the stage for high-stakes action.

Story Content

Concept: 8

The concept of infiltrating a unique prison camp in a dark and oppressive setting adds depth and intrigue to the scene.

Plot: 8

The plot advances as Rambo and Co approach the prison camp, setting up the mission and introducing potential obstacles.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a unique and darkly atmospheric prison camp setting, with original details like guard towers built into trees and a main gate in a hollow tree. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension of the scene.

Character Development

Characters: 7

Rambo and Co are portrayed as resourceful and determined characters, with hints of complexity and backstory.

Character Changes: 6

While there are hints of character growth and development, it is not fully realized in this scene.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is to successfully infiltrate the prison camp and rescue the prisoners. This reflects his desire to help those in need and his fear of failure.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to gather information about the camp's layout and security measures. This reflects the immediate challenge he faces in planning the rescue operation.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 8

The conflict is palpable as Rambo and Co navigate the treacherous terrain and approach the mysterious prison camp, facing potential dangers.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing physical dangers and strategic challenges that add complexity to their mission.

High Stakes: 9

The high stakes are established as Rambo and Co approach the prison camp, facing unknown dangers and potential threats.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by introducing the mission, setting up obstacles, and increasing the stakes for the characters.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected obstacles and dangers the characters face, keeping the audience on edge.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is the contrast between the oppressive design of the prison camp and the characters' desire to bring justice and freedom to the prisoners. This challenges their beliefs in the face of adversity.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 7

The scene evokes a sense of anticipation and curiosity, setting the stage for emotional engagement as the characters face unknown challenges.

Dialogue: 6

The dialogue serves to convey necessary information and build tension, but could be more dynamic and revealing of character traits.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its tense atmosphere, high stakes, and the characters' strategic planning and actions.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a gradual build-up of tension and suspense leading to the reveal of the prison camp.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected formatting for an action-adventure screenplay, with clear scene headings and descriptions.

Structure: 8

The scene follows the expected structure for a suspenseful action sequence, building tension and setting up the conflict effectively.

  • The scene starts with a brief description of the sampan gliding towards the shore, but it lacks details about the environment or the characters' actions. Adding more descriptive language and specific actions would help establish the setting and immerse the reader in the scene.
  • The dialogue between Rambo and Co is brief and functional, but it doesn't provide much insight into their characters or their relationship. Expanding the dialogue with more personal or revealing lines could add depth to the characters and make their interactions more engaging.
  • The scene lacks a clear purpose or objective. While it establishes that Rambo and Co are approaching a prison camp, it doesn't provide any specific information about their mission or their plans. Adding a clear goal or obstacle would give the scene more structure and drive the narrative forward.
  • The description of the prison camp from Rambo's POV is detailed and atmospheric, but it doesn't provide a clear sense of the camp's layout or the challenges that Rambo and Co will face in infiltrating it. Adding a more detailed description of the camp's defenses and the potential threats would help build tension and suspense.
  • The scene ends abruptly with Co suggesting that they move closer, but it doesn't provide any follow-up or resolution. Adding a brief description of Rambo and Co's reaction or their next course of action would give the scene a more satisfying conclusion.
  • Expand the description of the sampan gliding towards the shore by adding details about the surrounding environment, such as the color of the water, the sound of birds, or the texture of the sand. Include specific actions of Rambo and Co, such as loading their weapons or checking their gear.
  • Develop the dialogue between Rambo and Co by having them discuss their mission, their fears, or their hopes. Use this dialogue to reveal their personalities, motivations, and the nature of their relationship.
  • Establish a clear purpose or objective for Rambo and Co in this scene. Are they scouting the prison camp for vulnerabilities? Are they planning an attack? Are they rescuing a prisoner? Adding a specific goal will give the scene a more focused direction.
  • Enhance the description of the prison camp from Rambo's POV by including details about the camp's security measures, such as the number of guards, the placement of watchtowers, or the presence of booby traps. This will create a sense of danger and make the camp seem more formidable.
  • Extend the scene by showing Rambo and Co's reaction to Co's suggestion that they move closer. Do they agree? Do they have second thoughts? Do they decide to wait and observe? Adding a brief dialogue or action sequence will provide a more satisfying conclusion to the scene.
  • Consider adding a visual element to the scene, such as a bird flying overhead or a snake slithering through the grass. This will help create a more immersive and engaging experience for the reader.

Scene 15 -  Rambo's Quiet Infiltration and the Hidden Prisoners

Now Rambo picks up his cylindrical pouch and opens it. He
pulls out a collapsible bow.

What is it?

A bow -- no sound.

That all you have?



The tower guard now converses with another guard passing
beneath the tower.


Rambo has completed assembling the bow.


Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
Rambo screws on a vicious-looking razor-sharp arrow-head.

You not going in there? -- But I
thought you were supposed only to
take pictures.

Rambo rises.

What about orders?

Out here orders stop and people



DOLLYING with Rambo at ground level as he crawls to the
wire. And leveraging his knife against the edge of the
post and rusting barbed wire, slices through the metal.


MOVING with Co as she belly crawls to the edge of the
cleared area, just a few yards from the wire. She is
right under the guard tower, hidden among the ferns.


The guard sits in a bored fashion and stares at nothing in


Rambo crawls to door of P.O.W. barracks, looks, opens door
and looks into empty room.


all grown with vegetation.


Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
He reaches the guard building. Hugs it. Carrying only
the bow and a quiver of arrows he moves like a snake.
Rambo raises one eye slowly over a window ledge. Inside
several guards sleep soundly under mosquito netting.
Their rifles are stacked against the far wall.


MUSIC is heard. MOVING with Rambo as he moves along the

He freezes as a light is snapped on. It streams down
through cracks between the slats. Moving very slowly,
Rambo squints through a gap.


TAY picks up a warm bottle of beer and opens it. The foam
now runs onto the floor. The cyclo girl sits in the b.g.
He pushes her toward a cot and barks something in

The light snaps off. Rambo moves on.


as Rambo crawls under a hammock stretched between the
barrack and rock with someone sleeping in the hammock.


Rambo moves to the cave-like entrance and moves several
feet into the recess of the cave.


Once inside he removes a thin flashlight and directs its
thin red beam toward the SOUND OF LABORED BREATHING. He
sees a large bamboo cell built into the moldy wet cave.
He moves closer and sees --


Five American P.O.W.'s are seen through the bars. They
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
are gaunt, scabrous. Dressed in ragged peasant clothes
too small for them.

One man, bathed in sweat, moans and tosses with malarial
fever. Another is wrapped so tightly in a fetal position
his face is between his knees.

They sleep on mattresses of rubber leaves... Rats move
among them.
Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

Summary Rambo and Co cautiously approach a prison camp at night, with Rambo assembling a silent bow and arrow. They discuss their plan, and Rambo cuts through the fence to locate the American prisoners in a nearby cave. These men are weakened by malaria and malnutrition, raising the stakes for Rambo's daring mission.
  • Tension-filled atmosphere
  • Effective use of setting
  • Engaging action sequences
  • Minimal dialogue may limit character development


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, filled with suspense, action, and drama. It effectively sets up the high-stakes mission and showcases Rambo's skills and determination.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a covert rescue mission in a hostile environment is well-executed, with the introduction of unique elements like the collapsible bow adding depth to the scene.

Plot: 9

The plot is well-developed, focusing on the mission to rescue American P.O.W.'s and building tension through the stealthy infiltration of the prison camp.

Originality: 8

The scene introduces a fresh take on the rescue mission trope by adding moral ambiguity and complex character motivations.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters, especially Rambo and Co, are portrayed effectively, showcasing their determination and resourcefulness in the face of danger.

Character Changes: 7

Rambo's decision to spare Co and work together with her shows a subtle change in his approach to teamwork and trust.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is to rescue the American P.O.W.'s and fulfill his sense of duty and justice.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to infiltrate the prison camp and rescue the prisoners without being detected.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict is high, with the characters facing physical danger and the challenge of rescuing P.O.W.'s from a heavily guarded camp.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene, such as the guards and the dangerous environment, creates suspense and conflict.

High Stakes: 10

The stakes are extremely high, with the characters risking their lives to rescue American P.O.W.'s in a dangerous jungle setting.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly moves the story forward by setting up the rescue mission and showcasing the characters' skills and determination.

Unpredictability: 8

This scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected actions of the characters and the tense atmosphere.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict is between following orders and doing what is morally right. Rambo believes in taking action to save lives, even if it goes against orders.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 8

The scene evokes emotions of tension, concern, and determination, drawing the audience into the characters' perilous situation.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the seriousness and intensity of the mission.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense action, and moral dilemmas.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene builds tension effectively and keeps the audience engaged.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The formatting follows the expected format for an action scene, with clear descriptions and concise dialogue.

Structure: 9

The scene follows a clear structure of building tension and escalating stakes, fitting the action genre.

  • The scene is too long and could be shortened to make it more concise and impactful.
  • The dialogue between Rambo and Co is a bit repetitive and could be streamlined to make it more efficient.
  • The action sequences are well-written, but they could be more visually interesting by adding more variety to the camera angles and editing techniques.
  • The ending of the scene is a bit abrupt and could be expanded to give the audience more time to process what has happened.
  • Overall, the scene is well-written and engaging, but it could be improved by making some minor changes to the dialogue, action, and ending.
  • Consider cutting some of the dialogue between Rambo and Co to make it more efficient.
  • Add more variety to the camera angles and editing techniques used in the action sequences to make them more visually interesting.
  • Expand the ending of the scene to give the audience more time to process what has happened.
  • Consider adding some additional dialogue or action to the scene to help develop the characters of Rambo and Co.
  • Overall, the scene is well-written and engaging, but it could be improved by making some minor changes to the dialogue, action, and ending.

Scene 16 -  Rambo's Daring Rescue and Escape

Rambo hears GROANING SOUNDS coming from the darkness
outside the cave, he moves toward it.


Outside of the cave and nestled near a pigsty, is a
PRISONER suspended from a bamboo cross. He is ghostly
white; a living skeleton... His wrists are clamped in a
wooden stock. Blood runs down from abraded sores. He
opens his eyes when Rambo touches his broomstick neck,
feeling for a pulse.

His lips are parched and there is a horrible bruise around
one eye. Rambo moves to him.

Come to get you out --

The Prisoner manages to raise his hand, opens his eyes a
little more.

... You American?

Rambo quickly cuts the lashings on the bamboo cross.

Don't talk -- don't move.

Rambo hoists his gaunt frame over his shoulder and heads
off in a crouching run.

There are others --

... We'll come back.
Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

We pan up to him reacting to a noise. He turns on his
search light and pans it slowly across the camp.


The search light pans the camp and stops as...


The beam of light fully illuminates them.


Reacts to a laser dot that pin points his chest.


As he fires arrow.


The arrow hits him and he falls from the bridge. The
light points straight down illuminating his body.


Rambo and Banks wade into the river.


Guard #2 comes from a small hut toward the river.


Rambo reacts and throws his knife.


Dies quickly, silently.

Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
He senses movement and swings his light around (he has not
turned it on yet.)


He's moving fairly quick with the P.O.W. The sickly man
starts to emit a wracking cough.
Genres: ["Action","War","Adventure"]

Summary In this intense and action-packed scene, Rambo discovers a prisoner being held near a POW camp and frees him, despite the danger of nearby guards. As they are pursued, Rambo uses his bow and knife to kill two guards, and they both manage to escape by wading into the river. The prisoner, who is in poor health, is aided by Rambo's quick thinking and bravery. The scene ends with Rambo and the prisoner successfully evading their pursuers and continuing their escape.
  • Intense action sequences
  • Emotional depth
  • High stakes
  • Some dialogue could be more impactful


Overall: 9

The scene is highly engaging, filled with tension, action, and emotional depth, making it a standout moment in the screenplay.

Story Content

Concept: 9

The concept of a daring rescue mission in enemy territory is executed with skill and creativity, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Plot: 9

The plot is well-developed, with a clear objective, obstacles to overcome, and a sense of urgency that drives the action forward.

Originality: 9

The scene introduces a fresh perspective on the theme of heroism and sacrifice in war, with a focus on the individual's struggle against oppressive forces. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and grounded in the harsh reality of the setting.

Character Development

Characters: 8

The characters, especially Rambo and the rescued prisoners, are compelling and well-defined, adding depth and emotion to the scene.

Character Changes: 8

Rambo undergoes a transformation from a lone warrior to a compassionate rescuer, while the rescued prisoners experience a shift from despair to hope.

Internal Goal: 8

Rambo's internal goal is to rescue the prisoners and uphold his sense of duty and honor as a soldier. This reflects his deeper need to protect and save others, as well as his fear of failing to do so.

External Goal: 7

Rambo's external goal is to escape the camp with the rescued prisoner and avoid detection by the guards. This reflects the immediate challenge of navigating the dangerous environment and evading capture.

Scene Elements

Conflict Level: 9

The conflict is high, with the danger of the mission, the tension between characters, and the life-and-death stakes driving the scene.

Opposition: 8

The opposition in the scene is strong, with guards patrolling the camp and posing a constant threat to the protagonist's mission. The obstacles are difficult to overcome, adding to the suspense and drama of the scene.

High Stakes: 9

The stakes are high, with the lives of American prisoners hanging in the balance and the risk of discovery and capture adding to the tension.

Story Forward: 9

The scene significantly advances the plot by achieving a key objective of the mission and setting up future developments in the story.

Unpredictability: 7

This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the characters' actions and the outcome of their decisions. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of what will happen next.

Philosophical Conflict: 7

The philosophical conflict in this scene is between the value of human life and the brutality of war. Rambo's actions of risking his life to save a stranger challenge the dehumanizing treatment of prisoners in the camp.

Audience Engagement

Emotional Impact: 9

The scene evokes strong emotions, from tension and fear to relief and hope, making it a memorable and impactful moment in the story.

Dialogue: 7

The dialogue is effective in conveying information and emotion, but could be more impactful in certain moments.

Engagement: 9

This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense action, and emotional resonance. The audience is invested in the characters' struggle and rooting for their success.

Pacing: 9

The pacing of the scene is fast-paced and dynamic, with a sense of urgency and tension that keeps the audience engaged. The rhythm of the action sequences and dialogue enhances the emotional impact of the scene.

Technical Aspect

Formatting: 8

The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings, action lines, and character dialogue. The formatting enhances the readability and impact of the scene.

Structure: 8

The scene follows a clear and coherent structure, with a buildup of tension, a climax of action, and a resolution that sets up future conflict. The pacing and formatting are effective in conveying the urgency of the situation.


      Scene 17 -  Rambo Escapes from P.O.W. Camp and Saves Co

      The numbed guard is alerted and in a listless manner turns
      on his light and flashes it in Rambo's direction. As the
      light slowly swings around, it fully illuminates Rambo.


      A shocking vision of Rambo, bow fully extended aimed
      directly at the guard's heart... RACK FOCUS FROM the
      jagged arrow point TO Rambo's eyes. The arrow is fired.


      The guard slumps forward with an arrow through his chest.
      He falls on the light that now shines skyward.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      Co watches with growing apprehension as she sees the
      guard's light angled oddly downward.


      The patrol guard spies the oddly angled light and yells
      something to the guard. He flips on his light and aims it
      at Tower #1 and sees that his comrade is dead.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      Rambo is hiding against Tay's Barrack with Banks when all
      of a sudden the light comes on in the Barrack the spill
      illuminates him. Rambo ducks.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      Patrol guard reacts to Rambo's movements and notices Rambo
      against the barrack. He's about to yell as Rambo kills
      him with his throwing knife. Rambo lunges on the
      staggering guard and pulls him from view.


      Sgt. Tay comes out of his shack and looks. The whore
      pulls him back. American MUSIC coming from a scratched
      RECORD continues. Rambo moves into the shadows.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      Rambo carrying Banks, walks by a latrine, the door
      suddenly swings open almost hitting then in the face as a
      prison guard exits and walks directly toward his barrack,
      and disappears inside.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      Co seems to have lost sight of Rambo. She scans the camp
      to the treeline and back.

      WHAM! A booted foot smashes down on her arm. She looks
      up at...

      A North Vietnamese guard who holds an AK-47 in her face.

      Co stares nervously at him. There is a HISSING SOUND,
      then a DULL RIPPING SOUND.

      Co looks up to see...

      The guard is paralyzed by the arrow lodged in his neck and
      pins him to a tree.

      Rambo and Banks appear from the undergrowth, bow in
      Rambo's hand.

      Let's move.

      Rambo takes the guard's side arm and places it in his

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller"]

      Summary In this tense and action-packed scene, Rambo kills two guards with his bow and knife in order to escape from the P.O.W. camp. He saves Co from a North Vietnamese guard, and the scene ends with Rambo and Co's companion Banks escaping into the undergrowth.
      • Intense action
      • Suspenseful atmosphere
      • High stakes
      • Effective use of tension
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some predictable elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with suspense, action, and a sense of danger. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with its intense atmosphere and high stakes.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a daring nighttime raid on a P.O.W. camp is executed effectively, showcasing Rambo's skills and determination in a high-pressure situation.

      Plot: 9

      The plot of the scene is focused on the successful infiltration of the camp to rescue the prisoners, with obstacles and challenges along the way. It drives the narrative forward and keeps the audience engaged.

      Originality: 8

      The scene introduces fresh elements like the use of unconventional weapons and unexpected twists in the plot. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and drama.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      Rambo is portrayed as a skilled and resourceful soldier, while Co adds a layer of tension and emotion to the scene. The guards and prisoners also play important roles in the conflict.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo undergoes a subtle change as he demonstrates his compassion by rescuing the prisoners and showing empathy towards Co. His actions reveal a deeper layer to his character.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is to survive and protect his fellow prisoners. This reflects his deeper need for freedom, safety, and justice.

      External Goal: 9

      Rambo's external goal is to escape the P.O.W. camp and evade capture. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges he's facing in the dangerous environment.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The scene is filled with conflict, both physical and emotional, as Rambo faces off against the guards and risks his life to save the prisoners. The tension is palpable throughout.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with multiple obstacles and challenges for the protagonist to overcome. The audience is kept guessing and invested in the outcome.

      High Stakes: 10

      The stakes are incredibly high in the scene, as Rambo risks his life to rescue the prisoners and confronts the enemy in a dangerous nighttime raid. The outcome of the mission is crucial.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by advancing the mission to rescue the prisoners and showcasing Rambo's skills and determination. It sets the stage for further conflict and challenges.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable due to the sudden twists, unexpected actions, and shifting power dynamics. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of what will happen next.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict is between the oppressive regime of the guards and the prisoners' desire for freedom and justice. This challenges Rambo's beliefs in fighting against tyranny and standing up for what is right.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes fear, tension, and determination in the audience, as they root for Rambo to succeed in his mission and rescue the prisoners. The emotional stakes are high.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the urgency and tension of the situation. It effectively communicates the characters' motivations and emotions.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense action, and moral dilemmas. The audience is drawn into the characters' struggles and invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted, with a balance of action, suspense, and character moments. The rhythm builds tension and maintains the audience's interest.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 9

      The formatting adheres to the expected format for an action-packed scene in a screenplay, with concise descriptions and clear scene headings.

      Structure: 9

      The scene follows a clear structure with well-defined action beats and character motivations. It maintains tension and momentum throughout.

      • The scene lacks tension and suspense as the guard is easily killed by Rambo, making the escape too simple.
      • The dialogue between Rambo and the prisoner is brief and could be expanded to provide more context and depth to their relationship.
      • The action sequences are not well-described and could benefit from more vivid and detailed descriptions to enhance the reader's experience.
      • The scene could benefit from a clearer sense of the stakes and consequences for Rambo and the prisoner, as their escape seems relatively easy.
      • The scene could benefit from more character development for Rambo, as his actions and motivations are not fully explored.
      • Consider adding obstacles or challenges to the escape, such as additional guards or alarms, to create more tension and suspense.
      • Expand the dialogue between Rambo and the prisoner to establish their bond, motivations, and fears, making their escape more emotionally resonant.
      • Use more descriptive language to convey the action sequences, including the sounds of gunfire, the movements of the characters, and the impact of the escape on the environment.
      • Emphasize the stakes of the escape by showing the potential consequences for Rambo and the prisoner if they are caught or killed.
      • Explore Rambo's character further by providing insights into his past, motivations, and beliefs, making his actions more understandable and relatable.

      Scene 18 -  Rescue, Discovery, and Preparation: A Swamp Escape and P.O.W. Camp Reaction

      Rambo and Co carrying Banks. Rambo sets him down.

      Can you walk?

      I think so --

      Banks stops and looks at his two rescuers, his eyes
      darting back and forth in their hollow sockets.

      Who are you?

      He is Rambo. I am Co.

      Banks -- Lieutenant -- Air Force.

      ... We must get to the river...

      Banks sits frozen for a moment.

      (on the verge of
      ... Thank you... you're a miracle.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - DAWN

      A stocky Sergeant of the Guard stands over the partially
      concealed body of the guard Rambo killed.

      He raises his whistle and sends a SHRILL BLAST across the


      A guard discovers Banks missing and yells to the rest of
      the guards.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Rambo carrying Banks through the swamp with Co close
      behind them.


      Lifer, and the ground crew are removing the camouflage
      canopy from the Agusta 109 helicopter. The TURBINES are
      warming up with an ascending WHINE.

      Ericson and Trautman, f.g., turn as TECH runs toward them.

      You have clearance.

      Minus one hour to extraction.

      (scowling at his
      We're probably just wasting fuel.

      Let's get moving!
      Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

      Summary In a swamp, Rambo, Co, and Banks continue their escape towards the river. Banks expresses gratitude for his rescue. Simultaneously, at the P.O.W. camp, a Sergeant discovers a guard's body and raises an alarm, prompting Guards to realize Banks is missing. At a hanger, the helicopter crew, including Lifer, Ericson, and a Tech, prepare an Agusta 109 for extraction, discussing clearance and fueling. The scene is filled with tension, urgency, relief, and gratitude, as rescuers and captors engage in a race against time.
      • Tension building
      • Emotional depth
      • Action sequences
      • Some predictable elements
      • Slight lack of character development for Co


      Overall: 8

      The scene is well-executed with a good balance of action, emotion, and tension, making it engaging and impactful.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a daring rescue mission in a hostile environment is effectively portrayed, setting up high stakes and showcasing the characters' determination.

      Plot: 8

      The plot advances significantly with the successful rescue of Banks and the escalating conflict as the guards realize the escape.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh approach to the survival genre by focusing on the internal and external goals of the characters in a high-stakes situation. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

      Character Development

      Characters: 7

      The characters show depth and emotion, particularly Banks expressing gratitude and Co displaying determination.

      Character Changes: 7

      Banks undergoes a change from fear and confusion to gratitude and hope after being rescued.

      Internal Goal: 8

      The protagonist's internal goal is to survive and escape the dangerous situation they are in. This reflects their deeper need for safety and security.

      External Goal: 7

      The protagonist's external goal is to reach the river fast and escape the danger they are facing. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges they are up against.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 8

      The conflict is high as the guards discover the escape, leading to a tense situation for the characters.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing difficult obstacles and uncertain outcomes.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high as the characters risk their lives to rescue Banks and evade capture by the guards.

      Story Forward: 8

      The scene moves the story forward by successfully executing the rescue mission and setting up further conflicts.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the characters' actions and the escalating danger they face.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      There is a philosophical conflict between the idea of survival and sacrifice. The characters must decide whether to prioritize their own safety or risk themselves to help others.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes emotions of gratitude, hope, and fear, especially through Banks' reaction to being rescued.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is impactful, with Banks' gratitude and Co's urgency adding depth to the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, suspenseful dialogue, and high stakes.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining tension and suspense throughout.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and character actions.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution.

      • The dialogue is a bit wooden and unnatural. For example, Banks' line, "Thank you... you're a miracle," feels forced and melodramatic.
      • The scene is too short. It feels like it ends abruptly, without giving the reader a chance to fully process what has happened.
      • The scene lacks tension. The reader is not given any reason to believe that Rambo, Co, and Banks are in any real danger of being caught.
      • The scene does not advance the plot. It is simply a recap of what happened in the previous scene.
      • The scene is unnecessary. The information it provides could be conveyed more efficiently in a different scene.
      • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and believable.
      • Add more details to the scene to make it more vivid and engaging.
      • Increase the tension by having Rambo, Co, and Banks face a greater threat.
      • Cut the scene and move the information it provides to a different scene.
      • Rewrite the scene to make it more relevant to the plot.

      Scene 19 -  Escape from Pirates and Vietnamese Soldiers

      A squad of Viet soldiers are moving rapidly through the
      forest, looking for signs of the escaping prisoner. Sgt.
      Tay is supervising the search.


      Rambo carrying Banks and Co arrive at the sampan pretty
      much as they left it. The pirates keep watch.


      Rambo and Co start to help Banks aboard the junk. Then Co
      climbs aboard. Rambo is still in the water.

      L.Z. two K's up river.

      Good thing you came when you did.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Why's that.

      They move us around a lot... to
      harvest crops. Only been there a

      Only a week?

      Rambo is alerted by this information.

      (nods and catches
      his breath)
      ... Yes.

      When last time you in camp here?

      Maybe a year... Hey, what year is

      ... 1984... Camp supposed to be

      Banks is shaken.

      Something not good about mission,
      uh, Rambo?

      Rambo is starting to put two and two together as he climbs


      At treetop level the all-black helicopter ROARS down a
      forested valley at 180 mph.


      The Viet soldiers arrive at the shore and see the sampan
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      in a distance too far to shoot at.


      As Tay is talking on the radio, obviously notifying
      Superiors that the prisoner is escaping via the sampan.


      Rambo watches through a chink in the sheeting of the cabin
      as the hostile landscape rolls past...

      Rambo is alerted by the faint but growing SOUND OF A BOAT

      Rambo moves closer to the slats in the side of the sampan
      and peers out... Straining his eyes because of the
      difficult angle he becomes startled when a heavily
      equipped gunboat appears from around a bend in the
      river... the boat was once property of the U.S. Navy.

      Before Rambo can turn the two pirates have weapons in his
      back, and neck. One pirate jerks Rambo's .45 free and
      stashes it in his waistband.

      Co is alert and tries to get to her feet. One of the
      pirates kicks her down and takes her AK-47. Banks is held
      down at gun point.

      What has happened?

      We're sold out.


      Kinh waves a black piece of cloth from a stick and the
      boat draws closer.

      Kinh yells at another pirate to take the helm as he goes


      Kinh appears and his friendly smile is gone. Rambo still
      remains frozen with an old high standard auto shotgun
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      lodged against the back of his head.


      Kinh slaps Co viciously... CLOSEUP of Rambo slowly moving
      his hand imperceptibly toward his back.

      You help this -- American pig!

      He slaps Rambo, who uses the moment to catch one pirate
      off guard and kills him with his knife. Then throws the
      knife into Pirate #2's heart.


      Rambo picks up the auto shotgun and FIRES.


      Kinh seeing this panics and heads out of the cabin. Then
      suddenly explodes from the threshold and sprawls like a
      rag doll across the deck.


      The military men become alert and hasten toward the
      sampan... The Captain yells an order to prepare to shoot.


      Rambo appears on deck with a vengeance... He blows three
      more pirates away with deadly SHOTGUN BLASTS.


      Co sees the outline of another pirate rushing toward Rambo
      and FIRING through the bamboo, blows him clear off the


      On the gunboat the Captain commands his gunner to fire.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      The SHELL HITS the bow, ten feet from Rambo, destroying
      the front of the boat...

      (to Co)
      Get to the shore!


      ANOTHER EXPLOSION on deck that nearly finds the mark...
      The boat is sinking fast.


      Rambo enters the cabin... He flips open the locker and
      pulls out the R.P.G. rocket launcher.

      INT. SAMPAN - CO - DAY

      Co is FIRING wildly at the patrol boat that is bearing
      down with surprising speed.

      Take him and jump!

      Rambo shoulders the R.P.G. and takes aim.


      Co slings her rifle across her shoulder and taking charge
      of Banks heads out of the cabin.


      Co jumps into the brown water with Banks.


      The Captain is about to yell "Fire."

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      Rambo's finger tightens around the trigger and the WEAPON
      BELCHES an awesome flame.


      The shot is perfect and the superstructure on the deck
      EXPLODES into the sky, killing everyone... but the patrol
      boat is out of control and is about to ram the sampan.


      Seeing this inferno bearing down on them, Rambo sprints at
      full run, grabs his knife out of the dead pirate, picks up
      his black bow pouch and lunges out of the cabin like a
      jungle cat.
      Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

      Summary A squad of Vietnamese soldiers is searching for Rambo and Banks in the forest. Rambo, Banks, and Co arrive at a sampan river bank where pirates are watching. They board the sampan, but Rambo stays behind in the water. Co mentions that they've only been at the camp for a week, surprising Rambo. An all-black helicopter roars through the forest. The Vietnamese soldiers arrive at the river bank and see the sampan in the distance. Rambo notices a boat engine sound growing louder. A heavily equipped gunboat appears, and the pirates take Rambo, Co, and Banks hostage. Rambo kills two pirates and takes an auto shotgun. Co blows away another pirate with her rifle. Rambo destroys the front of the boat with an RPG, and the sampan starts sinking. Rambo jumps into the water, and the gunboat explodes. The scene ends with the sampan sinking and the gunboat exploding, forcing Rambo, Co, and Banks to jump into the water.
      • Intense action sequences
      • High-stakes conflict
      • Emotional depth
      • Some cliched dialogue
      • Slightly predictable plot twists


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with action, suspense, and emotional intensity. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with its fast-paced sequences and unexpected twists.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of betrayal, survival, and escape in a war-torn setting is well-executed. The scene effectively conveys the dangers and complexities of the characters' situation.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is gripping and well-developed, with a clear goal of escape and survival driving the action forward. The twists and turns keep the audience engaged and invested in the characters' fates.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh take on the action genre, combining elements of military conflict, betrayal, and survival in a unique setting. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and add depth to the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters are well-defined and their actions are in line with their motivations. The betrayal adds depth to their relationships and drives the conflict forward.

      Character Changes: 7

      The characters undergo changes in their relationships and perceptions due to the betrayal and survival situation. These changes drive the narrative forward.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to protect himself and his companions from the imminent danger posed by the pirates and the approaching gunboat. This reflects his desire for survival and his instinct to fight back against those who threaten him.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to defeat the pirates and the gunboat in order to escape and survive. This goal reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and multi-layered, with external threats from the gunboat and internal betrayal adding to the tension.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the pirates and the gunboat posing significant threats to the protagonist. The audience is kept in suspense as they wonder how Rambo will overcome these obstacles.

      High Stakes: 10

      The stakes are extremely high in the scene, with the characters facing life-threatening situations, betrayal, and the risk of capture. The outcome has significant consequences.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by escalating the conflict, revealing new information, and setting up future events.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the sudden twists and turns in the action, as well as the unexpected decisions made by the characters. The audience is kept on their toes, unsure of what will happen next.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the themes of survival, betrayal, and loyalty. Rambo is faced with the betrayal of the pirates and the danger they pose, which challenges his beliefs about trust and loyalty.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes fear, tension, and empathy for the characters' plight. The emotional stakes are high, keeping the audience emotionally invested.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is effective in conveying the characters' emotions and motivations. It adds tension and drama to the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and suspenseful moments. The audience is drawn into the intense conflict and invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted, with a balance of action, dialogue, and description that keeps the momentum flowing. The rhythm of the scene builds tension and leads to a satisfying climax.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for an action sequence, with clear scene headings, character actions, and dialogue. The visual descriptions enhance the reader's understanding of the setting and action.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows a structured format for an action sequence, with clear progression of events, rising tension, and a climactic resolution. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

      • The dialogue between Rambo and Banks is a bit abrupt and doesn't provide much context for the situation.
      • The scene lacks a clear sense of purpose. It's not immediately clear what Rambo and the others are trying to achieve.
      • The action sequence is confusing and hard to follow. It's not clear who is shooting at whom and why.
      • The scene ends abruptly, leaving the reader with a sense of confusion and unsatisfaction.
      • The scene is too long and could be shortened to improve its pacing.
      • Add more dialogue between Rambo and Banks to establish their relationship and provide context for the situation.
      • Give the scene a clearer sense of purpose by establishing what Rambo and the others are trying to achieve.
      • Rewrite the action sequence to make it more clear and easy to follow.
      • Add a more satisfying ending to the scene by resolving the conflict and providing a sense of closure.
      • Shorten the scene by removing unnecessary dialogue and action sequences.

      Scene 20 -  Rambo's Escape and Co's Departure

      Rambo appears on deck and dives into the river as the
      patrol boat is barely inches away.

      EXT. RIVER - DAY

      The gunboat and the sampan collide with a MIGHTY ROAR, as
      Rambo just breaks the water's surface.


      A group of North Vietnamese soldiers at the river bank
      hear the explosion of the boats and head off in that


      He surfaces and glances back at the burning debris then
      for the whereabouts of Co and Banks. He spies them on the


      Co and Banks still out of breath, move out of anxiety than
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      exhaustion. Rambo joins them. Banks studies Rambo with

      ... Knew you were a good man.

      Rambo shoulders Banks.

      ... Let's move.

      They start off.


      as it rises and drops with the terrain.

      INT. A109 - DAY

      Once again Ericson is flying. He puts the landing skids
      through the treetops.

      Trautman sits behind the seats in the main bay.

      The AIR ROARS in the open door and Lifer, on door gun,
      dangles his legs in the windstream. The rain forest is a
      dim blur very close below.

      Lifer racks the bolt on his M-60 and grins. Trautman nods
      politely and looks at his watch.

      CUT TO:


      Rambo's group heads for the elevated landing zone.

      The vista is quite stunning as the cold light suffuses the
      rain forest, giving it a haunting quality. Rambo scans
      the ridge line with intense concentration.


      Figures of twenty or more Vietnamese soldiers can be seen
      threading upward among the trees.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Rambo hands his quiver and bow to Co.

      ... I won't be needin' it now...
      Trade you.

      She hands over the rifle.

      There's explosives in the pouch.

      ... It better I stay till end.

      This is the end.

      ... I want to stay... Now we have
      chance, why don't you take me back?


      America... You can do if you want --
      take me back as wife... You don't
      have to live with. Just help me get
      away from this.

      I came for P.O.W.'s -- How would it
      look if I came back with a wife?

      Look like you hell of a man.

      Rambo shakes his head "no."

      (continuing, softly)
      What the matter? Not allow to feel
      -- maybe dead inside already. Don't
      we die soon enough. Just thought
      I'd ask.

      A long look exchanged between Rambo and Co, then Co kisses
      his cheek and turns to head off along a diverging trail.
      She turns.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Rambo... you not expendable.

      Rambo watches her go and then turns to Banks.

      ... Let's go.
      Genres: ["Action","Adventure","War"]

      Summary In this tense and emotional scene, Rambo dives into a river to evade a patrol boat, causing a collision. After reuniting with Co and Banks, Rambo trades his bow and arrow for a rifle with explosives. Co asks Rambo to take her back to America as his wife, but he declines. Heartbroken, Co leaves on her own, and Rambo and Banks continue their journey through the rain forest.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional character interactions
      • Compelling theme of sacrifice and redemption
      • Some dialogue may feel cliched or melodramatic


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with a good balance of action, emotion, and character development.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a rescue mission in a war-torn setting is well-executed, with added layers of personal sacrifice and redemption.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is well-paced, with tension building as the characters navigate through dangerous situations.

      Originality: 8

      The scene introduces fresh elements such as the emotional conflict between Rambo and Co, the moral dilemma of sacrifice, and the vivid depiction of the jungle setting.

      Character Development

      Characters: 9

      The characters are well-developed, with Rambo showing a mix of toughness and vulnerability, Co displaying resilience and compassion, and Banks evolving from a helpless prisoner to a grateful survivor.

      Character Changes: 8

      The characters undergo significant changes, particularly in their relationships and perspectives.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is to fulfill his duty to rescue P.O.W.s and confront his own inner demons related to his past traumas and sense of purpose.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to navigate the jungle, evade enemy soldiers, and reach the elevated landing zone.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict is high, with the characters facing physical danger and moral dilemmas.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the presence of enemy soldiers, internal conflicts, and moral dilemmas creating obstacles for the characters.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high, with lives on the line and moral decisions to be made.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by advancing the rescue mission and deepening the characters' arcs.

      Unpredictability: 8

      The scene is unpredictable due to the unexpected emotional turn in Rambo and Co's interaction, as well as the uncertain outcome of their mission.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict revolves around the idea of sacrifice and duty versus personal desires and emotional connections. Co's plea to Rambo challenges his beliefs about sacrifice and emotional attachment.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions, especially during the interactions between Rambo, Co, and Banks.

      Dialogue: 8

      The dialogue is impactful, revealing the characters' motivations and emotions effectively.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging due to its intense action sequences, emotional conflicts, and high stakes for the characters.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is well-executed, balancing action sequences with character moments to maintain tension and momentum.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 9

      The formatting adheres to the expected format for an action-adventure screenplay, with clear scene headings and concise descriptions.

      Structure: 9

      The scene follows a clear and engaging structure, moving seamlessly between action sequences and character interactions.

      • The scene starts with Rambo diving into the river to avoid a collision between his sampan and a patrol boat. This is a good start to the scene, as it establishes the danger and urgency of the situation.
      • The scene then cuts to the North Vietnamese soldiers hearing the explosion of the boats and heading off in that direction, which creates a sense of tension as the audience wonders if Rambo, Co, and Banks will be able to escape.
      • Rambo surfaces and glances back at the burning debris then for the whereabouts of Co and Banks, which shows that he is concerned for their safety.
      • He spies them on the shoreline and they start to move off, which is a relief for the audience as it shows that they are safe.
      • The scene then cuts to the A109 helicopter rising and dropping with the terrain, which creates a sense of movement and urgency.
      • Inside the helicopter, Ericson is flying, Trautman is sitting behind the seats, and Lifer is dangling his legs in the windstream on door gun, which establishes the characters' positions and their roles in the mission.
      • The scene then cuts to Rambo's group heading for the elevated landing zone, which shows that they are close to their destination.
      • The vista is quite stunning as the cold light suffuses the rain forest, giving it a haunting quality, which creates a sense of atmosphere and tension.
      • Rambo scans the ridge line with intense concentration, which shows that he is aware of the danger and is taking precautions.
      • The scene then cuts to Rambo's POV, where he sees twenty or more Vietnamese soldiers threading upward among the trees, which creates a sense of danger and urgency.
      • Rambo hands his quiver and bow to Co and she hands over the rifle, which shows that they are preparing for a fight.
      • Co asks Rambo to take her back to America as his wife, which is a surprising request and creates a sense of tension as the audience wonders what Rambo will do.
      • Rambo refuses, which shows that he is focused on his mission and is not interested in getting involved with Co.
      • Co kisses Rambo's cheek and turns to head off along a diverging trail, which is a touching moment and shows that she cares for him.
      • The scene ends with Rambo watching Co go and then turning to Banks, which creates a sense of anticipation as the audience wonders what will happen next.
      • Add more dialogue between Rambo and Co to develop their relationship and make the scene more emotionally impactful.
      • Consider adding a scene where Rambo and Co talk about their pasts and their reasons for being in Vietnam, which would help the audience understand their characters better.
      • Add more action to the scene, such as a fight between Rambo and the Vietnamese soldiers, which would increase the tension and excitement.
      • Consider ending the scene with a cliffhanger, such as Rambo and Banks being surrounded by the Vietnamese soldiers, which would leave the audience wondering what will happen next.

      Scene 21 -  Helicopter Provides Cover Fire for Rambo and Banks
      INT. A109 - DAY

      Trautman watches over Ericson's shoulder as the HELICOPTER
      ROARS between the walls of the mountain pass. The ship is
      buffeted by turbulence, bouncing and dropping violently.

      Three minutes.

      The steep slopes fall away and Ericson dives the ship
      across the rolling foothills.


      Rambo is crouched with Banks beside a large tree.

      They are taking AUTOMATIC WEAPONS FIRE from the trees
      nearby. Spurts of earth leap up around them.

      Rambo fires a short, controlled BURST down at the
      ascending troops.


      Sgt. Tay is eyeing Rambo and Banks through binoculars as
      they move further up the hill.


      of Rambo and Banks.


      NVA regulars set up mortars. Roughly aimed. They FIRE
      with a characteristic WHUMP.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      The Americans duck as a MORTAR ROUND EXPLODES behind them,
      tearing down trees.

      EXT. A109 - DAY

      In the distance Rambo and Banks are seen. They are
      surrounded. They move out of the tree line into a
      sparsely vegetated area that runs along the very ridge of
      the towering hill. The chopper opens fire with its
      machine guns and the NVA soldiers back off.

      INT. A109 - ON TRAUTMAN - DAY

      as he reacts to below. Ericson is firing the machine gun.

      That's Rambo! -- Christ, he's found
      one. Relay the command. Rambo's
      found one of ours!


      Murdock is pacing behind the main console.

      Mr. Murdock... I have an AWACS
      relay. Dragonfly reports the ground
      team has what appears to be an
      American P.O.W. with them.

      Murdock's reaction is unexpected. He whips around.

      What did you say?

      They've got one of ours.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary In this tense and action-packed scene, Ericson pilots the helicopter through a mountain pass and foothills while Trautman watches. Rambo and Banks are under automatic weapons fire and mortars from NVA regulars in the rice paddies. Trautman identifies Rambo on the ground and relays the information to Murdock. The helicopter opens fire on NVA soldiers, allowing Rambo and Banks to move to a safer area. This scene is filled with conflicts such as the turbulence of the helicopter and the weapons fire, but they are resolved through the helicopter's machine gun fire and Rambo and Banks' strategic movement.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Strong character development
      • Some cliched dialogue
      • Slightly predictable plot twists


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging with intense action, emotional depth, and significant plot development.

      Story Content

      Concept: 9

      The concept of a daring rescue mission in a war-torn setting is executed with precision, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is well-developed, with a clear goal of rescuing American P.O.W.s and facing obstacles along the way.

      Originality: 9

      The scene demonstrates a high level of originality through its realistic portrayal of combat and the moral complexities of war. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and true to life, adding depth and nuance to the narrative.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo, Co, and Banks, are well-defined and show growth through their actions and interactions.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo's decision to save Co and Banks shows a shift in his character from a lone warrior to a protector.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is likely to survive the firefight and protect his fellow soldiers. His actions reflect his deep-seated need for redemption and belonging, as well as his fear of failure and loss.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to rescue the American P.O.W. and complete the mission. This goal reflects the immediate circumstances of the scene, where he is faced with enemy fire and a dangerous situation.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between the rescue team and the enemy forces creates high stakes and intense action.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the characters facing overwhelming odds and formidable enemies. The audience is kept in suspense, unsure of how the conflict will be resolved.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high as the characters risk their lives to rescue American P.O.W.s and evade enemy forces.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by advancing the rescue mission and revealing new challenges.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the constant threat of danger and the characters' uncertain fate. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the value of human life and the morality of war. Rambo's actions challenge the protagonist's beliefs and values, as he must navigate the ethical dilemmas of combat and survival.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes a range of emotions from fear to hope as the characters face danger and uncertainty.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is effective in conveying emotions, motivations, and building tension.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense action, and emotional depth. The audience is drawn into the characters' struggles and invested in the outcome of the conflict.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted, with a balance of action, dialogue, and description that maintains the tension and momentum of the narrative. The rhythm of the scene enhances its effectiveness and keeps the audience engaged.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene adheres to the expected format for its genre, with concise descriptions and clear scene transitions. The visual elements are well-defined, enhancing the reader's understanding of the action.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear action beats and character motivations driving the plot forward. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness and maintain the audience's engagement.

      • This scene lacks a clear purpose and stakes. The conflict is limited to the NVA attempting to kill Rambo and Banks, but there is no immediate danger or personal goal driving the scene.
      • The dialogue is minimal and does not significantly contribute to the story or character development.
      • The scene lacks visual variety and relies heavily on medium shots of Rambo and Banks fighting in the rice paddies.
      • The introduction of the A109 helicopter and Ericson firing the machine gun feels disjointed and does not seamlessly connect to the main conflict on the ground.
      • The sudden shift to the hanger with Murdock's reaction appears abrupt and takes away from the urgency of the situation in the rice paddies.
      • Add a specific goal or objective for Rambo and Banks in this scene to increase stakes and tension.
      • Include more dialogue that reveals the characters' motivations, emotions, or plan of action.
      • Vary the camera angles and shot sizes to create a more dynamic and engaging visual experience.
      • Integrate the helicopter and Ericson's actions more smoothly into the scene, showing how they directly impact the conflict on the ground.
      • Consider balancing the scene by spending less time on Murdock's reaction and more time developing the conflict between Rambo and the NVA.

      Scene 22 -  Murdock's Recall Order Ignored: A Tense Standoff

      as a look of calm is replaced by mounting rage.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      This station is now on Condition
      Bravo. Harrison! Meyers! Goodell!
      Out... now!

      The puzzled Techs drop their headsets and leave.

      (continuing, to Tech)
      Go to your COMINT priority push.
      Give me the mike... Dragonfly, this
      is Wolf Den Six. This is an Alpha-
      Kilo-Victor command priority.

      ERICSON (V.O.)
      Roger, Wolf Den Six... go ahead.

      I want you to abort the operation
      immediately. I say again, abort.
      This is a recall, confirm, over.

      INT. A109 - DAY

      The men have impassive expressions.

      Say again, Wolf Den Six.

      He presses the helmet-headphone tight to his ear, then
      turns to Trautman, cupping his hand over the mike.

      (continuing, to
      I've been ordered to abort before

      He must be crazy! Confirm it!

      Confirmation's not necessary.

      (grabs a microphone)
      ... Murdock, for Christ sake, we
      have them in sight! Murdock! Do
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      you read?!! We're going down.

      You're not going anywhere.

      Lifer holds a rifle in their direction.

      What the Hell are you doing?!

      Can't do that.

      That's an order!

      We're independent contractors. We
      take our orders from who's paying.

      Goddamn mercenaries! There's men
      down there! Our men!

      Not our men, your men! Don't be a

      Trautman reaches for his holstered .45, a voice stops him.

      ... Don't.

      Trautman turns and sees Lifer aiming a rifle not exactly
      at him but not away either.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

      Summary In a tense and serious hanger scene during the day, Murdock orders a recall of an operation, but techs Harrison, Meyers, and Goodell, as well as independent contractors Ericson and a lifer, refuse to comply. Ericson reveals they take orders from whoever is paying, causing Murdock's calm expression to turn to rage. Trautman tries to intervene, but Ericson and the lifer point a gun at him to prevent further action. The scene ends with the lifer threatening Trautman, as Murdock's recall order is ignored.
      • Intense conflict
      • Emotional depth
      • Tense dialogue
      • Character dynamics
      • Some cliched dialogue


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with intense conflict, emotional depth, and significant plot development. The tension between characters and the high stakes elevate the impact of the scene.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of betrayal, loyalty, and moral ambiguity in the context of war is effectively portrayed through the characters' actions and dialogue.

      Plot: 9

      The plot advances significantly in this scene, with key revelations, conflicts, and character decisions driving the narrative forward.

      Originality: 8

      The scene presents a fresh take on the theme of duty and loyalty in a military setting. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension and drama of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 9

      The characters are well-developed, with clear motivations and conflicting interests that create tension and drive the scene's dynamics.

      Character Changes: 8

      The characters undergo significant challenges and confrontations that lead to emotional and moral growth, particularly in the face of betrayal and conflicting loyalties.

      Internal Goal: 8

      The protagonist's internal goal is to uphold his sense of duty and loyalty to his team, despite facing conflicting orders and moral dilemmas. His desire to protect his men and complete the mission drives his actions.

      External Goal: 9

      The protagonist's external goal is to complete the mission and ensure the safety of his team members. He is faced with opposition from a mercenary who prioritizes financial gain over moral obligations.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between characters is intense and multi-layered, driving the scene's tension and emotional impact.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting orders and moral dilemmas creating obstacles for the protagonist. The audience is left uncertain of how the situation will be resolved.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high, with lives on the line, moral dilemmas, and betrayals that have far-reaching consequences for the characters and the overall mission.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward with key revelations, conflicts, and character decisions that have a lasting impact on the narrative.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable due to the conflicting motivations of the characters and the unexpected actions taken by the mercenary. The audience is left unsure of how the situation will resolve.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the protagonist's belief in duty and honor versus the mercenary's focus on self-interest and profit. This challenges the protagonist's values and forces him to make difficult decisions.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions, including anger, tension, and empathy for the characters' predicaments.

      Dialogue: 8

      The dialogue is sharp, intense, and reveals the characters' inner conflicts and motivations effectively.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, moral dilemmas, and intense dialogue. The conflict and tension keep the audience invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' decisions and actions.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 9

      The formatting adheres to the expected format for a screenplay, effectively conveying the action and dialogue in a clear and concise manner.

      Structure: 9

      The scene follows a structured format that effectively builds tension and conflict. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the scene's effectiveness.

      • The scene starts in the middle of a tense situation, with Murdock ordering an abort of the operation. This is a good way to create suspense and urgency, but it also makes it difficult for the audience to understand what is going on.
      • The dialogue is concise and to the point, but it could be more expressive. The characters are all speaking in a very formal and professional manner, which makes them sound more like soldiers than real people.
      • The scene is very short, and it doesn't give the audience enough time to connect with the characters or the situation. As a result, it feels like a rushed and unsatisfying conclusion to the previous scene.
      • Start the scene with a few lines of dialogue that establish the setting and the characters' relationships. This will help the audience to understand what is going on and why the characters are acting the way they are.
      • Give the characters more personality by adding some informal dialogue and humor. This will make them more relatable and engaging.
      • Expand the scene by adding more details about the situation. This will give the audience a better understanding of the stakes involved and why the characters are so determined to succeed.
      • End the scene with a cliffhanger that will leave the audience wanting more. This will keep them engaged and excited to see what happens next.

      Scene 23 -  Confrontation and Conflict in Vietnam

      Rambo half-supports Banks with one arm and FIRES his AK
      with the other.

      The rifle is empty and he drops it. MORTAR ROUNDS EXPLODE
      on all sides. They watch the A109 skimming in low across
      the tree tops, almost to them... hovers and then...

      It veers in a tight bank and climbs out.

      Heads away.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      The dust swirls around them. A MORTAR SHELL LANDS so
      close it knocks them down.


      as he looks at Ericson.


      of Ericson.


      Framed against the grey sky, Rambo watches as the A109
      diminishes over his shoulder until it's a black dot. He
      is so consumed with rage that his expression goes slack...
      blank... a murderous disconnection from conscience.

      Banks looks stunned, lost. He sags to one knee.

      Rambo just keeps looking in the direction of the A109.


      From both sides the NVA soldiers advance like ants to the
      top of the ridge...


      Rambo glances down almost disdainful then back at the
      nearly diminished chopper.


      Co, watching from behind foliage, as the NVA's converge on
      Rambo and Banks. Her expression enigmatic. She turns and
      disappears into the forest.


      Murdock is pouring scotch over ice in a glass as the DOOR
      behind him BANGS OPEN.

      Trautman is furious.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      What're you doing? Do you know what
      the hell you've done?!!

      Murdock stands up quickly, a glass of scotch in his hand.

      Don't act so innocent, Colonel. You
      had your suspicions, and if you
      suspected then, you're sort of an
      accessory, aren't you?

      Trautman smashes the glass from his hand.

      Don't ever count me with you and
      your scum. It was a lie, wasn't it?
      Just like the whole damn war, a lie!

      What are you talking about?

      The camp was supposed to be empty.
      Rambo goes in... a former decorated
      Vet. He finds no P.O.W.'s. The
      Congress buys it, case closed. If
      he gets caught, no one knows he's
      alive except you and your computers,
      and you can reprogram that, can't

      Who do you think you're talking to,

      A stinking bureaucrat trying to
      cover his ass!

      Not just mine, Trautman, a nation's!
      It was your hero's fault. If your
      "warrior" had done what the hell he
      was told, we'd be out of this clean
      and simple. All he was supposed to
      do is to take pictures!

      And if the pictures showed something
      they would've been lost, wouldn't
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      Murdock is terribly on edge.

      Look, I don't think you understand
      what this is all about, Trautman!

      Same as it always is, money. In
      '72 we were supposed to pay the
      "Cong" four and a half billion in
      war reparations, we reneged, and
      they kept the P.O.W.'s, and now
      you're doing it all over again!

      And what the hell would you suggest
      we do if some burnt-out P.O.W. shows
      up on the six o'clock news -- fight
      the war all over again? Have an
      invasion! Bomb Hanoi? Do you think
      anybody is going to get on the floor
      of the United States Senate and ask
      billions of dollars for a couple of
      forgotten ghosts!

      Men! Men who died for their
      country, you bastard!

      Enough, I'm going to forget this
      meeting ever took place, and I'd
      advise you to never make the mistake
      of bringing this subject up again.

      Trautman turns, starts out, then turns back to Murdock.

      You're the one who's making the

      Murdock pauses.

      What "mistake?"

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      ... Rambo.

      As soon as Trautman utters the name, we hear SHOUTING in
      Vietnamese and the SOUND OF A BACKHAND ACROSS FLESH.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary In a rice paddy in Vietnam, Rambo and Banks come under attack from NVA soldiers, with mortar rounds exploding around them. Co observes the situation from a distance, as NVA soldiers close in. Meanwhile, Trautman confronts Murdock about the situation in Vietnam, accusing him of lying and covering up the truth. The scene ends with Trautman telling Murdock that he is making a mistake and Murdock dismissing his accusations.
      • Intense conflict
      • Revealing character motivations
      • High stakes tension
      • Some dialogue may be overly dramatic


      Overall: 8

      The scene effectively builds tension, reveals crucial information about the characters' motivations, and sets up a high-stakes conflict.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of betrayal, deception, and the consequences of war are central to the scene, driving the conflict and character motivations.

      Plot: 8

      The plot advances significantly with the revelation of the true mission objectives and the escalating danger faced by Rambo and Banks.

      Originality: 9

      The scene offers a fresh perspective on the consequences of war, government corruption, and personal responsibility. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and compelling.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters' emotions and motivations are well-developed, especially in the confrontation between Trautman and Murdock.

      Character Changes: 7

      The characters undergo emotional turmoil and revelations, especially Trautman and Murdock, leading to potential changes in their perspectives.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is to control his rage and maintain his composure in the face of provocation and danger. This reflects his struggle with inner demons and trauma from his past experiences.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to survive the escalating conflict and evade capture by the NVA soldiers. This reflects the immediate threat and challenges he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between Trautman and Murdock, as well as the life-threatening situation faced by Rambo and Banks, creates a high level of tension.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in this scene is strong, with conflicting viewpoints, power struggles, and moral dilemmas creating obstacles for the characters to overcome. The audience is left uncertain about the outcome.

      High Stakes: 9

      The high stakes are evident in the life-threatening situation faced by Rambo and Banks, as well as the moral dilemmas and betrayals revealed in the confrontation.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by revealing crucial information, escalating the danger, and setting up future conflicts.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable due to the shifting power dynamics, moral dilemmas, and unexpected plot twists. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the conflict will resolve.

      Philosophical Conflict: 9

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the morality of war, government deception, and the value of human life. Trautman and Murdock represent opposing views on these issues, challenging each other's beliefs and values.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The emotional impact is high due to the intense confrontations, betrayals, and life-threatening situations depicted in the scene.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is intense and confrontational, effectively conveying the characters' emotions and conflicting perspectives.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, emotional conflicts, and intense action sequences. The dialogue and character dynamics keep the audience invested in the unfolding drama.

      Pacing: 9

      The scene's pacing is expertly crafted to build tension, escalate conflicts, and maintain the audience's interest. The rhythm of the dialogue and action sequences enhances the scene's effectiveness.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene's formatting adheres to standard screenplay conventions, making it easy to follow and visualize the action. The descriptions are concise and effective.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows a coherent structure with clear transitions between different locations and characters. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the scene's tension and drama.

      • The scene lacks a clear purpose and direction. It is unclear what the characters are trying to achieve or what the conflict is.
      • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. The characters speak in a way that is not believable or engaging.
      • The pacing of the scene is slow and uneven. There is not enough action or excitement to keep the reader engaged.
      • The scene does not provide any new information or insights into the characters or the plot.
      • The scene is too long and could be cut down without losing any important information.
      • Rewrite the scene to give it a clear purpose and direction.
      • Revise the dialogue to make it more natural and believable.
      • Add more action and excitement to the scene.
      • Provide new information or insights into the characters or the plot.
      • Cut down the scene to make it more concise.

      Scene 24 -  Rambo's Punishment and the Arrival of the Russians

      He's hung above the slime pit. His muddy face grimaces as
      it is hit by Sgt. Tay. Tay curses him in Vietnamese.


      Powerful and vicious-looking as a rabid ferret. He raises
      one fist, and smashes it down, hitting Rambo.

      There is another SICKENING IMPACT against flesh.


      Another WHACK! heard from across the compound. All the
      P.O.W.'s are there.

      Two of them, b.g., seem completely autistic. The others
      seem to wince, as one, with Banks, as the WHACKS ECHO
      across the compound.


      Off to one side of the camp in a gloomy shaded area is the
      pit that is filled with slime. It is ten feet deep, eight
      feet wide. CAPTAIN VINH, a severe-looking tyrant,
      observes Sgt. Tay standing on a pair of planks near Rambo,
      who is being slowly submerged in the slime up to his neck.

      Sgt. Tay looks to Capt. Vinh who nods and Tay backhands
      Rambo across the face. Rambo spits.

      Tay has Rambo's special knife tucked in his waistband.


      The GRINDING SOUND of two arriving transport trucks, draws
      everyone's attention... Out of the truck climb a troop of
      15 Russians. Soldiers, members of the elite Soviet
      Airborne Division, dressed in dark fatigues.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      From truck two 15 Vietnamese soldiers emerge.

      EXT. CAMP - HUEY - DAY

      A thunderous WHIPPING SOUND is heard and the camp begins
      to fill with spinning dust as an American made "Huey"
      helicopter descends, landing near the guard towers.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - HUEY - DAY

      The Viet officers and guards cringe against the rotor
      blast as the ship settles. The side door slides open.


      Rambo tries to see through his watering eyes, but is
      blinded by the blast.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - HUEY - DAY

      Out step three Russian giants in black fatigues and
      berets. They are also members of the elite Soviet 3rd
      Airborne Division. Lastly two Russian officers disembark.
      They eye the Russian soldiers standing at attention.


      They glance at Rambo for a split second and motion to
      Captain Vinh to remove Rambo. Vinh yells an order at a
      pair of guards who start to pull at a pair of ropes and
      slowly hoist Rambo from the slimy pit.


      Rambo is pulled upright and we can see that he is bound to
      a pole in a crucified position... Upon closer inspection
      we see his body is covered with at least twenty huge
      blood-gorged leeches.


      The two Russian officers approach and coldy eye Rambo who
      is slightly suspended above them... Capt. Vinh and Sgt.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Tay stand near the Russians. PODOVSK, the shorter,
      brighter-looking of the two, pulls Rambo's knife from
      Tay's waistband and, with a casual air, uses the tip of
      the razor-sharp knife to sever a black leech from the base
      of Rambo's neck... He handles the knife like a masterful

      These people are so vulgar in their
      methods. They lack compassion. I
      am Lieutenant Podovsk. I do not
      know who you are yet -- But I will.
      ... Inside.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary In this tense and violent scene, Rambo is hung above a slime pit and gets beaten by Sgt. Tay while other prisoners, including Banks, wince with each blow. Captain Vinh oversees the punishment. A helicopter arrives carrying Russian and Vietnamese soldiers, led by Lieutenant Podovsk. The Russians take an interest in Rambo, ordering him to be removed from the pit, revealing numerous leeches on his body. Lieutenant Podovsk shows some compassion by removing a leech from Rambo's neck, indicating a potential power shift in the camp.
      • Intense atmosphere
      • High stakes
      • Introduction of new antagonists
      • Minimal dialogue


      Overall: 8

      The scene is intense, dramatic, and sets up a high-stakes situation for the characters. The introduction of new antagonists adds depth to the conflict.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of showcasing the harsh realities of war and the introduction of new adversaries is well executed.

      Plot: 8

      The plot advances significantly with the introduction of the Russian soldiers and the escalation of danger for Rambo and the other prisoners.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh approach to the prison camp setting by incorporating elements of Russian and Vietnamese soldiers, as well as the presence of a helicopter. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 7

      The characters, especially the Russian officers, are portrayed as cold and ruthless, adding complexity to the dynamics in the scene.

      Character Changes: 6

      Rambo undergoes further physical and emotional trauma, deepening his character arc.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is likely to survive the brutal treatment and maintain his resilience in the face of adversity. This reflects his deeper need for freedom and survival.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to endure the physical torture and potentially find a way to escape from the prison camp. This reflects the immediate challenge he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict is high with Rambo facing physical and emotional torture in the prison camp, as well as the introduction of new enemies.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with Rambo facing physical torture and the threat of further harm. The audience is left uncertain of how he will overcome these challenges.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are extremely high with Rambo's life in danger and the introduction of powerful new adversaries.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by escalating the danger and introducing new elements to the plot.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the introduction of the Russian soldiers and the unexpected turn of events with the helicopter arrival. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between the brutal methods of the Vietnamese soldiers and the more calculated and precise approach of the Russian officers. This challenges Rambo's beliefs about humanity and compassion.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes strong emotions due to the brutal treatment of Rambo and the dire situation of the prisoners.

      Dialogue: 6

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the brutality and tension of the situation.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, intense conflict, and the sense of danger faced by the protagonist. The reader is drawn into the tension and brutality of the situation.

      Pacing: 8

      The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and maintains a sense of urgency, keeping the reader engaged and invested in the outcome.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene is clear and concise, following the expected format for its genre.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, effectively building tension and escalating the conflict.

      • The scene is relatively short and lacks visual interest, with most of the action taking place off-screen.
      • The dialogue is minimal and uninformative, providing little insight into the characters or the situation.
      • Rambo's characterization is inconsistent with his previous portrayal as a skilled and resourceful soldier, as he is easily captured and helpless in this scene.
      • The introduction of the Russian officers and soldiers feels sudden and unexplained, and their motivations are unclear.
      • The scene ends abruptly without any resolution or clear direction for the story.
      • Expand the scene to include more visual details and action, such as a struggle between Rambo and his captors or a confrontation between the Russian and Vietnamese officers.
      • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more informative and revealing, providing more insight into the characters' thoughts and feelings.
      • Establish Rambo's character more clearly by showing his resilience and resourcefulness, even in the face of adversity.
      • Provide more context for the arrival of the Russian officers and soldiers, explaining their role in the camp.
      • End the scene with a more definite resolution or direction for the story, such as Rambo being taken away for interrogation or the Russians taking control of the camp.

      Scene 25 -  Rambo's Defiant Silence During Interrogation

      Through the bars, Banks and the two other P.O.W.'s can
      catch a fleeting glimpse of Rambo being dragged away. An
      older PRISONER speaks up in a weak voice.

      P.O.W. (OLDER MAN)
      He's dead now.


      Vinh sends the gawking guards scurrying with strident
      yells as he follows the two Russians into the room. The
      Soviets stand in front of Rambo. He is bare from the
      waist up. Lt. Commander Podovsk has a hard face, sharp
      features. His bearing is erect, arrogant. He still has
      Rambo's knife in his hand, which he uses like a painter
      when he speaks.

      The other, SGT. YUSHIN, is another story. A tall, broad
      slab of combat muscle. His hair cut short as a scrub
      brush. Thick and functional as state sculpture, his
      features cannot fill his broad, flat face Nordic
      Mongolian-Circassian heritage... He wears a pine tree
      patch on his shoulder denoting his status as a "plastune"
      or cossack scout.

      (in Russian)
      In the chair.

      Yushin hauls Rambo into a wooden stool against the wall.
      In front of him is a radio and a transmitter. Yushin's
      eyes move over Rambo's wounds. He looks quickly into
      Rambo's eyes, then moves away from him.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Podovsk sits next to him on a small metal desk.

      The only light is from a single bare bulb.

      (continuing, in Viet
      to Vinh)
      Thank you, Captain Vinh. Leave one
      guard please.

      Vinh exits with Tay and the other three Viets. Yushin
      prepares torture equipment.

      Podovsk adjusts his wire-rim glasses and considers Rambo.
      He turns Rambo's bruised face gently, and examines the
      marks left by the leeches.

      Podovsk walks behind him and notices the long crisscrossed
      scars on Rambo's chest and back.

      (continuing, painting
      with the knife)
      I see you are no stranger to pain...
      Is it possible you have been among
      my Vietnamese comrades before? No
      answer. I see. Do you wish to tell
      me your name -- what harm can that

      Rambo stares through Podovsk.

      Pride is a poor substitute for
      intelligence... Well, no matter.
      What you must understand is that we
      have to interrogate you. We will
      find out what you were doing.

      He gestures to his massive assistant.

      To Sergeant Yushin, you are a piece
      of meat, a laboratory experiment.
      To me, you are a comrade similar to
      myself just opposed by a matter of
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Rambo eyes the torture equipment in Yushin's hands.

      I know you were trying to facilitate
      the release of war criminals held by
      this republic. I can appreciate
      this --

      Rambo just stares.

      But this -- your capture -- this
      incident is -- embarrassing. You
      must understand. We must have
      explanation. First I wish for you
      to radio back to your headquarters
      and say you found no prisoners, that
      your operation was a failure.

      Podovsk holds up the microphone. Still no response.

      No? You wish to test your strength
      -- very good.
      (to Yushin)

      Podovsk slips the knife into a pan of smoking hot coal
      that is situated in clear view of Rambo.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary Rambo is taken to an interrogation room in the prison cave and confronted by two Russian officers, Podovsk and Yushin. They try to extract information about his mission, while Rambo remains defiant and silent. Podovsk becomes increasingly frustrated and orders Yushin to proceed with the torture. Rambo has visible wounds and long crisscrossed scars on his chest and back. The scene ends with Podovsk ordering the torture to begin.
      • Intense atmosphere
      • Emotional depth
      • Character resilience
      • Graphic violence
      • Disturbing content


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly impactful, intense, and emotionally charged, effectively conveying the brutality of war and the strength of the characters involved.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of interrogation and torture in a war setting is executed with raw authenticity, adding depth to the characters and advancing the plot significantly.

      Plot: 9

      The plot advances significantly as Rambo faces interrogation and torture, showcasing the high stakes and escalating conflict in the story.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh approach to the interrogation trope by focusing on the psychological and emotional aspects of the characters' interactions. The authenticity of the dialogue and character motivations adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 9

      The characters, especially Rambo, are well-developed and show resilience and defiance in the face of extreme adversity, adding depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 8

      Rambo undergoes a significant ordeal of interrogation and torture, showcasing his resilience and defiance, leading to a change in his character.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to resist the interrogation and torture, maintaining his pride and resilience in the face of adversity. This reflects his deeper need for independence and self-preservation.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to resist revealing any information to the Russians and to maintain his loyalty to his mission. This reflects the immediate challenge of facing interrogation and torture.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and high-stakes, with Rambo facing brutal interrogation and torture, creating a sense of urgency and danger.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the Russians exerting their authority over Rambo and posing a significant threat to his physical and emotional well-being.

      High Stakes: 9

      The high stakes of the scene, with Rambo facing brutal interrogation and torture, add tension and urgency to the narrative.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene moves the story forward significantly, escalating the conflict and raising the stakes for the characters involved.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting power dynamics between the characters and the uncertainty of Rambo's response to the interrogation.

      Philosophical Conflict: 9

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between the Russians' view of Rambo as a mere prisoner to be interrogated and the protagonist's belief in his own strength and resilience. This challenges Rambo's values of loyalty and determination.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions of fear, tension, and defiance, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

      Dialogue: 8

      The dialogue is intense and impactful, effectively conveying the power dynamics and emotions between the characters in the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of the high stakes, intense dialogue, and the psychological battle between the characters. The tension and suspense keep the audience invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 8

      The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, with a gradual escalation of conflict and character interactions.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and descriptions of character actions and dialogue.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for a tense interrogation sequence, with a clear progression of events and character interactions.

      • The dialogue between Podovsk and Rambo is a bit stiff and unnatural. It feels like the characters are reading lines from a script rather than speaking naturally.
      • The scene lacks tension. There is no sense of urgency or danger, and the characters seem to be going through the motions.
      • The scene is too long. It could be trimmed down to make it more concise and impactful.
      • The character of Podovsk is not well-developed. He is described as having a hard face and sharp features, but we don't learn anything about his personality or motivations.
      • Overall, the writing of this scene could benefit from some refinement to make it more engaging, natural and concise.
      • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and believable.
      • Add some tension to the scene by raising the stakes or adding a sense of urgency.
      • Trim down the scene to make it more concise and impactful.
      • Develop the character of Podovsk by giving him more depth and motivation.
      • Consider adding some visual elements to the scene to make it more engaging.

      Scene 26 -  Rambo's Torture and Co's Distraction

      Yushin walks forward.


      The guard in the hollow of the tree, glances up at the
      SOUND OF AN APPROACHING MOTORBIKE. A young woman, wearing
      an ao-dai and coolie hat, rides up on a scooter and stops
      by the shack. Strapped onto the scooter is the pouch
      containing the bow.


      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      OVER the girl's shoulder as she steps up to the guard box
      and coos something to the sentry.

      He grins to see a new face among the whores from the
      village, and one so pretty...


      It is Co. She dickers price through the sentry box
      window. He unlatches the gate.


      An iron bedframe has been brought in and leaned vertically
      against the wall opposite the door... Charcoal smoke fills
      the room.

      Rambo has been tied to the frame spread-eagle by length of
      wire around his ankles, neck and forearms at the elbows.
      His body is contorted in agonizing pain as electricity
      courses through his flesh.

      The name --

      No response from Rambo and Yushin twists a large rheostat

      Rambo convulses with an explosive muscle contraction.
      Slams against the springs. His veins swell as if to


      The lights of the camp dim, flickering, under the current


      Vinh and Russians are eating together. They react to the
      camp lights flicker.


      Rambo slams convulsively against the electric grid formed
      by the steel bed. His teeth are clenched as if he has
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:


      They watch the lights outside come up to normal
      brightness. Banks closes his eyes, sharing a ghost of the


      Rambo hangs from his bonds, heaving and shivering.

      Podovsk turns to him conversationally, as if he were an
      acquaintance at work.

      Comrade, here is something you might
      be interested in.

      He draws a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Opens

      A transcript of the conversation
      between your helicopter pilot and
      his commander we intercepted.
      Mmmm. "Dragonfly... Slam Dunk."
      Colorful names. Here we are -- "Ah,
      Coach One... we have them in sight."
      And the reply -- "Abort the
      operation immediately. Return to
      base camp."

      He jerks Rambo's head back and he graciously shows Rambo
      the printout.

      It seems they abandoned you on
      direct orders. These are the people
      you protect with your pain? -- You
      may scream. There is no shame.

      Podovsk snaps his fingers and Yushin turns the knob.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary In an interrogation room at the P.O.W. camp, Yushin tortures Rambo with electricity to extract information, while Rambo remains silent. Meanwhile, at the main gate, Co distracts the guard to bring in a pouch containing a bow. The scene takes place at night and is tense and suspenseful, with Podovsk attempting to extract information from Rambo and revealing that his helicopter pilot and commander abandoned him on direct orders. The scene ends with Rambo convulsing in pain as Podovsk orders Yushin to increase the electricity.
      • Intense emotional impact
      • Well-developed characters
      • High stakes and tension
      • Revealing plot developments
      • Graphic depiction of torture may be disturbing to some viewers


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly impactful, with a combination of intense emotions, high stakes, and significant plot developments. The tension and drama are palpable, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of betrayal, interrogation, and resilience in the face of torture is well-executed. It adds depth to the character of Rambo and drives the plot forward.

      Plot: 9

      The plot unfolds with crucial revelations about the characters' motivations and the unfolding events. The scene propels the story forward and sets the stage for further conflict and resolution.

      Originality: 9

      The scene is original in its depiction of torture and interrogation tactics, as well as the psychological dynamics between the characters. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 9

      The characters, especially Rambo, are well-developed and show depth through their actions and reactions. The scene highlights their strengths and vulnerabilities, adding layers to their personalities.

      Character Changes: 8

      Rambo undergoes a significant emotional and physical ordeal in the scene, showcasing his resilience and defiance in the face of torture and betrayal. This experience changes him and adds depth to his character.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to resist giving up information despite the intense pain and torture he is experiencing. This reflects his deeper need for resilience, strength, and loyalty to his comrades.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal in this scene is to endure the torture and not give in to the interrogators' demands for information. This reflects the immediate challenge he is facing of physical and psychological torture.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense, both internally within the characters and externally with the interrogation and betrayal. The stakes are high, adding to the tension and drama.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with Rambo facing intense physical and psychological torture that creates uncertainty and suspense for the audience.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high in the scene, with Rambo facing torture, betrayal, and abandonment by his own side. The consequences of his actions and the unfolding events add to the intensity of the situation.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene moves the story forward by revealing crucial information about the characters' motivations, the betrayal by the helicopter pilot, and the escalating conflict in the war-torn setting. It sets the stage for further developments.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists in the interrogation tactics and the psychological dynamics between the characters.

      Philosophical Conflict: 9

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the interrogation tactics used by the interrogators, which challenge Rambo's beliefs in loyalty and resilience. The interrogators believe in using pain and coercion to extract information, while Rambo believes in loyalty and resistance.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, ranging from empathy for the characters' suffering to anger at the betrayal. It leaves a lasting impact on the viewer.

      Dialogue: 8

      The dialogue is impactful and serves to convey the emotions and motivations of the characters effectively. It adds to the tension and drama of the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of the intense emotional stakes, the conflict between the characters, and the suspenseful pacing.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment of revelation and conflict.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene descriptions and dialogue formatting.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment of revelation and conflict.

      • The scene starts with Yushin walking forward and then cuts to an external location without providing any context for the transition. This can be confusing for readers as it's not clear why the scene is cutting away.
      • The dialogue between Podovsk and Rambo is very clunky and unnatural. It doesn't sound like real conversation and it's difficult to follow.
      • The description of Rambo being tortured is very graphic and over-the-top. It's not necessary to go into such detail and it can be off-putting for readers.
      • The scene ends abruptly with Podovsk snapping his fingers and Yushin turning a knob. This doesn't provide any resolution to the scene and leaves the reader hanging.
      • Overall, the scene is poorly written and doesn't add anything to the story. It's best to cut this scene and move on to the next one.
      • Start the scene with a description of the interrogation room and the people in it. This will help to orient the reader and make the scene more cohesive.
      • Rewrite the dialogue between Podovsk and Rambo so that it sounds more natural and realistic.
      • Tone down the description of Rambo being tortured. It's not necessary to go into such detail and it can be off-putting for readers.
      • Add a resolution to the scene. This could be something as simple as Podovsk leaving the room or Rambo passing out from the pain.
      • Consider cutting the scene altogether. It doesn't add anything to the story and it can be off-putting for readers.

      Scene 27 -  Rambo's Forced Radio Call and Co's Escape Attempt
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Co, moving stealthily out of a barrack... as she moves the
      CAMERA ANGLES DOWN to reveal the outstretched legs of a
      dead soldier.


      Rambo hangs so limply that he might be dead. Podovsk
      moves in to check as Rambo's head begins to rise.

      Good... You are strong -- The
      strongest so far -- but you are
      nearly dead -- for what? Make the
      radio call... yes?

      The door opens and Banks is shoved by Sgt. Tay. Around
      his neck is a then wire that is being twisted by Tay...
      Yushin takes Banks and flings him brutally against the

      Yushin has a memento for you of
      this occasion.

      Yushin presses the molten tip against Rambo's cheek
      leaving a shearing triangular smoking scar... through it
      all, Rambo remains trance-like, not moving at all.

      Podovsk motions to Yushin, toward Banks.

      (continuing, bored)
      ... Put it in his eye.

      Yushin turns as Tay jerks Banks' head back.

      If your life means nothing, perhaps
      his does.

      Yushin takes the knife and begins to slowly direct the
      point into the center of Banks' eye...

      You will talk.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      His eyes seem like diamond drills. There is such
      determination born of rage in his expression that Podovsk
      stops. Takes a step back.

      ... Yes?

      The knife moves closer to Banks' pupil...

      Don't say nothin'!
      (to Yushin)
      Do what you want.

      The knife moves closer. Podovsk looks at Rambo for an

      ... Yes?

      Rambo weakly nods. Podovsk nods to his assistant who
      loosens his death grip on Banks who chokes. Yushin
      replaces the knife in the hot coals.


      Co ducks out of sight as a pair of NVA guards pause in her
      path to have a cigarette. They are distracted by the
      sudden THUNDER and lightning that follows.


      Rambo is helped to the table. He seems on the verge of
      collapse... Banks leans against the wall still in the
      clutches of Yushin. THUNDER shakes the room.

      Only fools die for a lost cause.

      Rambo is roughly pushed onto a stool by an NVA guard.
      Podovsk motions for Sgt. Tay to leave.

      I trust you know the proper transmit
      coordinates, yes?
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Rambo nods.

      You will state your name -- that
      you've been captured as a spy! You
      will state that the mission was a
      failure and all missions will fail.
      Tell them not to attempt such
      hostile aggression again. Do you

      Don't do it!

      Yushin tightens the wire around Banks' neck.

      Do it now!

      Podovsk motions to Yushin who releases Banks and
      balefully stares at the agonized American.

      ... 220-56 Lone Wolf -- receive.

      Don't --

      Banks is viciously slammed to the floor and we CUT on
      impact -- He is now unconscious.
      Genres: ["Action","Drama","War"]

      Summary In this tense and suspenseful scene, Rambo is being held in a P.O.W. camp and is forced to make a false radio call while his comrade, Banks, is threatened with a hot poker. Co, another comrade, tries to sneak around the camp to help them. The scene takes place at night in the courtyard and interrogation cell of the camp, and is dark and ominous with flashes of thunder and lightning. Rambo is forced to make the radio call or risk Banks being killed, and Co is forced to hide as guards pass by. The scene ends with Rambo making the call and Banks being knocked unconscious.
      • Intense emotional impact
      • Realistic character reactions
      • Gripping plot progression
      • Graphic violence
      • Disturbing content


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly impactful, intense, and emotionally charged, effectively conveying the brutality of war and the strength of the characters.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of interrogation and torture in a war setting is well-executed, highlighting the moral dilemmas and struggles faced by the characters.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is gripping and moves the story forward significantly, showcasing the challenges and dangers faced by the characters.

      Originality: 9

      The scene demonstrates a high level of originality through its depiction of extreme violence and psychological torment, the authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue, and the exploration of themes related to power, control, and resistance in a war setting.

      Character Development

      Characters: 9

      The characters are well-developed and their reactions to the intense situation are realistic and compelling.

      Character Changes: 8

      Rambo's resilience and defiance are highlighted, showcasing his inner strength and determination.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is to resist giving in to the demands of his captors and maintain his sense of dignity and strength despite the torture he is subjected to. This reflects his deeper need for autonomy, self-respect, and defiance against oppression.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to resist revealing sensitive information to the enemy and protect his fellow prisoner, Banks, from harm. This reflects the immediate challenge of survival and loyalty in the face of extreme danger.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is high, with intense physical and emotional struggles between the characters.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the captors' brutal tactics and the protagonist's resistance creating a high-stakes conflict that keeps the audience on edge. The uncertainty of the outcome and the characters' conflicting goals add complexity and tension to the scene.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high in the scene, with the characters facing torture, death, and moral dilemmas.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by revealing the challenges faced by the characters and the high stakes involved.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the characters' actions and decisions, the shifting power dynamics between the captors and captives, and the uncertain outcome of the conflict. The audience is kept on edge and unsure of how the situation will unfold.

      Philosophical Conflict: 9

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the clash between the captors' belief in power and control through torture and the captives' belief in resilience and resistance against oppression. This challenges Rambo's values of freedom and integrity, as he must decide whether to comply with his captors' demands or maintain his principles.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene has a high emotional impact, evoking fear, desperation, and empathy for the characters' plight.

      Dialogue: 8

      The dialogue is impactful and adds to the tension and emotional depth of the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its intense and suspenseful atmosphere, the high stakes faced by the characters, and the emotional depth of the conflict and character interactions. The audience is drawn into the harrowing situation and invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and suspense, maintaining a sense of urgency and momentum, and allowing for emotional impact and character development. The rhythm of the scene enhances the audience's engagement and investment in the story.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene adheres to the expected format for its genre, with concise and impactful descriptions, clear character actions, and effective use of dialogue to convey the characters' emotions and motivations.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with a clear progression of tension, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness by building suspense and emotional impact.

      • The scene starts with Co moving stealthily out of a barrack and revealing the outstretched legs of a dead soldier. This is a good way to establish the setting and create a sense of tension, but it is not clear how Co's actions relate to the rest of the scene.
      • The next shot is of Rambo hanging limply in an interrogation cell. Podovsk moves in to check on him, and Rambo's head begins to rise. This is a good way to show that Rambo is still alive, but it is not clear why he is hanging there or what has happened to him.
      • Podovsk then tells Rambo that he is strong and that he will talk. He also tells him that Yushin has a memento for him, and Yushin presses a molten tip against Rambo's cheek. This is a brutal and effective way to torture Rambo, but it is not clear why Podovsk is doing this or what he hopes to achieve.
      • Podovsk then motions to Yushin to put the knife in Banks' eye. This is a horrifying threat, and it shows that Podovsk is willing to do anything to get Rambo to talk. However, it is not clear why Podovsk would want to hurt Banks, and it is not clear how this would help him get information from Rambo.
      • Rambo eventually agrees to make the radio call, and Podovsk nods to his assistant who loosens his death grip on Banks. This is a sudden and unexpected change of heart, and it is not clear why Rambo has decided to cooperate. It is also not clear why Podovsk would let Banks go, since he has been using him as leverage.
      • The scene ends with Podovsk telling Rambo that he will give him the coordinates to transmit. This is a confusing statement, since it is not clear why Rambo would need to transmit coordinates. It is also not clear what Podovsk hopes to achieve by giving Rambo these coordinates.
      • Overall, this scene is confusing and disjointed. It is not clear what the characters' motivations are, and it is not clear what is happening or why. This makes it difficult for the reader to follow the story and to understand what is at stake.
      • Start the scene with a clear establishing shot that shows the setting and the characters' relationships to each other.
      • Make it clear why Rambo is hanging in the interrogation cell and what has happened to him.
      • Explain why Podovsk is torturing Rambo and what he hopes to achieve.
      • Make it clear why Podovsk would want to hurt Banks and how this would help him get information from Rambo.
      • Explain why Rambo eventually agrees to make the radio call and why Podovsk would let Banks go.
      • Make it clear why Rambo needs to transmit coordinates and what Podovsk hopes to achieve by giving him these coordinates.
      • Rewrite the scene so that it is more coherent and easier to follow.

      Scene 28 -  Rambo's Interrogation and Escape Attempt

      The center is still manned by an assortment of military
      personnel who are starting to dismantle some of the space
      age equipment.

      Trautman stands in the hanger. He looks like a forlorn
      soul as he stares blankly into the darkness.

      Rambo's weak voice transmission manages to break through
      the DIN of the operations center.

      RAMBO (V.O.)
      Wolf Den -- This is... Lone Wolf --
      do you read? Over.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Trautman along with nearly everyone present snaps to
      attention --

      Lone Wolf! This is Wolf Den.
      Transmit location and status, over.

      Murdock is seen rushing in, followed by Ericson.

      What is it?!

      ... It's Rambo, sir.

      Murdock looks sharply at Trautman.


      Rambo sits at the radio sweating profusely. This appears
      to be the hardest mental task for a tight-lipped soldier
      of his caliber to perform.

      RADIO (V.O.)
      We read you, Lone Wolf -- what is
      your position -- over.

      Banks is slumped unconscious against the wall.

      Yushin pulls Rambo's head back with a vicious snap.

      What's your position, over?

      ... Your position will be death if
      you do not answer.


      Yushin lets Rambo's head loose. Beads of sweat drop from
      Rambo's nose as his hands tighten around the rusted


      Trautman snatches the microphone away from the operator.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      John, this is Trautman -- where the
      hell are you?


      Rambo leans closer to the microphone, but still remains

      TRAUTMAN (V.O.)
      Johnny, come in!

      Rambo shifts his gaze to Podovsk, then his eyes harden
      into orbs of defiant granite.

      ... Murdock.

      TRAUTMAN (V.O.)
      He's here!


      Murdock moves forward, his body stiff with apprehension --
      Trautman hands him the microphone. Murdock looks around
      as all eyes are riveted on him.

      Rambo -- This is Murdock -- we're
      glad you're alive... where are you?
      Give us your position and we'll come
      and get you, over.


      Rambo leans forward until his lips nearly touch the
      microphone. (Lightning and THUNDER effect.)

      ... Murdock, I'm coming to get you.

      Rambo strikes Yushin across the face with the
      microphone... Podovsk goes for his weapon.

      Yushin rises and goes for Rambo.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller","War"]

      Summary The scene takes place in a hanger and shifts to an interrogation cell and room where Rambo is being held captive and interrogated by Yushin and Podovsk. Trautman and Murdock are relieved to hear Rambo's weak transmission, but Rambo struggles to give his location. The conflict escalates as Rambo becomes more defiant, striking Yushin and going for Murdock. The tone is tense and suspenseful, with a sense of urgency as Rambo tries to communicate his location.
      • Intense dialogue
      • Emotional impact
      • Character development
      • Plot advancement
      • Tension building
      • Some cliched elements in the dialogue
      • Slightly predictable plot twists


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with a strong sense of conflict and emotional impact. The dialogue is powerful, and the stakes are raised significantly, making it a pivotal moment in the story.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a lone soldier facing off against his captors in a battle of wills is compelling and well-executed. The scene effectively showcases the theme of resilience and defiance in the face of adversity.

      Plot: 9

      The plot advances significantly in this scene, with key revelations about Rambo's situation and his determination to confront those who betrayed him. The conflict is heightened, leading to a climactic moment.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh take on the interrogation trope by focusing on the internal struggle of the protagonist and the moral dilemmas he faces. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo, are well-developed and their motivations are clear. Rambo's defiance and strength of character shine through in this scene, adding depth to his portrayal.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo undergoes a significant emotional and psychological change in this scene, as he confronts his captors and refuses to give in to torture. His defiance and determination mark a turning point in his character arc.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to maintain his composure and resist revealing his position under interrogation. This reflects his deep-seated fear of being captured or compromised.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to resist interrogation and protect his location from the enemy. This reflects the immediate challenge he faces in maintaining his secrecy and survival.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and multi-layered, with physical, emotional, and moral challenges for the characters. The confrontation between Rambo and his captors raises the stakes and keeps the audience on edge.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with Rambo facing a difficult challenge and uncertain outcome. The audience is left wondering how he will overcome the obstacles in his path.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are incredibly high in this scene, as Rambo faces torture and betrayal at the hands of his captors. The outcome of the confrontation will have far-reaching consequences for the characters and the story.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by revealing key information about Rambo's situation and setting up a major confrontation with his enemies. The plot advances significantly, leading to a climactic moment.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions and choices made by the characters, keeping the audience guessing about the outcome.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between loyalty to one's mission and loyalty to one's comrades. Rambo must balance his duty to protect his mission with his loyalty to his fellow soldiers.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, particularly in the face of Rambo's suffering and defiance. The tension and drama create a powerful emotional impact that resonates with viewers.

      Dialogue: 9

      The dialogue is intense and impactful, conveying the characters' emotions and motivations effectively. Rambo's chilling declaration to Murdock adds a memorable moment to the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense dialogue, and suspenseful atmosphere. The audience is kept on the edge of their seats as they wonder how the conflict will unfold.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by building tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, action lines, and dialogue formatting.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness.

      • The scene lacks a clear purpose and seems to be a continuation of the previous scene without a smooth transition. It abruptly starts with Rambo's weak voice transmission, and the audience is not given enough context to understand the current situation.
      • The dialogue is mainly focused on Rambo transmitting his location and giving information to Murdock, which feels like a repetition of the previous scene. It could benefit from more depth and emotional intensity to engage the audience.
      • The setting is not described in much detail, and the audience is left wondering about the environment in which the scene takes place. Providing more details about the interrogation cell or the hanger would enhance the visualization.
      • The characters' motivations and emotional states are not fully explored. While Rambo's defiance is conveyed, it would be more impactful to understand his internal struggle and determination to get to Murdock.
      • Consider adding a brief narration or establishing shots to provide context and smoothly transition from the previous scene.
      • Expand the dialogue to include more meaningful interactions between the characters. Allow them to express their emotions, fears, and motivations more explicitly.
      • Enhance the description of the setting to create a more immersive experience for the audience. Describe the physical characteristics of the interrogation cell and the hanger, creating a vivid atmosphere.
      • Explore Rambo's inner turmoil and desperation as he faces the dilemma of revealing his position. Show his conflict between his duty to his mission and his desire to confront Murdock.

      Scene 29 -  Escape from the P.O.W. Camp

      The floor EXPLODES and we see Co under the floor boards
      with gun in hand. She kills the NVA soldier whose rifle
      is aimed at Rambo.


      Rambo slams the pistol into Yushin's temple and elbows
      Podovsk in the jaw. He flings Yushin against the electric
      bedframe, which jolts the huge Russian. Rambo grabs his
      knife and is about to run Podovsk through when the door
      slams open.

      Sgt. Tay and three soldiers enter, his expression agape.

      Rambo bolts to the window.


      Rambo jumps through the window -- Co joins him and they
      run through the darkness as the camp comes alive.


      Sgt. Tay and his three men turn the corner in pursuit. Co
      cuts two of them down.

      Sgt. Tay drops back and yells for reinforcements.


      A Russian runs up, AK-47 in hand. Before he can fire,
      Rambo spins into him with a flying kick which pitches him
      onto his back, an inert heap... Rambo takes the AK-47 and
      blows one of the spotlights and the guard to bits.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      The camp goes nearly black.

      The second tower swings its light toward Rambo and Co.
      Rambo OPENS FIRE, shattering the light and causing the
      guard to dive for his life.

      With Co close behind him, Rambo runs toward the compound
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      A running Russian and Co OPEN UP with their assault
      RIFLES. Lightning and THUNDER continues simultaneously.

      The Russian is hit in the leg and dives for cover.

      Rambo lifts the wire for Co to wriggle under. His hands
      bleed as the wire cuts deeply into his flesh. Co FIRES at
      several approaching guards as Rambo slips under the wire
      on his back, holding the wire up with his hands, shredding
      his pants.

      Rambo and Co make it into the forest, running full out.
      More AK's OPEN UP behind them. Both tower PK's have been
      manned again.


      Preceding Rambo at a dead run, as he crashes through
      foliage. The forest is a blur. TRACERS WHIP BY, ruler-
      straight lines of red light.

      BARK EXPLODES from tree trunks around them. Leaves are
      ripped into confetti.

      This way!

      They angle away from the blind FIRING and spring away
      along the trail, disappearing in a moment.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - NIGHT

      Podovsk's nose and mouth are bleeding, he strides out of
      the interrogation blockhouse followed by Yushin. He jerks
      Sgt. Tay to his feet by the collar. He points to the

      Find! Now!

      Yushin releases the Viet Sergeant. Tay weakly yells
      orders to his men.

      (continuing, to the
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Find and kill him.
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller","War"]

      Summary Rambo and Co, while being held in a P.O.W. camp, make a daring escape. Co kills a Vietnamese soldier aiming at Rambo, and Rambo attacks the camp's officials. After grabbing a knife to kill one of them, he is interrupted by the arrival of Sgt. Tay and his men. Rambo and Co jump through a window and run through the camp, shooting guards and blowing up spotlights. They successfully make it to the forest, but are still being pursued by Russian guards. The scene is intense and action-packed, with a sense of urgency as Rambo and Co try to escape.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Character development
      • High stakes
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some cliched elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is action-packed, emotionally charged, and moves the story forward significantly. The intense conflict, high stakes, and character dynamics make it a standout moment in the screenplay.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a daring escape from a P.O.W. camp, followed by a retaliation against the captors, is well-executed and keeps the audience engaged. The scene effectively showcases the themes of survival, loyalty, and resistance.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is fast-paced, full of twists and turns, and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. The escape and retaliation add depth to the overall story and set the stage for further developments.

      Originality: 8

      The scene offers a fresh approach to the action genre with its intense and fast-paced sequences. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the authenticity of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo and Co, show bravery, resilience, and determination in the face of danger. Their actions and decisions drive the scene forward and reveal more about their personalities.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo's defiance and determination are highlighted as he fights back against his captors. Co also shows courage and resourcefulness in aiding Rambo's escape. These character changes drive the action and reveal new facets of their personalities.

      Internal Goal: 8

      The protagonist's internal goal is to survive and escape the dangerous situation they are in. This reflects their deeper need for freedom and self-preservation.

      External Goal: 7

      The protagonist's external goal is to evade capture and make it out of the P.O.W. camp alive. This reflects the immediate challenge they are facing of being pursued by enemy soldiers.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and multi-layered, involving physical, emotional, and moral challenges for the characters. The high stakes and life-threatening situations heighten the tension.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the protagonist facing multiple obstacles and enemies that pose a significant threat to their survival.

      High Stakes: 9

      The high stakes in the scene, including the characters' lives being in danger, the risk of capture, and the moral dilemmas they face, create a sense of urgency and importance. The outcome of the escape and retaliation will have significant consequences for the characters and the overall plot.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by showcasing the characters' struggle for survival, the escalating conflict with the captors, and the shifting dynamics between the protagonists and antagonists. It sets the stage for the next phase of the narrative.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the protagonist's escape plan, keeping the audience guessing about the outcome.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the struggle between survival and sacrifice. The protagonist must make decisions that could endanger themselves or others in order to escape, challenging their beliefs about self-preservation and morality.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes fear, suspense, and empathy for the characters' plight. The emotional intensity of the escape and retaliation adds depth to the story and engages the audience.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the urgency and tension of the situation. The characters' actions speak louder than words in this scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, fast-paced action, and suspenseful moments that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining a sense of urgency and tension throughout, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 7

      The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings and action descriptions.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with a clear progression of events and a build-up of tension leading to the climax.

      • This scene is very exciting and action-packed, but it could be improved by adding more detail to the setting and characters. For example, you could describe the interrogation room in more detail, including the furniture, lighting, and any other features that would help the reader visualize the scene. You could also describe Rambo and Co's appearances and personalities in more detail, so that the reader can better understand their motivations and actions.
      • The dialogue in this scene is also a bit sparse. You could add more dialogue to help develop the characters and their relationships. For example, you could have Rambo and Co talk about their experiences in the camp, or you could have them discuss their plans for escape.
      • Finally, the pacing of this scene could be improved. The action is very fast-paced, which is exciting, but it could be helpful to slow down the pace in some places to allow the reader to catch their breath and process what is happening.
      • The scene is very dark and visually confusing, which makes it difficult to follow the action.
      • The characters' motivations are not clear. Why does Rambo want to escape? Why is Co helping him?
      • The scene lacks tension and suspense. There is no sense of danger or urgency.
      • The dialogue is wooden and unnatural.
      • The scene is too long and could be shortened without losing any of the essential information.
      • Add more detail to the setting and characters.
      • Add more dialogue to develop the characters and their relationships.
      • Slow down the pacing of the scene in some places.
      • Add some lighting to the scene to make it easier to see what is happening.
      • Clarify the characters' motivations.
      • Add some tension and suspense to the scene.
      • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural.
      • Shorten the scene by removing any unnecessary dialogue or action.

      Scene 30 -  Rambo's Escape from Russian Pursuit

      Murdock pacing in front of the computers.


      Rambo and Co at a dead run, zigzag along the dark game

      The path steepens and he claws at exposed roots...
      climbing as much as running. Behind them is the rising


      Using hand lights to follow his footprints, Tay's squad of
      six guards jogs into the jungle. Behind them, through the
      trees, the Huey rises into the night.

      The chopper switches on the high intensity searchlights as
      it THUNDERS overhead. Shafts of light pierce the jungle.
      Sweeping. Searching.


      Rambo and Co are climbing rapidly, using roots as hand-
      holds to ascend the steep trail.

      The WHUMP-WHUMP of the HELICOPTER approaches and the glare
      of light flickering behind them.

      Rambo moves into a densely woven thicket. Russians move
      quietly f.g.


      Rambo and Co run down into a dip and into thick jungle.


      Rambo and Co crash through foliage as a searchlight sweeps
      toward them.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      It races over them backlighting them as they dive off the

      The searchlight flicks past them. Snaps back. Tay and
      his men in b.g.


      POV of figures running followed by spotlight.


      TRACERS rip down through the trees from the helicopter.


      Rambo and Co tear through the jungle.

      They dive over the edge of a muddy ravine, dropping
      through tangled vines. Catching, clawing, dropping. They
      run on.


      The Russians can't target them.


      They hit a solid trail and sprint, really covering ground.
      The shaft of light scans back and forth behind them. Then
      farther away. They've lost them. For the moment.


      as the chopper circles, probing with lances of light.

      CUT TO:
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller"]

      Summary In a tense and action-packed scene, Rambo and his team are pursued by Russians in a helicopter through a rainforest at night. Using hand lights to follow footprints, they zigzag and climb up a steep trail, evading the searchlight of the helicopter. After diving off a muddy ravine, they eventually lose the helicopter. Meanwhile, Murdock anxiously waits in a hanger, giving an order to find and kill someone off-screen. The scene ends with Rambo's team successfully evading the Russians.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Suspenseful chase scene
      • Strong character determination
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Limited character development


      Overall: 8

      The scene is action-packed, suspenseful, and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with the intense chase and pursuit.

      Story Content

      Concept: 7

      The concept of a high-stakes escape in a dark rainforest with a helicopter searchlight adds tension and excitement to the scene.

      Plot: 8

      The plot of the scene revolves around the characters' desperate attempt to evade capture, adding to the overall tension and suspense.

      Originality: 9

      The scene demonstrates originality through its unique setting in a rainforest, the use of a helicopter pursuit, and the characters' resourceful actions to evade capture.

      Character Development

      Characters: 7

      The characters show determination, resourcefulness, and bravery in the face of danger, adding depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 6

      The characters show resilience and determination, but there is not significant character development in this particular scene.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to evade capture and protect his team. This reflects his deep desire for survival and loyalty to his comrades.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to escape the pursuing Russians and helicopter. This reflects the immediate challenge he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between the characters and their pursuers, as well as the high-stakes situation, creates intense drama and suspense.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the pursuing Russians and helicopter providing a formidable challenge for Rambo and his team.

      High Stakes: 9

      The high stakes of the characters' escape, with their lives on the line, heighten the tension and suspense of the scene.

      Story Forward: 8

      The scene propels the story forward as the characters make a daring escape, leading to the next phase of their journey.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the characters' unpredictable actions and the constant threat of capture by the pursuing Russians.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the value of freedom and survival against the forces of authority and control. Rambo's actions challenge the beliefs and values of the pursuing Russians.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 7

      The scene evokes fear, tension, and determination in the characters, leading to an emotional impact on the audience.

      Dialogue: 6

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying urgency and determination in the characters' actions.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and suspenseful pursuit, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is fast and intense, with a rhythmic flow of action and suspense that keeps the audience engaged.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene is clear and easy to follow, with concise descriptions and effective use of scene transitions.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for an action sequence, with a clear progression of events and escalating tension.

      • The scene lacks tension and suspense. The helicopter searchlight is a cliche and doesn't add anything new to the scene.
      • The dialogue is clunky and unnatural. The characters speak in a way that no real person would.
      • The action is repetitive and boring. Rambo and Co simply run and hide from the helicopter, without any real sense of danger or urgency.
      • The scene doesn't advance the plot or develop the characters in any meaningful way.
      • The ending of the scene is anticlimactic. Rambo and Co simply lose the helicopter, without any real resolution or sense of accomplishment.
      • Rewrite the scene to focus on the characters' emotions and motivations. What are they thinking and feeling as they run from the helicopter? What are their hopes and fears?
      • Add more variety to the action. Have Rambo and Co use their environment to their advantage, and have them face more challenges than simply running and hiding.
      • Develop the characters more fully. Give them distinct personalities and motivations, and make them more relatable to the audience.
      • Raise the stakes. Make it clear what Rambo and Co will lose if they are caught, and make their escape more difficult and dangerous.
      • End the scene on a more dramatic note. Have Rambo and Co make a daring escape, or have them face a new and unexpected challenge.

      Scene 31 -  Rambo and Co Escape Threat with Co's Protective Fire

      Rambo and Co have taken shelter in the protective contours
      of the rocks and overgrowth...

      The helicopter moves off in the opposite direction... Co
      and Rambo catch their breath.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      ... We safe for now -- you look like
      hell, Rambo.

      Tough night.

      Rambo stares at her and almost has to smile. She hands
      over Rambo's bow kit, which was slung over her shoulder.

      ... maybe need this again.

      Rambo takes the bow kit and Co looks at his bleeding

      (continuing, moving
      very close)
      You hurt bad... Not so in-vo-nerable
      after all.

      ... No.

      You rest a while, I watch.

      (shakes his head)
      ... I'll watch.

      ... What you do, Rambo? Try to get
      across to Thailand?


      Then America.

      Rambo nods.

      You take me with you, Rambo? I give
      you one more chance.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      ... You don't know me.

      I know enough -- you take me?

      Rambo stares at her and nods.

      I think you make a good choice.

      ... Yeah.
      Better move.

      Co rises and trails behind Rambo.

      NOISE. She turns and FIRES... And Tay with four soldiers
      hit the deck.
      Genres: ["Action","Adventure","Thriller"]

      Summary In the early morning, Rambo and Co take shelter on elevated rocks as the helicopter departs. Co checks Rambo's injuries and offers to watch over him. Rambo agrees to let Co join him to Thailand and America. As they prepare to leave, Co shoots Tay and his soldiers who were approaching, ensuring their safe departure.
      • Intense action
      • Suspenseful atmosphere
      • Emotional depth in character interactions
      • Limited character development for supporting characters


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with action, suspense, and emotional depth, making it a compelling and intense sequence.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of survival and escape in a hostile environment is well-executed, with the added element of Co's unexpected offer to accompany Rambo adding depth to the scene.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is fast-paced and gripping, with the characters facing escalating danger and making crucial decisions to survive, driving the narrative forward.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh take on the survivalist genre by emphasizing the characters' emotional complexity and internal struggles. The dialogue feels authentic and reveals layers of the characters' personalities.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      Rambo and Co are well-developed characters, showing resilience and determination in the face of danger. Co's offer to join Rambo adds an emotional layer to their dynamic.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo and Co show growth and development in their relationship, with Co's offer to join Rambo indicating a shift in their dynamic.

      Internal Goal: 8

      The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is to maintain his tough exterior while also showing vulnerability and forming a connection with Co. This reflects his deeper need for human connection and understanding.

      External Goal: 7

      The protagonist's external goal is to escape to Thailand and eventually return to America. This goal reflects the immediate circumstances of being pursued and the challenges of survival in a hostile environment.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict is high, with Rambo and Co facing intense danger and obstacles, including physical threats and emotional challenges.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with Co challenging Rambo's beliefs and choices, creating conflict and tension. The audience is unsure of how the characters will resolve their differences.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high, with Rambo and Co's lives on the line as they navigate through a hostile environment and face deadly threats.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward, as Rambo and Co face escalating danger and make crucial decisions that impact their journey.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting power dynamics between the characters and the unexpected choices they make. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the characters will react.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between Rambo's desire to remain isolated and self-reliant versus Co's desire for companionship and assistance. This challenges Rambo's beliefs about his own strength and independence.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes a strong emotional response from the audience, as the characters' resilience and determination resonate with themes of survival and sacrifice.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is concise and impactful, conveying the characters' emotions and motivations effectively.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of the dynamic between the characters, the high stakes of their situation, and the emotional depth of their interactions. The tension and suspense keep the audience invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of action, dialogue, and character development. The rhythm builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the characters' journey.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows standard formatting conventions for a screenplay, with clear scene headings, character names, and dialogue formatting. The action is described concisely and effectively.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows a traditional structure for a survivalist action sequence, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm are effective in building tension and developing the characters' relationships.

      • The dialogue between Rambo and Co is a bit stiff and unnatural. It doesn't flow very well and doesn't really reveal much about their characters.
      • The action sequence is a bit too long and drawn out. It could be more effective if it were shorter and more focused.
      • The ending of the scene is a bit too abrupt. It would be more satisfying if there were a bit more closure.
      • The scene doesn't really advance the plot very much. It's mostly just a filler scene that could be cut without losing anything important.
      • Rewrite the dialogue between Rambo and Co to make it more natural and revealing.
      • Shorten the action sequence and make it more focused.
      • Add a bit more closure to the ending of the scene.
      • Consider cutting the scene altogether if it doesn't advance the plot very much.

      Scene 32 -  Rambo's Grief and Trautman's Arrest

      Russians and Viets nearby react, then head toward the


      Sgt. Tay OPENS FIRE with a small machine gun then the
      soldiers open up on Co and she is riddled to the ground.

      ... No!!!

      Rambo leaps to her fallen rifle and rolling behind a
      protective object, FIRES BACK and blows two of the
      soldiers away... Rambo moves to another position.


      Tay barks something in Viet to a soldier and slips
      fearfully away.


      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Rambo flanks the soldier and soldier turns to see smoking
      death racing toward him. He falls dead... Rambo rushes to

      He cradles her for a moment and his expression transforms
      into insane rage.

      Co rolls her glazed eyes to Rambo.

      ... You good man, Rambo... good.
      Not forget me.

      Co dies in his arms and Rambo roars with grief. The
      hunted man becomes the hunter... Rambo scoops her up and
      disappears into the forest.


      Trautman is there, nervously pacing, agitated. Murdock
      sits solidly behind his desk... Ericson sits on the other
      side of the room.

      Do you really think that you can
      threaten me, Colonel?

      I want the rescue team ready to go
      in one hour.

      (almost amused)
      You're risking your career, your
      reputation and your family's
      security -- do you think any one
      person is worth that, Trautman?

      ... Yes, I do.

      I'm giving you a direct order to
      withdraw from this project.

      Do I get the rescue team, or do I
      have to go over your head?

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Colonel, it's time you understand
      I'm in charge here -- here you're a
      tool, we're the machine --
      (to Ericson)
      I want him placed under arrest.
      He's not to leave the base.

      He never had a chance did he?

      ... Like you said, he went home.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary In the forest, Rambo fights Sgt. Tay's soldiers, killing two and cradling Co as she dies. Overwhelmed with grief, he disappears into the forest with her body. Meanwhile, at the base, Trautman and Murdock have a conflict over the rescue mission, with Trautman insisting on it and Murdock refusing and ordering his arrest. The scene is intense and emotional, with key pieces of dialogue including Murdock questioning Trautman's judgment and Trautman stating that he believes in the mission and is willing to risk his career for it. The scene ends with Murdock ordering Trautman's arrest and Trautman stating that he believes in the mission.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Character development
      • High stakes
      • Dialogue could be more nuanced
      • Some predictable plot elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with a good balance of action, emotion, and tension. The stakes are high, and the characters' motivations are clear and compelling.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a rescue mission in a war-torn setting is well-executed, with added layers of betrayal and sacrifice. The scene effectively conveys the themes of loyalty, courage, and redemption.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is fast-paced and filled with twists and turns, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The conflict between the characters and the escalating tension drive the narrative forward.

      Originality: 9

      The scene is original in its intense action sequences, emotional character moments, and moral dilemmas. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters are well-developed and their actions are in line with their motivations. Rambo's grief and rage, Co's bravery, and Trautman's determination add depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 8

      Rambo undergoes a significant transformation from grief to rage, showcasing his complex emotional journey. Co's sacrifice and Banks' loyalty also contribute to character development.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to protect and avenge Co, the character who dies in his arms. This reflects his deeper need for connection and loyalty, as well as his fear of losing those he cares about.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to defeat the soldiers who killed Co and escape the forest safely. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges he's facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between the characters, the Russians, and the Viets creates a high-stakes situation that drives the tension and action in the scene.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with characters facing difficult choices, moral dilemmas, and unpredictable outcomes that challenge their beliefs and values.

      High Stakes: 9

      The high stakes of life and death, betrayal, and redemption make the scene intense and gripping. The characters' actions have serious consequences, adding to the tension.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by escalating the conflict, revealing new information, and setting up the next stage of the rescue mission. The stakes are raised, and the tension increases.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists, character choices, and moral dilemmas that keep the audience on edge.

      Philosophical Conflict: 9

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between Trautman and Murdock, representing different values and beliefs about loyalty, duty, and sacrifice. This challenges Rambo's own beliefs about justice and the importance of individual lives.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions of grief, anger, and determination, particularly in Rambo's reaction to Co's death. The audience is deeply invested in the characters' fates.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is impactful and serves to move the story forward, but could benefit from more depth and complexity in certain interactions.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its intense action, emotional stakes, and moral dilemmas that keep the audience invested in the characters' fates.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by balancing action, emotion, and character development to create a dynamic and engaging sequence.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings, action descriptions, and character dialogue.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear action beats, emotional moments, and character interactions.

      • The scene is well-written and effectively conveys the sense of urgency and danger that Rambo and Co are in. However, there are a few areas that could be improved.
      • First, the dialogue could be more concise and impactful. For example, the line "No!!!" could be replaced with something more specific and emotionally resonant.
      • Second, the action could be more visually interesting. For example, the description of Rambo leaping to Co's fallen rifle and rolling behind a protective object could be expanded to include more details about the environment and Rambo's movements.
      • Finally, the ending of the scene could be more satisfying. The line "Rambo roars with grief" is a bit too vague and anticlimactic. It would be more effective to show Rambo's grief and rage more explicitly, perhaps by having him scream or lash out at the enemy soldiers.
      • Overall, the scene is a solid foundation, but it could be improved with some additional work on the dialogue, action, and ending.
      • Consider replacing the line "No!!!" with something more specific and emotionally resonant, such as "Co!" or "My God!"
      • Expand the description of Rambo leaping to Co's fallen rifle and rolling behind a protective object to include more details about the environment and Rambo's movements, such as "Rambo leapt to Co's fallen rifle and rolled behind a large tree, using it as cover from the enemy fire."
      • Revise the ending of the scene to show Rambo's grief and rage more explicitly, such as by having him scream "Co!" or "No!" and lash out at the enemy soldiers with his knife.

      Scene 33 -  Rambo's Feral Ambush on the Forest Trail

      A small band of Viet soldiers are moving through the
      jungle searching for Rambo.


      Starts to rain.

      Eyes closed, he has smeared the goo thoroughly over his
      face. It is a neolithic, feral visage. He has buried Co
      and pauses on one knee at the gravesite... around his neck
      hangs her "good luck" medallion. He has cut a strip of
      her garment and with great deliberation ties it around his
      head. Rambo rises with his bow in his hand and arrows
      across his back... He is the warrior and the war has now


      Moving forward cautiously, they glide through the dense
      rain and thicket.


      Rambo watches motionless -- and then kills the sergeant
      and Russian #2 with arrows.


      Through rain Russians materialize searching for Rambo.
      Into f.g. comes a Russian, parts bushes with rifle, turns
      past hollow tree. An arm comes out and pulls him in. He
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      stiffens as Rambo's knife kills him.


      moving in absolute silence nearby. He freezes and raises
      his bow. Thirty meters away are the Russians... An arrow
      sinks into Russian #3's chest... Russian #4 and #5 sprint
      away... To a different position for defense they motion to
      split up and a second arrow burrows into Russian #4's
      chest and lungs as he moves. He falls dead and Russian #5
      is frozen, until he sees what appears to be Rambo's
      fleeing form and takes chase.


      wave their AK's, looking for some sign of Rambo. They
      hear SOMETHING CRASHING through the downpour and
      undergrowth. Movement in dense brush. They OPEN FIRE.

      The CRASH OF SUSTAINED FIRE is deafening. They BLAST

      Their attention is so focused, the DIN SO LOUD, they do
      not notice a dark figure moving up behind them.

      Rambo snatches the wayward last guard into a thicket. A
      knife slashes, one Viet guard drops dead.

      Tay shouts repeatedly to cease firing and the others
      finally stop.

      We got him!

      They move away, advancing on their "target". Tay gingerly
      parts woven branches, revealing Russian #5 riddled with
      hundreds of 7.62mm rounds.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary A group of Vietnamese soldiers and seven Russians search for Rambo in a rainy forest. Rambo, with a gooey substance covering his face and a strip of Co's garment around his head, kills several soldiers with his bow and knife while avoiding detection. The scene ends with Rambo blending back into the forest and the remaining soldiers continuing their pursuit.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Character development
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some cliched elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with a perfect blend of action, emotion, and tragedy. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats and leaves a lasting impact.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a lone warrior seeking vengeance in a war-torn setting is well-executed. The scene effectively portrays the internal struggle and determination of the main character.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is intense and gripping, with high stakes and a clear goal for the main character. The action sequences are well-paced and keep the story moving forward.

      Originality: 9

      The scene features a fresh approach to the classic action genre, with a focus on survival and revenge in a hostile environment. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the tension of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters are well-developed, especially Rambo, whose transformation is central to the scene. Co's sacrifice adds depth to the emotional impact of the story.

      Character Changes: 8

      Rambo undergoes a significant transformation from grief to determination, showcasing his evolution as a character.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to avenge the death of Co and to survive the ongoing war. This reflects his deeper need for justice and his fear of losing those he cares about.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal in this scene is to evade capture and eliminate the Russian soldiers hunting him. This reflects the immediate challenge he faces in the dangerous forest environment.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict is intense and constant, driving the action and character motivations throughout the scene.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the Russian soldiers providing a formidable challenge for Rambo. The uncertainty of the outcome adds to the tension and suspense.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high with the threat of capture, death, and revenge driving the characters' actions and decisions.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by setting up the next phase of Rambo's journey and raising the stakes for the characters.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the action, as well as the shifting dynamics between the characters. The audience is kept on edge and unsure of the outcome.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the clash between survival instincts and moral values. Rambo must balance his desire for revenge with his sense of right and wrong.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions, especially with Co's death and Rambo's grief, making it a powerful and memorable moment in the story.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the emotions and motivations of the characters effectively.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its intense action, high stakes, and fast-paced narrative. The reader is drawn into the conflict and invested in Rambo's struggle.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted, with a balance of action, suspense, and character moments. The rhythm of the scene keeps the reader engaged and invested in the outcome.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 7

      The scene follows the expected formatting for an action sequence, with clear descriptions of the setting, characters, and action. The formatting enhances the readability and impact of the scene.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for an action sequence, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness.

      • The transition from the previous scene is abrupt and confusing. The reader is left wondering how Rambo and Co escaped the P.O.W. camp and what happened to the Russian guards who were pursuing them.
      • The scene lacks a clear sense of purpose or direction. It is not clear what Rambo is trying to achieve or what obstacles he is facing.
      • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. It does not sound like the way people actually talk.
      • The action is described in a very impersonal and clinical way. The reader does not feel any emotional connection to the characters or the events that are unfolding.
      • The scene ends abruptly and without any sense of closure. The reader is left feeling unsatisfied and confused.
      • Start the scene with a brief recap of what happened in the previous scene. This will help the reader to understand how Rambo and Co escaped the P.O.W. camp and what happened to the Russian guards who were pursuing them.
      • Give Rambo a clear goal or objective in the scene. This will help to focus the action and create a sense of suspense.
      • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and believable. The characters should sound like real people, not like robots.
      • Describe the action in a more vivid and engaging way. Use your senses to bring the scene to life and make the reader feel like they are there.
      • End the scene with a sense of closure. The reader should feel satisfied with the outcome of the scene and have a clear understanding of what happened.

      Scene 34 -  Rambo Evades Capture in Vietnamese Hamlet

      Tay barks at his men to sweep the area in an arc. The
      guards advance, stricken with a growing unease.


      Rambo traps Russian #6 with a vine around his feet. He
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      slides down into a black hole and Rambo slits his throat.


      They separate near a mudbank, one going over the
      embankment... the other near the river's edge.

      RUSSIAN #8
      No, this way... where are you?

      In the incessant rain, Russian #8 moves cautiously to his
      comrade's last position. Ahead, face down in the mud, is
      the body of Russian #7.

      Approaching the body, the frightened Russian looks around
      in full circle. Nothing. He moves by a mudbank.


      Rambo comes out of the mudhole and breaks Russian #8's


      Realizing they are without their flankers, Tay and four
      Viet Guards call out and move toward their last positions.
      They stand together at the top of the mudbank, gaping at
      the two bodies of Russian #7 and #8. Tay stares around,
      outraged. He yells to his squad to take up the chase.


      Rambo bursts out of the dense tangle, dragging streamers
      of vines, and finds himself in an EXPLOSION OF SQUAWKING

      He is in the muddy door-yard of a rural hutch, part of a
      small hamlet, of about a dozen buildings. Pigs scatter,
      GRUNTING their surprise, as Rambo sprints across the yard.
      Over a low rail fence. Between the hutches.


      Soldiers charge down the slope behind him.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      Rambo emerges onto the main "street" at a dead run,
      tearing a swath through the everyday village activities.

      The Viet peasants scatter as the fierce American charges
      through their midst. A giant by their standards to begin
      with, Rambo is now a mud-caked nightmare, trailing vines
      and brambles... his face a mask of dark streaks topped by
      encrusted hair... Villagers scream and flee... Rambo drops
      low looking frantically for something beneath a hutch...
      not finding it, he moves quickly to another... noticing a
      large can, opens it, and smells its contents.


      WIDE FROM BEHIND the soldiers as they pour into the
      village. A figure dashes from the hutch into the field of
      tall grass, disappearing.


      Two troop trucks are deploying 40 soldiers. Directing
      operations is Capt. Vinh.

      Vinh motions the soldiers impatiently toward where he
      stands at the edge of the elephant grass, and they wade
      into it. Beyond them the coarse grass becomes an
      impenetrable wall almost eight feet high.

      Vinh snorts in disgust and points at some trampled stalks.
      There is a bright smear of blood, and beyond, another.

      You see? Not a demon. A man. Now,
      we find where he's crawled to die.
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller","War"]

      Summary In a tense and chaotic scene, Rambo runs through a Vietnamese hamlet, causing panic among the villagers as he searches for something under a hutch. Viet Guards and soldiers, led by Captain Vinh, give chase and find the bodies of two Russians killed by Rambo. They also discover a trail of blood left by Rambo, concluding that he is a man who is injured. The scene takes place in a forest and hamlet in Vietnam during the day, and the dialogue is minimal as the soldiers and Viet Guards call out to each other while searching for Rambo.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Strong character development
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some predictable elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with tension, action, and emotional impact.

      Story Content

      Concept: 9

      The concept of a lone soldier being hunted in a dense forest by enemy forces is executed with great intensity and suspense.

      Plot: 8

      The plot advances significantly as Rambo evades capture and fights back against his pursuers.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces unique elements such as the mudhole and hamlet setting, as well as the unexpected encounter with chickens. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      Rambo's character is well-developed, showcasing his survival skills and determination. Other characters like Co and the Vietnamese soldiers add depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo undergoes a transformation from hunted to hunter, showcasing his resilience and determination.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to survive and evade capture by the soldiers hunting him. This reflects his deeper need for freedom and autonomy, as well as his fear of being captured or killed.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to escape the soldiers and make it out of the forest alive. This goal reflects the immediate challenge he is facing and the danger he is in.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between Rambo and his pursuers is intense and drives the action forward.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the soldiers hunting Rambo presenting a significant obstacle that adds to the tension and conflict.

      High Stakes: 10

      The stakes are incredibly high as Rambo is hunted by multiple enemy forces in a hostile environment.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by showing Rambo's escape and setting up future conflicts.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in Rambo's escape and the constant threat of danger from the soldiers.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the clash between the soldiers' duty to capture Rambo and his right to defend himself and survive. This challenges Rambo's beliefs in justice and self-preservation.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The death of Co and Rambo's grief add emotional depth to the scene.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the urgency and tension of the situation.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, suspenseful moments, and high stakes for the protagonist.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene contributes to its effectiveness by maintaining a sense of urgency and suspense, keeping the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 7

      The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear scene headings and descriptions of action.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear progression of events and a focus on action and suspense.

      • The scene is too short and doesn't give the reader enough time to get to know the characters or the setting.
      • The action is too fast-paced and difficult to follow.
      • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural.
      • The scene doesn't have a clear purpose or goal.
      • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying.
      • Expand the scene by adding more dialogue and description.
      • Slow down the action and give the reader time to process what is happening.
      • Rewrite the dialogue to make it more natural and believable.
      • Give the scene a clear purpose or goal.
      • Rewrite the ending of the scene to make it more satisfying.

      Scene 35 -  Rambo Sets Fire to Soldiers' Escape Route

      A line of 20 regulars and three Russians move into the
      grass. Only the radio antennas of the squad leaders are
      visible above the waving stalks. Yushin's helicopter arcs
      in from the distant ridgeline, converging.


      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      POV MOVING SLOWLY THROUGH THE GRASS. The point man parts
      the stalks ahead. It is a quiet, eerie world, with only
      the SWISH OF THE GRASS and the occasional SOUND-OFF CALLS
      of the troopers. There is a clear trail of blood smeared
      on the grass, indicating a serious wound.

      VARIOUS CLOSEUPS of the regulars as they advance, each man
      realizing how utterly isolated he really is, in his own
      island of space in the green sea. It is hot.

      EXT. GRASS - DAY

      One of the Russians has his fatigues unbuttoned, sleeves
      rolled up. Sweat pours off all of them.


      POV FOLLOWING the trail of blood. The grass is parted
      ahead and a small clearing comes INTO VIEW. Slowly moving
      up on something lying in the grass. Two chickens, their
      throats cut, are lying beside a kerosene can, which is
      upright with its cap off. A bizarre little shrine. There
      is no sign of Rambo.

      EXT. GRASS - DAY

      REVERSE on Capt. Vinh, puzzled, wary.

      Everyone back!!


      INSERT/RAMBO'S HAND striking a match, igniting a wet trail
      of spilled gas, a WHOOSH.

      EXT. GRASS - DAY

      Capt. Vinh looks up, seeing the river of fire snaking
      toward him through the waving stalks.

      He turns, panicked. Crashes into the men behind him.

      Shrieks at them to move. They trample over each other to
      run as the trail of fire reaches the can.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

      Summary A group of soldiers, led by Captain Vinh, follow a trail of blood and discover a small shrine in a clearing. Rambo ignites a trail of fire, causing panic and chaos among the soldiers as they flee in terror. The scene is tense and fearful, with the soldiers struggling to escape the danger. It ends with the soldiers still running from the fire and Rambo unseen.
      • Intense action
      • Tense atmosphere
      • Emotional depth
      • Strategic use of fire
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Limited character development


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with tension, action, and emotional impact. The use of fire as a diversion creates a memorable and intense moment that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of using fire as a diversion in a war setting is innovative and adds a unique element to the scene. It showcases Rambo's strategic thinking and ability to adapt to challenging situations.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is driven by the intense action and the characters' desperate situation. The scene moves the story forward by creating a pivotal moment that changes the dynamics of the conflict.

      Originality: 9

      The scene introduces a fresh approach to the survival genre with its unique setting and high-stakes action. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters' reactions to the fire and the unfolding events reveal their personalities and motivations. Rambo's resourcefulness and determination shine through, while Capt. Vinh's panic and the soldiers' fear add depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo's actions in the scene showcase his evolution from a lone warrior to a more strategic and resourceful fighter. The death of Co also impacts his character, adding layers to his emotional journey.

      Internal Goal: 8

      The protagonist's internal goal in this scene is likely survival and escape. The chaos and danger of the fire spreading through the grass reflect the protagonist's deeper need for self-preservation.

      External Goal: 9

      The protagonist's external goal is to create a diversion and escape from the pursuing group. The setting of the grass field and the fire contribute to the immediate circumstances and challenges the protagonist is facing.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is high, with the characters facing imminent danger and having to make split-second decisions to survive. The tension between the soldiers and the escalating situation creates a sense of urgency and danger.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the protagonist facing a life-threatening situation and the pursuit of the Russians.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes in the scene are high, with the characters facing imminent danger, death, and the need to make life-threatening decisions. The outcome of the scene will have a significant impact on the characters' fates.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by changing the dynamics of the conflict, showcasing Rambo's resourcefulness, and setting up new challenges for the characters. It propels the narrative towards its climax.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions of the protagonist and the sudden danger of the fire.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the protagonist's actions to survive at any cost, even if it means endangering others. This challenges the values of teamwork and cooperation.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, including fear, panic, and determination. The death of Co and Rambo's grief add a layer of emotional depth to the intense action.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue in the scene is minimal but effective in conveying the characters' emotions and the urgency of the situation. The focus is more on the action and visual storytelling.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and suspenseful atmosphere.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment with the fire.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear action lines and dialogue cues.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene effectively builds tension and suspense, leading to a climactic moment with the fire.

      • The scene is well-written and suspenseful, but it could be improved by adding more details to the setting and the characters.
      • The dialogue could also be more natural and conversational.
      • The action sequence is well-paced and exciting, but it could be more visually interesting by using more camera angles and editing techniques.
      • The ending of the scene is a bit abrupt and could be more satisfying by giving the audience a sense of closure.
      • Add more details to the setting, such as the type of grass, the weather conditions, and the time of day.
      • Give the characters more depth and personality by adding details about their backgrounds, motivations, and relationships with each other.
      • Make the dialogue more natural and conversational by using contractions and colloquialisms.
      • Use more camera angles and editing techniques to make the action sequence more visually interesting.
      • Give the audience a sense of closure by adding a few lines of dialogue or a brief epilogue that wraps up the story.

      Scene 36 -  Rambo's Ambush: A Field of Chaos and Destruction
      EXT. GRASS - DAY

      Vinh sees a tremendous fireball erupt ahead. Hears
      SCREAMING. He freezes in his tracks as the nightmare
      begins again. Shrieking, a man runs toward him, on fire,
      charging past. Vinh shouts futilely into a radio as he's
      engulfed in fire.

      EXT. GRASS - DAY

      FIRING blindly, several troopers OPEN UP until they are
      engulfed in the fire.


      From the trucks it is apparent that the grass is burning
      on its own, in a long line where the "fuse" was laid out
      and in a widening circle around the explosion site.


      Black smoke rolls through the grass, and troopers stumble
      about, coughing as the wind carries it toward them.


      CLOSEUP of Rambo as he drops a small silver explosive
      charge into arrow shaft and screws on the razor tip.


      Rambo draws back his bow to full extension, and from his
      elevated position, takes aim at the first troop truck...
      The arrow buries itself near the truck and EXPLODES...
      missing the truck.


      Rambo adjusts the sites on the bow and releases another

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      This time the arrow finds its mark and the truck EXPLODES.


      On the edge of the elephant grass, troopers help each
      other flee.

      Random FIRING is everywhere. The DIN is incredible, the
      pandemonium absolute.


      Rambo looks down into the field at devastation as flames
      curl high into the morning mist... He pauses and almost
      looks reflective for a moment... the copter moves closer
      to Rambo's position.

      CUT TO:
      Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

      Summary In a chaotic and intense scene, Rambo ambushes a group of troopers with explosive arrows, causing a man to run past Vinh on fire and grass to burn on its own where a fuse was laid out. The troopers flee in panic as their trucks explode, and the scene ends with Rambo looking down at the destruction he has caused and a helicopter moving closer to his position. There is minimal dialogue, and the visual elements include a fireball, burning grass, and explosions.
      • Intense action sequences
      • High stakes
      • Emotional impact
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Limited character development


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with intense action and suspense. It effectively conveys the chaos and danger of the situation, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a firefight in the jungle during a war setting is well-executed, with the use of fire and explosions adding a unique element to the scene.

      Plot: 9

      The plot advances significantly in this scene, with the main character, Rambo, engaging in a fierce battle against the enemy forces. The stakes are high, and the tension is palpable.

      Originality: 9

      The scene presents a fresh approach to the war genre, with unique action sequences and a focus on the protagonist's internal struggles. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo, are portrayed as determined and resourceful in the face of danger. Their actions and decisions drive the scene forward.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo undergoes a transformation from a hunted prisoner to a fierce fighter, showcasing his resilience and determination.

      Internal Goal: 8

      The protagonist's internal goal is likely survival and possibly revenge for the traumatic events he has experienced. This reflects his deeper need for safety and justice.

      External Goal: 7

      The protagonist's external goal is to defeat the enemy and escape the dangerous situation. This reflects the immediate circumstances of the battle he is facing.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and constant, with Rambo facing off against enemy soldiers in a life-or-death struggle.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the protagonist facing overwhelming odds and intense danger.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are extremely high in this scene, with the characters' lives on the line as they engage in a deadly firefight in the jungle.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by showing the escalating conflict and the characters' actions in response to the danger they face.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable due to the chaotic nature of war and the unexpected twists in the action sequences.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      There is a philosophical conflict between the protagonist's desire for survival and the violence and chaos of war. This challenges his beliefs about the value of life and the morality of killing.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes strong emotions of fear, tension, and desperation, as the characters fight for their lives in a dangerous situation.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue in the scene is minimal but impactful, conveying urgency and tension in the midst of the chaos.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its intense action, dramatic tension, and emotional depth.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is fast-paced and intense, creating a sense of urgency and suspense that enhances its effectiveness.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for a screenplay, with clear scene headings and action descriptions.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for a war/action genre, with intense action sequences and a clear progression of events.

      • The scene lacks a clear purpose or direction. It opens with a fireball and a burning man, but it's unclear what's happening or what the stakes are for the characters.
      • The action is chaotic and difficult to follow. There are multiple explosions and fires, and the characters are running around in a panic. This makes it hard for the reader to understand what's going on and to feel invested in the scene.
      • The dialogue is minimal and doesn't do much to advance the plot or develop the characters. Captain Vinh's line about Rambo not being a demon but a man is interesting, but it's not followed up on and doesn't seem to have any real impact on the story.
      • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying. Rambo fires an arrow at a troop truck, but it misses. The scene then cuts to a shot of him looking down at the devastation, but there's no sense of closure or resolution.
      • Overall, this scene is a missed opportunity to create a thrilling and suspenseful action sequence. The action is chaotic and difficult to follow, the stakes are unclear, and the ending is unsatisfying.
      • Start the scene with a clear hook that grabs the reader's attention and sets up the stakes for the characters.
      • Use more descriptive language to help the reader visualize the action and understand what's happening.
      • Give the characters more dialogue to help develop their personalities and motivations.
      • Add more tension to the scene by building up to a climax before the action starts.
      • Give the scene a more satisfying ending by resolving the conflict and providing a sense of closure.

      Scene 37 -  Rambo's Escape and the Looming Napalm Strike

      Rambo's sixth sense causes him to glance behind and he
      spots Sgt. Tay's men approaching... Tay spies Rambo and
      they OPEN FIRE.


      With his bow still in his hand, lunges from view behind a
      tree... He starts to belly crawl into the brush, as Tay
      and three other soldiers think they have him pinned


      He signals and orders the men to flank the tree. They do,
      but are flanked by Rambo who steps INTO VIEW at a right
      angle to their position and CUTS THEM DOWN, but is soon
      out of ammo.


      From his hiding spot Tay observes this and starts toward
      Rambo after FIRING off a couple of shots.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      He flees and takes cover behind a tree just as the bark is
      ripped off near his head by Tay's AUTO-FIRE... Rambo dives
      into the brush and instantly disappears from view.


      With growing apprehension, he moves forward, his body
      tense, sensing the kill! He hears Rambo's voice from


      Tay turns and with his rifle at the ready, faces Rambo on
      one knee with his bow fully extended. The arrow sinks
      into his chest, and Tay FIRES spasmodically. For a split
      second he grabs the un-extractable shaft and Rambo dives
      for cover. Tay's eyes widen with sudden realization, and
      the next second his body EXPLODES into fragments.

      CUT TO:

      INT. HUEY - DAY

      Yushin talks into his radio headset.

      Drop the napalm!


      Through the trees' canopy, Yushin can see Rambo flashing
      in and out of view.


      watching as two long metal cylinders detach from the
      helicopter and drop, tumbling toward the forest.


      Rambo recognizes the napalm canisters and sprints even

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      Rambo slashes through the trees like a madman.

      Behind him, the napalm cannisters hit the ground.

      An enormous FIREBALL blossoms through the jungle, spewing
      twenty-meter-long arcs of flame, silhouetting the tiny
      running figure of Rambo.
      Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

      Summary In a tense and action-packed forest scene, Rambo evades and defeats pursuing soldiers, but runs out of ammo and kills the leader, Sgt. Tay, with an arrow. As Rambo is left with the threat of a napalm strike on his location, ordered by a distant observer, Yushin, the scene ends on a cliffhanger.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • High stakes
      • Well-developed conflict
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some cliched elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with intense action and emotional moments, leading to a tragic conclusion. The stakes are high, and the conflict is well-developed.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a lone soldier facing off against a group of enemies in a forest setting is well-executed, with the use of guerrilla tactics and survival skills.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is fast-paced, with a clear goal of survival and revenge driving the action forward. The tension builds effectively, leading to a climactic showdown.

      Originality: 9

      The scene showcases originality through its high-octane action sequences, unique character dynamics, and unexpected plot twists. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the scene's originality.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters are well-defined, with Rambo as the determined and resourceful protagonist, and Sgt. Tay as the ruthless antagonist. Co's sacrifice adds emotional depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 8

      Rambo undergoes a transformation from survival mode to a vengeful fighter, while Co's sacrifice highlights the cost of war.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is survival. His actions reflect his instinct to protect himself and outsmart his enemies in order to stay alive.

      External Goal: 9

      Rambo's external goal is to evade capture and defeat his enemies. His immediate challenge is to outmaneuver Sgt. Tay's men and escape the forest.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between Rambo and Sgt. Tay is intense and drives the scene forward, with high stakes and emotional impact.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with Sgt. Tay's men presenting a formidable challenge to Rambo. The audience is kept on edge as they wonder how Rambo will overcome the odds and escape capture.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high, with Rambo facing overwhelming odds and risking his life for revenge and survival.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward with intense action and emotional moments, setting up the next phase of the narrative.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the action, keeping the audience on their toes and unsure of the outcome. The element of surprise adds to the scene's tension and excitement.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the value of survival and the lengths one is willing to go to in order to protect oneself. It challenges Rambo's beliefs about the importance of self-preservation.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions, particularly with Co's tragic death and Rambo's grief, adding depth to the action and conflict.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the intensity of the situation and the characters' motivations effectively.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, fast-paced action, and suspenseful atmosphere. The audience is drawn into the intense conflict and invested in Rambo's survival.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted to build tension and suspense, with a balance of action and quieter moments to allow for character development. The rhythm of the scene contributes to its effectiveness in engaging the audience.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, action lines, and character dialogue. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution. The pacing and rhythm of the scene contribute to its effectiveness in building tension and suspense.

      • While the scene is action-packed and suspenseful, it could use more character development for Rambo. The audience doesn't get a sense of his motivations or inner conflict, which would make it easier to connect with him and root for his survival.
      • The dialogue is minimal and doesn't add much to the scene. Consider adding some more dialogue between Rambo and Tay to build tension and give the audience a better understanding of their relationship.
      • The scene could benefit from some more visual details. For example, you could describe the setting in more detail, or include more action beats that show Rambo's skills as a warrior.
      • The ending of the scene is a bit anticlimactic. Rambo simply kills Tay with an arrow, and then the scene cuts away. Consider adding some more action or suspense to the ending, such as having Rambo fight his way through more of Tay's men.
      • The scene could use more emotional depth. Rambo is a complex character with a lot of inner turmoil. Consider adding some moments where he reflects on his past or his reasons for fighting.
      • Add more character development for Rambo. This could be done through dialogue, inner monologue, or flashbacks.
      • Add more dialogue between Rambo and Tay. This would help build tension and give the audience a better understanding of their relationship.
      • Include more visual details in the scene. This could help the audience visualize the setting and the action.
      • Add more action or suspense to the ending of the scene. This could involve having Rambo fight his way through more of Tay's men, or facing another challenge before he can escape.
      • Add more emotional depth to the scene. This could be done by having Rambo reflect on his past or his reasons for fighting.

      Scene 38 -  Rambo's Helicopter Takeover

      Just as the firestorm reaches him, he dives at a dead run
      off an embankment into a mountain river.


      Rambo dives in as a sun-bright canopy of fire rushes
      across the surface with a MUFFLED ROAR.

      EXT. RIVER - DAY

      Surfacing, Rambo, moves at giddy speed over the tortuous
      stream bed.


      Rambo tumbles clear of the falling water as he drops down
      the face of the cataract.

      He hits the surface of the pool with a tremendous splash.


      Boiling with turbulence as he surfaces, gasping.

      Above, on the escarpment, a fire-storm rages, lighting up
      the jungle.


      as the Huey swoops down past the treeline, scanning the
      jungle along the riverbank.

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      INT. HUEY - DAY

      Yushin swoops down toward Rambo who gasps for air. The
      MINIGUN BLASTS at him.

      Goddamn him!!

      CUT TO:

      EXT. RIVER - DAY

      as Rambo breaks the surface of the water, eyes the
      approaching chopper and dives again as the BULLETS start
      pouring forth from the MINIGUN.

      EXT. RIVER - DAY

      as the Huey descends over the treeline. Yushin orders his
      pilot down for a closer look.

      The Huey hovers only inches from the water. The water
      swirls from the power of the rotor blades.


      as the surface EXPLODES and rising like a spirit from
      hell, Rambo springs up from the river and grabs hold of
      one of the skids.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      Yushin's door gunner swings his M-60 around to bear on
      Rambo. But it's too late.

      Rambo's hand shoots up and pulls him out.

      INT. HUEY - DAY

      The pilot feels the weight shift and looks back, sees
      Rambo on the skid. He "pulls pitch" hard.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      The Huey climbs, arcing radically.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      Rambo slips. Dangles.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      He crashes through the upper branches of a tree as the
      Huey climbs, banking in a tight arc.

      He manages to heave himself up.

      INT. HUEY - DAY

      Yushin spins to see a filthy, blood-encrusted Rambo coming
      through the gun door. Yushin charges as Rambo swings

      Yushin draws his revolver but Rambo tackles him and drives
      him into the control panel.

      With his free hand, Yushin grabs Rambo violently by the
      face digging his fingers into his eyes.

      Rambo grimaces in agony. He takes the side of his hand
      and drives it into Yushin's throat. He breaks the hold.
      Rambo elbows him across the jaw.

      Yushin grabs Rambo and flings him roughly against the
      opposite side of the chopper. He then kicks Rambo twice
      and is about to stomp him when Rambo rolls to his knees
      and drives his shoulder into Yushin's crotch and standing,
      rams the Russian forward. Yushin grabs Rambo's neck and
      is crushing the life out of him... Rambo manages to drop
      and twist free and kick Yushin in the face.

      The pilot sees what is happening. He banks hard, trying
      to get Rambo to fall out the open door.

      Rambo stumbles backward, but manages at the last second to
      grab the barrel of the M-60 doorgun and is suspended out
      the door.

      Yushin grabs his pistol and aims as Rambo grabs his boot
      knife with his free hand and flings it into Yushin's

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      The Russian staggers back then forward and raises his
      pistol at Rambo. At the last second he collapses and
      falls forward and past Rambo who manages to pull his knife
      from the Russian's body as he is falling.

      The pilot struggles to maintain control and looks
      terrified as Rambo swings up and advances on him.
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller"]

      Summary In an intense and action-packed scene, Rambo dives into a river to escape a firestorm while being pursued by a Huey helicopter. He manages to grab onto the skid of the helicopter, pull out the door gunner, and engage in a brutal fight with Yushin. Rambo eventually kills Yushin and takes control of the helicopter, with the pilot struggling to maintain control. The scene takes place during the day in a rainforest river and in the helicopter, and is marked by significant visual elements such as the firestorm and Rambo's fight with Yushin. The main conflict is between Rambo and Yushin, and is resolved when Rambo kills Yushin. Key pieces of dialogue include Yushin's exclamation of frustration and the Huey pilot's panicked reactions to Rambo's actions. The scene ends with Rambo taking control of the helicopter and the pilot struggling to maintain control.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Character development
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some cliched elements


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, filled with tension, action, and emotional moments. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with its fast-paced and thrilling sequences.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a lone hero facing overwhelming odds and using his skills to outsmart and defeat his enemies is well-executed. The scene effectively showcases Rambo's resourcefulness and resilience.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is driven by the intense action and the protagonist's struggle to escape from his pursuers. The stakes are high, and the tension keeps escalating throughout the scene.

      Originality: 9

      The scene features a unique combination of natural elements like the rainforest and river with modern technology like the helicopter. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and contribute to the high-stakes atmosphere.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo, are well-developed and their actions are in line with their established traits. The conflict between Rambo and his enemies adds depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo undergoes a transformation from being hunted to becoming the hunter, showcasing his evolution as a character. The loss of Co also impacts his emotional journey.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is survival. He is fighting for his life against the Russian soldiers and must outwit them to stay alive. This reflects his deeper need for freedom and independence.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to defeat the Russian soldiers and escape from their pursuit. This goal reflects the immediate challenge he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between Rambo and his pursuers is intense and drives the action forward. The physical and emotional struggle adds depth to the scene.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the Russian soldiers posing a significant threat to Rambo's survival. The audience is kept on their toes as they wonder how Rambo will overcome the obstacles in his way.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are incredibly high in the scene, with Rambo's life on the line and the intense pursuit by his enemies. The outcome of the escape has significant consequences.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward by showing Rambo's escape and his continued fight against his enemies. It sets up the next stage of the narrative.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the confrontation between Rambo and the Russian soldiers. The outcome is uncertain, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the clash between freedom and control. Rambo represents freedom and independence, while the Russian soldiers represent control and authority. This challenges Rambo's beliefs in individualism and self-reliance.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene evokes a range of emotions, from tension and fear to relief and triumph. The tragic death of Co adds an emotional layer to the action-packed sequence.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, conveying the urgency and intensity of the situation. It enhances the action rather than detracting from it.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high-stakes action, intense conflict, and fast-paced pacing. The audience is drawn into the life-or-death struggle between Rambo and the Russian soldiers.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted, with a perfect balance of action, dialogue, and description. The rhythm of the scene builds tension and suspense, leading to a satisfying resolution.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear descriptions of the setting, characters, and action sequences. The formatting enhances the visual impact of the scene.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows a fast-paced and action-packed structure that keeps the audience engaged. It effectively builds tension and suspense leading to a climactic confrontation.

      • The scene is well-written and exciting, but it could be improved by adding more details about the setting and the characters involved.
      • The description of the napalm strike is very effective, but it could be made even more impactful by adding more details about the surrounding environment.
      • The fight scene between Rambo and Yushin is well-choreographed, but it could be made more intense by adding more details about the characters' movements and emotions.
      • The ending of the scene is very satisfying, but it could be made more impactful by adding a brief moment of silence or reflection before Rambo swings up and advances on the pilot.
      • Add more details about the setting, such as the time of day, the weather conditions, and the surrounding terrain.
      • Add more details about the characters involved in the scene, such as their physical appearance, their personalities, and their motivations.
      • Add more details about the napalm strike, such as the size of the fireball, the sound of the explosion, and the impact of the flames on the surrounding environment.
      • Add more details about the fight scene between Rambo and Yushin, such as the specific moves that they use, the sounds of their impacts, and the expressions on their faces.
      • Add a brief moment of silence or reflection before Rambo swings up and advances on the pilot, in order to build tension and suspense.

      Scene 39 -  Rambo's Revenge and the Conflict of Duty: A Chaotic Showdown at the POW Camp
      EXT. RIVER - DAY

      A figure tumbles from the low-flying Huey and splashes
      into the estuary. The Huey dips and bucks, then rights
      itself and flies off.


      Murdock looks like he hasn't slept in days.

      Ericson approaches.

      It's time...

      Yeah. Alert everyone, start
      packing, we're pulling out now.

      Trautman walks in and hears the above.

      You're what?

      It's finished, Colonel...

      Murdock exits.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - DAY

      The SOUND OF A ROTOR gets louder.

      A shadow falls upon the ten Viets and four Russians left
      to guard the camp.

      A shape, an outline... in the glare of the sun.


      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      Rambo unleashes the MINIGUN. The left guard tower
      vanishes in a cloud of falling splinters as THUNDER rolls
      across the valley.

      The Huey pivots nimbly. The MINIGUN ROARS again. An
      orange lightning bolt vaporizes the right tower.


      Three guards in the guards' barracks SHOOT at Rambo...
      They are destroyed.


      Prisoners watch from their cell.


      The guard barracks seems to disintegrate as the MINIGUN
      sweeps across it... a shock wave of destruction behind
      which only flying kindling remains.

      He pivots a last time and annihilates the sentry post with
      a one-second BURST.


      A few soldiers have managed to take cover behind a truck
      by the main gate. They begin FIRING.


      A ROARING silhouette in the metallic mist. The MINIGUN

      The truck is ripped open like aluminum foil, shrapnel
      flying. The soldiers cease to exist.

      It is all over in seconds.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - DAY

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      The Huey settles to earth in the center of the compound.

      EXT. CAMP - DAY

      Out of the boiling, blasting dust and smoke, the figure of
      Rambo suddenly emerges.

      Death incarnate encrusted with dried mud, dried blood,
      streaked with rivulets of sweat.

      Rambo has detached the door gun from its sling and with
      the feed belt over his shoulder, carries it like a rifle.
      He runs forward.
      Genres: ["Action","Thriller"]

      Summary The scene begins with Rambo being dropped from a Huey helicopter into a river, while Murdock decides to pull out and alert everyone to leave the camp. Trautman confronts Murdock about his decision, creating tension between the two characters. Meanwhile, Rambo unleashes a minigun on the camp, destroying guard towers, barracks, and soldiers. He then flies in on the Huey, emerging as a figure of death, covered in mud, blood, and sweat. The scene takes place during the day, starting outside a river, then moving to a hanger, then to a POW camp, and finally inside the camp's compound. The main conflict is Rambo's desire for revenge and justice against the guards, which is resolved through his violent actions. The tone is intense and action-packed, with a sense of impending doom and chaos. Key dialogue includes Murdock telling Ericson to alert everyone and start packing, and Trautman questioning Murdock's decision to leave. Significant visual elements include the Huey helicopter, Rambo covered in mud, blood, and sweat, and the destruction of the guard towers, barracks, and soldiers. The scene ends with Rambo emerging as a figure of death in the center of the POW camp compound.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • High stakes
      • Dramatic climax
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Tragic death of a character


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with intense action, emotional depth, and a dramatic climax. The use of unique elements like the helicopter and minigun adds excitement and tension to the scene.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a final showdown between Rambo and his enemies is well-executed, with the use of innovative elements like the helicopter and minigun adding excitement and tension to the scene.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is driven by the intense action and conflict between Rambo and his pursuers, leading to a dramatic climax with high stakes and emotional impact.

      Originality: 9

      The scene is original in its depiction of a high-stakes rescue mission and the use of unconventional weapons and tactics. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and true to the setting.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo and Co, are well-developed and their actions and emotions drive the scene forward. The tragic death of Co adds depth to the character dynamics.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo undergoes a transformation from a lone warrior to a protector and avenger, especially in his interactions with Co and his pursuit of justice.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal is likely to rescue the prisoners and exact revenge on those who have wronged him. This reflects his deeper need for justice and his desire to protect the innocent.

      External Goal: 9

      Rambo's external goal is to eliminate the guards and soldiers at the P.O.W. camp and rescue the prisoners. This reflects the immediate circumstances and challenges he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and multi-layered, with Rambo facing off against multiple enemies in a high-stakes battle for survival.

      Opposition: 9

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with Rambo facing multiple enemies and obstacles that challenge his abilities and resolve.

      High Stakes: 10

      The stakes are incredibly high in the scene, with Rambo facing overwhelming odds and risking everything to survive and protect those he cares about.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward towards the climax, with Rambo's actions leading to a resolution of the conflict and setting the stage for the final showdown.

      Unpredictability: 9

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected twists and turns in the action, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is the idea of justice and revenge. Rambo's actions challenge the traditional notions of warfare and morality, as he takes extreme measures to achieve his goals.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The scene has a high emotional impact, especially with the tragic death of Co and the intense emotions displayed by Rambo as he fights for survival.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue in the scene is minimal but impactful, conveying the tension and emotions of the characters in the midst of the intense action.

      Engagement: 10

      This scene is engaging because of its fast-paced action, high stakes, and dramatic tension.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is expertly crafted, with a balance of action and suspense that keeps the audience engaged.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The formatting of the scene is well-executed, with clear scene headings and action descriptions.

      Structure: 8

      The structure of the scene follows the expected format for its genre, with a clear setup, conflict, and resolution.

      • The scene is a bit too long and could be shortened without losing any of the important information. For example, the first paragraph could be condensed into a single sentence: "A figure tumbles from the low-flying Huey and splashes into the estuary."
      • The dialogue in the scene is a bit stilted and unnatural. For example, the line "It's time..." could be replaced with something more natural, like "We need to go now."
      • The action in the scene is a bit too over-the-top and unrealistic. For example, it's hard to believe that Rambo could single-handedly defeat an entire army of guards with a minigun.
      • The ending of the scene is a bit too abrupt and doesn't give the reader a chance to process what has happened. For example, the scene could end with a brief description of the aftermath of the battle, such as the prisoners being freed or the camp being destroyed.
      • Condense the scene by removing unnecessary dialogue and action.
      • Make the dialogue more natural and believable.
      • Tone down the action to make it more realistic.
      • Add a brief description of the aftermath of the battle to give the reader a chance to process what has happened.

      Scene 40 -  Rambo's Daring Rescue and Escape

      Rambo moves to the prisoner's cage in a battle-ready
      stance... Everywhere around him is smoking destruction.


      Hidden behind a tree, one Russian OPENS FIRE... Next to
      the Russian is a mound of smooth rock.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAVE - RAMBO - DAY

      Rambo FIRES at the rock.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAMP - TREE - DAY

      The bullets ricochet off and kill the Russian who staggers
      out and falls face down.

      EXT. P.O.W. CAVE - DAY

      Rambo runs to the prisoner's cage. He shoots off the lock
      and rips open the gate. The five prisoners stare at him
      in wide-eyed amazement.

      Let's go!


      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      The five prisoners are helping one another into the Huey
      as Rambo carries a sixth.

      INT. HUEY - DAY

      Once aboard, the P.O.W.'s turn and look at their savior,
      tears clouding some of their eyes.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      Banks is covering Rambo who is hauling the last of the
      P.O.W.'s onto the chopper. Banks has an RPG slung over
      his shoulder, and an AK in his hand. A wounded Russian
      opens fire and badly wounds the last P.O.W.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      Banks levels his AK, killing the Russian and assists the
      wounded P.O.W. on board, then climbs in himself.


      The TURBINE WHINE INCREASES, and the Huey slowly lifts


      INT./ EXT. HUEY - DAY

      Rambo seems drained of color, flying on nerve.

      P.O.W.'s look forward as a broad river appears beyond a
      ridgeline less than a kilometer ahead.

      That's Thailand?

      Rambo nods, eyes riveted straight ahead.

      (continuing, to the
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      We're home! We're home!
      Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

      Summary Rambo frees prisoners from a POW camp, killing a Russian soldier who opens fire. He helps the prisoners into a Huey, carrying a sixth, while Banks kills another Russian who wounds the last P.O.W. The Huey takes off, flying towards Thailand with Rambo, Banks, and the freed prisoners aboard. The scene is intense and emotional, with a sense of relief and triumph as the prisoners are freed.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • High stakes
      • Minimal dialogue
      • Some predictable plot points


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with a mix of action, emotion, and suspense that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a daring rescue mission in a P.O.W. camp with a helicopter escape is well-executed and adds excitement to the scene.

      Plot: 9

      The plot of the scene revolves around the successful rescue of the prisoners and the intense escape, with well-paced action sequences and emotional beats.

      Originality: 7

      The scene features a familiar action sequence of a rescue mission in a war setting, but it introduces fresh elements such as the specific challenges faced by the characters and the moral dilemmas they encounter. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters, especially Rambo and Banks, show bravery and determination in the face of danger, adding depth to the scene.

      Character Changes: 7

      Rambo shows growth and determination as he leads the rescue mission and overcomes obstacles, while Co's sacrifice highlights the harsh realities of war.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to rescue the prisoners and bring them to safety. This reflects his deeper desire to protect and save those in need, as well as his fear of failing to do so.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to successfully extract the prisoners from the P.O.W. camp and bring them to safety. This goal reflects the immediate challenge he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict between the rescue team and the enemy forces creates tension and drives the action forward, keeping the audience engaged.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with the presence of Russian soldiers and the wounded P.O.W. creating obstacles for Rambo and the prisoners. The audience is kept in suspense about the outcome of the rescue mission.

      High Stakes: 10

      The high stakes of the rescue mission, including life-threatening situations and intense action sequences, add urgency and tension to the scene.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene significantly moves the story forward by resolving the P.O.W. camp storyline and setting up new challenges for the characters.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected obstacles and challenges that arise, keeping the audience on edge and unsure of the characters' fates.

      Philosophical Conflict: 6

      The philosophical conflict in this scene revolves around the value of human life and the morality of war. Rambo's actions challenge the Russian soldiers' belief in their cause, highlighting the clash of values and beliefs.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 8

      The emotional moments, such as the rescue of the prisoners and the sacrifice of Co, evoke strong feelings of empathy and sadness.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is minimal but impactful, focusing more on action and emotion rather than lengthy conversations.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense action, and the characters' emotional reactions to the events unfolding. The audience is invested in the outcome and the fates of the characters.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a balance of action and emotional beats that drive the story forward and maintain the audience's interest.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings and descriptions of action and dialogue.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows the expected format for its genre, with clear action beats and a progression of events leading to a resolution.

      • The scene is unclear and difficult to visualize. It's not clear where Rambo is in relation to the prisoners and the Russian, and the action is described in a confusing way.
      • The dialogue is stilted and unnatural. Rambo's line, "Let's go!" is too abrupt and doesn't give the prisoners any context for what's happening.
      • The scene is too short and doesn't give the reader enough time to understand what's happening or to connect with the characters.
      • The ending of the scene is abrupt and unsatisfying. The reader is left wondering what happens to Rambo and the prisoners after they escape from the POW camp.
      • Rewrite the scene to make it more clear and visually engaging. Use more descriptive language and provide more context for the action.
      • Add more dialogue to the scene to give the characters more depth and to help the reader connect with them.
      • Expand the scene to give the reader more time to understand what's happening and to connect with the characters.
      • Give the scene a more satisfying ending by showing what happens to Rambo and the prisoners after they escape from the POW camp.

      Scene 41 -  Rambo's Daring Rescue: The Arrival of the POWs
      INT. HUEY - DAY

      Rambo picks up the microphone.

      Lone Wolf to Wolf Den -- Do you


      Trautman and Murdock who have been waiting for further
      transmission suddenly hear Rambo's transmission.

      We hear you, Lone Wolf. Come in.

      INT. HUEY - DAY

      Rambo talking into the microphone.

      Prepare for emergency landing.
      Arriving with American P.O.W.'s!


      Everyone freezes as they wait for orders from Murdock...
      He remains silent -- eyes are shifting. Ericson looks at
      Trautman who yells...

      You heard. Prepare for arriving

      The personnel await Murdock's confirmation -- there is
      none forthcoming. They look at Trautman, then suddenly
      begin to scatter.


      Rambo's burning Huey descends toward the landing field.
      As the techs and other camp personnel stand watching,
      Murdock raises a pair of powerful field glasses.
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:

      The image of the burning, mortally wounded Huey seems to
      waver through the long lens. It looks like a death ship,
      the Flying Dutchman with a crew of corpses and a demon at
      the helm, coming in out of the sky.


      He slowly lowers the glasses.

      Face ashen, Murdock heads into the operations hanger.

      INT. HUEY - DAY

      The chopper is burning badly and filling with black smoke.

      EXT. HUEY - DAY

      The Huey sheers sideways across the staging area. Its
      skids clip the top of the wires shearing off
      communications gear.

      It hits the ground. Bounces and plows forward into the
      operations hanger.


      Firefighters with extinguishers envelop the burning
      chopper in foam.


      The P.O.W.'s are pulled from the chopper.


      He slides out of the flight seat and goes out the door.
      He quickly eyes Trautman then moves off into the hanger.


      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      DOLLYING with Rambo as he heads past the mountain of
      communications equipment with relentless determination.
      The technical personnel fall back, letting him pass...
      Dust is everywhere.


      He sees Rambo and strides forward to intercept him, then
      Genres: ["Action","War","Thriller"]

      Summary Rambo lands a damaged Huey helicopter at a military hanger, revealing that he has rescued American POWs. The personnel, awaiting orders, scatter upon Trautman's instructions. Firefighters put out the fire, and the POWs are pulled from the chopper. Rambo exits the helicopter with determination, marking the end of the scene.
      • Intense action sequences
      • Emotional depth
      • Strong character development
      • High stakes
      • Engaging plot progression
      • Some dialogue may feel cliched or melodramatic at times


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly engaging, with a perfect blend of action, emotion, and tension. It keeps the audience on the edge of their seats and delivers a satisfying resolution to the storyline.

      Story Content

      Concept: 8

      The concept of a daring rescue mission in a war-torn setting is executed with precision, incorporating elements of sacrifice, redemption, and survival.

      Plot: 9

      The plot is well-developed, with a clear goal, escalating conflict, and a climactic resolution. It keeps the audience invested in the outcome and delivers on the established expectations.

      Originality: 8

      The scene presents a fresh approach to a familiar action trope, with unique character dynamics and high stakes. The authenticity of the characters' actions and dialogue adds to the originality of the scene.

      Character Development

      Characters: 8

      The characters are well-defined and undergo significant development, especially Rambo and Trautman. Their actions and decisions drive the narrative forward and create emotional impact.

      Character Changes: 8

      Several characters, especially Rambo and Trautman, undergo significant changes during the scene, evolving in their beliefs, motivations, and actions. These transformations drive the narrative forward and add depth to the story.

      Internal Goal: 8

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to rescue the American P.O.W.'s and prove his worth and loyalty. This reflects his deeper need for redemption and acceptance, as well as his desire to do what is right and honorable.

      External Goal: 7

      Rambo's external goal is to successfully land the burning Huey with the P.O.W.'s and ensure their safety. This reflects the immediate challenge he is facing in the scene.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 9

      The conflict in the scene is intense and multi-layered, involving physical confrontations, emotional struggles, and moral dilemmas. It keeps the audience engaged and invested in the outcome.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with characters facing difficult decisions and challenges that add to the suspense and drama. The audience is kept guessing about the outcome.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes in the scene are incredibly high, involving the rescue of American P.O.W.'s, life-and-death situations, and moral dilemmas. The characters face significant risks and consequences, adding tension and urgency to the narrative.

      Story Forward: 9

      The scene propels the story forward with a series of impactful events, including a daring rescue mission, intense action sequences, and emotional confrontations. It sets the stage for the climax and resolution of the narrative.

      Unpredictability: 8

      This scene is unpredictable because of the unexpected actions of the characters, the high stakes, and the sense of danger and suspense. The audience is kept on edge, unsure of how the situation will unfold.

      Philosophical Conflict: 7

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between the values of duty and compassion. Murdock's hesitation to confirm the landing for the P.O.W.'s challenges Trautman's belief in doing what is right and honorable, even in difficult situations.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions from the audience, particularly during the moments of sacrifice, loss, and redemption. It creates a powerful connection between the characters and the viewers.

      Dialogue: 7

      The dialogue is impactful and serves the purpose of advancing the plot and revealing character motivations. It effectively conveys the tension and emotions of the scene.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its high stakes, intense action, and dramatic tension. The audience is drawn into the urgency of the situation and invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 9

      The pacing of the scene is well-executed, with a sense of urgency and tension that drives the action forward. The rhythm of the scene contributes to its effectiveness and impact.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 9

      The scene follows the expected formatting for its genre, with clear scene headings, character names, and action descriptions. The formatting enhances the readability and flow of the scene.

      Structure: 9

      The scene follows the expected structure for its genre, with clear action beats, character interactions, and a sense of rising tension. The pacing and rhythm contribute to the effectiveness of the scene.

      • The opening line of the scene is a bit confusing, as it's not clear who Rambo is talking to. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from the other end of the transmission, so that the reader knows who Rambo is communicating with.
      • The scene then cuts to the hanger, where Trautman and Murdock are waiting for further transmission. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why they are waiting for further transmission, or what they are expecting to hear. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Trautman or Murdock that explains what they are waiting for.
      • The scene then cuts back to Rambo, who is talking into the microphone. He says that he is preparing for an emergency landing and that he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why Rambo is preparing for an emergency landing, or why he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Rambo that explains why he is doing these things.
      • The scene then cuts back to the hanger, where everyone freezes as they wait for orders from Murdock. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why everyone is waiting for orders from Murdock, or what they are expecting him to say. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Trautman or Murdock that explains what they are waiting for.
      • The scene then cuts back to Rambo, who is talking into the microphone. He says that he is preparing for an emergency landing and that he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why Rambo is preparing for an emergency landing, or why he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Rambo that explains why he is doing these things.
      • The scene then cuts back to the hanger, where everyone freezes as they wait for orders from Murdock. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why everyone is waiting for orders from Murdock, or what they are expecting him to say. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Trautman or Murdock that explains what they are waiting for.
      • The scene then cuts back to Rambo, who is talking into the microphone. He says that he is preparing for an emergency landing and that he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why Rambo is preparing for an emergency landing, or why he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Rambo that explains why he is doing these things.
      • The scene then cuts back to the hanger, where everyone freezes as they wait for orders from Murdock. This is a bit confusing, as it's not clear why everyone is waiting for orders from Murdock, or what they are expecting him to say. It would be helpful to add a line of dialogue from Trautman or Murdock that explains what they are waiting for.
      • Add a line of dialogue from the other end of the transmission, so that the reader knows who Rambo is communicating with.
      • Add a line of dialogue from Trautman or Murdock that explains what they are waiting for.
      • Add a line of dialogue from Rambo that explains why he is preparing for an emergency landing and why he is arriving with American P.O.W.'s.
      • Add a line of dialogue from Trautman or Murdock that explains what they are waiting for.

      Scene 42 -  Rambo's Confrontation and Departure

      He shoves the equipment aside that is blocking his path to
      Murdock, who is seen retreating. Ericson stands in his
      way. Rambo, without breaking stride, clubs him with the
      butt of his knife.


      Rambo moving, silhouetted, closer to the HUMMING
      communications area, reeking of jungle, blood and death...
      Murdock is against the wall... no where to hide.


      Rambo closes in on Murdock, looming. Murdock starts to
      move away, Rambo grabs him from behind, spins him down on
      top of a crate and raises his knife.

      We win... you lose! Mission

      And with all his strength impales it next to Murdock's
      terrified face.

      There's more men still out there,
      find them, or I'll find you.


      Rambo steps steadily out into the waning light. He takes
      a deep, slow breath. Starts to walk and sees Banks in the
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      ... Thanks.

      Rambo nods back...

      In the b.g., they are carrying the P.O.W.'s stretchers or
      pushing them in wheelchairs toward the medical facility.

      Everyone stares at Rambo with respect.


      Trautman steps in alongside Rambo.

      John... Where are you going?

      ... I don't know.

      You'll get a second medal of honor
      for this.

      You should give it to them...
      (indicates P.O.W.'s)
      They deserve it more.

      You can't keep running. You're free
      now... Come back with us.

      Back to what? -- My friends died
      here... part of me died here.

      John, the war, everything that
      happened here may have been wrong,
      but dammit, John, you can't hate
      your country for it.

      Hate? -- I'd die for it.

      Then, what is it you want?
      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      What do I want? I want what they
      (indicates P.O.W.'s)
      And what every other guy who came
      over here and spilled his guts and
      gave everything he had wants... for
      our country to love us as much as we
      love it... That's what I want. And
      that's what they wanted.
      (indicates P.O.W.'s)

      How will you live, John?

      Day by day.

      Rambo walks with his head held high until he fades into
      the smoke and distance.

      FADE OUT.

      THE END

      Script provided for educational purposes. More scripts can be found here:
      Genres: ["Action","War","Drama"]

      Summary Rambo, filled with anger, confronts Murdock in a hanger, threatening and stabbing a knife near his face. Afterward, Rambo meets Trautman outside and they have a heartfelt conversation about his feelings towards his country and his future. Despite Trautman's urging, Rambo walks away into the distance, leaving the others behind.
      • Emotional depth
      • Character development
      • Intense action sequences
      • Powerful themes of loyalty and sacrifice
      • Some cliched dialogue
      • Predictable resolution


      Overall: 9

      The scene is highly impactful, emotionally charged, and wraps up the story effectively. It delivers a satisfying resolution to Rambo's character arc and ties up loose ends.

      Story Content

      Concept: 9

      The concept of redemption, sacrifice, and the consequences of war are central to the scene. It explores themes of loyalty, patriotism, and the personal cost of fighting for one's country.

      Plot: 8

      The plot is well-developed, leading to a climactic confrontation between Rambo and Murdock. It resolves the main conflict and provides closure to the story.

      Originality: 8

      The scene offers a fresh perspective on the themes of war, patriotism, and personal identity, presenting a nuanced portrayal of the protagonist's journey towards self-acceptance and reconciliation.

      Character Development

      Characters: 9

      The characters, especially Rambo, are well-defined and undergo significant development in this scene. Rambo's actions and dialogue reveal his inner turmoil, sense of duty, and ultimate sacrifice.

      Character Changes: 9

      Rambo undergoes a significant character change in this scene, from a disillusioned soldier to a redeemed hero willing to sacrifice himself for others. His transformation is central to the emotional core of the scene.

      Internal Goal: 9

      Rambo's internal goal in this scene is to find closure and come to terms with the trauma and loss he has experienced during the war. He wants to express his feelings of loyalty and love for his country, while also acknowledging the sacrifices made by himself and his comrades.

      External Goal: 8

      Rambo's external goal in this scene is to confront Murdock and hold him accountable for the betrayal and mistreatment of the soldiers. He also wants to ensure the safety and recognition of the POWs.

      Scene Elements

      Conflict Level: 8

      The conflict between Rambo and Murdock, as well as the internal conflict within Rambo himself, drives the scene forward and adds tension and drama.

      Opposition: 8

      The opposition in the scene is strong, with conflicting values and goals driving the conflict between the characters, creating uncertainty and suspense.

      High Stakes: 9

      The stakes are high in this scene, as Rambo confronts Murdock and makes a final stand for his beliefs and values. The outcome of this confrontation will determine the fate of the characters and the resolution of the story.

      Story Forward: 8

      The scene moves the story forward by resolving the main conflict, providing closure to the narrative, and setting up a new direction for the characters. It ties up loose ends and concludes the story effectively.

      Unpredictability: 7

      This scene is unpredictable because of the shifting power dynamics, moral dilemmas, and unexpected resolutions that challenge the audience's expectations.

      Philosophical Conflict: 9

      The philosophical conflict in this scene is between loyalty to one's country and disillusionment with its actions. Rambo grapples with the idea of patriotism and the reality of the war's consequences, questioning the true meaning of sacrifice and honor.

      Audience Engagement

      Emotional Impact: 9

      The scene evokes strong emotions of respect, sorrow, determination, and patriotism. Rambo's sacrifice and redemption resonate with the audience and leave a lasting emotional impact.

      Dialogue: 8

      The dialogue is impactful and reflects the characters' emotions and motivations. It effectively conveys the themes of loyalty, patriotism, and the personal cost of war.

      Engagement: 9

      This scene is engaging because of its intense emotional conflict, dynamic character interactions, and thematic depth, keeping the audience invested in the outcome.

      Pacing: 8

      The pacing of the scene effectively builds tension and emotional intensity, allowing for moments of reflection and revelation to resonate with the audience.

      Technical Aspect

      Formatting: 8

      The scene adheres to standard formatting conventions for its genre, with clear scene headings, action descriptions, and character dialogue.

      Structure: 8

      The scene follows a traditional structure for a dramatic confrontation, building tension through action and dialogue, and resolving with a moment of emotional catharsis.

      • The scene is well-written and effectively conveys Rambo's feelings of anger and frustration. However, it could be improved by adding more detail to the dialogue and action.
      • For example, the dialogue between Rambo and Murdock could be more specific and personal. Instead of simply saying "We win... you lose! Mission Accomplished!", Rambo could say something like "You thought you could send me on a suicide mission and get away with it. But I'm not going to let you win. I'm going to find the rest of those POWs and bring them home, even if it means killing every single one of you."
      • Similarly, the action could be more detailed and visceral. Instead of simply saying "Rambo grabs him from behind, spins him down on top of a crate and raises his knife", you could say something like "Rambo grabs Murdock from behind, spins him around, and slams him down on top of a crate. He then raises his knife and holds it to Murdock's throat."
      • These changes would help to make the scene more intense and memorable.
      • Add more detail to the dialogue and action.
      • Make the dialogue more specific and personal.
      • Make the action more detailed and visceral.
      • Consider adding a moment of silence or reflection after Rambo kills Murdock.